OUTER M.1DE' TRKAStTlKK AT rOUTLAXD MEETING tlaehoe Olifer, "an Salem boy and a student at Willamette uni- UPSEl SEEH, Esno Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, Stomach Feels Fine! 7 m - 80 ple"ait.vo inexpensive,, so T Quick to settle an, upset? stomach. IT,V The moment f rape's .IJiapepsin ' II reaches the stomach all paiu and I -lintrMU from indirMtinn nr a snur I piissv stomach vanishes. Millions know its magic. All irugglBta recommend , this harm- less stomach corrective. adv. the Interstate Assemblyt: Work for- Boy of Oregon and Idaho, organized , in,. Portland, -Satur day, during tli meeting' or the 6re-gon-!daho chapter of the associa tion rof boys" ' -work -secretaries. The organization newly created Is open to ' secretaries and laymen, and. is for the' purpose of organ izing 'clube and discussing boys' work in general. Other officers elected are J. CMeehan of Port land, president; Mr. Putnam of Portland, rice president ; W. P. Walter of Eugene, secretary. L. E. Goodwin of Portland, Mr. Plaiter of Portland and Air. Potter of Baker were chosen members of the executive committee. . ; ) At the conference, which was held Friday and Saturday officers were also chosen for the Oregon and Idaho chapter of boys' work secretaries as follows: W. PJ Wal ter oT Eugene, president; J. E. Crary, secretary o fthe boys' de partment of tje Salem YMCA", sec retary an treasurer; E. C. Peter son .of I'ocajtello, Idaho. M. C. Thompson of Portland and A. E. Tonnt of Portland, members Of the' executive .'cominittee. Those who attended the confer ence from, -Salem were Clarence Oliver. Lee Ross, J. B. Crary and Ross Miles. -.C. A. Kells, general secretary o fthe local YMCA, and R. C. Davis attended the confer- to stay over for Saturday. LITTLE.OPPDSITION OFFERED TAX-BILLS - tCttbliuuro I ram iwyv 1.) would: ask for record Otes. " Sen ator N'orrisalso asked that great er cuts be made on the smaller in come rates' and less reduction of the surtax schedules. ' A unanimous report by the house ways and means committee does not appear likely at the pres ent time," but a majority of demo crats and -republicans are be lieved certain to "follow the en dorsement of the measure so far given by" their 'arty leaders on the committee. In starting revision Monday of the excise rates, the- committee will consider all of the schedules as a unit, deciding first on the apportionment among the various levies It will allow for reduction Among the rates which the com mittee has been asked to repeal in this class are those in automobiles, tracks, tires and accessories, ad missions, duo, jewelry and virtual ly every other tax now existing on special forma of business. Repeal of all of these would cut government revenues by almost $400,000,000 annually, whereas only $100,000,000 of the treasury estimated ' surplus remains avail- committee. Say It With a Classify.! k Dry Wood SASCO Briquettes ALL HEAT XO ASHES Moderate Prices You'll like to trade with us HILLMAN FUEL CO. Telephone 1855 TODAY, 2 to it P. RJ1. .n. I i Ma cG t FamouGVMovel and Stage Play v 4 n i LJVJ 'CO Wgf I w PRICES Balcony Ixwer Floor ' . thildren . . . ; . Cab, sir? Maid, sir? Laugh sir? Syd Chaplin will serve you with everything that makes for laughs. The merry Adventures of a gentleman idler caught in a whirlwind of thrilling melodrama. Comedy Mcd'oNALD News IIII , Today Monday i : KEEP BOTH EYES ON THE TP JCji To) 7fl V We bought for spot cash a big stock of used pianos at real pricesthere fore we are able to quote the lowest prices on fine used pianos ever of fered in Salem. Come and see for yourself. Buys Mny mod mom Kimball . . . $ 75 Kohler . . . Stetson . . Gramer . . Starr . . . , Schubert . . Schiller . . Kerzheim. . Schubert . . J. Baur . . in. Remington . 90 85 135 Bradford New England . Many of these pianos look like new and are in new like condition in every J way. We will accept any used piano bought at full purchase price any time within one year from date of sale toward the purchase price of any " 1 new piano. , ' 432 STATE STREET YOUR LEADING MUSIC DEALER FOR 44 YEARS ' i i i r J mis m V T .4 ':-.-.. v