The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    I I-
1 ' "'
. i
Tike J Best Place to
G. W.
' : . Fair ' ; ,
Generally fair, except cloudy and
unsettled: over extreme nortnwest
portion; moderate temperature;
gentle variable winds. Max. Fri
day, 56; Min. 43'River 1.8, ris
ing; Rainfall .04; Atmosphere
part cloudy ; Wind southeast.
Divorce Is: Obtained
Ella M. Zimmerman was grant
ed a divorce from 0. C. Zimmer
man in Judge L. H. McMahan's
court yesterday on the grounds of
desertion. They were married in
Washington in 1915. Mrs. Zimmer
man charges desertion in 1923. ;-
Tenor Banjos -:,
Biggest assortment ever.
Moore's Music House. :' . V
Rand Instrument; Repairing
Date's -musical instrument, re
pair shop. Phone 2215. ! Room
3, McCornack Bldg., over Miller's.
s . i nl5
Get a Real LEATHER Belt
An assortment of men's and
boys'. Nothing takes the place of
LEATHER, . F. E. Shafer. har
ness supplies, south of Ladd &
Bush, bank. nl4
Hogan Fined !
S. M. Hogan, who was arrested
Thursday on . a charge of being
intoxicated, was fined $10 for the
off ense by. Judge Poulsen Friday.
Certified Stndebaker Glass
- Closure, for sale at the Certified
Public Motor. Car Market!; Why
huy a cheap new car when yon can
get this guaranteed, . high grade
car for only 3590? . -, i n!4
Three Licenses Issued-- i
Three marriage -licenses were,
issued in the; county clerk's office
Friday,?. These were taken out. by
D- LeeMinott, Portland, mechanic,
and! Elizabeth H. Murphy,oJ "Sher
wood; Chester E. FrasierVallroad
man405 South High; and, Lois V.
Franklyn, Portland ; iCornelius
Jepsoif, tanner. Portland, and
Luise Siewertsen, 1209 Ferry.
Pomeroy Keene
Jewelers and Optomctrlsta
Salem, Oregon -
For the right kind of materials
and the Tery beit . workmtn
bin call'ni, A
Powder arid Supply Co. -
17 8. Commercial Phono tit
AnetlaaMr aa mrnttmr Dali,
Fy eHk fr Um4 rarattars. Bute
In Kortk ComasrelaU i
Office Phone. 75 or Bea
I'r ldcace Phcae 1813-W
in (
Buay: Hose
Why? Well the one
because men come here to buy hose
for themselves. Pretty certain proof
that we have the sort of hose they like.
A new stock of patterns and colors
for your selection now on display
Johnson & Co.
469 State
Bicycle Claimed
E. L. Welder called for his In
dian bicycle at the local police
station Friday. He had reported
it stolen from near the O. E. de
pot Wednesday' night, and Thurs
day the- bicycle was found under
neath the Bidewalk at Twelfth and
Cross streets by John Sills.
Furniture TTphotsiery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. gJOtf
Some Modern Couple
Here's a modern bungalow for
two or three. Furnace, fireplace
hardwood, wired for electric range
Dutch kitchen, etc. Priced below
any similar place you have seen.
$3600 takes It and $600 down is
plenty. Brand .new and ready to
occupy. In protected district at
1550 S. Winter. Becke & Hen
dricks, Heilig.; Bid.. 189 North
High street. n8tf
Store Rifled '
- ;The center showcase at the
Worth's department store at 177
North Liberty was broken into
some time Thursday night, accord
ing to report made at the local po
lice station'early Friday morning;.
Entrance was" gained by means Uf
prying off a small lock. Seyexal
laaies' purses were taken. .:
7 Per Cent Preferred Stock-
In Salem s new paper mill. In
vestigate. - Hawkins & Roberts.
Inc., 205 Oregon Building. n20
For Rent
Modern 5-room house, furnace, I
fireplace, etc., $35, Vacant; also
modern 5-room flat, $37.50; va
cant.,, Becke A Hendricks, 189 N.
High. Heilig Bldg. n4tf
To Hold Sale -
The Spring Valley missionary I
society of Polk county are plan
ning to hold a cooked fruit sale
at Neimeyer's drug store today
The sale will start at 10 a. m. and
will continue throughout the day.
It is announced that there will be
plenty of fruit for all
Dance, Crystal Gardens-
Saturday night; good music. nl4
Loans Wanted " ; - . y :::
$700 knd$lS00. 6 and 7
per centi.Ke'jr; Salein homes. ?Tttle
and Insurance protection. Becke
& Herirloka, HeUig Bldg. 189 N.
High street. ; . n8tf
Hold Banquet . ' , ;
A banquet was held at the South
Friends church last night in ob
servance of Father and Son week.
Various phases of the relationship i
between father' and son were dis
cussed during the course of the
banquet. .
Your Old Piano ' Vj"
Taken as . part payment on a
Brunswick or Victrola. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. n!2tf
Class Meet "
The public speaking forum of
the local YMCA met last night at
the rooms of the association. Prof.
W. G. Harrington of Portland was
the instructor for- , the evening.
About 20 men were present - for
the class, which has an enrollment
of 22.
Wood Special
5 loads 16-inch mill wood $17.50
good wood, prompt delivery,
Spaulding 5 Logging Co. .' -Phone
18S0.- r rA":?
Class to Meet
The citizenship class will meet
in the rooms of the Salem YMCA
tonight. Question is often raised
concerning - the charge to v those
participating in the- class, but C.
A. Kells, secretary and Instructor
of the classes, states that the
class is absolutely free to all those
who are - desirous of taking out
their citizenship papers. " "
South High Street Cot tap .
- '$3100; reasonable terms.; East
front, near, schools and car- Pav
ing paid,' Electric range. Large
lot with fruit, garden and flowers,
cement walks.' Buy now. Becke
& Hendricks, 1S9 N. High. Heilig
big reason
Assumed Name Filed
E. W. Garver and Williafn
uranam nave rued assumed busi
ness name with the county clerk
for the Water Stieet Market of
From, the Orient Xext Week-
Come Brocades and , Linens.
Brownell Electric Co., 379 State
street. nl4
Salem Elite
Pleating, hemstitching, stamped
goods, button covering and Queen
Silk lingerie. D. M. C. threads.
stamping. 329 Oregon Bldg. nltf
Dredge at Work
Work of cutting through the bar
opposite the Oregon Gravel com
pany at Salem was started Fri
day by the government dredge.
Mathloma. The work will take
about a week, it is estimated, af
ter which the dredge will move
down the river for further work.
The dredge has been at work in
clearing the Willamette river
channel for the last two months.
Chrysanthemum Sprays, 25
A bloom at Maruny's. Phone
916. . nl5
For W. W. Kimball pianos. A,
B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy,
Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music
House, 409-415 Court. i20tf !
Runaway Car Stopped
Tom Ottinger, route 1, his wife
iand small baby, had a narrow es-
cape from injury when a light car
in which they were riding got out
of control on a steep grade. After
ascending the hill a locknut strip
ped on one of the rear wheels, dis
connecting the engine and the
wheels. Mr. Ottlriteer managed to
keep the car on th highway, pre-
venting a plunge down the hill.
Saturday Special-
Choice Picnics, 20c lb; fancy
Pioneer,, Bacon, 32c lb. Cross
Market, phone 1880. Free deliv
ery. nl4
Caso Is Defaulted
The action by Mrs. E- E. Ken-
nell against Raymond and Lucile
, Dunbar was closed in circuit court
yesterday when the defendants
defaulted the case. The order was
signed by Judge ,L. H. McMahan.
Hear the Orthophonic
Victrola today at Stiffs.
You Can't Keep Alcohol
In a leaky radiator. See us be
fore the freeze. J. C. Bair, the
regular radiator man. r nl5
Lucas Is Arraigned
Elgin Lucas, arrested yesterday
by Sam Burkhart, deputy sheriff,
on a charge of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor, was ar
raigned in justice court yesterday.
Bail of $500 was furnished-
Schindler hall tonight.
For Rest ,
Warm house, furnace,, $35.
Warm flat. $37.50. Both vacant
Becke & Hendricks, Heilig Dldg..
189 N. High street. n8tf
Two Accidents Fatal-
Industrial accidents claimed
two lives for the week ending No
vember 12, according to a report
from the state Industrial accident
commission. These were A. Kleln-
diest, powder man," Springrield, and
William S. Ormand," truck driver
Portland." Of the 642 accidents,
541 were subject to the provisions
Acute and Chronic treated !
by the latest Electrical, j
Theraphy and Osteopathy.
Consultation Free! .
- ' Physician and Surgeon '
;-, BOO C. S. Bank .Bld.
Salem, Oregon ' '
I .,Npi i . i
We have a wonderful buy
in an Oakland Sedan.
This . car has had good
care, looks fine, has good
rubber and lots of extras.
This will make some one
'a nice buy at-J..---$900
of fthe workmen's compensation
act; 97 from firms and corpora
tions that have rejected the act,
and four from public utilities not
subject to the provisions of the
Bargain Dance-
Crystal Gardens, Sat. night. nl4
S. H. 8.! See Our New Stork
Of banjos-ukes with Salem high
school seal on the heads. Real
novelties. At Moore's Music
House. nl5
Good Placcn ' Are You Ready?
There are always good places
open for young people who have a
good training in bookkeeping,
shorthand, typing and kindred
subjects. Why not enroll for the
beginning class in shorthand which
will be started at the Capital Bus
iness College next Monday. nl4
Would Appoint Guardian-
Motion was filed in the county
clerk's office yesterday that Don
W. Miles, Salem attorney, be ap
pointed, guardian ad litem for
Willie. Minnie, and Ruth Silver
man, minors, in the action against
them by Carl A. and Myrtle R.
Ladies of St. Joseph's Parish
Rummage sale this afternoon.
Saturday Special
Choice Picnics, ,20c lb; fancy
Pioneer Bacon, 32c lb. Cross
Market, phone 1880. Free deliv
ery. nl4
Band Instrument Repairing
- Duke's musical instrument re
pair shop. Phone 2215. Room 3,
McCornack Bldg. Over Miller'tij
-1 . nl5
Got Vancouver License
A marriage license has been
issued at Vancouver, Wash., to
John Welch, 38, Eugene and Edith
Lock wood. 35. of Salem. "
Oppen Teaches Acetylene.
, And electric welding. New ,elecir. . Terms if desired. . Becke &
trie welding machines. $250;
acetylene generators, $90 and up.
695 Mill St. d7
Furniture TJpnotatery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. i20tf
Kelly's Court Closed
f No court will be held in depart
mentl in the circuit courtv;today.i
Judge Percy R. Kelly has complet
ed business for the week. Mon-
Fresh Toasted
33c a lb.
2 lbs. for 65c
For Saturday Only
We reserve the right to
limit 'quantities
Only at
The Y'eUow Front Phone 197
133 North Commercial Street
The Penslar Store
Eastman Brothers
Furnaces , .
Salem Office 69 S.IIigh
- Office hours:
12:M TO 1 P. M.
' Factory, Silverton. Ore,
Salem's Leading
Pays Cash For Furniture
Ilealdence and Store ,.
' 1010 Korth Sunmer
"Established Since 1910'
day afternoon the-case of the
state against Dixon. Johnson and
Andrews (will be heard- These
three men were' arrested In con
nection: with the Mt. Angel still
seized on April 2 & of this rear.
On Display Not- 1 Tib-
Imported novelties for girls and
for yourself.' Brownell Electric
Co.. 379 State street. n!4
Willamette and Salem Hi-
Students! A real LEATHER
brief case will protect your books
this wet weather. P. E. Shafer.
south' of Ladd & Bush bank. n! 4
Have the Piano Refinished
By L J. Hersha, expert piano
and furniture reflnisher .and pol
isher. Free estimates on reouest.
Inquire at Moore's Music House,
409-415 Court St. Phone 983. nl5
Will be Sentenced Tuesday
James Hagen. indicted on a
charge of larceny not in a dwell
ing, waived counsel in circuit "Court
yesterday and will be sentenced
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock by
Circuit Judges Percy R. Kelly.
Chrysanthemum Sprays, 23
A bloom at Maruny's.
Some Bond Buyer
: That likes security and also re
turns. Here's brick building on
long time lease that will net you
8 per cent net $22,000. Third to
half to handle. Becke St Hen
dricks, 189 N. High- Heilig Bldg,
Slier Is Released
William Miers of the Silver
Creek Falls district was found not
guilty of setting fires without
permit when he was tried for the
second time in the justice cpurt.
The first trial resulted in a dis
agreement and Miers was acquit
ted on the second trial yesterday.
Hotel Marion Dollar Dinner-
Served 5:45 to 8 every evening,
Hear the Orthophonic
Victrola today at Stiff's.
Men's, Young Men's, Boys'
' O' Coats, Raincoats, Bishop's
Wlnnlfred M. Curry
Has taken over the management
of the 8alem Elite. 329 Oregon
rBuilding. nltf
Your Old Piano
Taken as part payment on a
Brunswick or Victrola. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. nl2tf
fcTwelve Lots $1200 Terms
suitable for small homes, gar
den, chickens. Near school and
tfenaricks, 189 N. High. Heilig
At Kafoury'
Fine Chamoisette Gloves
Special a pair 98c
Have fancy turnover and novelty cuffs with embroid
ery. In the most desired shades. This is a wonder
ful value. . . .
466 SUte Street
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
gatahliahM 1SCS
General B&xikxns Business
from It
i . ' ' lasuraare of All
r' Lobby Helllfc Theatre, 1S
, :; Telephdne 111
Henry Caafk-ld Dead . 1
i Henry O. Canfield, "7. a vete
ran of the Civil warfc died in Port
land. Friday. He had been con
fined to his bed since July.
At his late home, 444 Market
street, on Nov, 13, Orlo Duane
Adams, age 82 years. He is sur
vived by two sons, Evelon Stod
dard and Clarence D., and three
grandchildren. Duane Adams of
Lambert, Okla., Gwynn Adams and
Mrs. Hester Way of Salem, and
three great grandchildren. He was
veteran of the Civil War and
was with the 199th Illinois. Fu
neral services will be held from
the Terwilliger funeral home on
Monday, November 16, at 10 a. m.
Rev. Martin Fereshetlan will offi
ciate. Concluding' services will be
held at the Mount Scott cemetery
in Portland. .
". In this city, November 11, Mrs.
Elizabeth Frost, age S3 years
mother of William J. Frost of
Portland and Mrs. A. W. Blom of
Menominee, Mich. The funeral
cortege will leave the Rigdon mor
tuary Saturday, Nov. 14, at 11 a
in. and proceed to the Portland
crematorium where funeral serv
ices will be held at 2 p. m.
Blanche Louise Juza died at the
residence of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Juza, 695 S. Church St.,
Nov. 13, at the age of 4 years. She
was the sister of Kenneth, &fae
and Helen Juza. Gran daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Juza of Wash
ington and Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Sheppard of North Benl, Ore. Body
at Webb's funeral parlors. Funer
al announcements later.
In this city November 12. Cbas.
L. Fischer, age 88 years. Funeral
services Saturday, Nov. 14, at
10:30 a. m. from Rigdon mortu
ary, interment City view ceme
We grieve not for them but
for -ourselves. We miss them;
life can never be the same
without, them. Nothing but
time can heal the hurt and
make the period of separation
bearable. But when we come
to see life In the whole, we
rest in the certainty that we
have only parted for a short
time, that they are just over
the borderline waiting for us
to Join them and continue the
long pilgrimage in their com
pany. ' Sheba Hrgres.
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Fine quality
Fabric Gloves
883 Alder Street
to S .
5 Reckless Dam.
1 Pck'I Shovel
4 .
30 DAY$
C.J i
N. U1B
; - .
In 1898 Mr. Canfield moved ' to
Oregon, locating near . Lebanon.
He went to Portland 19 years ago
and continued to. make his home
in that city. He was the father of
B. L- Canfield of this city.' j
Men's, Young- Men's, Boys' :
O' Coats, Raincoats, Bishop s
Saturday Special .
Choice Picnic, 20c lb; fancy
Pioneer Bacon, 32c lb. Cross
Market, phone 1880, Free, deliv
ery, nit
W. V.! Banjo, Ukes ,
With Willamette colors; a nov
elty for every Bearcat. At Moore's
Music House. nl5
- . - t
Carpenters Incorporate-
Articles of -incorporation .were
filed with the state department
Friday by the Salem Carpenters'
union No. 1065. -v The purpose is
The Battery Man
. Srsunutie Work
Hot Oaeu Work.
S3 1 Court St. - Phone 108
Direct Factory Branch.
510 Conrt Street Phone S62
Typewriters Rented, Sold,,
Special rental ratM to students
Get the Best
English Plum
121 South Commercial
Cold feet have no place in Salem. Let
your s take the first train out.
This hosiery is as soft and comfortable
in tread as walking on a warm
sandy beach
The patterns are as tame as a kitten
chased by a dog.
New caps, too fascinating patterns
; Michael Stern O'coats
i '
A: handsome nickel-plated , Sandwich Tray with handle
11J4 inches long, 7 inches wide. One of these Trays
would jnakc a good Christmas gift.
This is only one of many useful gifts we have in our
. ., BasenMmt Household Department J , "
to promote and advance the'
science and art -of haIlding;p-
hold the honor and dignity oL, the
. (Cotlaui oa' pf S) v: "7
First Presbyterian
Norman Kendall T'i!y, li.lK
9;15 Sunday School.
10:45 Morning Worship.
The Nature and Place
of Reason in the
Clirfctian Lire
6:30 Young People's
7:30 Evening-Wwship.
The Conversion of
Corneal! us
Special 31uslc by Quartette
and Organ at Each Service
If you have no church homo
come and worship with us
We can save
on the time
ptirchaseofa :
new Chevrolet
The '-hew 'low rates of"J
thkGM A C Time Pay-.
mentPlan make a new :
Chevrolet easier and
less expensive to buy
than ever before.
Come In and let us show .
you how you can save
money in the time pur-
chase of one of these .
fine new quality cars.
Oppoilta City Eall
Has the Floor
Bids. :attf
r '