The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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I he Oregon St a tesiriaW
.. XuMd Dairy Except Monday j ,
215 Strata Commercial 8t Sklem, Orefoa
R. i. Htidricka . - . ... Manager
Tn4 S. Tooiv - - - - lUnarinj-EAiwr
I- it. Xerrlmaa - City Editor
C. K- Losaa - i States House Reporter ;
LaU J. Smith - - - Telegraph Kditor
adredBueh - BocMt Eduor-
W. II. Bcnderaoa -Balptt
H. KleUin j
Frank Jaskoskl -E.
A. Khotea - -
W, C. Conner - -
j v joaasB or thb associated ess
Tfc Associate Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news
iipateBo credited to it or sot thenrUe credited in this paper and also the local
we pnousned aerein. . - s
Albert Brers. 336 7'rresUr Bld(, Portland. Ore..
VtT Payiw. Shwn BUg, San Francw. Calif.: Higci. Bldg.. Lo, ABCele. Calif.
wthltEefpurposdf both Its 6rgahization and maintenance
since' its lobjext4jliijt6mproWcqndiUoiw .for the fanner
through the farmer himself. The most essential help for the
farmer today is to obtain for his produce a fair portion of
the price paid by the consumer. And the only way to obtain
- Circulation Maaajm this fair portion is through cooperative marketing.
Advertising Kaaacer t U Uro, fn.'lnroa In Orpcrnn hflVP
Manager Job l)rp - muov ui mc twjrcionijifouiuv .
. - LiTetokEdit4.i resulted from lack of knowledge of ! cooperative marketing by
those in charge. And, of course, every failure is so empha
sized that confidence is shaken and lit becomes more and more
difficult to establish and maintain jsuch organizations. With
trained directors in charge there should accrue more satis
factory results in cooperative marketing.
Poultry Editor
Batlaeii Offies
Soeiaty Edltor
TELEPHONES: . , - y;
I , wenlatlon 0frice583 News Department.2i406
- 10 : Job Dtpirtmnit ,,. u pal
Entered at th Po,f Offiea in Salem. Oregon, as second-elMS Batter.
Come, lid Is I&eason Together," Topic of Rev. Tully; "The Mis
lon and Work of the Holy Spirit Today" by Rev. lutnam.
While Rev. A. F. Hflnier Takes His Text From Micha 6:8
Korrmhpr -IT. toe - .
;WILAT GOD WILL 0:- H will nwalinw ,.. i- ' J
the U)rd God will wipe. away tearrfrom off all faces; and the rebuke
-?C2p,e.8.ha1.1 b? takeB awy ,roni off a earth: for the Lord
'Come, Let Us Reason Togeth
er, was the topic of the morning
sermon at the First Presbyterian
church by the pastor, Rev. Nor
man K. Tully. , . '
Christianity demands the whole
man for Christ all his body, all
his mind, all his soul, all his
heart. Xo department of his being
Is to be unredeemed. Paul ex
horts us to "test all things, and
hold fast to the good." Peter tells
us to "add to our faith virtue, and
to our virtue knowledge," and
; ""George Williams was captured a few days ago after
completing a daylight robbery.
"He is another product of the parole system. His first
sentence to the Oregon penitentiary in 1917 was .for a term
or irom one to seven years. He had been convicted of robberv I tnen urges us to PrePared to
oi a dwelling., in 11 months he was paroled.
"Williams 'was'sent up again in 1922 for assault with
intent to rob. His sentence was commuted three months airo.
"Out but three months, he 13 again' in the' toils of the law
ior tne same crime. m-- m
V Williams case is not unusual. There are hundreds more
01 the same kind. ; They get into jail, they are-paroled, they pression is due to the left-over in- heaven upon.the children of men
get in again, mey are paroled or pardoned' and they go Iluences 01 tne MeaiaeTBI cnureu
ftUYrf KV f l,-W J. ? whlcn Ieared reason because of its
HMU. v w nuta.v war wu uww. - historical conditions; and to the
j "Probably a majority of the men in the Orecron state ran-1 use of certain terms like "free-
itentiary have been confined two or more times. But there tn.k.?r"v 'viberal'"..and ';r,atiPn-
are always those seeking paroles and pardons for them. There plication that believers are credu-
are always parole boards willing to recommend paroles or lous whIle doubters and rejectors man's lost condition. The natural
give reasons for our faith. John
wants us to "try the spirits wheth
er they be of God." The New Tes
tament never fires of trying to get
men to use their heads-
Yet the notion is prevalent that
a man cannot be a deep and dar-"
Ing thinker and a Christian at ttffe
same time. This mischievous im-
Cpndensed from Sunday sermon
at the Center Street Methodist
church, by A. F. Hilmer. Text
Micha., 6-8: Man is dependent
upon God for both the material
and; spiritual necessities- As God
sees this He is prepared to supply
all these wants. Not showing man
what is good to tantalize him, but
to induce him to accept God's gra
cioiis offer of help. "For without
Mel ye can do nothing," Christ
says. Consequences are sure to
follow the rejection or acceptance
of God's offer. God's first in
junction in the text is, "Do justly"
but preceding this demand we
read. "He has showed the, O man,
what is good.-V So God first shows.
tells, teaches., and, then demands
In order to do justly we must be
just. But how Is it possible to be
just when: -in. His word God says.
The Lord . looketh , down from
to see if there were any that did
understand, and seek God. They
are all gone aside, they are all to
gether become filthy, there is none
that doeth good; no, 'not one
Pal 14,2-3.
This brings us to first consider
TiArrlnns Anrl fho t-eanlf ic oil ffv are intelligent.
" j-v" ... vrv wkvii nic oailic. I nk. -n . A '.-rmll rnn
now many umes is ine puduc expected to forgive those is to look at the facts. Reason is
t buu oicai iiuui tii.iz.eu3 auu ciuu intra 10 aeam : i " " -
tnt. i 'ii -iuil - t.' , ; . . I tne numan mtna, tne cnier justice
at, s xayiuiy Kci-""K we m again, out again, wnere IS of the faculties, set to decide be-
.Finnegan? J tween truth and error, right and
' i . " ' . . ' . . ' I wronr. The Bible in general and
The above from the Portland Journal of Friday, the 13th, 1 us to use our reason. The Mediae-
iirag nn 1MiKf AitVia. n-mftan rv tnonS'wnA Vt-r, T'k 1 val 'h 11 rch in ' not the modern
managing editor of that paper who is the new member of the tT Vo .T.ll, ZZ then
"Btit-.they7 are. I- protestea
quickly.. "I . don't mean that I do
housework air the time, for f I
have a maid at home. But here
in the city I am doing all my own
cooking. However, I do take
very good care of my hands. But
you must not try to help me; un
less you could keep an eye on the
oven after things are in, for fear
might be a few minutes late in
coming down to see to them. That
is all. however. I will prepare all
the things up in my kitchen, and
bring jthem down here ready to
pop into the oven. .You haven't
toldl me. yet how much I am to
pay you." i .
?Toa wUl pay me -nothings.
she said firmly, "only schust yat
the gas comes to. I have dot oyer
all figured out to a penny, tot
it costs an hoar. Und dot iss all
I vant. For the rest you are
very welcome. Und you need not
run down here to vatch ypur
tings. I can do nothings else to
day, but sit here, and I can vatch
your stuff. It will give me some-
tings to do."
That In Dicky's slangy par-
lance 6he was "sold" on the
proposition to rent her gas stove
was plainly to be seen, and I ex
perienced an absurd little trium
phant thrill at my victory.
,"Vat do you vant to bake?'
she asked. "Pies? A roast? Have
you pans up there?"
An Instant Decision
"No, I haven't," I confessed,
answering the last question first
The famous criminal lawyer
had won a shockingly bad case by
eloquence and trickery, and a
rival layer said to him bitterly:
'Is there any case so low, ao
foul, so vilely crooked and shame-
ul that you'd reifuse it?"
Well, I don't know," the other
answered with a smile. "What
have you been doiitg now?','
The late John S. Sargent, the
artist used to tell a story about
an. old man who once called at
his Tate street studio, saying he
had just been discharge! from the
hospital, and asked fox a little
food or money.
Mr. Sargent gavd the old fellow
half crown, and then decided
that he would make a good, model
and sent a maid out to call him
"Hi, come back." said the maid
as she overtook him. "The mas
ter wants to paint you."
The old fellow hesitated.
"Will he pay me well?" he
"Oh yes," said the maid. "He'll
probably pay you a pound. '
The old fellow took off his
shabby old hat and scratched his
head. Still he hesitated.
"It's an easy way to earn a
pound," said tbie maid.
"Yes, I know that," said the
old man with a troubled smile.
I was only wondering how I'd
get the paint off afterwards."
parole board. . .
The statement is too high on the number of men in the
penitentiary who have been confined two or more times
, Instead of being a majority; it is about 25 per cent. But 1
that is too many ... ,i: .. . . , . . . n
years ago;
pure Scripture and plain reason
have led the church. Reason is
not to be confounded with opinion.
which is a variable thing according
to a man's reading, hearing and
thinking. , Many a man fancies
that some doctrine of the church
man is not in position to do good
for he is bad according to God's
statement. So this challenge to
do good must be preceded by be
coming good. This means a change
a change of heart, a new birth by
the Holy Spirit and sealed by the
same. Now the justified and re
generated souls desire is to do
justly; to love mercy. In the cup.'
the Christian's heart and life. God
keeps pouring in to overflowing,
at least the overflow should be for
the benefit of others less blessed
than we, provided we walk humbly
with God in Christ Jesus.
Walk humbly with the. Lord.
This injunction holds good in our
times. How learned and smart
man thinks himself to be. God's
And the general principle that there has not been enough is contrary to reason when it is Word is set aside in many in
only contrary to bis opinion, which
is a diminutive affair. . Reason is
not all there is to man; he has
instincts, intuitions, emotions, an
aesthetic sense, and imagination.
These are as important as reason.
Reason is limited, never having
discovered anything, but only
working over the results of experi
ence and Imagination. Finally,
not by
Let all
care exercised in paroling habitual criminals, and moral and
sexual ' perverts, and the like, to which Mr. Marshall has
started oat to adhere, is all right.
But Mr. Marshall will not be able to force great advances
for the better until the Oregon Legislature does some con
structive work. There must be amendments in the board
of eugenics law. There must be some in the parole law
. - . a
And there must be some reform in the oractices of the! men become christians
oomrm Hi .irim Tn fart rpfnrm ?q yippiI nil olrmrr Antn reasoning but by living.
"" men act reasonably
ine line. . . . ; - : . ......
Leading to the time when sentences shall be indetermin
ate absolutely ; not for minimum and maximum periods
St Leading to the time when no one not fit for law abiding
' and self supporting citizenship shall ever be releasedr-
V Leading to the time when the institution shall be self
supporting wholly and completely, .with every inmate able
to work receiving s daily wage for a stakeUDon release, or to
keep the innocent sufferers, the families and' dependents on
the outside, together,- t ' " , . , ,
stances and replaced by man's wisi
dpm. The so-called science, evo
lution and modernism are being
exhalted and our blessed Christ in
His sacrificial suffering and death
put aside. Beware lest ye be
caught in the snares of the devil
whose sole object is to destroy. By
their fruits ye shall know them.
What man needs today as much
as ever is the Christ-life made pos
sible by the acceptance of Christ
as our only means of Salvation.
J The Miles Linen company's mill is getting into the swing
of regular and permanent business . i
. Is now making shoe thread on orders. It is witljin the
possibilities that such orders may come at any time in volume
sufficient to keep the mill busy all the time, thus putting
Salem's first linen mill in the running on a profitable basis
for good and 'tiiH:-- t - Aj r
. . And it. has no narrow outlook, either. ; if, its . yarns
cannot: be used for one thing,' or two or three things, there
are many things forvhich they Will be wanted V
In the parent plant, ! or in other plants here and else
Mhere. V
In the program of American Education Week, yesterday
i n "rjotHtif ton TIitt in tVwo ruiKHf Biror1 a'nrl in rnrrvirnr
out this same program today (Tuesday) is "Patriotism Day
' v Today, special emphasis should be laid on patriotism and
" 'in this day's program the meaning of .the flag should occupy a
prominent place. . It is a time when emphasis should be put
on the obligation to respect the flag because it is the symbo;
bf the ideals and institution of our country. :p ;
' Patriotism is not mere formality. It is the result jd
attitude of mind and heart. -It is expressed in deeds and
Avords of respect and service to home and country. -
' It is both privilege and duty to practice and to teach it in and in the schools everywhere. - -1 -
T 1 Cooperative marketing will find its way jnto sthe curricu
,am of studies at the, Oregon AgriculturaL CoHege, itf Is
'reported. Instruction" in this subj'ect will be given in short
courses and for the purpose chiefly pf training directors for
.cooperative "associations, r , - . : vw
Thh-rcrvicc by tho Arricultnral- College is HTt'lcfrri
Mission and Work of the Holy
r Spirit. Today
(John 16:8-11)
Summary of the third of a se
ries of sermons delivered at the
Court Street Christian church by
R. L. Putnam, pastor:
The mission and work of the
Holy Spirit in human redemption
a deep and vital subject. How
ever, there is no need for con
fusion nor fanaticism regarding
His work of an earnest study of
the subject is made in the light
of the New Testament, the only
ivine source of information con-
ernlng Him.
We have found In our previous
tudies that He is a divine per
sonality; that as a Paraclete or
Comforter He was sent only to the
apostles and served His office with
them in an eight-fold manner.
Xow we are interested in His
mission and work with the Church
of Christ today. It is to be noted
that Jesus sent Him on a three
fold mission to the world, but
never said one word regarding his
mission to the,ehurch. That was
left to the Holy Spirit to reveal
through the apostles which He
did. - Hqw? Pentecost tells the j
story, Peter, "filled with the Holy ;
Spirit,'' preached the gospel "once
for all delivered to the-aaints":
told the multitude what to do to
be saved, and promised ThrOilgh
obedience "the gift pt the Holy
Spirit" , to ' every otedfett? bIievT
er. (Acts 2:38).- TBia method
used at Pentecost the Holy Spirit
has always used since. - The gos
pel is the instrument and the
Spirit "Is the cause or agent of re
generation. He then 'Comes Into
the Christian's life as "the gift"
and continues to work in him
through the Word for the develop
ment of Christian character. Paul I
has said that -God "sealed us, gave;
us the earnest of the Spirit in our:
hearts."4 (Cor 1:22). ' See also
Eph. 1:13, 14. He works silently;
helps our infirmities by interced
ing for us (Rom. 8:26, 27); and
hoars ; spiritual fruitage in our
lives. - ..
i. Hence we are not to expect the
miraculous, a' spiritual baptism
is nqt 'xeinisslott of sins. Through
faith, repentance and baptism wfe
assume Christ -as iour "rightful
Sovereign, by His ; Holy Spirit, la
answer to our prayers, "He works
In v& te&h?HsJ' mti& Vot; aU
that is needful to our present;
sy rmtimfi J'erBal' stffiBoliu' j
- OF -
"And I haven't decided pet just
what I am going to have for din
ner. I must see what the markets
have first. But I know I shall
need an oven. I can buy what
pans I need, however.".
"But that is unnecessary," she
protested, horror of waste echo
Ing In her voice. "You have all
those already at home, I am sure
and I have them all here, and you
are welcome to use them."
"You are too kind," I expostu
lated, and indeed I was touched
of her response to my request
for I could see a pathetic enthus
iasin in my project reflected in
her face. That she was already
dramatizing it, enjoying it as, an
other woman might a play,
could see, and I finished my sen
tence in different words than
had planned.
"And I shall be very glad to
use you pans," I said. "Now
want your advice. WThere is the
best place to get fresh roasting
For I had remembered sudden
that Dr. Edwin Bralthwflite
once praised a roast chicken din
ner of mine most unctuously, and
"had eaten of it with enthusiasm
His wife had been less effusive
but: she plainly enjoyed the din
ner? -while Lillian and Marion
how well I remembered Lillian
frequent comment that in thei
love for chicken, she and her
daughter outrivaled the planta
tion darkies of the South. Roast
chicken would be the chief dish
of my dinner, I decided that upon
the instant, and waited eagerly
for Mrs. Schartz's reply.
mere is but one place any
where around," she said with de
cision "and that is six blocks
away. But you be sure of them
there. I never get them anywhere
She gave me careful directions
for reaching the place, and I
memorized them.
I will go there as soon as I
have looked at the apartment with
Mr .Schartz." I said, and as if the
words had been a Bummons. the
rubicund face of the janitor ap
peared in the doorway.
' (To Be Continued) j
Kawipapcr.Ttttar 8rrie, In.
Copyright. 192J. by
At my proposal to rent the gas
Stove of my Janitor's wife for the
preparation of a dinner, Mrs
Schwartz's faded eyes looked
quickly, positively at her gleaming
stove, while into them sprang
dreading protective look.
It was almost the glance
fearful mother gives her child
when sending it away from her
for the first time.
I have seen enough of the ef
feet of loneliness on a certain
type of femininity to know that in
Mrs. Schwartz's , case, the term
"household gods" as applied to
furnishings was not a misnomer
She had fndeed .deified her homely
possessions, and paid them the
worship of constant care. Her
children; logn since marrier and
gone, the friends of her younger
days separated from her by many
leagues, she had no other inter
ests than her husband and her be
Vat Do "You Vant to Bake?" V
Her eyes came back from her
stove and rested on me specula
tively. Was I, careless? - Would
I scratch the nickel, or do other
damage? The questions were as
clear to me as if she had spoken
"I will be very, very careful.
I pleaded. "I never saw so nicely
kept a stove, but I am sure I will
not hurt it." . ;
"Oh, I am not worrying about
that!? .she said with , the7 quick
disshnulatlpn1 ot her type "I was
Just wondgrlngihbwnjuch I could
help you , It ,ltkep4.. sitting dowrj.
Tour hands don' t look used to
bertson..' TfTultaomah hotel," where
the Thanksgiving rose show will
be hel'l. ,
Saletm . Is now sending shoe
thread to ; the trade. The, shoes
sewed jrtth this thread from the
Miles' mdll will hold together. We
can furafeh enough to sew all the
shocks in, the world.
. ' ..; v v.
Tlierfe is a farm very near to
Salem that. formerly brought gross
aboiut B1800 for-its annual crops.
It la 3iow bringing upwards of
$4,0,000 a year, and, has a list of
twielve employes the year through.
besides the owners.
There is a lot of land in the
Labtish 'district that, fifteen years
ago, waw not worth paying taxes
on. ItJis now payine interest on
more tlian $ 1 400 a year, steadily.
and fqers of S1400 an acre have
been reifused for- it. .
xou can get mucn tne same
story in every--direction. rn;s is
the land v of diversity. It is the
country on opportunity. If it had
anything 3ike lthe vogue of Flor
ida, it wonld boom. . And it would
be a boom that would, last. The
Willamettle ..valley can support iu
comfort . tjbn million people, when
it is all bbought to the. high state
: : I . ", ,- :
A young Fife servant girl was
asked if she slept well and en
joyed her bed. "I sleep weel
enough." she replied, "but I
canna say muckle aboot enjoyin'
ma bed."
"Dear me, why?"
"Juist because I.m nae suner
bedded than I'm sleepin," an nae
suner wauken than I'm up. I've
nae time tae enjoy masel' awa'
Bits For Breakfast I
Raining; raining roses
Not for next June, either
But raining Thanksgiving roses
Portland is to have a Thanks
giving rose show. The second
one. Had one last year.
Salem is more a rose city than
Portland, in proportion to popula
tion. Let Salem people send ex
hibits, and carry away some of the
prizes. Send them to W. C. Cul
of a&ef ulness of some of the iav-
ored tracts around Salem." "
SEASIDE, Or., Nov. 7. A meas-'
ure to" tax Seaside nronertv tn
raise 12500 to be spent within a
year -,to: advertise": this-; cfty as a
pleasure and health resort, carried
at a special Ity election here to
day,: 155 to 122. This was the
only matter voted on.
NEW YORK. Nov, 14. Vice
President Dawes, speaking tonight
at the 15th anniversary dinner
of. Pathe News, motion picture
news reel organization, resumed
his attack on the rules of the
United States senate which allow
unlimited debates.
Oregon wool growers still have
10,000,000 pound 'unsold wool
on hand.
Lejnon Removes
mm m " mm .
. Squeeze the
juice of two lem
ons , in a bottle
containing three
ounces of Orch
ard White, which
atrydruggist will
supply for a few
enfs, shake well
and you have the
very aaildest anti-wrinkle lotion
to tighten relaxed skin, erase fine
lines sVid eradicate crows-feet.
Massage this sweetly fragrant
lemon 1 lotion into the skin at
night. '.By morning most of the
tell-tale- wrinkles, tired lines and
crows-fetet are smoothed out, givv
ing a mfcore youthful contour to
cheeks, Ichin, throat. It leaves
the skin velvety soft, clear and
Beauty (experts use this astring
ent lotionv for enlarged pores, also
to bleach., and whiten sallow, tan
ned skin j
Mix thfis .harmless lotion your
self sincj it acts best immediately
after prepared. -Adv.
A Good Insurance
They Won't Skid
X -
Smith & Watkins
Snappy Service
Galumetlxiriiishes all the leaven
iiifj force needed to raise any
baling properly Use half the
aiiiount usually required
Study of Cases of Insane
Are Recorded by Alienist
ZURICH story of a de
mented ant is recorded In the
Swiss Archive for Neurology and
Psychiatry with all due scientific
seriousness by Dr. Rudolph Brun.
widely known nerve specialist.
Tne ant was discovered in one
of the artificially constructed
nests for scientific observation.
The insect ran about incessantly
while others remained quietly in
the corners of the nest, apparently
shunning the demented one. The
momentum of the wildly rushing
ant was such that it was! unable
to stop when anything in its path
was encountered.
After six days the ant was dis
sected and, under a microscope, it
was found to have suffered a tu
mor in the left lobe of the brain.
which had destroyed several o fthe
most important centers. - !
Quickly Limber Up
Nothing on this earth (so good
as joint-tase ror joints that are
creaky, painful, swollen ior stiff
and any good druggist will tell
you so.
Just rub It on and away it
speedily goes, through skin and
flesh right down to the tendons
and ligaments of the bone r-rtght
where all Joint trouble starts-
then its comforting Influence is
quickly felt.
- Used by millions for bothersome
rheumatic joints that need helpful
A tube for 60 cents at pan'L J.
Fry Drug Co., and all good drug
gists America over. ! 1
Biggest Selling Joint
yr. Remedy In the World
i l IL
i I
(Two-layer Cake)
j)4 ctrps fine granulated sugar
cup Snowdrift ..
I cup moderately stnng cofitt
xK cups flour
3 tiaipotns baking powder
l teaspoon salt - - ,
M cup cocoa '
I teaspoon mixed spices
M teaspoon Hack pepper
3 && whites well beaten .
' Cream. Snowdrift and iagar, nd adJ yolk of ejtr and
beat until light and creamy. &ft toceth flour, salt,
baking powder, cocoa, spites and rP? ta
creamed mixture alternately the dry ingredients ard
i. coffee. Heart he whites last and add, foMing and cutting
in only enough to incorporate with the batter. Pour th-.s
batter into pans, the sides and bortom of whith have been
oiled with Snowdrift and flour sifted over the Snowdrift. -.
Bank the batter up to the si Jos of the pan, leano a
depression ia the center, so that when the cake re, the
': top will be absolotely flat. Bake in oven 350 decrees F.
for twenrvieht minutes. Turn out on cake rack 10 cool,
and when' cold spread with a brown suirar marshmallow
; icing and decorate with halves of nuts. At 4,000 decrees
alnrnde (or over) reduce sugar by i enp and baking
powder to x teaspoons. I
Try Snowdrift in Kate Brew Vaughns recipe for Adobe Cake or
in your own favorite cake recipe.' After you learn what a very good
shortening Snowdrift is youTl,want to use; it in all your recipes.
. Snowdrift
for making cake, biscuits and pastry
and for frying.;