The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Pm ,f C ' - . V- 0 - -t j.
. a.
Elimination of $800 Is Chief
Reduction by "Special
Citizens' Group Ml.':
EarL-Hace Jccln Committee la
Ignorant of, AppropriAtloas;
DtsrsnaJoiM -irolovig
The elimination of. the' play
gronnd fund of MOO was the largest-cut
made -in the city' todget
for 49 26 by the budget committee
last night. The money wa placed
for other" purposes, the largest
Item of which was, an increase In
the library fund of '$660. Al
though the .budget cammitteehag
Kled over nearly every point, and
dragged out the meeting to an un
expected length, the bndget finally
adopted had but : few , changes in
1 be tentative budget prepared by
the, city council. , i
The.. playgrounds ' of - Ibe city
were dealt a blow when Earl Race
moved that the land for them be
eliminated.- Most of the 'conacil
men who .were familiar wltn the
rituation were heartfly opposed to
the elimination; "Mayor li.
Giesy especially was -loath S see
the .playgrounds- struck." and Al
derman L. J. Slmeral declared. "I
am not in favor of dispensing with
the playgrounds." r irof . U, S,
Dotson asserted that the play
grounds are but "beds of dust'
. and that he . would not allow - his
I daughter to play there. The move
ment to eliminate this f trad "weans
virtually 'that the playgronnds; will
not function in 1926.
Waiter Key ea was elected cfcair-
manor the budget committeer'and
L. Phillips secretary,. .,Mr, Keyes
told the members. "I'm af. -al l tbat
If you don t exercise better judg
ment In ' making up - the budget
than you have In selecting a chair
man, you won't get very far'
7 Earl Race, who v , was,' .the main
speaker of 'the evening; declared
, Jhat apparentlytbe bftdgeCepm
mittee is a farce . as the citizens
are asked to' Tote on"? the, appro
priations without " hating any
knowledge of that r upon which
they are voting. . - : ;
One of the appropriations waa
a special target ;foti Alderman W..
W. Rosebraugh. the $1,000 allot
ted for meals for the telty prison
ers. He.declaredJhit the type 6f
prisoners who are in the city pall
are fed too well and have no dread
of being locked up. Some of the
prisoners : are arrested purposely
so that they . can have free meals
during the winter." he said, ad
vocating breadVandl Water tor
these. But' Alderman" Fred Wil-
Kama A declared- - that- the ity
should at least have humane views
concerning the prisoners. 'Alder
man Rosebrangh's motion to Bhare
the fund to 4500 failed, although
: an amendment reduced the $1,000
to $829tor permit an increase In
th salary of ttie city treasurer.
Another issue that drew heated
discussion was that of creating
distinct offices In. the street
department" work Street cemrnis-
sionex and, superintendent of - the
"streets Improvement ' department.
Earl Race sought to' have half of
the salary -of. the street commis
sioner paid out of th; street Ira
provement fund, but Chris Kowlts,
city attorney,, held ' that. that de
partment has no authority to pay
the street commissioner. Then
"Alderman G. J.Wenderoh brought
up the ldea.that .ln the course. of
time Balom would '. h to have
the two offices named In order to
do the -work- of Improving the
streets as it should . be. don.- Earl
: Race's; motto .was , lost, and ihe
' salary of the street'commlssloner
is still to be paid put of the gene
ral fund,0 it-l -
Alderman Hal Paiton suggested
that the police force be, reduced
'-'Cfaatnraae vmi 2)
Less 'than ,) ; percent of the
' 157.99.S-.vehl,cles counted oir:f
ious highways; at 193. different
7 points between 6 cjock ? In - the
morning and 10 o'clock at night
on October 18 were drawn by
: horsesaeoTdtrig.4e-. report from
the state highway department.! Of
? the total number of vehicles -462
were horsedrawn, 66S . motorcy
cles, 138.158 Oregon, and 16.004
; passenger5 'vehicles from other
states. 3214 HghV andil98
', heavy trucks. .. The heaviest -point
I was PaTkpIace . brldgp just north
of Oregon (City, : with a : total o
Counts taken in the "Salem diS-
; trlct showed 1702 north and 1578
south of the .Salem-Dallas west
'side crossing-at Rickreall: '2123
at the Santiam bridge' at' Jeffer
son i 3 4 23, north- of the Junction
with', the county road at Anrora
and 3517 south, of. -the Junction,
Wife of De)4 Slienandosii Officer
Says Prepared Htatement
' tVas Given, ''
-."if;:: r-
WASHINGTON: Nov 12 ." f Rv
Associated ' Press.l Marsiret
Ross ' Lansdowne testified a today
before the Mitchell court martial
that Capt. Paul Foley, Judge advo
cate of the Shenandoah court of
inquiry had -submitted1 to hef a
prepared statement which. she. waa
to adopt as her testimony before
the navy'cour, jnmirJi:g into the
disaster which cost her husbaud,
Commander Zachary Lansdowne,
his life.
She was one of three, witnesses
called to support charges. made bv
Col. William Mitchell which led
to his . trial , before .the military
tribunal . on : specifications citing
conduct to the prejudice of order
and military discipline. The Foley
Incident cameup as a Surprise
and was intended to substantiate
Colonel Mitchell's declaration that
a navy of fioer endeavored to have
Mrs. Lansdowne give the naval
court "false 1 testimony" and"re
tract from .her former statement
before that tribunal.
Mrs. Lansdowne, however, was
not Interrogated directly' the
motive Captain Foley had in mind
when he sent her the statement,
nor did she testify that it consti
tuted an attempt on his part to
have her give false testimony. She
did tell the court- that the state
ment falsely represented her atti
tude on the Shenandoah disaster,
and. wag an "insult" to her hus
band's memory.
' Under cross! examination "by the
court -the , witness reluctantly .ad
mitted that she received Captain
Foley's statement from Mrs. Geo.
W. Steele. Jr.; - wife of the com-
mandant of the Lakehnrstalr sta
tion and an intimate friend. She
testified that it boreo signature.
hot even a mark to show that it
came from 'the hary department,
and that she had destroyed the
paper.- ' . - '.
Her description of the statement
and its contents - was given from
memory and admitted aa evidence.
despite objections of the prosecu
tion .. :
Mrs.-Lansdowne reviewed the
conversation . she , had-, with Cap-
tain Foley when , he, called at her
house two. nights prior to her ap
pearance .before the. naval court
She said she had never seen the
officer -before; Asked if othr na
tal .officers had, visited. vIer sin ce
the Shenandoah disaster, she
named Capt. Walter R. Gherardi.
aide to Secretary Wilbur, adding
that he had visited her September
4 at her borne in Lake wood. N. J
She denied to Captain Gherardi,
she testified,; that ahe had said
Shortly after the disaster that "
secretary of the Vnayy - personally
was the murderer of my husband.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. (By
Associated Press). -United sup
port of leaders of the non
partisan tax bi)t no w.beLng. framed
by the .was, and )neans committee
will be sought py Kepresentauve
Tilson. Connecticut, the new re
publican floor leader, v to assure
early . passage of the measure by
that chamber.
IfL the. committee, as expected,
makes ta 7 unanimous report, Mr.
Tilson said today he would con
sult with "Representative Garrett,
Tennessee, the democratic leader,
on a program for house considera
tion Of the measure which would
assure action before Christmas.
- Mr. Tilson has tentatively fixed
December 14. a week after congress-convenes,
as the date for
taking-up the, bill in the house.
No decision has been reached on
the' advisability of bringing it up
tinder a rule restricting amend
ments. ? f " , i. i,
-'Subcommittees, of the ways 'Jaad
means"7 committee worked today
on details of general measures al
ready agreed upon by the com
mittee.' -The new. Inheritance tax
rates were not completed, though
a f tentative decision was reached
to mako no changes in present
ratee oa estates amounting to
1450.90(1 of less.
. . ' ' i i. :
ROME, Nov. 12. r(By Associat
ed rrcss.)' Tho Australian gov
ernmeni' in a cablegram today to
the " In ternational institute" of ag:
riculture estimated the - common .
wealth's- wheat crop for ; this year
atj2,70M0O metric tons as com;
pared' with 4. 400.000 metric tons
last year and a yearly average of
3.000, 00Q metric tons for the last
The , shortage is' due to insutfi
dent rains.' Ma.Br complete fail
ures were reported in Victoria and
New-Snath Wales, . -
United States Grants 62
Yearm Which to Pay i
Off All Obligations
Italian Delegates Declare Treat
ment By Vnlted States Is
Most Fair; Rate of In
tercut Is Low
WASHINGTON, Nov.! 12. (By
Associated Press.) Funding of
Italy's War debt to the United
States has been accomplished.
An accord was reached today
on term? which'the American debt
commission held to be the maxi
mum burden that should be im
posed on the Italian people. It
was nrcepted by the Italian debt
commission as very ' generous
treatment of the funding problem,
I'Jtly was given 62 years, the same
as other nations which have com
pleted similar negotiations in
which to pay off an obligation cal
culated at $2,042,000,000. In
terest charges, beginning at the
end of five years, were fixed to
graduate from one eighth of one
per cent to a maximum of 2 per
cent in the last seven years.
The annual payments also were
arranged to increase gradually in
accordance with what the Amer
ican commission regarded as
Italy's maximum capacity to pay.
They start at i J5.000.000 a year
and advance to $80,000,000.
With the announcement of these
terms it was disclosed that in mak
ing another foreign debt funding
agreement ready for submission
to congress, the American commis
sion had tempered its. policy of
collection on the basis of capacity
to pay with consideration for the
future of the nation involved.
"This xommission has made an
expansive examination of Italy's
resources an deconomic and iiseai
position," the formal announce
ment asserted. "Italy ia poor in
natural resources. ..The visible
balance of trade is adverse. Food
to support ; her rapidly increasing
population; coal, oil, iron and cop
per have to be imported. Her
future depends upon the develop
ment of. her Industry and the
labor of her people.
"It Is felt that the settlement
lays as heavy a burden on the
Italian people as we are justified
In imposing, and represents
Italy's capacity to pay."
. The .Italian debt has been listed
In treasury records as $1,647,869.
197 in. principal. and $490,674,654
in accrued interest calculated at 5
per cent.
The first concession therefore,
was a reduction of the back in
terest charge, which was computed
In the agreement at 4 Va per cent
from the date of the loans to De-
CoTitimni on pg 2
i "i?l'lir iiiiii t" 11 I 1 - ' i ' " '"
: - r ' "J ;oui m ' lSCsrx
No Hope Is .HeW for Recovery of
Members of Undersea
IVaft M-l
LONDON, Nov. 12 (By Asso
ciated Press). The admiralty has
issued a list of four officers and
64 other ranks aboard the sub
marine M-l, sunk in the English
DEVONPORT, England. Nov. 12
-(By Associated Press 1 . Sixty
eight lives, officers and men, it is
feared have been lost by the dis
aster to the submarine M-l which
dived in. the waters of the English
channel off Start Point early this
morning, and has not been seen
since. A day long search proved
unsuccessful, and tonight Admiral
Sir Henry Francis Oliver, the
commander in chief of the Atlan
tic fleet, signalled , the following
message: "The commander ,in
chief very much regrets to inform
the Atlantic fleet that it is feared
that the submarine M-l has been
lost with all hands during exer
cises in the-, English channel to
day." A court of inquiry will be held
The large flotilla, provided with
necessary apparatus, failed to -lo
cate the exact spot where the ves
sel is lying, but it is in deep water
where divers' operations are im
practicable. The search vessels
were recalled tonight and although
they are under orders to proceed
to sea again at any moment, no
hope remains.
Contracts aggregating $139,474
were let by the board of regents
of the Southern Oregon Normal
school of Ashland Thursday and
work will begin immediately. Un
der the contract the building
must be completed by May 1
and ready for the snmmer session
which peMh-Juae 1
The bnlM -
ing is 241 by 60, two-story and
tartial basement, concrete con
struction and stucco finish. It
will contain 17 class and four
recitation rooms, auditorium seat
ing 600 and a library. The build
ing will be located on the Pacific
highway just south, of the Ash
land hospital. The 1925 legisla
ture appropriated $175,000 for
its construction.
Succesful bidders were Tran-
chell & Parelius, Portland, gen
eral work $109,972; Rushlight-
Hartorf-Lord, Portland, heating
and ventilating $22,107; Modern
Plumbing and Heating Co., Med
ford., plumbing $2895 and the
National Electric Co., Portland,
wiring. $4500.
The remainder of the amount
appropriated is . to cover the cost
of the site and equipment for the
Man's Shop Refuses to Prosecute
Lads Who Sought Relic
in Store Window
The famous axe that origl Ily
belonged to Eugene high school,
but which was seized by Salem
high school after a football game
here four years ago, early Thurs
day morning resulted in the arrest
of three boys said. to be students
at Eugene high school.
The three, giving their names
as Del Ward, Al Schafer, and
Charles Anderson, were arrested
by Officers Edwards and Thoma-
son after they had sawn off the
lock to the window in the Man's
Shop where reposed, suspended
over the beheaded dummy dubbed
Eugene, the historic axe. Their
evident intention was to steal the
axe and haul it back to rest once
more in the town of Eugene. The
boys declared that they were not
alone in their endeavors to take
the axe into camp, but that sev
eral of the Eugene men were out
for the avowed purpose of taking
the axe.
The proprietors of the Man's
Shop refused to prosecute the
boys, and they were released late
Thursday morning after having
spent several hours in the city
With the failuro of Eugene to
take the axe, the Salem boys are
fairly safe in considering the axe
safely in their hands at least until
the advent of the basketball sea
son. When the occasion arises
there are plenty at the local high
school who are willing to defend
the axe, and it will have to be
with considerable strategy that
Eugene will ever gain reposses
sion. A sarcophagus of Eugene
was also in the window, but re
mained safe in spite of the large
number of Eugene men in the city
for the big gams Armistice Day.
l - ir zf7Tm!
SACRAMENTO, Nor. 12, (By
Associated Press). Keeping com
pany with the family radio until
late hours at night apparently is
a menace to longevity for the
state board of health in a bulletin
"How to live one hundred years"
Bays to turn off the radio at 10
p. m.
Among other hints to those who
desire to reach the century mark
Regard over-fatigue as your
enemy and rest as ypur friend;
Uke at least eight hours of sleep.
Eat temperately, partaking of
vegetables and fruits and sparing
ly of meats and sugar.
Drink plenty, of water at meals
and between meals.
Think wholesome thoughts.
Face unpleasant situations frankly
and don't "worry. Keep your play
Rear, End Collision Occurs
When Express Tries to
Make Up Lost Time
Several Others May Die; Overtak
ing Train Traveling 35 Miles
an Hour When Dis
aster Happens
PLAINSBORO, N. J., Nov. 12.
(By Associated Press). Speeding
through a denfe fog the Pennsyl
vania railroad's mercantile express
from St. Louis early today crashed
into the rear Bleeping car of an
express train from Washington,
killing at least ten persons and
injuring 40, some of whom are
not expected to survive. Both
trains were bound for New York.
The exact number of dead will
be uncertain until the wreckage is
cleared, which may not be until
tomorrow morning. All night
wrecking crewB worked slowly in
a pouring rain under the glare of
flickering lights, with curious
crowds watching the operations.
State troopers and railroad police
guarded the tangled wreckage.
Many of the bodies were so
mtuilated that identification was
At the point where the accident
occurred the roadbed begins a
stretch of nearly ten miles where
railroad men said it had been the
custom of trains running behind
schedule to make up some of their
lime. This was said to have been
the case with the St. Louis train
today. The Washington train,
composed of seven day coaches
and three Pullmans, was traveling
at about 10 miles an hour. One
report was that engine trouble
had developed necessitating slow
procedure. Another report was
that the train was several minutes
Ahead of schedule, that it had
come to a stop and that the flag
man had gone ahead to learn if
the St. Louis t raid hadrassed the
point. ;
There were no indications to the
contrary. The flagman had just
boarded the Washington train and
it again got under stea .i when the
St. Louis train, speeding at a rate
said to have been 55 miles an
hour, crashed into the rear car of
the Washington express.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. (By As
sociated Press.) Rudolph Valen
tino tonight branded as "ridicu
lous," reports emanating from
Paris that his wife, the former
Winifred Hudnut, was soon to be
granted a divorce by the Parisian
courts. Reports state that -Mrs.
Valentino, angered because of the
"sheik's" refusal to break the
terms of their "marital vacation"
by which they agreed to live apart
foT a year, had appealed for a di
vorce on the ground of "grave in
sults" in refusing to live with
her. It was said the divorce will
be pronounced December 15.
"It is very absurd, this rumor,"
Mr. Valentino said, "and I can
term It nothing more than a ru
mor. As far as I know Mrs. Val
entino haB applied for no divorce
and is still in favor of our tempor
ary separation.
"My wife Journeyed to Europe
to visit her mother and not for a
divorce." 1
. LONDON, Nov. 12. r(By Asso
ciated. .Eresav) Agency tjispatch
from, Luxor.. Egypt,, says that the
inner haman shaped coffin of Tut-Aakh-Amen
has .been, found to be
of solid gold, embossed with intri
cate artistic designs. It is said
to be the largest piece of gold
work the annals of
archaeogy- f--s:S., - -
, , Another ? important" rediscovery
was an ebony statuette . pf the
pharoah heavily ornamented with
gold. i.:-y.-:f'iH-ra;', .
staytox msTrucT Loses
STAYTON, Ore., .Nor. 12.
(Special.) As .Thanksgiving
draws near, posltry pards in this
Ticinity jtro beginning to pay their
toll. . Thirty-sevea f ine' tnrkeys
were taken from. Everett Phillip
pi's flock at nJs.Tarm, two miles
across ,the 1 river in VJJnn county
Saturday rorr Sandayi- night ' and
six .fine Plymouth ; Rock hens were
stolen from Mrs. Smith's poultry
house Mopdajr night,
Buildings Are Razed , and Trees
Uprooted; Wind Storm
Starts Near Dallas
High winds approaching the na
ture of a junior cyclone did seve
ral thousands of dollars of dam
age in the Salem district Wednes
day afternoon. Farm buildings of
various kinds were destroyed and
trees uprooted.- Several, orchards
were badly damaged by the wind.
The tornado was accompanied by
rain and - its roar : could . be - heard
several-minutes before its wrath
was visited noon the community.
The Liberty district south of the
city and the Indapenlence section
In Polk county were hit the hard
est. The wind storm touched the
earth at intervals and crossed the
Willamette a few; miles below In
dependence. Check of the damage yesterday
revealed the loss of a blacksmith
shop belonging to Frank Novock.
living" between .Halls Ferry and
Independence. The wind, picked
up a truck and touring car but
did not damage the vehicles. A
granary full of grain. waS demol
ished, 25 prune and between 20
and 25 apple trees were uprooted.
At the J. Cummihgs place a por
tion of the barn roof was ripped
from the building, while in the
neighborhood between 50 and 75
fir trees .were uprooted.- Passing
through the Fred Christy place
the swath is said to have been
nearly 350 feet wide.'
Portland newspapers- rushed
photographers to; the Dallas-Inde
pendente section i where the storm
evidently originated and did iti
worst damage. I Hop and fruit
driers were damaged, while small
er buildings were razed. Trees
and limbs were carried consider
able distances and many - trees
were torn from the earth. Hop
driers were moved on their foun
dations at the Will Walker pface
south of Independence," bunk
houses were overturned and i
water tower 'demolished. Some of
the Standard Oil property at In
dependence received minor' dam
age. At the Davidson & Hedges
hop ranch wetiaa of -a haaso
was torn away, trees uprooted, one
crushing a barn In Us fall
As the storm crossed' the river
and headed east it seemed to lose
its -violence, but pot until the Lib
erty district was; visited. "Here a
barn and fruit drier were nearly
demolished on the Ed ' Dancer
place while trees , were blown on
the S. B. Elliott and Joseph Shot
hoef fer and other ranches lying to
the west of Liberty.
- rr .i
McMINNVILLE. Or., Nov. 12
(By Associated press.)- The de
fense counsel forJ. Si Trent. Mc
Minnville farmer, charged- with
second degree murder for shooting
and killing George Hamlin of
Portland September 15, rested Its
case in circuit court here late this
afternoon. . ' : '
Alleging that the Hamiln party
who . were : fired, npon by Trent
near the latter 's watermelon patch
had been engaged in stealing me!
ons, the defense counsl 'produced
a long line, of testimony to farther
that contention. The first to tes
tify for the defense this morning
was Carl Trent, ; 7-year-old. son of
the defendant, who told of seeing
his brother, Lee, 16, and Kelley
Davidson, 18, a Trent ranch em
ploye. Unload shotgun shells and
refill , them with wheat. His tes
timony was 'corroborated -br- his
sister, Jewell. 10, who said she
was a witness to the refilling of
the shells. - , r ? - -
- The prosecution asked for an
explanation, of the shooting of
Hamlin with leaden pallets In
stead of ' Wesley Trent, 15
said that he had emptied a shell to
-demonstrate - its- eons tract ion A- to
his aunt and that after it had been
refilled It had assumed the ap
pearance of one that had been re
loaded with wheat,; ? '
During the testimony ; of -
children one Of the jurors'wept.
WASHINGTON',, Not. 1?. (By
Associated .' Vreii. V American
loans sought by Brazilia a author
ltv to support coffee price ; valori
tation .haTe been refused by New
York bankera a V the. Instance .of
the administration, it appeared to
day in the publication, of astate-
ment by Secretary Hoover- A
(By-;- Asaoclatedi Pvess-VwTwwity
fix mes, were, arrested, nere today,
by- police In -a drive to icbjan lae
city of -gambling : places. 7 Mean
time, 3 4 men arrested - for : viola
tion of the anti-lottery law plead
ed polity to the charges, '
Jury Fails to Agree,' Prosecu
tion-Moves to -Dismiss
AH Charges
"Murder for Love" Status ! Still
Undetermined; InternaUon '
al Interest' Stfrred. by .
ProceedJnga .
LITTLETON, Coh., Not. 13.
(By Associated Press.)- With the
legal status of., "murder .for lore"
still undetermined Dr. .Harold E.
Blazer today stood ( free: of j the
charge of murdering his hopeless
ly .crippled ; 34-year-old -daughter '
Hazel, the "human clod.v t. -'
Less than an iour- after jury
failed to agree, on a verdict, the
legal stigma of murderer was re
moved when Judge Samuel John
son granted a motion of. dismissal
by Prosecuting Attorney.iJoel E.
Stone, clearing the ; country phy
sician of the murder charge.. The
case was in the hands of the jury
14 hours. .
The defendant received the de
cision with comparative, calm.
The jury should have acquitted
me, but this. last; moye-is the
equivalent of acquittal,"' ne said.
"I do not wish to persecute any
one. Stone . said in making .his
motion for dismissal. "I don't be
lieve this Jury or any other iwe
might obtain could arrive at a ver
dict and. in. fairness both, to tho
defendant and the state, I move
that. all charges bn dropped, and
the defendant be set f ree'
Mrs. Frances Bishop,- daughter
of the physician, was not in the
court room when the jury was dis
missed.. "Oh; they, should have
acquitted him they should have
acquitted him!?, shef told an As
sociated Press representative .wh
carried the-news to her, In. the cor- .
rider outside She then rushed la
to talk to Jher father. who.was sur- (
rounded by bis brother, Philip H. '
TrftzeT"6T-Magnotlfltr OhWand'f
h Oft of relatives and friends, re
ceiving their congratulations on
his "acqnitUl." h. 4jv -t
' Then as B laser was taken into
custody -once more by: Sheriff Roy
Haynes. she left, -together with
her husband to obtain a new bond
under .which the defendant might
be released.' Before .they returned
with bondsmen Dr.. Blazer, was a
free man, -and -en; j route to his
daughter's horne In Denver.
Dr. Blaier - was - alone at the
counsel table, except , for,, 1L W.
Spangler, a member of his counsel ,
suff,' when Stone's : motion ; was
granted. He left 'soon.-afterward
declining to make any statement
beyond that he was going to Cvm
bres,.Colo; to "operate ioy0, saw
mill there, and live an outdoor
life, which I -believe -will benefit
my health-f--' -i -iw-' -
He smiled broadly as lie talked
and appeared to be relieved of the
strain he had been under during '
the last eight sdays.- - - v--.r(---.
- I'Thla .has wbeen a rfctory ,for
humanity; for: humanity waa' on -trial
side by side with DrBUser.- .
Lewis Mowty chief defenseieoan-, .
sel,A said "Even, the Jiuni Jory
was as good as an acqultalf for It""
shows that on this jury were men , ,
who dealt jiQt alone with -the eoid
facta pi, law, r I. ant informed hat
the vote at any time - was never -more
than three for conviction and
that .It simmered down towards
the end to a point where a single
juror; was holding oat to convict."
k Prosecutor Stone saw In the
action of thehung Jnry a ."victory
for law and order." ;u -
"These men; as a body, declined
to put the stamp of approval on
this sort of crime;" they, declined
tq state that Colorado would coun
tenance these types of ' kllllng-i,
and it will serve as a warning li
the future, he declared. -
"I moved for a 'dismissal of the
,- . tCeatlnutS oai sf S) Vr,
- .-i - --. . -. -
NEW-TORK, Nov. 1 2 By As
sociated rrw.)--With lb ban on
Italian ; financing; lifted by the
agreement reached .at Washington
todaj ' for . settlement of Italy's
war . debt; to. the.. United States,
bankers erpect a loan of $5 0,0 00,
000 or llOOiOOO.OOO to the lUllan
rovernment and at least 50,000,
000 - Industrial - bond . lssnos to .
follow -Within a short time. New
fJranelng for thev Italian govern,
tnent will- 1e used to strengthen
its financial 'position -preparatory
fo a Testoratlori of the gold stand
ard end e probable revaluatlon of
the lira.' Of the money to be ob
tained tSO.OOO.OOO'win be requir
ed to absorb-a credit .granted by
J Pi- Morgan & Co, last snmrnei
to a eottsoTtum of i-Itallan nant
for exchange. sUMllzatlon pnrjes-
w VMM goTrtr?rt.