The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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Chamber of Commerce Re-
ceives Inquiries , From;'"
Many Parts of Country.
K ; J; , ; .
The following Inquiries l have
. Jfieen received by the Salem Cham
! ber of Commerce ' since SepV 27,
from parties who are Interested
in Salem and the Willamette Val
T " ley. -.
w - A. C. Maclntyre, P. O. Box; 2066,
Capser, Wyo:,
L. D., Robinson. P. O. Box 536,
Casa Grande, Arizona. ,
W.H. Schwartz, 1100 P. street,
Fetaluma, Calif. V
John L. Nichols, 205 S. Indiana
Ave., Bloomington, Ind.
Albert Hammer, Rt. 1, Box 32,
Jump River. Wis. .
Meyers' Clyborn, care Harley
' S. Meyer. Prophetstown 111.
S. T.Carroll. South Hill, Ky.
K. B. Holland, . Luella, Sask..
Canada. J
Farriss, Maysville,
Thos, 1.
Okla. w
1, Box
I ox 516,
Noel E. Xeergaard, Rt
67, Fort Collins, Colo. .
Nellie M. Ferry, P. O. 1
Lee. Mass.
O. R. Lawton. Clifton, Colo.
Harlan F. Failor, Gillmaa. Ia
W. A. Young, 178 E. 155th St..
Harvey. 111. ,
w. B. Redburn, 105 C. street
Yuba City, Calif. !
D. Winters, Claypool, Ariz
Ernest Olson. Rt. 1, Coteau, N
Edwin L. Ingram, Cherokee,.
J. F. Thill, Whittemore, Ia
Richard Turpin, Box 194, Ray
Marshall ' Spencer, American
Fork City, Utah. ;
Frank R. Strahl. 356 E. Front
St., New Philadelphia. Ohio
A. W. Beed, Robinson Apart
raents, 334 J3. Ocean, Long Beach
R. C. Kunce, Box 286, Emporia
- Kansas. ; ,
R. T. Newman, 833 P. O., Ana
conda, Mont.
Chas. Holland, Box 67, Howe
Idaho. - -
i Bernard J.Weis, 324 E9th ave
nue. Homestead, Pa.
, Ray E. Land, Rt. 1 , Mays, Ind.
;V. F. Gninzy, Wllsall, Montana
-P. C. Morgensen, Temple, Ariz.
s" D. L. Bobbins, Box 1005 Mid
west, Wyo.
Eleanor Williamson. 179 Oak
law. Battle Creek, Mich.
Henry: W. Bennett. 3739 29th
St., San Diego, Cal.
P. Mark. Rt." 6, Box 624, Valle
Jo. Calif.
Frank E. Graham, 4942 Gnrley
Ave., Dallas, Texas. - "
Clarence Coty, Madison, S. D. .
S. A. 'Bristol. Box 229, Rt. 2
Fan Nuys. Calif.
II. J. Martin. C10 9th St., Wyan-
dotti, Mich. t- ' .
C. G. Henderson, Tnlon City.
Geo. E. Swenson, 2013 12th St..
Boulder. Colo.
Walter F. Barch, 1031 Lowry
Ave.. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
J. J. Pogna, 1014 E. 58th St..
Maywood Station. , Loa Angeles,
A. W. Ogg. 2746 Rock Glen
Ave.. Los Angeles. Calif.
Mrs. L. M. Greider, Station B,
Tacoma, Wash.
Alvin C. Dickover, Rt. 2, Bill-
tigs, Mont.
A. R. Swickaid. Sheridan. Wyo.
H. V. Loyd, P. O, Box 285, R-no,
Nev. - - '
John P. Moen, 88 Tilton St., St.
Paul, Minn.
August E. Moen. 503 Sbumway
Ave., Faribault,. Minn.
Aug. Lelah, Figarden. Calif.
Dr. G. R. Boss. 108 P. Burns
Bldg., Calgary, Alta., Canada. ,
Jonas Olson, lit. l. Dunn cen
ter, N. Dakota.
Miss Lynda E. Wells, 172 Cor
nelia St., Plattsburg, N. Y.
Joseph Brothers. Mt. Clemens,
Martians Find Home Brew
Necessity Says Scientist
Building for 1925 Nearly
Equal to Figures for All
of Past Year
PASADENA. Cal, Home brew
is a necessity on the planet Mars.
provided there is life there .and
also provided that life requires
moisture to live, in the opinion of
Dr. Charles E. St. John, astrono
mer and pnysicist or tne Mount
Wilson observatory; near here.
The water supply on Marq, as
revealed in a series of tests just
completed by Dr. St. John, is
about one-twentieth that found on
the tops of the semi-arid moun
tains of Southern California. -'
Besides being ' on perpetual
emergency rations of water, the
Martians, if there are any such
creatures, also are short of what
this planet calls air. The .oxygen
supply there is only 60 per cent of
that on the heights of. M6unt Ev
erest in- the Himalayas, and on
Mount Everest explorers must use
oxygen tanks to keep alive.
In the matter of heat Mars is
better off than was formerly sup.
posed. In fact, says Dr. St. John,
the Mars temperature, often de
scribed as .excessively cold, may
be nearly the same as that of this
earth, since Mars absorbs all but
about Iff per cent of the light and
heat reaching it from the sun
As a basis of comparison. It is
stated that this planet absorbs
only one-half the light and heat
received from the snn, and re
fleets, the remainder; v
Already the building permits
that have been issued for the con
struction of homes in Salem this,
year have almost reached the
total for last year and eight full
weeks yet remain until the end
o fthe year. Lastyyear permits
were issued representing an out
lay of $9914,080. This year, up
to Saturday night, permits for
homes have reached the total of
$927,550. The present indications
are that this year's record will be
greater than last year's, in spite
of the fact that winter is all but
here, permits for homes are con
tinuing to be issued at a very
satisfactory rate. Last December
permits were issued for homes
amounting to $42,200, and at the
rate permits are now being taken
out there is every reason to be
lieve that this December's total
will at least equal that of last De
cember's. It is a well known fact
that the amount represented by
the permits in only about two
thirds of the actual outlay made
on the homes. This means that
Salem so far this year has spent
about a million and a quarter dol
lars on homes.
According to the Chamber of
Commerce there are now 5090
homes in Salem. The figures
thus arrived at are based on the
federal census taken in 1920. On
January 1 of that year there were
3783 homes in Salem. From then
up to January 1 of this year 1003
homes were built. And so far
this year. 304 homes have been
built, making tfce total of 509O
Broadway, consideration $3500.
Christia-Matteson recently from
North Dakota : has purchased the
O J. Runcorn property at 195a
Fairground - road, consideration
H. C. Hummel, local contractor
and builder has recently pur
chased several tine lots on the
corner of Seventeenth and Market
streets consideration $2560.
Clyde Johnson buys two fine
creek lots in Winona Addition.
Consideration $900.
E. S. Warden and Archie Free
purchased a completely stocked
and equipped dairy farm located
in Cos county. The farm consists
of 200 acres. Consideration
Mrs. Victor. Stauff purchases
improved 14 acre tract located
near Liberty, south of Salem, con
sideration $6500.
E. S. Warden sells modern 5
room bungalow and also 7 room
residence located on Liberty and
Belmont streets. Consideration
Harold Hatch buys lot in Win
ona Addition, purcnase price
L. P. Aldrich buys a fine lot in
Cuppers Addition on Sixteenth
and Market street, consideration
Mr. William buys new home lo
cated on North Summer and Ship
ping streets from H. C. Hummel,
consideration $3800.
I. N. Sturtenant recently from
Illinois buys fine lot on Seven
teenth, near Center, consideration
Forms for Elsinore Balcony
Are Filled With Concrete
Late Last Night
What You Need
,.. f. . . . ; , - .
When You Need It
; It has always been the policy of this firm. to
give prompt deliveries on either large or small
orders.' This combined with delivering- the
quality lumber; you ordered has resulted in
a steady growth of our business.
If you pay for First Grade Lumber
That's . what we will deliver :
A Trial Will Convince You
J. W. Gopeland Yards
1 WesUSalem Phone 576 r
Yards in West Salem, Albany Ints, Hubbard
: ; Yarnhffl, Hinsboro, Eugene J f UJljl
.V. H, Grabenhorst Company
Keports Increasing Acti- i
vity in Property
"Tess of the DTbervills." but
Mrs. Hardy made the trip to Lon
don and after seeing the play ex
pressed her. approval of the por
trayal of Tejs by Miss Gwen
Ffrangcon-Davies. Mrs. Hardy
said ner husband is only slightly
indisposed and is ordinarily enjoy
ing good health in spite of his S5
Keedsport Standard Oil build
ing new oil plant here. Contract
let for concrete store building.
Structure Ready for Lathers
Monday; Plastering Be
gins Wednesday
A large crew of men working
overtime Saturday afternoon and
well Into the night completed fil
ling in the concrete for the bal
cony of the new Elsinore theater
being constructed on High street
just south of State street. The
laying of the forms for the bal
cony has delayed work on the
new tneater consiaeraDiy out now
that that task is completed ,it is
expected that the rest o fthe con
crete work will progress rapidly.
It was a revelation to see the
crew at work on the balcony. A
large gang on the lower floor
worked swiftly supplying the large
mixer with gravel, sand and ce
ment. Without hardly a break
the conveyor was kept up and
down the elevator, filling the
chute that suplied the ronerete
to the workers. The work of fil
ling the concrete, once j started
had to be carried through until
the balcony was completed as the
the men could not let part of the
work settle before laying the
other part.
The floor just in back of the
balcony is expected to be filled
Monday, and then the large chute
will be swithed so that work can
be commenced in finishing the
pouring of the concrete in the
wails of the stage. This work
will probably be commenced by
the end of the week. The audi
torium walls are already to re
ceive the roof.
The side walls and the front of
the new Wills building under con
struction on Liberty between
State and Ferry have been filled
with concrete up to the second
floor and the forms have been
erected to receive the concrete up
to the third floor. The rear wall
has not been started yet above
the first floor, as part of it will
be conRtluofd of brick.
The Kpcond floor walls will be
ready jo receive tho concrete
about Thursday, acording to
workers on the building. Armisl
tire day suspending work for that
day. There are to be two main
stories of the building, but there
will be some room under the roof
on the third floor.
Returns Wallet and Gets
Free Bartering for Life
YAKIMA, Wn. Recause Le
J Roy Poole hunted up the owner
of a wallet containing $100 which
he had found, he can sport a clean
shaven face and a trim poll the
rest of his lite, without cost.
The owner of the wallet was a
barber. When Poole ; refused a
monetary reward,' the barber in
sisted upon his receiving-an order
for "free barbering for life" as a
mark of gratitude. .
333 Chemeketa
riione 1000
if the volume of real estate
sales in Salem and in the outside
districts is any criterion of bust
ness and prosperity in this city,
condiions here are certainly takr
ing on a bright hue of activity
The following real estate was sold
last week by one firm the W. H.
Grabenhorst company
John C, : Dalk a recent arrival
from Ohio purchases the Adam
ngel home at 875 'N. . Capitol.
consideration $6500.
O. L. Stone of Sale in purcheses
the J. E. Harrison home located
on North 18th street in the Kay
Addition, consideration $2725.
August Schnuelle buys a fine
north front lot on Center street
from H. C. Wyatt. Consideration
Robert Smith buys from E. M.
Anderson home located on South
Church, consideration $1250.
Ada S. McGogy buys a fine, one
acre suburban home located on
the River road north, from B. M.
Crowe, consideration $3500.
J. H. Willet buys a fine lot on
Center street from H. J. Clements.
consideration $1000.
Ivan Martin buys the Lloyd
Solo man home on Fairmount Hill,
consideration $6500.
. Oliver Myers buys a fine lot on
Fairmount Hill from Clifford
Brown, consideration $2300. i
- F.-W. Dewitz buys- home, on
South Twenty-second street from
Robert Nelson consideration $700.
John Siler has recently moved
The roof w now completely on
the new YMCA building on Court
street between Cottage and Church
streets, although there still re-,
mains the tile to be put on on the
outer portions of the wall. A
court in the center of the building
has been so arranged as to afford
plenty of light in the "rooms on
each floor, and is open from the
roof to the first floor. On the
first floor a skylight is to be installed-
to afford - additional light
in-the basement.
Thursday the work of putting
on the first layer of stucco was
begun, and is well under way.
There are, to be three layers of
stucco. All the partitions inside
the building are expected to be up
by Monday noon. The lathers
will then start, and the
plasterers will commence their
work about Tuesday, The build
ing is the scene of lively work
now, as the plumbers and steam
fitters are also now at work in
the building. The forms have
been taken off entirely from the
building to allow progression of
the stucco work. The contractor
is putting forth every effort to
have the building ready for use
by the first of the year.
ARE f 21 ,430
Building took an unexpected
jump during the week, going to
$21,450, as compared to about
$13,000 last week. Continuance of
good weather is believed to be
responsible for the increase. On
one day of the weeK over $15,000
in permits were taken out. All
but $450 of the permits represent
homes, none of which is over
$5000, showing th&i home build
ing is, continuing: to ' progress In
spite of the lateness of the year.
Tired of Beeing a Steno,
She Enters Man's Field
LONDON. Kathleen Britter
has become London's first woman
conveyancer. And she does not
see why any capable woman could
not do her sort of work if she was
interested in it.
'The trouble with so many
girls is that they get into a groove
and stay there," she said. "I got
tired of being a stenographer,
studied real property and persuad
ed a firm that was advertising for
a male conveyancer that a woman
who handled that sort of work
for solicitors for years could fill
the place as well."
Miss Britter is 24 and has been
a business woman for about five
years. Her mother was house
keeper for the late Lord Lever
hulme, who. took an interest in
the ambitions of the young sten
ographer and encouraged her to
study law.
LONDON. Thomas Hardy was
unable to come to London for the
first presentation in England of
his dramatization of his novel,
Scio Machinery arrives for
powdered milk plant' as part of
milk condensery. - .. . ,
here from North Bend. Ore., and
purchased t a modern home on I Say It With a Classified Ad
, Brooklyn. N. x .Mi s E Rich say:
"I don't know what ihe cause was, but
every few days my stomach would feel
all bloated up wirh ga, my appetite was
poor and I felt sick to my stomach to
ay nothing of headaches. I never
thought of using Carter's Little Liver
Pills until nothing seemed to help. After
using Carter's I felt relieved at once
and now as soon as rny stomach latfci'
back I answer with Carter's and have
the last word." On sale at Druggists.
Look Ai These Lumber Prices
6 in. Cedar Siding, this week$ 14.00 per M.
6 in. H. G. Flooring; good low grade, $17.50 per M.
3 in. H. G. Flooring,: good low grade, $15.00 per M.
10 in. Boards,1 8x10 feet long, $14.00
Come and look us over. The best and cheapest building, material, dealer in
Salem. No raising .grades, or selling inferior grades for something else.!
We will be here when some competitors are forgotten. Don't forget this.
Our mill can and will fill all demands on it. " Come and look us over.
, , ' , . r i . " ' . . -...... "... .. ; . , ...... ; , , . , 5 v -. - 1
' ' i : , - 1 A. B. Kelsey, Manager, .
349 South Twelfth , v r, f,i - w,.r Phone 813
Yet It Is Not Charged for!
Our funeral establishment is espe
cially furnished and equipped to take
care of the needs of those who wish
to have the last service in homelike
surroundings, and yet with the proper
comforts and facilities available.
It is something that only the better
class funeral directors have; it is a
piece of equipment that many do not
think necessary, yet we maintain it
for the use of those who see its many
advantages, and make no charge for
its use. '
"Superior uuneral Service"
2o5Sa Church Street
Phone 120
BSC... A "
More anymore the bungalowfis Since then the bungalow has to the gulf, winning irienas ev
winning W. Twenty-five years fTZ Si Srf uSS
over the literary horizon he talked
sally. Housewives welcomed it as
a release from the bugbear 01
climbing stairs. AH reveled in its
convenient arrangement and com
fort. This bungalow is shorn of iruls
and eccentricities. It is plain sen
sible, livable; an average man
home. For a small family it is
ideal, with comfortable living and
dining rooms, a large kitchen and
incl&sed attached porch, two large
bed rooms with ample closets, an
exceptionally large enclosed, sleep
ing porch and a rood sized bath
room. Besides there is the large
open front porch for the summer
evenings. " .
Using the Economy wall type ct
construction and common brick
I this bungalow can be built in most
sections, as cheaply as it can oe -reproduced
of wood. Similar bunga
lows have been so built recently
in the heart of the Mississippi lum
ber district, and built welL
Another ' advantage not to oe
overlookedlightly with this bun
calow is that it can be built nice
ly on a 40-foot lot.
e f nmUfc eompleU drwin for thi inigm.
much of the bungalow in his tales
of life in India. Incidentally he
sent lota of folks to the dictionary,,
for the bungalow wasn't one of
the established American institu
tions at that time. But times have
California; perhaps has done'"
more than any other section of the
country to popularize the bunga
low. There it first reached af
stage approaching perfection. Con-S
ditiona were more suitable to its
development there than nearly ,
anywhere elae. . And they made
the most of them.
Moreover the very, character of
the bungalow intrigued the archi-x
tectoral interest and originality. J
Clever craftsmen who had tired '
of. the prosaic sameness of the old
American favorites let themselves '
loose and their fancy afield in the' -designing
- of this new type ' of
home. : The result is one of the
distinctive features of the Califor
nia landscape. . v
m TifXoanw Briek Hinnfmetarers AMOcfotmn. Cleveland,
Laflet .a brick. CMatraetioa seat upon request. .;
f 1
bed-cm L 4 acAarf
mil - III- . '1 '
C -Ltaoiz-: -
But the Upkeep Expense of Such Houses Is Small
See us for common brick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tile, drain tile,
- i v vertrified sewer pipe. ' ; -