The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Syd Chaplin in "The Man
on the Box," by Harold
JU'Thd Man on the Box" is De
iCt:lared to Be Better Than
Vii; uianie s unx
i 8yd Chaplin carved his , name
well at theNheaa of the list w Am
erica n screen comedians by his per
formance Jn "Charley's Aunt," hut
he Jumped - clear Into the lead
among the laugh provokers when
the public got its first glimpse of
him in his pictuaritatlon of Har
old McQrath's famous novel "The
Man, on the Box' which comes to
the Oregon theatre for a- three-day
showing starting this afternoon.;
Involved in a series of romantic
adventures and the political in
trigne with which the story IS lib
erally sprinkled, Syd Is wildly
amusing, and as the flirtatious
Edmund fiwe in "The
Fool." by Channing Pol-
'. lock. . v . .
' '
ladles', maid he is nothing short
of a riot. This' Iff unquestionably
the best of his many cleverly por
trayed character impersonations,
and the part Is admirably adapted
to his talents as a comedian.
Condensed to & barer outline the
story is as , follows: Adventure
beckons allnrlnalr to " Bob. who
plays a "hunch" and Invests $50,-
000, in" a new flying machine. With
oat - knowing it. be , has stepped
Into a hornet's nest o: atrigne and
absurdly fascinating events, that
see htmv dad. only, in pajamas'.
homeless anr Jobless- hr the night.
Two Russian spys are intent on
stealing the plans of the plane,
but Bob, dlegnised aa;a maid of
flirtatious mien, starts a series of
misadventures that are' irresistibly
ridiculous, while romance stalks
unfettered through the picture.
V 0 -
Diy Wood
sasco r
Briquettes '
Moderate Prices
You'll like to trade
with ua
K Telephone 1835 ,
lefty Flynn in."High and ,
Handsome," and 5 acts .
. ,
Scotland . when a girl. There she
married, my grandfather. , They
came here and a short time after
arriving my father was bom. He
went to California and, there met
mt mother,' whose ancestors just
missed the Mayflower So vou
see, there's a dash of St! to
furnish the calmness and strain t,
not to say frugality. Then there's
a dash of Americanism to furnish
something of eloquence, and then
there's the Spanish to furnish the
Pep.? ,
This splendid picture comes to
the Heilig theater, for todaCy, Sun
day and Monday. ..
B:3b-,Ai&rw. 'TUelity is
tWB.. A. im fArti0.'
Trunm. an add secretary
Halted BoeUvt f Ckiiatisa : r
eetoa, fMaehaetU.
1-.U9 UloMDf wlcn. xua lit i
as47 Manual .
10 :00 Combined SakbMk StW
Monust- Wpsip sV. tks, Cestrsl
SBoay - ARmi
: 3 :30 Sons kcrrir, &e.- H. C. Sterer.
S :4H-ItoUoo1. Dr. Nonoaa.K. Tally
i VeeaJ solo Ronsld Ctstca.
- 9 :05 Prutin f ' gfdei. ' Caris
tUm Ea4eTor. Rath. Draper.
S :1S PrMsutia f ' fidelity Cam,
Kiga aad -, enlarged . alumai prograai.
:30 InitallMUs ot . otteT.
;4:00 Addreak; 'Fiaafitr in Uereiee,"
A. J. ghartle.
Decision aerrice.
- 5:00 Benedicttea.
8andsy Svf&Ug
:30 C. E. prayer meetinc Oordea
. 7:30 DeTotional. Bee. H. C. Stover.
; 7:W Ootinr addms, A. J. fibartl.
: S:$5 Cloaing consecration aervtea.
Eugene Minister Gives Open
ing Address; Session Will
End on Sunday
Edmund Lowe Can Lay
Claim to Title of Scotch
.'Don', He. Declares
Director Harry, Miliarde, who
made the William Fox version of
Channing Pollock's remarkable
sermon-drama. "The Fool," in
which Edmund Lowe is starred in
the powerful role of Daniel Gil-
chrfst. is, constantly, bewildered by
lowt smiting temperament.
-"Cant understand you, Ed
mund," he said one day, after
fcowe had thrilled him with the
fiery sermon he improvised in the
great church scene of this most
thrilling of modern4 photodramas
Sometimes yon are as calm as a
fat Swede , and I admire ' the re
straint you show in your acting;
then I begin to wonder of you can
make good when we reach fen lm
passioned' scene in which I want
passion and fire. When that time
comes you tear into it like an
Italian or a Spaniard and I won
der where you get it. What na
ttonatitles can you claim, any
Well."1 said Lowe, "I guess
I've a right t6 show some temper?
ttment and some; restraint as welt.
Mr erandmother was a member of
the Pacheco family of Zaragosa
Spain; bull fighters andbandits
weTe the most honored members
of that branch. She migrated to
rreyar' this time, was Bucceasful,- making
. , . ijthe only score la the game, just
toe tmra quarter endea.
. Xlnfield kicked .off lit thsiclast
. eriod and.-Willamette, returned
,o; mid field.' From there the Bear
'tth a wdnderfnl chance to get
through for first down, a goal kick
was called or, "which had. about
as much Chance 'of success -"sa :a
leaky taaoe on-the. pacific ocean.
The Bearcats 'had been advised
time -after time to open up on an
aerial attack, but very few passes
were called for by them until it
was too dark to see them. Then
several were tried- . The Bearcats
tried hardly any of their, i trick
plays, but . insisted . in trying to
smash through center at all times,
although Linfleld consistently held
such attemptsi ; . . v;- - i
. lineup follows:
i- H'tte -!nford.
. . ; .T..E.. .
f'Bbnehead" Signal Calling
) and Over-Confidence Cost
-'Another Game
The Marion County Christian1
Endeavor convention opened at
the Central Congregational church
last night, will continue today and
close Sunday. Rev. Walter May
ers, of Eugene, gave the opening
address, with Rev. H. C. Stover
in charge of registration; an In
troduction by Fern Johnson, union
secretary, and a convention wel
come by Gordon Barker, union
president. The social hour was
iiv charge of. Helena Toose with
Rev. stover conducting the clos
ing watch.
The program for the remaind
er of the convention Is as follows:
Satnrdar Morula
9:30 Defotional. Elisabeth V. Hogr.
9:45 Graded C. K. Conference. Rer.
Walter Meyer.
. 10:10 Jon tor C. E. Conference, Helen
- 10:23 Intermediate' C. E. Conference,
Vera MeCune.
10:40 Alumni Conferenfe. Oreron
rieia secretary. Dalits Kice.
11 :oo Appointment of committees
ll:SO -Praise aerrice.
11:30 Adjournment.
Saturday Afternoon
2 :00 Derotional, Rer. R. L. Putnam.
2 :20 Fidelity campaign presented by
ner. waiter Meyer.
2:50 Lookout and prayer-meeting
conference. Dallas Rice. .
SrlO -Mnilonary and social confer.
enee. Bealas Laaner. '
4:05 "Pideliy to ChrHt in bnr Bee-
reation," Mtas vfnan whistler.
4 : 30 Adjournment.
8atniday Bvsning
6:00 Banquet and pep teasion.
8 :00 Derotional and semy aerrice, Rer,
C. P. Hoffman.
Unfield. totally disregarding all
rules and regulations of that
phase of football known as dope.
completely overturned the Wil
laraette team Friday afternoon
on Sweetland field, and took the
victory , with a score of 3 to 0
Nor was the point a fluke, for
Linfield . clearly, outplayed the
Bearcats from start to finish.
While Linfield played a wonderful
game,- supping - over some fine
trick plays, the Bearcats lost the
game largely through overconli
dence, lack of tight and poor .gen
eralship. StfoiifC V
;'. The first half was scoreless,
With the ball in Willamette's ter
ritory most of the ' time. In
ounting duel during the second
Quarter Herraan, for Willamette,
easily had the best of it over Lin
field. -But in scrimmage Linfield
fyarly outshone the Bearcats. To
the! one or two first downs made
nv i wuiamette in io iirst un
Linfield DUt over five or six. Lin
tied triel. ior a goal in this period
but failed.
linfield kicked oft in ta. "
quarter, Willamette retu rt-i
their ewn 30-yard line. .-''.'
returned the punt to W
.4 0-yard line. One
gained on a speedy run
gave Linfield the ball on m
ette's 20-yard line. The Uear
cats held and Linfield made an
unsuccessful attempt to drop kick;
Here poor generalship on Willam
ette's part was responsible for a
great, break for LinfieM. A pas
was called a close in pass within
every one's reach. Linfield inter-';
cepted without any competition,-
and gained the Willamette eight-,
yard line. Once more the Willalfi
ette line held three times. Lin-1
field. tried for a goal kick, and H
Rhodes ;.;,.;U6.
Houston r. '. ,.,C.' i
Stolzheise ....R.G..
Mudra . . . . .R.T. ,
Her r man . ; , . R. B.. ,
Riedell i-;,Q;-z.
McMulIen ..L.H..
Wadell ...... R.H..
C. Zellar . ;. . . F. -.
f Substitutions
Woodworth, S.
clals: Referee, Fitzgerald
s: umnire. Ratcliffe. Sa-
.' ead linesman, Nakano of
Salem .
...'r. Lovely
.C" Own ley
.. V4.Tarwnt
i;. . Mmning
. W. xfwtKT
. . . ." rHieVtUMn'
.. . Ma yn
. . . . Loree-
. .Nieholon
Willamette, Scott,
Zeller, Winslow,
'rfnuunnnn I
Forrest Taylor
Dramatic Company
t: 4 . better Thau Ever j "
November 10
. Reservations Now
fium iviawem irhtrro Cart
. Carl Carroll
- fc, Leon GorAarrv ( 5
- 7vote . ! A
. -., ive4i n Londorv k f' 'y. '.'
lycaimChKi 1. j, -
Latxjrhs Tears Thri2 !
Av Vivid Play of Lov and
Passion ilk the' Tropica
wherever shown attests to
its universal approval
Fricea: Lower- Floor $2.50
$3, $1.50;: Balcony
2; Gallery fl. . - ...
F&Mtima FJ&vei and-
; i ii i 11 . c. . , -L ' ' - ' , 'L''.'.
s - . ' - ' " ' . . - "
r-3y-. ft .imm . W iu
' ngwr .i - w. - ti
' r-
V 'Lr5 - -
i '
'Why such stress on dfannca in gasoline'? "A dr qucsdocu-The answer
ycni'U mteiestmg. , ' .
You can readily understand why & physically clean gasoline makes the better
motor-fueL Certainly and Associated 4s purified by special processes, one. ;
v of which is well-dffinrd, complete nltradonlj. .
Another kind of cleanness is expressed in terms of chernistry and has to do
with "boiling pohtsM 'Associated Gasoline is distilled by a method whidi gives
s to this dean motor fuel, the correct "chain" or range of boiling points. They
' start at the more volatile parts and gradually rise, on through the heavier or
l: power-producing parts or rrracrions'T! t . . ;
on the down stroke, yielding every ounce of energy, and leaving no unburned
or wasted'fuel to gum up the cylinders. That describes clean cut action-
honest gasoline "more miles to the gallon" sustained quality 1 j"
, .: 5- . ' - ' J ' - . ' '
s s o c i aJt ed G a s. oil i n e
V fc-.VAV' .iV.. -.V.iV.-.'.-.. -.vvv .
. e
-' ." : - - . '
. Sustained -Tialirf u tp:,,
w pUed to Associated Guo
., hn and Cycol Motor Oil -metas
that these' two ptd
ducts will give yon ecooomi-
til motor opcrati 00, "ijs.'
r" 1
0 u
tv. v. v.y.. .... v. v . v.v.v.v..
A t "
0 J! : :!
-" 1 t.
Cab, sir? Maid, sir? Langh sir? Syd
Chaplin will serve you with everything- that
makes for laughs.
The merry adventures of a gentleman idler
caught in a whirlwind of thrilling melodrarna.
Comedy McDONALD Newr
Today ' Sunday Monday - ;