BUDGET IS CALLED IMPARTIAL ENFORCEMENT DEMOLAY- CAST CHOSEN ! , FOR PAIR OF SIXES" BUSINESS MAN FAILS, ARABS IN OPEN REVOLT I OF UQUOR LAWS SOUGHT BANK ROBBERY STAGED AGAINST FRENCH; SAID 'HOLY WAR" IS PREACHED BY MOHAMIEDAK LEADERS isnnissK VOLSTEAD SAYS SEVERAL SEC TRYOUTS ARE HELD BY REIG- MESSENGER'S AUTO DISABLED TIONS ARE NOT IN USE ' i' ELMAN LAST 1GHT OVER f 10,000 TAKEN ten em GUHPIMCy linii'My iwcon IN DR. BLAZER K If ,4 J Paring Knife Used and $9,- bUUU I rimmed by board; Action Is Accepted CAI KDV DAICC DHCCIDI C at all, but which would make pro vALAn I nAlit rUddlOLr: tuition enforcement far more ef- Attorney General Will be Asked for Opinion; ' Proposed Sal ary Schedule Will 1ms Drawn Soon" After a protracted and heated discussion that reached its cul- mination when the ' budget was dubbed nothing but a scrap of paper and the budget committee only a ceremony and a big joke," J ne ouaget committee, composed of a special taxpayers' committee and the school board, suddenly eettled down to - business last sight and voted to - recommend .that the budget be pruned to keep . within the 6 per cent limitation. Superintendent 'George W. Hug's cut 3 to net rid of the $9600 not .. accounted for in the budget were : adopted entirely and' the budget .went in with the cuts he had sug gested. . ;-. " ' ' : , ;Th principal discuscion of the evening centered around the pro moted salary readjustment: which tne Salem teachers are" seeking. Two main questions werer raised concerning the Idea of placing the I matter of a general salary raise for Salem teachers before the peo ple in -a special election. -f First, old the budget committee! have authority : to -recommend an in crease in salaries that would not take nlace. within the -.- present burizet? Second, would the' hold- i Ing of a special election for a rise f in salaries involve' the budget as Jt now stands in such a way as to nut it out of working order should the, salary rise be refused by the taxpayers? . ' ' . The first questldn was gotten around by the budget committee voting 'to recommend to the school board that that body call a special election such as that desired,, thus putting the matter completely onto the shoulders of the scnooi Doara The budget committee, at the sug gestion of U. O. Shipley, decided to leave the matter of arranging a satisfactory salary schedule up to the judgment of the school board 1 and to stand back of what ' that I body might propose.; v V ' J 'A-committee of " teacners were again . present at the meeting of the budget committee and insisted that jthenauer e seiuea on way i or another as the situation is cnu- eal among the teachers ot Salem, Superintendent Hug deciarea mat laaouia in suitable cases avail aim at -the present Ome be, cannot go self of these , laws as they ' carry out In the field and-compete wun other school systems to obtain the highest class of teachers because there is nothing in tne way oi in- riiicement. as tar as salaries are v concerned. Ha declared that he . cannot even compete with Wood hnrn or Silverton. c The schedule that the teacners t J II.. A A. school teacners ai elementary teacners to swi this sam it woma.oe aew..j iv. them to nave two ye vi ..u-. teaching experience and a normal M-SriTti have the same amount of teaenmg TTifirlnee and a complete college education. Teachers having less than this amount of preparation ahM h naid less accordingly. ' It Is -.proposed "that" instead" of the nresent method i oi granting " . - " ,(, n h I that they be granted JJJ I first flvs years they are with the salftm schools, at the rate of $50 a year. Thissuperintendent Hug declared, would serve as an in rnntiTA to keen the teachers In Salem : that are found to i be the ,rtt offfrient in their work Th school board held a meet inv ftr the budget committee had adjourned and instructed Su THntendehl1 Hug "to v Obtain a written opinion from 'Attorney General I.Hv A an Winkle as to . (0ontian4 fro pi t) . DEAD MAN'S WIFE HELD VTDOT OF HAMMER YICTOI SAYS XOTHIXG TO CONCEAL Hiixsron; n. j.. notj r.cbj Associated Press. Mrs. priscina Kent Clark, widow ot William J. Clark, slain by blows from a stone mason's hammer early ( Tuesday morning, Issued a statement today denying having anything' to con- ceal in her relationship with Jos- eph Cowen, charged with her bus- band's murder. She was released nnder 2.000 bail.- i - .. "I have nothing to i conceal,") ir utatement said. "Cowen Was a inend oi.tne xamiiy ana spent more time with my husband and mother than. with myself., I con sidered him a friend and the only time I was alone -with' him was once or twice when he drove me vm.. hot. nao oitrti. nfcI ,r"Tr : wh have proposea woaw iu soon would' oe passed in- answer xnentary teacher at $1200 7ear to the cry "take prohibition en and the junior - high - and high forcement out of polities'' putting I V-"- v..; toerValsUnc; HiS'commion? L and will continue to do so. , I findH ndit1.a -SS- L6?.6,:.."170-1! !?,a.4h? ' y ausoana win pay j every penalty. ,j . I f Mrs Clark was r arrested as i material witness in the case Imme - diatly after burial other husband fidaia concerned with the confer f yesterday. No bail will be con-eaee Toiced a warninr aralnst over Liquor Bayer, Liable to 90 Days in JaiL Original Statute Heads . CHICAGO. Not. . (By Asso ciated Press.) There are teeth in the Volstead act little used or not fectlTe. Andrew' J. Volstead, for mer congressman and fathe of the prohibition law, told the anti-Sa loon league's crisis convention to night. He recently returned to public life as legal adviser of the prohibition director for'MInnesota. It Is not generally XuownT Mr. Volstead Bald, but the purchaser of illicit liquor is subject to 90 days imprisonment and for a sec ond offense not to exceed two years. "It would have a calutary ef- feet," he went on, "to prosecute some of these purchasers so that the country might know some of the so-called good 'people' are Bimplyth the bootleg Class, - This! provision is contained in section 29 of title II of the prohibition act. . Section 23 of title II of the act says that in issuing permits for warehouses or plants for indus trial use of alcohol, the acts auth orized may be specifically desig nated and limited. 'This is a power that has been very sparingly used, and still it is one that seems to me might be very effective. It was the subject of . a very bitter contest in con gress. It was believed that it would give the government the. right to adopt almost any means to prevent liquor and other alcoholic prepar ations from being sold for bever age purposes." " To ' enforce this provision It might be provided in the permit- that' If the purchaser diverted ' any article containing alcohol to illegal use, the permit might be cancelled. - -. : - ' "Since the coast guard has been increased the bootlegger nas turn ed to denatured alcohol and I am credably informed ' that not less than 90 per cent of the liquor in the illicit trade is redistilled al cohol. - 'The section above referred to almost provides , that the govern ment may require an applicant for a permit to establish a warehouse or: plant using alcohol to shoy the need for the kind of a plant he haa in prospect. This is a section that the trade has fought very bit- leny. - "In drafting the prohibition act i a section was inserted to "preserve me w men ?u existience. a. nis- met attorney in t.- prosecution oi j person operating Illegal stills much heavier penalties than the national prohibition act. The good every hand, but it can be made imore effective and more nenefl-a cient. Public sentiment is grow ing stronger and the path of the offender is more and more diffi cult." "" .. ' :. A prediction that legislation I .... - tne prohibition officials under civ h service, was made tonight-' by . vvayne JB. Wheeler, general coun cli o tSe Anti-Sallooa league, j - : W.r u.: TRUSTEE is: DEAD AUSTIN FLEGEL PASSES IN PORTLAXD FRIDAY Austri Flegel of Portland. prominent member of the' board oi trustees or Willamette univers- I """Si crui5 io worn received here last night. Mr. Flegel held . OB,tlon of minspl " tne Dosulon of counsel tnr th board of trustees' and wis mem ber tit the lawfirm of Flegel, Rey nolds & Flegel ot Portland, Mr. Flegel is survived by his wife and Bin 'children. all of whom were educated at Willamette' university. Although Mr. Flegel had never lived in Salem he was greatly in terested in the city and Darticu- larly in the welfare of the uni versity here, it was through his ald &nd IngtnimenU1ty that much good of a permanent nature was accomplished at the school. - ' Mr. FlegelVwas vice president of the Portland city planning com mission . and was prominent in civic,; political : and fraternal life of Portland for 30 years. "; I DEBT PARLEY IS SPEEDED , . .-.. tuck EARLY SETTLEMENT LOOKED I FOR BY DELEGATES w WASIIIXGTQN, Nov.' . f By Associated ' ."press.) Italian and American debt commissioners has made great strides -today .towards a iunqing arrangement; tor xtaiy s 1 war debt,, and they regarded the Indications as pointing to an early I settlement. Active' negotiations on the Ital Ial obligation, howevet.vhaa been put over until late Monday. " The American . commission : wanted all Friday in whteh to" prepare for conTcrsauons ,m d'tt commission,- which -arrived here tonight and will -begin ne- gotiatloas Monday morning. " today , with consideration of the problems" to which Mt, addressed itSelf yesterday. It was announced La'itt Sides that greater progress 1 v. fr Rnmo nr. House Ways and Means , Comm'ttee Acts Swiftly in Preparing Measure TAX PUBLICATION HIT Printing of Income Tax Returns Is Not Recommended ; Re- -s . pel of Gift Tax Will - Be Ordered WASHINGTON. Nov. C. By Associated Press.) Plunging ahead with consideration of the vital provisions of the new revenue bill it is preparing, the house ways and means committee today de cided among other things to rec ommend repeal of the provision of the present act allowng publi cation of iiicome tax returns. ' Other decisions reached by the committee included: Reaction of the inheritance tax rates from a maximum of 40 to 20 per cent. Repeal of the gift tax. Retention of the present corpor ation and capital stock taxes. Increase from $10,000 to $20, 000 the maximum amount of In come on which the 25 per cent re-' duction for "earned Income" may be applied.' The proposal that small , corporations be allowed to file returns as partners, with con sent of all stockholders, and that partnerships be permitted to file as corporations was turned over to subcommittee for study. In its action with respect to inheritance taxes, the committee rejected Sec retary Mellon's proposal for re peal of the levy. It then adopted a' recommendation of Chairman Green to increase from 25 to 80 per cent the credit allowed in set tlement of federal inheritance taxes for payments on similar state levies, a measure designed to earn inate to a large extent the exist ing dual taxation of estates. The committee's progress yes terday and today apparently dis posed of the main points of con troversy in the tax reduction pro gram and Chairman Green pre dicted It would be able to present to the house a "non-partisan bill With practically unanimous sup port," and said he confidently ex pected almost united action by the house on the measure. - , JnereJ.haVe J been ! difficulties over most of the. point? soj&t. act ed tipdiC Mr. Green related, "'but lte an be sail that. the committee haa acted in the best spirit of co operation and ' I believe a bill which can truly.be named non partisan will be framed." ! -. Changes involving a revenue re duction of about $200,000,000 an nually' have been approved, leav ing at least $100,000,000 more to be taken off the various excise and special taxes, which will be con siderel by the " committee next week. SECRETARY IS ILL WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Ever ett Sanders, secretary to the presi dent, is suffering from a slight attack of sinus trouble. THE - 1 ! 1 i I farce Comedy Will be Presented i December 9; Rehearsals " J ., , SUrt Next Week , ! Members of the cast for the Oe Molay play, "A Pair of Sixes," by Edward Peple, were chosen last night in the auditorium; of the eity library by the director, Perry Prescott Reigelman, after a- liveiy and Interesting competition. The dramatic material ' trying out fr parts was of exceptional quality land a highly satisfactory cast, wis seieciea,-ana it Is expected th?t the fast-stepping farce comedjc written by Mr. Peple. will La given an excellent interpretation. ! "A Pair of Sixes" had a yearf run at the Longacre theater i t New York city several years ap? and made thousands of peon ja shake with laughter at the excru ciatingly funny situations devefi oped. It is a play that is suiteu for young people and offers ; ex cellent opportunities- for clevet acting. Its action is swift and tht pace it sets keeps the actors on the jump from the rise of the cur-c tain until the last ' scene, whe the complication is finally solvedi 1 Following are the players. chosen: George B. Nettleton, who, invented' a great digestive pill. Darrell Meyers;, T. Poggs Johns,. who invented a sugar coating, for the pill and made the public uwal- 1 Aw 4 t I7r 1 , TVa m 1 an' V vnn a a bookkeeper in-the pUl establish-J ment Fze Whh: Mis. Sallv Par-! rer. the stenographer who knows; all about thepartner's ; troubles, Florence Power; Thomas J. Van derholt. the 1 smooth lawyer who mixes things up in an effort; to Straighten things out,' Harold MerO; Tony Toler, the snappy salesman who brings in the big gest order the house ever received. Homer - Richards f ' Mr. Applegate. the wealthv man who controlled the big order, Leroy Grote;- Jlm bit. the red-headed, freckle faced' office boy. Jimmy Creech; the shipping clerk. Jimmy Campbell: Mrs. George B. Nettleton,' Ethel ma Edwards; Miss Florence Cole, fiance of T. Boegs Johns, and whose love Vanderholt is trying to win. Mary Kightlinger; Coddles, the English housemaid who takes an awful crush on T. Boggs Johns, Julia Query. . The play is scheduled for De cember . and rehearsals will be called for next week. ELKS DEDICATE TEMPLE JUDGE HARRIS . OF . EUGESB filTOtS MATV ADHRFSS Members only will attend the formal dedication ot the new Sa lem Elks' temple tonight, with Ben S. Fisher, of Marshfield," dis trict deputy grand exalted ruler for the Oregon south district, pre siding at the program. The dedi catory address will be given 'by Judge Lawrence T. Harris of Eu gene, former member of the Ore gon Supreme Mourt. The program will begin prompt ly at 8 o'clock and Is expected to be attended by nearly 1000 visit ing lodgement from all parts of the state. Invitations to the dedi cation were sent out some time ago. SMITH, A MIGHTY MAN WAS Dayton Man Turns Highwayman When Terra in Penitentiary " "'la Faced' DAYTON. Ohio, Nov. 6. (By Associated Press.) Faced with a term In prison" either way he turned Elliott Gabler, 30." presi dent of the Gem City Engineering company; today attempted to emu late another Dayton business man and fight his way out of financial difficulties br a bank, robbery. -In a daylight, downtown rob bery of H. J. Kloos, manager of a branch bank in East Dayton, he obtained possession for four hours of $10,000 In currency of small denomination. . 'Gaoler in a confession said he first noticed Kloos, in the bank a month ago,' obtained bis automo bile license number, -followed him and then observed his actions and routes. A week ago he attempted the robbery when he cut the feed line In Kloos automobile but there' was sufficient gasoline' In the vacuum tank to get the bang man ager back to his branch. Today Gabler ' made the work sure.' He disconnected the feed line. while Kloos' automobile stood in front of the bank at the city's chief street intersection, placed a rag in the . vacuum tank and left Just enough fuel to take Kloos out he congested district dro.ve UD wnen Kloos' ai Gabler automobile stalled seven squares - from the bank, ordered the manager into his own car and drove to the city limits, where he ejected the bank er and threatened his life if he attempted to follow. Kloos disre garded the threat, however, and urea a volley of shots, none of which took effect. Within an hour after the robbery, Gabler was in custody. The money was found in a sack buried under a pile of cans in a garage near Gabler's Place of business. "I had to go to prison anyway," he said, "and It was just a ques tion wnich one. Federal officers were pressing me for a $1,000 line and $200 income tax payment I thought I could get away with jnis and pay them off." ? 'The case closely parallels that of the "phantom bandit" Red Nlckol president o fa manufacturing con fern, who staged a daylight rob bery of another branch bank and tscaoed With I22.K00 hnt via ran. lured a week later and confessed. PBim CCt"'' BEiATTLE, Nov. 6. The Seattle port commission announced today tnat it had reduced wharfage rates on a large variety of cargo mov ing in the intercoastal trade, to 50 cents a ton from $1. The reduc uon was made, it was said, to meet rates in Tacoma and Port land TIMBER WORKER KILLED SEATTLE. Nov. 6. Struck by a small tree that was knocked down by a larger one, felled by workmen ,in the woods near Red mond, east of here, Charles N Richards was fatally injured late yesterday. HE ! Slaying of Mussolini and En tire Abolition of Fascism Declared Goal DEATH PLOT IS FAILURE Police Xip Assassination; Estab lishment of Italian Republic Said To Be Aim of Revolters ROME, Nov. 6. (By Associated ress). Already aroused by the thwarted plans to assassinate their premier, the people of Rome were further stirred today when it became known through a detailed report published by the usually well informed Epocha that the assassination was only a detail of general conspiracy calling not only tor the death of Mussolini and the overthrow of the fascist government, but the fall of the house of avoy and the setting up of an Italian republic. ' The source, of the Epocha's statements is not made public, but there is not even a hint that it came from governmental sources According to the paper, Roberto Farinacci, editor of the fascist paper, was the first to learn of the existence of the plat. He gave all the information that he had to the minister of the interior, Luigi Fed erzoni, who asumed personal di rection of the plans to detect its origin and follow its develop ments. From the moment the minister became aware of the plot, some time ago, he ordered that all those suspected of being implicated be shadowed by detectives. On Sat urday, says the report, the former Unitarian socialist deputy. Zani- boni, who, the police assert, was to have fired at the premier, left Santua in the company of three men. The automobile, driven by Zaniboni himself, proceeded in the direction of Rome followed by an other car occupied by detectives. Zaniboni and his friends, who are not named, but who are said to have been identified by the police, stopped a few miles from Rome They disappeared in a thick pine grove where Zaniboni practiced for a long time shooting at a tar get With a specially equipped rifle -: The, practice- succeeded -o weH, the report -goes otrrthat the others congratulated Zaniboni.' He then drove the ear into Rome and took lodgings in an abscure rooming house near fit. Peters. He re mained there tor a few days using various disguises. Later it was noticed that an ac complice of Zaniboni had the habit of meeting General Capello, who has been arrested charged with having a part in the plot. The meeting place usually was on the Cavour bridge over the Tiber, where Capello always arrived In a public cab. They usually strolled about for a few minutes and the Epocha says, it is supposed Gen eral Capello handed over money to the accomplice, who returned to Zaniboni. The last time that Gen eral Capello met this man was on Tuesday, after which the general left immediately for Turin. It was only on the eve of the armistice day celebration that Zaniboni claimed his room in the hotel Dragoni, which had been previous ly engaged by an accomplice and in which he was arrested. It was later learned that a room had been engaged In two other hotels nearby, because there was no cer tainty as to which balcony Premier Mussolini was to use to review the victory parade. It was learned that the premier would appear on the balcony facing the Corso in stead of the one facing the Piazza Colona, so Zaniboni decided to occupy the Dragoni hotel room. RUDOLPH DISLIKES DOGS "SHIEK" IS WILLING TO DI VORCE, HE DECLARES CHICAGO, Nov. 6. By Asso ciated Press.) The Herald and Examiner says that- Rudolph Val entino is willing that v his wife, the former Winifred Hudnut (Nat acha Rambova) may have a di vorce; Indeed, unless she gives up her Pekinese dogs and "settles uown" she had better get one. The film "sheik" announced this stand, the paper says, while here today on his way to New York. Mrs. Valentino arrives there on the Leviathan next Monday, and he will sail on the same boat Nov ember 14. "I am wondering myself if I will see her in New York. The divorce question I leave to my wife. I am not willing to go along this way, with a wife determined upon a ca reer, mothering a flock of Pekin ese dogs, and - not wanting any home life. - ' ' . ,. -"I want a home and I am not willing to divide my wife with a career. I make enough money to give her everything she wants, so I don't think I am unreasonable to insist that. I have a wife, and not a business partner. "If Mrs. Valentino is through with me, I am through with mar riage until I hare enough money to stop acting and giveijay time to a family life. ; I'd tfe to have children and give them the kind of care- and lave I had as a boy." French Soldiers Evacuate Forti fied Camp; Regrouping . ta Ordered" PARIS. Not. 6. (By Associ ated Press- )--Mousseifrl, a large rTench. fortified camp south ot Sueida, in the DJebe! Druse terri tory of Syria, was evacuated . to day, says an official announce ment, owing- to the regrouping of the French! forces. The troops which had occupied Moussifri left the locality and today was with out incident," - ; . -.. The communique concludes with the statement that there are no other incidents to report in-Syria, but- Information from reliable sources Is that the Arabs have joined the Djebel Druse tribesmen in open revolt against the French and that with Horns nbout 80 miles north of Damascus, com pletely Isolated and closely ibe sieged, and Damascus terrorized by firing, the rebellion has as sumed an .aspect of open warfare A holy war, according to this information, is what the Arabs are preaching and fired with religious enthusiasm and an absolute scorn of death, their fight against the French, as mandatory nation, has taken on the nature of a crusade. The French, under General Camelein, have refrained from spectacular reprisals and the opin ion in Paris seems to be that the problem will be solved momen tarily nnder the rules of civilized warfare with a verdict eventually by the league of nations. The situation" now is that the Syrian rebellion is- growing that the Insurgents have established provisional. ' governments in the zones they occupy; that all of the Horns district is in the hands of the rebels, and that Damascus is completely Isolated from the out side world, the railroad and tele graph lines being cut. GRID BATTLES ON TODAY THREE UNDEFEATED ELEVENS CLASH FOR SUPREMACY. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 6. (By Associated Press.) The drive toward a football champion ship will gaithef . momentum to morrow as three undefeated Pa clfic coast conference ; elevens swing into action. . Washington and Stanford, each boasting a perfect conference reo ord nd sparred on b rtvalry dat ling 'back 32 years, claim ..virtually all coast Interest In their clash at Seattle- George Wilson; premier Washington' halfback" and', Ernie Nevers, Cardinal star,' will make a bid for individual honors. Both have been .mentioned for' all-Am erican honors. The teams will meet on even terms with cool weather expected to favor the Hub kies slightly. " California, third undefeated member of the conference is ex pected to take the' measure of Washington State college eleven in their game at Berkeley. It is a conference engagement but WSC has bowed to defeat before both Idaho and Washington. Another game with conference bearing brings together Idaho and Montana at Moscow. The University of Southern Cal ifornia handicapped by injured players and minus the services of its star end, Badgro. takes on San ta Clara at Los Angeles. The Mult nomah Athletic club and St. Marys college meet on fairly even terms at Portland while Gonzaga invades Walla Walla for a . game with Whitman.. . . FORUM TO. CELEBRATE ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM IS OFFERED MONDAY In observance of Armistice day the program for the Salem Cham ber of Commerce luncheon Monday will be given by members of the American Legion: As the Cham ber of Commerce Bulletin aptly puts it, the' program, "like Gaul is to be divided into three parts." For the first part. 0.L- Mc Donald, member of Capital Post No. 9 . of the - American Legion will sing 1 "Shipmates of Mine,' and "Left." Dr. W. Carlton Smith; member of the medical corps, will feature In the second part," speaking on "Observations of a Medical oin cer." J . ,.. ' . For the" third part George Griffith, who In the Meus-Ar gonne with the evacuation hospi tal-seven -years ago, will give an address on ' How I Felt when Heard the News." WOMAN DISTILLER FOUND MRS. MARY GRADTKE, 00, MAKES SAD MISTAKE Mrs. Mary Gradtke, 69 of Mon mouth,' believed to be ; the oldest woman distiller In the state,was fined 1100 in Independence Fri day by Justice of the Peace R. W. Baker, f in lieu of the fine she was remanded to..-Sheriff i Tom Hooker ot Dallas tor 50 days. Mrs. Gradtkew made the mistake ot running off her liquor from fruit mash through a condenser on her kitchen stove,, la the presence of two . special prohibition offic ers on November A., In addition to furnishing1 them the liquor she demonstrated her aparatus and gave them a .recipe tor her prod uct. - -t - - Aged Physician Js Charged Wta Murdering His ye-; -. , formed Daughter NSANITY PLEA SCOUTED Prosecution Declares Doctor Not Insane and That Attempts ' at Suicide Were Merely " " 'Sham. ' - . LITTLETON, Ohio, Nov. , (By Associated' Press.) Word , pictures of Hazel Blaxerdescrib-' ed by the defense as a "human husk" without a soul and by the prosecution as a "spark ot human ity" were painted In court today , as the state began introduction of ; evidence in an effort to convict Dr. Harold Elmer Blazer on a charge of murdering his daughter ' . The completion of the Jury " to try the aged physician was effected - ust before' noon recess "with startling suddenness and the pros ecution plunged ahead with the presentation of witnesses." , Here are some of the descrip tions offered by the witnesses of tha "thln, that Tlr Rltr ilnv Dr. W. S. Dennis, pathologist. who performed an' autopsy on the body of the girl: - - ' "Female, probably - over1 v 30 years ' ot age, about four "feet in height and weighing around 90 pounds. She was fairly well de veloped from the waist up, but the under development of the lower limbs was marked." . Roy Bishop, son-in-law of the defendant: "A scrap of breathing flesh, un able to feed, clothe or otherwise care for her own personal needs. The only exercise she ever got was -when she was placed on the floor when the weather was warm and allowed to roll around. She could' t talk the only. time I, ever heard her utter a vocal sound was once when - she fell - on - a hot furnace grating. Then she uttered a sort of an animal sound. She wan ab- . solutely helpless and depended on Dr. Blazer alone." s The physician eat unmoved a he beard himself, described as hit daughter's slayer, by: Prosecutoi Joel Stone in his opening state ment before the jury. . w at hiihii iinivf . ninuH.nfrini. ea. -tnai mazer siew ms naugaier with malice aforethought and that he was sot .and never has been . ineitno. TNm ahull nrnrn further that he endeavored to ' hide the crime by attempting suicide twice. We shall also show that he knew from his knowledge of ' medicine and. the body that neither ot his attempts to end his life by poison or by slashing his throat ; would prove fatal, ' "We shall show that he did not slash his throat In a vital spot and that he knew thp poison he took would i cause . vomiting before It had time to take effect and kill: him." ' "; - -, r J. J, Mackin, coroner of Arapa hoe county, the first witness, of fered a cursory report on his work in taking charge ot the girl's body. He was followed by Dr. Dennis who declared it was his opinion that the girl was poisoned or chloroformed. - 4 : :' :t Blazer's son-in-law. Bishop, came next. After describing the condition of the girl as ha knew her, he was asked:, . "Did Dr. Blazer talk to you the night ot the crime after you dig-, covered the body ofHaztl," ; - ?r f "Yes he kept '4 .' mumbling sorry sorry took enough pois on to kill a horse, --;. v fc "Did the defendant seem to be normal," the prosecuting attorney asked. -' .: "Seemingly so," was the reply. When Dr. H. H. Aldredge, the Englewood physician , who ; was called to attend Blazer after the crime was discovered, took 'the stand, the state introduced ia evi dence two notes found in the Bla zer home. " ' . , ; , , One read: "Dear Daughter-! am very weary and afraid afraid -of being taken suddenly and 'leav ing Hazel. M know my blood pres sure is very high. I. made up my (ContiAued from pg 4) . ASK RESTRAINING ORDER t , - ACTION STARTED AGAINST CITY FOR FILLIN G DITCH Charging that the city of Salem, by filling In a small ditch on Cross street,. will do "irreparable injury to the streets," Gilbert H. Benja-' min has filed action in the county court asking a restraining order preventing further work on; the ditch. ..; ' - . . . The depression, about IS inches in depth and five feet wide, is said to carry surface and flood waters from the district In southeast Sa lem. It empties into Bush 'creek where that stream intersects cross street, - e Benjamin declares that if 'the uit.cn is mica up sunace waver will overflow, adjoining property and basements wllt.be flooded. A The city has bow partially- filled the ditch, although benjamin says it was done without permission of the common council, lis demands that further work be prohibited, and ' that the part that has; been tilled be cleaned out. According to the papers filed, the ditch is now filled ' between . Twelfth and ji.. . t , , . .... . .. Thirteenth streets; - -