-rr Wh u A . . - -! ' . :' . . -.'.:.' ' The following advertisers are representatives and boosters of the fifty-two major industries of Salem district who are contributing to the campaign of selling the advantages and proven superiorities of itpe community TV IX v T. A. Liyesley & Co. Largest Growers, Shippers and Exporters of PACIFIC COAST HOPS Offices: Salem, Oregon and San Francisco, . California HOMEWETWASH LAUNDRY ' Can take the Wmnh I lay out of yvur home Call 171 Price 75c and up 1356 B Street DRESS SHIRTS With or without collars, J 2. GO values special at, 75c and 95c Cotton Worsted Pants $1.70 , Capital Exeliange ' 342 ,Xorth ("ommwtal. 60S U. S. National Bank Bids. Phone 80S Res. Phone 46 9-J DR. ii H. WHITE Osteopathic , Physician and Surf eon Electronic Diagnosis and Treatment (Dr. Abram's Method) Post System For Feet v. Salem Oregon THE SUCCESS OF OUR APPLE INDUSTRY (Coatlaued from pago loj ommended for the Willamette val ley these varieties: Winter Ban ana. Grimes Golden, ' Ortley and Newtown; and on the heavier and richer soils the King of Tomp kins County; for a red variety, the Red Rome. He said . that while we can stow the Jonathan and Spitzenberg, the white varie ties seem better adapted to out soil and climate and evince a tend ency to more consistent annua, cropping;.) The stockholders of this com pany are largely men connected with the Oregon Agricultural col lege. They are producing great anDles Mrl Biehn mentioned the work of. Dr. P. H. Jobse of Wilsonville. In 1923 from 88 trees he picked 1026 boxes (bushels) of Graven steins, and they, netted him at the orchard-$777 They were sold loose in boxes; no packing charg es. They went to a Portland Jobber, who bought them on the trees, and he declared that it was the finest fruit he had ever seen bar none. In 1921 Dr. Jobse sold the Winter Bananas from 50 of his trees tor $1052 net profit. The industrial center of the United States is us like the first pink of an opening rosefcud. VALLEY PACKING COMPANY icifEJS FUTUBE ftSPECTS OF INDUSTRY IN THE Good College Authority Good Apple Orchards Should Be Saved New Planting in a Limited Way as a Unit in a Diversified Planting Scheme Recommended Yellow Newton, Ortley, Jonathan, Grimes and Red Graven stein Are Good Varieties for This Section Editor Statesman: Should the Willamette valley In crease its apple acreage at the present time? A few years ago au thorities would have said yes, without qualification. During re cent years, however, we have learned that the planting ot fruit trees must be guided by good, con servative common sense. We have learned, for instance, that with iha advent of modern transporta tion facilities, apples from all sec tions now compete in tne same markets. - The United States, as a whole, has become a unit so far on an nle consumntion is concern ed. No one district, therefore, can safely plunge into the apple busi ness without making a careful study,- not only of Its local con ditlons, but ot the industry In gen eral. v Present Acreage Is Sufficient for DUNSiMOOR BROTHERS 2218 SUt Telephone 2230 Painters and' Decorators Interior or Exterior Work We specialise on Interior work. Lot as show job torn work w Save done. Keep Tour Mouey in Oregon Bay Monuments Made at Salem, Oregon CAPITA!. MONUMENTAL WORKS J. O. Jonet b Co., Proprietors Ail Kind of Monumental Work Factory and Office: 2210 S. Com'L. Oppoiite I. O. O. T. Cemetery, Bex 81 Phone 689. SALEM. OBEGOK BE READY The-coining rains will mean a' busy-season for us. Or der novv to insure early de livery and- choice slock. Fruitland Nursery - A. Jrf MATHIS IroprietOr Route O, 1 H Allies E. of Salem lies. Phone 111F21 Office 1718 Office 160 S. High St. In Xew Salem Hotel BUlg. They went as high as 12.30 a box f.o.b. Wilsonville. Mr. Biehn spoke of the note worthy orchard operations of Ken neth Miller of the Sheridan dis trict, who is quoted below. J. F. Forbis & Son of Forest Grove are successful growers. They produce Jonathan, Spitz and Delicious; good size and quality. A. W. Botkins and C. A. Jacques of Estacada are successful apple growers. They have lived on their places and developed their own orchards; raise Jonathans Spitz, Newtown, Ortley" and Mcintosh Red varieties., Billy Sullivan, former catcher for the White Sox, has at Newberg a 40-acre apple orchard, where he lives. They 'raise principally the Newtown, Spitz, Jonathan, Delic ious, Rome and Staymen varieties. They are successful growers. Then there are J. E. Goetz and J. A. Becker of the Dallas district; very successful; largely Xewtowns and Spitzenbergs. Senator Patterson, Too Senator 1. L. Patterson, men tioned above, a few miles out of Salem, in the Eola district in Polk county, raises some wonderful De licious apples. They have taken prizes in several apple exhibits- Mrs. Hammel, on the Dallas road from Salem, raises some won derful apples of the Delicious, Spitz and Newtown varieties. - She is successful. In Alpine District In the Alpine district, six miles THE APPLE W1L National Xmls It Is generally agreed among those who are nearest to the sit uation, that an average produc tion of the present apple acreage of the United States is sufficient to meet the demands of both the national and export trades. This is indicated rather clearly by the conditions that prevail in heavy crop years. During such years, it Is only the grower with exception al advantages who makes a profit. The farm value of the total apple crop is actually less than that In TAr nf moderate nroduction. and the' whole industry, regardless of locality, is in anything but a flour ishing condition. Dealers as well as . growers are likely to sustain losses. v ' .",' -. . The better districts of the Pa cific northwest are seemingly des lined . to continue in the apple UKnEHUH (Continued a page 12)' west of Monnoe, they get a won derful color on their red apples. A car load of Spitzenbergs going from thaf district in 1921 showed op the finest color of any received in the New York market that year. If they ;had been of a largersiie they would have received-the pre mium price. Conclusions of Mr. RIohn In his interview, of which the above i9 a rather running and rambling report, Mr. Biehn con cluded that all it takes to produce the best apples in the world in the Salem district is the be3t apple men in the world and we have some of them, as the above will indicate; and they are successful. There is no doubt that it will pay growers in the Salem district, year after year, to raise good ap ples of the wanted varieties. It will not pay them, taking one year with another, to grow poor or cull apples. Further as to Varieties The reader will note that Prof. Hawthorne, of the Oregon Agri cultural college, recommended" for this district in his letter printed elsewhere in this issue the follow ing five varieties of apples: Yel-i low Newtown, Ortley, Jonathan,; Grimes and Red Gravenstein. Another good' apple authority, who preferred tq not, , be , named, told the Slogan editqrs that for ed apples we have three outstanding varieties: Spitzenbergs,, ; .Rome Beauties and Delicious. He ad vises strongly In favor of these three. He especially 'advises in favor of the Delicious for the Ore gon trade. Miller Favors Three Only Kenneth Miller of Sheridan. one of the outstanding apple grow ers of this district, and a high authority, talks like. this: 'Personally, I favor three varM eties for the Willamette valley, and they are: Gravenstein, Winter Banana and Grimes Golden. "We raise a good Gravenstein in me wiuameite vaney. and our only serious competitors arte ,in the Sebastopol and Watsonville districts of California. .Their Gravenstein is much earlier than ours, and in ordinary years is out of the market before ours are ready. "We raise a wonderful Winter Banana, which has .a fine color and a keeping quality which far excels any other Winter , Banana that I have seen in the northwest. "The third variety which I favor i3 the Grimes Golden. It is not regarded as high class an ap ple as the other two, but grows to perfection in this valley and bears very heavy crops regularly. Its one fault is that it tends to overbear, and. like the Jonathan, must be heavily thinned. It ' Is wonderfully free from scab, which I consider our biggest problem In apple raising here, as worms are very easily controlled due to the cool nights. Man Raise Best Apples There are, of course, other varieties which do very well, but if we stay in the apple business in this valley we ' must not raise varieties which are only as good as other districts can produce, but we mint strive to raise those vari- rapidly gravitating to Oregon because of the maryelously favorable conditidris and prodigality of resources - XNiM&i ' I Every dollar spent for. "OREGON QUALITY" products stimulates it into full and refulgent bof- C rOAKS Mid On Good City Property Lav rata, eaaj payment plan.; aU paid by and of year. Tans loans, Urg or small tracts. ! Private money.' Sea m first; yos viU f o na further. , O. W. I1AFI1AR ' 410 Oregon Bonding Perfectly Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 725 Salem Nursery Co. Strictly nigh Grade . Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trees and Plants k . rhoae 2303 ' '- I Office: 216 Oregon Bldg. Couldn't the chestnut blight be made to work In the nuts behind the steering wheels? KOT MORE TREES BUT S TIKE OF II Ml 10 ill No Quality No Profit This Is a Natural Fruit Section "If We Growers Will Take Proper Care of the Orchards We Have, We May Efrinq to This Country the Reputa tion She Deserves as a Producer of Fine Apples" Editor Statesman: The other day a commission merchant said to me. "Some of the finest apples I ever saw came from thp Willamette valley." I nodded and began to stick out my chest when he added, "and some of the rottenest." And there I was without the courage to inflate further. He added that he knew of thirteen car-loads of apples thai were shipped from the valley last year that failed to pas federal inspection. "Your orchards up there," he went, on, "will produce as fine fruit as is grown any place in the world, and yet you growers will ship stuff that is not up to grade and . ruin your reputation. Why, now I'm afraid to tell a prospective purchaser that a car is from the Willamette valley. I wire that the apples were grown at the foot of the Coast range, or some thing like that." "But some of the orchards are showing profits," I protested. "Sure," he answered, "when an Eastern buyer receives quality stuff, he is generally willins to eties which we can raise better than any other districts. "Fox example, we can raise a good Jonathan, but practically the whole United States- can do the same thing, and Colorado raises perhaps the best Jonathan, which comes about two weeks earlier than ours, and, after the skimming off cf the cream, invariably floods the market. . "In past seasonb it has been nothing to see the (Jonathan mar ket drop one doUat a box in ten days after the flood hits the mar ket, and that is just about our shipping time. - i "We also raise a fine 'Rome Beauty, but it is rarely ready to pick before November 1. which means wet weather and pnud. This adds materially to the har vesting cost. "You will notice that these three varieties, the Gravenstein, Winter Banana and Grimes, dQ not -bloom or ripen at the same time, hut follow each other con secutively. This allows you to cover more ground with yoiyr spray outfit and spread, your har vesting o;r a longer period. "Another factor which I consid er very important is that the lat est of these apples is off the trees and .gone before our wet weather sets in. It invariably costs more to harvest after the rainy season begins and in times of prices like the last few years, it may mean the difference between profit and loss." A1?D '.' ?AC.ONR,S KENXELL-ELLIS Specialists in , . , Portrait Photography . Studio: 429 Oregon - Building Square Deal Welding Works Ox-acetylene and Electric We specialize on cylinder blocks and aluminum cases, heary cast Iron, steel tanks, boiler and flue welding, springs, frames and fenders, If It's made of metal we can weld It Pbonft 804 340 Ferry St. Salem, Ore. Butter -Nut Breadf "The Richer, Finer Loaf" CHERRY CITY? BAKERY SEND A COPY EAST BETTER APPLES 5 pay for it. But why should a grocer deliberately take a loss, aside from ruining the reputation of the Country, by shipping in ferior rruit? Here. I'll illustrate. Look at that picture." An open magazine lay on his desk. On one of the pages there was a picture of.a bushel baske full of apples. A, very pretty basket or apples they were, but bruises and other defects seemed to be visible. "I presume," the commission man said,, "that those apples were. grown In an eastern state,: relativ ely close to one of the big mar kets. They brought the grower a gross .return of possibly one dol lar, and seventy-five cents. At this "figure, he undoubtedly real ized a- profit. Now we will sup pose that you grew these apples in the Willamette valley. The local markets were glutted as usual, so you packed them in a box- and shipped them to New York alonsr with enough of your crop to fill a car. It cost you fifty cents to pack the box and ioaa it aDoam the car: your freight was close to a dollar, in- eluding iceing. You received the California Garage GUY HICKMAN, Mgr. SUPER SERVICE STATION MOTOR SPECIALISTS Free Crank Case Service High Pressure Greasing lOOO South Commercial Street Phone 1987 Cylinder Grinding By Expert Workmen With High-class Tools DONERITE SHOP ' 340 Ferry Street, Salem, Ore. WINTEK ENCLOSURES Stationary Yep. Ante Top Eepairiaf i Onr prlcas will pleas yon In Alley Back of City Flro Xp. O. J. HULL AUTO TOP A PAINT SHOP HOTEL BLIGH "A Home Away From Home" . 9 1.00 per day and up Frank D. Bligh - Eat a Plate a Day Weatherly Ice Cream Sold Everywhere 7estarn Dairy Products Co. 'IS . v : -; . ; j ... , P. 1L GREGORY, Mgr. . ! 240 South Commercial Street ' ' c ' ' SALEM . 1 ' Salem 50,000 by 1930 riUCH L. ItEIMANN . Beal Estate and Insurants 807308 Oregon Bids. . Fbon10ia dollar, and seventy-five cents gros all right,- which gave you, after deducting commissions, about ten cents for your apples. Maybe you did the same trick last year, and now when your bank balance is copied in pretty, red ink, you tear your.baF and tell your wife that you are through with raising: ap ples. After that, you dig up the New York market reports, find apples of "the variety that you have shipped have been bringing "asT high as three dollars a box. and threaten to sue your broker. Was it his fault? No ijuality. No Profit The buyer was willing to pay the price, but YOl'It apples were not up to grade. Whether you paid one dollar freight on that particular box, or twenty cents didn't matter a whoop to the fel low that was buying them. As long as they were no better than the grower's from Squedunk. New Jersey, he wouldn't pay a cent more. Now, what I am driving at is this. You apple men who must ship to distant markets, must see to it that your fruit is so attraetivp in quality and ap pearance that it will bring enough money to absorb the high freight rate and pay you a profit." i He had the secret down to gnat's eyebrovrj-w"No quality, no profit." He. also rspoke the -truth when he said lha4sonie of the best apples on th market come from this sec tion of the country. I left hi office with the cohvicfion that any grower who was not willing to raise clean apples had better, for the sake of his pocket-book and the good name of the country, do his pruning this winter with a mattock and grub hoe. A. Natural Fruit Section This is a natural fruit section. By using a little thought and more elbow-grease, anyone should NEW SALEM HOTEL Where Hospitality Awaits You New Building, New Equipment, Best -Located George Crater, Manager W. C. Culbertson, Proprietor Blaesing Granite Company Roy Bohannon, Mgr. City View Cemetery Salem, Oregon I. B. DUN8MOOR Salem Wicker Furniture Manufacturing Co, . We SeU Direct Genuine Batten Beetl QrtUty Famitnre Eepairing. Seflnisning', XTphoUteriaf 2218 StaU 8t Salem, Oregon F. W. BLISS AUTO TOP SHOP Removed from 311 N. Com'l. to 245 Chemeketa St. ;Septic Tanlis that save more dirty work and doctor bills ready to install, proper ly designed, and reas onably priced. We make this kind. Oregon Gravel Co. Hood at Front Street ' Salem 100 Service 100 Anto and Tractor Repairing , . We Know How, ; ; : Welcomo to oar Srrte Stitioa To - Old Tint 6aa One Klero ' GENESAX OAS, CII AND ACCESSORIES SEJtTICE A ttapla lia of Groceries, Ooaft-tJon ry. Meala and Lnnchea aoyUaa, Tao CBef KSOWS BOW . Koirrn commercta i GARAGE A GROCERY llTOBKSOV, ADAMS St SEPTKA V. Co-amarcta St. . -FbM 1S77 HiridenburglPlays; 0 z ll-h tn , f ' 'j M i ' ? v- 1 v ' -.A h & -t c 1 ? - -, iy s Tre'sident Von Uli.Cenburg of Germany is devoting his vacation to his favorite sport, hunting. He is" seen in the field near the Schloss Dietramszell, Bavaria. be able to raise 'good apples in the Willamette -valley. You can raise the finest apples you ever bit into on that old tree in your back yard, if you will only follow the rules. There are no more; apple pests and disease here than are to be found in most other orchard dis tricts, and if you will prune, turn under the old leaves early, in the spring, thin your fruit, and above all, follow to the letter the spray calendar which the Oregon Agricultural college . has, after long and careful research, studied out for you, you can forget the pests, for your apples will be im- n 'j Orego Pulp Manufacturers ot ' v BOND LEDGER GLASSINE A " GREASEPROOFTISSUE Support Oregon Products Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Tent ; v Office Stationery V PHONE 934 ' for. 231 NORTH HIGH DIXIE HEALTH BREAD ; , Ask, Your Grocer . - V Wa Am Out After TwlCI2Uons ' Wo aro 'aw paring Vr taroa aartr of a aiilUen doUars a year to tba 4airyaea of this section for aOhc ,5'Marion Butter' ! ' Is-the Best Batter More Cows and Better Cows : 4 ; ,: the criag need:rs-c,"s iMaH6nXreameiy & Produce Co. laiem, Ore. - .r? ..Phone 2422 Cherry ! - . ' ... I Consider what is claimed for Chiropractic methods "aad you will easily realize what a com- fcion sense science it1!. It alms, " by removing -"causes, to eliminate disease, and does so successfully. ''' ' . 'V ;.. . t . Phone for an appointment I Dr. O.L. Scott; D.C. 256 North High Street Phone 87-or 828-R :A-Home BuiltjTov : ;tour,'Notion b Vrestricted reside nco , " district Consult .' ' - Wl on IX)E STAR 3EEVICE 8TATI0V N. Cpitol St. PkOB SS0 , Hill Candy Company - Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers 'of High Grade Candies t ' 1204 Leslie Street ' ' ' Salem muneto the ravages, of 'their attacks:'- " V"f i'-l-A What we need In the 'Willamet te "valley at present' Is not'' more trees, but better apples. If we growers will take proper care o the ( orchards ' w ,have, we may bring to this country the reputa tion she deserves as a producer o! fine apples, and iricldhtly, 4rine to ourselves, a substantial profit, WILLIAM V. DOLPH. I Newberg, Or.," Nov.;i3,ia25; 7j (Mr. Dolph is owner:. of the Kathawtu OrchardsNewberg; and Is one.of the leading growers ot that section, which Is one of the finest fruit districts in this vallev. J or anywhere. Ed.) & Paper Co. Odorless fleanidg: 6 Hour Service - V - Free Delivery. , City Cleaners PHONE 934 Overland ' ' Wflly,-cht; . b OaLJah'd Sales and Service VICKBROS. f High Street at Trade Gideon Stolz Co. - atanafaetartrt f . . - . . , Dependable Brand 1 Llme-Salphnr Solatlon ' Too ormnd ym can depend n tat "X wsy and U. : Prices apon application ractory aoar caret at -"-k Bokbot aad Mill CU. SUon, Orecea V .