The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    rs. J
A Big Necessity
TT1T 7
We carry a full line of Men's Union Suits
The winter weight in silk and wool at $5.00 is a buy s
i; ; that you should not miss .
:xWool and cotton at $2.50 r Lisle and silk at $3.00
469 State Street
Occasional Rains j
Generally cloudy over east and
unmtiea wun occasional rains
west portions; moderate tempera
ture; fresh southerly winds, be
coming strong on the coast. Max.
54; Min. 48; River 1.1.. rising;
Rainfall .5; Atmosphere cloudy;
Wind south.
Canadians Ixx-tttlng Here
B. s. Burke and wife and son
and two' daughters are in Salem,
from Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
They have shipped their household
goods to this city and will locate
here and become good Oregonians.
They went from Iowa to Alberta.-
Parses and Bill Folds, 36c j
3 for $1 ; values up to $3. Sha-
fer's drug, 135 N. Com'l.
Johnson Back
Frank Johnson, deputy county
road master, is back in Salem af
ter a visit in San Francisco. While
there he attended an exposition
of road implements, material and
machinery. ,
Semi-annual Clearance Sale
Of all fine, millinery. The
French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison,
115 High street. nl8
Stockholders Meet
The stockholders of the Wood
land 'Development company met
this week at the local Fraternal
temple and re-elected as directors
J. A. Mills, Dr. O. L. Scott i and
Oren Watkins. It was reported
For the right kind of material!
and the Terr beet workman
ship call ua,:
Powder send Supply
171 S. Commercial Phone fit
A small; amount down and
Easy Monthly;
buys a new
We also give easy terms on
i our USED CARS, j
They are Priced Right
Newton Chevrolet
Salem, Oregon ;
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Eiti Mlehed IStM
' J General Bnlanr? Builnezi
Otflea Oowra front
that the $24,000 stock tp-curchase
the entire WoodUrft4 parole Tias been
sold. At the meeting Improve
ments amountI?tef $,000 wenfe
authorized. ThlsVwIH' Included
dance pavilion, a baseball park and
campiag grounds, f Boals,, cntjef
and more bathing suits will also
be purchased.
First Baptist Church Revival
Bryant & Fisher, each evening.
Meeting Held
A supper and cooperative mis
sionary program were featured
Monday afternoon and evening at
the First Evangelical chnrch of
this city. J. F. Emmet was the
principal speaker at the supper.
Rev. B. R. Weiner lectured in the
evening punctuating his remarks
with moving pictures.
Furniture TJphotttery
And renalrinc. Qleae-Pbwera
Furniture ComMnj. 4 10U
Coat Stolen
A. C. Morrison fthd ISaleenv
has -been
Irene Castle Gowns-
All Irene Castle models new in
stock, on sale at $39.75, original
ly $57 to $69.75. M. Buffe Morri
son, The French Shop. nl8
Drug Name Filed
Olsen Pharmacy is the assumed
name filed with the county clerk
lLSll J 11,9 drUg
business in Silverton.
Hear the Orthophpnic '
Victrola today at Stiff's.
Extradition Granted .
Extradition papers for the re
turn to Minnesota on a charge of
non-support of John Delbert Bern-
is, under arrest in Portland, were
issued from the governor's office
Pays Cash For Furniture
Residence and Store
1610 North Summer .
Established Since 1010"
'Acute and Chronic treated
by the latest Electrical,
Theraphy and Osteopathy.
Consultation Free!
. Physician and Surgeon
506 U. S. Bank Bldg. ''"'
, Salem, Oregon j
Eastman Brothers
Furnace v - - j
Salem Office 169 S. High
i Office hours:
i2 : II TO 2 P. H.
Factory, Sflverton, Ore,
to a
Tuesday following -an, extended ;-. v. . . .-ZT-rYZ'T
hearing. Because f the teebni- Pe of Pendteon ahj thewfo - yi$ess-' Iff 2 "St
eal, nature of the charges upon lowing ons F"ni-afeyf .. . 9 : -21
which Fred Fishe. -under arrest
iu lmiiiiiii cuuuif, ia nauicu ill I
Illinois, extradition papers were
denied Fisher 14 to have
ftrrin (fori tlVA mnrtO"! rrnn i li ia
: .;;:,: "
auiuuiuuiic, .
Man. Ttjnntlrnl Tints
At $3 during our semi-annual
sale. The French Shop. n!8
Aumsville School IVazaar
The Aumsville people will hold
a school bazaar on Friday of this
week, the 20th, There will be
prizes for the babies, and there
will be things for sale. There will
be a program hcjiiining at 2:30
and at 8 o'clock, and both at noon
and in the evening there will be
a cafeteria lunch- A number of
the baby prizes have been donated
by people in Salem.
M"to" ff""
8x12- best worsted Wiltons, reg
ular ' $135 , special this week
.no cn ti : i . o 1 1 i
flf - rt ,
Demit v Is Vmnl i .. . v
-mil Moore-, tfetlMrfiurance
' Z I i : . 'C i
commissioner, announced Tuesday I
that he had appointed B. C. Stev
enson of Portland as deputy com
missioner to succeed H. C. Manela,
who was forced to resign after
having been in ill health for seve
ral months. Mr. Manela has" re
turned to his ranch near Milton,
in eastern Oregon.
Oppen Teaches Acetylene-
And electric welding. New elec
tric welding machines, $250;
acetylene generators, $90 and up.
695 Mill St. d7
Attends Hospital Meeting
Salem hospital sent its super
intendent. Miss Astrid Rofseth, to
attend the NorthweStern Hospital
association meeting at Seattle. Dr.
MacEachern, executive secretary
of the American College of Sur
geons, was on his way to Australia
. Phone 727
The Battery Alan
8m Timt tnd Money
By Calling XT.
S31 Court St. Phone 108
Get the Best
Fruit Cakes
English Plum
121 South Commercial i
Direct Factory Branch
Sia Court Street Phone tea
. Typewriter! Rented. 8oldV
Repaired i
Special rental rates to tudex.ta
cttoaaara ana nrnttue DmIm,
M7 Hk far Uaaa Tarnttara. atara
S7i nana
Wa fcaTa a Waiji Knight tearing
with new paint, good rubber and
oodles of extra. Thi car will
mk. soim ob. good buy for it
performs perfectly. Th price . la
now $876.00.
TaT mlta i ,. m, .in,, i ,J
and New Zealand, and talked to
the Northwestern Hospital assocl-
ation on Monday, giving- the mem-
bers pointers In hospital manager
ment in order to enable hospitals
to give better service to their pa- I
tients. One of the main themes
of the association meeting is hos-Jhe
pital standardization, the object,
of which is to see that those-only
who" are qualified are allowed: to
work or practice in well regulated
First Baptist Church Revival
Each evening. Bryant & Fisher:
Mrs. Carey Dies 1
Mrs. Cora M. Carey, for many
years a resident of Salem, died at
Pendleton on November 13. For
the past 10 years she has lived in j
that city. She is survived by herl
. j .. t. if nni I? I
Htt" . ',T
' - r. .i
:nn 1 carey f " 4
Jg- VC,
vjw w 0
And repairing. Qieae-Powen
Furniture Company.
Tu!ey Shi
Silverton Gun club will hold a
turkev shoot Sunday. Nov. 22. at
club house. Turkeys, geese and
chickens. Starts 9 a. m.
n.19 1
Boys Picked Up
Two youths. Bill Stevens and
Bernard Walden. both of Orch-
ards. Wash., were arrested last
nieht bv Officer Edwards on- ai
charge of not having their drivers' Can b retired, principal and in
licenses and having no seal on tereet, in 81 monthly payments of
their windshield. They are being
held for. investieation.
V'onr Old Piano
Taken as part payment on i
Brunswick or Victrola. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co.
At TvAncoA nrira These in-l
y.,i0. wtiimuKnipht. riti o
CIUC. a TIUUig-lull6Uiriuaiil
Hudsorf coach;" 4 Gardner "eoupeCf
t-t " rn yT-'
a-f ora coupe ana a iuaeDKer
closure. See these at the Certfi
. .
fied Public Motor Car
Building Permits Issued
H. C. Hummel was given two
permlts Tuesday by City RecorderJ
Poulsen to erect two one-story
; dwellings, one at 1GC0 and one at
1G70. Garden Road. Each of the
structures is to cost $3,000.
Exclusive Distributioi
For W. W. Kimball pianos. A.
B, Chase, Davenport & Tracy,
Bash & Gerts. Moore's MubIc!
House, 409-415 Court. s20tf
Elgia Wlttwer Dawley
Noted New York mezzo soprano
will appear in concert at the First
Christian church Thursday; Nov.
19. A treat will be
in Store fori
) Jl J
music lovers.
CoDDOcks Held to, Contrart I t
a rnnai settlement or tnercoppoejf-
Roberts case was made In the su
preme court Tuesday when an
opinion by Justice Bean affirmed
the late Judge George G. Bingham
for tho lower onnrt nt Wrlmii;v""v"1 ...owuvwuu, 0
county, in th case of Charles. B.
and Beatrice Coppock, appellants,
against L. H. . Roberts, to recover
$4750. The action was based upon
an alleged recission of a contract
made in 1920 when Coppock
I bought a tract of land near Tur
ner from Roberts for an agre.ed
price of $18,500. An understand-
At West Salem, early November
17, Grant Brown, age 60 years.
husband of Mrs. Laura Brown,
father of Ivan Brown, brother oi
Mrs. Ruby Miller of SalemMrs.
Opal Hash of Roseburg, Ike and
Joe Brown of Nebraska, EM Brown
or saiem, lowa, ana nenry Brown
, of Kansas. Funeral services on
I Thursday, Nov. 19, at ;30 p. m,
rom the Rigdon mortuary. Inter-
ment City View cemetery.
j Funeral services for the late
Mary Jane Bellamy will be held 1
from the Terwilliger funeral home
today at 2 p. m. Rev. Fred Taylor
will officiate. Interment will .be
in the Lee Mission ceHretery;
Dur birth is but a sleep and a
forgetting; '
The soul that rises with us, our
life's star, .
ilath elsewhere had its setting.
And cometh from afar; ,. -...
Not in entire forgetfulness, . :
And not in utter nakedness - c
But trailing clouds of glory do
we come " " -
From God, who Is our home. .
lug wa reaehed 1ir 1921 whereby
Coppock : apply for a 11.-
wwo joan from the federal farm
loan assocTatloa, which wa3 re
fused.. A loaa of 18.000 was of
fered by the Joint Stoek Land
hank of California in Roberts'
name, however. Terms of a new
contract were n6t filled, and in
1922 the Coppocks refused to ac
cept tne rontract, according to
Itoherts claims.
Teachers, Xurses, Business Women
( For rent, large flat of Z rooms.
rery close in. Gas and wood ranee
furnished. Clean and warm. i3a.
Beeke & Hendricks. 189 N. Hieh.
! Italic bldg. . n20
Your Old Piano
Taken as part payment on a
Brunswick, or "Victrola. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. nl2tf
To Hold Banquet
I. Al father and son banquet will
held this evening at the First
Presbyterian church of this city,
Tjielzell, private secretary to
Cfovernor Pierjce.will be' the main
speaker of the evening. Tommy
filvesley, Jr., wirT render several
violin selections and the men's
quartet, of the church will sing a
few numbers. The pioneer club
and the Boy Scout-, troop which
have headquarters at the church
y.auuce aome.Biunis.
; rr
H the"OHuophonlc
' viciroia today at Stiffs, nlztf
- H. Cameron, Auto Painter
AW. sYTan t np huotnaao ofia.
U,. - ;.,. .....
I: 4 t
A series of meetings are lieine-
held thi week at the Jason Lee
Metfaodisl church each evening in
observance ofCFellowship week.
At last night'meeting Miss Sybil
Smith was the leader assisted by
William Mickelson and Miss Lin
n1e Carnie, The subject was,
"Getting Better Acquainted "
Tn?re were -about 75 out to the
meeUBg.v This evening Harvey
Roser'of Willamette university
wr" " ne leaer- rriaay night
ccnurcn win give a banquet for
luc yu,lser PoP'e or tne cnurcn
A Jj ? 9 i.OOO
eacn. see Kaipn Mccurdy,
office over Miller's store. nl8
orsii mon
n m. if i s
xiz regufar price ?135, spe-
-aijor mis week 3d. Hamil
lonTa, 3u uourtstreet.
' K ilDav Sheiks at Willainett
Jj W- Day. Portland insurance
i P4JL adflressed
the Willamette
ody during the chapel
I f 1 1 1 II I I iitHuiiiT t-i a nan oa k a an n
I L.... n V t . . . .
- - -
MfiFf to Alp." Mr. Day is a
menToer-jor ne .board or trustees
of Willamette university and is
at pregeni a memDetof the zoning
commission of Portland.
Ho'01 p?onp IkUr ninne
Served a : 4 5 to 8 every
i h k
To Present Picture
The Fist Congregational church
of ,ths;Bty will present a Special
BoyS,cout-, moving picture show
Friday evening. November 20. All
Boy!S(iout! in Salem and their
Scout masters are invited to at
tend, as well as all others who are
interested in Scout work.
t Auction Sale , - .
Wednesday night,-i7 p. m. at
"UUJI, ouiuuier ana
Norway, wherei'lj'i, warm and
xr I . r. .
Manual Is Prepared
To stimulate interest in physi
cal edncation' and to assist teach
ers directing play in the public
schools,' J. A. Churchill, superin-
ton n On r nf miiKIia rtot Kiit 1
Issued a revised edition of "A
Practical .Recreation Manual for
Schools," first published In 1914
lt. t - I m r 1 'd 1 -
A Good Funeral
is always thoughtful; n6t only in his
service, but in his equipment as well.
He provides every little omfort ; sees
that nothing is overlooked.-
It takes years of experience to be
able to provide the things) that should
be available, because only through
years of experience does tone learn to
anticipate the desires of those served.
V "Superior
It was the first publication on the
subject of pjay , to be, issued by a
state department of education and
received national recognition. Re
quests for ejopies comes from all
parts of the! Cnited States. The
new edition jwas prepared by E, F.
Carleton of iEugtne.
Stock Reducing
Sale of Wtlton ruga, JS5 valnes
special at Hamilton's.
340 Court sireet. nl8
Damages Are Receivwl
Adolph Bpmbeck was awarded
damages amounting to $1S5 in
circuit court yesterday in his suit
against L. C. Liedstrom, resulting
from an auto accident some weeks
ago. i
Per Cent Preferred Stock
In Salem's new paper mill. In
vestigate. Hawkins & Roberts,
Inc., 205 Oregon Building. n20
Officers Visit Silverton
Adjutant j General George A.
White and Major Tom Rilea of the
Oregon National guard, were in
Silverton Tuesday to inspect the
new Armory dedicated Armistice
day and to attend a staff meeting.
All Wilton Rugs
Greatly reduced for this week
only. Hamilton's. nlS
Marlon Tirnbor Sohl
J. E. Keith has purchased $4.
35S.70 of timber in Marion county
through the United States land
office in Portland, according to
word received from Walter L.
Tooze, Sr.,! registrar. Sales of
government, timber Monday aggre
gated $12,472.32. Other sales an
nounced were L- Adams, Clacka
mas county-$lC73.34; E. J. Sher
man," Washington county $3644.70
and J. H. Volz, Multnomah county
Good Opportunities
To procure a high-grade Wilton
rug. Hamilton's Clearance Sale,
340 Court street. n!8
Girl Is Released
Jessie Fannen was released by
city police yesterday on a justice
court order, after being held for
investigation as a result of her ar
rest with three men Saturday last.
The men are being held on liquor
Suit Is Dismissed
The action by Nellia Ramp
against E. 1 G. Osborne, Homer
Ross and the Oregon Rubber com
pany, as a result of an automobile
collision. Was dismissed in Judge
Is. H. McMahan's court yesterday
on a stipulation of attorneys-
Purdy FileW Motion
Will E. Purdy, ini his damage
suit against W. C. Winslow and
S. M. Endicott, Salem attorneys,
and Chris aind Mary Lachele, filed
a motion with the court yesterday
Inn. la
X .taw. bt T r.T
pragrw- MkmcuMnukTEai
I MntM.uIal.Stiiil.AlmjilUllilii
- :
j Insurance of All Kinds
Lobby Hellifc Theatre, 189 N. High
I Telephone 161
9uneml Savicr
asking that certain : letters he In-
traduced in court. The letters are
said to have heen written by Wins-
low to William O. Ganti in New
Jersey. 'The plaintoiff believes
and therefore alleges." the motion
reads, "that these letters contain
wilful and malicious statements
written by W, C. Wlnslow or dic
tated by him forVthe purpose of
injury and damage to this plain
tiff." '. . "
Officers Are Klecteo!
At the last meeting of the San
tianj TeacBers club Misa Verna
Cooley was elected president; Cle
one'jurtx. vice president, and
Ethel Geeloin secretary treasurer.
The meetings are held in Jeffer
son on the' first Thursday of each
month. The next meetings will
take place December 3. A special
program has been .outlined. The
gatherings are held in the Jeffer
son hJgh school building. The
Progressive Teachers' club, a simi
1 -
(Continued on paw 7.) - '
Instant Relief From
Bunions-Soft Corns
Xo sensible person will continue
to suffer frpm those Intense, agon
izing, throbbing bunion pains
when the new powerful penetrat
ing yet harmless Emerald Oil can
readily be obtained at any well
stocked drug store. .
Apply a1 few drops over the In
flamed swollen joints and see how
j speedily the pain . disappears. A
few more applications and the
swollen joint is reduced to normal.
So marvelously powerful. , is
Emerald Oil that soft corns seem
to shrivel right Up and drop'off.'
, All druggists guarantee-it and
are dispensfng it to many toot
suf ferers.Adv. - ' ' '
Bituminous Coal
1 Ton $13.00
2 Tons or More
PKone your order to make
sure of this low price, right
now, to
Telephone 1853
Ball & Chain
mibK Shovel
-.. -
The annual corn
show and indus
trial exhibit at
the Salem Arm
ory will be all
ready for you by
Thursday morn
ing. Admission
i , . . .
. If you want tq, sec
real corn, goV,to . the
Armory Thursday or
Friday or Satiuday
day or evening. ,;L N
Here are seven of
the most progressive
Marion county com
munities showing their
very best products: -
Scotts Mills
Labish Center
Salem Heights
. Fruitland ,
Twenty-eight Indus
trial exhibits, all up to
the standard of state
fair exhibits.
Just to get you ac
quainted with the best
farm products grown
in Marion and Polk
, nr. i
Auspices , M,
Chamber of
Break it up by -using
Schaefer's Herbal -Cough
It is the best And most
economical Cough rem
edy made.-. - ...
The Tellow Front Phone 187
-135 North. Commercial - Street
The'PcnsIar Store '
4 .
- r
JR1- ir- 1 '
' f 'i
- . ,f -.S
- it .
i ';
r4 t
t 1 (.'"'
Office Phone 75 or Res-
Ti taesce PHoaeT54W
Z05 5a Church Street
:W; T; Rirfoir5on;
- Wordsworth
it i i I Vi- l a II m.1 II '
ht:'XnP2 u' -