The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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PK1DAY MOnNlNO, Nv6VEMr.EH 12, 1025'
Is !Ghina Going Reel?
Inflaence 'of Bolshevism Shown in Letter From General
r.SCtetary of the China Christian Endeavor Union
That, the. present tronhle in
China la ' the most serious, the
most deep-rooted -and the most
Widespread Movmem nf thio Hn
1 ret experienced in China ' is the
i declaration of most of the olden
1 t missionaries , nrho ; hare g o n e j
jtbrongh; the Boxer, trouble of
1800 and various other anti-for-1
,eiitB movements. . .
i'.Edar E. Strother, general
V.cretary of tbo Clhlna Christian
Rntiesrvdr union, with headonar-
Uters at Sbamhal, writes as follows influence of Bolsh-
VIn order to , rhrhtlr estimate
the sifniflrance of the China siin-
Uon. Jt' Is 'necessary to realize
4'hat TJolshevism tvAt the root of
ft he matter and that the Rolhev
1V nt only aim at the overthrow
tlrtf. all law and order, hut that
Uther are bltterlr anti-Christian.
aiming t the destrnction of th
ennreV and .of th home and all
nhrist'an standards, of soeleiv. We
'ar that" .manv . neonte In the
r lands." as -well a thousands
f t!hliee tiydnt out here, have
hepi rteeefard hv the nronaeann'
r'tlwBolaheTfks as to th real
meaning and nurnope o' Fihv-
Pm.vThe, her to the Bolshevist
jmpvernent ,wa revealed in a r,r
ynre which, waa issued 'on the
jrnnt 'pare , of . an brjraiT of the
Bolhev1sts.''TortravlnK a Bnsslan
Iworkman with sleeves rolled nn.
fnd : holding a hnee hammer, at
be foot of a ladder which he was
fibont t aseend: "and tinderneath
wa -printed. "T hTe already
'smasher! orsr earthlv thronps. T am
f 1 m . a
ii t.iira itiiiuniuit cjirati iiuiii au
idttorlalJn the Shanrai Mercurr.
fntitled "Britain. China and the
pOYiet." spms to ns to sum no
lhe aitnation more accurately
;ban almost any other single para
Trtrnh we have read:
l! '"Srr Rohert Home, speaking
recently at . a conservative meet
rig;' said fhaC the 'nnrlslne in
Shanghai and other parts of China
(ere dae 'to the persistent and
.isaldaous ' efforts made by - the
.oviet government of Russia
igainst stable government in every
jpart of th:w0rld. The ex- chan
cellor' of the Exchequer said that
!ihe Soviet 'recognized "that the
fhlef "Opponent ahd the greatest
r p bstruelton" to the theory of com-
nuHlstle government -was Great
!liUtfl,and that if they could get
Jhd of the Influence of Great Brit
Pia .in the world they would have
ilone-tnore than by any other ef
f art tor establish the hateful dis
astrous - theories which they
iherish. , Sir Robert pointed out
"hat Soviet" had been striving now
or ; the past A our ; years in . the
ace of 'very, solemn treaty obliga
tions to upset British government
a India and, to set the whole of
ire v East aflame. : Passing to
rhlna. Sir Robert aaid that in this
Jountry the Bolsheviks have found
lementa, which are easy to' work
ponand referred to the Soviet
hiUters who have been boasting
, f.the attack which they are mak
1 ig. again British interests in
hina.-"and asserting that the
'resent dlsturban(es:are only a
oor rehearsal of the massacres
rhich 'they hope to see in the
ature.- '
"Amazing revelations, support-4-by
$6comentary proof, concern
ig r the activities Of the Soviet
insulate in Shanghai on behalf
r.tbe Third Internationale, have
3cejQtly been published In the
prth China Daily News. They are
refutable proof that the red
ttnsulate here has taken an active
Vrt 'ln the prolongation, of the
jneral strike, that the consulate
ia organized a special committee
! Chinese students and represent
tivea of the workers organiza
ou to ..inaugurate a reign of
f rror in Shanghai, and that it has
pen taken 'upon ifielfZto carry
. communiatie p r joi aga n d a
aong the foreign t. men-of-wars-jea..
stationed at Chinese porta,
'mericah bluejackets are to be
first to be converted. They
-e to be proselytised by a spe
ally chosen Soviet agitator nam
SwGreben, "a man 'who after a
nahfy cfeer'jn the Russian Vol
unteer7 fleet migrated to the Vult-
States, became a naturalized
roeriean citizen and Joined the
my, Jnwhlch he'rose to th rank
1 .second lieutenant.- This agent
so has a staff jof sub-agents.; It
I specially stipulated in Comrade
arathan's letter of Instructions
''the 'secretary -of the Ted con
lite here that 'the work of the
partments of the local commit
ea .1? to he carried out in ac
rdaac with' the old Instructions
id in. absolute . secrecy-' The
totographfe' reproductions - of
ese : original aocuments ' wui
rely make ft 'dlfficuU for certain
I rsona'to Continue 1'o denyHhat
ioscowt sinister nana may oe
en in "the "Shanghai disorders.
,"U thottld h clearly understood
at the- present ' ' inovement is
Jmarily anti-Christian, and that
a .Betshevlks desire to atop all
Usionary work and to drive all
Lssioaaries out of China. A re
irkable document emanating the
ucational associations of Kiang
Chekiang and Hnpeh provinces
I Clares' that the missionaries, are
I e agents of the foreign imperial-
s .and -capitalists, and that he
's use tbey . have . penetrated into
ulna's interior cities, where their
: hools, i are the centres for, the
jtribution ' of j the poisonous
eachings 'and teachings of ChritW
nit yt,Ch ina has suffered ,one na
eai disgrace after another... By
rtingn- end .0 the poisonona
eigiv mission Jnstlttlons. ; the
;luece of foreign ' imperialism
ll t tioughj ig gnj in China
is the declaration of these Chinese
educationalist. It Is evident that
they have been well taught by
their Russian leader, one of whom
(Zinovieff, an apostate Jew, one
of the master minds among the
Bolsheviks), has said. We will
grapple with the Lord God in due
season, 5Ve will'vanquish Him in
His highest heaven, and wherever
He seeks 'refuge, and we shall
subdue Him forever. Even the
little children In Russia are being
taught by their school teachers to
blaspheme ' God Almighty, a mis
sionary of the China Inland mis
sion having received a letter from
her family in Russia, telling how
the children of a neighbor explain
ed that on a certain day each
week their teacher placed on the
wall a picture of an old man with
a long beard, representing God,
and then told the pupils to shake
their .fists at Him and spit at
Him. The Christians number of
Izvestia.'a government organ, re
ports the organization of a Chil
dren's Communist league, which
already embraces 1,000,000 mem
bers, and another 5.000,000 chil
dren, pupils in elementary schools,
are being drawn into the move
ment. "We, the young godless
one", write one of these leagues,
the Khamovinki club in Moscow,
'are waging active war against our
religious parents: - we will climb
up 4ntt heaven and sweep away
the gods. :
"Posters have been put up on
the walls of cities in inland China
with such sentiments as the fol
lowing in Chinese, 'Down with
government: down with Christian
ity: down with Confucianism and
all other religions: down. with the
home! etc.' Anti-Christian posters
have also been posted on the walls
ot building in the Chinese city of
The Marion county bee keepers
will meet this afternoon at 2
o'clock for the purpose of or
ganizing a county bee keepers as
sociations. The meeting will be
held in the Salem Chamber of
Conimerce. The idea of organiz
ing into county associations has
become customary with b ee keep
ers throughout the' country.
In. the evening at 7:30 o'clock
the Polk county bee' keepers wilt
meet at Dallas for the purpose of
Professor Sculten,. bee expert of
OAC, will be the principal speaker
both at the meeting helH in the
Salem Chamber Of Commerce and
that held in the evening at Dallas.
Creswell. A. V. and' Y. A.
Priaulx. sell '"The Creswell News"
to Charles F. Loomis.
BERLIN Women doctors, law
yers and economist' of Germany
favor local option and see. in the
excessive use of alcohol one of the
worst dangers confronting
many. They held a joint confer
ence, with delegates from the as
sociation of German Women phy
sicians, the Federation of Womeji
Lawyers, and the Association of
Women Economists, at the conclu
sion of which a resolution was
adopted memorializing the 'Reich
stag in favor of local option.
We Say This Boldly - Without Fear of Contradiction - Today at -
i i i i i i i i i it it i i i i i
You'll Find the
Biggest Values
of 1925
Fall Fabric Sport
Straight Line Street
Our Entire and Complete Stock of Over 600 New
Coats Greatly Reduced
Without reserve or exception every coat and they are the pick of the style cen
ters, is reduced and reduced substantially a wonderful representation of all the
season's favored styles at worthwhile savings.
One Lot of Coats Regularly to $15
Xot only self trimmed but a big choice of fur trimmed
garments formerly priced $15 and in some instances higher,
finally reduced to an unusually low price for quick closeout
Friday and Saturday
.Values up to
Nearly every Coat in this group
lit an exact reproduction of mod
els selling for three and four
times our sale price. The var
iety of colors, styles and fabrics
will agreeably surprise you.
Regularly to $20
For Friday and Saturday's
selling ' we have specially
selected a sfulendid lot of
Coats from our $20 groups
and reduced them all to one
low sale price.
Values up to
The Renowned "Hoffman's
Needlepoint" and many other
famous fabrics, trimmed with a
wealth of luxurious selected
Furs, are featured at a notable
saving. ,
Your Choice of
over 400
$12 and $15
These fall Wool Dresses will
be sold at $i) for the first
dress and an extra $9 dress
for only
And 50 More $18
A surprising variety of Satin
and Silk as well as Wool
Dresses featured at $13 for
the first Dress and an extra
dress or only
One Big Lot
$10 and $12
On Sale in the
: Basement
Included are Sport Checks as well as
solid r colors tastefully trimmed for
street wear, nearly all popular sizes.
Going at : less . than Vi - price, each
Do you realize that you buy Double Value
on every purchase in our
LE of
Never Before and Never
Again win you be able to
duplicate these prices. New
Colors, new Styles, plenty
of Variety and an extra
Suit or O'Coat from the $20
or $30 groups for only
Hi Off i
ml off n
ses m .
Your Choice
Our Entire Stock of 300
Values up to $6.00
Your unrestricted choice of hun
dreds of Satin Velvet, Sport
Felts in every conceivable shape
and color, all reduced "for final
close out to less than half price,
each -'. -
Strictly all, AVorsted Wool in strlies,
plain colors and checks, nearly (J0 (JQ
all popular sizes. Vwf O
Winter weight, long sleeves and ankle
. length, white cotton ribbed, ,: A Q "
per suit, . . . . . . . . .... , . . . ' HOC
: 5 MEN'S $1.65 RUBBERS !
; Extra' quality live rubber stock dull fin
- . . - - , s
1V nrBTJf
sale price
Special foi1
t - ' " -: -
Ish, heavy dolge edge soles, QQi-
-Formerly priced up to 73c, glared bright
finish, one lot for quick, closeout 1 C
per pair . . . . . ... 13C
Extra qoality heavy vulcanized Black
Fabric while they last
lc while they last , f $1 49 I
Bright finish, popular sizes and styles,
priced for quick sale Q
per pair . OUC
Tlie genuine "Rockf ord" . make
i e xtra special, 2 pair.1. . ..'.. . . .
Extra heavy winter weight Ribbed Sox,
special Friday and ' . . . O C '
Saturday ...... . . . . . ..... .. OOC
Fnll cut, roomy and warm, special AO
fleeced napp, each. . . HOC
Several different plaids and checks to :
choose from, nearly all -sizes, - (0 A A !
each VvftH ;
i If
II 1