The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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1 -.:
'1 fie Vregon Statesman;
Daily Except MoBdy by ' '
215 Sooth Commercial SU Salem. Oresea
R. J. Headrirka -
Frd J. Toox r -
C. K. Logan V
Jftli J. Smith - -Audrvd
Hue - -
- . . Manager
- llanasinj Fditor
City Editor
Telegraph Kditor
- Society F.dnor
W. II. Henderson Cfretatioa Manager
Ralph II. Kittling - AdvMfistnjc Maaarar
Frank Jaikoski - - Manager Job Dept.
K. A-Kboten - - - . Lietek EHitw
W. C. Co-oner - " Poultry Editor
. Tba Aaaoated Tre la exelaalrely entitled to the ae for pghliratipn of all aewa
itpatcbe credited to it or aot otherwise credited ia this paper and alto the local
etas published herein. , . ., ,,- .-,
Albert Brer. 336 W'reester Bldg., Portland. Ore.
Tkooiii F. Clark Co.. Near York, 128 136 W. 3 1st St.: CWaro, Matn.ifte Bids.-.
Doty ,4 rayne. Sharon Bldg.. Saa Franciso. CaM.; Uiggim Bldg., 1j Anrele; Calif.
- : . ' TRLrPHnxre. - - !
BaaUeaa Office .23 or 58S - " Circulation Offiee.583 Keira tVprtment23 106
fLrwL -.-- ... .... ' . .
ft Soejoty Editor
Job Department..
..l'"" Entered at the Post Offlca in Salem, Oregon, as second-eHss matter.
! ; ,-3ovwmber 8 1923 .
PRAISE THE GOOD GOD: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
I Enter into his gates with thanksgiving. For the Lord is good. Psalm
100:1. 4, 5.
rfl.e! .
The observance of this week is fraught with far-reaching
possibilities. It is a period of time dedicated to special study
of home relationships. It is a time for reflection, an occasion
for resolves concerning the future of fathers and sons, j Re
volving about these two members of the family are reciprocal
. privileges and obligations more important to them both than
any others affecting their lives and happiness.
. Wise and faithful devotion to the proper direction of his
children is the father's sacred and imperative duty. And in
response to his paternal efforts and sacrifices there should
be genuine, respectful consideration. . r
TKe oft repeated admonition of the educatidnal and social
l critics that the father should be companion to his boy is
sound pedagogy and advice. This relationship affords pleas
ure and mutual understanding to be obtained in no other
way. Irihis companionship, however, the father should not
. sacrifice his own leadership to the mere whims or desires of
his young companion. With this element gone, the son is no
longer influenced by the most valuable ideal of his life. And
with this ideal eliminated the dignity of the term father is
likely lost in "the governor," the "old man" or the "boss."
- The famiHar motto "What is home without a mother"
should be amended to include both parents who should be the
ideal of the household which the father is primarily bound
by the strongest ties of earth and Heaven to establish, main
tain, protect and honor. And to the son these same ideals of
progressive youth and manhood should be transmitted and
- taught. - .
7 Social workers, sociologists and educators generally tes
tify that boys of today are as good and as capable as were
those of a decade or two ago. Juvenile courts declare that
the wave of juvenile delinquency now on results in the major
ity of the cases brought before them, from delinquent parents,
broken homes and absence of . wise parental authority. And
for these conditions father must bear his share of the blame
He should command both respect and obedience as a parent.
Independence to his maturer judgment, his position of
responsibility and parental authority with hidlih gainer
is clothed, the son should be respectful to hisoOnselhich
should be directive and not dictatorial. v!; -.f s
The father's duty to recognize the old. adage that ' All
work makes Jack z. dull boy," to cultivate -iiis;boys compan
ionship, and to know of his other pals, is obvious. He who
fails thus in his privileges and responsibilities f deserves to
reap the liarvest of disrespect and regret wliicli gejierally
follows' And the boy who ignores the father's wise counsel
through indifference, selfishness or downright disobedience
should expect to. reap a harvest of disappointment and
Sorrow.': , ,-': . - ' -
' During this week the appeal to father and; son for in
creased reciprocal devotion is emphasized. And ?very parent
'and son should strive'earnestly to realize this ideal. y ..
W. Ku.a
children 'froin the 'sixth grade up
through higli scliooli fpr&ff pos
sible station for Information is be
ing worked by the contestants, and
It is reported that J daily visitors
are appearing at the offices of the
divers, industries seeking informa
tion concerning their operations
and methods.
Now Opon for ltuslncss
- Electric appliances,' lamps and
supplies, llolcomb Electric store.
Coiifwure to lie IlfM
The WillameUc Valley Older
Boys' conference is to be held in
McMinnville November 27, 28 and
.29. The conference, -which is for
the purpose of discussing boys'
work activity and clubs, is open to
boys between the ages of 15 and
20. Each delegation of boys is to
be accompanied by an adult lead
er. The delegates from -'Salem
have not yet been named.
found sentiment very favorable to
ward his "nomination, i He
speak Monday before the-Kiwania
club of Eugene at" their ' "annual
Armistice Day lancheon. He will
deliver an address In - Bend on
Armistice Day. - '--
', ' - : .(
Sirs. Trover Gives
i Lessons in china painting at
Trover's Studio, 122 N. Com'l. b8
Hish Grade Furniture
7 good rugs, draperies and
everything at the auction on Tues
day, 221 Front SK, 1:30 p. m. F.
N. Woodry is the auctioneer, of
course. n8
For Rent
' Warm house, furnace, $35.
Warm 'flat $37.50. Goth vacant.
Becke & Hendricks, Heillg Eldg.,
189 N. High street. n8tf
Arrested in or Conduct
lln the early hours of Saturday
morning. Carrol Wright and Mrs.
It. G. RaDDe. both of Salem, were
arrested at a local rooming house
bv Officers Smart and Thnmasnn
and were charged with disorderly
Some I)ond Buy
That likes security and also re
turns. Here's brick building on
long time lease that will net you
8 -per cent net. $22,000. Third to
half to handle. Becke & Hen
dricks, 183 X. High. Heilig Bldg.
. n4tf
Steiwer in Salem
Fred Steiwer, who is seeking
tke republican nomination for
United States senator from Ore
gon, was in Salem Saturday and
expressed it as his belief that
there would not be more than five
candidates this year to seek the
republican nomination. He de
clared that since leaving Pendle-
Cert ifinl Studebaker Gla
: Closure, for sale at the Certified
Public Motor Car Market. Why
buy a cheap new car when you can
get this guaranteed, high grade
car for only $590? nl4
lr. White, Osteopathy
Electronic liagnosis and treat
ment. , X 4 f tf
:--: -
Directors to Meet
! The directors of the new Oregon
Linen Mills, Inc., are scheduled to
hold a meeting Monday noon in
the auditorium of the Chamber
of Commerce for the purpose of
discussing various problems con
cerning the new mill, according to
word received Saturday. It is ex
pected that a report will be made
on the way in which the amount
of the subscriptions called for has
been coming in.
For Upholstering
Or refinishing furniture, call
Hamilton's. nS
South High Street Cottage
$3100;- reasonable terms. East
front, near schools and car. Pav
ing paid. Electric range. Large
lot with fruit, garden and floweTS,
cement walks. Buy now. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High. Heilig
Bldg. n4tf
License Record Set
up to date 3164 dog licenses
have been issued for Marion coun
ty, establishing a record for many
years back. La- year only 2255
licenses were tf Va out for the en-
Rent Grabcr' Greenbouse--
i Glenn Rlngo, a youg florist of
much promise, has rented the
: Graber green house at Fifteenth
and D streets, formerly operated
by Hector Adams, and at the same
time is learning some of the fancy
kinks of growing from the Brelt
. haupt experts. ?
Vsed Furniture ;,
Greatly reduced, at Hamilton's.
. nS
Crowder to Speak
Rev. U. S. Crowder will ad
dress"Wlttamett students at the
chapel' serrice Monday.
conducted In the gym, with any
number of boys ready to play when
giuw the opportunity. The junior
leaders played the First Methodist
comrades a game of basketball,
heating them 8 to 11.
Stark's Delicious and. other var
ieties at Salem Fruit Union. n!3
Everybody Enthusiastic- j
That's the result of the recital
given by the Orthophonlc Yictrola
at Moore's Music House. Hear it
at the Helli? today and Monday.
-r-r, n8
Electric Man Here "v
W. B. Halcomb, who has arrived
in Salem from South Dakota, has
bailt and opened an electric 6tore
at 2020 North CapitoL ;Mr. Dal
ton built the store and residence,
and plahs to make his home here.
He has been in all departments of
the electric business for-30 years,
and 10 years, ago was in business
in Portland. eH i now open for
, (business.
Friend Returns- 1
Harold Friend has returned to
Salem after having spent; several
months in Medford, being connect
ed with the , telephone company
there, j He is now .connected ,wTh
the Sherman-Clay' company. '
Jut Arrived, "1024 Forl
' Touring. $90; 1521 Ford iour-
Mng, dandy-ear, lots of extras;
9-dajr'Servlce, $163. " Used Car
Corner,: one-half block T west of
JAAA & Bush bank. ,216 State St..'
"Salem;' v- ' V" n8
YMCA Crowded , i
The YMCA rooms were crowded
wth "hoys Saturday, who were
wishing' to participate in gymna
sium work and swimming. The
unusual number of youngsters is
believed to be duo to the fact that
the rainy weather has all hat set
in, that several games were stated
for .the day, .and that the small
pox ecaTe has passed. During the
tnt Jre day praV-ke games and
class- games of basket " hall were
Just Received a Few Fords
At bargain priees. One Four
dor sedan; two 1924 balloon tired
coupes; 1921 coupe. Used Car
Corner, one-half block jwest of
Ladd & Bush bank, 246 State St.,
Salem- ? n8
$1200 to Loan
- Flat 3 years. 7 per cent. Wants
new. Salem house. Becke & Hen
dricks, Heilig Bldg. 189 N.High
street. ' 'l ' ' n8tf
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not
getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physi
cians and proved safe by millions over 25 years for
.Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Sandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottle tff 24 aad 100 Drnvcriata.
Aplrla U tii trad mark of Bayer Maaofaetai of Uonoaceticaeldeatcr of BaUefUcacId
Speeder Arrested
Late Friday night Steeve Bcle
hener was arrested by Officer Ed
wards on a chafge of speeding. He
was cited to appear November 10.
The Power of God Heals ;c
It never fails. See Prof. Hawk
ins, Bligh hotel. n8
Essy Content trt
: About s 300 eehool children of
Salem are scouring the city in the
search for information concerning
the Industries of Salem.. Reason
for the spurt of active interest, is
given to be the essay contest being
sponsored by the Salem Klwanis
Club. The contest calls for essays
concerning he. various Industries
q fcfci
TUESDAY, NOV. 10, 1:30 P. M.
221 North Front Street
Consisting of
One all grey enamel combination wood, coal and gas Wedge
wood range just the same as new; 1 heater board and pipe;
1 tapestry overstuffed davenport with chair and rocker to
match ijith double spring and weliblng construction; 1 oak
roll top desk with sanitary base; 1 oak chiffonier; 2 oak
dressers with plate mirrors; 1 oak commode; 1 oak exten
sion table with 6 chairs and buffet to match: 1 Singer drop
, head 7 drawer sewing machine; 3 Veraus Martin" beds with
springs and mattresses; 1 mahogany library table; 1 brass
library lamp, very pretty; 1 all leather overstuffed roeker,
real chair; 1 refrigerator, like new; 1 kitchen cabinet;
1 8-day mantle clock; 1 Axminster rug, 9x12, nearly new;
1 Axminster rug. 11-4x15 feet, like new; 1 Axminster rug.
8-3x10-6, floral design good; 1 Axminster rug, 9x12, good;
2 Axminster rugs, 3x6, like; new; 1 hall rug and cocoa door
mat; set good dishes; kitchen utensils; pictures; window
curtains; drapes; window shades: electric light globes; odd
dishes: looking glass; 104 Quarts home canned fruit and
pickles; aluminum ware; 5 pillows; 2 step ladders; axe;
rake; oil mop; hand washer; galvanised tubs; copper boiler;
brooms- 3 good inlaid linoleums; 6 cords of 16 inch dry fir
wood, and a. lot of other miscellaneous articles that go to
furnish a -home. Terms cash.
-- - XOTICK ' ,
Tliis is a Heal att Hon't Miss It, This Tuesday, I:;JO p. m.
.Owner, 231 X. Front St.
. . .
: ... F. N. WOODRY i
j- Salem's Loading Aactlonfer, '
; -' - . of Course . t
F." X.-Woodry pays rah for aeil furniture. riiono-51l ,
Ktablishcd In Salem since 101 0 '
da;t0he fact that special jiepu-
tia Jy f .;eeA f ctlvt la reporting
delinquent licenses. On Saturday,
69 licenses were applied for. Most
of the requests were received by
mail. :, I '
lioans Wanted
$700 and $1800. CVj and 7H
per cent. New Salem homes. Title
and Insurance protection. ' Becke
& Hendricks, Heilig Bldg. 189 N.
High street. . nStf
Some 3Iodem Coup!
" Here's a modern bungalow for
two-or three. Furnace, fireplace
hardwood, wired for electric range
Dutch kitchen, etc. Priced below
any similar place you have seen.
$3600 takes it and $600 down is
plenty. Brand new and ready to
occupy. In protected district at
1550 S. Winter. Becke & Hen
dricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 North
High street. nStf
At Reasonable Irices
We can show yon corsets, wrap
arounds, girdles or corselettes
that give support, style and com
fort. Howard Corset Shop, 153 S.
High. n8
Mrs. Trover Will Teeeh
You how to make your own
Christmas presents. n8
Grotto Meets
The El Karz Grotto of Salem
journeyed to Turner aSturday eve-
ivrnns me m. m. aegree. oioau
and addresses were the features of
threvenlng.-f HQVri
St. Helens New high school
will be ready for occupancy' by
new year.
nun i ino
Accept onlj" genuine "Phillips,"
the original Milk of Magnesia pre
scribed by phytsicians for 50 years
as an antacid, laxative, corrective.
, 25-cent bottles, also 50-cent bot
tles, contain directions any drug
store. Adv.
butf. mil i vuk bMt uiihifc y
Tk kcK By tt ymr "
WeU Tailored
Gives a Mark of
Distinction To
Any Man
From the standpoint of
quality in .fabrics, work-'
" manship and prices our
J tailoring department has
no superior in Salem.
Tailor to Men and Women
474 Court Street
Telephone 360
Our Classified Advertisements Bring Result
We Close All Day November 1 1
Armistice Day
Pre mi it
lectric VacMCim Cleamer
We Invite Comparison
Let any expert salesman demonstrate any
vacuum cleaner to you then let us send you
a Premier Duplex to try yourself in your home
You Will Know It By
The Checkered Bag .
Stamdardl Elecitiric Ramges
are preferable for their
SPECIAL 4 plate range, two-way, switches, full sized oven, ele
ments top and bottom, oven thermometer, plenty of shelf room,
By special arrangements with the factory representative wc
will allow $25 credit for your old fuel range taken in on one of
these STANDARD ELECTRIC RANGES. Regular price $115.
STANDARD ELECTRIC Circulating Water Heaters . . $41.00
Trade in Your Old Furniture or Range on New
We Charge
No Interest
furniture Company
Use Your
Buy American Legion Tickets Y
s' . . .: - if;
-' " ! .J - f-.