The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Huskies in ns
Bears Are Slight Favorites;
. .Scqres,VViil Be Posted at
v,: Statesman Office
. SAN FRAXCICO. Not. 13.
(By , Associated, Press.). ,The
north C and 'the ' south declare
-waf'; tomorrow on the Pacific
coast' and Washington and Cali
fornia will tarnish the combat
ants. But -the weapons will be
lootballs. : r : ': u " - ' :
. Inojthet words the Huskies and
Bears, only undefeated elevens of
the ; Pacific " coast conference.
clash at -Berkeley In a same which
is .expected to . determine the
charhptons ot 1925.' '
Traditioiial rivalry and pros
pects of leadership' in the confer
ence race promise to make the
contest colorful in the far west
Officials In charge are making
plans to handle a crowd of 100 j-
rO0O75,000 in California stad
Jam and 25,000 on the .hills over
looking the howl.
If Washington breaks through
for a win, it has only to defeat
-Oregon to' annex the title. And
Oregon has not won a conference
.- came thi year. - ,; : - -
Should California take the con
test it has yet to overcome Stan
ford in the annual "Big Game'
a week hence. . r-
- - The Bears were slight favor
ites today to take the? measure
of the Huskies. This was due
chiefly to a strange playing field
and somewhat . different climatic
'condition confronting the north
erners. Otherwise the teams
compare favorably, in strength.
(Con tinned from pi l)
play the best game of the year.
Seat sale for the game has prac
tically stopped with nearly every
ticket sold. Only a few' hundred
reserve seats In odd parts ot the
Held remain and a block" of un
reserved seats went on' sale Fri
day J From all indications a crowd
of 19,000 to 22.006., will view the
annual clash between the two Ore
gon Institutions.' ;
Probable . lineup
came: .
for today's
Oregon A, A&&
ImitH ,
vt tU,.,.T.t " war
LiLTw-fci.' Jim Dixon
3. Dixoa
Copt.. Mints
CO-'.. .r..4..:.ii1Edward.
.ln:wi- (Uenmnn
: ttus -,-,-.
.,.RII."-.-.- Schumencli
- ' Cntismed. fresi salt 41
any article that is salable,. Please
brlng-yiur things .as. soon a i "pos
sible to the committee, "in .charge"
so they . will, havey ample "time, to 1
mark, the articles and" arrange 1
taeirAooth. Everything will, Jbe
on sale at si 'o'clock, The. supper
. Is '.from Blr''to eight. . Remember
the, date,' November 7 Tme, six
o'clock. , Place; Liberty hall
. Mr., a'nd Mrs. 'Sara Kuebler. and
daughter of Seattle 'visited with
Mr; ' kueblers - parents," Mr 1 and
Mrs. Fred Kuebler, the past week.
How Are-XoU 1
Fixed Fof - J -;
; Lamps?
372 State Street .
ICIjhl and Morning to keep
them Clean Clear and Ilmlthy
' V
Miss Rovilla Fmery ot Portland
visited at the W. I. Neuens' home
over Saturday and Sunday. - f.
Miss Ruth Dougherty, who is
attending" school in Portland, vis-
ted over the - week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Emmitt
John Kuebler left for Seattle
last Saturday! where he- will visit
for a couple of weeks with his
brother, Mr. Sam Kuebler.
Grant Brown, a former resident
of this place, who now resides: In
east Salem, Is very low, with
Bright's disease and dropsy.' "
Moore's Music House gave a
musical program at the hall last
Friday night, demonstrating the
orthophony victrola. Their pro
gram was much appreciated by all.
A surprise party at R. D. Gib
son's on his, birthday was one of
the enjoyable events of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. -Hoag were
called home last Friday evening
on aceount of the sickness of Mrs;
Hoag's mother.
Mrs. J. Hickman and daughters,
Daisy and Martha5, ot Ford, Wash.,
are. spending several days at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Westen
house. ' , . , .. I -
Theodore -Hrabets who Is at
tending, school at Corvallis, spent
the. week-end here with his par-
ents.,1,';,:.;'-' -
Fred Scott chairman of the
fruit and nut committee for the
corn show, wishes to have all fruit
and nuts at the Liberty hall Tues
day morning, November 1 7. f If
not possible - to get : your fruit
there,, oof ify hfm . , i
Miss Aldow Gretilnger was a
week-end visitor, of Vjlma Fioster
of Keizer Bottom. . u
Mrs. Bellinger Is severely ill
with pneumonia. ' .
C. H. Dence,r has purchased a
new radios v
. Vestal Hubbard left last Wed
nesday for Oakland, Cal., where
he will be established in an .office
for the company, for whom he has
been working. . - , ':' i'';..'
Mrs. E. A. Rae has moved to
Salem, having traded her- place
here tor a house on North. Cot-
tage street
A surprise party was held at
the home of J. G. Wolfe last Sat
urday evening. A delightful time
was enjoyed by all present. ; r
Mr. Cleveland left last Tuesday
for California, .
A F. Marcus, who had a stroke
ot paralysis about two weeks ago,'
is reported to be improving.
Frank Mohney is bow at Rose-
burg where is driving a truck.
Carl : Berndt and . Leslie Judd
have motored to the coast on a
fishing trip. . f . '
Those In each of - the upper
grades who .madj? Jhe besjavfr-
ages in ioe recent. tesui are uratx
J .
. Hight end tlast season, he
started in as end this year,
then was shifted to halfback
and later played quarter. He
has a sure place on the team
and ha3 performed brilliantly
In all positions assigned him.
His weight is 155 pounds and
he stands 5 feet 10 inches.
Mumford, 93 H per cent; Walter
Esplin. 92.8 . per cent; Janett
Dasch. 93.1, and Lela Fox 98.7.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H.'Da3ch and
family are now living ron the- Dr.
Cruthera place.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton and two
children of Portland recently mov
ed onto the Chestnut placs. Mr.
Norton Is nepLew of Mr. Chest
Miss Veva Cooley visited rela
tives in Portland last Sunday.
H. H. Mumford, who Is employ
ed at Toledo, was home last Sun
day. Brooks
The lovely country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis was the
scene of-a-merry party on Thurs
day evening November 4, In honor
ot their, twentieth wedding anni
versary:. , The rooms were taste
fully decorated with white Crysan
themums. Cards and music were
features of the evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Sturgis were the recipients
of many beautiful gifts. At a late
hour delicious refreshments were
served. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs Malcolm Ramp, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Madsen. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ward Ramp. Mr and Mrs. Al
Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Aspin
wall, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlavy,
Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Sturgis. Mrs.
C. V. Ashbaugh. Miss Gladys Dear
droff, and Dr. Strohm of Portland.
Mrs. Johns of Salem, Misses Marie
Dunlavy. Lucile Aspinwall. Harry
Sturgis. Francis Sturgis. and John
Dunlavy Jr., and the hostesses Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis.
j A bridal shower was given in
honor of Miss Edith P. Manning
at the Wheeler home on" Saturday
evening. Miss Manning received
many beautiful gifts. At a late
hour delicious refreshments were
served. Miss Manning's marriage
to Harold Aspinwall will take
place "some time this month. Mr.
. : inparts of your
ft ' "fits"
- i
r if itcraldbem
! mechiuusmbl
Va fer more flexible "botes" or
gjeidzs of the oils producrf. By this process, the distilled oils"
4or densities, Hence Cycol is "fitted" closely to tie needs,
pfthe varioi motor m
; ingqtiesoMeoawby
good scmcxl-.why it ucanw so well and
v lasts so long. Next time you refill .
V. tty Cycol. Test for yourself this
sturdy, dependable lubricant. ' '
Tt4sfwvnn (Hm us
I K - -r
Aspinwall is principal of the But-1
tevllle public school.
There was quite a number of
the Brookj people who attended
the funeral of Mable Glover on
Thursday afternoon.
Grandma Spicer is visiting with
her 'daughter in Salem.
The Brooks ladies aid will hold
; their bazar in (he M. E church in
Brooks on November 20, in the
Mr. Brown hag erected a build
ing near his grocery store on the
highway at Brooks four-corners to
be occupied by Mr. John Ray as
a Bhoe repair shop.
The Brooks community club
met at the home of Mrs. B. F.
Ha mp on Wednesday afternoon.
It was a celebration of Mrs.
Ramp's birthday and each lady
took some plant or Bulb as Mrs.
Ramp is a great lover of flowers.
Ray Aspinwall is putting in a
lumber yard in Brooks.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Geo. Sturgis of
Alsea were visiting' relatives and
friends in Brooks the past week.
Mrs. Todhunter of Salem, and
Miss Ellen Hackit were recent
guests of Mrs. John Dunlavy.
Mr. and Mrs. William Farr at
tended the funeral of an old friend
residing in Polk county. Saturday.
One of Mr. Fliflet's fine dairy
cows was taken sick Friday.
There was a good attendance at
the W. C- T. U. Thursday at
Mrs. Jennie Day's.
Mr. and Mrs. MorrhpTownsend
were called to Crabtree. Friday,
returning home Sunday. Mr. Mor
ris returned there Mpnday, where
he is employed at carpenter work
for a week or so.
The Road meeting . Saturday,
held at Cloverdale school was a
very quiet and successful meeting
A vote to levy a special tax met
with approval. ...
Last Wednesday morning Mrs
Charles Cunnings received word
that her daughter Mrs. Grace
Swenson has a 7 pound-boy.
Sunday Mrs. Cunning went tc
Portland, and reports that they
are both doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig are ex
pected here to ppend Armistice day
with Mrs. M. Garner.
'.Mr. Fred Schifferer left here
Sunday for Portland on a visit and
business trip combined he will re
turn In a few days. $
Mt. Pleasant-Cole
Mrs. Emily Dart and family of
Lebanon and Clarence Overholti
spent Sunday at the George Sand
ner home. - ...
Clint Ffexler and family spent?
motor would do a) v
Grandma Dart is now making a
visit with her daughter Mrs.
George Sandner.;
Louie Ray and son Lyle spent
Tuesday with B. F. Darbys.
Granda Meiser is reported very
ill at Albany.
Frank Hottinger a former resi
dent of Linn county died at his
home in Portland of pneumonia
Burial took place Tuesday morn
ins, at Sublimity.
Joe Glassner and family and
Ben Darby, wife and granddaugh
ter Sylvia spent Sunday at the
Charby Peters home.
Andy Shlndler and wife spent
Sunday with her folks Harry
Freemans of Crabtree.
R. F. Darby and family attend
ed church at Albany Sunday.
Louis Geisler made a business
trip to Jefferson Monday evening.
Andy Shindler and wife motor
ed to Salem last Wednesday.
Several from this community at
tended the show at Stayton Sun
day night, "Th Thundering
(CotUinnrd from page 1) .
evidence, oral and documentary.
The witnesses were J. Edward Cas
ldy, consulting engineer and Col
onel of the Chemical warfare re
serves and Major Herbert A. Dar
gue of the air service.
In making his request to Secre
tary Wilbur which was taken un
der advisement. Captain Foley
laid the charge made by Mm. Lans
downe had made him an interest
ed party in the Shenandoah in
quiry and that consequently he
felt he could not continue as the
udge advocate charged with elicit
Foleys Honey andTar
For Coughs and Colds
8&d thit ad aad Uaj watt to FoUy Co.,
tS3 fiboflald At.. Chicago, IU., writing
your aamo aad addrosa doaxly. Ton will ro
coio a sample tottl of Totey's Honey ana
Tar Compound for coughs, colds and hor
aoaa, also sampla packagoa of FoUy Pins, a
di orotic itimnUst for tk kidaoys, sad Toley
Cathartic Tablota for constipation and ktb-
Tkoso deponaaw romopwo sio
4 front via too
and n.TO soipoa buuuh
3pp it !
Sunday with home-folks
Sandner Sr.
ing before; that court all of the
facts relating to the subjects un
der Investigation.
Mrs. Lansdowne as the first wit
ness before-the navy body Monday
will be questioned on the basis of
her statement to the Mitchell court
that Captain Foley had prepared
and sent to her a statement she
was o read to the naval court
falsely represented her attitude on
the Shenandoah matter and was an
"Insult" to her husband's memory.
KOBLESVILLE, Ind., Nov. 13.
(AP.i Pleading with all the
mastery and eloquence of his two
score years before the bar of In-
ant to Ik
Here Is f Irii-E
Whether you are from Missouri, Oregon. Texas or some other
State, every item or price you see advertised here is an In
vitation for Examination and Comparison. We want
YOU to be satisfied-otherwise WE are not.
This is a Good Time to Start! READ!
Stylish, Economical Coats
Smstrtly Fur-Trimmed, Too
Yes, these Coats are priced
this low I If you saw them
hanging without any price
tickets you'd think them
much higher priced gar-"
ments ; because materials.
workmanship, a nd t r i m-
mings are of good quality.
In Flares and
Straight-Line Modes
In the representative and
smart styles of the season.
The flare, with all its dash
ing . spirit ! The dignified
straight-line modes! And
all at this price!
pur Silk Hose
Whj Py Moro?
Buy where savings are
greatest and you can't
get better hose for your
money than this number
12181V Made of 12
strand silk I The pair,
A New Model
dlana. Eph In man, veteran crimi
nal attorney, begged a jury to
day to spare from . the electric
chair and prison cell, D. C. Ste
Visit Our Used Tire and Tire Repair
., Department
A Real Buy in All Size Used Tires
Smith &
Corner Court and
North Liberty Salem, Oregon
w . V? if if m ii r.
You Who Shop Here
Haire Our Pledge
There is no occasion to
hassle htre over price or
quality. We have but one
price that fixed upon a fair
margin of profit over the
producer's price to us and
that price alone is for all
alike. There is no deviation;
Yotir dollar will go as far
as your neighbor's here no
- Only goods of strictly reliable-quality,
are presented.
. -Seconds," -job lots," "bank
rupt stocks" and other un
desirable goods are not per
mitted in this Store.
You have oar pledge of
. satisfaction.
Smart Design
in Patent Leather
This lattice effect is
greatly in vogue in style
centres for early FalL A
pump of graceful lines in
patent leather; covered
military heeU Moderately
priced at
phenson, former grand dragon of
the Indiana Ku Klux Klan, and
two body guards on trial with him
for murder.
High Phone 44
Corset -Brassiere
The Height of Stylo
This Lady-Lyke Cor-iet-Brassiere
has a gradu
ated elastic panel on the
tide. The garment fit
beautifully! Priced,
New Lingerie
Novelty Style
Rere is a novelty as
sortment of gowns and
themises which' are un
usually different and at'
In fine fabrics, priced,
YSrU far Tret Tye CW
- - . i ... : - :'. . .. i : a