V m . 4 A 'pl The hew blocks and shades are an j Men's Fall Wardrobe g: W. CITY 'NEWS IN 1 OurVeathcrMan if.' t f -lAjJ ,'DOOO RAIN Cloudy, probably rain west; warmer. Fresh" to strong south east winds 'shifting to southwest 'gales along the coast. Max. 46; Mln. 34; River, 2, stationary; Rainfall none; Atmosphere part cloudy; Wind north. Forum Meets The public speaking forum class at the Salem YMCA met Friday night, 20 members being present. Prof. Harrington of Portland led the class. Card Tables At $2. 95 each. Hamilton's. n8 Everybody Enthusiastic That's the result of the recital given by the Orthophony VictrofS at Moore's Music House.. Hear It at the Heilig today and Monday. : . 1 n8 Silk Hose - Priced : from $1 npr Howard Corset Shop, 153 S. High. n8 Hear the Orthophonlc Victrola tomorrow at Stiffs. n8 Class Is Held : The citizenship class at the Sa lem YMCA met last night, Allen Kafoury instructing the class for the evening.' There- are now over 20 members enrolled In the class, who are seeking to be prepared to take out their second papers. Polychrome and China, Painting lessons, Mrs. Trover at Trover's Studio. n8 Sunday Is a Day of Rest Bring the family, or your friends to the Salem ; Restaurant you'll be pleased. Special-Dinner 75c. 12-8 p. m. n8 Just Received a Few Fords At bargain, prices, i One Four dor sedan; two 1924 balloon tired coupes; 1921 coupe, j Used Car Corner, one-half block west of Ladd & Bush bank, 246 State St., Salem. n8 Marriages Performed t Two couples were married Sat urday by J. T. Hunt. Marion coun- ty juage. inejr were iBeuuure m. Burns and Frances Hunt., both of . . .. . - ,., rri - Salem, Route 1, and 'Fred Vols of Sublimity and Kittier Souther, of Hull, Oregon. Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregon PAINTING KALSOMINLNG PAPER HANGING for the right kind of materials and the very best workman ship call .us, . . ,. , ' .. - .4 - Gabriel ' Powder and Supply Co. 171 B. Commarcial Fhona TSt i JOHNSON 469 State Street New School in Use The new schoolhouse in the Bethel district was occupied yes terday for the first time, accord ing to Mrs. Nellie Hammer, teach er of the school. There are now about 28 pupils in the district. Real Satisfaction In our Sunday dinner. The Spa. n8 Sale Extraordinaire of chapeaux semi-annual, now opening many modeles at one-half price. The French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison, 115 High St. n8 Darwin Tulip Bulbs One cent each. Flakes Petland, 273 State. n8 Winnifred M. Curry Has taken orer the management of the Salem Elite, 329 Oregon Building. nltf Nice Homey Private dining room for par ties. O. K. Waffle House. n8 Fined For Conduct Carrol Wright was fined $20 by Judge Poulsen Saturday for dis orderly conduct. Furniture -CphoTstery And repairing. Glese-Powert Furniture Company. alOtf Exclusive Distributio: For W. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy, Bush ft Gerts. Moore's - Music House, 409-415 Court. s20tf Whole Grain Wheat Call 1179. Henry Lee, distr. o27tf TFWCA Room, breakfast and dinner, $35 and $37.50; excellent meals, steam heated rooms, lots of hot water and all home privileges. Phone 1615, or call at 128 N. Liberty. n8 Employment Report Filed During the past week 38 men and two women received employ ment through the employment of fice of the Salem YMCA, accord ing to a report submitted by Sims Phillips, in charge of the office. There were 128 men to register for employment during the week, JOE. WILLI AMS 'The Battery Man - We Treat Ton At We Would Be Treated WILLARD 531 Court St. Phone 198 TYPEWRITERS For Sale For Rent Students' Rates Phone 866 - CM. LockwooxL 247 North Commercial Street DISEASES Acute and Chronic treated by the latest Electrical, Theraphy and Osteopathy. Consultation Free! B. H. WHITE Ilij-sirian and Surgeon , 506 V. S. Bank Bldg. ' " Salem, Oregon - F. N, WOODRY Salem'a Leading AUCTIONEER Pays Cash For Furniture Residence and Store . 1610 North Summer -PHONE 511 MsUbliahcd Since 1018 it gives you a clean refined appearance STETSON HAT asset to the & CO. BRIEF jobs were open for 44, and 42 were referred. With 23 women registering at the office, ijhere were places open for only two. Two womn were referred and both placed. Special Prices On dining room furniture at Hamilton's. n8 Hear the Orthophonlc Victrola tomorrow at Stiff's. n8 For Sale Very fine collie. Girl!s bicycle. Call today, 4 45 Center. n8 That Dog Will look and feel better in regular dog harness. Nothing takes the place of LEATHER. F. E. Sharer, harness, supplies. n8 Salem Elite Pleating, hemstitching, stamped goods, button covering and Queen Silk lingerie. D. M. C. threads, stamping! 329 Oregon Bldg. nltf Speeder Fined R. Buckles, arrested recently On a charge of speeding, was fined $5 Saturday by Judge Poulsen. For Best Results Musical instruments must be in good order. Call Duke, phone 2215. Rooms over Millers. n8 What Is It? ' Collins' Parcel Delivery. We deliver small parcels, groceries, trunks;.-, baggage, etc.i- anywhere in city or country. Prices reason able. Stand at Nelson & Hunt s drug store. Phone 7, or 1287J. ns Its easier to pay CHEVROLET Our new GMAC rates save you f15 to $35 on the time pur chase of a new Chev rolet one rate covers all charges. Come in and see how much quality Chevrolet offers you at low cost and how easy it is for you to own one of .. these cars. yEWTow CHEVROLET COMPANY Opposite City Hall LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established IMS General Banking Business f Offtee Bomra from 1 - a ' r- . , , Insuranro of All Kinds Lobby lleilifc Theatre. 189 N. High , -v - "- ( ' .Telephone 161 JgZ Bar la ehane t twy Just t&a -car tm aava tern looking for.. 125 Oldnaobu Soaa. 1923 Oakland Man, 1925 Oakland Enclosed. 1924 OvvrUa Bed Bird. 1925 Willi Kalckt Tearing. Tkasa can ara la tna best at akapa and ready ta go. 11 7i D Car Recovered A Star touring, license number 140-176. belonging to R. II. Hall of Portland, was recovered on Minto island Saturday evening by Officer Edwards. The car was stolen from Salem October 31. American Legion Tickets Are going fast. Better hurry. N8 Mirrors, One-Third Off At Hamilton's. nS Our Semi-Annual Millinery sales need no intro duction to the trade. Opening Monday. The French Shop, 115 High St. n8 Woodry & Son Buy furniture. Store, 271 N. Commercial. Phone 75. s2tf For Rent Modern 5-room house, furnace, fireplace, etc., $35. Vacant; also modern 5-room flat, $37.50; va cant. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High. Heilig Bldg. n4tf Furniture Trpnolstery And repairing. Gieaa-Powers Furniture Company. a20tt I. J. Hersha, Expert Piano and furniture refinisher and polisher. Refinishing pianos a specialty. Free estimates on re quest. Inquire at Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court St. Phone 983. n8 Everybody Enthusiastic That's the result of the recital given by the Orthophonlc Victrola i at Moore s Music House. Hear it at the Heilig today and Mondav V ,. '.IJfcjl PS Food, Service, Environment In which we excel. The Spa. n8 Twelve Lots $1200 Terms Suitable for small homes, gar den, chickens. Near school and I car. Terms if desired. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. Heilig Bldg. n4tf FOR INFORMATION ABOUT RAJLROAD TRIP! Phone 727 OREGON ELECTRIC UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Direct Factory Branch 519 Court Street Phone t62 Typewriters Rented, Sold, Repaired Special rental rates to studeLta Eastman Brothers Furnaces Salem Office 169 S. High Office hours: 12:M TO 2 P. M. Factory, Sllverton, Ore, H. F. WOODRY & SON aaetloaoon aaa Farnttaro DoaUn, py c4k for Uaod Farnttsxo. Storo 871 Hortk OoauMreUL Office Phone 75 or Res idence Phone 1843-W 10 to S WW7FW jjL JLJu JLlwi. BvrYotejJeM&6y Yet fforXexfij&frtriZ JfyaHrMArYofS Buy- -J -.- J Ball, ...... At a local hospital Saturday, Nov.,7, James Ball, age fli years. Funeral announcements will be made later by the RIgdon ft Son mortuary. , . Loter , Jesse Jacob Loter died at his home, 1390 North Twenty-first street, Friday. Nov. 6. He is survived by his wife and four children. Ray of Washington Rita of '. Calif ornia, Ted in the navy, and Kenneth at home. The de ceased was a member of the Mod ern Woodmen. Funeral services will be held from the Terwilliger funeral home on Monday, Nov. 9 at 2 p. m. Rev W. W. Rose baugh will officiate. Interment will be in the Lee Mission cemetery. Hammond Mrs. B. B. Hammond died at a local hospital Nov. 6, at the age of 35 years. She is survived by her husband, Ralph of Corvallls. Funeral announcements later. Webb Funeral Parlors in charge of arrangements. Pearsey Benjamin Pearsey died at a lo cal hospital Nov. 6, at the age of 27 years. Funeral announce ments later. Webb Funeral par lors in charge of arrangements. Reynolds At the residence in the Ankeny district, eight miles south of Sa lem, on November 6, Frank R. Reynolds, aged 73 years, father of Edith M. Reynolds of Portland and Mrs. Lena M. Rauch of Portland. Funeral services will be held Mon day at 1:30 o'clock from the Rig- don & Son mortuary. Interment will be in the City View cemetery HOPE SEES A STAR Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud and the only answer is the echo of our wail ing cry. From the voiceless lips of the unreplying dead there comes no word; but in the night of death hope 'sees a star and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing. R. G. I. W. T. RIGDON & SON BISHOP'S The The men of Salem are. now realizing the exceptional values in overcoats that we are offering. Our showing is truly a remarkable one. Rich fab rics, wonderful styles, large assort ment, low prices. $16.50 $20 $25 $30 Others up to $60 FOR THE OUT OF DOORS MAN Leather Vests Mackinaw Coats Sheepskin Lined Vests Corduroy Coats Blanket Lined Coats HANSEN LINED GLOVES ! for this cold weather Don't be without them -$2 up Mayor Giesyv announced Satur-4 da; that the informal meeting of the. Salem council .will be held Tuesday night instead of Monday night. The meeting will be for the purpose of getting suggestions from the aldermen concerning the coming budget; Our "Little Lady" Makes the best pies.' puddings and cakes on earth. The Spa. nS A Dog Harness Is just the thing for that pet, that the law says has to be tied. All sizes; also leads at Shafer's. Harness supplies. nS Sunday is a Day of Rct Bring the family, or your friends to the Salem Restaurant you'll be pleased. Special din ner 75c. 12-8 p. m.. n8 A Loan of $f.OOO Can be retired,, principal and interest. In 81 monthly payments of $16.60 each. See Ralph H. Mc Curdy, office over .Miller's Store. v N8 Phelps Meetings Continue The special meetings in the First Evangelical church has been largely attended during the past week and the interest growing. Mr. Phelps will speak Sunday eve ning on "The Atonement Is It Scientific?" During the week the subject will be as follows, in the order named: "False Religions of the Day," "The Catholic Inquisi tion," (a film lecture) "Who Was Jesus Christ?" "The Strength of Sin," and "The Throne Touchers." The public invited to attend. On Get the Best Fruit Cakes and English Plum Pudding MODEL BAKERY 121 South Commercial Home of Flannel Scarfs ajCternoonaj at 3$ Prun. t&ere wii bc?8pc!afenrWei tonducted5 tor the Inspiration and help of Chris tian" people "especially. - Redrew Fvrnltiire; ' " - Specially priced, at Hamilton's. ' . - n8 Ham and Bacon Shoot Salem Rod and Gun club Sun day, November 8. nS Opper Teaches Acetylene And electric weldingi New elec tric 'welding machines. $250; acetylene generators, $90 and up. 695 Mill St. . di Pioneers Play. The three games of indoor base ball scheduled to be played be tween pioneer clubs "pt the city at the local YMCA aSturday, were called -off as all but two of the appeared. As basketball was found to he of main interest at the pres ent' time, the tournament will be changed from baseball to basket ball. The two teams appearing. First Presbyterian Church Norman Kendall Tnlly, D.D., Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 10:4 5 Morning Worship. Theme: Nature in Place of Faith in the Christ ian Life. 6: 3,0 Young People's Meeting. 7:30 Evening Worship. Theme: The Conversion of Saul Special Music at Each Service If you have no church home conic and worship with us wraaatiie.d ott iota basketball teams, and held a gameWhitman winning with the score of 9 to 14. Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic Phy8iciau and surgeon, nS Just Arrived, " Ford " - Touring, $90; 1321 Ford tour ing, a dandy car., lats, of-extras; 60-day service, $165.; fsed Car Corner, one-half block we oof Ladd & Bush bank. .24C Cute it., Salem. nV School Days ' and Your Child Your child may be having difficulties in school or may be backward in studies, just because of some slight de fect of vision which may be overcome by proper glasses. For defective vision is al ways a tremendous handi cap to learning. If your boy or girl has trouble with school work, if they have any symptoms whatever of defective vis ion, have their eyes exam ined at once. If glasses are wanted we will prescribe them "with Bausch & Lomb Lenses, the finest known to optical science. MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY 303 Oregon Building Salem, Oregon