THE OREGON STATESMAN,- SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY iMORNINGf ;NOVEMBER 8,-1925 PKGE81TK1S New Low Rate Applies to All Advanced Six and Spe :;. cial Six Machines;, ' -. - jj '-" i -T- T -1 ' . ; The Nash Motors company has announced a price; reduction on the Advanced Six and Special Sil lines. iTba new low prices are ef fective November 1st. No change ha3 been made in the Nash models themselves, and the character and quality of the cars remain exactly as before. Thia sweeping Nash cut In prices Is, in effect, a iionble reduction according to E. JI. Mc " Cartr. General Sales Manager of the Nash Motors company. 'When . the new Nash rndtiels were nation ally introduced July 23rd," says Mr. McCarty, "they presented new and original body designs, far reaching improvements in con. Bt ruction and, many refinements .in engineering equipment,! all of which entailed large increases in manufacturing cost. If Nash sales and production ' had ' not been smashing all records for 'volume NEW CARS COMING SOON f r -. . - $er v - K - -w " - . . - r.timnm , - i it i.'r,., .';;'.T:?rTfffagr,-7 -Ti-, ' T .4 jJ - -r- : -2 r , -1 - ; r - 4 w ' i r ' t ri-rn irtfr TTirr i in-.HH m ,r m, n"-ii .iiwii-iii'Mmwin'ir 1 i , . - t ' ' ykiMaw ' 1 1 1 ii.iij.ix. . " rrea iv.rswoocr. Tocat Ajat ceaier, expects some of these news cars to arrive in Salem "There has been a great demand for these machines and they havel been hard for us to Eet." Mr. Kirkwoqd. - , . I soon. " said at that time, we would certainly have, been compelled to increase prices materially. But Nash prices were held at the same figure and the part of the public to this of fering of greater value and great er quality was instantaneous and country wide. In the three months period since national Nash inaugural day, July 4 23rd, when these new cars were first placed on display, sale! have more than equalled one-half the sales for the -4 r . " ElEvER'S ... . y GUARANTEED r USED fi " FORDS , PRICED RIGHT ji J TEE BLUE FRONT LIbertj and IPfanry & entire year of 1924, which was a banner year for Nash. So that it is now possible for us to make these sweeping reductions on the Advanced Sis and Special Six lines and thus pass on the earned bene fits of record breaking production to buyers. ' ; x . "j "Ther has been-no cheapening "There has been "no cheapening nfacturing. The same high stand ards of quality and workmanship that have earned a world wide reputation for C .W. Nash as a builder of high grade cars are strictly maintained. And the aim of the Nash Motors company to continually give greater quality and greater value in'its product is now attained in higher degree than ever before.' Unquestion ably this present series of Advanc ed Six and Special Six models are the finest cars that have ever borne the Nash name plate. And the soaring demand from all sec tions of the world is the best evi dence, of that." JAPAN STATION HEARD ALASKAN OPERATOR HEARS ; SIGNALS REGULARLY WRANGELL, Alaska, Nov. 7. Claude A. Blackington of Wrangel! is hearing the radio stations of Toklo and Nagoya regularly, ac cording to a report sent to Japan and to the Freed-Eisemann Radio corporation- of Brooklyn. His success resulted in a cable inquiry from Tokio giving details of, his reception. The first time "he heard. Japan he called in Mr. and Mrst Ota and other Japanese friends who translated .'the anr (nouncements. This was the fjrst time the newly established ""sta tions in Japan had bridged the Pacific. ; . v ! Mr. Blackington states he hears WMDF, Miami Beach, Florida, WJZ, New York. WGY, Schenec tady, and other stations at very long range, including Honolulu. FACTORY RECORD BROKEN FORD PRODUCTION CREATES NEW 31 ARK FOR DAY DETROIT Mich., Nov. 7, Ex ceeding all expectations for daily output. Ford production went to a new record of 9017 cars and trucks on Friday, October 30, it was announced at the general of fices of the Fjord Motor company recently. This remarkable indus trial achievement becomes more important when It is recalled that sixty days ago assembly of cart had halted while materials for the improved types were being ship ped to branches. Sixtce that time production has steadily risen from practically nothing to record breaking heights. Every week for the last three weeks as the company's thirty-two assembly plants swung into pro duction new daily records have been created. October will go down as a record breaking month for with Saturday's assembly prcv ductlon for the month was in ex cess of " 200,000 cars and trucks, exceeding, any similar period in the history of the company. ' iwalrf wm .lire j ' h - , j ----- - - err"?': - - ''' , " : 7... i7f EJ- iC Jo b. Toledo .The best Sides talk ever t'nuuc for the: Overland Standard Sedan was this remark fade by the owner of another make of ight ear to Jus wife who came in to. fisita large Wuly$-Qverland Sales room Think these facts overt The price of the Overland Standard , Sedan is only $15 -higher than a the 1 i price of the lowest cost sedan it is ; $100 lower than the price of the next; ! nearest enclosed car. The $15 buys i, ; standard sliding gear transmission honeycomb radiator, foil size brakes, r more room than in any other light car; . built, big car frame and drive system Jand many other features of construe i tion that go to build op long and saU isfactory service.; fr I The $ 1 00 you save is . that xnucK y money in your t pocket a stwdy of ' Overland specifications wUl quickly; prove this to you. ; lit 'seveH, weeks-ihe' price was ' announced Sept, 13 this Overland Sedan has upset all motor car tradition To-day it is the greatest jpopylarslatte the country has ever known. There are 20 square Jeet-o window;' Here is what you gel A full size sedaa plenty of room lot 5 grown people a trim. smartly de signed car with up-to-the-minute lines polished lacquer finish with nick cled trimmings beautiful and dur able upholstery heavy fenders g quality car from stem to stern, JUnusud convenience j v' i is afforded by the wide doors It's easy to gct'into the front or rear seats and the doors are sturdily hung on four.hinges they'll neve? sag not: stick. " f. Clear rtdmg and driving vision the v result of. big" windows and the latest type one-piece windshield. (hum steel srrin7 TimkMi rniier pace ifs I3te, riding: in an opea caj;. bearings in the front wheels New with atb trrog prctxctica exjo .Departure ball bearings in the rear closed ccoastroxlioa. ? ! f r wheeli--Molybdenum steel steering - knuckles only 27 points to lubricate rv ouaerjui power, --is always available tn the 27-Korse-. power motor Overland ability in rough going has always been one re - markable -feature of its performance -4arge valves in : the L-head motor, give smooth power, and more of it and there are fewer parts than in any; 'jpther type of motor construction, ' Sturdy drive system. " V ' ' from dut,ch to axle sEafts. ttie 'drive , system is the finest that can be put into any; car Borg 8. Beck type clutch. one of the finest clutches ever made. selective sliding transmission, Molyb ' clenum steel axle shafts, the toughest ' ' steel known,' and the axle shaft is as large as that used in many; cars ot double the weight . Big car chassis' . ;.- unusually strong, jrigid frame w?tE . plenty of, ! bracing Chrome yana . as against 35-60 on other cars. How Overland can build this car simply by advanced manufacturing methods- weeding out overhead here and there planning and studying every factory procedure. In this Over land Sedan you get every essential of big car performance big car equip-ment-f-big car appearance arid com fort arid convenience. And with it you get the most surprising economy ever t known jn the light car field. There are years of trouble free service in the motor there are thousands of miles of trouble free service in the chassis. There is everything you are looking; for in this tradition smashing sedan. The terms are very easy 1 a small down payment -and 1 8 months on the balance your old car in part payment. Come in. Sec what you can really buy in this car priced at $595. Ttvn UJ jSedan 1 -i CfflEFUL TESTS II v - .. What. Lies Back: of Trouble Free Performance Explain- "v Ved. in Article - v -.' ' : The average owner of a good autontobile whose car, entirely tree IroTu trouble, glides smoothly cTef the highways, month, in and monlli out, marrela "at its unfail lnsr dependability, unaware, : per. baps, of the elaborate and ; pains taking system employed' by the manufacturer to insure that char acter of performance. In no other industry is Inspection . more rigid, or are safeguards more firmly ad teed to. ; 'Xo other factor In our entire program of manufacture is a more Tital part of the production pro gram than our system of inspec tions and tests,? saya D. M. Aver ill, vice .president, and general manager of the Ajax Motors com pany. "It is only by constant, In sistent and repeated testing that a manufacturer is in a position to know definitely, - before a motor car is shipped, that its perform ance in the hands of the ultimate owner will be entirely satisfactory. Reports received by us from Ajax owners, many of whom have driv en their car thousands of miles, show .plainly that the character of performance fully justifies our policy of rigid Inspections and tests." 1 Visitors at the Ajax factory fre quently express amazement at the lengths to which the company has gone to assure perfect workman ship and materials. This work be gins with the raw materials which are not unloaded from the freight cars until definite tests have shown that they measure up to specifications and requirements in every particular. Then as each of the numerous operations is per formed in the various depart ments, inspectors must pass on them. Thus the possibility of trouble is eliminated at the very outset; finished units not only are closely Inspected but are thor oughly tested before going into he chassis. Motors are run on their own power for hours before they final ly are placed on hoists and swung into position in the frame; crank shafts, when finished, instead of passing on immediately to the mo tor assembly "i department, are checked on a balancing device,' to assure absolute balance. Connect ing rode and all , reciprocating parts are tested fori perfect bal ance. Definite reports are made and kept on each inspection of the multitude of operations en tailed in the manufacture" of the car, but even when the AJax,'om pletely assembled is. run J on "its own power; there is still one of the most important tests of all to be made. This final test, the ac tual, performance of the car under all driving speeds, la conducted on a brick track built and. maintain ed for that purpose alone.; This track lies Just outside of the final Assembly 'and the care as ,' thy come off the "line, are filled' wka gasoline and turned 'over to' driv. fcrs long trained 4 in motor-car eonstruction'and'performance.V When .the ear. In actual perfor mance, measures up to standard In very particular, it Is finally ran to the loading dock and. tag. ged for shipment. ;. ;- . i - ..... , . - - . . ., i a meat Oiatrcsmmo ; of Goodl . Evemvhere. the New Oakland Six Is enjoying unprecedented demand. Everywhere, it is winning and hold ing increasing goodwill. And that is because it merits good will as no car inthe field has ever merited it before. Good taste has endowed the New Oakland Six with outstanding beau ty. .Skilled engineering has given it unequalled performance in its class.' IUUt "".t VJ3 - (Old Price $1095) Tourteg . w ; xmS ; fCHd Price 1095) GaIl . . XOff (Old Price 1215) AB Hco at factory - Ctmeral Xlotort imOuttry. hav b&n W Kid Imkt. Ym cow how Honest workmanship and fine ma terials have made it enduring. More than 100 improvements including Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Four-Whcel Brake refinements and The Har monic Balancer have established it as value without parallel. True value never failsof recognition. In Oakland's case the reward has beenquick and generous. It has come in a great outpouring of good will Laadaa Cap '$lf (Old Pric $1295) San . . xs (Old Pric , 1545) Landau Sedaa .iatf (Old Pifce 1645) Tlm Payment Rate, herrtofort tht low fa On 4 ' mtm ma trntcn ma tm ov n ymmr tone fwjmwiM cms VICK BROTHERS High Street at Trade EES? TWINNING A W OF HOLDING GOOD - WILL OAKLANJ J SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS SI::::.::5:::S:.I:I:?:I: Sill " If m KM OFFERS GREMTER WMME July23rd Nash introduced new models by long oddt the finest motor cars Nash ever built, These new models presented new and uniquely original body designs, far'reaching improvements in construe tion, and many notable refinements in engineering and equipment ail at far greater, manufacturing cosU BUT -NASH DID NOT INCREASE PR1CESI m f NOW PRICES REDUCED . ; . - . ' - . v - - - " -. Reductions up to $300 . ' 'The above price reductions arc effective November 1st on exactly these same models. . " - ( - ' ; - . ' v- - ' ; . . . . -: -, ..-s , . It is possible to make such price reductions only be ... f cause o the tremendous vclume of sales inspired by . the manifestly QREATER QUALITY and QREATER . i 5 VALUE of the. Nash product, I - - In the first 3 months these cars have been on the market - i r , . "'J.'- yi. ...'.. ; . the to-ai tiLjes have i iui-k ttran equaled' one-half the - . sales fos tnc cnii yta of 1924. ;, " ' ! " i Kirkwood Motor Company i . i . VICE BROTHERS I ;;,( HigK Street ;af Traiclef-. v i?.ijJd commercial liJt1: 1