The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    . .'
rs Are Told Salem
. Population in -15 Years
'Will Be, 1 00,000 v .
i a Vefemns Under Hospital Treatment
"Tie northwest, and especially
the Willamette valley, is the talk
throughout the east. whether in
hotels. ; barber shops or reatau
rants," declared F. N. Derby, who
. ' nita Josr returned from an extens
1 to and intensive trip through the
middle -west, ia fafs-address to the
Marion-polk county realtors1 at
their weekly luncheon Thursday.
Throughout ,the. middle west, he
declared, farm .conditions are In
a' Miserable . condition, and for
mUes and miles in Indiana lie en
countered deserted farms. 1 ;
The people here do not appreci
ate, the wonderful climate of the
ralley,' he continued while people
? In theeat ,harken eagerly to every
word that an Oregonian has to say
, concerning the - mildness of ' the
-- climate In the winter and the cool
ness of the - climate in Summer.
Some J men, he aatd, held him to
his claim for good climate here
by pointing out below zero: weath
er reports" emanating from this
state; But Mr. Derby showed! them
that such climate is m eastern Or
CKon,' and is in reality more the
climate of Wyoming and Idaho
than: of' Oregon. f ' He told j them
that the climate Jn the Willamette
vafiey U entirely, different.; being
moderated greatly by winds from
the ocean, fiid protected by the
ranees that practically surround
it. ' .--,,
i' ' ilr. Derby told the realtors' that
the people "here are to be congrat
ulated . for- living in the .valley,
which is. to his notion, the most
comfortable place and most suit
able place for living In the entire
United States. Expressing his ab
solute faith in the growth" of Sa
lem; be declared : S ' . ; '
-'ln ;I0 or, 15 years from today
you will aee about a dozen factor
ies in Salem, and' you will see set
tlements springing up with Salem
as.their center. " There is no ques
tion but what In that time the
rooulatioii of Salem will be 100,
009. and' the city ; must launch
pla-ns now to prepare for such a
population." ; 1,
,i While; there 'are "good roads in
the .'middle west; he said, they do
not eonrpare with the Pacific coast
highways! For instance, here one I
may Jravel by., auto from' Lower
California to northern Washington
and never:-, get - off paved . roads.
Shch a trans-country drive on
pavement is not possible, he sabi,
- In- the 'middle westv
JiF-JaAiJU-.JWMWi4jp j .uiijiiiiTTiiTTTnrrriir nijr-1,1 Li-1 il, -r-j rTj"j i n .i'j. T,i irr f 'I 1 -t w.M' isms r
f; :m: ill
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Methcdist church the evening of
November II. - On the evening of
November 18-the First Presbyter-
an church "will "give a father and
son; banquet.' Members of the Hi-
Y cf Salens will give a banquet 05.
the evening of November 12, to
wp :ca ; boys will . Invtte their
fathers, and Governor Pierce will
be the speaker of the evening. The
Salem Lions, . Rotarians .and Ki
wanians' will observe the national
week by Inviting their boys to the
club luncheon of that week.
m iiiLDii
IHB American Red Cross has
& vital meaning to the man
serving his country," and to
the man who has served,
and whs la facing the dif
ficult readjustments of civil Ufa.
Foremost la the peace-time program
of the American Red Cross Is .its
.service tor the disabled veteran and
his family, and the men still In the
Army and Navy at horns and on
foreign service.
This assistance takes many forms
but all of it' is the essence of practi
cality. - Every month during the
past year, the Red Cross served an
average of 9&.931 veterans, service
men. and their families. There are
approximately 80,000 war veterans
tinder treatment In government hos
pitals tOday. V: i 1
The keynote of the Red Cross
work in behalf of these men and.
those dependent upon them Is In the-
hpme. service of the Red Cross chap
ters, of which there are more than
3,000 located In every part of the
country. Without this branch of its
work the chapters themselves would
be handicapped in 'dealing under
standingly with the veteran In the
various fields In which he requires
aid from the Red Cross. This sup
plements the government's func
tions In . his behalf, for, the. Red
Cross duty to the veteran Is supple
mentary to government provisions
The Red Cross supplies the . things
which the government cannot give
him under the law.
, Red Cross aid to the service and
ex-service man Is extended in meet
ing situations and emergencies aris
ing at home and in government hos
pitals. It la with him in the bospl
tals always, and his to command
The Increase , of legislation deal
ing with the veteran, and the broad
ening possibilities of new legisla
tion-have thrown additional duties
on this branch of , the Red Cross.
This increased responsibility is ex
pected to continue on an augmented
scale until well into next summer,
j The extent of such service is Indi
cated by the fact that out of the
total Red Cross expenditures tor the
past year up to last June, which
amounted to $10,321,679.80, work in
behalf of veterans and men still' in
service absorbed 84,225,292.61
1 The Ninth Annual Roll Call, frcai
Armistice Day, Nov. II. to Nov. 26,
is the invitation extended once each
year, to everyone to participate in
this service by enrolling in Vu
American Red Cross.
A Court With Five Homes
and Two New Flats; Fine
Home Is Transferred
1 Medford. Mr. Ashpote lived in
J Champoeg from - 1865 to 1S75;
This was his first visit in 50 years
Another visitor was Mrs. Barbara
Austin, born in one of the Hudson
Bay company houses la 18b8, a
house that went out with the flood
of December 1861, but was caught
and later used again as a resl
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Stratton ol
Brownsville Have bought the Mill
er; estate property at 570;Nofui
Winter street. Mrs. Rachel Miller
who lived there for 40 years, died
last year. The consideration was
$3800. The Strattons are already
moving the house back to tho 11
ley and will make two flats ol it.
and they will build a court of five
additional dwellings. The lot 13
66 by 165 feet.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hanson of
the Union Abstract company have
sold their attractive home at 990
North Ffth street to Miss Amelia
Feary and her mother, Mrs.; Feary.
The consideration was $51100. Miss
Feary Is with the Marion j county
health research work, of: which
Dr. Brown i3 the head.
YMCA. Board Meets
The board of the Salem YMCA
met Thursday noon at a lunfcheon
anS elected, officers for the com
ins year. W. I. Staley was re
elected president of the board; R
J. Hendricks was re-elected vice
president, and Joseph H- Albert re
elected treasurer. A. A. Lee was
elected secretary to succeed Curtis
Cross. Mr. Cross resigned the po
sition 'because of ill health, but
will . remain on the board. Re
ports of the various committees
were read, and the work during
the month of October reviewed.
in m
HStnitrprlA fnr Fyistenp.A Dp.-
I'll-H( Is U IM1 1 generates Rather 1 nan
iiLLIi IU UUULUII Elevates Contended
Salerno Club Will Ask Mer
chants' for Cooperation
With Easter Event'
' A ' - general ; display .week. in
which rail Salem stores ; win be
asked, to cooperate.' was' proposed
by the Salem Ad club at its meet
ing yesterday. It the tentative
plans are carried "into effect," the
display will' be held about two
weeks before Easter.'
. Yesterday's meeting was well
attended and the t proposal .met
with " the unqualified., support of
members- An extensive prepara
tion will be necessary. It was said,
la order to put the suggestion into
efleqt, The Idea'of the proposal
is to acquaint 'people n the out-
rWp towns' with the benefits and
advantages of trading in Salem.
A-special effort win be made dur-
The meeting at the First Evan
gelical church last night was large
ly attended to hear Guy Fitch
Phelps discourse on the "Absurdi
ties of Evolution." In his dis
course he asserted that evolution
was not hard to understand, and
In treating, declared "That Strug- j
gle for existence degenerates rath
er.2 than elevates," and referred
to the clums. pigmles. peasantries
and the poor the variations in
nature are all within families and
limited to the general average in
nature always ; that there is no
evidence in nature that one species
ever became another; that evolu
tion begins with a cell or two.
This is not an adequate cause for
so ; great an effect - as nature-
that evolution contradicts the pres
ent order ; of nature; that evolu
tion is the law of the club and
the fang, it is merciless cold and
brutish; that, evolution "destroys
man's moral responsibility.' If he
petitioners as the reason for want
ing the change made in the rout
ing of the road. They claim that
the road now has many steep
grades, with one of 20 per cent,
but that under the routing pro
posed, there would not he more
than a grade of 5 per cent all the
way from the school house to the
f The road proposed by the peti
tioners would use ', three miles
of the old south road, thus reduc
ing the expense of ; making the
change in the routing. Also, the
new route would follow for con
siderable distance the Drift creek.
tice court here and few were filed
elsewhere. Now, however, the
state department believes that mo
torists have had ample time to
have had their lights adjusted anl
arrests will probably be more nu
merous. L
( Continued from pya X.)
points public officials, headed by
the mayor, rode on the observa
tion platform, which is regarded
as a remarkable innovation in the
motor industry. This platform Is
I large enough'to hold lounge chairs
L and to offer an unobstructed view i
of the scenery. Mayor John F.
Contracts let
The contracts for all the plas
tering, including the" plain and
ornamental plastering and the
stucco work, and for the seats
have been let for the new Elsinore
theatre, being built for George
Guthrie, owner of the Oregon the
atre. The plastering contract was
let to David L. Hogan of Port
land, who hopes to begin his
phase of the work on the build
ing in about three weeks. The
Heywood-Wakefield company won
the contract for the 1410 seats to
be put in .the theatre. The seats
will be of three types, one each
for the main floor, mezzanine,
and balcony, and the seats on each
floor will be upholstered to match
the color scheme of that floor.
Observe National Week
Definite dates for the observ
ance of the national Father and
Son week have been set by five
Salem ehurche3. On November 10
in the evening the First Baptist
Central Congregational and Jason
Lee Methodist churches will hold
banquets. A father and son ban
quet will be held by the First
i .
School Is Small
The school at Oakdale, where
Miss Fern Andrews is teacher, is
reported by County - Superintend
ent Mary Fulkerson to have the
smallest enrollment of any .school
in the county. .The enrollment
consists of two students, one in
the fifth -grade and one in the
.eighth,; both,- of whom are boys.
Attendance at the Mehama school
has' been reduced drastically since
the Silverton Lumber companv's
plant has been shut, down. The
Howell school also has'a light en
rollment, eight pupils being given
instruction- there.
ed with a banquet to he held Fri
day night. To the services Sun- ;
day morning, members ot the f
GAR, the old peoples' home, and ft -
similar organizations o elder!) f V
people . wiir be invited; aid a uto J
transportation furnished uponV. 1
Calling 210 6 J. At the bano net
Friday the young men of the
church will bring elderly women
friends, and ; the young womeu
will bring elderly men friends.
Week to He Observed
Members of the 1 Jason Iee
Methodist , church are planning to
observe "Harveat Home Week,"
November 8 to 14. Sunday morn
Ing there will be a special har
vest bQme service, at which Rev,
Thomas Acheson, pastor, will
speak n "An Enlarging Horiz
on." The week will be terminat-
Increase Your
Weight In Thirty
Ask J. C. Perry. Central Pharm
acy, D. J. Fry or any druggist for
a box of McCoy's Ced Liver Oil
Compound Tablets. They cost bu
. .
nine, are suar coated ana as
pleasant to take as candy. .
Skinny men and women tak
them to speedily put on plenty o
good healthy solid flesh and for
this purpose they aTe so extremely
good that thin men and women
often take on o pounds or more in
30 days. As a matter of fact, your
druggist is authorized to return
your money if you don't take ou 5
pounds in 30 days.
One thin woman gained 1"
pounds in six weeks.
Be sure and ask for McCoy's
the original and genuine Cod Liver
Oil Compound Tablets 60 tablet;
60 cents. Adv.
Nicest Laxative,
"Cascarets" 10 c
ifta the; week to brinr ' outsiders
into this city to make their pur I a devoted brute, why ask more
rim f vt : - i- -v '' I of .him 'than a brute; that evolu-.
An .advertieinr nroaram that I Hon is the theory and faith of in
wiU carrv the messaza to other fidelity always. There is too much
tftwn will tafce the, form of sne- desire in nature tor evolution to
cia) eighpage sections in both Sa
le m newspapers.
, Lester Schlosberg, chairman of
the committee, leaves Saturday. for
San Francisco and.. will., gather
ideas thera. A final report, will
be turned in at the meeting ot
' November It,
;The Ad clnb attendance is stead
ily increasing and, much more in
terest Is being UVen. J. King,
advertising , manager of the Ka-
foury Brothers store, gave an, in
teresting ' Ulk ,on truth .' in ad ver
tising,. Several . other membera
spdke. on various' phases of news
paper and commercisl ad work. 1
be true. There Is too much har
mony of parts In nature for evo
lution. Death, sterility, degener
acy, disease would make evolution
Impossible. - The division of blood
would make it Impossible to fix a
mutation or revert to a type.' To
Inject the blood from which man
Is said to havecome into . him,
would destroy man. : The affinity
Is not there. That 1 evolutionists
are at war among" themselves and
do not agreed; The fellow that
nuts God Into , his , evolution Is
laughed at by the naturalistic evo
lutionist. That evolution has been
forced upon us and we must fight.
If evolution Is i true, then ; the
Christian doctrine and the atone
ment isw unnecessary."
la the -course of his ' dfscoaslon
be declared 'there never was
I stone age as such;
cave man. as" such;
never was a
never was a
LONDON'. Profesaionst for-
enters in England are not planttng
many oak trees but the birds are
carrying acrons and in wastelands J cave bear as such "
the oak :i 5 beings perpetuated by
nlturA desDite the "decline In the
demand fov oak la commerce. Con4 WOULD RE-ROUTE ROAD
ffete hss displaced xjak for fence
f s-oftts and ia TOany parts of Eng
land sycamore - and' other aoft
woods are more' popular with
All those who have not yet had
the lights on their automobiles ad-
justed will find they can save!
money by having it done immedi
ately. This is the inference drawn
from the action of members of the
state traffic division: ; j
Yesterday two Salem men, J. Bj
Sullivan and G. B. Georgeson were)
fined $10 in justice court after
being arrested on a charge of driv
ing with ifnproper headlights
Both men declared they were not
driving tljeir own cars- . !
These were the. first cases of
the kind to come before the "Jus
Visitors at Champoeg -
W. M. Pennington. R. V. Hollen-
berg, Lena M. Pennington, Fran
ces Hollenberg and Arthur Hollen
berg registered at the park Sunday
from Salem. Hubbard neoDle reg
istering were C. M. Crittenden,
Helen Knight, Anna Knight, Ruby
Hylan of New York city, on in- Crittenden, C. Knight. W'oqdburn
sent! Adam Jacobs and Edward
McClure. Among other visitors
were John Ashpole and wife of
specting the train on its arrivel in
the east, declared the transport
to be the most ingenious contriv
ance he had. ever seen.
The Pullman car in particular
attracts attention. It has hot and
cold running water, is electrically
heated, lighted and ventilated and
has a complete radio equipment
for the entertainment of its pas
sengers. The locomotive possess
es hydraulic brakes, whistles,
bells and every other possible de
vice for making highway transpor
tation safe.
' Don't stay head
achy, dizzy, bilious,
constipated, sick 1
One or two pleas
ant candy- like
"Cascarets" taken
any time will mild
ly stimulate your
liver and start
your bowels. Then
you will both look
and feel clean, sweet and re
freshed. Your head will be clear,
stomach sweet, tongue pink and
your skin rosy.
Because "Cascarets" never gripe
or sicken, it has become the larg
est, selling laxative in the world.
Directions for men. women, chil
dren on each box any drugstore,
Umatilla farmers still have one-
half of their 4.750.00O bushel
wheat crop. '
A change In the routing of the
road from tho Union Hill . school
v Milton $17.00 fruit dryer house to Silver Creek Falls is
brought fruit growers $72,000 re. sought in a . petition filed in the
turns this year- ? - ' - - I county court oy sam aiameny, ' a
prominent strawberry grower of
rortland Mora ' than 3,000 Silver Creek Falls, and several
pure bred animals shown at tho others.- , "
ParKic Iaternatlonal Livestock ex- - Obtaining of a more moderate
poica", undej l-acre royf '" radgLla tha roaJ Is given by; the
Our line of Wool and Cotton Blankets is
most complete at prices that will fit your
, Esmond Robes ,
Fancy Indiaii Patternir.size
64x78, fast colors. Make
fine auto robes &A AH
Special 1 . . P.tD
Nausha Blankets
Fancy Plaid, sjze-6-4x76. A
well-made double blanket-i-
all colors Q JC
Special vOuD
Wc have the genuine Army Blanket in all weights and
sizes. -They are reclaimed and priced according; to
- ' Condition ,
A Real Blanket Value
Navy Style j
Navy style, gray wool blan
ket, 4 lbs. in - j j or
weight, good size P09
Sheet Blankets ;
White.Nausha Sheet Blank
et, size 72x99, ' QO
very best grade.... mD
. A Dependable Place to Trade -
189 North Commercial Street . , ,
. .. (Next door to Busick's)
Guaranteed (Quality Foodstuffs
Winter Furchasing of Foodstuffs
is made much easier when taking advantage of your phono and
our delivery service ! You can secure prompt daily service
without extra charge by railing 1371 and 1372. Our prices,
quality and service speak for themselves. Compare them care
fully as hundreds of other families have done. The result will
bo another satisfied customer. Early ordering will secure for
you better service and enable our salesmen and deliTcrymcn to
finish their day without overtime work as this is against our
policy. j
Apples; Flour
Spitzenberg' Apples enough It's a satisfaction to bake with
for all the highest grade hard wheat.
Mediant size,' per box , 40 lb. bag Cretan "
$139 Montana Best Hard Wheat
'' ':. ' , : $2.39
Celery ; -
Fancy large bunches Rolled QdtS
5C Xo. iO bag tVeam Oats
Grape Fruit . 49c ,-
3 Arizonas well ripened
- 25c Crackers
No. 5 box TruBlu
, Hams : None bctter
: Cascade Hams, per lb. 'r-. 49c
for these cold mornings !
30c ' .Corn Meal
. ' : -. . .' No. 10 bag new crop;
Crisco, - 39c
3 Jb. can Crlco and One
: Square Cake Tan -
79c Canned Goods;
- ' . ' . Values ' .
.Hot Cake Flour j With the purchase" of any can-
- ' No; lo bag FL-her'a . &.. corn. peas, beans or
. fruit, one can is given free.
0C rnrchase a liberal amount -
These are not Specials, but our Every Day Pricea v
; Phone Daily C.O.D Orders211 N. Com'1 St.
we were- IvKSSi
able to make a
purchase of
at a sacrifice, direct from he Manufacturer
la this assortment of GENUINE LEATHER IIAND BAGS
will be found every conceivable style that presentday-faski-ons
demand. A profusion of attractive designs in
patent leather, calfskin, cowhide, pigskin, embossed, etched
and tooled. ; Each bag is fitted' with individual pocket book
and mirror. These bags were made to retail at 5.00.
Our price for Saturday, ia $1.84.
: Come early and get the bag you want
Pomerqy ' & Keene
Wool Dress Goods Sale
We always make it
a ; point to choose
and of fer only
goods v that can be
depended upon to
give satisfaction to
ou r c u stom e r s.
Consider these two
points when plan
n i ng your purchases.
Lot 1 - 98c
This lot contains many good
patterns of all wool challles,
also 27 inch wool flanneUn
grey, navy and khaki; 36
inch wool batiste In plain
colors as navy, black, pink,
rose, baby blue and brown.
; Lot 2 - $1.79 yard
This lot contain wool material in 42 and 54 Inch widths,
navy tricotine. grey poiret twill, serge in green, copen, rose
and coco, wool crepe, basket crepe, black and white shep
herds' checks, also some plaid flannels.
- Good Assortment of Colors Other
Lots Not Advertised Are on Display
aW'JVS i
4S Stat Street
- - 8851 Alder Street s