"... ; . - - ' . ; ,; v - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY, MORmG, NOVMBR 8925 . ' jpHURCHES (Continued from page .) : - et phone, 1973. Barrioee ll:0O a. m-, !: p. m. Bermoae by the pastor at hoth services. EpeeUl aaesicel f eataras at- .both terrieef. Sunday school, 4:45; superintendent. Dr. Foley. 6:30 Union Endeavor meeting at ihe Central Cengr Kauonal chore k. Beoenae ! the. County Christian Endeavor convention- being: held (hie wk at that church.' One day con vection on Wednesday ' beginning at 10 clock and lasting all through tha dar. letnch, aad evening dinner will be served at the church. Outside' speakers snd tprrenUti?et from other church ss -will Mtaaant -. . v t - ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . FIRST Corner of Liberty ' end Che- mnjkcta streets. Sunday morning services i o ciock. guaaay craning at . eub . '"t of lesson sermon. "Adam and Fatten Man." Sunday school sessions convene at :30 and 11 a. m. YYodnesesy eve- 'ung testimonial tnetlng at 8 o'clock. - 'eiiig room, 209 Masonic Temple, open -rT day except holidays and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. a.; every evening f xcapt Wednesday and Sunday, from 7 :u tu : Sunday sf teraoon tram. 8 to 5. All -ta cordially invited to oar services sad io our reaawg room. Oood times i 1 Cheery times! Halpfn) Omosl At tha tall whlto IraiMins ttato, oetow uommofctai. ; ion ro vol- - (mi to all. Snnday'a prorraai : holinoaa moating. 11 a, m. "The tinndty School WUh s Smile' ' meet at 1:30 v. m. orrsngomant of . Usie this Sunday, to aofioaunaoato tna rrnwo. tipoeial yonag peopio a moei at o :ju p. ra. -umr cnanK' ed from jl5. as formerly. Envoy C, Staronaon. loader. Saaday preaiog Is nroays too boat aorrieo of tha day. . eras stlisUo in Bstnn. foil ot good cheer and hopo. 8ermoa tabitct: Vllonao by th ao'of tha road.-1 Trod G. FUher, ainger-eTaaaa'iaW will aaaiat in the. regu lar tmooing at the state penitentiary this imlyj A tenriea a ill also bs held at l 'jAt.m erm Vara. - I K!netenth and Marion itreMl:' pastor, . . U. Hopkins, residearo, I960 Marion street. - Aanistant pastor, air, .liopstss. Sevrieos: 11 a. as.. :80 v. m. Kormoa topics: "'Know Thyself' ;"BlindnoS nd Poverty. Special, music aad stcc ing at both aerrieea on , 8andsy. 8an day school 6:43 a. snparintendent. W. B. tLardr. Tonne Feopio s meattn. (T-.tQ p. in, topic: "Gideon." Junior Christian Endeavor 6:45 t. m.. president. Mr. Lloyd Millar. Wedneadaj oTeaii t " 7 ;SO prayer mootlDC. lod by the pa' tori The pastor will preach 3riwiir uorainf. Vesrlc mretbt of. U Sun day achool board wiU bo hold in tb Ganrch Jdondsy aigst at T:80 r-' v c cr- SZTHAVT BUTOBJtXO .Capitol sad Marion atreeu: pastor M Denny. . residence. . 90S Marion, street, Phono 445 W. fierrices 11a. nw Zag- lisa. Bnadsy school 40:00 s. m., super inteadeat, xrod . tcmso. . : i . : . I. S. 8. A. T if eet every Sunday irf Derby halV ., Oourt and Hiirh atreeta .for Bible atody ; 1 harurm 10 to 13 and 3:30 -to 4. Sunday evening., h'ov. a at 8 o'clock . thoro will l4' a leetnre. - snbjeet, , Ths Year of , Jubilee." . Seats free. . o ooUectiOQ, " X,TJTHXSASr . CUBIST KVANGELICAIr 1T50 Ststo street. Fsslor, G. Koebler.- residence, 1750 State.. ohona 599ft. eerrices lu-.SO s. m. Her. T.' Aradt ' of Stwbcrg will preach. No oreuin j service. " Sunday school 9:30 s, ni. Tann Feopls's taect inc at 7 v. ns. Topie: "Learn How to : ITy" The Dorcas 'society, saoota on TJinrsday - at 8' p. m. - witn Wrs. . Vara Bsrriek, 1077 S. Hlg1 attoot. - Suada echool aad semce- are comauciea w Caglisa. , - - -.:! ieetho'diit , '' " . - CENTER 8TREET-Hth and Center j streets. Pastor ; A. F. UUmr, residenco, fttta. N. "Winter street, phoae WfKM. Bet--.Hcea il:00 a. m. and 8 p ra-- Sermon topics, The Reformation.' 1 morning; ''CeaefitS We Enjoy Beosaxe f the Hef . ormstion," evening. BnndsyJ. school ot TO o'clock, snporintendeat. Hr II. Grsl Isp. Kpworth Iayue at 1 w'etock. fol lowed by the regular-servics. , - SOUTH 8ALKM Commorclal. and Wsshington streew. Paators, Csrl and Kinaio lliller. residence 1655 t. Uberty treat, phone 133B. Servicea: Jl a. m. aad 7:SQ p. m. ' Sermon topira : " 'The Word ia the Beg inn ins." morning: "Tho Hour of Prayer," evening. 6prUl I ma tis by ths choir. I Sundsy sfhodl: 'Kl a. m. saperiatendent, Ben Pstlon.' , Tonng People's moetinF: Sonday tJ:3 p. nv, leader, Kormsn Wright, topli, Interna - tiflMl Friendship" ' Prnftr roettift-J Thnradsy 7:30 p. - Women's alisiion ry society will moo at lie church yrj Ar,w t t Thi fhareli will, ofcterrs Tsther and Boa" ' iresk with !. onet mday erening- ? srs kavtod to coins aad worsnip . wita . us. . , . 848 Coort street: pastof. a . John- ' reaidancs 1B33 SfspU SVeaoe. PhoBS 1B17W. feaadsy school 3:00 p. v,'so pertatendent, 6. Berlaey. Young Peoplo s meeting Jfridsj t venang. Week day sot . vieos: Taeedsy, Thamidey sad estufdsy aronings. Tho pastufc Tn speak attar- nooa and evening. , tTTSJTIJiilST ' IBST On Bundny, evening. Kov. S, Mrs. Anna M. CoacUof will bo with ns acaia to deliver the f lecture, and give Ih7 mosfsges. - With airs. Julia J;eksoa si the piano. Coma add brios friend. " ' CHECBTIAS AITD aCSSIOKAXT ''T,T. . . 1T.UASOE ferry atroet aear Coinage. Vajtor H. ' naidedee. 173 8. Cottsg iM ; iiB4J. . . Astistan psisor, Mrs. UNCLE BHXY DOnOTOY DARNTT IffMF u;" ji T: ; - Kill ; . i N . AK Dorothy V 1 what ARE You So , f iNTKRHTtO tM? . CsawelL"" Servieos S p. m: and 7:30 p. rv. eermea 'topioa: "Yse - uss- was Kslked.UiUt.God;" "WsiUnr on tha trd.M The Teaint aerriCtf al onf I always an" tnapiratlon Ennday school i p. m , aopenatendent. Alra. at. WUaoa. Young PiMrple'a .meetings Satorday eve-ninc- Week -dar' aervieea: Tnaadar ovo- nine Prayer ard praiao. Friday evening t:u BJOie itua ta taa Boot i Ms id Cocao aad briar Tour Bible. tftin- day school IS found in Acts 25:38. Gold en text "Ye aught to support' tho weak ana remamoer, tbs words ot vn- Lord Je sos, how Ho said U is do re blessed to Siva thaa to reeeirs. Acts 20;35. - SAPTIST CETJ2CB i FIRST Libertv - and Marina nutnr. Eraest' HT Bhanks, rosUenco, 640 North Liberty, phone 1320. Services: 11:00 a. ea. and T :S0 p. to..' Sermon' topic : " A Diacipla's Coafessioa.'i morning; 'Hea ve a or ou; vkoere in r Xoa spend Eternity!" Bevivsl services all this week. Untie under the leadership of Mr. Fred G. FUher. song-evangelist. Sun day schoU 0:45. Superintendent, Ed Bchnaka. Young People's meeting 6:30. ab entBuiuue group . of voun noonla. Revival meetinrt contiaus all week, each svoninar except -Satarday. . Bible leetarea oark arternoon at 3 :00. except . Monday sni eatnrosy. A atudr ot tha Epittlo to the Colioasiaaa. Father and Son ban quet Tnesdsy evening st 6:00. A great gsttiering of men and boys. Aftar .the banqnet the pastor will deliver his frost sermon to. mea ana coys oa tno subject 8T. VIKCEKT DX TAXTL (Catholic) Rev. Tbo.'"V. Keenaa. naitor. Mssses nest Sundsy as vsusl at 8 and 10:30 o'clock. Rosary . and benediction every Sub day evening st 7:30. Darin r the week Mess will he celebrated st 8 o'clock. Cstheehism cleat for the children every oaiuraay ernooa at 3 o clock. Jon feaaions Saturday afternoon and evening. x-aoue lati. Effective Appeal Made From Oonnth Friends of Near ' East Relief Friends 0f the Near East Relief la this' city have recently received from Corinth, Greece, one of the most effective appeals which this organization has ever issued. It consists of the reproduction of a photograph of hundreds of little children, on a wide plain, grouped together to form the letters and figures making this legend: "Sec ond Corinthians l: 811." ' The children represented in this "living espistle from the Corinth ians' are but a part of the two thousand orphans' under the care of the Near East Relief in modern Corinth alone, near the site of the ministry of fit. Paul of old. ' The message is particularly seasonable at this time, as it serves to draw attention to the American observ ance on Dec. 5th of the Golden Rule Sunday, on behalf of this hu manitarian and educational work overseas. It Is interesting" lt read the pas sage from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians so dramatically referred to in the picture. 'For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble, which came to us in Asia, that we werevpresaed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we de spaired 4)Yesvof life. . 'But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trUBt in ourselves, but in God, which raiseth the dead. "Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver; in whom we trust that he will yet de liver us,- ;' " "Ye ' also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift be 6tojed upon us by the means fo many persons, thanks may be giv en by many on our behalf." The passage has a singular ap propriateness, In view of its ob vious application to the Armen ian children now In the American orphanage at Corinth. Evidently the tables have been turned. The student of Biblical history will re call that once an apostle of Christ in distress and danger Bent to' the Corinthians his gratitude tor what pwas evidently a collection sub- SPECOgf MV'RiTMMlTIC Union Roster KEAT CTTTrKB'B UNIOIt KO. 380 aieet aoeoad end fourth Wedaasdsy. Prasidaat W. . Melban; sscrstsry, Bobflit Poda. OA PIT Al TTPOGSAPHICAli TTXIOS KO. 310 President, O. r. Kvsat; saaretsry. at. D. PUksaton. Masts seeosd Bstar dsy. 3 :00 p. m. CARPENTER 8 TJKI0S KO. 1065 Meets Than, evenings. Arthur Tuck er, president; Win. Pettit, secretary. Skilled meehsnira foraiahed. Pbese 1T9. Lodge poster FRATERNAL ORDXR OT XXSZSK moot very Wedaeadsy. Frstemlty Hsll, 8. M. Wtllett. Sec y. TeL 888ft. - scribed by many in small amounts. Now the Armenian children of Corinth, " representing the seven churches of Asia, are in distress, indebted for food, for comfort and for' life itself, to the many Ameri cans 'who : have given in small amounts, and they repeat the plea of Paul: "We would not have you igmorant of our troubles." Under , oppression and persecu tion for generations, the people of the Near East have clung to their Christian faith. The picture which comes from the juvenile survivors of the early churches must bring a real thrill to thousands of Amer icans' whose contributions alone explain why these children have lives within them. Brotherhood of Church to Make Trip to "Chumville' Tuesday Night A railroad trip to Chumville will be taken next Tuesday night at the Brotherhood banquet at Jason Lee Memorial church, with stops at Ladtown, Boyville, Jolly- ville, - Noteburg and Readaport President Zimmerman of the brotherhood will be the conductor of this father and son special of the North Salem Consolidated R. R., and all fathers and sons of the city are privileged to become passengers. It will be well to secure your sleeper reservations by telephoning or by seeing Train Dispatcher Acheson or Conductor Zimmerman, but late comers wil find a foothold uponthesteps. 'America, will be sung i as an "All Aboard." and then: Rev Acheson will give the "train or ders." The "last call" for dinner will be sounded promptly at 6:30 "dining car in the rear." "Musi cat Relish" will be served as we puff along, by the Jason Lee orchestra, and the first stop will be at Jollyville, Where we all get out an sing. The journey is re sumed until we come to Noteburg woere Howard Roberts $s station agent. Then comes' Funvllle and the names of these two juvenile UBIQUE BSHQBET nerformers is kent a dark secret.1 a banquet, to which every old Two interesting bits ot scenervi are found at Dadtown and Boy ville, where toasts will be given by Raymond Miller and John Hunt on "What a Fellow Likes in His Father,, and 'What a Father Expects in His Son." ".After this we arrive at Readaport, where Charles Kaufman is baggage mas ter. We laugh a bit more there, and then steam steadilry along to the end of the line. Chumville, where President Carl G. Doney of Willamette university .holds sway as station agent, train dispatcher aad baggage smasher. "Everybody j change cars here." ARE YoO CrOOD V40LT1 PLlCATIOrJi mi J II Tie 1f)t Oreson &tsttsxttaxi filUUs I tespt Moa- I of Oregoa. 1 Published every meraiag (sxespt say i at asJem, tM eanitai rr aamawawaaVawmMtwaaaawaMaoanaaaaaaaaaapM Local Rates . For Classified Advertising Dally or Busdsy time . S seats per word One Tar t;aos .i .a seats par wots Six times. seats par word Oae month, daily aad Sunday -10 cents par word la rer to earn the more thaa one time rata, at&rw-tiesmeat mast run la ooasecntivs itsnos. r Mo Aa. taken for less thaa II eoata. I Ada. raa enaday OJTLT sharped at oas-time rata. I Advertlaetaeuts (sxespt raraaaaia sad SiVostions Wsatoa) trill ho takes over tha telephone if the advertiser la a snbsoriber to phoae. Tha Statesmsa will roeelve advsr tlsesats st any time the day or teat. ; - Te issnra proper laasifiaa tions ada. seulal bo ta before T p. as. j TZLS?H05 I or t&S Money to Loan On' Real Ertata f. PQKT i (Over Lada 4 Bush Bsak) BETOBS TOTJ T.SATX TOUR BOMS OB OAR HAVE IT Insured Properly Phone 161 Becke k Hendricks, ' Hellig BldC, 169 N. High St. 4-Z8-tf AUTOMOBILES 1 SALEM AUTO WRZCBTKO 00. Wheela. Tlrea Rims, Fandsrs Half Price and Less , Parts for all ears, eatb for old ears. ; .. . 403 8. Chnreh Phone 3159 laStf SCHEELXR AUTO WRECKIKQ 00n will , buy year old ear. Highest cash pries paid. 1085 X. Commercial 8t. ljlStf WILL PAY HOMAGE TO AGED PERS Harvest Home Week Obser vance Will Begin With Special Service Today Harvest Home Week in honor of members of the GAR, the Old Peoples' Home, and all old people of Salem, will start at Jason Lee Memorial church today with sperial morning service, and close with the Harvest Home banquet On Friday nisht. At the Sunday morning service bouquets will be given all elderly people upon en tering, as tokens, and they will be escorted to the seats of honor Cars will be furnished all these guests of honor by telephoning 2106J . The music and the ritual Of the service will be in honor of age and the pastor sneaks upon ''The Enlarging Horizon." ! On the Friday night following, November 13, the young people of the church, under the direction of Harvey Roser and Clara Jasper, will honor the old people of Salem gentleman will be escorted by a young lady and every old lady will have a boy for her partner. An evening of entertainment and and enjoyment is planned, con sisting of music, readings and short addresses. Cars will be furnished all who desire to attend this event by telephoning 2106J. A Harvest Home service has been held at Jason Lee for the past two years, and last year proved so popular that it was decided to add the banquet and other fea tures of the week. ISay It With a Classified Ad M -" WE4-L,!.' IS wouLp.SK pounds Of OUTTtK vt TH1RTV Ctr4T5 A, Pour4rX, ' 'Ose7Tt$JT ah . Daily AUTO REPAIRING GENERAL REPAIRING, TIRES 1 AND to sea. soeeasories, gas sad oil Ml IiZB LIBEXGOOD GARAGE. Phone 564. Miller and B. Crauaerclai St. Wa speeianse ta reconditioning motors. . - .- -. r- ssetf ATJTO TOPS SEE US JWt TCP AND PAINT WORK. C. i. anil Auto Top Paint Shop. Rear fire deoartment. S-alStf HELP WASTED .Male ll ELP.CTRIC WELDER WASTED. C. D. Oppen, 695 Mill St- Phone 372. llnll SALESMEN. OUR 1926 LINE OP IAC- e, ladies neckwear, trimmings is ready; good men, for small town, gen eral .and drygoodt stores; big com mission!, (five experience, reference, territory covered in first letter. Moaer Co, 874 Brosdwsy, Kew York. UXo MAX WASTED (CITY OR COUNTRY) old estsuliNhed company will supply capital snd a tart you in your own per manent business selling necessities peo ple must bay every day. Experience unnecessary. Write McConnon ft Co., Fsctory ZSfl, Vinops, Minn. lino RELIABLE MAN IN EVERY TOWN snd city te distribute free ' samples, and advertising matter, etc No eell ing. Experience unnecessary. Out door work. Arerage psy $8.00 per day. , "v.ite quickly for contract. Su pervise. Colombe, 5153 North Clark St., Chicago. Illinois. 11X8 HELP WANTED Female 13 WANTED YOUNG LADY TO i CARE for baby years old and do light house work. Day time only. Call Sun day s. m. at 450 8. 14th street. 13n ADDRESSING ENVELOPES: EXPERI- ence unnecessary. Earn. S15.00 to $45.00 weekly during spare time at home. Dignified work for honest, sin cere persons. Franklins Products Corp. Dept. , 1143 Blue Island Avenue. Chicago. 13X8 SALESMEN 15 XEW ITEMS. BIG PROFIT, GOOD rev eaters. Xmas sellers. Msin or side line. Auto, drug, cigar, all lines. Mil lard Mfg. Co., 612 Van Buren, Chi cago. 15X8 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP PP WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAR PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PI PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Listings snd buyers furnished. You shew property luted by us to buyers furnished by us. Under' our system yon ?roduce steadily from tha start. Un usual opportunity for advance ment to sales-managers posi tion. Our own offices in Salem snd Portland. See Mr. Gaskill. AT ONCE. Parker Realty Co. 409 U. S. Nat l Bank Bid. Com'l st Stste. - 15o23tf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPFPPPPPPPPF FARM CONFERENCE ENDS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE DISBANDED BY COOLIDGE WASHINGTON, Nov. 8- (By Associated Press.) Tbe presi dent's agricultural conference has been definitely dissolved. In mak ing this announcement today, the department of agriculture, said President Coolidge had acted on the recommendation of Robert D. Carey of Wyoming, chairman of the conference that no further ses sions be called. The conference was no longer necessary he told the president be cause most of its recommendations had been put into effect and "a satisfactory solution of farm prob lems" appeared in prospect. The recommendation of the con ference, dealing with cooperative marketing, which has not been acted upon by congress, has been taken up by Secretary Jardine with leaders in the movement, and they hav assurd him of tbir as sistance iu efforts to improve con ditions and in supporting legis lation. Early in the summer President Coolidge considered calling the conference back into session this fall to continue its study of farm problems, but he abandoned the idea after ascertaining Chairman Carey's views. Carload of Trrutdale Supreme celery shipped to Tampa, Fla., a southern celery center. ' WHAT" NDS I - : - " I. vi " ' kweaaaaBawaaawSaMawessssassasai JS T ' ' w a Or AGENTS WANTED 17 CRYSTALLIZED fRTJIT EIGHTY household necessities. It's easy to sell every home. Yon make 100 profit. Write for Free Starting Outfit. SAM WJUTE, ilfgr.. Cincinnati. 17n8 AMAZIXG LARGE CASH COMMIS sions introdneing ' beautiful 93.95 snd 94.9$ Meat tire Made guaranteed shoes. Actual samples furnished. Write for yonr territory. STYLE ARCH. B6B7, Cincinnati. ItJfBr I NEED AX AGEXT TO SELL MT Candies, Chocolate Bars, Mints and Gum. Large profits. Experience un necessary. Free samples. " Write to day. Milton Gordon, Cincinnati. 17n8 MEN! WOMEN) EARN GOOD MONEY - -build your future establish your self sell consumers. Prima rt Stamped Embroidery Packsges and children's wear. Write Heller-Martin Fartoy, Two East 23rd street, New York. 17N8 WANTKL Employment 19 LADY WISHES TO KEEP HOUSE FOR Widower. Good references. ' Call at 2278 N. Church. 19n8 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging ana team work, pnoaa 19F3. v 10ml4tf WOOL GO LP HOSE CHILDREN'S sport hosa, kit to order. Hand k-nit-tiar. Phone 1T78--X. " ItsSOtf FOR RENT 21 SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE OR rent. Stiff's Used Furniture Store, op posite Court House. 21a2T PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7ft wording "For Rent," price 10 cent each. Ststesmsn Business Office, oa ground floor. FOR RENT 5-R00M HOUSE, $28, 5-room house, $25. 7-room house, $45. . New store buildinz lease. Gertrude 3, M. Pare. 21n5tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 FURNISHED THREE Clo In, 445 Center. ROOM APT. 2Sn8 2-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Downstairs. 445 S. Winter. 23nl3 4-ROOM FURNISHED Phone 1951-W. 705 X. APARTMEXT, High. 2Unt3 FURNISHED Summer. APARTMENT 292 N. 23n8 FOR RENT ONE ROOM FURXISHED apartment. 817. Mill St. Mrs. Furge son. 23nl0 MODERN' FURXISHED ONE AXD TWO roomed SDts.. Marion Ants. 010 Com 1, St. 23n8tf FOR REXT CLOSE IX FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment for adults. Ga rs ee. T. S. Albert, 864 Mill. 23nl0 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. Commercial. 891 N 23o30tf PRINTED CARD8. SIZE 14 a?Y wording, "Rooms to Rent," P"f 10 eents each. Statesman Business Cilice FOR RENT Rooms 23 FURNACE HEATED" ROOMS WITH board, close in. 523 '. Cottsge. 25n8 ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOMI throe blocks bom state house. AO conveniences. Gentleman pretern riease give reference and address B, care Statesman. 25J28U FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOB students, with sleeping porch privileges Everything modem. References are rs auirod. Address room, care Statesman 15J28M aVaaaBBBBBBBnaaanEnBaa5KSBSBBB FOR RENT Houses 27 FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED house. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 X Cottage. 27n7tf 8-ROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE, paved street, $35.00 per month. Phone us.:,! 4. z, ma - FOR RENT 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE paved street, garsge. Telephone 445-M. 27n5tf FOR RENT FURXISHED 5-ROOM house: 7-room house, well located. 9 room house snd large trsct land, $30 9-rootn house partly furnished, 2 ga rases close in. $35. Furnished flat private bath, garage, light, water, tele phone, $30; 3 rooms unfurnished, light water. $25 Room, private bath, down town, .U5. Gertrude J. M. Page. 27n8tf HOMES FOR REXT $45 per month, fine modern six-room home with extra fine grounds located on rairmount UiM. $22.50 pi-r monih renfs a five-room home located at 458 M'lL St. Garage $20 per month rents a sis-room home located at 21H0 Chemeketa St. Wi write FIRK INSURANCE WTH. GKABEXHORST at CO. 275 State' St. Phone 515 27utO By Charles McManus St FOR RENT- Houses 27 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 1540 27nll State.' ,. HOUSE AND 4 FURNISHED ROOMS, te.uu:. liu Broadway. .27alv" FOR REXT "HOUSES $30 7-room, 170 "X. 24th. $30 5-room, 1044 S. Com'l St 80 5-fobra, 1740 X. 5th St. $28 8-room. 898 K. Liberty St. $25 7-room, 1883 Saginaw St. $25 room. 563 S. 17th St. $SS B room, 890 N. Liberty. $3M6-room, 707 Union JSt. $18 B room. 1895 8. ISTth St. $15 5 rooms, 1595 X. Capitol St. $10 5-room, 1365 Berry St. $t0 Furnished 5-room, 1620 State St. SEE CHILDS & BECHTEL 540 Htate Street 27Ntf FOR RENT Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARM I lor rent. ' P. E. Thorns son, vurner, Oto.. Phone SXI. $tlt SWAPS 83 WANTED FLOUR USERS TO "BRIN0 their wheat to Pratum Flour Mill and get ia exehange 40 lbs. of the best flour.' Paved rosd to Prstum. Mill running all tha tuna. Wa. B. UcCalh ister. 8S-oBtt WANTED Miscellaneous 39 WOODSY THE AUCTIONEER BUTI used furniture for esth. Phone olL SSatt FURNITURE PACKING FOR CHIT' nents. Otese-Fowers rnrnitnre Co. Iss20tf HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED stoves, -tools, furniture. Stiff's Used Oeaoa DrpW, opposite court house. S5m23tl CASH PAID FOB) FALSE TEETH dental go'd. platinum and discarded jewelry. - Hoke Smelting and Refinery Co., Otsego, Michigan. . 8542$ WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loans. Wa have several appUe tions on hand. Hawkias A Roberta Inc. 205 Oreroo Bid. 85dl4a FOR SALE 37 WHITE SEWING MACHINE. $3.00, 525 Judsoa, 38-w. 37nl0" PRACTICALLY NEW PIANO FOR SALE 1971-R. 147 Union. 37nll FOR SALE CHEAP FOX TERRIER puppies. Call or address H. E. Han ten, Rt. 2.- Gervsis. 37n8 FIVE COWS WILL FRESHEN THI4 monta, xor aate or traoa lor oeet stoea; Inquire at the People's Market. Pkoi B4. ' 87-o6 FORD SON, 2 PLOWS AND DISK FOl sale. J. S. Uiatt. Kt. 1. 63F15. 87-o8 ALFALFA, GRAIN. HAY,. TIMOTHY, Oats, Barley: and- iV heat, guaranteed quality, prompt shipments. Prices up on application. Richard Nyman, Walls walla, ttasmngion. oo- PIANO FOR SALE COST $580.00 Yours for $250 Less than half. Yes, I'll throw in the $50 worth of rolls! Surel it's a player, snd of the best make BALDWIN. See ma st 2540 Lee St- near 25th. Jim Sovereign 87n XMAS GIFT 8: FASHIONED SILK LIN eerie $1.50 to $2.75. Dresses $5.50. Hosiery $1.25. Request . : illustrated booklet. Agents wanted. Commission at time- of aale. " Keystone Textile Company, 501 Hp nice street, ' Reading, Penna. . 87N8 SELL US YOUR USED FURNITURE. EL L. Stiff Furniture Co. Used Goodl Dept. Opposite court house. 87m22ti FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS," TES rente a bundle. Circulation department Oregoa Statesman. - , S?tJ RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BY 50 receipt forms ia - book, 15 eents pet book or two for 25 cents. Statesmsi office,-215 South Commercial fit- Sa lem. - 7f2tti Treipsia Notice, aue 14x9 lnehaa printed on goad 10-ounee caovsts bear ing the words, "Notice Is Hereby Giv en That Trespassing is Strictly Forbid den On These Premises Under Penalti of Prasecntioa." Price I5e each or tor 25. ' Statesman Pah. Oo, Salem. Or $7ad FOR SALE Live Stock 39 TWO GOOD COWS. ONE FRESH, OXE soon. . Also some youngs pigs. 3rd houte east of Turuor on pavement. . . 39nll 42 HEAD SHROPSHIRE EWES 1 TO 4 years old. Robert Colfin, Aumsrille, ore. 39nl0" FRED W. LAXGE. VETERINARIAN Office 429 8. Commercial, fhone 1198. Res. Phone 1685. 89m28tf $1,000 to $5,000 YEARLY FROM CHIN . chills, French Hirer. Havana, and oth er genuine imported fur rabbits. Quick, easy profits: Guaranteed market plan Big illustrated book. "FUR RABBIT FARMING" and full particulars free GOLDEN-' WEST FUR . FARMS, Box i-n, Arrania.-i aw. - WOOD FOR SALE 43 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB, $3.90 PER CORD lo in, dry mm, -a4.ao per load, dry Hr and oak. Phone 187a-W.: 43nytf WOOD OF ALL ' KINDS FOR SALE John H. Sott Phone 254 or 622: . ". ' "" : : . 43a23 FOR WOOD SAWING PHONE 1091. 43X16 16-INCH SI-ABWOOD PER LOAD $2.75, lo-inca snd nr per load. $3.75; IS inch old Jir per load, $4.30. 4 Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313; res. 1637. 43n8tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft, and 16 inch, . . Dry mill wood. 'Green mill wood. Dry second rrowth : fir. Dry 4-ft. ash, and osk. : FRED E. WELLS, 'r Frompt 'delivery and reaisnabla pri-a, 880 South Church, Phoae 1640. 6tf 18-INCH OLD FIRM-SECOND GROWTH osk aad ata. Fhone 18 r3. M. i: May field.- dtflStf GOOD COAIr-DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. H1LLMAN FUETj O X TELEPHONE 1855. 4Sj29l poui,TRY And eggs Us CHOICE BARRED ROCK rOCKERF.Ds. O. A. C. t train. Mrs, A. W. Stryker. . i(t. . Box -B. 43nl0 tOO .WHITE LEOHORX PULLETS. months old. a 1.25 each Call 1365-J "-. " " ' '" ' 4n6tf 5I1SCELIJ1VEOC8 51 NOW OPEN FOB DUlSIXEaS. - ELKC triv arpliaaresi .amps and supplies iiuit'omo : electric torje. .- ? r 5loa t'UllM'jDKB ' CPHOl.BTKRISG ANt repairing, ttteae-Powars FWmitnri Store . - 6 1 1204 W. R. Hf-AGKOVE FURNACE AN1 M all aaop a(to to 68t Mi( ' ":-!. - Siena SoLE FUEL AX I TRAXSFER CO. 1W Trsde St.- - Weo-I.- Coal. .Brrnueta and Traasfer Fr s right. Service the best. Ps '. 10 an b.W. KisHt pkoae l0fl Csil-es. 41s'Jrl LOST AND FOUND - 53 LOST BOBTOX TERRIER BULLDOG. LOST AND FOUND 33 LOST BETWEEN MT. ANGEL AXD : Silverton, a .82x6 tire and rim. Call ' Eastmsn Bros.. Stlvertoa or Bonesteele Motor Co., Salem. 53aS LOST BROWN UNDERARM : PURSE Friday afternoon, probably between McaUnley school and South Commer cial. Finder leave at .Statesman of fie. Reward. 53n PERSONAL S5 CHARMING YOt'NO LADY, " WORTH $50,000, will marry. .Club, B-1022. Wiehiia. Kansas. 55X8 HIZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENPICITIi "It-Is-Wonderful." Free informstioa Address Hiss Co, Portland, Oregoa. - 65alS-93l MARRY IF LONELY: JOIN "THE Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable, descriptions free. Bos 556, Oakland, California. -65X MOXEV TO LOAN " 57 MONEY TO LOAN 5Vi. F. L. WOOD. 841 Htste. : : 57o21U CITY BClLDfNG AND RESIDENCE loans repayable like rent. Prompt -service. A. C. BOHRX8TEDT Realtor, Loans snd Insurance 147 Xo. Commercial St., Salem- Ore. 57atf CITY AND FARM LOANS Long time, low -rate interest, easy payment. Investigate our toaa plan. , PERRIXE as MARSTER3 212 Commercial Club Blur. " 7e20tf REAL ESTATE LOANS t YESt QUICK Service. Money always. 204 Orege Bldg. Phone 141. - 67o23ti MONEY TO LOAN ' 57 ABUNDANCE OF FUNDS TO LOAN ON improved Willamette valley farms a! low rate and on long time. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT, Realtor Loans and Insurance ' 147 N. Com'l. St.. galena. Ore. 7o25ti THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE YXSURANOS Company will make immediate loans oa farms ia Oregon. Reasonable interest, no cost eieept small appraisal fee. If interested write immtdietely to I. C. Cunningham, 409 N. W.-Bank Bldf Portland, Oregon; - Home Office - Rep resentative here all next week. 57slltf MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY RESI dencee, repayable like rent. Fundi available for residence building loans. A. C BOHRXSTEDT, Realtor Loans snd Insurance. 147 N. Com'l. t., Salem. Ore. 57e25tf $1000.00 PRIVATE MONEY WANTED for first mortgage, 3 or 5-year loen on 252 aeres goo 14 na i high stste of cultivation, will psy 8 for prompt losn. Inquire st 216 Masonic Tem ple, Salem Phone 618. 59n8 WANTED PRIVATE. MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate security. W, H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 Stste Street. 59o31tf BTJSESTESS OPPORTUNITIES 91 MAKE AN-OFFER ON PAYED COR- ner, 50x100 at S. E. Corner of Marion snd 23rd Streets. Becke k Hendricks, Heilig Bldg.. 169 X. High. 01n8tf MUST SELL APARTMENT HOUSE On account of illness; has 4 spsrt ments, each private bsth. No vscsat spartment. Well located. Price very low $0000. This it i real money maker. See thilds Beehtei. 540 Ststo Street. - - tilN8tt INVESTMENTS FIRST MORTGAGES Rested Houses 2nd Mortgages- and Contracts. Becke A Hendricss. Heilig Bldg. einStf --r'OR SALE Paying restaurant in down town dis trict. . No information givea over phone. Call if i a teres ted. See Childa A Bechtel or Mra. Ellis at 540 State St. 61N8tf CITY BLOCK CHEAP 12 LOTS. GOOD garden, $1200, terma. Berke ft. Hen dricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High. - 61n$ti REAL ESTATE 63 Own Your Home 4-ROOM HOUSE WITH HALF BLOCK close in. Frice $2500. Take good car. 1450 Tile Road. - 63a 8 APT. HOUSE. CLOSE IN, INCOME property, $15,000. ' Apt. hoaxe location, has great future, S16.500. 3 flat cor. house furnished, doublo garage, $5000. Attractive cor. on 5th street, $3000, $230 down. ' ' 5-room houe. basement, paveineat, $3100, $250 down. 'Attractive bungalow, basement, fire place. $350 down. ' . " Trade new bungalow, well furnished, six rooms for smaller place in Salem. Trade income property for small farm near McMinoviUe. -Trade Income property close in for house aad lot. Buy attractive cor. lot now. There are only a few left. Wc haT sen-re 1 to choose from. ' GERTRUDE J. M. PA'.E 49J . CotUre. 63n8tf MUST SELL HOME At 1695 8. 12th street; pood 6-reom plastered hottss; electric lights, bath, with two fict large lots: paved street, on car line"; listed st $2300. Owner away. Writ us to get sn offer. Go out today, ".ook it over; immediate possession. If it's a home, see Childs & Bechtel, 540 Stste Street. 63X8tf HOME8 OF VALUE AND MERIT $ 050 Buys s two "room boose snd lot Vested st 2 IT? 8. Cot tage street, electric lights. $100 down, balance $25 per month,' interest per cent. - $ 850 Buys t- acre. Isrje eue room house, eity water, located on Market atreet, st 6 per cent $1850 Buys 4 room bouse, with base ment, paved street. In good re pair, located three blocks aauta of Stste St. Terms to suit. $1700 Buys t-roora home located south 12th SU. large lot, east front, pavement paid. A good - buy. Terms. , , . $2000 Buy 5-room home located on paved street, east front, bath, toilet, lights, $300 de-ra, balaace easy rms. ; $2875 Buys new 4 room bunralow Just being completed, bath, toilet, lights, fireplace, brrakfsst noek. paved street. Here is a reJ hone priced right, $500 will handle this property ? $3750 Buys 4 room bungslow, full ce ment hasement, fruit room, fnr nace hiti fireplace. A rral liowa, let u-i show you. $750 dowB. t3800 Buys 8-room bon-, lot 5-4 . JT . basrin. nt. furasee, . iorsted Jjn pared street, good location, $0 down will hendle this property. Here i a real buy. 4 $3750 Buys a coed "-room home locat ed north Salem, targe lot. bear ing frait. A ffood buy. H eff Capitol street.; $700 do". bsUnm terms. $6100 Buys a new 5-room itucco, oun-a-slow located oa P"?ved street, basement, fomar.r. -fireplaee $6500 Buys 7 room wodeta boogalow locste-1 oa ". 5th street, corner lot, furnace. : fireplace. Let -oa show yea thia home, term. $8100 New up to date five-room stucco) home located ea the corner rot Winter snd Msrket Sta.?; Im mediate possession. Term. Wo writ FIRE INSURANCE ..7; V. HORABENHORST - , - f fv. v-1 : j c . ... . ....... r--