SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 "TRACKLESS TRAIN " WILL ARRIVE HERE S-M0RNING THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON THI ! i a II t i- v- Winn IE IT II 0' I ' ' -.- -t i City arid State Officials to Welcome Equipment at ..Statesman Office .. . . - --S ', r - ""' 11 ici jjr- 0 . " 'I'llA;... ' "WWBbL America first "trackless train" will arrive Jn Salem this morning at 11 o'clock. It will "tie up" in front 451 .the;; Statesman i. afflce where it will be officially vre! rdmed .by-stale" Vadcltr represen tatives." After the reception It will take a 'turn" or , two around town and will then be on display in front of the Heilfg. theater. The huge' machine; driven by two 90 horse power engines. -.will re-fuel at" the Smith &n Watkina service station, across the street from the Helllg-. .Sheir gasoline Is being used on the entire transcontinen tal ?toBr. i 3 i The Imnrious "special.": conv sisting of a locomotive-like engine, a tender and a combination sleep er .and diner.- cost $7liO00 to build. It is the only machine of its kind in the world, and is mak ing t the tour from Xew York to Los Angeles and thence to Eu rope in jhe interest of good roads. The cars are owned by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer moving picture corporation. Every appointment is included in the machine. A spe cial De Forrest radio set receives programs -from coast to coast, no matter at -what 'point the train is located on Us trip. ' Special steno- gra pine : material .is included In a eompartment.i-anabling the travel-. era. to".cahry on" -their usual busi ness affairs. "A:fJoroaa, typewriter that -has traveled from ocean to ocean many times is - carried in the car. j --v.- Important data on road and travel conditions throughout the country are being compiled by those in charge of the tour. This information will later be used in highway work. ..The machine has stood up won derfully in the long drive and no mechanical" trouble .has 'been ex perienced with tho "'novel equip ment. The United States tires on all wheels have given excellent service. : ; . ' The ' cars will come into Salem 'AMERICA'S -FIRST' TRACKLESS TRAIN-TOE . MHTROr GOUJWYN-MAYHR SPECIAL; ENRDUTE TO CALIFORNIA AND EUROPE : :ikTERlOR O? . PULLMAN SHOWING BUFFET, RADIO AND DINER- ... ,L , ,- v. . . dT s v. V fl Jill ff i3 of the features of Armistice, day that is being sponsored by Capi tal post No. 9, American -Legion. JUNIOR GOLFERS PLAY rourrAxn high school TEAM COMING TODAY Ttenresentatives of three or four of the Portland high school golf teams are expected here today to meet the Salem high school golfers on the Lliahee country club course, according to G. P. Sharkey, professional. The local junior players have- met teams from . Eugene and , Corvallia al ready this season. - : . , ' Ttie Oswego Golt and Country club has issued an' invitation to the Illahee players to play over the Oswego course Sunday and several are making arrangements to take advantage of the oppor tunity. A majority of the local l.layers will be busy playing for the Gray Belle cup, but others are , expected, to represent : the club west in . , J I rather than (the regular team I A hoS!ld a half he members,.. ? HUSlilXG TITLE WON flaunted,. 22 bushels , of newlv ousKed corn in the face of his op ponents. FAIRMGXT,. Minn., Nor; .6. i xorth pnH :,, .. P. R. Iverson of Fergus Falls to- I ; -end Site bought for a day husked his way to the torn-! f avm"1 to cut 250.000 feet per husking championship of the north shift. by the West Side, route in order to avoid the detour at Oregon City, and "will go south through Cor vallia s that it will not be neces sary to cross the river on the ferry. The equipment will be on. display here during the entire day. - . The game was played at HH!s- boro. .The team was accompanied by a large number of rooters from Salem. The first score came in the second quarter witETthe other three tonchdowns in the second half. The additional try for goal :: FOOTBM VICIQB j - Hillsboro Eleven Is Defeated . by Score of 28 to 0 Friday Afternoon was converted after each crossing of the goal line. ; J Salem high and Eugene high will meet on Sweet land field here Wednesday afternoon in the an nual clash between the two stud ent bodies. - The game will be one I The .Salem high, school eleven added another win to its season's j list Of victoties Friday by- defeat- rtr tliB W tllahnr-A font hall am by the decisive score of 28 to 0. Corona Typewriters are part of the - equipment of -the Trackless Train and shouni be part of the equipment of 'every home and t office in Salem. - , Ak f or demoastration ' - . . ';' Atlas Book & Stktionery Co; : 4C5 KTATK J4JIIKKT ' 1 .. ... THIS Tmckless Train Equipped with United States Truck Buss TIRES I We! Sell . i s All Sizes U. S. Tires MacDonald Auto iLr Corner Cottage and Ferry America's First Trackless Train Using Exclusively Quick Starting SMELL Gasoline On Its First Western Tour . -1 UNITED STATES are the tires used on the Trackless Train which will be in Salem today. We sell and recom mend these tires Salem Vulcanizing "Works 474 Ferry. Phone; 364 Yes t Stops HERE The Trackless Trainjkvill stop at our place for Shell gasoline while in Salem today If the operator is in need of any equipment for this train we will be ready to supply his needs AUTO PARTS TIRES ACCESSORIES W "Bill- SMITH & W ATKINS Telephone 44 'Corner Court and High :v:. Jo) f k M M mil mh 1 h ita I USMDAY MONDAY '.() mm t I 1 featuring DMUND LOWE o v ( o MY: r r-jars i III IS THE WILLIAM FOX SCREEN DRAMA. OF rA MIGHTY TEMPTATION THAT MADE A MAM -A GIRL WHO FO RFEITEDLOVt TOGAl N DOLLARS - A COUNTRY WIFE WHO PAID A CIJXS PRICE Troduccd from CHANNING POUX Stag Success dritfaiffl " cA HARRY' MltLXrI " Scenario fy' EDMUND GQULDI NS (0 ra) Q: IK iii kK WJ vl (3) , New Orthophonic Victrola bfing demonstrate! in connection iw-ith this picture ' Furnished by Moore's 3!usic Houc FOX XBWS CO.MKDY TOPICS OF THK IAY CARTOON CO.MEDV V V5 ' IS! ..mew A-ir IAIWi r ' '.oV ,f IN Ml 1IWS&U Robert Clark, Jr. , - j - . ..- - . at the Console of - Kimball Unit Organ LTl ( V a . If I Special Prices: ) ( (L( ill MaUnrc. ..25c and 35c J I Evening ..SWc and 50t T ll niildrea 10c A. A . TV HA J I if 4 V. 1 oo 3C v1 '