The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Elimination of .Entire Play
ground; Fund to Be Pro-
tested by Kiwanians ;
' ' ''is it- ;'
council, it la anderstoodr wni ask
aot otlj that : the ; $ 800 be rein
stated for - the playgrounds, - but
that the council raise the amount
to$l200. . ; "
The matter was the chief mat-1
ter of interest at the 'dinner, and
arrangements hare been made to
bring the discussion tip before the
Rotarians, the Llotos,' the Realtors,
the Elks, and the women's clubs.
AH of these civic 'organizations
sponsored 'and contributed '. to the
playgrounds at the time when
they were created.
, v - - l ' '
Approximately $200,000 is
Available for Market Road
Work During 1926
r: -The budget committee for Sa
, lem was severely censored at the
weekly ' luncheon of the ; local
Kiwanians ' Tuesday when " Fred
ErJxon, who has" been Interested
In the playgrounds of Salem ever
since' their creation, introduced a
motion to-instruct the president of
the club' to 'appoint a committee
or the purpose of drawing up a
resolution protestlBg the elimina
tion' of ' the playground f and in
the coming budget, and asking the
. council to see that funds tor this
work are provided. The motion!
was enthusiastically and unani
mously carried, and it was further
moved : that . lfae ; committee be
given power -to act so that the
resolution . can reach the council
before it Is too late to remonstrate.
. It is understood that such remon
strances must be made on or be
fore December 8, and the commit
tee -will probably; appear before
the meeting of the council to be
held on that evening. i I
'.'I learned throuth the press
that the playground fund has been
eliminated by the budget commit
tee "Mr. Erixon declared. This
club took the initiative in creating
the playgrounds, and during the
first year; we paid1, three-fifths of
the expenses, and assisted for-the
Rett two years. Then the council
provided 1 8 00 a paltry i860 for
them. Now the budget committee
-Is-'endeavoring to undo the work
lit ;oesn("Wt well "with the pay:y
ground board. .
'-He ''went - on- to declare that
cjties of Salem's size have three or
- four ' times: as much allowed for
the-playgrounds. He continued:
"The budget committee had the
i temerity to say that there is too
much dust on the 'playgrounds,
but there is not more there than
ttny place else." He "brought out
' t h. fact that sinee the playgrounds
were created' there has not been a
drowning in the city limits, while
pHor to that time there were three
'o'four. 'v ' ' '' '' i t
"The resolution that: the Kiwan-
ian committee will submit to the
County Master Much lm-j
pressed yviin activities
in Eastern Oregon
Declaring that he was much im
pressed with, the results obtained
by eastern Oregon in oiling mar
cadam roads, W. J. Culver; Marion
county road master, returned from
a trip into the eastern part of the
state during which he made a care
ful inspection; of the system- He
was accompanied by J. II. Scott.
market road engineer for the state
highway commission.
Mr, Culver, in view, of ..his in
spection, will report to the county
court that he is in ''favor of carry
ing on experiments in this county
along the same line. Common
fuel oil is used on the macadam
roads, the amount ranging from
15 167125 barrels to the mile.
Th"oJ penetrates through the
surface and forms a hard crust on
the ton- which resists wear to a ret
'mai-kible extent. While it is not
said to equal hard surfacing in
weattsgf-qualltles. on1 roads not
subjected -to heavy traffic the re
suits are said to be just as satis
factory and the cost is much less:
Chew a few Pleasant Tablets.
'If you feel full, sick or uncom
fortable' .after eating, here la
harmless stomach relief. "Pane's
Diapepsin" settles - the stomach
and corrects - digestion the mo
meat it reaches the stemach. '
This t guaranteed stomach cor
rective costs - but a few cents - at
any drug store. .Keep it bandy!
Adv; ,; : Vi . ;
(CoatmoM from 'pa x.j '
tained anything comparable to the
erotic passages in her letters
There are about 300 of them,
some of which the defense' has
said are quite as erotic as Alice's.
One ' letter contained protesta
tions of love for Alice with the
flat statement, "I love you."
Later in the letter he said: "Re
member what I said about getting
an apartment in New York."
While again he added: "Sup
pose we take a trip to New York
on Friday and see what we can
were you in love when you
suggested the apartment?"
"I was falling in love."
"When did you first intend to
make this girl your wife?"
"In 1923, about March, I be
Rhinelander will go on the
stand again for cross examination
With approximately $200,000
available for market road work in
1926, the county court will soon
lay plans for further improve
ments for the coming year. Al
though no definite schedule has
yei jteen drawn p, it is under
stood that little paving with as
phalt will be done. Instead, prac
tically all work will te done with
gravel and macadam. This plan
will he adopted in' view of the fact
that hard surfacing costs mount
to high figures and necessitate a
curtailed program of improvement
for any one year. It has been
found, however, that good gravel
and macadam roads can be land
much more cheaply and at the
same time will provide practically
as good a transportation system.
Oiling, as an experiment in this
section, will also be tried here.
It is said to have met with un4
qualified success in other coun
ties. t
Two warrants of $32,000 each
are to be paid the county by the
state as its share of the state
fund, the county to match the war
rants with a like sum. This will
provide approximately $128,000
with which to work. In addition
to this the market road coffers
will be swelled to the extent of
about $75,000 by the share of the
gasoline tax. r
While very little pavingfis con
templated, it is expected "that a
few short stretches of hard sur
facing will be necessary. A two
mile gap near Scotts Mills and
three miles near Mehama will
probably be paved next year. In
cluded in the five-year program
are several sections not benefited
by the market road fund under
the first program. Many petitions
have been received by the county
court asking that work be done.
but no definite settlement has yet
been made.
God. If yon do away, with God
you still hav & universe on ytyjr
hands. You cannot explain it
without God. Sin is a very real
and terrible thing. In the Garden
of Eden satan tempted Adam and
Eye, telling them that it was not
true that if they disobeyed God
they should die. They believed
Satan instead of God. Jesus Christ
is j God's remedy for sin. When
sin is in the life, then there is sep
aration from God."
The meeting last evening was
sponsored by the Count-On-Me
class of the Sunday school. There
were 4 0 members of the class
present and sitting in a body. They
also took part in , the meeting.'
This evening the Baraca-Philathea
clkss will sponsor the services and
be present in a -body- Dr. Bryant
will preach each evening and Mr.
Fisher will sing. The pastor, Dr.
Shanks, conducts a Bible class
each day at 2:30 o'clock. Today
he begins the study of 1st Thes
salonians. All are invited and
Rural Supervisor Visits in
' Northern Part of Marion i
County Tuesday '
SEATTLE, Nov. ,17. (AP.)
Suspected of complicity in a $15,-
000 diamond robbery here yester
day, the recent $7,000 - Fremont
car barn holdup and numerous 611
station holdups, Elmer Steele, 23.
alleged former I WW leader, was
arrested at his home here today.
It is a safe bet that students
who went on a strike against the
college which barred use of auto
mobiles did not walk out.
,., - -
Totlay, 1046 : North Seventeenth Street
iTp'oamd 1:30 m. sharp -
;"".".' ' ;4 'v'. ' ''V-,'"" --M- 'I ';...'.... " .-
Comprising i Victrola with records, like new; 2-9x12 Axmin
ster rugs; 1 golden oak library table; 1 reading lamp,2 large
easy Morris chairs; 1 oak leather seated rocker; 2 oak rock
ers; t typewriter, a-l condition r l airtight heater with pipe,
board, etc.; 1 cast heater; 2 Simmons' bed springs, mattress
' es; 1 dresser; White rocker; oak dining room table; 6 diners;
1 :kltchen range, with colls; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1 drop-head
" White" rotary sewing machine; -about 120 Jars fruit; cooler,
cabinet; X auto tent; Easy power washing machine; tools; 2
cords wood; 8 chickens; boiler; tubj etc, etc. .
: : I r ' - " -! t , '
t . - - .- . ' - f -
Everything must be sold as the owners are
- leaving for California
0195 Hsad of Hoigs, Hbss, Hogo
:l . Tarrh Stock Implements, etr '
for Mr. A. E.Tdty on hi farm joining: oM St. Lewis,
2 miles west of Genrais on '
' . ; . . -'
Thursday, November 19 at 11 a. m.
See posters for parttculars or write or phone
h. f: WOODSY & SON
Are the Aoctloneers-Store 271 N. Com.1 Phone 75
If yoa are anticipating hiring an anction it wittTjav
you to phone 75 easy number to remember or call
at 271 N. Commercial and see . us personally about
Your Farm and City Sales -
01 s
Dr, Daniel Bryant Speaking
at Baptist Church; Class
Has Full Charge
The reTlral meetings at the Ban
tist church are proving very in
terestin and full of blessing. The
people are coming up in large
numbers and the large choir is
leading the singing. Mr. Fisher
is surely a great eong leader and
the people respond to his leader
ship." Last evening he sang
'Would You Believe?" Rev. Dan
lei Bryant. D.D., of Corvallis, who
is , preaching each evening this
week, gave one of his finest ad
dresses last evening on "The
Science of Sin. He said: "Relijr-
ion is the determining factor r in
the life of every nation. Without
religion national life would be int
possible. Back of the universe is
Each of Three Methodist
Churches Has Theme;
Services at Night
A program of services for Fel
lowship Week is being observed
in the three Methodist churches of
Salem this week. The following
program has been arranged:
Leslie M. E. Church Gtneral Themo
!'Tking Jem in Earnest"
Sunday, i'ov. IS 'IWiv Am 1 a Chris-:
tionf" Uljr Follri.. :.
Monday. Nov. 1 "Is it Practicable to
be a Christian f" Earl Pemberton.
Tuesday, Nov. 17 "Jesus' Interest in
Othem:" Alberta Borhnstedt.
Wednesday. Not. in "Jesus f riend
ship with Others ;" ilary Huff.
Thursday, ov. , 1 ' Jesus and ily
Hfe runs; ' Margaret l-avenwortn.
Friday. Sot. 20 "Jesufc' Call to Me:
Mildred TomlinMtn.
Sunday. Sot. 22 "Following Christ :
ReT. J. W. De Yoe.
I (Meetinei at 7:30 p. in. during tbe
Jason Iiee M. E. Church General Theme
"Where Am I?
Sunday. Nov. 15 "Introduction to
Christ;" Mrs. J. Black.
Monday, Not. 16 "True friend
shins:" James McCHntock.
i Tuesday. Not. 17 "Becoming Better
Armiainted:" Sybil Smith.
I Wednesday. Nov. 18 "At Home With
God:" Harvey Roser.
(Thursday. Not. 19 "Naturalness
Christ's Way." Donald Watson.
Fridav, Nov. 20 "Jesus Called to
Mf:" Robert "Witty.
i Satnrday. Nov. 21 "What It Means
to Me:" James Rettie.
i KundaT. Not. 22 "My Answer
Gnsnet Team Gilbert Wren and Hale
i (Meetings at 7:30 p. m. during the
First M. E. Chnreh General Theme
I "rellowahlp."
' niwtir rnrA Heddes.
I Siindnv.' Not. 15 "The ChaKense of
Fellowship," Joel Berreman.
i MondaT, Not. 18 "Personal Fellow
ship with God;" Dorothy Taylor Ku
Mtin Aavaire.
fi Tnesday, Kov. 17 "Fellowfchir fn the
Home;" Martin Anderson Sadie JM
1 Wednesday. Nov. 18 "World Fellow
lowship;" Pauline Ftndley Donald W
I T1indT. Not. 19 "Fellowship with
Others:" ielyn Hartunr Mildred Mills
I Friday. Nov. 20 "Fellowship witn
Christ:'" Marion Lehmsn Clare Gedde,
flundiT. Nor. 22 "Takm Jesus in
ir.rn.t - ' Trod r. Tavlor.
l (Meetings at 7:15 p. m. during the
Associated Press.) Nineteen ves
sels were sold by the shipping
board in individual sales to differ
ent companies today for a total
of 11.599.000. All reauire t-
pairs which are to be made by the
Work in Marlon connty schools
is progressing well, W. W. Fox,
rural school superintendent, said
yesterday after completing a tour
of districts In the north end of the
county. In practically every in
stance Mr. Fox found teachers,
parents and children well pleased
with school conditions and activi
Five districts were visited by
Mr. Fox yesterday. They were
Arbor Grove, Four Corners, Cbam-
poeg, Geelan and Belle Passi. The
Arbor Grove school, taught by
Beatrice Basie. has 18 children
enrolled. A new sand table for
primary work is under construc
tion and the water supply is being
Work in the Four Corners dis
trict was found exceptionally well
organized. Twenty-three children
attend the school, which is taught
by 'Ursula McDonald. Jn the
Champoeg school 14 attend, an in
crease of over 25 per cent over
last year. Catherine Osborne is
the tearher ' there.' -'--
The Qeelan school, with an en
rollment of! 43, Is one of the larg-
est in that (section of the county.
Emma L. Knapp is again principal
of the school, assisted by Helen
Gaffney. V A large, increase in at
tendance was noted. -with the up
per room fillei to capacity. Espe
cial attention is paid to physical
education. . ' :
In the Belle Passi district 31,
pupils , are enrolled, a slight de
decrease from last year. All the
school buildings have been given
a new coat of paint. Louise Beers
is principal of the school, assisted
by Thehna Delzell.
S. T. C. Club Meets
Grace Welborn entertainod the
members of the S. T. C. club with
a delightful social evening on
Friday at her home. The evening
was spent with needlework and
chatting, with refreshments served
at .ajate hour. At the next meet
ing of the club the Misses Aline
will be the hostesses.
in the group Friday evening
were Grace Robertson, Clare Gil
mer? Alice Riggs, Clara Miller
Anna "Aline, Maude Rand. Myrtle
Reeves, Anna Arms, Rose Aline,
Lavilla Perry, and the hostess,
Grace Welbprn.
J . u .
Child's Best Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
Tongue Shows if
Bilious, Constipated
Hurry Mother! Even a fretful.
peevish child loves the pleasant
taste of "California Fig Syrup
and it never fails to open the
bowels. A teaspoonful today may
prevent a sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and children
of all aees Drinted on bottle. Mo
ther! You must say "California
or you may get an imitation fig
syrup. Adv.
Say It With a Classified Ad
We wish to announce the opening of our
at Capitol and Union Streets
We are prepared to take care of the entire needs of
builders with a complete line of
Lumber Plaster
Cement Lath
Lime Shingles
Paints; Varnishes
In fact everything an the line of building materi;
, ' "" ! .-.'" !-
Give us an opporturiity to bid
r ! for your business
Xumber Yard North Capit6rand Union Telephbne 2248
. Store 175 S. ComtoercfcU; Telephone "728 - VJ i '
! A Very Good Reason
This Special Sale of
Dress Goods
These are broken lines
left over from our Nov
ember Wool dress goods
sale. ! These have been
re-grouped and on many
prices have been further
You will also find other
groups of Woolen Dress
goods not advertised on
display with their former
selling prices reduced
Come, get your share.
At Kafourys
A good assortment of
guaranteed all wool chal
Hes in stripes and fancy
designs, also Oregon City
All Wool Flannel in Kha
ki and navy ; Wool Batis
te in cream; light blue;
rose; navy; black and
All Wool fancies, stripes,
checks, plaids, plain tric
ot ine, , serge ; a good as
sortment of colors suit
able for dresses.
Your Mail Orders
Receive careful attention.
We pay express or post
age within a radius of a
hundred miles.
466 State Street
383 Alder Street
M MemajrliQbly Low "Prices
Buy Your Groceries For Thanksgiving
at These Low Prices
These Specials Are Good All This Week
Peanut Butter Calumet Corn Starch Pickles in Bulk
in Balk rjkff 10c Sweet Mixed, Pint 15c
2 lbs. 39c F ' Sweet Sliced, Pint 15c
Matches - Sweet Midgets, Pint 18c
Coffee Carton of 6 Boxes Pof f
Coffee Advancing Buy Now CQ 1 nr. VU,,1CC
Royal Club, Golden West, Special OC Peaberry, Special per lb 39c
M. J. B. and Hill's Cookies 3 lb. bag $1.15
l ib. cans 55c Fig Bars Flour
Gum per lb. 15c Blue Ribbon 491b. Sack
Alls Leading Brands Quaker Cereals
3 pkgS. 10c Puffed Wheat 2 Pkgs. 25c Snowfall, Hardwheat,
Puffed Rice Pkg. 15c 49 lbSack
C?5cyifr Tea $1-95
3 bar. 10c SSSfiS N. ?ned t9f
. No. 10 Bag, Special 49c
Milk Tobacco Albers' Minit Oats,
Armours, Carnation, Bord- ii)e pktr nf .Tnhacrn5 Large JPkfr. 29c
ens,; Libby'sand Sinclair's CrT d2?fS
3 cans 27c 3 pkgs. 19c . ' :
p Corn Meal
fop Corn Beans White or Yellow
Corn that will pop Campbell's Pork and Beans 10 lb. sack 39c
3 lbs. 25c Medium Sizes
5 cans 47c Granulated Soap
Margarine : , ,. - , , Peet's Large Size
wilso or Nutoia Compound 32c
per lb. 27c No. 5 Paii;79c 1
- , No. 10 Pall $1.49 Citrus Deal
Pineapple , , : c, . - ' .. 1 Lge. Granulated Soap 50c
Special No. 2 ' can 24c annmp i Lge. Citrus Soap. -25c
2 cans 45c o Value - 75c
p 3 cans 55c speciai 45c
KeUoggV Cereals Catsu7
T- ,, f Corn Plakes, Pkg.i 9s 7 ic,.
5 lb. bag 43c - All Bran, Pkg. "23c Rueger Brand 15c
zrr Pep, a new Breakfast Food, r"
Kice 3 Pkgs. . 37c Corn
Best Blue Pose Bran Flakes Pkg. 10c Standard No. 2 Tins
51b. bag 43c iifoMm 2can25c
Soap ' ?. . Special, can5c Tomatoes
Carton of ao Bars . Large No. 2 2 Tins
. FELS JJAPTHA Seedless Raisins . Special
59c : 4 lb. pkg. 39c 2 cans 25c
tprn n rio... r.:m pm a i iAnfmn
' r; ; -CALL -1333; : ;
174 North 1 Commercial Street
K f '