WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1925 " The Oregon Statesman V laeae Daily Except Moaday y TBS ' STATXSMAJr rVSXJSEIKCI COMTAJTT ?I5 Sonth Commercial St, Salem, Orecoa , B. J. HeadrVka - f.-", Manarar ' red J. Toot . . . Haaasiac-Kditor 1-oe If. MorHmaa - - - City Editor C. K. Logaa - - - Slate Hodae Ke porter Leelie J. Hmitk - . Telegraph Editor Aadred Buaek ,- - - Society Editor S" W, H. Headeraoa - Cfrealatioa Xaaarer Ralph 11. Kletilnr AdTertleiar Manarar Frank Jatkoakl - - Xanaf er Job Dept. E. A. Kiioten - Livestock Editor -W. C. Conner- - - . - Poultry Editor ... umm or tkb associated fuss - Tka Aaaociated Preaa ia xctualTely entitled te'tke aae for public atioa af all newt I tapatekea credited to it r set otkerwiae credited ia thia paper and alao tae local a,a pabliakod kereio. . ' . -,- officio.. " ! Albert Byer. 836 WTertter Bldf., Portland Ore; Tkamaa P. Clark Co.. X Mr .York, 128-13S W, 3M fit.; CWaro, Majqtftte Bids.; Doty A Payae. Sharon Bid. Saa Francisco, Calif.: Hireina Bldg Loi Aacelea. Calif. - v -"TELEPHONES: Batlaait 0ffle2S or 581 . , Gircnlatioa OlCce....58J New Dpartmeat-.23-10 3eity Editor ., ,'... 108 : Jok Department..,...- 588 Entered at tka Post Office la Salem, Oreron, a eeeond clat natter. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON " November 18, 102.Y J AVITH0L.D JcOTCrOQD: Withhold not good, from them to who It is Sue, whe it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Proyerbs 3:27: THE WORLD'S WHEAT 'I ' . A; Russian agricultural authority, Professor Ossinsky, of the. Agricultural Acadeniy at loscow; Jias just given some ueuuiea miurmauon aoouj, ine wneai oi nis country man naa been previously stated, lie says the normal pre-war produc tion of wheat was 75?,OQO,OOQibushels, and that the produc tion this year was 660,000,000 bushels, besides a large yield of rye and bats. And rye is more used in Russia than wheat, so .that a good deal of this wheat production should be export- able, and shipments to France and Germany have been re- ported several times. The wheat harvest this year is more jthaa three times what it was in 1921J The professor is mak- jing a toiir of the .United States and has been giving special) Secretary Jardme has been warning the farmers against increasing their wheat production because so much is being produced abroad. Before the war Russia was our chief com- Detitor 'In the "world's wheat - markets, but when Turkey iiitivil tVis'innn' tiiissia rnlrl avnnrt nrf Vtinrr nrtrl tintit. tViio year it has cut no figure in the world's supply. If it fed itself it was regarded as doing very well. Wheat has had to be shipped to Russia to relieve famine sufferers. This year the harvest Js nearly up to the pre-war average, and hereafter Russian competition must be reckoned on. - ' The area sown to wheat in Argentina is slightly more than last. year, and the temperature and rainfall have been very favorable. The Australian area sown to wheat is slight ly laa Trinn last vpar anr! climatic conditions have been unfav orable and it is unlikely that the harvest will be nearly as good as the last one. The wheat production the past season in 29 'countries, producing 98 per cent of the Northern Hemisphere Iwheat outside of Russia and China, was 8 per cent abovethe crop of last year, but not equal to the crop of 1923. I The American "farmer may look for something more re munerative than wheat, but' he need not get into a panic because Russia is back in the exporting class and other coun tries are doing better than they have done in some recent years ' : V : - . I ' For many countries must import wheat every year And the time is'approaching when the United States will have no wheat to export." It would be here now if our coun try were self sufficient In sugar, wool, flax and linen, starches 'and dextrines. filberts and walnuts, and a hundred and one 'other articles of commerce the buying of which abroad is a disgrace. . "1. - . I In the mean time, the farmers of the United States may reflect,Swth a great deal of satisfaction that ther are pro tected by a duty on wheat .of 30 cents a bushel. SCHOOL AND TEACHER Modern methods haverevolutionized commerce and in- dustryl Nearly fifty hours were; f onnerly required to .cut knd thresh an acre of wheat. Today, less than one-half hour is required to do this work with the ''combined" method. Com merce Is also affected in marvelous ways through progressive ' il.j. . ti ....I'ntia n taooiiinii' low atA mpHirinp have iilekuuus. A lie Jtuicsoiuua as ... leit tnejmpuise oi tne cnanges in meuioua auu wc iuwm6 forward at an almost increditable rate. ' - And' these great and rapid .changes have made an occas ional pause in education as. in other professions, in industry 'and commerce imperative in order to,ascertain what just has accomplished and whether we are going. Today, Wed nesday; has been set aside in this American Education Week for this purpose. .. . ' ; , I On this day the public should put forth special effort to learn what 'their schools are doing and what are their real keeds. It is a good time for making the acquaintance of the teachers and to offer your'cooperation in the solution of prob lems involving both school administration and the children. Do not longer expect the teacher to have a perfect under- t0.ri,r.a. Jnhnnv's or ! Marvs proDiems wunoui an ac- uaintance with their parents. . ,; f ' .. It would further add to the teachers efficiency to become acquainted with the home surroundings and conditions of 'those under her charge. But as this is quite impossible, she should at least make the acquaintance of the parents A wis"e and practical educator was he who said : "If you -would, do your best by the pupil you, should study his grand parents." j . ' Notetoday, whether the school is contributing to the development of attitudes and behavior such as initiative,-tact, Persistence and industry which determines so largely conduct 'among associates and prepares the youth for successful com petition in life's struggles; Is'the pupil being trained for Efficiency ? Dolour high school boys and girls bear this motto? "The world does not owe me a living; but I owe the 2ommunitr. the world, a life. Does the school train for individuality, for scholarship, for character and service? : With these observations of our schools made conscienti ously our criticisms1 should be, more constructive and their vork better appreciated and more effective.. v . ) It seems as hard to reduce taxes satisfactorily to every- nJtf m ia i a I XI.' . ' i 1 ' . . .. . . . . I vuujr 43 n, a uiuicase inem wim complete satisfaction to Do oi3L now! That The Willamette University elected Kennel-Ellis Studios to make all pictures for the 1926 "Wallulah" annual publication. That Salem High School elected the Kennell Ellis Studios to make all pictures for the 1926 "Clarion" annual publication. That The Oregon State Normal School elected the Kennell-Ellis Studios to make all pic tures for the 1926 "Norm," the annual publication. V That The University of Oregon elected the Ken nel - Ellis Studios to make all pictures for the 1926 "Oregana" annual publication. That The way Kennell-Ellis Studios gained this i popularity was by producing work of merit. Hi ! - Telephone 951 For an Appointment . Ellis Portrait U D SALEM I o EUGENE 4. ... ; - . -.'i ''-.,V r - ; '. -A .V?' 1 'ft .hose who pay them. r-. -- aTaVStWWrWM