THE OnEGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17. 1025 ied Section alein's Great Market Place if: i - i 44 9 L L I A T I V t MONEY TO LOAJC 57 Monet to loan r. l. wood. 41 BUM. I7'21tt THE OCCiDOTAU LUCE ttgrrtlAHCl - Company wtU aaako inaaediala loans j (iriM ia Oregoa. KMMubl interest, I eeet escept small appralaal Im. If interested write immediately to I. O. Cuanlngham 409 V. W. Beak Bids, Portlea, Oregoa. Bama. Offioe Rer re atatlvo here all aest week. 671 la MONET TO LOAS ON CfTT RK8I daoeau, repsyabl like reut. Funds available for reaideae halldiag loans. A. C. BOURN8TKDT. Raalter Loaaa and laaaraaee WANTKIV Lon 59 WANTED PRIVATE MO.VET SO LOAM good real uu avenrity. W. H. UKABEMUOKdT CO. 273 fitata Street. ". 59o31tf TJ8IXESS OPPORTTJKTTTE8 61 rnn cur a t'to bvpiib inns aljM. In f.ill ailiiinnMl Only 550. term. See White. Home Jtealty Co. lal OLD MAS PROSPERITY PLAYS WITH , you when yon think and act. Any Sa lem property that can be purchased right now at a fair price will sail for mora noon. Here's larga doable lot .north for $50 la a protected district f modern new horn, clou ear and schools. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 K. High SL Heilig Bldg, 6114tf REAL ESTATE 63 OWN YOUR HOME 60 BT :3 NORTH. $550 LAUREL Park, clone to ear and schools. Term. EXCELLENT GARDEN PROTECTED PI8THICT. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 19 X. High St. Heilig Bldg. 3al4tf A EXCHANGES j 415-scre well improved valley ranch, ' J $32,000, want smaller ranch not orer i 30,000 ia Salem vicinity. 4o acre, well Improved, stocked. equipped dairy, north of Salem, want Salem acreage not over $7000, price 13 acres wall improved, very near to Salem, want poultry or dairy ranch further out, not over $8000, - price SOCOLOFSKT. 341 State. 63nl5tf $800 DOWN . Buys a good three-room home r - located at 1333 X. Summer St Pnire I950. 1 W. H. O RABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 BRICK BCJLDIXO TWO STORIES 122.000. Will get you 8 net and increase in value. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High St. Heilig Bldg. 63nl4tt HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED A 5 -room house. Electric lights, toilet. city water, gsrsge. $1700; $30O down hal. by the month. This is. a good deal fur some one. It la located in North Salem, near Highland school. A modern 5-room home with fall base ment, furnace and stationary wash tray, built In kitchen, paved street, garage and everything in good order, clone in, $4500 on terms or $4250, -ram. s See J. A. MILLS. 33 Hi State fit. 3nl8 ROOMS. EAST SALEM. 8EMI-MOD-ern, 3 garages, $3500, will take good lot part payment. 7 rooms, furnace, sleeping porch, ga rate. 84350. modern, garage, beautiful trees. S40OO. 5 room, north, strictly modern and Jet oastruerioa, $5800. rooms, north, modern and an excel lent hu, rat $7330. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 21$ Oregon Bldg. fl3n!5tf LOOK ' 2-roora bonne and 2 nice lota, n good bay for $1000 with $250 down. 13 arret with hew 5-room boats, 5 mile out on paved road, price $4000, some trade; 40 acres, well improved near Salem, will trade for unimproved lead Bailable for pasture land. THOU A SON 33 1U State Street. ' . . t 63nl5tf 250 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Small plastered Cottage, 4 rooms. Hew mad -Un Priced - S160O. Imatediats Sosseaaton. Beeke ft HeadrUka, Heilig Mt. 189 K. High Street. 68net( SEW MODERN 4-ROOM HOUSE WITH breakfast tnook, bath, and full cement base meat, east front. Well located a Sooth Salem. Price $2675 terms. Phone 174&-R or write . W. Lisle, CrarwelL Ore. odnil ARE - You looking for a good i at- vet! We have 180 acre with A million feet of sav i ' . ' timber and tiling on U. Ooot ' ' ' land and located at a R. K station. A splendid buy at 50 per acre. FARMS That will grow anything yo nlant are not so numerous; '100 acres beat river boUon ' land; 35 acres in full bearing ' hoBs. Goad barn and house. This land will pay for itself .in five yeara at ! par ' at re. , 001X0 To buy house 1 A food ntastered R-roOlU house farae lot. Pine location. Only ' S3000. Owner wishes -. to change climate. TO But a new fully modern room bungalow far $350 is ' a bargain. We have one. Tnp nrooertT throurh us. Wa BELL : have aoane live prospect foa ritv end country property ANSWER This if you want to boy an eUUippeu uairy una : 160 acres in Tillamook Co. " on Highway. TES We have a live grocery store te sell. -rLRICH AND ROBERTS, Realtor i. vk r:m'l Street. Phone 1354. 63nl WHT NOT A HOIE IN SALEM WITH fruit, garden, berries, poultry, a cow I and room for the kida ta playt 7 room t plsktered beuse. fireplace.- basement, t- bath. etc. Mix large lots, barn, garage, poultry house, $3800 House, gara. and poultry house with S lots. $3200. Terms" Owner 849 Rural f 128-ACRE FARM ; 70 ACRES FINE farm land uesr town, $3,000. terms, 10 acres close in, good bldgs $450", very easy term. -28-acre farm all in cultivation, ; good Hldga. Near town. $4B0O. 25 acres .near town, good bldga., fruit Only $4500, easy terms. . ITcre etee in. food bldgs.. fruit; 2800. easy terms. i Keo u before buyusg. 2i T PERRINK ft MARSTERS 21$ Com. Club Bldg. . ! 63nl7tf , . FOR 8ALE Good east front lot ia Richmond Addi t.o. Price 40O. Teres. North M.t lot oa Jefferson St, aear Som ber. Prica 50. Terms. , front Msdiaoa nesr Cspitul St, price 475. Sroom Vniversity and achooL Price 5jOO. Trm KRUEGEi Re'tor. i . 147 N. Com'l t 1 Phone 217 63nl7 mill waa com in g. etc, -.-tK.s Kalem would be much larger, etc. iuiin 195COME ANIGET THEM. TIFCKE ft HENDRICKS . 65 Large house 8. commkrcial 4200. Clou in an f star buitMi property. Until that time a fin noma. Double garage. BECKE A HEXDRICKS 189 X. nigh St. Heilig Bias. 3nl4tf 6-ROOM BCXOALOW, CLOSE IN OS Horth Cottage street. Hlrtrt a ad al ky paved. Basement $3,500. Cloee in on North Cottage street, eaat front, baseaieBi, fireplace, doable ca rafe, $4500. Punished bonne arranged in two flat, two bathrooms, two garage. Corner lot, both street paved. S5tM)0. URQTKUUK J. M. PAOK 493 N. Cottage. C3a1tf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors firteclalisa in Oregon fsnns, Salem homes and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 3aUtf PPPPPPPPPPP P P P P P P P P P P P 2200 2200 EXCHANGES EXCHANGES O DIRECT TO KXCHANQK HEADQUARTERS Offices Salem and Portland The demand for exchanges hss tnsde necessary onr GREAT MARKET PLACB where the requirements of all (a bo matched. Wo havo jus what you have in mind; Just where you want it; just the rirht price. Out lilt of exchanges (the largest list ing on the Pacific Coast) guarantees your complete sat isfaction regard leaa of your requirements. If yen would like to exehsage your pro perty TODAY, eome in T0 TODAY. Sea PARKER FOR PROPERTY 409 V. 8. Bsnk Bldg. Cem'l st Stste. Phooe 2243 PPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPP REAL ESTATE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P p P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ACRE AND 5-ROOM HOUSE IN Woodburn, (1000 will tske Portland or Salem lots up to half. Time balance; . I want a 5-scre luburbsn with fsir buildings, between 3 end 4 tlioutsnd half cash. Come in soon if you have it. Have several good farms where owners will consider n small screage or Salem property and assume. Two good lots for 23 below the mar ket vslue. Moat sell. Real snsps. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 SUte St. C3nStf SACRIFICE SALi: Nearly new four-room plastered bungalow with large garage, paved street and car lice, east front. It -will pay you to in vestigate this. Terms 1200 down, bal. $30 per month if re sponsible parties. Price $2200. W. H. ORABEMIOKST ft CO 25 State St- 63nl9 FOR SALE SMALL HOUSE, EAST front lot. $850. Good east front lot North Salem, with garage, $550. Four room bungalow. North Salem, $3750. Six-room bungalow East Salem, $8300. P. It. WOOD, 341 State St. r ln3tf NEW HOME Ready to occupy located on Myrtle Ave. Price 92850; 4 rooms, gsrage; $500 down to handle. W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 PYTDA os PAVED HIGHWAY 1L 1 "v" iust bevond sooth citv limits; two-thirds sere 148x200 feet); 5-room new plastered house; automatic electric pressure water, hot and cold: - bath, toilet; garage, woodshed.- Young fruit and nuts. 400U, easy terms, or will exchsnge for home closer ia. MCAT LITTLE 5-ROOM COTTAGE, I "4 a- a practically new, well located on North Summer street, bath, garage, etc.. Lot 65 on Summer by 75 on Jef ferson, only-$2800. Easy terms. I ffctrbltf LOTS 1 ft 2, BLOCK 6, FuVUIV Fliul Addition- dirida the other -way making two excellent lots facing- atorth on D. each 68x87, corner 16th street. Corner $850; other $700. f ARIQH ACRES IN FAMOUS rUnUlUll T-V- Thlah bottom and 1 acre en higher ground well suited for borne buildings: .6 seres cream of Lake Labish land; good adjoining soil and some Umber; new bouse unfin ished but livable, also old house. Host famoos onion land in the world; see the wonderful crop now growing. This property la offered at a very low fig ore for a abort time. The foregoing are splendid values and in order to secure the best service two- thirds commission will be paid to any licensed broker making sale. - u HARRIS Mssonic Temple Phone 795, 1942 J. 63nl7 BEST BUYS IN HOMES $7500 Strictly modern " room, 2-story bunxalow. State street. $6300 Modern house, 9-room, large lot. SUte street. $4500 New n-od.- Bungalow, 6 rooms, on Capitol atreet. 3750 Snap. -Good and well built house 7 rooms. Lot 60x160 ft., on one of the beet corners. 8. Commer cial St., both street paved. $2000 Dandy 5-room bungalow, -N. Ra lens: bath, lishts. paving paid Built a year ago.; rents for $20 month. $1000 Good old house, 6-room; fireplace, with a little remodel inr. would make a good home for some -one. If -it's a home See CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State Street. 63nl7tf HOUSES 2-room garage bouse. 750, $10O cash, balance terms or car. 5-room modern, garage, elose to Grant School, $2500, terms. 4 rooms and nook, strictly modern, ga rage, very close in, pavement, $3950, terms. i 5 rooms strictly modern except fnr nsce, good location, new, will finish to suit, 3850, terms. . 6 rooms modern.- garage, 8 lots, aorta Salem, 4000, terms. 8 rooms, sua room,' strictly modern, at u ceo, tile roof, garage, close in, $12, 000, terms. , SOCOL0F8KY. S41 State 63a12f MINUTE MOVIES frlO P40W AFTffrt VMS ANDtKwS OF WrXXXSHT THE LY OPEN AMT A I BLINDING RAiM DESCENDS ON lTHE PARCHED LAHD LOVE A V The winDt AHD BURNING lnd- Wtev 4 63 SEW HOMES UXDER CONSTRUCTION. YOU MAY HAVE YOUK CHOICE OF INTERIOR FINISH $2875 New four-room home located on paved street and near ear line, fireplace, breakfast room, 300 down, bal. terms. $3300 New four-room home with basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, $50O down, balance monthly. Paved uet. $3500 New four-room home on paved street, ha basement, faruare, fireplare. breakfast room, $500 down, bal. monthly. $3750 New four-room borne modern. north front, well located- near N. Summer St. TSO down, hal. snnntlily. We write FIRE INSURANCE. W. 11. U&ABENHOHST ft CO. 273 State St. cHnlO HOME REALTY KXCllANGtS NO. 569F Por Exchange 160 acre Dairy Farm, well improved, 8 -room new houxe, 2 large barns, alack loara .oil. only $4-.50 per aere, will consider Saleu City or suburban property. Han only $500.00 mortgate at '-, run a years. SNAP FOR SOMELODY. NO. 372 For exchange 6-arre subnrbsn home, 1 mile of Salem; 5-room new hou&e, large chicken house, 1 a-re strawber ries, and young family orchard. Price only $3950. Want Salem or Toilland property. NO. 580 For exchange. flO-arre potato farm. One hour's drive of Salem; 5-room house, also barn, laige potato .house. Price only $100.00 per acre. Equity 2500. What have you got! XO. 492 X For exchange. 3 lots on paved street only $850.00. Want smsll ear for equity Of $300.00. NO. 103 For sale, 10 acres subnrbsn home. Buildings all newly painted, prunes and berries, black soil. Paved high way, 10 minutes to Salem, worth $5500.00. Price only $4750.00; $500.00 to $700.00 down. Good terms. NO. 567 For . exchange, 10 acre improved, 6 room plastered house, good black soil. near Salem. Price $4000.00; equity 3000. Want smalt" home with half acre of ground. HOME REALTY 169 N. High. 63nl7 NEW HOME Spanish stucco style located on N. Summer St., price S3000, terms or will consider borne trade. Immediate possession, W. H. ORABEXHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 25 DOWN 10 per month buys a fine tract consisting of nearly one half sere located on Pacific High way just north of city limits. City water, an excellent place to build your home. W. H. 1 RABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 63nl9 SPECIAL 25 acres river bottom land with fair buildings. Price including stock and equipment and feed $4000. Will trade for small tract close to Salem. 80 acres 10 mile out on paved highway, has about 40 acres of timber, 4-room house, good. barn, well snd spring, a good buy for $0000. Will tske some trade. We have a fine farm of 100 acres, well improved for $100 per acre, will take a home - in Salem as part payment THOMASON. 331 Stste Street 63nlltf REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 TRADE FOUR-ACRE SUBURBAN home for home in city. Good house, large lot, fruit trees for Small farm. Kor Sale 10 acre with 20 acre real Beaverdam land and buildings, $15,000. Seven-room modern house, paved street at les than it is worth. P. L. WOOD, 341 STATE 8T. 65nlltf REALTY EXCHANGES A good farm for a small subnrbsn or town home place. A large close in house suitable for re-renting half for income. Owner wants a cow and chick en acreage within 25 miles with a small house. A fine paying apartment prop osition in good educational town for a farm. A money maker for a good man ager. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. 65nl5tf WANTED Home in Salem not to exceed $3000 a part payment on a good 42 acre farm, good 6-room house snd barn, 30x40, 100 bearing peacb trees, price $6500. If you want a smsll dairy ranch this place will suit you. W. H. G RABENHORST ft CO.. Realtors 273 State St. Phone 515 63nl7 TRADES 160 ACRES OF CLEAR TILL- sble Colorado land for small tract near Salem snd will assume a small amount 160 Rawlins county, Kansas wheat acres worth 98000 for land in the val ley: J2U clear Montana acres and a flock of. Spokane lots clear for a farm here in the valley and will assume: a stock, store and fine residence in small town worth 10,000 and clear for a good farm and will assume: big house and 3 lots worth $2300 for a little house; and we have a 7-room house to trade for a little farm; and we have a good 7-room -house to rent; and we have a good stock farm to trade for a small farm or for city property; and we also have a splendid Gorvslli in come property netting 10"- and worth 15,000 te trade for a Salem home up to $10,000. McOIIX-HRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 65nl7 REAL ESTATE Farms 67 45-ACRE FARM 2 MILES TOJVN. 6 roora house, barm, alio, real dairy or poultry ranch, only $3,750, your term a, 35-sere dsiry or poultry, ranch im proved, $2,500, terms or city prop erty. Salem residence for elose in ranch, or anywhere. Clear Waahiag- tea land for eqiity ia vallev farm, BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. 67el5tf RKAL ESTATE SubnrbaQ 60 TWO ACRES FINE BUILDINGS ON Highway outside Salem. $6300. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 19 N High St.. Heilis Bldr. 9n14tf Dizzy FROM - &LOVU , PIERRE IS CARRIED FfeOM RApTB" 3ACWT FORrtESItR ANO BILL AilOODS ANt IS Ft&CED IN THE BACK CP "SHE WeGOrN ARE NOVM CAHRIED RAPIDLV DOMIM THE. T. VITUS AND WsflD DAW -VWiTVllM. THE- SPECiFH TiMC ' REAL ESTATE n AUTOMOBILEa TTANTED 7? Elker Auto Co. W pay eetk for Fords. T7i ilStf VSKU CARS FOB SAMS 79 PACKARD HUDSON E8SEX Bargains IN USED CARS Pords llaicks - Hudson - Dodges -Essex- And many other good buy in used ear.: Our ears are in good condition Prices low Kay terms. Come in and see them today. Fred M. Powell I Motor Cars j.".0 N. High Phone 2126 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79nl3tf 1923 LIGHT TOURING AT SACRIFICE. Terms. 420 S. Cottage after 5 p. m. 79nl9 'PROVEN AUTOMOBILES' 1923 Oakland, s Sport, new psint, ! fine rubber $650 1922-23 Essex 4 Touring $450 1923 Tvpe Dodge Touring ....490 1923 Ford Coupe (Iste '23) 4300 1924 Oakland Roadster. glass : enclosure $730 1924 Gardner Coupe, driven very i little, smooth running be ! cause of 5 bearing crank shaft $073 1924 Star Sedan Cut price $643 CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET Vt Block N. of Post Office. 79nl7 (Pettyjohn's Red Tag Sale of Good Used Cars) THE TAOS TtXL THE STORY Former Sale Price. Price 1924 Ford Roadster $330 $300 1924 Chevrolet Coupe 500 465 1923 Stsr Touring 365 340 1923 Ford Touring 300 275 1924 Overland Touring ... 430 400 1924 Overland Blue Bird . 600 530 1924 Stephens Spt. Tour. 1000 945 1924 Osrdner Brougham .. 830 793 Late model Chevrolet Touring with Balloon tires $393 Hudson Speedster, all dolled up .... b75 Late model Dodge, panel delivery.. 595 Ford Coupe 223 Ford Touring very fine condition .. 125 New Chrysler Touring, run only i a few hundred miles, at a ! (BARGAIN) We also have Fords Chevrolet r Over- lands and other small cars at $50.00 and up. Terms (ash or trades. And a small will hold any car that you may select. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 363 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. 79nl7tf UOOD USED PARTS FOB HALF OR less. Why psy morel Money back guarantee. Scaeelar Auto Wrecking Co. Loow for the orange front. Day Skene 819. Night phone SOS. 1085 . Commercial 8m. "Built te save mhi." 79J18U See Our Used Cars before you buy. Our prices are below the market. We sell new Che vrolet on a small down payment snd 18 monthly payments. Newton Chevrolet Co. 79nl4tf Two non-ttarter touring Forda with license. $45 and $53. Too muck serv ice ia these cars to wreck. Both in goo 6 running condition. , K1KER AUTO CO. Phone 121 7931tf V:rKE"S USED CARS 1934 Touring $345 1924 Coupe 845 Our usual guarantee behind all cars Fur Sedsa $250 EIKER AUTO 00. Lfbertv Straet at Ferrr. Phone 121. I T9jl8tf US ED FORDS Covered by Factory Guarantee Valley Motor Co Authorized Ford Deslers 200 N. nigh. Telephone 1995 r 79aftf (AD rights protected by The George Mathews Acuta NrVE'a TORN HIM )( itOR3e.3ACK. H& I OVER TDTHS J SCEN1S TO HAVE LOSTWlS H - S-1 CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ' AMBULANCE UOLUEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 883 R. Day or night Service. fl4tf AUCTIONEERS P. H. WOODST Salem' Leading Expert Livestock, Tur- uuur ana se&l Estate Auctioneer at Appraiser. Kr. and Store, 1610 N. Rummer Street Phono .". 1 1 Kor Salt- Datea Established Since tit IS o6tt II. F. W0ODRY ft SON Expert Liveatoca, furniture, Heal Is- tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 yeara experience. Satiaf action Quart aateed. Offiea 371 N. Com'L Tel. 75. Res. 996 S. Commercial, Tel. 1S48-W for sale dates. ACCOTJNTAJf T Q. ED. ROS8. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. tSlK State. Phone 20BS-R. sl7-26 BATTERY AND ZLXCTBICXAXf tt. I. BARTON EXIDB BATTKR1L8 atarter and generator work; 171 South i Commercial CWillcMD Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- cycle and repairing. 387 Court. BRASS RE LINING MIKE PANF.K 275 SOUTH COMMER- eial St. Phone 102. ) OHXNESB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Compsny Halo any known disease. 420-42$ State. CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 356 N. High. Phone or oi. . B. SCOFIELD PALMER CHlRuPRAC- tor. 82 Oregon Bldg Phone 2194. mStf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7H" wording, "Dresimakmg; price 10 eeats each, Statesmsa Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E, MILLER. HEMSTITCHING. ktamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 22'e N. Liberty. PLEENE1 ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, stimates furnished. Phone 90 471 Court St. PARK PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the racuie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial aubecriptioa. Mention this ad. POTJLTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO eent ilimai .or euemal three montos trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles snd advertise ments are of special interest to the Boultrr breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com merrial street. Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Contracts on nouset Will net Ob so su-ft. BECKE ft HENDRTCK8 ' K.ili Rid.. lo9 N Hieh St. Jttf FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY TOj loan on road farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on aitv residences and business property, ' at 5, plna a commission. Hawkins ft Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 408 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. F1XRAL DESIGNS. Halaet dahhaa .ila in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co- Fsirground Road. Tel. 128C. 15. "26 CUT FIWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. funeral wreath, decoration. (J. I . Breithanpt, florist, 128 N. Liberty. Phone 880. ' INSURANCE Insure Tear home or car now r-aone 181 BKCKE ft HKNDRICKf HeiTir Bldg., 189 N. High. St. it tf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 268 8 Hash street. Pboae 25, oldest, larg est and beat. Established 1889. TRT THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Paoae 171. 1150 B Street. 17tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a smile. Quality work. 124 Broadway. 14t LADIES TAILOEXNO D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court BL XATTRESSZa MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT TUX Capitol City Bedding Oe, 1190 North Capitol. Called far and delivered. All work rwaranteed. Phone to not bwiIw Trade Mark IVgiatered U. E ARE. maprieP WOODS TM HALF- DREEP INDIAN GrRL FCR SAViNfr HL52.. FIANCE 'S HERE VCE'll: skip ABOUT Six reels ncwicm shovo Jack. AND iXJCCrwy CjETTIN G MArRlED .TAKINfj A WOOEV M0OH CI?UISE AROUMD THE aKLD AND FINALLY SETTLINt l3Sr4 , FfJE YEARS' LATER ,T& A HAPPy HOME LIFE WW LI 1 1 LC .L"KCN ft - 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517 W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHOSO- grapbe sewing machines, thet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing: machines. 432 Stste atreet, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. Ju. Stiff .Fur niture Co, Music Dept NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. Zd or shj. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros- 17s 8. Commercial. PHYSICIANS JlHH SURGEONS GEORGE R. VEHRS. M. D. Phvtiriau and Saregon. Diseases of women, obstetrics, sunrery. 411-412 U. S. Bank Bids-.. Salem. Office tele phone 615; residence telephone 775. 2atf PACKING AMD SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNR1TURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff s furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPRRIENCED Piaio tuner. Leave orders Will Music Store nurtiHO POIl STATIONARY. CARDS. PAMPH let, orosrums, book or any Jtmd ot printing. Call si the Statesman Print in Department, 215 8. Commereia' Tel. 583. PLUMB INO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work Orshtr Broi- 141 Liberty St Ptone 550. IlStf RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any priea Iiui Caea QUAXXTI CARS High snd Trade flS.I RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. P. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Mssonic Temple Phone 1800 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse All Standard Sisea of Radio Tubes . . ... HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a home, farm or business property, see us. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. National Bank Building. J8tt REAL ESTATE Phone 217 147 N. Com. St. REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 47 Court St. UMBRELLAS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lewnmowers. rasor blades, scissors, knives and toolr shsrpeaed SCAVENGERS , CITY GARBAGE CO., REMOVES ALL kinds trash and garbage by the jon or month, reasonable rate. Office phone 3". 57 S. Commercial, n-s. phone 2290. FOR GOOD SCAVKSOEIt SERVICE Call 107. Salem Scavenger. Vuuim:n "no Trotter. a-3tf SECOND HAND OOODS V.ANTKD EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- ing and shoe. ' Best prices peia. cap ital Ks.'haage, 842 North Commercial. vk. txna-W i ii i STOVES AND BTOB BXPAIaUMO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. AJepot national fence, uise 26 ta 58 In. high. Paints, eila and veraiabes, ete, loganberry aad hep hook. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. TKAKsrsa AJro hatjxxnq TRANSFER AND HAULING OF kinds. Phons 19F3. WE MOVE. trTORS AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods, uur apeciaiiy as piaaai u. furniture moving. We alaa make eeua m snna. Wa handle the best real aad wood. Call s for prices. We five ravd measnre, good quality aad good sen . A & Yah ga. ar A sarviee. maw inantr n a vital CITY TRANSFER CO. W bi.l. . Faona Mas. mssnnetinK, ivr- wardina and a to rag ear specialty. Get '- B. Pfttent Office) MUStctETA VIISH 0U MUCH 6C00 BUT OA - - PPINESS! Tr -3. UCr T& Town INDIAN SUPS OrT UNMOTiCED please.wa.tellne. (es forest fire; r ty,4 J3 , WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Ten per feat discount en domeatie fist rates paid ia advance. No deduetiea fur absence or any cause naleae .water n ahwt Ttmr prentee PARKER STAGE LINES ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES ia the Salem to UrMianvitle Time Schedule Effective Sept. 15. 1925. - AM PM -PM. Salem. Lv .. 8;30 t:10 5:1$" McMianviile. Ar 9:43 ;25 6:S5 McMinnville. Lv... 9:45 :43 7:45 Newberg. Ar.. ..10:25 4:25 8:25 AM. PM. PM. Newberg, Lv ' 1:15 5:15 MeMinnvitle. Ar. J..'. 1:55 5:55 McMinnville. L. 7:20e 2:40 6:45 Salam 8:43 :53. 8:00 CHANGES IN THE SALEM DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem for tisll.ts: 7, 9, 11:25 s. m., 2:ll 5:15 p. ra. Leaving Italian for 8Um: 8. 9:50 a. an. 1. 3rlO. p. m. - r"al? eofl fo? fnrtbr informtiu. I General Markets I PORTLAND. Nov. 16. Butter, extras, 7Zc; standards. 54c; prime firsts, 32c; firsts. 50c. Ksgs, extras, rif.r firsts, Ti4c; pullets. 43c; current receipts, 4Tc; undersized, 32c. Hay PORTLAND. Nov. 1C BuyinR prices: Valley timothy. $17fl'): do easteru Orejon. nominal; al falfa. $19119. ,r,0; clover, 17; oat hay. $13 C $1 6; oat and vetch. $17.30: straw, $7.30 per ton. Sell ing prices, $2 a ton more. - " . 3 Hops. NEW TOIlK,v. 1C. Hops: steady; state 1923, D0(63c: 1924 35 40c; Pacific coast 1925, 27 "Oc; 1924, 22 g?23c. . Did You Ever Stop To Think? By B. R. Wait. Secretary ' Shawnee. Okla Board of Commerce That the rrrost.effective support for a city is an organized support for its newspapers and, chamber of commerce. - That the difference between buc cess and failure in making a bet ter city and in making; better busi ness is the difference between or ganization on one hand and lack of it on the other. That newspapers do more than their share in the development of business for a, city. Too often business men do not understand and appreciate the value of the services newspapers render. That one of the best ways to bring new business to a city is to increase circulation of local pa pers so they will go into-every home in the' country and draw trade thpoush their advertise ments. That cities that want to keep their proper place in t-he march of progress and development must j keep awake and jein , hands with the newspapers and the chamber of commerce. A chamber of commerce and. the newspapers "always have the same object in. view, and that is making the home city a better, brighter, bigger and busier city-. When the chamber of commerce and the newspapers have the sup port of the entire citizenship there is little question about the growth of the city. The only question could be is "how- -fast will it grow?" WOOD BIDS Sealed bids, will be received by the County Court of Marion coun ty, Oregon, up to 2:00 o'clock p m. on November 28, 1925. for cutting 275 cords of old and sec ond growth fir-wood on the county farm, mile west of Hopmere. The court reserves the right to reject any. or all bids. U. G. Coyer. County Clerk, n 17-24 ' XOTIOK Notice is hereby given that a road district meeting will be held at North Howell Grange hall In Road District No. 16, in Marion county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 25th day of" November. 1925, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of levying an additional tax for road purposes in said district. J. T. HUNT, County Judge, n 10-17-24 By ED WHEEI-AN PIERRE MIGHT flEMe-vliji;ri-, T r. START ZEE- FIRE ?. rarest , ffw 1 IVi a.i w , ,1 UELL .SIR . VE MIZRS UP IN CANADA - ttfA.MA AND I hac ust become EN GAGED, - SUDDCNLV I NOTtCED- ON Notice of Intention to Improve Hood KtreeC From Capitol Street to H. P. Right of Way Notice Is hereby given tnat the Common Council of the City ot Salem, deems it necessary and ex pedient and hereby declares It purpose and Intention to Improve Hood Street from the east line of Capitol Street to the west line ot the Southern Pacific Companrs railroad right of way, in the City of Salem, Marjon County, Oregon. at the expense of the abutting; and adjacent property, excepting the street and alley intersections, tht expense ot which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion ot said street to the. established grade, constructing ce nient concrete curbs and pavin said portion of said street with a six inch cement concrete pavement thirty feet wide in accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates therefor, which were adopt ed by the Common Council Octo ber 19th, 1925. now on tile in tn office of the City Recorder anc which said plans, specification! and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de. dares its purpose and intention te make, the above -described im provement by an4 through th Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Written remonstrance may b filed with the City Recerder ot said City against the above pro posed improvement within ten days from the date of final pub lication hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil this 19th day of October, 192f. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. -Date of first publication hereof is November 5, 1925. ; Date of final publication hereof will be November 17, 1925: Notice of Intention to Improve Cottage Street From Oos Street to Wilbur Street Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City bt Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Cottage Street from the . south line of Cross Street to the north line of Wilbur Street, In tM City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of tht abutting and adjacent property, excepting the street intersections, the expense of which will be as sumed by the City of Salem, bj bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete carbt and paving said portion of shut street with a six inch cement con crete pavement twenty-four feel , wide in accordance with tht plans, specifications and estimate therefor, which -were adopted :b) the Common Council October 19th, 1925, now on file in the office.ol the City Recorder and which sail plans, specifications and esti mates are hereby referred to ant made a part of thia notice. ' t The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and throngb the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. . s Written remonstrance may be tiled with the City Recorder of said City against the above pro posed improvement within ten days from date of final publication hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil, October 19th, 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. - Date of first" publication hereof is November 5, 1925.. f Date of final publication hereof will be November 17. 1925. j Notice of Intention to Improve . Cross Street Front , Cburcb Street to Twelfth Street. i Notice ig hereby given that the Common Council of the City ot Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declare! its purpose and intention to Im prove Cross street from the east line of Church Street to the west line of Twelfth Street. In the City of, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property,- excepting the street Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion or said street to the es ablished grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and Having taid portion of iaid street with a ax-inch cement concrete pavement hirty-feet wide In accordance with ihe plans, specifications and esti mates therefor, which were adopted- iy the Common Council Octo ber 19th, 1925, now on file in the office of the ; City Recorder and which said plana, ; specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clare. Its purpose and Intention to make the above - described Im provement by . and througn trie Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. ' . Written remonstrance may te filed with the City Recorder of ld City against the above pro posed improvemenjt ithln ten toyg rrom date of final pobllca tion hereof. -V :-.r - By order of the Common Coun cil, October 19 th, 1925. r U. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is November S, 1825. of am k 1 n!,atl0n her, oj will be Noreaber 17 is? ..1 - .1 , 1 " h, ., . . T,.