liLiLiUiiyULiiLLL -FOB FfliDflY LISTED - v. i Jive Excellent cts From Association Circuit Billed for Three Shows - There ate so many nltAndlhg nOTjbr .pa. the next, As36ctaUon Vaudeville bill at the Heilig on Friday, that , to single out any one act s a hcadliner would be a dif ficult task, ; FOr Instance, J. Burke M ijrgaa and Co.; ' have a barrel-ful .i ftign ciaas iun in incir one act ntltled "Oh My Goodness." It Unconsidered one' of-the fastest ;afee comedies ever produced and is 'being presented by one ' of the cleverest companies In yaudevlUe Oa hundred Uufehs tn 18 minutes , is jthe record attained and mala talned by - this act tn watch- Mp Morgan as the ctcenrie old laa- keeper displays ' umpteen - brands of dumbness. Hf In. ably support wdy four oCfier artists of noe; Then come (he i Marigold Tri6 who call; themsfelves-TheSong Singing Sun-Uver-Gnns." As wUI besuspected this trio employ their "time delivering - harmony and solo numbers Tia . the vocal cords. They , hare . Toices ,of rare guality ajid do not' pretend to waste any Utne wua usncug, acrocaircs or any thing that they do sot do well. ' "But -when It comes to acrobat ics WeTiave the Esther Foaf Euro- brought across the "wa ter In which if. Included difficult feats of Jiand and chair balancing together .with a aeries or acrobatic dances tnat displays w.onderf nl dexterity , on the part .of Jhe two men and two girls who comprise the act. By way of . a -change the lovers of real .music will have an oppor tunity of listening to the sweet strains of an old yolio manufac tured by Maggini way back in the yearj.fcfg, and ow; the pxoud, pos session of. Miss' Lucie Bructi who not only knows bow a appreciate its, yalue but who also knows how to bring ' forth 'those bewitching notes oi entrancing melodies rich with the mellowness , of old age. Mi88 .iitn.cjj, wno js an artist of in- lernaiionai, repute, u Known as tne Gypsy Violinist. ; 5 . ; A, pojniart newspaper cartoon ist la always, a welcome number on p. .variety. 111 ao here : we have Conrad XTlayton who was' at one .tlme.dn jhe irl staff of. the Chi- other Veil " known dallies. With Mildred CUjrtbh Ihejrg pITiring an artistic treat of sonrs. patter and pictures ia wtifch a refreshing line of comedy runs throughout. Banquet Is Janned Father 'and Son day will be ob served . at the First Methodist church next Sunday. - Rev. Fred C. Taylor will preach on "Blest be the Tie That Binds," which will describe the Father and Son fel lowship. "A special anthem will be given by the chorus choir en titled ."As fanta the Heart." The rr i-.. my firs h, i.i if n fi v - I'sx .mi J T .h r i . 3 V'- 3 f.si5i'i' v LI..; -U n ffl CT T 7Vrr, U fj-l Art IJ 4 KM llllLUllfUlttlO !U hm nrnt Tiirftniii GUIVIt HfcHfc: UJtOUAT ; v - " . "Grounds for Divorce" Be Presented at Heilig Theatre Nov. 10 SMHSIGAli INSTRUMENT rhairshop Phone 2215 x 1 .-,-: Saxaphones --Clarinets Trumpets Trombones WE REPAIR ALL OF THEM - ' ' , :'.-'. - ' 4 Reasonable Guaranteed Price" Work Salem theater patrons will again be treated to the best in dramatic art when the Forrest Taylor play ers or Portland will present "Grounds for Divorce" at the Heilig theater on Tuesday, Novem ber 10. According to Archie Holt, manager of the Salem Heilig, the play to be presented here this week is one' of the best yet re-! hearsed by the , Taylor Dramatic company. The entire company will take part in "Grouuds for Divorce," which' has met with great success In Portland. Forrest Taylor, the leading man and director of the company, and Anne Berryman, leading lady, are well known and well liked here. Others in the cast are Dorothy Blakeley, Bar bara Haaland, character actress: C W. Rice, Anne Wade, Kenneth Roduner and Kirke Decker. according to a report made at a meeting of the state fair board In Portland yesterday.: The report was made by Ella S. Wilson, effre- tary -of the f air board and man ager of the faiK The balance is practically clear, though there are a few smau outstanding bum. it is estimated by Mrs. Wilson . that about $10,000 of the amount will be needed before the next fair for the improvement ot the grounds. Total receipts of fair week were $109,699.24 and . expenditures I84.709.8S. -. . If Ruptured Try This Fr ee This dynamic drama of life in tlie torrid South Sea Islands is coming to the Heilig theatre on ihursday, Novemoer l. v Dramatic critics have proclaimed it one oi the strongest modern varamas ever proaucea evening service will be a patriotic service in the observance of Ar mistice day. E. E. Bergman will lead the . congregation in a gos pel song service. The sermon will he on "True to the Colors." A number of sacred selections on the orthophonic victrola will be given by Leon Jennison. MilwaUkle Proposed new sew er system may cost up to $75,000. COLDS "Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks a Cold Right Up - Take two tab lets every three hours until three doses are taken. The first dose al ways gives Tetief. The second" and third doses com pletely break up the coIdi-V-Please ant and sate to ta ke. Contains no quinine o r oniates..- Millions use "Pane's Cold Price, thirty-five cents I guarantee it.- Adv. . Compound Druggists DIIBHSS C1IT00BEG1 Popular Film Star Shown in "Shore Leave," as Arm mistice Day Offering chums, in Champaign county, Illinois. They had not me'for 37 years, when Mr. Crawford walked in on Mr. Doty here in Falem yesterday, bringing with him his two "babies," sons six feet tall. Clarence and Virgil Crawford. The Crawfords live in Portland now, and Mr. Doty has been a well known Salemite for many years. The Crawfords and Dotys are having a fine visit. Mr. Crawford says ho likes Salem,. lie finds here A. A. Lee and Dave Eyre, who went to school with him, at the Onarga Business col lege, Onarga, Illinoijs. Mistakes Goat for White Fare uovernpr rierce may know a white faced calf when be sees one but he was. fooled yesterday when what he thought to be a white face J turned out to be nothing but a goat. While traveling to Rickre- all to meet the "trackless train" the governor remarked to Fred M Powell who was driving, "There's a white faced calf . $n that Ford ahead of us." . On passing the car it was discovered that the paasen ger in the car was merely a milk goat. ''That's one on me," said the governor. "It has a white face though, and I like white faces." , McMlnnvilie Western Products Co. buys local ice plant, its eleventh coast purchase. . Apply it to Any Bnptnra, Old Bent, Large u Smill and Yoa Ax on tk EmI Tkt & Convinced ' Tbouundi SENT FREE TO PROVE THIS Aitm ruptured, man, oau r child, should write t, once to W. SBiee, 3i9 E. Main St.. Adama, X. for frre trial ot hit wonderiui timnlting application. Juit pnt it on thfl rupture and the mus cles begin to tighten; tney begin to bind together ao thnt the opening close nat urally and the need of a sap pert or truca or appliance ia then dona away- with. Don't neglect to send for thit freo trial. Even if your rapture doesn't bother yoa what is the use of wearing supports all your life! Why suffer- this nuisance f why run the rUk of gangrene and mch dangers from a small and innocent little rupture, the kind that has thrown thou sands on the operating tablet A ho&t of men and women are daily running such risk just because their ruptarea do not hurt nor prevent them from . getting around. Write at once for this free trial, as it is certainly a wonderful thing and has aided in the care of raptures that were as big as a man's two Osta. Try and write at once, nsing the coupon below. Fair Shows Profit-- A cash balance of 124,989 re mains after settling up. all bills re- Free for Snpturo W. S. Rice, Inc., 269 K. Main St., Adams, X. T. You may send me entirely free a Sample Treatment of your itlmalatins application for Rupture Name . Address Stits mil H ! 111! : v ; HH1 v. - MADE TO YOUR MEASURE ?30 ?35 540 $45 , i And You Can Use Our Celebrated y 12 PAYMENT PLAN Now There Is No Reason Why ErVry, Man Cannot Be' Well Dressed. Scotch .Woolen Mills Store , :WW. EMMONS J 426 State Street : Salem Born in the jubiliation inspired by the formal finis written to the greatest drama in history, - the World War, Armistlce'Day, is fast becoming the close rival of the Fourth of July as an event of joy ous celebration, and the advent of Richard Barthelmess in "Shore Leave," at the Oregon" theater onJ that day is to mark one of the red letters among the events scheduled in Salem for that event. Fitting into the . spirit of the day through its military flavor the picture is also apt for the occasion by reason of its carefree and joy ous' note of comedy. The story tells of Bilge Smith, who! on a visit to shore, meets Connie Martin, the dressmaker in a fishing village. Connie Imme diately falls in love with the "gob" and lays plans to trap the unwary sailor whose intentions are far from being serious. For Connie has been born with a love of the sea, inherited from her father, who was a sea captain. When the gob mentions a pass ing, ambition to be the captain of a freighter, Connie sets about sal vaging her father's ship, which haa foundered in a river in India. Bilge, the gob, returns after a long craise to find Connie' and her ship waiting. But to her sorrow she finds that the sailor not only. never has given her a thought, but doesn't recognize her when he sees her. !The working out of this unusual romance is played with rare come dy by Barthelmess and his leading woman, Dorothy Mackail'l. . In fact, Barthelmess is said to regis ter one of the comedy hits of the year. Meet After BTYears A. Crawford and C. T. Doty we're boys together, neighbors and ; i s - ! y . A. ' . . J ' - ; Vit : - i ... 1 - ' i, " " " ' ' ; J i ' i .- . Miss Gertrude Cave, head usher of the Heilig Theatre, wants to Start her own orchestra. Mks Cave was born In . tjondon; her father is French, her mother English. She came to 4the, United States three years ago and untUTeeehtiy "was with the Heilig .Theatre in Seattle. ! VFrenchy" is Interested in mu sic. She is now taking' violin and piano lessons and. her ambition Is to have an orchestra. An uncle In NewTork has an orchestra of his own ' and . she- wants ,to follow in . nyim'iibiiL'', S Piece Dining Suite Handsome Walnut Dining Suite $99 75 To comprehend what a truly remarkable value we are offering in the "Valencia" wal nut dining suite illustrated, you must see this handsome suite . and compare its beauty, utility, and construction with other suites selling for much more. The "Valencia" consists of a handsome 45x60 inch, 6-foot extension table, with gracefully designed top, 60-inch buffet with felt lined silver drawer, and six dining chairs. All , pieces have artistically turned legs decorated with hand colored motifs, and are finished ir new two-tone dark walnut. This suite is one of the greatest furniture values we have ever offered. Come in and see it ! ii ... .' 'llfiilEt!. . ?. I., o . Floor Lamp SPECIAL Assortment One, Two and Three offered . for Mon day's selling. Lot No. i tn - f3 lTn.-.Lii i i ,i .r.i" . i .11. -l :1 w rougnt iron Driage ; Lamps, aajustaDie, ,wiui sieuuu shades, at, each 3.95 Lot No. 2 I j Wrought Iron Bridge Lamps, adjustable, with' g 1 a s I' ? cTtarlo . ea f .- v'-V -Js7.7; shade, at S.r ;v 7,75 Lot No.. 3 , ; Metal Base Decorated Bridge Lamps, , adjustable, with glazed chmz shades at -y amilion iiiure ; Co. 340 Court Strjeet his footsteps. '4 I ' . ' . it K - f- m J J