The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    7 tf:17
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It IV1. ' . . . . . . I
ace WilHston. Prof, and Mrs.
Woodwortb, Prof. and Mra. E. W.
Hobson. Mlsa Frances . Virginie
Melton, Mr. and Mrs. N. 5- Savage,
Mr. and Mrs. C C. Clark. Mrs.
John Reed, Miss Marian Wyman,
Mis Mary Flndtefr Prof, and Mrs.
T. S. Roberts. Prof. ,R. D Bur
roughs. Miss Lucile Roas, Dr. and
Mrs.'C. A." Do ha. Prof- and Mrs.
George O, OHiver. Rev. James-
Lisle, Prof. Leroy DetLnK, Prof.
Horace Rahskonf and the hosts.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney.
Return From Wedding Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff (Mary
Jane Albert) have returned from
a two weeks' honeymoon in Cali
fornia. The Albert-Eoff wedding
was an attractive event of October
21. Mr. and Mrs. Eoff spent the
period in San Francisco.
Domiciled at Ncslcowin
Mr. and Mrs. T. B; Jones are
enjoying a ten-day vacation at
their summer home at Neskowih.
Woodman Musicale Monday
The public is cordially invited
to a musical program and enter
tainment which will be given un
der the auspices of the Modern
Woodman at their hall next
Monlay night.
Miss Palmer Is Honored
Mrs. Robert Cole was hostess on
Wednesday afternoon, November
4, at an unusually delightful meet
ing of the Waconda Indies' Aid
society when the members enter
tained at an attractive shower,
honoring Miss La Verne Pa'mer,
whose marriage to Mr. Frank
Green will be an event of the near
future. The rooms of the Cole
home were beautifully decorated
with chrysanthemums: On the
same afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Russell announced the engagement
of their daughter. Hazel Mae. to
Mr- Paul ' Patterson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Patterson. The Russell-Patterson
wedding will prob
ably be an event of early spring.
At the tea hour the hostess
served delicious refreshments.
Thursday Club to Meet
"tThe Thursday club will meet at
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
.William McCall on November 12.
A 10 o'clock breakfast will be
served. Mrs. McCall. Mrs. C. A.
Park and Mrs. W. A. Cusick will
be joint hostesses for the occasion-
Chadivick Chapter to
B$ Guests I
Members of Chadwick chapter
of the Eastern Star have been inT
vited to be guests tomorrow eve
ning of the Woodburn chapter at
the regular meeting at 8 o'clock.
A number plan to motojr down for
the evening.
Organ Recital Coming
A musical event of extraordiu
ary merit an organ recital by the
celebrated Hritish master of the
pipe organ. Dr. Alfred Hpllins. wil:
be available to the Salem public
through the efforts of Prof. T. S.
Roberts, who will bring this blind
organist to the First Methodist country for a period 'of two months
church In concert Friday evening.
November $3.
Dr. Hollins is making Eis Amer
ican tour under the honorary aus
pices of the National Association
of Organists, and will be in this
only, u Concerning h:s first ap
pearance this season, which was
made in the Wanamaker auditor
ium in New York city, "The Diapa
son," the official journal of the
national association of organists.
offers an entire front page col
umn. The review giren, exhibit
ing the enthusiasm with which Dr,
Hollins is being received in the
world's metropolis. Is as follows:
(Continued on pag 5)
The Internationally Known
English Organist
will give a recital at the
Friday, November 13
Under management of Professor T. S. Roberts
At fhi season of tne year. tzie Sundav before Armistice Dav. there is ro organization mere
worthy,! -mention than the Salem club of American War Mothers, which, in common-with every sister!
wrancn yirougnout the country, maintains as its high purpose, the development of American ideals and 1
their transmission to posterity. Commemorating the hcrbic sons of these mothers, and others not unlike
tbemV-bf well-known monument. "Over the top" stands 'on the court house grounds as an ac tive re
piinder.Dt tha constant cndeavor3 of such a club s Balem has.' Above are the officers of the loeal group:
" Vppe.r;lrf p Mrs, John A. Carson, president; center. Mrs. Mark S. Skiff, vice president and delegate to
Ihe national convention in Philadelphia; upper. rjgJitMrs. C. M. Lockwood, corresponding secretary;
lower 1STf;"5JrT J. F. Humphreys, secretary; lower center; Mrs. F. A. Baker, treasurer, and lower right,
Mrs. Fftfc-; Elliott, parliamentarian. -; .
-; .' v-.-HftbJect of. the. organization of American WarMothers. first organized in 1J 1 7, is terse and to
Ihe point in the, foli6wing statement: "The object of-the corporation shall be to keep alive and develop
the nprt . that prompted world service: to maintain the tics of fellowship born or that service and to
assist and further any patriotic work; to inculcate' "aVcBensd t individual obligation to the community,
ftate gftd, .nation; to work. for the welfare of the army and navy; to asfcist in any way in their power
men anrlVotnen who served and were wounded or in capacitated, in the World war; to foster and promote
friendship and understanding between America and the allies of the World war.
A TRIBUTE i ' ..
O, soldiers true, who marched away;
To beat of drum in drab array ;
And "fought" for right in trenches gray.
.For you.'our . hearts rejoice today r
6," sailors bold, who-sailed away
To other shores 'neath skies of gray. .
Your country's summons to obey
For you, we give three cheers today!
O, heroes brave in blue and gray i.--
, i . no fougnt the scourge of war to stay
!, And died as only heroes may,
1 1 1 .. . For you our heads are Tjowed today!
. - . ' j - - . :
! ' v - . ' O. heroes" -sreat at vMford.iv. .
Nations pause, to weep, to"V-ray
And ponder what yon had to -pay
To give the world Armistice. Day. -
Preeidfyt and Mrs. Doney
Are Hosts for Facidty
Th iotne oflDr. and Mrs. Carl
GrtgR poAey. president of Willam
ette university wa3 opened for
n evening of the most cordial
hospitality last night ' when the
entire' faculty group gathered for
the occasion. The rooms of the
Txiaey home on South ; Twelfth
street were beautifully decorated
with a profusion of gold and rus-
"set chrysanthemums, with the
same color scheme carried out in
the refreshments served. Sixty
rards were issued for the evening.
with the guest list as follows:
. Dean and Mra. F. M. Erlckson.
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Alden,
Miss Frances M. Richards, prof,
and Mrs. K. C. Richards. Prof. and.
Mrs. E. T. Brown. Prof- and Mrs.
Herman Clark, Miss Edith De Nise,
Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. Prof, and Mrs.
G. Ebuen. Dr. and Mrs. F. G.
Franklin, Prof, and Mrs. Robert
M. Gatke. Prof, and Mrs. Roy C.
Harding. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kells,
Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Miss
Lois Latimer, Prof, and Mrs. S. B.
Laughliirf Miss Pauline Gabriel.
Prof, and Mrs. James T. Matthews,
Prof, and Mrs. J. D. McCormick,
Miss McGill, Prof, and Mrs. Mor
ton E. Peck, Coach and Mrs. Guy
L. Rathbnn, Dr. and Mrs. C. L.
Sherman, Prof, and Mrs. Florian
Von Kscheu. Prof, and Mra. Hor-
Just) Dipto Tint or " Boil
Y Dye :
Each j 3 -cent pack
age cootains dJrec
tkms sotmple any
woma tf .Tiafftlnt
soft, dfcat Shad
es or dyifTicJif per-tnanet3tolor,'-
lingerie sllka; rlo
bona, : s-k ft r.t a .
wi li,U-,'14re8es,
coats, Rtoe-kings,
sweitet KJlraper- i
I e m'Y- "Avf tines. ' "
r-i. cyerythlng!
mead Dyes- no other
id .fell your druggist
material you wish to
- Dlof allk, or whether
Kiioh dr mixed gooda.
Sounds good these
crimpy mornings
and chilly days,
doesn't it? j
You will find Carte'a
really made to fit every
part of the body and
the styles are numer
able, in fact we think
there is every style to
be had. j
' i
Cotton $1.75 and
$2.23 : - j,
Silk and Wool $2.98
to $4.98
. ...... Jfm.' jm" ?' '
- It
Hotel Marion
' Table D'Hote SLUM)
Florida Grape Fruit Cocktail j '
Cream of Chicken a la Reine Consomme Neapolitan
Home Grown Celery Hearts Mixed Olives
Choice of:
Poached Salmon, Sauce Normande
Small Tenderloin Steak. Musliroonia
lloast Milkfed Chicken, Hanover
French Fried Sweet Potatoes Brussell Sprouts Heurr
Lettuce and Tomato, Thousand Island Dressing
Fresh Cranberry Sherbert and Wafer
Apple, Huckleberry. Hot Mince or Fresh Pumpkin Pie
English Plum Pudding, Hard and Sherry Sauce
43 TO S P. M.
geld mnfercad cut. Prtctiioft
movtmmt, bemmtifuStj tiv
(rovci, $65
That Gruen Watch you have
desired . Now you can buy
it conveni
v A
5 r " :
Your love of fine things has long in
spired you with a desire to possess a
fine Gmen Guild Watch. Perhaps you
have been putting money aside for the
There Is no necessity for delaying
longer. Y u can have your Grueru
Watch now, without touching your
savings and without making serious
inroads into your current budget. :
This is made possible by our new!
Divided Charge Account Service. You
have only to pay a small part, of the.,
purchase ptice now The remainder
may be divided into equal amounts,
payable monthly. A , r-,
Hartmah Bros.
Jewelers and Silversmiths
State and Liberty,- Salem, Oregon
The cold snappy weather finds us ready with a complete stock of
woolen, part wool and wool mixture hose. We will list here just a few
values and prices to give you an idea of what can be had in our hose
Part wool hose, clocked or plain,
in mole, African or black. This is a
broken line that we will clean up at
Imported English wpol and artifi
cial silk in camel and white and black
and white and black. ' All sizes
Imported all wool English hose in
the brown heather mixtures, ribbed
or clocked
98c .
Tart wool and artificial silk mix
tures in colors of camel, baize, fawn
and black
Part wool, ribbed top hose, in
French nude, jackrabbit, baize, lawn
or black
The new plaid woolen sport hose
of beaver and white, tan and white,
brown and green, and gray and black
Full fashioned silk and wool in all
of the wanted shades including baize,
blonde, beaver, Jackrabbit, black
Children's full length wool hose in
the new shades
Kiddies' three quarter socks of
wool and silk and wool with fancy
49c, 98c, $1.48
Boys' Jackie Coogan sox "Just like
Dad's" wool plaids 75c, silk and lisle
49c v
Infants' fibre and wool hose in
baize 50c; all wool SOc; silk and wool
Inner hose for dress wear 9 Sc. We
also carry a stockof outsizes iu wool
Mk this
1 1
9 Outstanding
Maytag Features
6 Easily adjusted
to your height.
7 Clothes can b
put in or takes
out with then
washer running.
For homes without electric
ltr i'r the Mijrta Gyratbam
is available with Caroline
Multi-Motor attachment.
A STARTLING new wash
a inS principle has been
created it "is the May
tag Gyrafoam.. No other
washer can match- its perform
ance equal its S3r'ice com
pare .with its helpfulness.
The Maytag washes a tub of
clothes in 3 to 7 minutes elim
inates hand-rubbing .even cn
collars, cuffs and WTistbands
Deferred Paymmts
you'll never mist
1 Washes faster.
2 Washes cleaner.
3 Largest hourly
capacity in the
4 Most compact
washer made
takes floor space
only 25 inches
6 Cast aluminum
tub c a n't
warp, rot, swell,
split or corrode.
9 Reasons for
World Leadership
8 Tub cleans it
self. 9 All metal
wringer. Self
adjusting. In
stant tension
washes easily and immaculately
lace handkerchiefs, heavy blan
kets and grease-caked overalls.
Prove ell this in your own
home next washday. Call us
and we will bring a washer
right to your home. The only
obligation is one that you
owe yourself, And remember,
if the washer doesn't sell it
self don't keep it.
At to see the JSW
Moytcg, irontr, too
t " '