The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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-1100,000 Wanted for Plant
ing in Mill Creek; Turkey .
r V Shoot Is Sunday,
In a letter which Is tt be for
warded to the state game commis
telon "today, the Salem Rod and
Gun dob has requested that 100,
000 mountain trout -be planted In
t (Mill creek and that the stream be
closed for fishing for at least one
. year and possibly for two years.
It i ill also be requested that ser-
eral thousand Chinese pheasants
be liberated in Marion and Polk
counties. x
This -matter of distribution and
preserration of game in this lo
cality was uken up at the meeting
of the gun club last night in the
Chamber of Commerce rooms. Dr.
G.:E. Prime, president of the elub,
f has received several letters from
m the state game commission asking
t for cooperation In game matters
r- and, promising the attention and
cooperation of the commission In
any more the Salem "club would
take in the interest of preservation
game. It Is believed by Dr.
Trtme and members of the club
i,that the state commission will act
favorably on. the letters Tecom
mending the planting of fish and
u the, liberation of game birds.
., The gua club also favors the
i plan of closing many of the small
streams in this district for a per
, lod of one year, and recommended
" la particular that the Utile North
. Fork of the Santiam be closed for
'(hat length of U'tne. '.The reason
"for" such a move ' is generally
Jiknown to fishermen," Dr. Prime
salA? .'After the first day or tW
"t)f open season the fish taken from
the stream ate of very small size
; The club recommended that, the
pheasants be . liberated during
l Aprils of next year and that the
t fish be planted' as soon after the
first of the year as possible.
'Plans tor a large turkey, shoot
were completed at the Tuesday
night meeting.. lt is to be held on
Sunday, November 22. The shoot
will be divided into three classes
lo", enable all members ot .the or
- - gatiiiation to be on an equal foot-
ing.-.The first class will consist of
1 expert shots, the second ol those
a who have done some trapshooting.
and the third, to be composed of
imm who have had little or no ex
perience. The shoot will be ar
ranged so that' the third class wilf
get a chance at as many birds as
the first class. The shoot will be
held at Twenty-fifth and Turner
road. : . ;
All sportsmen are asked to at
tend the meetings of the Rod and
Gun club and to render all possible
afKistance in the .more-for preser
vation, of game. " .
Monday night and the city dads
confessed they would be unable to
transact city business with the box
ers throwing glove? at each other
just three short blocks away:
Hence, Matchmaker Johnnie Syl
vester delayed the card, -r
' Introducing '
: Onter '. :
.When this year's squad was
assembled, it. had no center, so
Homer had to be made into one.
To his credit, It may be said
that '. a good .-many years have
passed since Salem had as good
& man in that position. .
This is. his' firsts year with
the squad. He stands 5 feet 11
inches tall, weighs 16 j, and
makes it all count.
Huntington Shies at Scrim
mage Prior to Meeting With
Corvallis baturday
.Amazing: Phonograph Pleases Audience
With Concert at Armory Last Evening
Tone of Machine sq. Closely- Resembles "HnnMmVoice, and Instru-
. ment That It Is Difficult to Distlnguish Between Them
, .;
(By- Associated Press. ) Because
Mayor Goddard and all members
of the city council are boxing fans,
the boxing card, originally sched
uled for! last, night was postponed
until v Wednesday night - when
Johnny. Trambitas of Portland and
Kid Starkey of Klamath Palls will
meet .in the 10-round main event.
I The city council .meets every
Third Internationale Affilia
tion --Aiming at Public
: School Students -
Associated press.) Communist
schools. : teaching theory of jom
manism and Leninism, are being
organized in a, number, of cities in
the' United States, communist lead
ers here 'declared tonight,
C. A. Hathaway, northwestern
organizer of the Workers' party
established the school here under
direction of the centra) executive
committee in Chicago. , The school
opens tomorrow to, run for twenty
'Young workers,' the junior
communists are being supplied
with literature for distribution in
tne city schools aimed to offset
American educational week in the
public schools.
"We want education for action,
not abstract education," declared
Mr. Hathaway tonight.
"We are teaching our young
people that the constitution of the
United States is the bulwark of
class rule and tha the workers
must promote the needed change."
Tn New York and Chicago, he
said,: Schools are In operation to
teach the instructors for the. com
munist schools in yaridus parts of
the .country. The .movement is
affiliated with" the third Jnterna-
tionale of Moscow, he said.
Courses consist 6t English to
aid foreign workers especially; the
communist theory,: public speak
ing, trade unionism, advanced
economics and Leninism
Mr. Hathaway aidhe does not
expect any Interference with their
plans to distribute 'communistic
literature to the public school stu
dents as this has been done before
without trouble. ,
"The central executive commit
tee," he said, "considers national
education week, when the schools
and churches are emphasizing the
need for capitalistic education, as
a good time to show our young
people that - this education is not
for the workers." -
A special ; publication, ''The
Young Worker." is beinz issued
from. Chicago headquarters irf'con-
Practice that the Salem high
school football team underwent
Tuesday evening was satisfactory,
although it was confined to a long
signal practice, tne boys not being
in condition for a scrimmage.
With the game with Corvallis
looming Saturday. Coach Hunting
ton is taking no chances of having
his men hurt in practice. J. Drag-
er, the team's punter, has water
on the knee, and is was not con
sidered safe to put him in scrim
mage. Two of the men have just
had boils lanced, and were not
able to scrimmage, so it was thatj
the order of. the day was confined
to signal calling.
Coach Huntington reports that
all of the men will be in good
shape for Saturday's contest to be
played at Corvallis.
The entire student body at the
local high ' school is hopped up
over the game, and already tickets
are being sold for transportation
on a special train. The tickets.
however, have not been moving us
rapidly as was anticipated, and it
is' expected that this morning a
Den assembly will be held, at
which the managers of the excur
sion will endeavor to boost the
sale of the tickets. It is expected
that between 300 and 400 stu
dents will journey to Corvallis to
see Salem in its fight for the Wil
lamette valley championship. If
Salem wins an enueavor will be
made to play a game on Thanks
giving day with the championship
team -of Portland to determine the
championship of the entire Willa
mette valley.
Probably a number of people
who attended the recital given
last night by Elisabeth Spencer
and Lucille Collett at the Armory
were at first puzzled and disap
pointed when they discovered a
phonograph cabinet occupying the
center of the stage.
They hardly were reassured
when Mrs. ColMt appeared on the
stage and announced that Elisa
beth Spencer had been delayed,-!
and rather than disappoint the
audience a re-creation of Elizabeth
Spencer would be played on the
phonograph. Our suspicions were
confirmed. We were to hear only
a phonograph. But, little did we
dream what an amazing phono
graph It was. Miss Spencer's gold
en notes, emanating from the
grille of the New Edison, soared
over the auditorium in all their
beauty, suddenly we neara an
other voice, or rather the same
voice, coming from behind the
scenes. Miss Spencer had arr'ved
and was singing in unison with
her re-created self. She continued
singing while walking toward the
New Edison. The effect of two
voices, of the same exquisite qual
ity, "coming from two different
places, was indeed a new sensa
tion and brought all under its
magic, spell. Miss Spencer reached
the side of the New Edison and.
during the remainder of the song,
paused from time. to time, appar
ently at random, and permitted
her re-created performance , to be
heard alone. This gave an oppor
tunity to compare one with the
other, and it is no more than just
to state that there was not the
slightest shade of difference be
tween her re-created voice and the
original voice.
In the course of the . evening
similar tests were made by Lucille
Collet?, with the same miraculous
results. There must have been a
slight difference in volume when
the artists stopped singing, but it
was not noticeable, for the tone
which came from the cabinet was
round and luscious with all the vi
brant, pulsating quality of that
which came directly from Miss
Spencer's throat and the instru
ment. It was only by watching
the singer's lips could one discern
the difference.
These entertainments-are given
annually by Thos. A. Edison and
Geo. C. Will, local Edison dealer.
MEDFORD, Ore., Nov. 17. (By
Associated Press) Richard Dunn
IS, runaway schoolboy of Oakland
tjai., arrestee, at uom mil, near
here, charged with attempting to
steal a purse from the cash regis
ter of a garage, told officers that
H.. D. McElroy of Los Angeles
with whom he had been traveling
had been paying him 50 cents for
thieving. The boy and McElroy
were taken into custody when the
garage proprietor called officers
A quanaity of goods found in the
car which McElroy was driving
were declared by officers to in
elude some guns identified as
stolen property.
nection with the anti-education
week movement. Hathaway said.
While Hathaway did not have
specific information as to just
what cities schools are being or
have been established in, he said
classes would be organized in Mil
waukee Thursday night, other
schools will be started "in every
leading American city."
SHANGHAI, Nov. 17. MBy As
sociated Press ) . The Eastern
News. agency learns from Peking
that representative of Feng Yu-
Hsiang, the Christian general, and
Marshal Chang Tso-Lin, the Man-
churian war lord, have signed la
peace agreement under which no
Manchnrian troops are to be sta
tioned at Tientsin, but all are to
retire thirty miles east of the
Peking-Hankow line.
It is also agreed to establish a
joint office, at Peking to discuss
the questions of the premiership,
the reconstruction of the cabinet
and the election of a president.
The new senator from Indiana
is a native of Ohio and is a gradu
ate of the University of Chicago.
He covers a lot of ground.
a FOR.
10 M
I Struggles Hard
to Be Comely
He Has Twenty-two People
Now on His Industrial Pay
roil, Making Tires
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Neuritis Colds
Neuralgia Pain
Headache Lumbago
Toothache Rheumatism
"Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Aspirin U tb trade mark of Bayer Uaaufactnre of MonoaceUcaddeater of SatlcyllcacM
' M
100 Ladies' New Satin Hats
. .Right up to the minute in styla .
; . . : Beautiful goods rich 'quality . - -
Prices $2.50, $3, S3.75 and $5
New Line of Slippers
All Leather Colored Uppers Pretty Colors ,
Children's, Ladies .and Mens Slippers ,
Oet yours while there la a big assortment .
27 Inch Outinj; Flannel .. 36 inch Outing Flannel
. Lights or darks . Lights or darks
Good quality Good quality
yard 15c , yard 23c
Hack Towels Turk Towels
Large size 18x25 . ' -
Good weigh , Donbl texture
each 15c " each 25c
Fancy Turk Towels Turk Towels
Double texture 22x44
Pretty colors .' . Double texture ; !
; 75c 59c 50c each 50c ,
Hack Towels ; All Linen-'; .H :
, . ; 18x3 - Glass Toweling,:,": '
xellow, blue and pink Best quality V
. Good quality Blue striped ;
each 38c . yard 35c
Heaty Linen , Heavy, Llnea 18 Inch. . ...
Toweling , Toweling
yard 25c yard 29c
All Linen Hue - Linen Iluck.
Guest Towels, Towels - '
Colored borders . IleaTy , Scotch Linen 18x32
: !V 89c and 59c . - 48c ;
l ' Fine Uaen , "! Fancy, Tnrk -
T"" Guest Towels: .-v Jowels.. - v
. c- 18x34 ' , . f. Beatititul goods
c-xcH9c - ; ; , 31.QQV .
0 end 243 North Commercial Strtst
-' --" " - ' ill-- ' "" " i
Just Received!
, : J
Another, Shipment of
n ' J'1 n t wi i ...x 7
This is a Small" Furnace placed
above the floor. The entire country
is talking About this wonderful new
heating system, f Can be installed
in a few minutes and does the work
of several stoves. Heats several
- connecting rooms or an entire small
home properly arranged. , ; '
Supplied in several colors. Finish
is vitreous porcelain enamel as
easily kept elean as your furniture.
No room heater ever made can do the work
of a furnace. The parlor furnace heats by
the furnace method of moist air circulation.
Be Sure to See it Before You Buy
at Court St
Everything in Hardware -
Most readers of The Statesman
saw the news item in yesterday's
paper in the report Oi the pro
ceedings of the Salem city council
on Monday evening, concerning
the proposition of H. Steinbock to
erect a new corrugated iron build
ing to cover most of the half
block fronting on Marion, Center
and Commercial streets.
For Large Factory
Mr. Steinboek is offered a lease
of this property by the Southern
Pacific company, which owns it.
Mr. Steinbock wants to lease the
property and, put up the buildings
to house his tire factory and
wholesaling department, aad his
retail department for tires and
automobile accessories.
He is how making tires, called
the "Oregon Special," under the
name ofjthe Capital Tire Manu
facturing company, in his junk
establishment at the corner of
Front and Center streets, and he
is already employing 22 people in
this new: industry.
. Go Iiong Distances
These '. tires are shipped long
distances, to the trade. They gc
to most Oregon towns and c-'ties
-and the shipments amount al
ready to; five to six dozens a day.
They are buying new rubber in
five ton lots.
"They are planning now to put
this manufacturing on a twenty
four hour basis, because they are
crowded for room, and the busi
ness is growing fast.
Mr. Steinbock wants to put up
the new building in order to be
able to expand this branch of his
business .and to have better show
rooms and store 100ms. He must
expand,; some where. He will
employ 40 to 50 people in his new
location, and he expects to see
this grow to 100 people, and per
haps a great many more.
A part of the site Mr. Stein
bock wants to build on is with
in the fire limits. That is the rea
son he wants a permit from the
city council to build with corru
gated iron.
Certainly, the structure he pro
poses to build will be much more
of an ornament to that part of
the city than are the buildings it
would displace
To say nothing of providing a
new and permanent and increas
ing industrial payroll to the ac
tivities1 of this city.
A Colorado town has named a
public school after Jack Dempsey.
Thus putting a punch in educa
tion. .
Normji Shearer's life is just
one round of facials, manicures
and marcels now. In "Free
Liptf" she plays the part of a
homely stenographer who haunts
the beauty parlors in an effort
to become beautiful.
one service
Actom tb cooti
nat through tba
Caaadiaa Ptcisc
v Kockict ftatt
tnounou i
im th world.
Acrots the At-'
iunoc-ost cuint
Empress liner ,
t witbereryde- I
5 tail f (.. . !
mous Cantdita
Pci6c eervice.
hospitality and
comfort ,
Tbtt b the cr V
piete Earopeaa 2
4 . ivbi (or j
complew inform- J
i txn aad iitare- J
I tur iacladlaf !
retet mad 4mv ot j
'"T i j
-. J
larHaiiFWic j
Matches have been invented a
century. Nearly time for certain
men to get some of their own.
We 'Offer ybif the leading Dairy Feeds on the
market including the following brands:
CHERRO COW CHOW, a dandy milk producer.
DAIRY RATION, one of the best.
MILK RATION, a high grade dairy feed with min-
SHADY BROOK, mixed Alfalfa and Molasses,
dandy to mix with ground oats.
KREMO MEAL, a cheaper Dairy Feed but very
good for the money.
MILL RUN. We handle only the very best quality
and you will find our price right. .
BRAN; good clean Bran.
SHORTS, good quality from a country mill.
MIDDLINGS, nice white midds and our price is
GROUND OATS, good clean oats, nicely ground.
OILMEALS. Just received a car of Linseed Oil
meal, special price on large lots.
M5. Dairyman, you will find it profitable to
feed high grade feeds that have been tested and
found satisfactory. We have some special deals on
now and it will pay you to place your order as
market is.advancing all the time.
2. jQ. White & Sons
- Phone 160 261 State St.
Saving Is Only Half the
Secret of Getting Ahead
Get 7.20
with safety
in Oregon's
Public Utility
"There's Joy in Getting the Regular
Dividend Check"
Successful merv arid women everywhere have laid the
sure foundation of their independence by doing two
definite things saving and then investing.
These two essential factors in modern success must go
hand in hand , Don't make the mistake of just trying to
save a little now and then. Look around and decide
where those savings can earn the most return for you
and where they will always be safely at work.
We strongly recommend that you investigate
Portland Electric Power Company
7.20 Per Cent Cumulative First
7 Preferred Shares
They offer a splendid opportunity for applying this
principle i to your own affairs.
They are a safe and sound investment in a great big
Home Industry, and we pay you 7l7c on every-dollar put
in until --the shares are paid for. Then you begin to
sam 7.20'c at once.
237 North Liberty Street
Portland Electric Power
Portland :: Salem :: Oregon City ::
Vancouver,. Wash.
. - J