The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1925, Page 20, Image 20

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.Over 55,000 Machines Are
produced During the Month
;! of October
all '- automobiles I a Argentine
shows that Studebakers make op
more than 40 per.cent of all cars
selling at. $1000 or more.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is an
other similarly critical market
Actual count ' of all caw regis
tered there during the-first six
months of th,e, year disclosed that
of all American made cars In the
fine car field just a fraction less
than 50 per cent ; were Stude
bakers. ;
'DETROIT, Mich,, Nor, 14.
Exceeding., its. production sched-
?m by mOjre.thaa 1000, the, Chev-
' relet Motor company built-55,504
motor ears and trucks during: Oc
tober tto third- highest prodnc-
' tlqu montU la. the history of 'the
company." 1 " -:
' This 'achievement followed a
- sirailar performance in September
when tire cornp&ny, boilt 55,865
tibttsv exceeding- it production
J schedule by 2,700 after the sched-
t ale" foy f.TOOafter the . schedule
had been Increased nearly 7000
September waa the second highest
month ia Chevrolet production
being: only 4?4 under the hlgii
mark established two years ago. .
. The V' production, maintained
daring the lastM days" aide'd.thJej Its, efforts to meet the
t tipped cpMtlBntly 'throughout
-.' the entire-year. .-U -,.; -;
During the last seven months
. Chevrolet' ateraTge; pWdufctlouTias
been : 5 7 pen tQ'onW ' During
only one ot thse..mottths did pro-
, dtfctioa, fall below 50,000. that
bipg JJuly when 45,7670 .cars
and - trucks were" manufactured.
The slight July decrease was due
4p change? bejn'g made at the, fac
tories in,, preparation for the isu
, prove men tf ?' which followed the
, price redaction' announcement of
August 1.
' A further stabilization of Cher-
: rolet year-round' production . is
...v exnectedjlo follow. The "reecnt de
Telonment ' of ' Inexpensive nassen
: ger bus bodies 'wfclch " three body
manufacturers now are making
fo rthe one-ton Utility Express
' chassis.
SSofBfdbS; t
Text Book Is Now Ready for
Distribution tp All Auth
orized Stations
Then r and Then Only
Not until we have done away
with certain classes of automobile
drivers, either by education or hy
means of force can the average
motorist take the road in safety.
When, we have blotted out the
drunken driver.
Abolished the under age motor
ist. ;.
Outrun the "beat the train"
Shot down the highway robber
Forced the road hog Into a
bottomless ditch.
Taught the no-signal driver
sign language.
Caught the hit-an-run driver
for good and all time.
. Whipped the smartness from
the smart aleck driver
Thrown the bootlegger driver
behind the bars for twenty years.
Convinced the speed maniac
that' be is not in such, a hurry
after! ait,'. ; .
Stepped on the loafer driver's
rea rbuinper to give him reason
able speed.
Equipped the one-light driver's
ca? with three lights instead of
two. 1
And Just naturally pounded
some; common sense Into the
boneheaded driver's cranium with
a sledge- hammer; if necessary
Then can the average man
drive out to. a nearby lake for a
picnic or a fishing trip with rea
sonable assurance that he will re
turn home-fit and" whole, and not
to . a hospital maimed and
mangled. Marshall (Mian.)
News: Messenger.
ma m
Manufacturers of Motor
Trucks Show Phenomen- .
a! Increase
. DETROIT, Mich., Nor, 1 4. The
first move by an automobile manti
f acturer to establish complete
standardization of methods In re
pair service has been made by the
ord Motor company In a text en
titled rFord Service" which is for
distribution to Authorized Ferd
Dealers and Service; Stations. This
boak, which Includes about 31)0
pagesjs the culmination of several
years . study of" research by 5ord
engineers. It covers in minute. de
tail, with numerous illustrations,
every operation in assembling and
lepairing Ford cars.
Automobile engineers all over
the country have long urged. that
a system of repair methods, stan
dardized by the manufacturer be
worked out in the. interest of car
owners. Practically no two, me
chanics follow, the same method
even on the same operation, they
assert. Efficiency may, also vary,
it-is pointed out, and it-is aa as
surance of the highest type of scr.
ice if in every shop the. methods
conducive to highest efficiency are
For years the company as
maintained a direct and close ser
vice supervision over its dealers
and- service stations and With the
new text this is strengthened ey
giving mechanics in simple form
the approved methods for servic
ing Ford cars. Publication of the
book, a statement says, is "in ine
with the: company" p alley ofr.Unr-
p roving service to For.l car own-
ThB-ATBOTtimj- Republic "wrests
ed ' from ' Australia durinr the
month of August the title of the I 8 in every way proven practical
, largest consumer of exported
v motor; cars ,in, the world. j
i. .While American cars make ap
j the most or thenar imported Into
Argentine, yet practically every
make of car maaufactared ; in
'Europe also finds market there.
Being far removed from any
local-influence, the Argentine is
one of the most critical and high
: ly competitive motor car markets
in the, world; each car has to
stand oa its own merits, having
no local influence to help.
. , ;.It is significant that, against
all foreign as well as domestic
competition, an actual count of
The fiarrisburg bridge Js near
ing competition and a pioneer
ferryman who has witnessed more
casualties than any man in Ore
gon, will soon be out of a Job at
Harrisburg. This bridge, should
have been built long ago.
Standard Eight Model Is Pil
oted 16p6i Miles; Aver
age 4& Miles an Hour
Jame J. Williams, of Roches
ter, N. Y set what is believed
to be anew motor car speed and
endurance record when he piloted
Hupmobile Eight standard
stock touring, car from that city
to Miama, Fla., 1C86 miles, in
37 hours elapsed driving time
This is an average, of 44.96 miles
an hour,
The record eclipses that of the
fasted limited trains from any
point along the North Atlantic
coast to 'Miami by sevecal hours.
Eight "states and the District of
Columbia traversed. The . run
necessitated passing through the
traffic as such cities as Williams-
port ,and Harrisburg, Pa., Balti
more, Washington, Richmond
Vgi., Charlotte, N. C, Columbia
sr C, Augusta, Ga., and Jackson
ville Fla.
Approximately 50 miles of de
tours, 183 miles of deep sand in
Georgia ; and. narrow rutted and
heavily traveled road between the
Florida state; line . to Miami, were
encountered, in addition to the
usual city and highway - traffic.
From Baltimore to Richmond the
car was piloted through a driv-
ing rainstorm.
The run was the second record-
breaking cross-country test of. a
Hupmobile Eight within recent
weeks. On 'September 20 and 21,
T. W. Campbell, Hupmobile dis-
Graham Brothers production
of motor trucks for the single
month of September, 12-5, ac
cording to official figures, was
171 per cent of their production
for the entire year of 1921. '!
With the combined output of
their four largs factories located
at Detroit, Evaosville, Stockton,
California, and Toronto, Graham
Brothers, a division of Dodge
Brothers, Inc. and now the lar
gest exclusive manufacturers of
motor, trucks, month by month
and week by week are shattering
all their previous production
Gratia m Brothers production
for the first nine months of this
year exceeded that for 1924 by
128 per cent and exceeded the
1923 figures by 248 per cent, i
Thi3 program is not surptis-
I hmmmm
iMasMSir'i i ii in
tributor at Hartford. Conn., and
c. kL KniBrv. of his organization ing to ownersot Graham Broth
drove a standard stock' sedan ers WUCKS, " says Mr; uonesteete
bearinz factorv serial number local Dodge Brothers dealer, "be
E-961. from Hartford to Wind- cauBe ly now ine satisiactory
sor, Ont., 866 miles, in 19 hours service these trucks give, and ap-
and 20 minutes elapsed time, av
eraging 44.79 miles an hour.
Th tot? nf Mr Wlltfamn' trin
illustrates the remarkable train- TINKER MAKES CHANGE
like speed schedule that was made
An average of 43 miles an hour VEVCFXT IXTKST TS BOUGHT
was made duriner the first eieht 1 MKCIIA.Mt;
hours; a 42.5 mile average was
preciate their unusually low cost
of operation
madje the following 45.1
during the next seven hours; 49:1
for the. next seven; 45.7 for the
next seven and 42.7 during the
last three. The highest speed av
erage was between Columbia,
S. C. and Jacksonville.
Despite the terrific speed at
Willard Tinker has resigned as
shop foretaan of Vick Brothers
garage and has purchased the in
tereat of Roy Vincent in the
Skipper & Vincent repair shop.
The firm name will be known
as Skipper & Tinker and will be
located at 544 Ferry street with
which the car was continuously Ramsyef Brothers. Both Mr.
driven, an averaee of 13.27 miles Skipper and Mr. Tinker; are Well
peri gallon of gasoline was madeiKno'rn ln aaiem ana nae me
Mr wnnama ronnrto f!rant- reputation or being first rate
case oil' was drained at the end I mechanics.
of the 1000 milea and" a fresh
supply given the engine. Aside Eugene .Ticivenzie nsn nacn
from oil was added. Less ery has distributed 4,225,000 trout
than a Pint of water overflowed lry tms year.
the! radiator at Miami, though
none was added during the entire
'v -
Reduction $3QQ
Mm m
ii- rniimur n i t "''i:'X&'.'-,.-;-;,.:-;
i . fy.-yx:A:v.vv
11 1 I fiiSsxVj
utiHiii-iYn-.-riniii-i ii frnii ! mi,
r r
Come in and view the Qr eater Value in the
new low price of $1445, f. o. b. factory
including luxurious mohair upholstery,
four broad doors, silver fittings with vanity
case and smoking set, Targe efficient heat
er, Nash'design 4-wheel brakes, full balp
looa tires, and 5 disc wheels.
Corner Commercial and Chemeketa
That detour from New,. Era to
Oregon City has been a long drawn
out process aa well as a long, steep
pull process and, to add to the in
convenience of the thing during
the International stock show, you
were required to detour oa the
detour. '
yhit Our Used Tire and Tire Repair
"A Real Buy in All Size Used Trres
Smith & Watkin&
Corner Court and High Phone 44
Y, Prices art f. "Toledo
x .Let cold as it pleases. t That's because GENERAL'. contains in
. JYou ; should wo r r y. about . starting?-if f its scientifically balanced specifications
there's GENERAL in the tankl, ,.- enough of 'the more .volatile hydrocarbons
t l j t Jto. insure quick, , peppy ignition. GfeN-
Just. hop, m and switch on and. press tjo fi t u c y i . j
. , T a -c u i. ; stt ERAL is Qld-fashioned-gasoline made by
the utter, and.-, the battery s O .K.. effident refinittg process known.
youll get under war almost. as qnddy. jt a fuU of cency fr0J the d
and smoothly as yon would on: am August j to.tfie last, andk'rfrop works ! Are you
afternoon. : ' taking advantage of it?; w.K. SPECK
" . ggSSS! 'iWflKazed. Mf Telephone 2102
iHuiuwriAuicri-Bf tnr. Kjreen-cna-w Me Sign Salem, Oregon
"Fill UpYour Jljigandlit yourjENGINEccider
Price alone meansjnothing
thing js iatxdoesitne
pay for J
. beautu never be fore seen in a DODidar priced car' I .."Pullman comfort
compared with a day coach when I think of other sixes'9 . V. ."indeed a real auto
mobile". . . "remarkable engineering". , ."better than other cars which cost me
twice as much".. . so sap-owners of the Overland Six.
Distinctive Beauty
About either of the two Overland Six Sedans there
is an unmistakable air of distinction and beauty
these are no ordinary cars built in quantity to sell
at a price; They are tire summing up of the best that .
motor car building can give . . . they look it in
every line .!. . in the charming and distinctive
colors . . . in the rich trimmings ... in the low.
Eaceul lines . . .in the upholstering. Critical '
lyers have Only words of praise.
Delightful roominess
There are 16 cubic feet more room in these sedan .
models than you find in the ordinary six. That's
room enough for VA people. But in the Overland
Six it is the- extra room 'which means comfort and
enjoyment oh Ion g4 trips.' No one is crowded ...
there is room to move around . . . no one is
cramped ... the driver has all the leg room he
."will ever need ? -
... i
Surprising convenience
Women know, uhat Baker velour is. That is what
is u$bd in the de luxe model . . . dust proof . . .
moth proof. And there are handy-pockets, generous
in dimensions, to carry bundles. The upholstery, in
the standard sedan is a practical, hard wearing
fohHr. thot txrill irtanrf. IhA rnuch'est USaSC . . JUSt
the kind of cloth where there are kiddies or when
yoa want to store your camping outfits inside and
hike fdr the long trail.
Superior engineering
An internationally famous engineer calls it "an
engineering masterpiece" .... lightning getaway
. . . tremendous power . . v stamina you cannot
break down ... and an economy you can find in
no other six-cylinder motor. Drilled crankshaft . .
engine, clutch- and transmission in one tirnt . .
straight line drive . low center of gravity.
Come see this master car '
Learn by inspection . . . by demonstration . . . Just
what ' remarkable values are offered in the two
Overland . Six sedans. . Come, prepared to compare
with other, cars. ut see it . . whatever else you do,
'Easy terms to suit '
The Sown payment is small the monthly payment
can be arranged, to suit your pocketbook. And wa
will accept your present car as part payment.
O- V:E- Rt-A"'N D- r F I N E s M O- T O R
VV t l - I iu ; . V t is. O. V a. ai i ,-- niiniUimM