The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    7.-.-- v."-- vw: r:v 1 rffnw-rtgTp'i f K
;? m" ; - ,3iit i?-tfti as Wit r m ; j QmiHmi 3 i
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Im4 Daily Ixeept Monday by
' 13 SauU Coaaercltf St, Bilem, Oreron
R. J. Bradrick . - - - - Ktutw
Fr4 J.Tooi - - - - Maf Ine-Editor
La Ml Men-imam - -.. City Editor
C. K. Lngma - . State HnM Benorter
LealiaJ. Snita - - Telegraph Editor
adrrd Buck .-. Society di lor
i2HAlJ U 'e'y rtle4to tk. for pablfeatton f
15? Miift to trwio credited In UU paper aad b
w pa ou ihod herein. r
tv.- . ' BUSINESS
" " "j""7"- wrowr ma., fortlaad. Ore.
1 Xatr A VV"JJL".Ns:,ryf."?'
r. viwk now. xoric.
r -: - - - . . .
Baainaaa Offie!23or 58
Society ,Mkw
Zntere, it the PoatOffiea la Stleoj. Oreroa. a aeeond-clMt matter.
The steps of, a
? A' t. s a . - . -
M uu jie aeusoieta in nls rar. Tlm a7.!9 i f
' r - " ' '
? v.
' "An Oregon man is a grandfather because he is father of
his 13 year old daughter's child. He is an inmate of the
Oregon, penitentiary, and was an applicant for a parole at
TJiBrsday's meeting of the parole board. "Not the mercy of
a parole, but the glittering steel of a surgeon's. )cnife, is what
. state authorities should pply in his case." y; -r: .
! i. ii The above is An editorial paragraph that appeared in the
: Portland Journal of .last. Sunday .-.u y d to -'
.t.ine very able managing editor lof; the Portland Journal
is Marshall !N.. DaM:, " Mr. Dana!:R. several days ; ago,
appointed 'a member; of the state parole board. - The Thursday
meeting of that ;b;mentioned in Jhi .aQrnal paragraph
was the first one attended "by. Mr. h&m':x.u..--'
So he was of ficially talking out loud editorially. V ;
. .' ; As a general proposition, and "as applied lo the casein
- .point,.Mr.:pana wiU find few sane and decent people to dis
agree with what he says T ' r '
. ' ,And nearIv every one will wish him success of his idea ;
wiir mentally without reserve.reflect that 'he should go to it,
world without end, amen. , v
r " Mr. Dana -has the assurance and enthusiasm of a new
i conyert, but he is booked for some disappointments. -'
. The iirt thin2 he'shpuld Vead, on the line of the above
ir1?'"?2?8? of 'the Oregon coder with the
it H-0?10'?1. ?m-?ad r They 4re sections of
.4 the lareafirig therstae" board of eugenics composed of the
i members of the' state board of health, together with the sup
erintendents of the asylum for the insane here and at Pendle
.! tori and Ihe superintendents of the penitentiary and the
i-institution for the feeble minded. --t --f" .
The superintendents of thesV state, institutions are lje-
qfiired by this law to repor$ quarterly the habitual criminals
t ; and moral and sexual perverts in their charge. Upon inves-
ligation, the state board of
' type oi sterilization to be applied to such moral and sexual
g s perverts and habitual criminals, in order to - improve their
. physical and neural conditions : ; T'.'.';-;.U " '
i "i Bllt a copy o each sucn order must b Jfrjved , pn-jthe
jj'peron so designated, or his or her guardiahrandthecase
may be appealed to the circuit court, where the person whose
U case is at issue must be represented by an attorney, at the
J charge-of the state, if not otherwise provided.
: , " The law. also , undertakes .to" define what is a habitual
criminal and .a moral or sexual pervert. Conviction, three or
more times for a felony makes a habitual criminal under the
Jawand moral and sexual perverts are declared such when
-addicted to the practices 'which caused the destruction of
-Sodora-and Gomorrah. . -v ' " ; . . '.. ;
So there you are, Mr. Dana. In the. rases of inmates at
the instkutiomf or the jTejebJ emiidfei, tbilUdministration of
lthis law is being earned' on auitelffe&erallv. in the cases" that
being carried, on quite,generally, in the cases? that
- come ,nnder its purvjw, tahd wiiout much- friction,
herejean teMWWiaW upc
.persons treated andupon ocietythfnefW, to say no
wi imure generaiions
) ut"at ' the other, institutions therfe axe difficulties;
specwlly at the "pitena'rX 'V ? " "
Mr. Dana may, do a fine work, in his new position, in
f securing a more general observance of this law
But if he takes the matter up in earnest, he.v will be in
t f otinany stiff fights t and the fact is that he will fin need
'r for'ameidments to the law, to say nothing of the wisdom of
j getting, public opinion behind the movementvto cut of crime
" and -degeneracy at: its, purces., ' . " " t 'j
With tomorrow's closingfrChildreiis Book Week will be
come for this' year a'tnatter
i from the,cihtn, the fourteenth
being carried brfa campaign national in seopeiot stimulating
the interestof boys and,girls in books. -
v ?arent-Teacher organizations; librarians aind thousands
l of parents arid others have been striving to encourage lappre
ciatio;a of good .bcks Jy
And tlmmghbnt the' year this book week, inspires a
'growing consciousness of the importance of children's books,
of their influence in character development and in the build
?ing of citizenship. - ;Thi contribution of helpful bro to the
happiness'as well as the influence and effectiveness of the
lindiyidual is trwnendous throughout life, T
i - Children given opportunity early ; to "browse", among
books suited to their ages and to their interests will carry
the influences ; of them" throughout the years: 1 Children are
Mntcrested in book ,of adventurer biography, legends and
myths; YoutK enjoy, also fiction: , includingromance and
.character studies. ; Boys' and girls'. reading should be differ
entiated somewhat including science and mechanics for the
" former and art for the'Iattcr:- With properly books
and other reading maenaYat their command during child
hood and youth the cheap'yepow'' meaningless 'orharmf ul
. reading which occupies so'much'space on the bargain counter
will have little or no appeal for later life. " - .
" W. H. Henderaoa - - CfreoLHcTh Manafer
EalpH H. KletilBf Advertising Manacer
Vraak Jaakoaki Manager JoV lept.
E.A.lUiote - . - ljrcatoek Editor
' W. C. Coaaer - -- - Poultry Editor
all wi
the local
vin.. xiiKina ciog.. txa laceiea. ca
Otflew58S ' Kewa"lepartnwBtL223-t06
13. 1923 'r"";"r - ;
good man are ordered by the'Lord:
eugenics, may drder rthe properJ
a . . .
3ry During this week,
ofyNoverJber, there is
of history,
I Under the stimulus of
there is o'pportunity.for the accomplishment of great good by
the encouragement of better reading," through the emphasis
of interesting, helpful and inspiring books. If you have so
far passed this opportunity by, be sure to contribute some
thing" to this cause of civic, social and educational improve
ment TOD AY and TOMORROW. - .v 'K
; Good books are to the young mind what the warming
sun and refreshing rain of spring are to the seeds which
have lain dormant in the frosts
All jthe i known world, excepting only savage nations,
governed by books. Voltaire.
it :-r: !V
9fr -
In the highest civilization the book is still the highest
delight. Emerson'
9fr , 3fc 3fc Sfc "
The greatestpleasure in life is that of reading while we
are young. Hazlitt. '
Let every man if possible gather some good books under
his roof Channing. ;
i Let there be a good supply of books and a yearly store of
prvislbiisr-Hdrace. ' ;.!i"f ' - . ". " . 4a:'Hl '
Student Service Program
Will .Be Carried to State
School This Year
SILVERTON. Ore., Nor, 12.i
(Special). The Lutheran Broth
erhood of Oregon will establish a
student serrice program at one of
the state schools this year, accord
ing to the report given by Rev.
William Schoeler of Aurora who
ha3 charge of this department of
thaf Brotherhood, The report was
given at a meeting of the Silver
ton unit of the Lutheran Brother
hood of America Tuesday evening.
Rev. Mr. Schoeler in his' report
stated1 that up to this time the
Brotherhood has $6,000 in pledg
es, and that one congregation
alone at ' Portland gave $2,0Q0.
The student service program was
recently inaugurated by the Luth
eran' Brotherhood of Oregon. The
plan Is to establish a Lutheran
home, or hut. as it will be called,
for the' boys and girls at the state
nniversity, at Monmouth and at
CoryaIli8. The home will be Pro
vided with' a chapel, study rooms,
and an all around home. Inas
much . a - neither Corvallis nor
Monmouth have a Lutheran
church these two places are. bid
ding strongest for the home. 4
The ReV. Luther Deck of the
United Lutheran church of Van
couver, Wash., was present Tues
day a - night and ' represented his
church as whole heartedly endors
ing the movement of the student
service. "We are not only en
dorsing it in sentiment, said the
. ev. Mr. Deck, "but also in whole
dollars." This congregation has
to date pledged $600 with but one
fifth of the membership visited.
The Rev. George Henriksen j of
Silverton then spoke giving a re
port of the national convention! of
the - Lutheran Brfotherhood I of
America which was held at Minne
apolis In October. The Rev. M.
Henriksen reported that while the
organization plan was not as per
fect as it might be, the movement
was going Jforward mithwonder
f ul VtrideSjTjand, that hejad. never
seen such enthusiasm as shown! by
that large body of Lutheran men
gathered 'f or the cohverttfon: He
went on to emphasize the import
ance of supporting the church
schools, at the same time giving
a hearty endorsement o"f the stu
dent service program' being c tab
lished at the state schools. Rev.
Mr. Henriksen was the first, one
to suggest that the matter of the
student service program be taken
up hy the Brotherhood;" ,
,M the business session the LBO
voted back ' the pledge of $ 1 0
which the Rev. Mr; Henriksen had
Morocco Has New.
French Governor
Tlveodore; Steeg (above) Is
qujaing as minister of justice ia
thjf : Pafnlcre cabinet, to become
ttFrejBcb governof-feneral i of;
Morocco. Ileeeieeds MartliT
Lptatrey, forced out as a result
of the Biff uprising. -
- - - . ,
i .: t
this hatiohally "observed week
of winter. Horace Mann.
made at the recent national, con
vention. The money will go to
the work of the LB A. Inasmuch
as both St. Johns and Trinity
Lutheran churches are striving to
solve the, language s question for
their congregations the proposi
tion of the LBO to establish an all
American Lutheran church at Sil
verton was postponed until the
January .meeting. ''Nd4 December
meeting' will be held due to the
business of the holiday season.
The next meeting will be held on
the second of January. S ' ''
During the 'social part of the
program for' Tuesday evening, Dri
Woodmansee gave a violin solo,
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Dora Henriksen, and Miss Marie
Corhouse sang a solo with Mrs.
John Goplerud as accompanist. A
lunch was also served. The meet
ing was very well attended.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Robert
R- Wrenn, famous Harvard ath
lete and four times national tennis
champion, died tonight of Bright's
disease n his Hotel Madison
apartment. He was 53 years old-
" f -' "" j
Lr 1 rl 1 1 ,
With Each
Sold until
55 per
f ft f '
LVoung Peoples' - Program
VTia(it;u ui-rirsi oapiisi
.Church Tonight
"Revival meetings at the First
Baptist continue to grow in in
terest and attendance, i Last eve
ning there was a well filled house
when the pastor, Rev. Ernest H.
Shanks, preached on "The Present
Tense of Christian Living." ,
Song service, led by Fred G.
Fisher, was enthusiastic. In
pleasing voice and excellent inter
pretation Mr. Fisher i sang "A
Clean Heart." Choir and audienee
sang one of the Billy Sunday
choruses, "I Need Jesus. The pas
tor, in dealing with the subject,
took for his text: "Now Are We
Sons of God." He said in part: r
"Many Christians living might
be described best by 'Hark! from
the tomb a doleful sound.' Living
in' the past is usually pretty poor
picking. Time moves in an ever
present now. The world does not
care very much about the past.
That i soon forgotten. What we
are today counts for most. Just
as . v-ie yesterdays make up our
todays, so ' we make our tomor
rows. 'Be not deceived,' God Is
not mocked.' It is only the grace
Of God that can redeem us from
our' past' and : make us what we
ought to be today. "
"If a man is a son of God, then
he should live; act, talk and love
like a son of God. How far short
we fall of our privileges as sons!
Some men who. profess to be child
ren .of God. yet live, act and talk
like the children of the evil one.
The walk and conversation should
he as becometh those who are
sons of God.
"We become sons of God by
adoption. We have all the rights
and privileges of the heirs of the
inheritance. We are adopted sons,
having received such adoption by
the. Spirit. But God goes further,
and by the spiritual birth makes
us 'born sons' of God, imparting
the new nature, the new heart,
the spiritually awakened soul."
This evening is young people's
' - Si .- K ' .- .
. i - ( ..'.
.a 4 - . . ... .
' Nations Le&gaei
Tlie German
cbose M. de Margeric, French
ambassador to Berlin, to present
its petition for a'hoissioa t; Ujc
League of Nations to the leajuo,
council. ,'
night, and the subject will be
"The Challenge of the Cross." The
young people's choir will lead the
singing' and Mr. Fisher will ren
der a special number. Ail are In
vited. ' ' ' '
Rev, E. H. Shanks to Speak
at Hall Saturday; Fred
Fisher Will Sing
The Salvation Army has secured
the services of Rev. E. H. Shanks,
of the First Baptist -hurch, and
Fred G. Fisher; evangelistic sing
er, for . a special meeting to be
held Saturday at the Army hall
on State street. ''-.,
During the present revival cam
paign which he is conducting in
his own church, Rev. Shanks has
been "resting" on Saturday nights,
but being a warm friend of the
Army and in sympathy with its
work, he has. kindly consented to
preach for the Salvationists on
this occasion, - His messftge-will be
evangelistic with a special appeal
to all.
Mr. Fisher will lead in the sing
ing and be heard in vocal selec
tions. "Never Lonely" and "The
Bird with a Broken Pinion," are
two songs he will sing by special
request. ;
The public has a cordial invita
tion to attend the service, which
commences at 8 p. m.
NEW YORK. Nov. 12. (By As
sociated Press.) Attributing his
recovery to the power of prayer,
Chauricey Olcott, noted singer and
actor who less than a week ago
was brought from Ann Arbor,
Mich., critically ill, was up and
greeting friends tonight.
, , Buy in Quantities
- and
Save the Difference
Del Monte
American Club
1 doz. cans $3.00 l
.1 Can lree
J. Ward Evans Oregon
1 doz. cans $3.60
1 Can Free -
- Beans
" . Oregon Pack
1 doz. cans $2.25
1-Cah Free .
American Club v
lJdoz. cans $3.00
1 Can Free u
Oregon Grown and
- Packed, Large -
1 doz. cans $2.10
1 Can Free
Pork and Beans
Van Camp's Med. sizc
1 dozens $1.80
n a
Due tp, pupurcrfase last summer of large supply of canned goods for fall delivery we
are in a position to of fcrlhese exceptional bargains during this sale. This is' the
in a Pi5 Um!,y wftter ttf our customers and the public to Jsavc money for
canned goods will not be cheaper for a year ' ,. .. , :
Let us
Highland ScrioolSelected for
April Meeting of Marion
Cdunty Group
gene Nov. 12. (Special.) Miss
Marion A. Brown, - dean of girls
and vice-principal In ,the Univer
sity' hfgn ' school, ' Oakland, Cal.,
wilir talkat? the, high, school con
ference in Eugene December 4 and
5, the committee in -charge of ar
rangement announces.
A new; division of the confer
' . Lohe4 and Diarrhea ; aflayin?
Fevenshness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it
1 ires--1 ires -Tires
200 30x32 Oversize Fisk Casings
: A-l Grade
Also a Cleanup Price on
32-33-34x42 Casings
Think of itt A price like this in time of high prices
Smith &
Northwest Corner Court
Caies Are; Rare
: Actual caes of ipois(ming
from canned food are extreme-
ly rare in recent years. Sci-
entific Inyestigation have been
maae into hundreds of cases
of illness where canned foods
had been suspected as the
cause. Just as an example of
the finding, here are some sur
prising figures: V
Year before. last were 100
cases of illness or other ebm
! plaints ' attributed ' to; canned
foods, were investigated by;
.the National Canners' Asso-
- , s - i - '
United Slates Public Health
Service; The list of canned
. f oodrf investigated consisted of
fruit;; milk, olives sea foods,
soupyegetables and so forth.
Out of the first 112 of the
i investigation which were com
1 pleted in only three instances
were commercial canned food
at fault in other words the
public had -guessed right 109
2Sm:'-l 'doz. cans $1.80
rCan.Free.-H-IVatgi Can Free
help you make up an niscrtmcnt
ence whiqh t will discuss problems
of interest to faculty advisors naa
been organized. Miss Brown, in
addition to addressing the student
body girls, will speak at the fac
ulty, sessions. Miaa Brown has
charge of student advisory work
at the University high school,
which has 1350 pupils.
Other outside speakers, includ
ing j. a. Churchill, state super
intendent of public Instruction,
and, a number of Oregon educa
tors will be on the program. The
editors, presidents, secretaries and
faculty advisors programs are be
ing worked out separately by the
committees. Approximately 500
high ;. school students from all
parts of the state win attend the
conference. It is estimated.
Harrisburg. S. P. and Harold
Shutt buy and will publish "Har
risburg Bulletin."
MOTHER Fletcher's
wastona is especially pre
:; pzh&ito relieve Infantsin
v are;and Children all age of
Constipafion, -Flatulency, -Wind
and High St. Phone 41
NOV. 21
Any Part of the City
Pineapple .
Del Monte, All Gold
or Libby's Large
1 doz. cans $3.60
1 Can Free
Peaches !
Del Monte, All Gold
or Libby's Large
1 doz. cans $3.60
1 Can Free
All Gold or Del Monte
v v v& aWi. a'aviivv
1 Can Free
'. Apricots '
All Gold or Del Monte
1 doz. cans $4.20
1 Can Free
3 Corn . "
3 Succotash
3 Red Kidney Beans
6 Beans