The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1925, Page 18, Image 18

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tntire World Soon to Be Dot
v ted With Ford Cars; For-i
; "eiga Branches Busy . :
Highway and byways all . over
the globe will soon Ite dotted with
u.nw line of Fordt care. , And
curiosity will bv just as keen when
fhe improved Fords appear on the
Hfreets of Pari. Berlin. Rome,
Copenhagen 'or. Yokohama av It
ws along Fifth avenue or Holly
wood ; boulevard. The Ford car
familiar fa most nwrjr country on
oarth will soon give way to the
Improved andbetter looking Ford.
.'With output rising tonew-rer-qs&b
in' country ,Ford plants
throughout the world also are get
ting into production with the Im-
proved cars. " iMstribtitlon to deal
errand cuBtoruers is already under
t x 1 S.
, ! g '
- - :
What More Could
You Ask?-
Ijong Milcagv anil
1 Perfect Xon Skid A
Two paners, w:;i from 25 to 30
holes in eaeh, ate grilled in one
operation and tha machines used
Sn the, Crosley radio plant in- Cin
cinnati drill 4t)00 paselj u day. ,
Hauling of Materials Is Low
ered 40 Percent by Use a
of. Carriers
By Ethelbert, Favcry, Consulting
Engineer Moreland Motor
Truck Company -
I "Jim" " "Bill"
I l Smith & Watkins t .
? . .i
way In eevrral countries. , , '
The Ford Motor com pa ny' of
England, X-td-. began praJuH ion
on the improved cars at the Man
chester plant October i oand Kng
land ; was giren Its flrel y leV,of
these cars; . , '
France, Belgium.' RpsIalio'Jand
and the Scandinavian countries
are just beKinniag to receive the
improved Fords as production 1
now under way at the -plants in
Antwerp. Barcelona, Bordsriux and
Copenhagen, -Germany "also.; is be
ginning to receive Ford rars which
are shipped from the' Copenhagen '
plant. Shipments, are on the way
to the Trieste piaf -ana it will not
be lou before the new Fords will
bo on the roadv of Italy
The first cars for South" Amer
ica have been shipped to the com
pany plant at,j?antiago, Chile'' Tor
tllptrlbufion to dealers and titbr
fe'outh American p'ants will so Into
production n "November. The
Ford branch at Havana. Cuba, $nd
tho plant at Mexico City, Mestco.
will soon be distributing cars to
dealers. .'-' ': .-.
The Orient 'will have its first
gL'ipps of the improved Ford cars
most any dny now, as rhipments
of parts for assembly have just
been received by the Ford Molor
company of Japan, Ltd., ?.t Yoko
hama. .
The Ford Jlotor company of
Canada. Ltd., which supplies Can
arfa and the British Colonial pos
esion has been 4n production
i with the new. riffs for some time
jrd lwi .started shipping to FoYd
i Plants in New,Zealand, Au&traliii
I tmd Sotuh AfrTca. " .
AVej watch the, bulldins of
houses, excavating work, v the
building of., roads, the transport
ing of baildlns materials.- food
staffs, and cthejr goods and com
moditfss, and ar unmindful of
our., obligation to the motor truck
in this important work.
our cities, where the streets
are congested, trucks capable of
carrying heavy loads are pressed
into srv?ce more and more to
cope with tha demand for the
IranHporiallon . of materials and
goods neccHsary in the various lo
calities. Farmers, and others
transporting prooris Ions distances
clrim": for fater and more eco
.noniicnl niear.s of transportation.
The Innease in tonnage to be
moved and the prevailing con
jfVetfldnion Toadi ard in.;; cities
hare siven ris to a new type of
construction which has '- been
brought to a high point of perfec
tion in California. We are refer
ring 1 to the 6-wheel dual-drive
truck which was perfected by the
Moreland lotor Truck Co., and
as far as we are aware, it is the
only company hi the United States
in production on 6-wheel trucks.
Another impetus given this type
of, vehicle was the enactment of
laws limiting the maximum load
on e:ch tire. With the ordinary
4-wheeled truck, the load is not
always evenly distributed and one
rear tire may carry a considcr
pl!y greater part 0f the load, than
the other, rear tire.'thereby. caus
ing damage to-city streets.
Road engineers have long com
plained about the destructive ef
fects of heavy trucks on the city
streets and highways in. general.
By means of the 6-wheel dual-'
drive balanced axle construction,
as perfected by the Moreland
company, the concentrated weight
on each tire 13 considerably less
when carrying a payload of 10
tons than Is the case with the or
dinary truck carrying ; five tons.
Du0 to the dual axle' drive (driv
ing . through A wheels) . there is
less slippage and grinding on the
road surface ad the balanced
tisle suspension. enables to wheels
, (o !se ovpr jnennalitles of the
road without the high Impacts-in-
Production Almost Doubled
in Short. Time; .New; Mod7;
.cis Are Added
Boy 3 inte cogs. Doga like ra-
dio.f This- little fellow uses his
Crosley , 4Pup't. set tt let bis ca
nine friend listen-in to broadcast
programs. " ' '.
cidental to theuse of the four
wheeled truck. ' vt y
Another - advantage of tha " 6
whtjrler is the greater -arry!ng
capacity . thereby reducing the
number of vehicles on the road
fcr itransporting a given tonnage.
Eviidently if 1000 tons of mer
chandise had to be transported by
trufk having -a carrying capacity
of io tons each, it would 'require
only one-half the ' number- of
trulks than If their capacity were
only five ton's. ,
Eugene Forest fire patrol wil"
build 13-mile Nelson Creek-Itlach-ley!
phone line. ' -
The- Moon "Molor Car - company
of St. Louis in a "decent report: on
factory sales since June, when! Its
new car . tho D!aia light straight
eight was introduced to the public;
shows that sales; in July jumped
103 per cent .'over ..July .'-'of ' last
year, T1 cent in August and
S3 per cent in September; wbHe
orders in hafid for October indic
ate that this month will show the
greatest galn yet recorded.
This almost doubling of sales
is of course due to the spectacular
success of the new Dbna.
Early this month two new models
wera. added to the Diana line, a
five passenger touring and a seven
passenger sedan, which now makes
it possible to, offer three popular
body styles including the standard
two-door sedan at a low list price
and factory officials are confident
that fall and winter business will
mark a new epoch in the history
of the Moon Motor Car company
for this season of the year.
The means by which' it is found
possible to offer all the advantages
of eight cylinder construction at
a price which competes with I the
"ger six cylinder cars. Is explain
) by Stewart McDonald, who has
accomplished this feat, by pointing
to the fact! that the Diana is the
prcdutt-of a ?T5, 000,000 combina
tion. J?iK-' " .';" , ';. -sv?'.
"The 'DUna. says Mr. McDon
ald, "enjoys the advantages of
quality w5roducUouxt.Jlowered
costs; resultant from the resources
and savings in proup buying of
the f 7S,00.-Oft .combine by which
tho car Is Fponsored," . s
. - --C-'- -.-
Parker Says There is No
Sympathy for Fight Made
Upon Gasoline Tax
. According to ,J. W. Parker,
manager of the Parker stage -line
and a member of the Oregon Mo
tor Stage' association; the organ
ized stage operators of the state
are not in sympathy with the at?
tack on the gasolipe tax. made by
W. K. Crawford In the United
Statescourts in behalf of certain
Oregon interests. ;
v Mr. Crawford seeks to have the
United States courts - invalidate
the law of Oregon providing for
the present gasoline tax which is
used for the construction and
maintenance of the highways. s
Mr. Farker states that the stage
operators of .this state, through
the" Oregon Motor Stage . associa
tion representing 8 5 per cent of
the stage interests or Oregon;
have, several times gone on record
publicly and of flQlally, ai being
In favor of. not only the present
gasoline tax, but an increase In
this tax if additional- funds are
needed for construction and main
tenance of our highways, their po
sition being that the- gasoline las.
together with-a lieense 'fee based
on the weigh t of yehfcles, i$ the
fairest and mpt equable measure
of the use of and damage to the
highways eo Tar devised or sug
gested. - - . .
! (Goutinued from p; 1) .
ous performance was givn Willys
Overland.'s representatives for the
Klausen Pass is located about
50, miles dlrectlj' south from Zu
rich, Switzerland, and is in that
section of the Swiss mountains
called the Glarun Alps. For years
automobile men have - attempted
to ascend thla treacherous slope in
high gar, being unsuccessful until
accomplished by the Willys
Knisht Six, attesting the unusual
flexibility arid -power performance
of. it3 engine.
E u g e n e Permit issued for
130,000 apartment house on Lin
coln street.
Med ford, Price of S 3 cents for
but terfat stimulates dairying here.
$1.50 Weekly
This is the time to select
your Christmas gifts while
our stock is complete.
Children's Wheel
Wagons, etc.
387 Court Street
4 , i
f r -t,p
Po & Th os & Wri a Care
What Th ei r M o n eV B u Ys
Tudor Sedan
Touring ' 290
Runabout - - 260
Coupe - 520
For dor Sedan 660
Clow cam' la color. D
MuntabU riot mad acatwr
PL AH riocs l.m.W. Detroit
Color t Channel Qreen. Up
holstery to harmonize. All
tcl body, polliked nickel
radimtor. Oncpiect platt
glass windshield. Fuel tank
under COV. L Standard equip
meat include windshield
' per, rear-vieU! mirror, dash
lamp Hatter, demountable
rlma and four cord tireu
Balloon tire $25 extra.
Lowest in Price Yet
Built to Sedan Standards
- ' "; v " - '- - -t., V-- as'.'-'- i' , - -" ?-"-- - -- - - - -4 -
.'-.- v r-v - '. -
jCharacterizedbylow, trim body lines, -witE
well-molded panels and graceful "
front pillars, the Tudor is a Sedan of
sturdy, all-steel construction. It has , .
plate glass windows, ; deep, comfort
able seats durable, high-quality
upholsteryJ V i; , V . . 'r
Substantially built and attractive look
ing, it is a closed car of which you
may well be proudavailable at a '
price far below what you" would ex
pect to pay for Sedan quality. ' v
Any Authorized Ford Dealer will be
glad to show you this-desirable car.
t Ci Detroit, Mich." 7,;;-
Dodge Brothers, Inc. have always , built a
good, sound, long-lived product.
They have never built "yearly modelsl and
never wilL . '
They do not make frequent expensive changes
simply to catch the whim of the hour.
On the contrary, they devote themselves
steadfastly to the improvement of a car that
has been good from the very beginning. :
This process of improvement has now been
going on for 1 1 years.
- -; " - -. - - ' ' -
. Its influence on the car's appearance and
performance has been nothing short of
remarkable. . -
i v ' . ' . : - "' . "
' . v i '- -
Always eminently dependable,t is now also
an exceptionally easy riding car. ,
Always j up-to-date, it is now strikingly.
attractive. - u
Style and smartness stand out in every line
. Sheer logic never made the choice more
Dodge Brothers Motor Car for those who
really care what their money buys. Y
Telephone "423 " ' ' ' 474 ctt i
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