The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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i .OrcgonBebe Daniels and Har
risoa Ford In "Lovers In Quaran
tine." . -
Heilig May Robson In " -Helena'
Bligh King's Revue, and Mae
Marah' In "Tides of Passion."
mms m Biien
Popular Musical. Comedy
Company Again Returns
for Safem Engagement
"Helena's Boys" Successful
Comedy Will Be atthe
Heilig This Evening .
Kind's 1925 Revne, which has
played many engagements in this
tity during the past two years, is
now holding down the boards at
' the Bligh theater. The company
' opened Monday evening; in the
i presentation of a big-comedy bill.
A Divorce Care," and the offer
ing was well received by an ap
preciative audience. Tfce bill was
interspersed with girl numbers,
specialty . dancing, musical ' and
novelty numbers and several high
class vaudeville acts! ; 1
Members of the company espe
cially deserving of mention is
i tile comedian, who kept; the audi
ence In a troersf 'laughter from
, start to imanrand iiainerine, a
, petite ingenue and dancer of
i- merit! ' Other ineitfbera of the. east
were good: Idt their respective char?
.The chorus contains graceful
' and attractive girls, who have
. Eood voice and- the numbers pre-
sented by them received generous
applause: , l . ,VL: -:
Tonight the King company will
,. offer oneof the best comedy bills
in t h e 1 r " repetoire, "Naughty
Xurse,' with new specialty dances,
, . numbers and vaudeville acts.
By giving good clean entertain
ment the King show, has become
popular among theater goers in
this ciiy' apd capacity houses are
anticipated during their engage
ment. -
A .tidal wave of laughter and
good cheer Is on the way and will
reach here tonight at the Heilig
theater with May Robson and
"Helena's Boys" riding on the
crest, with good luck and success
indelibly stamped on them, as
"Helena's Boys" has had a three
months' run at the Henry 'Miller
theater in New York,' and Is dup
licating it on the tour.
Miss Robson is a paragon of
perfection In the odd role of "Hel
ena." The gist of the play is an
awful moment in a woman's life
when she is being, left behind by
her . boys whose i advanced and
modern ideas, are just opposite to
hers. ' It staggers her at first but
when she gains ' her equilibrium
she. is armed for this conflict and
she never retreats, but gains her
Augustus Pitou has surrounded
Miss Robson with a fine cast of
clever people, whose artistic work
is a wonderful assistance to Miss
Robson." The New York produc
tion is intact and is a marvelous
example of stage-craft.
use in this act,..j A
with 7 his rendition
which th,y a
lot QfiBOod: wholesome comedj-; la
interwoven- through eat the aetf -
'Then there will be one of those
nuttiest of ''nut" singles in whrlch
Al .Grady .presents his pianologue
called "Piano Songfollery-" Grady
is a good pianist and has a per
sonality which helps In no small put acjrQss,hi3JCQmedy stnXI
which consists mostly of foolish
songs and parodies of which he
has an endless supply.
After being featured with big
circus shows and outdoor attrac
tions,' E. and Jay McCrea are do
ing a vaudeville season with their
daring routine of thrilling stunts
and, feats on the aerial rings. The
act is called "Up-He Goes" and
keeps - the audience constantly
keyed up wondering if it will! be
suddenly changed to "Down He
Comes." They are thrillers of the
first rank.
Reception Held at First Pres
byterian Church by Sun
, set Troop No. 4 I
Brilliant Comedy, "Lovers in
Quarantine,11' Playing at '
Oregon Theatre
Forrest Taylor Players" Bditoye? Willi
ama at Heilig Theater Last
"Johnny Get Your Gun" Is FioaJ Offering; PIa Full of Irreslst.
ible Humor With Taytor M Leading Role 1 X
early return of the company to L .
HelUg whieh. of. necessity, they
are "discontinuing for. a 'time,- at
least, from their circuit.
Five Excellent Acts to Be
Presented; "La Petite
Ballet" Is Feature
Gitests From Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Robert
son (Mildred Apperson) were
guests yesterday at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Robert
son. They will leave .today by mo
tor for McMinnville before return
ing to Portland. ' '
, i ' - W
, . 1,1 I.I.Jil.... II II III
! 1 M B).M
"KING'S 1925
Bligh Theatre
A wonderful variety of genuine
entertainment is offered for . the
patrons of the Heilig theater with
the ' next Association vaudeville
unit show which comes to "the
Heilig next Friday.
The "la Petite Ballet" with
Ollienne Terry & Co. heads the
bill with one of the most spectacu
Iar terpsichorean offerings of the
season. Five attractive, y o u n g
ladies featuring Miss Terry pre
sent a rapid routine of all the
well known dances including, the
Charleston,- Oriental, toe, jazz,
character dances and a big pony
dance, for aicjimaxinl,which, H
the girls, are .costumed as ponies
There is an abundance of luxuri
ous1' stage settings and a wealth of
gorgeous costumes.
A master magician and super-
comedian is "Allen Norman?",
who 'deliberately sets out to de
ceive his audience and in spite of
the fact that everyone instinctive
ly declares "try to do it" he sac
ceeds beautifully and humorously
for he has the happy faculty of
knowing how to mix in a rare line
of humor with his magic and mys
ticisms. . '
One of the most unique singing
and musical numbers is that pre
sented by Frankie Hall, and Billy
O'Brien. in their skit which they
call "Sky-Larking." An aviation
crash and its attending thrills is
worked into the introduction of
the act after which a number of
those old time popular ballads are
rendered in - a delightful tenor
voice Ty Billy Oi'Brien as well as
a numberf good harmony selec
tion in. which Miss Hall's splen
did " feopraW blends perfectly, with
fiaf ,iif Kr nartner." "Wild Irish
Rose."-"i8s Me Againtand "Oh
How-., f; Mlas You Tonight" are
Rome , of , the favorites presented by
this exeefttnt team. Mr. O'Brien
sprang into fame some time ago
A reception held Friday evening
at the First Presbyterian church
by the members of Sunset Troup 4,
Boy Scouts of America, honoring
.their- respective - parents, proved
to be one , of the most successful
entertainments staged by. , local
Scouts within the annals of the
present organization. Some i 73
parents were in attendance. . j
Members of the troop's commit
tee, Messrs. Hudkins, Laws and
Gahlsdorf, received the parents
and visitors on behalf of the troop
organization. Scoutmaster Harold
Li. Cook presented his troop of
some 40 scouts, under the leader
ship of Senior Patrol Leader Ard-
ery Rankin, and. the evening' pro
gram was a repertoire of contests
and demonstrations, mingled with
technique and humor, on the- part
of. members of the troup. Scout
Varley Ennor demonstrated the
art of. making a fire by friction.
Members of the Stag patrol, under
the direction of Patrol Leader
Carmica'., constructed a bridge out
of materials gleaned from I the
woods, which they put together by
aid of Boy Scout knots. This
bridge measured some 20 feet long
and when finished was capable of
supporting 600 pounds weight.
The troop orchestra, composed
of members of the troop, delighted
their hearers with varied musical
selections. This orchestra includes
the following members: 'Fred Ca-
mical, . Fred Remmington, Clinton
tLovell, Ronald Hudkins, Tommy
Livesley and Russell Scott.
Troop 4 owns an Atwater Kent
radio, the gift of William Gahls
dorf, and this, together with the
troop's motion picture machine.
provided special entertainment for
the occasion.
Nine candidates have filed their
applications to become members
of .the troop within the past two
weeks. The membership of the
troop is limited to 64 scouts, and
when this number is reached,
which will be very soon, .boys
wishing to' become members" will
be placed on a waiting list.
Refreshments were served Fri
day evening by members of the
Tiger patrol, under the able di
rection of Patrol Leader Russell
Bebe Daniels, star in "Miss
Bluebeard," brings a new and
equally amusing comedy to the
Oregon theater this afternoon In
"Lovers in Quarantine," which
will be the feature offered on that
screen until tomorrow evening
when "The Knockout" comes to
replace it.
The gales of hearty laughter
which marked the showing of
"Miss Bluebeard" are all contained
in "Lovers in Quarantine," and
there are a few-more thrown in
for good measure. ,
Bebe, as Diana Gordon, is a mis
chievous little tomboy who act3
first and thinks afterwards. She
believes desperate situations re
quire desperate remedies, and is
not the type of girl to give up the
man she loves without a whole
some battle.
Diana falls in love with Tony
Blunt, played by Harrison Ford,
who imagines himself in love with
Diana's flirtatious older sister,
Pamela, and plans to elope with
her on a steamer. Diana, believ
ing that Tony is really in love
with her, through a clever scheme
takes her sister's, place on the
boat, and it .is not for three days
that-Blunt discovers he has eloped
with the wrong girl.
Matters begin to call for fast
thinking .when the , passengers on
the ship are all quarantined. Di
ana and Tony, referred to by all
as "the honeymoon couple," with
the girl's spinster chaperone,
Amelia Pincent, are assigned a
little bungalow apart from the
rest. Then the fun begins. . It's
Bebe's funniest picture the fun
niest picture you've seen -in many
Salem people have had a taste
of , a ' kind of dramatic ' offering
they are going to hate to give up.
and it is to be regretted that the
comedy drama, "Johnny Get Your
Gun." at the Heilig theater last
night was a farewell performance.
A play full of irresistible humor,
Forrest Taylor in the major role,
and the lovely Anue Berryman
playing opposite, resolved into a
total that was a sparkling success.
With far more social manuevers
than trigger manipulations, the
play at first glance would seem to
belie its name. But in spite of the
tact that all "war" was a 'parlor
and studio affair there was a Very
distinct once or twice when one's
goose-flesfi rose.
The prologue of the play is
given over to action in the studio
ofxlhe Burnham-Barnard Picture
company in Los Angeles where
some clever scene-shooting is done
in scenario adaptation and the ar
rangement of "sets." The three
ftR proper are staged in the fash-Vn-ble
Long Island home of
pi'o.'.y relatives and a hoax duke.
For a "Johnnie," like Wiggins,
"With a pistol in his hat" to
adapt himsen to the ways of the
Duke No More and his clientele,
was is absorbing as it was out
rageously funny, and the "gastro
nomic' "acrobatics that caused
such consternation for Eliza Burn-
bam (Miss Fanchon Everhart, one
of the most esteemed members of
the whole Forrest Taylor com
panyj caused an overflow of
laughter as far as the extraordin
ary responsive audience was "con
cerned. Miss Berryman played
the role of house-maid with the
same appeal as she plays any so
ciety jrole and sateen becomes her
as we!ll as the silk. The personal
ity i the thing and Anne Berry
man as exquisitely as For
rest Taylor has it vitally. ,
Supporting members of the Cast
included William Brewer, Cecil
Druramand, Charles Rice, Kirke
M. pecker, Alvin Baird, and; a
thoroughly superb young actress,
Miss! Franc Hale, who took the
part of Janet Burnham, the rich
orphan "without a nickel." for
about five minutes.
Salem- can well hope for..:
It happened the ether day.
Quite a crowd of people missed a-
most harrowing tragedy,
"Sir," yelled a pedestriaB-ud-denly,;
"you stuck your umbrella
in. my eye!"
"Oh, no, sir!" replied the gen
ial idiot. "I assure you that you
are mistaken."
"Mistaken!" yelled the Injured
one. "Mistaken! J tell you I
know, when. mjr.-6wtl-erK;irra;
ed1s' .C; - fWS
. "Doubtless you dojir,'! replied
the genial Idiot, "But yoit don't
know my- umbrella.- .1 borrowed
this one yesterday!" . , " '
! ' T . , mmm
U. VOLT' V'7 H
Week-end fare
15-Uy fare
Stopovers on
tbia ticket.
Go by train comfortable, otvtime
service every day.
Lv. Salem Ar. Portland
6:41a.m. . .No. 16 . . 8:50 aum.
Delicious breakfast In SouthemPadfic
x v - .-v. dining car.
9:33 aum. . . No. 18 . . 11:30 a-m.
1:25 p.m. . . No, 14 . . 3J0pan.
5:35 pjn. . . No. 34 7?Wpjru
Similar convenient service returning,
Ailt agent
SriinirMinni PacnfiicEiiniss
i I "" T ' O. tt. larling, Ajreut, Shtn, or A. A."
' . Mlckel, D. F. & P. A 1M Uberty St.
SILVERTON, Nov, 17. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.): Father
John Sanders of McMinnville lias
been visiting at Silverton this
week as a guest of Father Scher
bring. j
Fred Uphoff was a Portland
caller Tuesday of this week.
The finishing touches to the
stage in the new St. Paul hall Is
being done this week. The hall
will be ready for the musical re
cital to be given some time this
Mrs.. Anna Schwal, who has been
ill for the past few months, is re
ported as being, somewhat im
proved at this time.
Sister Marita was at Salem dur
Ing the week-end for medical
treatment. Sister Marita hasj been
suffering from throat trouble.
Louis Bock, motored to Portland
School census are now, -being
taken at Silverton. E. Goetz. Uu-
perintendent of schools, is super
vising the taking. - j
Farmers in the Silverton; com
munity have been busy plqwlng
In an effort to get their crops
before Thanksgiving.
The second annual homecoming
at the Christian church will
held Sunday, November 22.
great many out or town peo
are, expected here for the day,
Rew Albin Esson of Jefferson,
former Silverton, pastor, will speak
in the morning while the Rev
J. J. Evans of Salem will speak
the afternoon.
At Home in Country
Mr. and Mrs. JL A. Blevins wil
be found at home to their friends
at their lovely country residence
"The Terraces, at the corner of
Cascade drive and the Glen Creek
road. In Polk county. - !
Guest From.. Yankton
Mr, and Mrs. Orvel Bowers h
as their house guest for the week
i end Mrs. Bowers'' sister. Miss Ar
Tljla. Wood.worth..wJio.U teaching
Freshen Up!
Nicest Laxative,
"Cascarets" 10c
Don't stay head
achy, "bilious, con
stipated, sick! Take
one or two "Cascar
ets" any time to
mildly stimulate
your liver and start
your bowels. Then
you will feel fine
your head becomes
clear, stomach
sweet, tongue pink and skin rosy
Nothing else cleans, sweetens,
and refreshens the entire system
like pleasant, harmless candy-like
"Cascarets." They never gripe,
overact, or sicken. Directions for
men, women, children on each box
drugstores. Adv. ,;
North Howell
Marinus Schapp is building a
new house near the .school". .
Lester Waltraan and Effit
Brooks were quietly married .last
Wednesday by Rev.. Judy of Cen
trai Howell.
Miss Derothy Gray of Salem
spent , last week-end at the, JB,
WIesner home,
The special business meeting of
the Community club resulted in
the election of J. S. Coomler for
president, Mrs. Florence Oddie,
vice, president, and Dean Schaaps
secretary treasurer. -
Thefirst meeting will be. held
in the North Howell school on No
vember 20 when the pupils" will
present a Thanksgiving program.
K The; Home -Economleslfih jfwiii
meet to the grange hal ffffif
afternoon of November 1.
'.jTMoti Kelnr miii far the
community VThatfsgivlig J dinneT
and i nroirainr to be belrr'A thte
grange hall November 2S,"
C.E. Mcllwain is driving a new
Willys-Knight touring ear and
Royce Allen Jjas a new uoaserae-
Ellis Stevens and, family are en
joying a new radio , ,
.Noticesihave been posted callinji
for a road meeting at the granct-
hall atS b'clock; November 28. .
Fire tonight - destroyed i&,uuij
worth of red, cedar" shlnglesaui
the $10,000 dry. kiln of the, JtfW
Stonmie McGraw shingle mill here i
r.The fire started from sparks fron.
tne ary Kim Burner i
Allen Norman
Tricks and Magic
Hall & O'Brien
Al Grady
Piano, Song Foolery
E. and Jay McCrea
; Up He Goes
Olliene Trerry & Co.
La Petite Ballet
'' ' ' '
1 1"'
A young married man met
friend of his bachelor days, and
nnsisted on his coming home with
him to dinner. His wife was un
prepared for visitors, and calling
him . aside told him that she had
only a few oysters, and that when
the friend had eaten his quota of
six he must not be asked to Hake
any more. In spite of his prom
ise to remember, when the guest
had eaten his six, the host pressed
him to take more. The wife looked
distressed and the friend declined.
The husband insisted, the wife
looked in agony, and the guest
firmly refused to liave the rest of
the oysters brought from the
kitchen. v
Later the wife said to her hus
band: -"..A.
"How could you mgeihim to
have more, oysters after I had ex
plained to yon.tfiat there weren't
any more?" . -
" I a m j ve ry. sorry, sa id the pen-i
itent husband, but I forgot all
about it." '
"Forgot about it! What do you
suppose I was kicking you under
the table for!:
"But you didn't kick, me.
; -- Wednesday
' Tfiursday Matinee
Brim fell of contagious fun that will
keep you laughing ' all the evening
long. 1 ';' "
tn inr mae
1 ? MV las Vie UHdouf'
Starts Saturday
f ft- if'1 ,.(.
I! - -if-
Starting Thursday 7 p. m.
' . . .... ..... i.: I.'. J , . ' .
Rired 'on XShe mwwif 'VUiT JCkfi&
O Story arfJX Ih&iTr , " "
8Sc - $1.65 - $2.20 -
PHone227Q ,
At Stiff's
ixntw -tiis 3 , nir t
F. YOU never have , heard 'the new Ortho-
phonic Victrola, there is a new, experience
coming for you. 'Nothing you may- have
heard in the past is anything; like it. . '
It will be, for yourself and your famiiy,
that greatest of all Christmas gifts-dme-thing
you will enjoy the whole year through'.
It will give you at. any time the niusit you
want to hear. -.,
'..TrieCreden2a-. mode!1 is in particular de
mand Better ordeFyours earfyfthere won't
be nearly enough to go 'round this ChrlatmasV
Orthophoiiic Victrolad
- ........
r- Term l
(TllWIlJui ; :ilit ' niuKiwui
V. -i j - "
at Yankton. . -: -.