WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 18. 1025 - Salem's Great Market lass lac THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON ified Section i I 1 m k - f 4 'i Money to Loan 57 CITY BCILDIXO AND RESIDENCE loans repayable like rest. Prompt mi-tic. " ; , ' A. C. Bohrnstedt . ,. Realtor. Loans and Insurance 147 Xo. Commercial St, Salem, Ore. . , . , 67aot( , CITT AND FARM LOANS m Lone time, low rate interest, easy pay nieot. Investigate our loan plan. . PERRINE ft MARSTEKS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. ' 67o2tf ; - - ' v SEAL ESTATE LOAN'S! YES! QUICK Service. Meaey always. 204 Orrnwo Bldg. faoiw HI.- 57o29tf abundance op funds to loan on improved Willamette valley farms at low rate sad on lone time. "A. C. B0HBN8TKDT. Realtor , Ioans and Insurance 147 J. Coa'L 8t, Salem. Ore. 57o23tf MONET TO LOAN 616. F. L. WOOD, 41 Bute., 57o21tf THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE Company will make immediate loans on farms in Oregon. Reasonable interest, no cost except small appraisal fee. . If interested write immediately to I. C. Cunningham. 409 V. W. Bank Bldg.. . Portland, Oregon. Home Office Rep , ' resentstive here all next week. 57slltf MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY RESI deneea, repayable like rent. foods available for residence building loans. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. Realtor Loan and Insurance 147 N. Com' I 8t, Salem. Ore. 57o25tf Wanted Loans' 50 WANTED A FARM LOAN OP S3SOO.OO. SSOO care Statesman, 59nl8 1800 WANTED - 7, SEW HOME. - .Plenty security. Becke A Hendricks, -189 N. High, Street, Hei'.ig Bldr. , : 5nl8tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on food real eetate seenrity. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 273 Slfttc; Street. 59o31tf BuslnM Opportunities 61 HAVE YOU' BUSINESS PROPERTY Client Will. buy for task desirable busi ness building or lot, up to 940,000.00. PRICED LOW. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. Heilig Bldg. lnl8tf FOR SALE AUTO REPAIR SHOP, close ia, fully equipped. Cheap rent. Only 8550, terms. See White, Home Realty Co. 61nl9 STORE FOR LEASE OR 8 ALE 5-ROOM house, rents $25: 7-room house rents $25. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 6tnI8tf Real Estate 63 OWN "VOUR HOME FOR SALE , Pool rooms, lunch and confectionary, fully equipped and doing a very profit- able business. Wilt accept Ford Truck in part psvment and what have you! TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel. Phone 696. ....-" 63nl8tf 50 BY 193 .NORTH. $530 LAUREL Park, close to ear and schools. Terms. . t EXCELLENT GARDEN PROTECTED DISTRICT. BECKE ft HENDRICKS : 189 N. High 8t. Heilig Bldg. 3nl4tf $600 DOWN Buys a good three-room home located at 1335 X. Summer St. - Price $1950. - W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St . 63nl9 HERE 18 WHAT YOU NEED A 5 -room house. Electric lights, toilet, city water., garage. $1700; $300 down bal. by the.-month. This is a good deal for some one. It is located in North Salem, near Highland school. A modern 5 room home with full base ment. . furnace and - stationary wash trays, built in kitchen, paved street, garage and everything in good order, close m, $4500 on terms or $4250, Vt cash. . t : See J. A, MILLS, 331 State St. I . 63nl8 6 ROOMS. EAST 8AX.EM. SEMI-MOD-era, 3 garages, $3300. will take good lot part payment. 7 rooms, furnace, sleeping porch, gs rare. 84330. T , 5 rooms, modern, garage, beautiful Irna 840O0. 5 rooms north, strictly modern and best ' construction. $5800. '8 rooms, north, modern and an excel leat bay at $7350. WINNIE PF.TTYJOHN. Realtor 2 1 Oregon Bid. 3al5tf , LOOK . house- aad & mice . lota, a good r $10OO with $250 down. 13 .out oa psved road, price $4O00, some , trade; 40 acres, well Improved near - Salem, will trade for unimproved land sultawJV lor psar TlinU 1 SAV aatlA Stmta Street. 63nl5tf $250 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Small plastered Cottage, 4 rooms. New ' lu.n Prtraui S t (tOO Immediate IMuessioa'. Beeke ft Hendricks, Heilig Bide.. 189 S. Hieh Street. 63n8if wur uiinmv i.Bnnw nnnsr. WITH breakfast nook, bath, and full cement basement, east troni. v en incaiea is South Kalem. - Price $2675 terms. Tknna nm R a. writa E W. Lisle. CreewelL Ore. J 63nll ARE You looking for a good in veetl We have 180 acre with 4 million feet of see timber and piling on it. Goo land and located it i B. It station. A splendid buy at $50 per acre. FARMS That will grow anything ye , plant are not so nsmeroua; ', 100 acres best river bottom - : land ; 35 acres in full bearing ' . hops. Good barn and house. This land will pay for itself ia five years at $180 par ; ' acre. . GOING To buy a house !A good .plastered 6 room . houae V large lot. Fine location. Only ... .. .. $30G& Owner wishea t to change climate.. - TO Buy w fully modern 6- i roeaa hnaalw-or $30O is a bargain. -We hsve oae. - BELL Your property through us. We , : have some live prospect i . . city, and country property. ANSWER This if yau want, to buy an , equipped dairy farm cheap; - ; loo acres in Tillamoo Co ' en Highway. i I ' TE8 We have a live grocery store . to. sell. i VLRICIL AND ROBERTS.'Resltors 123 North Com "I Street. Phone !3-"'- ... 1 63ol9 WHY KOT A HOME IN 8ALFM WITH Iruit. garden, berries, poultry, a, cow - and room for" the kids To playt 7-room plastered house.: fireplace, basement, bath, He. " Six Urge lots, barn, garage, : nenltry,; hdufe, $3d00. House, garage ' indullrvFhonse with 8 lots, 83300. Terms. Owner 819 Rnral aveane. - ' . - 'I 6Snl4'.l 128 ACRE ?"ARM; 70 ACRE8 FIXE farm land near towa 83.00O. terms.o lO acreloso ia, good bldgs4 4jOO, I Tery-easy terms. .. . j 28arro Jam all In coltivailoa. food bldgw Sear, town, $4800. f 25 acrea near town, good bldga fruit Only $4500, easy tartna. v f 5-acrei eloao In. good blds fruit; f-.'sUO. aasy terms. - tiea us before buying. n - ' . PERRINE MARSTEHS , S12 ConLXlub Bldj. , , 6.-8l' 63 DOUBLE LOTS NORTH 50x193 FOR 550, terms.' Protected district. Three left. Berke ft Hendricks. 189 N. High Street, Heilig Bldg. 63ultf SOME WORKINGMAN LARGE -COR-ner lot- Plastered home. Fruit and Garden. ' Garage. 82750 - and terms. " See 1703 Broadway. Vacant Novem ber 20. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 X. High Street, Heilig Bldg. 63al8tf A. C. Bohrnstedt ; Victor Schneider : Realtors Specialise in Oregon farms, Salem .homes and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. - Phone 577. 113n3tt PPPPPPPPppppppp P P P P p p p p p p p p p p p P P 2200 ' 2200 P P P P EXCHANGER EXCHANGES P P PP GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE PP P P ' HEADQUARTER? P P P P Of flees Salem and Portland P P P P The demand for exchanges P P P P has made 1 necessary oor P P P P GREAT 2IARKET PLACE P P P P where the requirements of all P P P P eaa be matched. We have P P P P just what yes have in mind; P P P P just where you want it; just P P P P the right price. Our list of P P P P exchanges (the largest list- P P P P ing ,ea the Pacific Coast) P P P P guarantees your complete sat- P P P. P isfactioa regardless of your P P P P requirements. If you would. P P P P like to exchange your pro- P P P P party TODAY, come in TO- P P P P TODAY. See P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg. P P P P Com'l at State. Phone 2242 P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP FOR SALE Very desirable apartment house, close in, offered first time. Paying more - than 18 on price asked, folly furn ished, always-(oil. This will not re main on. market but few days.. Terms can be arranged in part. TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hntel Phone fiOfi x 63nl8tfl 4 ACRE . AND 5-ROOM HOUSE IN Woodt)urn( $1000 win use roniano or Salem let up to half. Time balance; 4. I want a 5-aera suburban with fair buildings, between 3 and 4 thousand half cash. Come in soon if you have it. Have several good farms where owners will consider a small acreage or Salem property and assume. Two good lot for 25 below the mar ket vslne. Must sell. Resl snaps. THE FLEMING REALTI 00. 341 State St. C3n5tf MUST SELL AT ONCE 4-ROOM HOME with cement basement and furnace. On paring sooth. Price $2600. Paving paid. Becke ft Hendricks 189 N. High Street, HeiTig Bids. 63nl8tf SACRIFICE SALK Ke-iily new four-room plastered bungalow with large garage, paved street and ear line, east front. It -will pay you to in vestigate this. Terms $200 . down, bal. $30 per month if re sponsible partie. Price $2200. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 o-ROOM BUNGALOW STREET PAVED garage. $2900: $3o0 down; 5-room modern bungalow, paved, basement, furnace, fireplace, barn, $4000, Che meketa St.; 5-room bouse. $3000, $500 down. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 X. Cottage. - - - 63nl8tf FOR- BALE SMALL .HOUSE, EAST front lot. $850. Good east front lot North Salem, with garage, $550. Four room bungalow. North Salem, $8750. Six-room bungalow East Salem, $8500. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. ftn3tf FOR SALE Splendid six-roomed house, modern, fur nace, basement, garage and extra large lot with fruit. Located on State street. Priced to sell qnickly. Terms. TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel. Phone 696. 6&nl8tf XEW HOME Ready to occupy located on , Myrtle Ave. Price $2850;, 4 , rooms, garage; $500 down to handle. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 BEST BUYS IN HOMES $7500 Strictly modern 7-room, 2-story bungalow. State street. $6500 Modern house, 9 room, large lot. State street. $4500 New mod. Bungalow, 6 rooms, oa Capitol street. - $3750 Snap. Good and well built house 7 rooms. Lot 60x160 ft., on one of the best corners. S. Commer - rial St.. both streets paved. $2000 Dand'y 5-room bungalow, N. Sa lem; bath, liehts, paving paid. Built a year ago; rents for $20 month. a ... $1000 Good old honse, 6-room; fireplace, witrt a little remodel ing, would make a good home for some one. . If It's a home See CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State Street. . 63nl7tt 6-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION, close to every grada. and high school, lot 50x165, alley, street paved, $3500. Save on rent and buy this close in property. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 Cottage. 63nl8tf . SIX ROOMS AND BATH Three bed rooms, full cement base ment, and cement wslks, psving next year. Near school and car line; $800 cash, will handle. 80 ACRES MONTANA FARM To trade for rough or logged off land. Most Of this farm can be irrigated - from owned water right. What have yon to trade!!!! 10-ACRE FRUIT FARM 1H mile north of Salem, 5-room house, 8 barns, -2 good wells, hog house, most of land is in small fruit, black cap blackberries, raspberries, logsn and strawberries, can use bouse in Salem. Price $4500. ' Terms. NEW 4-ROOMS AND BREAKFAST . . . . NOOK . Full basement,, furnace, laundry trays, just finished, paving ordered, a neat home. ' Price $2900; $300 cash, bal ance like Tent. C. M. ROBERTS 7." - 147 X. Commercial, Room 1. Phone 217 - A-1n19 don errvr COUSIN HBCrOMrVS T Real Estate 63 NEW HOMES trXIER CONSTRUCTION. YOU MAY HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF INTERIOR FINISH 12373 New four-room home located on paved street and near car line, fireplace, breakfast room, 8500 down, baL terms. 3300 Sew four-room home with basement, furnace, fireplace, garage. $500 dewa balance . monthly. Paved street. $3500 New four room home on paved street, has basement, furaace, fireplace, breakfast room, $500 down, bal. monthly. , $3750 New four-room home modern, north front, well located near X. Summer St. 1 750 down, bal. monthly. We write FIRE INSURANCE. . W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 S.ate St. C3nl9 NEW HOME Spanish stucco style located on X. Summer St., price $3000, - term or will consider soma trade. Immediate possession. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 273 State St. 63nl9 PADDIQH school section rniVUl 1 Most central and pop ular residence location. Best of fine new homes rapidly filling this locslitv Very few locations left at any price. The following are yet available to early buyers: $5250 New, modern, 5 rooms, big un finished attic, E street near Capitol, built by owner, best construction. $2330 Fine lot faring east on Capitol in ahadow of big oaks just north of aid Parrish home; 43 feet frontage; 12 foot alley makes practical frontage of 55 feet; 150 feet long. $3000 Fine corner 75x125. Lamberson and Capitol; row of ornamental trees; choice, roomy, beautiful. $1050 Fine Corner 50x125 facing east oa Stewart at Shade street; price covers new pavi.ig and everything. All new fine homes surrounding. A beauty. $5750 5 large rooms; new;- modern: beat construction ; 960 Parrish street : i'ust east of Summer: lot 50x150; poor isalth requires owner to move. All cash $5,500. Half cash $5,750. $3800 New; "2 story; full cement base ment; 6 rooms and large sleeping porch; half block south of Parrish school. $5500 REAL SPANISH STUCCO Bun galow; Parrish Grove Addition, seen di rectly down Shade street from Capitol; a new stsndard of construction for houses of this type. Now under con struction. Examine it thoroughly. The foregoing are splendid ' values . and in order to secure the beat service, two-thirds commission will be paid to any licensed broker making sale. HARRIS Masonic Temple Phone 795, 1942-J 63nl8 HOUSE BARGAINS 4-rootn plastered, coop, Iruit, 4 lots, $1900. $500 cash. 6-room modern bungalow, garage, wood shed, paved street. $2400, $p00 caah. 4- room i and nook, new atrictly mod ern double constructed, stuccoed, hard wood floor, $3600. $".00 cash. 4 rooms and nook, new, strictly mod ern, garage, on pavement, close in, $3900, $900 cash. 5- room new modern bungalow, 1585 Saginaw, garage. $4 tOO. $1250 cash. 6 lots, old house, all lots front on riker and on pavement on River Koad, fine factory site, $5000 cash. 205 feet on Front street and 163 feet on Chemeketa street, a fine residence, an old house and Leonard Hotel, fin est factory site in Salem, on two rail roads. $42,000. terms. SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State 63nl8tf $25 DOWN $10 per month boys a fine' tract consisting .of . nearly one half acre located 'on Pacific High way just north of eity limits. City water, an excellent place to build vour home. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 SPECIAL 25 acres river bottom land with fair buildings. Price including stock and equipment and feed $4000. Will trade for small tract close to Salem. 80 acres 10 miles out on paved highway, haa about 40 acres of timber. 4 room bouse, good barn, well and spring, a good buy for $6000. Will take some trade. We have a fine farm of 100 acres, well improved for $100 per sere, will take a home in Salem as part payment. THOMASON. 831 State Street 63nlltf Real Estate Trades 63 TRADE FOUR-ACRE SUBURBAN home for home in city. Good house, large lot, fruit trees for small farm. For Sale: 40 acres with 20 acres real Beaverdam land and buildings, $15,000. Seven-room modern house, paved street at less than it is worth. F. L. WOOD. 341 STATE ST. 65nlltf REALTY EXCHANGES A good farm for a email suburban or town home place. A large close in house suitable for re renting halt for income. Owner wants a cow and chick en acreage within 25 miles with a email house. A fine paying apartment prop osition in good educational town for a farm. A money maker for a good man acer.. See Win. Fleming, 341 State St. 65nl5tf Real Estate Farms 67 45-ACRE FARM 2 MILES TO, 5 room house, barn, ailo, real dairy or poultry ranch, only 3,750, your terms 35-acre dairy or poultry ranch im proved, $2,500, tenna or city prop erty. . Salem residence for close in rsaeh, or anywhere. Clesr Washing' ton land for eqtity in valley farm. BARBER, 200 Gray ttldg.- 67ol5tf Real Estate Suburban 60 TWO ACRES' FlNK BUILDINGS ON Highway outside Salem. $6300. . BECKE HENDRICKS 189 X, High St.. Heilig Bldg. 69nt4tf Wanted Real state 71 WANTED A few first class listings in residences, acreage, fanrs. lot aad business oppo? unities. We have buyers. TERMINAL REALTORS . Terminal Hotel. s ana i 1 7ini8tf Real Estate S 1 i.iisr rvr , . I I ma . r ft gVK. Hivr-' ? rutn I i . ur J;1 r V V -v aTVIlW - arva. V-TTT-lat-. iaaTL lis " w mm n U A H I 1 ap sVC I I It K.w. ina) e" -y "W W al . llss" sj -maw r ' W '-T1 II I ' a m a paa 1 1 ft. AS. aANIl I CVJ 1WJ at w? y Automobiles Wanted 77 EikerAutoCo. : Wo pay cash for Fords. T7ml2tf Used Care for Sale PACKAb HUDSON Bargains IN USED CARS ESSEX Fords Uaicks- -Hudsons -Dodges -Essex- And many other good burs in used I cars. Our cars are in good condition , Prices low Easy terms. Come in and ' see them today. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 850 X. High Phone 2126 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX - 79nl3tt 1925 LIGHT TOURING AT SACRIFICE. Terms, 420 S. Cottage after 5 p. m, 79nI9 "PROVEX AUTOMOBILES' ' 1923 Oskland, a Sport, new paint. fine rubber - $650 1922-23 Essex 4 Touring $450 1923 Type Dodge Touring $490 1923 Ford Coupe (Iste '23) $300 1924 Oakland Roadster, glass enclosure $750 1924 Gardner Coupe, driven very little, smooth running be cause of 5 bearing crank snail - 7o 1924 Star Sedan Cut pric $845 CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET y Block N. of Post Office. T9nl7tf (Pettyjohn's Red Tag Sale of Good Used Cars) THE TAGS TELL THE STORY Former Sale Price. Price 1924 Ford Roadster 1924 Chevrolet Coupe . 1923 Star Touring 1923 Ford Tourine 1924 Overland Tourine ..$350 .. 500 .. 365 $300 465 340 275 400 550 945 300 450 600 1924 Overland Blue Bird 1924 Stephens Spt. Tour. 1000 1921 Gardner Brougham .. 850 Late model Chevrolet Touring with 795 Balloon tires $395 Hudson Speedster, all dolled up .... CI75 Late model Dodge, panel delivery.. 395 Ford Coupe 225 Ford Touring very fine condition. .. 123 New Chrysler Touring, run only a few hundred miles, at a (BARGAIN") We also have Fords Chevrolets Over lands and other small cars at $50.00 and up. Terms Cash or trades. And a small deposit will hold any car that you n-ay select. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 305 X. Commercial St. Phone 1260. 79nl7tf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR leae. Why pay morel Money back guarantee. ScheeJsr Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day hone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 Crmmereial Bt. "Bails to aave money.' 79-J18tf See Our Used Cars before you buy. Our prices arc below the market. We sell new Che vrolets on a small down payment and 18 monthly payments. Newton Chevrolet Co. 79nl8t( g Fords with license. $45 and $55. Too much serv ice in these cars to wreck. Both in good running condition. EIKEK AUTU CO. Phone 12 1 TPjSltf TARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET TO . loan on good farm security. jCIKERj'S USED CARS OITt LOANS We are loaning Pru- 1924 Touring J3 dential Insuranes Company money on 1934 Coupe $435 residences and business property, Our nanal guarantee behind all eara. ,t 5V4. pins a commission. Hawkins Ford Sedsn $250 Roberta. Inc. 205 Oregon Building. EIKER AUTO OO. m-i4tf Liberty Street at Kerry. Phone 121. . Farm Loans USE D FORDS Covered by Factory Guarantee Valley Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealers 2C0 N. High. Telephone 1995 7'JnlOtf Mussolini doesn't look natural in his portrait. You can't see the 'chip on his shoulder. He Has Much to Learn CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AJCBtTLAXCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 883 R, Day or night service, fleif AUCTI0HEZSS I X. WOODRT Salem'a Leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer ajid Appraiser. Kes. and Store, 1610 X. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Datea Established Since 1916 o6tf H. F. WOODRY ft .SON Expert . LivesioclL, furniture. Real Es tate, aad Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Office 871 N. Com'L Tel. 7$. Res. 998 8. Commercial, TeL 1843-W for aala datea. ACCOUNTANT Gt. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 831 K State. Phone 2088-R. al7-'26 BATTERY AJTD ELECTRICIAN S R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial B CWilliMD Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REP AIRING LLOYD RAMSDEK COLUMBIA BI cyclei and repairing, 387 Court. BRAES RE LINING MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER eial St. Phone 102, 8tf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. S 30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 828-R or 87. H. B. 8O0FIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14' BY 7Vi wordinc. "Dressmaking;" price 10 centa eaeh. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor.. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, .buttons. Room 10, over Mil Iit's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934, 22a N. Liberty. FLEENEV ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 9S0 471 Cour Rt FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send- 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon,, for a three months trial subscription. Mention 1 this ad. POOT.TBYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent atamnt .'or special three months trial for the beat and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise meets are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mereial street. Sslem. Oregon. FIN AN CI AX FOR BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gsges, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Tii net 6 to 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N High Bt. ji-tf ANDERSON RUPERT 408 Oreeen Bnildmg FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS. Select dahlias ile in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co Fairground Road. Tel. 128C al5. '26 CUT PIOWERS, WEDDIXG BOUQUETS, fnnerat wrea'hs. decorations. 0. F. breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. INSURANCE Insure Tonr borne or ear now ttiona 181 BECKE HENDRICKS HeiTir Bldg.. 189 X. Hieh Kt. It-tf LAUNDRIES 8ALKM LACNDRT COMPANY 263 8. High street. Phone 25. oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phono 171. 1356 B tre-L jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phono 165 Service with a smile. Quality work 1284 Broadway. 14t LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB, MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Canitol City Bedding Co. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work maranteed. Phon 10 flptf About Country Cousins I p ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical ' - Order for Quick Reference KEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517 W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- grapha sewing machines, sheet music, and piano atudiee. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 433 State street. Salens. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunawick. H. L. 8tiff Fur niture Co Music Dept NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. TelJiS or 583. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 178 S. Commercial. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GEORGE R. VEHRS. M; D. Physician and Suregon. Diseases of women, obstetrics, sunrery. 411-412 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Salem. Office tele phone 615; residence telephone 75. 023tf PACKING AMD OHIPfrNG FOR EXPERT FURNRITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPERHANGING AJTD PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED Piaio tnaer. Leave ordera Will't Music Store PRINTING FOR STATIONARY, CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of printing. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Cocmerciei Tel. 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graher Bros- 141 Liberty St Phone 550. , fl9tf RADIO SPLIT DORP RADIO, BALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any priee evsuev Cans QUALRl CASS High and Trad flM RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 . Radiolas Por Every Purpeso nery' Purse'1 All Standard Bises of Rsdio Tubes HALIK a EOrP ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 REAL ESTATE IF YOU HATE PROPERTY TO BELL or if you are- looking for a home, farm or bus.nts property, see ns. BECKE A HENDRtCKS U. S. National Bank Building. JStt REAL ESTATE Phone 217 147 N. Com. St. REPAIRTJIO ALVIN B. STEWART $47 Court 8t. , UMBRELLAS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lawnmowers, rasor blades, scissors, knives and toolr sharpened SCAVENGERS CITY GARBAGE CO.. RKMOVFS ALL kinds trab and jcarbae by th job or month, reasonable rates. Office phono 35, 157 S. Commercial, res. phone 2290. i FOR GOOD SCAVKXGKR SERVICE Call 167. Salem Scavenger, Cummins and Trolter. n-3tf SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IX CLOTH ing and: shoes. Beat prices paid. Cap ital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1868-W. STOVES AMD STOVE REPAIJUMO STOVE8 i REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, siie 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oila aad, vanishes, etc, loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND H A ULIN G -OF ALL kinds. ( Phone 19F3. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP H0U8S hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try tripe. We handle the hast coal aad wood. Call on as for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good serviea. Larmer Transfer Co. Phoae 980, CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phono 933. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Got WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Tea per - cent discount oa . domestic flat rates paid in advance. . No deduction for absence or any eause anlesa water ia shut off vonr premises. PARKER STAGE LINE 8 i ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGE8 ia the Salem to MeMinnville Time Schednlo Effective 8pL 15, 1925. AM. Salem, Lv i . 8:30 . MeMinnville, Ar. 9:45 MrMienviile. Lv 9:45 Newberg. Ar 10:25 PM. PM. 3.10 5:15 8:25 6:35 e:45 7:45 4:25 8:25 PM. PM. 1:15 5:15 1:55 5:55 2:40 . 6:45 8:55 8:00 AM. Newberg. I.v ' MeMinnville, Ar. MeMihnviile, Lv. 7:20 Salem . 8:45 CHANGES IN THE 8ALEM DALLAS SCHEDULK Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9, 11:25 a. m., 2:11, 5:15 p. m. Leaving Dallas. t for Salem: 8, 9:50 a. m.. l. 3:10,- 6:15 p. ni. Csll 696 for further- information , NEWS BRIEFS (Continued from page 5) lar organization, meets on the sec ond Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be on December 10. . Liquor Cases Postponed The trial ef Lester Dixon. John Andrews, and Henry Johnson, ar rested on April 28 in connection with the seizure of the large still on the Joe Walker farm at Mt. Angel, was postponed yesterday until 9:20 o'clock this - morning. ft. " ' ' - at GENERAL MARKETS J , : : Dairy Kxrhangc - PORTLAND, Nov. 17. Butter, extras, 55cl standards,'5ic; prime firsts. 52c; firsts, 50c. Eggs, -extras, a'tci "firsts. T.3c; pullets, 43c; current receipts, 47c; undersized, 32c.0 Hay PORTLAND. Nov. 17. Valley timothy; II l(n $19; do eastern Or egon, nominal; alfalfa. Jinifit ; clover. $ 1 7 r oat hay. $15 5$1G; oat and vetch. $17.50; straw, $7.50 per ton prices, $2 a ton more. Selling "' ' -; Grain Futures PORTIjAND. Nov. 17. What HUB. hard white, November and Decetiiber, .TT,; January, $1.53; hard white, blue stem, Baart. No vember, December, $154; Janu ary, $1.53; soft white. November, December, $1.."0; January, $1.47 western white. November. Decem ber. $1.43; January, $1.47; hard winter, November, and December, $1.-47: January. $1.46; hard win ter. November. December, $1.47 January, $1.46; northern spring. November $1.47; December $1.48; January, $1.46; western red, No vember. December. $1.47-, Oats No. 2. 36-pound white feed. November. December, $28; No. 2. 3 6-pound gray; November, December, "$28. . ' Barley No. 2, 46-pound. No vember. December, $31. No. 2. 4 4 pound, .November, December $30. Corn No. 3 early shipment, November. $38; December, $34.50 January, $31. i '. Millrun standard," November December .$30.50; January, $30 1 SALEM MAROCTTS " ' -a ' GRAUf Xo. 1 wheat, white No. 1 red, sacked Vrliite oata ... Gray oats - ' - Barley ,l.ns :, 1.33 ..40 . .49 . .80 PORK, MUTTON AND BEEF Top hogs - ;;....9& U Kow : , . .1914 Dressed hogs;.... . 15 Top steers :. .05.06 Cows : ........ 2.50 5.00 BuIUT... 80SH Spring lambs. 80 lbs. and uatder 12 w Heavier . ....,..., U. 10Q1AH Dreaaed veal ..... . .18 POULTRY T.ieht hens i II(avy hens -.. O'd roosters Broilers .... 15(3!16 20-21 6W8 .22 EGGS. BUTTER AND BUTTEETAT Butterfst ..- .56 Creamery butter ....57-'8 Eg3 .3 Standards .4S Helecta .50 Milk, per ewt. 4 2 44 BY THRUSTON FISTS YLL! WELL! OlO UMtiLE If St NCE I l&V WrRVrR.O ?v rxHjMHCiX woo &Jwi. v N The. delay was necessary in" order to argue a point of law.: A.ntslit session was held in private. - To Grade Turkeys Turkeys; are to be graded this year, accord :ng to word reaching here. Consequently the farmers are warned not to unload all their poorer quality of 6tuff now, as it is apt to break the market when they wish to dispose of their hish grade stock. Although the weath er has been extremely drj this year, and the poorness of the food has made for a mediocre trukey crop, it is e general opinlonthat if the situation is dealt with prop-" erly there will be plenty of turkeys for all. Crowder to Speak U. S. Crowder, who has Just re turned from several months visit to Wyoming. Montana vand Nebras ka, will speak Saturday night- St the Salem Cora Show, on the sub ject, "Economic Conditions in the Northwest." Literary Society Formed Members of the Clear Lake. Belle Passl and Mission Bottom school districts have organized a literary society and will hold joint debates and plays during the win ter months, A publie debate will be held on December 4, with a play scheduled -for later 7 In the same month. 4 All activities take place in the Clear Lake school. , Bits For Breakfast k . ... .i ! n i Apples Slogan subject tomor row - . - ' ' . And please help the Slogan man to prove that we have a Rood apple country, for the right varieties of apples and the right kind of growers a a Aumsville people have an all day school bazaar on Friday, with afternoon and evening programs, - rnd cafeteria lunch noon and evening. Also a baby show. The reader has a special invitation. , s s The Aurora, Oregon, Southern Pacific station agent and tele graph operator, George Miller, has been on the job continuously for 42 years and one month, and he looks good for that roucb longer. v : . The final pouring on the stag, of the Elsinore theater was done yesterday. With good luck and Kood weather, the new" building may be under roof and in out ol the wet by the end of this week. It is going to be a wonderfully at tractive theater building, credit able to Salem or any other old ; town on the green earth. v : More and more people are coming to the Salem district to engage" in the poultry Industry.. Several new ones are here ' ndw, v preparing to locate. That Indus try is going to boom more than last year, during the coming year. It has a right to boom.. This Is thef best poultry country in the . world. - " i . v '-N; The attorney for the American. Civil Liberties union who went over to France to see what could be done to get Karolyi Into- the United States, pays Secretary Kellogg an unintended compli ment. He called the secretary an "American Mussolini." .-'As, Mus solini .stands for law and order) : and is the open foe of Common- - lsts and Socialists, the statement is fitting. r, , SPOKANE MAYOR .IIVORCKI 8POKANE.V Xov. 17. (Br As sociated Press;, -Cora fA. Flem 'ng wasl granted a divorce from Mayor Charles A. Fleming in su oerfor court here today on the grounds " of cruelty. ; The mavor answered the auit denying-the cruelty allegations but did not appear to contest the action. Painful Rheumatic i Swellings Disappear Discoverer Tells lraggW Xot to Take a Ont of Anyone' Money 1' n I e s s AUenriiu Completely IUnlilie All Rheumatic rains nd Twinges. .. :t : - James H. Allen, of 26 Forties ?t., Rochester, N. Y.. suffered Jor ' vears , with rheumatism, r Many imes this terrible disease left him 'telplers and unable to work, i He finally decided, after year f ceaseless study, that no one can be free from rheumatism until the accumulated imparities, commonly called uric acid deposits, were dis solved In the Joints and muscles and expelled from the body. ' S With this idea la mind heion suited physicians, made eip?ri ments and finally compounded a prescription that quickly ard com pletely 'banished every sign and lymptom of rheumatism from bis ystem. ' - '.. He freely gave his discorerv. which he called ALLENUHU, -io Mhers : who took it. with" what might be called, marvelous success. After years of urging he decided X n let sufrercrs everywhere know about his' discovery through -the newspapers. He has therefore ln tructed ferry's Drug Store and druggtsts everywhere to disrenee ALLENKHU with the Underntand Ing that if the first plat bottle diics not show the way to complete -re-corery he will gladly return your money without commenL Adv. Buy a Want Ad !! Pays Bh