The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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V !
The new blocks and shades are an
Men's Fall Wardrobe
G. W.
Generally far and continued
cool; . light easterly winds. Max,
39; Min. 35; River 2, station
ary; Rainfall none; Atmosphere
cloudy; Wind northwest, -
Mrs. Fargo to Sing r
Mrs. Fargo will-be the Special
soloist at the Salvation Army ser
vice to be held at the Cottage farm
Sunday afternoon.
Armistice Day Tickets
Good for American
events. '
. n7
Rear the Orthophonic - '
Victrola today at Stiffs.
Oh, Skinnay!
. Petland is selling real live pups
for $1. Saturday .only. 273 State
street. ; n7
Ever) body Enthusiast ic
That's the resulf of the-recital
given by the OTfnophonlc Victrola
at Moore's Music House. Hear it
at the Heilig Saturday,- Sunday
and Monday. " -r i - b'7
Divorce Is Wanted 1
, Beatrice Terhaar has filed uit
In circuit court for a divorce from
Casper Terhaar.- They were mar
ried in August, 1921. Mrs. Ter
haar charges cruel and inhuman
treatment and . . alleges that her
husband on one -occasion struck
and beat her. . . - .. .
Money to Loan
Socolofaky, 341 State.
Saturday Special
Fancy Pioneer bacon, 32c lb.;
Cascade bacon, squares, 28c lb.
Cross Market, phone 1880. Free
delivery. L ' i - n7
Speeder Arrested - i
Charles Chittick of Salem was
arrested Friday by Officer Hick
man on a charge of speeding.
rarest MJIk, 10c Q
Tel. 359, Wild Rose Dairy.
Parkers Fined-r-. "
F. II. Dalemaa and R. C. Hazel
tine were fined $1 each Friday for
parking overtime. k
Woodry A Son
. Buy furniture. ..Store,
Commercial. Phone 75;
171 N.
. i 2tf
Building Permit Issued-; V T
Bert Hulst was'Ttiven'a permit
y City Recorder Poulsen Friday
to erect a one-story dwelling at
1975 West Nob Hill. The struc
ture Is to cost $2500.
Exclusive IMstributlou ,
i For W. W. Kimball pianos. A.
B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy,
Bush it Gerts. Moore's Music
House. 409-415 Court.- s20tf
Two Licenses Issued
iTwo marriage licenses were ap
plied for in the office of the county
clerk yesterday They were taken
out by Ben Brown,' a farmer, and
Elma Bowman, both of route 3,
Salem, and William H. Myers,
Stayton farmer,, and Christina E.
Kufner. Salem, route 6. -
Pomeroy z Kecne
Jewelers and Optometrists
.V: ...... -- ---- ' ' ;
469 State Street
Delzell on Trip
W. A. Delzell, private secretary
to Governor Pierce, left last night
for La Grande. He Is not expect
ed back in bis office until Monday
morning. -
Furniture TTphoTstery
And repairing. Glese-Powera
Furniture .Company. . ! ' i20tf
For Rent-
Modern 5-room house, furnace,
fireplace, etc., $35. Vacant; 'also
modem 5-room flat. $37.50; va
cant. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High. Heilig Bldg. n4tf
Apron Bazaar Today
The Salem chapter. . of . Ameri
can War Mothers are sponsoring
an apron baxaar and a cooked food
sale today in the Southern Pacific
ticket office. n7
Am Selling
My grocery stock at cost.
Highland avenue.
Cooked Food Sale
A sale of delicious cooked foods
will open today in 'the Southern
Pacific ticket office on N. Liberty
street, with the War Mothers in
charge. The ladies are also spon
soring an apron bazaar. . n7
AU day Saturday Nov. 7, at 455
Ferry! street. -' n.7
The Salem War Mothers - -
Are sponsoring two events of In
terest today in the Southern Paci
fic ticket . office on N. Liberty
street. . A , sale t of appetizing
cooked foods as well as useful
and dainty aprons will open at
10:30 o'clock according "'to the
committee in active charge. , n7
Darwin Tulip Bulbs-
One cent each. Flakes Petland,
273 State, n8
Grand Jury to Report
The report of the Marion county
grand Jury, which went into ses
sion Friday, is expected today. A
large number of -criminal cases are
under investigation, , '
South High Street Cottage
$3100; reasonable terms. East
front, near schools and car. Pav-
ng paid. Electric range. Large
lot with fruit, garden and flowers,
cement, walks. Buy now. Becke
& Hendricks, 189 N. High. Heilig
Bldg. n4tf
gertificates Hied with tne coun
ty clerk include, one by Amelia
Feary, registered nurse with the
child health- demonstration, . and
notice that W. E. Spoor-has re
tired as a member of the Wood-
burn Truck line.
For Rest Results-
Musical instruments must be In
good order.- Call Duke, phone
22 lo. Rooms over Millers. n8
Smallpox Reported.
ilt became known Friday that
two women employes of the motor
vehicle department : of the - secre
tary of state's office were confined
to their ,homes with smallpox. The
women have been absent from
their, work for a week.
Hear the Orthophonic
tVictrola today at Stiff's.
Sublimity Couple Wed
A marriage license has been is
sued - in,: Vancouver. Wash., ? to
David Pottorft, 58, and Mrs. Em
ma H, Harris, 64, both of Sub
limity, i --'
Wlnnifred Jkt Curry ,
Has taken over the management
of the Salem Elite, 329 Oregon
Building. , nltf
Barter Readj
The " tentative budget for : the
city for the coming year has been
handed to the city stenographer
and copies are being made for the
members of the budget committee
and city council.; The budget com
mittee is slated to meet with the
council -next Thursday evening.
Cover wtth wet bakiac
afterwards apply gw fly
Chf IT m utrom Jmr iWrf Yvarrl
It gives you a
clean refined
asset to the
November 12. at which time it is
expected that a mighty pruning
will be undergone, although the
budget has already been shorn
here and "there until it seems that
little room is left for the pruning
knife. -Mayor Giesy will call? a
meeting of the 'council Monday
night for discussion of the budget.
Xice " Homey
Private dining room, for
ties. O. K. Waffle House.
n8 Twelve Lots $1200 Terms .
Suitable, for small homes, gar
den, chickens. 'Near school and
car. Terms if desired. BeckeA
Hendricks, 189 N. High. Heilig
Bldg. n4tf
Everybody Enthusiastic
That's the result of the recital
given by the Orthophonic Victrola
at Moore's Music House. Hear it
at the "Heilig Saturday, Sunday
and Monday. . n7
Painters Declare Holiday j
At a special' called meeting i of
Painters' Local No. 724 last night.
a resolution was aaopiea 10 re
frain from working on Armistice
Day as a patriotic duty. The local
also elected officers for the State
Federation of Labor and discussed
matters of interest to members.
Schindler hall tonight.
Some Bond Buyer
That likes security and also re-;
turns. Here's brick building (on
long time lease that will net you
8 per cent net. $22,000- Third to
halt to-handle. Becke & Hen
dricks, 189 N. High. Heilig Bldg.
What Is It?
Collins Parcel Delivery. We
deliver small parcels, groceries,
trunks, baggage, etc, anywhere
in city or country. Prices reason
able. Stand at Nelson & Hunt's
drug store. Phone 7, or 1287J.
Gun Shoot Sunday
The first annual ham and bacon
shoot to be sponged by the Salem
Rod and Gun club will be held at
the club's shooting grounds.
Twenty-fifth and Turner road,
Sunday morning beginning at 9
o'clock. Because of the dedication
of the Elks' temple Saturday
night. It Is expected that some of
the visiting lodgemen will bring
their guns and remain for a try at
the prizes. Other out-of-town
sDortsmen are expected ' to , com
pete with the lOcalClub; Other
shoots of a similar nature are be
ing planned for the future, accord
Tka utm it m. loeml chaw wt
nry muck iitvM aas ajiaayM WW"
tiaacss oraxhiaf t a prsa ia
to iw
do. oea't M aauaae Mnw
erarh mr cold. A trw 4os
Don't fca a bbIiuc beeaves jm t
:h mr cold. A fw Fate:
Hiixmr .nA Tr Canrnaamd t&kea vremvi
will irinm Mdv nlimt. Kn. W. T. C1TT
voir relief.
r amd Tar wmiM lor nut
;ba witk ipias rMuna.-
Get the Best
Fruit Cakes and English
Plum Pudding
,TVi, 131, JBonih Ctommerclj .
Winter's ?;J4J
77 QuicKRelief
'fj For Oldandlfouny
' Come and buy our enclosed
Oakland, model, plenty
of extra:, good rubber and
looks like new. Has rum but
very few miles and ran be
had at $1000.00. ..
Ing to Dr. G. E. Prime, president
of the Salem club.
Davies' Peanut Brittle
20c lb., Saturday only,
site Penneys.
n7 Everybody Enthusiastic
That's the result of the recital
given by the Orthophonic Victrola
at Moore's Music House. Hear It
t the Heilig Saturday, Sunday
and Monday. n7
I. J. Hersha; Expert .
Piano and furniture refinisher
and polisher.) .Refinishing pianos
a specialty. Free estimates on re
quest. Inquire at Moore's Music
House. 409-415 Court St., Phone
983. nS
Road Meetings Slatel
Meetings will be held through
out the county today by 34 special
road districts for the purpose of
voting on special taxes, i Other
meetings may be held lateri ln the
month although therr;are Jio pe
titions yet on file. . ''
Ladies of St. J oeph' Parish
Rummage sale this afternoon. n7
. i ; , T.-i
Ham and Bacon Shoot (
Salem Rod and Qutx club Sun
day November 8. ;"" . n8
Drive a Certified Studebaker
You will enloy one of these won
derful, long-lived .automobiles far
better than a cheap new car, and
the cost will be no greater to you.
See them at the Certified Public
Motor Car Market: n7
Attending YMCA Council
Salem is well represented at the
Oreeon-ldaho state council for
YMCA work for boys in, Portland.
The session opened Friday and
will continue today. The local
men attending the conference ate
expected back tonight and a
Loyal Warner, Clarence Oliv
Lee Ross. Dwight Adams. Reneffo
Lewis, Ross Miles and J. B. Crary.
, . 5
Dairies Shack
Across from Penney's. Peanlt
Brittle, 20c lb. Saturday only. J
f umiiurQ j poors icrj 'I n:
AnA renairlnr. Giesa-Powe
Furniture Company. 20i
Salem Elite-
Pleating, hemstitching, stamped
goods, button covering and Queen
Silk lingerie. D. M. C. threads,
stamping. 329 Oregon Bldg. nltf
West Salem Well Dug '
Workmen completed the West
Salem municipal water system
well Friday morning. The hole is
30 feet deep and will furnish
water through a large pump pi
the plunger type at the rate of
5000 gallons an hour into a con
crete reservoir on the hill west of
the welL The reservoir has a
capacity of 60,900 gallons of water
and maintains a pressure of 75
pounds in the city mains. The
Father and Son
First Methodist ,
Episcopal Church P
Morning sermon tiyjj I
Rev. Fred Taylor'
! . on . ! : I
That Binds" I
A Father and Son Fellowship
Evening sermon on
"True to the Colors
An Armistice Sunday Message
; Sacred Selections on the J
Orthophonic Victrola . i
Anthem: "Hark, Hark My Soul'
Quartet: "The Chimes of
Trinity" t
Solos: "Steal Away to Jesus
"At the Cross"
"The Man of Galilee?
IWdErwo6d . -
- Direct Factory Branch
510 Court Street Phone 289
Typewriters Rented, Sold, .
-j- Repaired 1
Special rental rates to studetta
Eastman Brothers
Furnaces . r
; Salem Office 169 S. HigV
Office hours;
12:M TO 2 P. M., w -
Factory, Silvertaa Ore," .
AacttonMrs saa Vsniltu DmIms,
V tHk ttt tJaaa romttar. atwe.
ft ii r ml 1
Office Phone 75 cr ilea
" IdWe Phone 1843-W
average cost ta , water .users will
be $1.50 a month, according- to
John Gosser. mayor.'- The water
is free from rust. " i - "
For Rent .
Warm bedroom, lady preferred.
Call 1116W. n7
Saturday Special ,
rancy Pioneer bacon. 32e lb.:
Cascade bacon sauares. 28c lb.
Cross Market, phone 1880. Free
delivery. n7
River Steamer Docks
After being delayed by a bar
four miles north of Salem for the
past month, the river steamer
Northwestern docked at Salem last
night. The vessel started its trip
from Portland October . 3. Re
establishment of a -regular sched
ule between Salem and Portland
will depend upon the rise of the
water. During the past week the
Willamette has had a rise of six
Whole Grain Wheat
Call 1179. Henry Lee.
Rev. Crowder Rack
Rev. 17. s. Crowder. pastor of
tne Methodist Episcopal church at
Manville, Wyo., arrived in Salem
this week to visit with his family
who reside here. He reports snow
at Manville at some time during
each day in," October. The se
'' Hammond
Beryl Be mice Hammond died
Friday, Nov. 6. at the age of 35
years. She is survived by her hus
band, Ralph, of CorvallLs. Fune
ral announcements will1 be made
later. Webb funeral parlors in
Jesse Jacob Loter died at his
home, 1390 North Tenty-first
street Friday, November 6. . He is
survived: ;by his wife and four
children, Ray, of Washington, Rita
of California, Ted in the navy, and
Kenneth, at home. The decease:!
was a member or the Modern
Woodmen. The remains are in
care of the Terwilliger funeral
home. Funeral services will be
announced later.
Walker Weisman, age 19, died
at a local hospital Friday, Nov.
6. He is survived by his father,
J. R. Weisman, of Live Oak,
mother, Mrs. M. J. Weisman, of
Cottage Grove, two brothers, Flet
cher England of Walker, Ore.,
Gilbert Weisman of Cottage Grove,
and one sister, Mrs. N, M. John
son of Condon. The remains will
he forwarded by the Terwilliger
funeral home to Cottage Grove
today, Saturday. Services will be
held from the Mills chapel at Cot
tage Grove, Sunday at 2 p.: m.
Von Gat
Infthis city, Nov. 5,
Lous F.
;N n- aB" -yers,i aresiaem
Independence; husband of Mrs.
Amy Von Gal, father of. Louis E
yon Gal of Independence, Mrs.
Gertrude Blackman of Redding,
Conn., and Mrs. Mildred Bohle of
Lebanon, Or; ; r also survived by
three brothers v and one sister ot
DanbUry, Conn. Funeral service's
oday at 2:30 oclock' from the
Higdon mortuary. Interment in
City. View cemetery.
Mrs. Maybelle Brown died in
West Salem November S, at the
age of 1 9 years. Survived by her
1 J T T" L. 1 V-
uusuanu, nan uruwu, un utUKU
ter, Doris, both of West Salem,
and her parents, Mrj and Mrs.
Orion F. Carpenter,, brother.
Claude chapman, and a grand
father, Frank Carpenter, all of
Jefferson. Funeral services will
be held today, November 7, at. 10
a. m., from the Rlgdon mortuary
Interment in Mt. Scott cemetery,
' fi-.r - ;
- .Life.LA npow vale between
tieACdld adAvaarren peaks pt
two eternities,: We strive' in
vain to look beyond the heights.
. We , cry aloud . and ! the only
answer is the echo of our wail
ing jCry. - From th voiceless
lips of the Unreplying dead
there comes no word; but in
the night of death hope sees a
star and listening love can hear
the rustle of a wing. R. G. I.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers '
L EstabUahed 186S
General Bankiog Buiincu
OCflee Bean from 10 a-sa. to St
i " f" 5 ' 1
verity ot the weather : may be
gleaned further from the fact that
on Tuesday of this week the ther
mometer registered 14 degrees be
low zero, and from 9 to 13 de
grees below aero during three days
last week. Mr. Crowder declare
he likes Salem better than any
other place in the world. -
U.'g Reduction on all flats
Friday, Saturday. Larsen's
Millinery. 429 Court St., next to
Dixie Bakery.- n7
Waeonda Church Meets
Nearly 60 members of the Wa
eonda Methodist church attended
a social meeting in the district
school Friday evening. An excel
lent program had been arranged
and was greatly enjoyed. Flans
for further activities in the church
were made. E. L Boothby of Sa
lem is pastor of the congregation.
Room, breakfast and dinner,
$35, and $37.50; excellent meals,
steam' heated rooms, lots ot hot
water and all home privileges.
Phone 1615, or call at 128 N
Liberty. n8
Seek Water Permits
Applications for permits to ap
propriate water has been filed in
the office of Rhea Luper, state h
engineer, by Dudley G. Ileury,
covering the appropriation of
water from , an unnamed ditch or
watercourse for a duck pond in
Polk county; Mrs. Carrie Siuier,
Hubbard, water from two un
named springs for medicinal or
domestic purposes, and for a lily.l
pond; M. J. Lee, Canby, water
from the Molalla river for irriga
tion and power purposes in Clack
amas county, and Ernest Iufer,
Salem, water from Pringle creek
for the irrigation of five acres in
Marion county.
Saturday Special
Fancy Pioneer bacon. Z2e lb.;
Cascade bacon squares, 28c lb.
Cross Market, phone 18.80. Frf-e
delivery. n7
Industry Claims Tv
Two lives were taken by indu3-.
trial accidents during the week
ending November 6, with 657 ac
cidents reported to the state In
dustrial accident commission. The
fatalities were O. V. Reagan,
brakeman, Valsetz, and Fred J
Thatcher, powderman, Springfield.
Of the total number, 55G of the
accidents were subject to the pro
visions of the workmens' compen
sation act; 100 from firms and.
corporations that have rejected the
provisions of the act, ana two irom
public utility corporations not sub
ject to the act.
Church Services Given-
Brooks Methodist servoice,
Sunday, November 8. Sunday
school. 10 a. m. Lesson: "Re
sponsibilities of Church Mem
bers. Preaching 11 a.m m.
Subject: "The Discontented Chris
tian." Mrs. Ramp will render a
vocal solo. Prayer service Thurs-J
day evening. The first chapter of
Hebrews will be studied and dis
cussed. Everyone cordially invit.
ed. Waeonda Preaching at 7:30
Sunday evening, Nov. 8. Subject,
The Battery Man
Through Service We Grow
831 Court St. Phone 10S
For the right kind of materials
and the very beat workman
ship call us,
. Gabriel
Powder and Supply Co.
17S 8. Commercial Phone 728
Salem's Leading
, Pays Cash For Furniture
Residence and Store :
1010 North Summer
'v- PHONE 511
"Established Since 101 S
t ,
i r
WilU &Ie.;A ft SfJSaViSCf
Otr-W.u Too ee
: inuriire ot AU KtodJ t
Lobby Helllfc Theatre. 189 N. High V
. Telephone 1 SI' . -
"The Discontented Christian."
Everytena j cordially t: Invited. E.
Lynn Boothby, pastor, will con
duct both services.- .
Dentists Meet -.
The Marlon-Polk County Den
tal association' met last night for
a banquet at the Spa. , General
phases of, dental work were dis
cussed, and "Dr.. Walter Brown of
the Marlon county : child health
demonstration gave a report con
cerning dentistry in .the Salem
schools. It Is Dr. Brown's hope
to have each student in the Sa
lem schools examined as tov his
dental condition. : -r ' , 0 -
SPOKLANE, Nov. 3. (APl)C.
R. Day: was married here to
Warma Laakso at 1 p. mi- today.
Two hours later, while eating his
wedding dinner with his bride in
a cafe, he was arrested on a charge
of stealing overcoats at Ritzvllle.
Day was held In the county jalL
lie said he did not know what the
charge against him could be.
time purcliasc
eta new Chevrolet
Our New GMAC time
payment plan gives you
, the benefit of a reduc
tion in rates at a big
saving to you.
. Come inlet us show
you the fine quality. '
which Chevrolet offers
in a low -cost car and
see how easy it is to
pay for one.
Opposite City HU
Over Miller's
Phone 2215
Trumpets - Trombones
' . 'Etc. ' ' W
Reasonable r
Prices . ,
There is a real saving here for you folks
that wish to take advantage of it
Beef to Roast ... . 15c
- (From the Loin or Round)
Pork to Roast . . . . 20c
: r " (Young Crain-fed Pigs) 1 :
Pure Lard v.; ; . . 20 c
: (In Bulk or in our Pails) ,v-"".
Pure: Pork Sausage . 22c
(Better Sausage cannot be bought at any. price) .
Sugar Cured Cottage - -
Rolls. ... . . . . 25c
- ' " (Lean and Sweet)
Bacon Backs. . . . . 32c
- (Light weight-our own make)
Breakfast Bacon . . ; 38c
-(Our very best why pay more?) '
McDowell -:Marke
; . . j . ..Where the Dollar Does Its Duty
Phone 1421 173 South Commercial
; : 'Openialil 8 P. 31 Satnrday evening
H iysboro--Ray-Maiing "ea une ry
shis year has paid $25,000 in
wages and $533,500 for S?G30 tous
of produce.; : " ' -
Acute and Chroftic-f-treated
by the latest Electrical
Theraphy and Osteopathy.
Consultation Free!
; Physician and Surgeoa...
SOO r. S. Bank BR.
Saleui, OregOttv-
, ; In Light and Dark" ".
Soft Centers also
Chocolate Carmels
Regular Price 75c lb.'
For Saturday Only
39c a lb: :
2 lbs. for 75c
Limit two pounds to ka
'Customer ,. :
. . ' -
:' Only at ' '
The Yellow Front Phone 107
133 North Commercial Street
The Penslar Store
..44 . i
lones - Clarinets
' . . ' i t
Work v