-- " 1 - -- v THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 r'ket Plaee' lassif ied- Section al e in s Great Ma c i t 7 rOULTRY AXD EGGS 43 WWmV 'LEOHORX' PCLLETH ! FOR sale. Pbou l(xjF3. 45a7 100 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS. 5 mouth old. $ 1.2$ eh. CU J 365-J. 45n6tf MISCELLANEOUS SI iCKJirrcm cpholhterino: i and rMlrig. GioPawer ludtur 8tr. ;, ; . SltiO H. B, 8EAGROVS FURNACE AX1 itHl Btul ho taatadil 681 'Mil . at. ;.r; . - - tie 8ULEM rUEL AND TRANSFER CO, ... - 752 Trad St. ! . Weed. CeL Briquet aad Transfer Pricae right, lit" ice lk boot. BhEV Tall tkcui, It aad 6i. Right peone 106 ...... nian LOST AXD POUND ! 53 l-OHT BOSTON i TKKRIER Dr. Fred Ellis. Sales. BULLDOO. 33otf LOST -BET WE EX ,MT. ANGEL AXD . gilverton. a 326" tire and rim. Call Eaataaaa Bros.. Silvertoa or Bonesteele Motor Co., Sslem. 53n8 TERSOXAL 65 t ' HIZI TREATMENT r FOR APPENDICITIS i "It la-Wonderful.' ' .. Fre inform Hoi -Addreee Bias Co- Pertland, Oregon S.tal 193 MOXEV TO LOAX 57 MONET TO LOAN 3H. t. L. WOOD, 841 Stat. S7o21U CITY BCILDINO AND RESIDENCE loan repayable like rent. Prompt err . ice.- . - -"i ; -- A. C. B0HRN6TEDT Realtor, Loans and Insurance 147 Xo. Commercial St, Salem.. Ore. : 7a6tf CITY AND PARK LOANS Long time, low rate interest, easy payment. Iaveatigat oar loaa plan. , PERR1NE MARSTERS. J12 Commercial Club Bldg. - - 57o28tl ABUNDANCE OP PCNDg TO LOAX OH . rmproTod Willamette- valley farm al low rate and on long time. , A. C BOHRSSTEDT, Realtor Leans and Insaraace 147 K. Com 1. BU Salem, Ore. 67o25tl REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 TE8I QUICt I Srtiea. Alone- always. 204 Oregoi bld(. Phone 141. - :S7o2t THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE N8URAKCE Comaaay will make immediate loans oc Urau in Omvoa. Reasonable interest. - no eoet exeeot small appraisal tee. Ii iateraated writ immediateir to I. 0 . Cnanlagbam. 409 N. W. Bank Bldfv Portiaadh orefoa. uome uinee nop raaeutatiTe here all next week. 67alltf MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY RESI denrea. repayable like rent.: Funds available for residence building loans. A. C. ROHRNSTEDT. Realtor . Loans and-lasoraaee i 14T K. Com' I. St.. Bslem. Ore.' 57o9Stf WAXTED Loans 50 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN n good reel estate security. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 078 State Street. 89o3ttf BUSLXESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 STORE CORNER LOT 11000, PAVING P"L BECKE ft HENDRICKS . 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 61-a4tf APARTMENT HOU8E, ALL FURNISHED - Close in, large lotr everything filled. $19,500. - Apt., hoaae, vtry close; in, (15.000. ' aalaeaa lorrHtm-$t0,00O. ' New store bldg. ecross from high school ' for lease or eale. ' ! REAL ESTATE BROKER ! 54 Ore. Bldr. ' 1o3Itf REAL ESTATE 63 Own Your Home Ss- POR- SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE, 2173 State atroet; with garage: i acre ground. Wet-th $3300. take it at $2450. Part cash, rest terms. See owner, A. White Home Realty Co- 169 8. High - 7 . 63n8 CLOSE IN INCOME PROPERTY, $4900 Close in ctere building, $7000. t Ant. house, large lot. $16,500. v Grocery store, everything there; money I in the till, $5400. : Close in 6-room house, east front, base- meni. furnace. - doable nrage, i $4500. - Uertrnde J. M. Pace. : 63n6tf r.T RfTYS ft EXCHANGES 6-room plastered, modem, close , in, . ai&a dawn, balance monthly. ' ft-room plastered ww bungalow, south riatem, $500 cash, balance terms. $830 buys grocery stock in good loca tion la Salem, lease oa building. : $2200 boys grocery atoefc and f ixtnrea in good location ia Salem, good lease. $456 mortgage to exchange or vacant . lot. 415 sere well improved Polk county nwk tA ezchanae for Canadian land. 44-acre well - improved bottom ranch, all stock and equipment to exchange for Kansas or Nebraska land. ROCOLOFSKY. 141 State i 63a5tf TRULY A GREAT BUY IX A NEW luuu of rooms newlr and beautifully ' furnished.'. Owner going east. East f root, ifireplaee, furnace, garage," pave : neat IG6OO. Gertrude J. ii. Pace. ' 1 1 VfiB. RALE SMALL HOUSE. EAST front let. $850. Good east front lot North Salem, with garage, $550J Four room bungalow, sorts aaiera, on. Six-room bungalow East Salem, $8500. ; P. L. WOOD, 341 SUte St. ' ",' ' . ; ' J I ta3tf PINE 10-ACRE BEARING ORANGE orange trove i a Calif.; good location: price. $12,000: - exchange for Salem property or acreage. ' 4-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE, S Salem- $1,500, eay term. KICE MODERN -ROOM BUNGALOW; basement, farsace.: garage, 2 fine lot; $3,000, $300 dowa. 6 - ACRES. 8CBURBAN, C1.0SE IN, paved road; sacrifice. $2,250. terms. 2 GOOD SUBURBAN HOMES FOR rewdene property la Salem. . PERRIXE ft MARSTERS 213 'Commercial Club Bldg. , 63nltf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider :' V Realtors j Specialise In Oregoa farm Salem 1 home d writ Inaurance. , 147 No. i Commercial Street. Phon 877. 63a3tf WOULDN'T YOC LIKE TO LIVE ON A i greea knoll Just beaide the great Pa : eilie highway ia a beautiful, modern ; ham and hav a couple of cre to ' grate oa where you caa keep an eye aa the youngsters if nyt Well, you r en trde you Salem house for It ; the ' wa have a 6-room house that only needs ta be sent to the cleaner to b abont a good a new and 8 lota worth $2500 to trade for a mll house. - From the paper it eem th country is going Uh cold aad "wef sad w hy a ' daady modern 7 -room hoas fr $4750 with a rata coat aad "woolea ander- - wear" and yoa caa buy It aa term; 10 mighty fia br aere aer the ; Kelrer tehool worth $2000 aad clear - t as part payment on a Salea modem J hM?GnHRIST ft PrSNTXQTOX A .mi n a D..b niJe -Phon 140 t . ". - VttBVH REAL ESTATE WANTKD SALEM PROPERTY TO EX--cnauge (or Pert 1 ad. 7-ROOM, CORNER EAST FROXT. flr place, gat. larg hrtaf-rom, garage, furnace; $7,000, 5-ROOM. CORNER NORTH FRONT, fire place, hardwood floor, modern through- 1 ant. I block from ear; 95,800. 5 ROOM, SOUTH HIGH, sua room, fire place, boilt-in, furnace, east frost ga rage; $5,500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 216 Oregon Bldg. 63altf PINE SMALL FARM 1 H tntUn north of Salem, all In small fralt. i room hoaae. t barns, 2 good wells, bog-hoae, rfcickea-hoase, oa good road, . place U in first-class con dition, will take Salem property. This is priced right at ktiou.OO. Small payment down. Terms. NEW FITE-ttOOM HOUSE Will be finished aoon, large living room with fireplace,- full basement, many bttilt-ius. Price $3756. Terms. ' -- - - PIXE BIO LOT On Coi-ner, -paTtng paid,6Sxl30. Price lOOO. Terms. - POUR ROOU HOUSE And breakfast-nook, paring paid. Hir;h laad e batemeat, furnace, many built-ins. A nice cozy home. Price auaoO. Small pavment and easy terms. - 7-ROOlt HOUSE Close in, full basement, and furnace, fireplace, garage with wash-rack, gaa range and also wood range, both go with place. Price 4750 for quick cash sale. 5 ROOM HOUSE Well located near 8. P. Depot. inood condition, has garage and in priced to produce prompt sale. Price in cludes wood range. Price $1600. Terms, C. M. ROBERTS. 147 X. Commercial, . Phone 217 63n7 GOOD 6.ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. Basement, furnace, doable garage, 4500. 1300 down. Famished and unfurnished houses for rent. BROWN AND JOHNSON 109 S. Com'l. 63a9 1100 DOWN 4 SMALL ROOMS. CLEAN plastered cottage. Immediate posseaa- i. x-iace ior car, excellent garden Payments like rent. iloTe in. BECKE ft HENDRICKS .189 N. High Ueilig Bldf. 3-n4tf CHEAP LOTS TWO FOR $450. SEWER in, ttgnta, pnone end water in atreet. Oood east front facing near car and aenoois: Uood garden. ' BECKE A HENDRICKS 199 North High He!ig Bldg. 63-n4tf 18000 RANCH OP 158 ACRES 10 MILES from 8a km on good road, 90 to 100 acres in cultivation, seme timber and pasture, running water, spring water at bouse and barn, fair hoaae and barn. This land is rollinc and first rlaaa farm land. Best ranch In valley 'for wie money, uooa terms on this. BEX V. WEST, 370 V4 State St 63n0tf FURNISHED HOUSE 93400. ON PAV mg with garage. Close to schools and car.- Term),. Come and get it. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 63-n4tf WHT NOT BUILD! Get whet yea want. Her is aa op portunity to stop paying rent and own your own home. One aere tracts, trees, just tea minutes' drive out of Salem on Highway. Per detaila see, . REAL ESTATE BROKER 204 Oregon Building Phoa 141 or 52P11. y y 63o28tf APARTMENT HOUSE CORNER NEAR Capitol. $7500, Two paying paid, ex tra large lot. Building now on will carry at 5 per cent net. This property wijl be worth more. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 63-n4tf FOR "SALE 10 ACRES ON PAVED highway, 1 miles 4rotn city limits. Newly painted 4-room house and baru. Prune orchard, strawberries and other berries. Worth $6500. take it at $4750. Part cash, rest terms. See White. Home Realty Co., J09 S. nigh. 3n6 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P PP PPPPPPPPPPPP P P 2200 2200 T P P P EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE P P P P ' HEADQUARTER? P P P P Office Salem and Portland P P P P The demand for exchange P P P P ha made . necessary oar P P P P GREAT MARKET PLACE P P P P where the requirements of all P P P P can be matched, v . W have P P P P just what yea bar la mind; P P f f just wnere you went it: lust f Y P P the right price. Our list of P P P P exchange (the largest list- P P P P ing on the Pacific Coast) P P P P guarantee yeur complete sat- P P P P iafaetioa regardless of your P P P P. requirements. If yea would P P P P like to exchange your pro- P P P P nertv TODAY, coma ia TO- P P P P TODAY, See - P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg. P P P P. Com'l at Stat. Phoa 9243 P P PPP PPP.PP PP P P P PP PPP P P P P P P P P P P PP FOR SALE A bEVEN ROOM MODERN home. Excellent location. . 14 block from SUte boos add Vt hlock from Pacific highway. Lot 65x185. Ad dress owaer. 1051. Caemaket street, Salem. Oregoa. C8al6ti BEST BUYS IX HOMES Stat St. bungalow, strictly modem largo lot, fruit aad shade tree, alley garage, small house in rear of lot rent for $18 per mo. - Price $7500 with terms. Large comer lot 60x150 feet. Both atreet paved; 8-reom house, caa build another house oa '4 of lot: this prop erty ia well located in South Salem and priced to sell. WJloO vim 1-3 cash. Airplane - bungalow, just being com pleted : S rooms strictly modem, g' rage' and paved St. Price only $3400 with 1-3 cash. 8-room bouse in good condition close in. lota 75x130 ft. alley and paved St. Price $4200, $500 cash. Bal. f 40 per B-O. Old bouse. fine large lot 113x132 ft. Shipping - St. close t-' Capitol St, paved, for $2000. cash. 4-room house inat -built, basement, ia North Salem, $1250 H eaeji. $800 contract to aell, will discount it $100 af' investment. . To buy your heme, see ' " CHILDS ft BECHTEL. 540 Stste St. - r 3ntf MINUTE MOVIES LUnBER LAND Love Ario hatex VMS LATER: f SACK FOR-. , RENTER W AiJOODS - OF HS LOVE , 63 EXTRA L PAVED HIGHWAY beroad south city limits; two-thirda aere (148x'JuO feet); 6-rooa new plastered bea&e; aulomatie electrie pressure water, hot and sold; bath, toilet; garage, woodshed. Taunt fruit and ante, 9-tOOO, easy tenni, or will exchange for home closer in. . MEAT LITTLE 5-ROOM COTTAOE. "-f1 practically newr well located on North Summer street, bath, garage, etc . Lot 6i en Summer by 'i on Jef feraoa, only $28uo. Easy terms. . I LOTS 1 ft 2, BLOCK 6. awwaw . aaai: . j;v;4 the ether Way making two excellent lota facing north on D, each (SkST, corner loth street." . Corner i0; other $70. , I A RI?H 20 ACRES IN FAMOUS 1 acre en higher grouad well suited for home building; 6 V acres cream of Lake Labiab land; good adjoining soil and Mat timber; new bouse aafin iahed bet liTable. aUe old house. Host famona onion land ia the world: aee the wonderful crop now growing. This property It oifered at a very lew fig' are for a short time.-. The foregoing are splendid valuea and in order to secure the best service two thirda eomraiaaion will be paid to any licensed broker- making sale. HARH18 Masonic Temple Phone 793. 1942 T. G3n6 LOOK Must -be sold this week, 3-room houae large lot, price cut to $1600. Will take aa part payment, light car or va cant lot. 2 Mi aerea new house, baru and chicken house, close in, a bargain for $1900, terms. We have 2 houses and some cash will trade foi- a small farm near Salem. TUOMASOX. 331: State Street. 63n6U READ THIS ONE 8ALEM HOME. 1 plastered roomt. fireplace, basement. bath, good condition, six large lota. ail la bearing fruit, kerne and large grape arbor, nice shadod lawn, ever green and walnut trees, poultry house, garage, barn, between junior hign and grammar schools, few blocks to street car. All for $3800. Easy terms, 849 Rural aveaae, W. O. Conner, Statesman Office, owner. 316tf SOME COUPLE WITH CASH Some couple with $C00 Here's new bungalow, three rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, etc. Wired for electric raaee. On large, view lot south, with trees. Price $3600 complete. Terms $CC0 down, balance EXACTLY like rent. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 63 n4tf ACRE AXD 5 ROOM HOUSE IN Wood burn, $1000 will take Portland or Salem lot up to half. Time on balance; 1 -want a 5-acre suburban with fair buildings, between 3 and 4 thousand half cash. Come in soon if you have it. Have several cood farms where owners will consider a small acreage or Salem property and assume. Two good lots for 25 below the mar ket value. Must sell. Real snaps. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. 63n5tf FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM ' HOUSE with cement basement." East Salem, paved street, or trsde for smaller boose. Phone 794. Owner. 63n7 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 TRADE GOOD DO DOE SEDAN FOR 63a clear lot. Call at 1645 Mill. IP YOU HAVE A TOWN HOUSE OR A small suburban acreage and little house or a smaller farm to trade for a 100 acre good farm close to Salem, by al) meant tee ma early this -week. I can put np a good square deal. Wm. Flem ing. Realtor. 341 Slate St. 65o25tf REAL ESTATE Farma 67 20 ACRES BEST LAND $4300 SMALL house. 7 acres ia bearing fruit. BECKE ft HEXDRICK8 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 67-n4tf 40 ACRES. 12 mile from Salem. 25 seres in cultivation, 15 acres good timber; small house and barn, spring water, some good bottom land; for $2,500. See Ben F. West, 370 A Stste St. taltf HIGH CLASS TRACT 15 ACRES AT $6500. Oood buildings. 8 acre in fruit and berries. Clone to Salem. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High Heilig Bldg. 67 n4tf 45-ACEE FARM 2 MILES TvATN. 5- roota house, barn, silo, real dairy or poultry ranch, only $3,750,. your terms. sa-aere dairy or poultry ranch lot proved, $2,500, terms or - city prop arty.- Baiem residence toe close in ranch, or anywhere. Clear Washing tea land for eiiity-ia valley farm, BARBER. 200 Gray Bldg. 67ol5tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 CHICKEN RANCH DIRT CHEAP1.82 acres, $3200, terms. Fair building cloe to Salem. Immediate posekion. BfcCKrJ JlKMlKiCKS ' 189 North High Heilig Bldr, C9-n4tf A UTOMOlULEif WAXTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. We pay sash for Ford. 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX We must make room for new shin- meat of Hudson and Essex. We are offering the following cars at reduced price: 1924 Ford Coupe, extra good . .1923 Ford Coupe, aice shape. 1923 Ford Coupe, runs fine - 1931 Ford touring, a snap Tjuy 1920 Ford touring, cone in aad tee it. 1923 Dodge rosdster. a good buy. 1921 Hudson Speedster, a fine car. A few more good ears. Come down aad aee them. Price right. Cash or term. - .- FRED k. POWELL MOTOR CARS i 350 X. High-TeL 2126 - PACKARD - HUDSON ESSEX 79-n4tf . - DAy LUP7SER. CAMP BOSS , TAKE'S THE KNIFE. AWAV Ff?t WS 3EALOUS INWAJi REAL ESTATE AnirKlLAiri Y.iXTRcrwy dcar..jillJ JkS? Vt?U WARRy v USED CARS FOR SALE 79 8PF.CIAL 6 8TUDEBAKER. TOURIXO car, repaint, good order, tor sale caeap, ox will trade for lot. Phone 720. V 79nl2 Next Year's Prices Now Automobile Sale Prices Cut 25 to 50 Used Car Lot West of Fire Station We are selling a cumber ' of cars at a saorifire rather than to carry them over the wintr-r. 7u3:f ElKEH'S USED CARS 1924 Touring $344 1924 Conpe $435 Oar usual guarantee aohtnd all ears. Ford Sedea $26 EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Perry. Phone 121. 79jl8tf Look Look 1923 Chevrolet Tourins in fine condition for . $58.1 19U3 Ford Coupe, almost a 1934 model, rebuilt, new battery and generator $300 Certified Public Motor Car Market W Block X. of Post Office ' : 79n3tf 1922 LATE MODEL BUICK FOR SALE by owner. First class condition. Joseph Graber, Jr., 141 S. Liberty. 79nll Two non-starter toor Ford with license. $45 nd $33. Too much terv ie ta these car to wrack. Both la good running condition. BIKER AUTO CO. Phono 121 T93Itf WHY OUR USED FORDS SELL Sold under Ford Motor Co. "Guaranteed" Used Car Flan Complete Line of Choose From PRICED RIGHT Liberal Payment Plan Home of SATISFIED Ford Customers VALLEY MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealer Phone 1995, Salem, Oregon 260 North High 79-B4U GOOD USED PARTS FOX HALF OR lc Why pay more f Money hack guarantee. bchaeiar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the oraag front. Day phoa 819. Might phoa 608. 1085 N. Commercial fit. "Bull to save BBOBty." . 79J13tf "Pettyjohn's Fall Clearance Sale of Qood Used Cars" One of the largest end best selection of good used: car ia t valley. Both pea and closed models to choose from If la the market for' a cr "You" can't afford not t look these over. We are going to sell them so come ia and pick out your. Most all lata modal. COUPES 1924 Ford Coupe. 1924 Chevrolet Coup. '1924 Star Coupe. 1924 Oldamobil Conpe. SEDANS 1924 Overland Sedaa. 1924 Old-mobile Sedan. 1924 Gsrdner Sedan, TOURINGS 1923 Chevrolet Touring. 19.'3 Star Touring. 1924 Overland Touring. 1920 Velio- Touring. SPORT TOURINGS ' 1924 Stephen Sport Touring. 1925 Oldamobib Sport Touring. Earl Sport Touring. 1924 Overland Blue Bird Touring-. Eaay terma. And a small deposit willJ hold any car that you my eelect. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 K. Commercial St. . Phena 12S0 6354tf (All pfshU protected by The OtwrgQ fUthemu Adama ricVAiK cui "tpot dui-n- I now I MbRrzy End PIERRE, WANDER" IS& BACK TO CAMP, ' 5EES ah ; gvst - lll J I , sW- . B gv--- . . Bw y . 1 I 1 Sfl 1 . flffl : - A.'" W aaatr. vv v m $P . . C M tBW l - 'AA R. m - . I-.'" ft I 1 1' CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business I AKBTJLAXCS GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES o and EHg-R. liar or eight service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS P. K. WOODRT Salem't Leading Expert laves took. Fur aitare aud Real Estate AacUoueer and Appraiser. i Kt-. and Store, 1610 N. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Datea Established Silica 1916 . j o6tf WOODRY ft WOODRY Expert Liveatoek. Purnitore, Real la tate. aed Merchandise Auctioneers. 16 years' ' axperieaee. Satietaetien Owar aasaad. Office tlx N. Coan't. Tel. 75. Rea. 9 8. Commercial, Tel. 1843-W for tale detea. ACCOUNTANT O ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And itor, $31 H Bute Phone 3008 R. elT ' AD DIN O MACHINES ADDINO MACHINES FOR SALK OR rent. See Lockwood. 347 N. Commer cial. Phono 866. n7 BATTERY AMD SLEOT JUCLaVN 8 R. D. BARTON EXIDK BATTKKIEP starter aad gaaaratar work; 171 South Commercial Phone 198 COURT ST BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEX COLUMBIA Bi cycle and repairing, 387 Court. BRASS RB LIKING MIKE PAN EK 273 SOUTH COMMER- eisl St. Phone 102, 18tf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Hh any known djaeas. 420-426 fitat. -BUTI CHIBOPRA0TOB DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone K or 87. H. B. SCO FIELD PALMER) CHIROPRAC- tor. 826 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording. "Uressmahung;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Buain Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. tamping, buttons, noon 10, over hul lr's Store. Phone 117. 'DRAJstATIO EXPRESSION' ' THE SPEECH -CRAFT SHOP A 8TU- dio of Dramatic Expression, Perry Prescott Keigeiman, o. O.. Jjirector Voice building. - Impersonations. Cosch in. Studio 940 Mill St. Phone 487-J. N4 ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC build iag. Phoa 1200. ELECT HJ0 FIXTURE8 AND SUPPLY Co- Phone 1984. 22. N. Liberty. FLEENE.H ELECTRIC CO. - HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, letimate, fnmished. Phon 9H0 T1 Cone 81 PARK PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aeud 15c to th Pec if Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a thre. month trial lubasriuiioa. Mention thia ad. POULTRY M EN BEND EIGHT TWO eeat item .'or spcms! three month trial for the best and oldest journal ia the west. ' The articles aad advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeder of th Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com Tocrctat eireet. Salem, Oregom rarAHCIAX FOR SALE FIR8T AXD SECOND Mort gage. Trust Deed, Con tracts en houses WU1 net 6 to 80. BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldr.. 189 N High St. ' : ' '. 1 : -Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on good farm security. . CITY LOANS We - are leaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on ait-y 'resideaeee and basis property. at 5H. alu a commission. Hawkins ft Roberta. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building d-14'f Farm Loans f AVDFRSON A RUPERT -- 4 Oregon Btlilding FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS Select dab lias Mle in; bloom. Ben nett Nnrserr Co. Fairground Rosd TU 128C. sl5. '26 CUT flOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths. : decoration. C. Braithaupt, florist, 128 N. Liberty Phone 300. INSTJRANCB Insure Tear horn er ear aow Phoa 161 BECKE A HEHDRICK8 HeiTI Bide.. 1 N. High 8t. t-tf LATJITDRIIS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 8. High atreet. Phone 23, oldeet, larg st aad beat. Established 1889. . TRT TTTte ROTaTB WIT WASH LATIN .dry.. Phoa 1T1. 1358 B -Street. J17t CAPITAL CITY' LAUNDRY Phoa 165 Service with smile. Quality work. ?64 Bmadwnv 4erricv--Trade llark Rei8tetd U. H0 NO , PIER.RE , VCM CWiUiFO JOE WILLIAMS n 7- KEE.TA SHE HO LET VOJ -" . muskeeta HATE yov BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference LADIES TAILORINQ D. H. MOSHER l All.OR FOR MEN aad women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTKESSS RENOVATED BY THR Capitol City Bedding Co- 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. AH work guaranteed. Phone 19 f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM UOOQfl RKMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOXO graphs tewing mar hi sea. theM music aad piano atudlea. Ilepsirlg phone graphs and sewing machiaea. 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brur.awiik. U. U Stiff Far niture Co.. Mnsic Dept KEW8PAPES8 THE . PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEh Agency The Aee. Tel. 989. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENT- per month delivered to your horn earl) each morning. . TeL S3 or (83. VTTRSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 178 8. Commercial. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GEORGE R. VEHRS. M. D. Physician and Suregoa. Disease of women, obstetric, (ureery. 411-412 U. S. Bank Bldg., Salem. Office tele nhone 613: residence telephone 775 o!3tf PACKING AND SHIPPING VGR EXPERT FURSR1TURK PACKING and ahlDumg. call Stiff a rurmturr Store. Pboae 941 PAPEEHANGIN0 AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will Jtuue Store PRINTING FOR STATIONARY. CARDS. PAMPH let, program, book or ay kind of Minting. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial. TeL 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bro. 141 Liberty Bt Phone 550. M9tf RADIO SPLIT DORP RADIO. 8ALES AND SERVICE No hotter radio mad at any prle aoecvw C Ae QUALITY CARS High aad Trad RADIO DOCTORS ' 8ALEM FtKCTRIC CO. F.- 8. BARTON. Proprietor Maaoaie Tempi Pboae 1900 Radiolas For Every Purpos Every Par All Standard Sise of Radio Tube HALIK ft EOFP ELECTRIC SHOP ' 337 Court St. Phone 488 PEAL ESTATE IP YOU HAVE -PROPERTY TO SELL or if you' ar looking for a bom, farm ' or business oropertyt see us. BECKE ft HEXDRiCK9 TJ. 8. National Bank Building. J8tf XEPAtRZRO ALVIN B. STEWART 347 Cine St. UMBRELLAS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lawamower. rasor blada. acissor, knives and tootr sharpened SCAVENGERS FOR OOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Call 16. Sa!fcni Scavenger, Cummins nd Trctter. n-3tf K1US SCAVKNHf.H 8ERV1CE ttarbag nd refuse af all kind removed by the month. Raabl rate. Ceaa pool cleaned aad dead animal removed. Phone Off ie 85 or 979. Be. 2058. SECOND HARD GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH iug aad shoes. Best prices pid. Cap ital Exchange, 342 North CommereUl. Phoa 1386-W. 1 8TOVE8 AND STOVR REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year' experience. Depot, National fence, is 26 to 68 in., high. Paiata. ail aad vmishs, ate, lognbrry aad hop hook. 8lem Frae aad Stay Work. 250 Court street Phone 124. TRASaTER AND. HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL lriit Pkwit itn 8. FUent Of flee) A1EVA1R. WE HE AN RAIN CF SPKIMG mow :: jr0 REAL ESTATE 147 N. Com. St. I'hone 217 HA- MUSKEETA SHE RIGHT - I NO t30T CHANCE WIX ZAT OTHER FEUErvHtfRE MEBBE PIER2r HE OF 1' TRANSFER AXD HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods r Our apoemlty is plea aad furniture moving. We a,lao make eeaa try trips. We beadle 'ie heat coal aad wood. Call oa aa for price. We give g-d measure., good quality end good service. Laxntur Tranafer Co. Phone 980 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 SUte St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding aad atorag ear specialty Get M' eete a - TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS. FOR SALE OR RENT. student a rates. - Call at Loekweod'a. 347 H. CoouaercUl Street. Phone 8i a7 WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO Office 304 South Commerce! 8t. Tea per rent discount oa domesti flat rate paid In advaac. No deduction for absence or any ease ante water la shut off your premieee. PARKER STAGE J.IS'18 ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES in the Salem to MeMlnnviiU Time Schedule Effective Sept. 15, .1923. AM. Salem, Lv 8 :30 MrMiaarllle. Ar 9:45 McMinnville, Lv... 9:45 New berg, Ar .10:25 PM. PM. 2:10 3:15 8:J3 6:38 :45 7:45 4:25 8:25 PM. PM. 1:15 8:15 1:53 6:55 2:40 6:4j 3:55 $:00 . ' AM. Newberg. TjV McM-innvtlle. Ar. . McMinuvtlle, Lv. 7:20 Salea ... ; 8:45 changes in the salem Dallas schedule Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9. 11:25 a. re.. 2:lv, i:IS p. m. - leaving Dsllss far Salem: 8, t:50 . a. m.. L 3:10, 6:13 p. n. , Call 696 for further information. Xotice of Intention to Improvf - Cross Street From Cburch Strwt to Twelfth Street. Notice lg hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove, Cross Street from the east line of Church Street to the west line of Twelfth Stieet. in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, excepting the street iatersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing - said portion of said street to the es tablished grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch cement concrete pavement thirty-feet wide In accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates therefor, which were adopt ed by the Common Council Octo ber 19th, 1925, now on rile in the ofilce of the. City - Recorder and which said jplans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and made a. part of thi notice The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make ..the above described lm provement by and through the 8treet ' Improvement Department of the City of Salem. ; Wrltteq. remonstrance may be filed with the City Recorder ol said City against the above pro posed improvement Within ten days from date of final publics tion hereof. , ;By order of the Common Coun cil, October 19th, 1925. -' 31. P0ULSEK, City Recorder, Date of first publication hereof is.Koyember 5, 1925. Date-of final publication here of will be November 17, 1925. SALEM MARKETS GRAJJf . 1 whet,."white No. 1 red, tacked .;....-. Wliiti oU . Gray oats . Barley. $1.38 . 1.34 - .40 - .42 . .80 PORK, KTJTTOK AED BEET . Top hog . i t... 124 013 Sow. ,m ,.:- ,,v 494 j-resaea hog . . .1$ Top steers- ... .0.r.06 Cows .. ..., 2.505.00 Bull 3t?34 -Spring lambs, 80 lbs. and uadr .12H ; Heavier :.. 10I0H uressed vesi . .... ... .1$ POTJXTRT Light hens . J Heavy hen Old rooster ..,..1.. ...... Broiler .". 1531$ 2CfT22 .6 8 -I-- .22 EGGS, BUTTER AJTD BUTTERFAT Btitterfat ,... r;:.... . . .5$ Creamery butter ' - . , , , 67-'' Eggs .85 Sndard 4. .44 8eleca ; , -. . - , ., .47 ' Milk, aer.ewt. 4 $.44 Southern Pacific 1926 advertis ing' will scarry especial emphaaU on Oregon advantages. . By ED WHEELAN CjIFIL NJHllE BUT - FIND WAV OTHER FELLER, 1iXt NOTICE OP SALE OP OOTEimiTXT - TIMBER' GERERAX LAHO OPPtCX ' Washington, D. O, fteptaaaJber S3, 1928. Notir. is hereby give that eubject to) the cood it ion and limiutnihs of th acta af Jane 9. 1916 39 Stat., 216). aad Jane 4. 1920 4t Stat 156), aad Mrauaat to departmental reculatioaa at April 14. 19-S4. 3o L. It. 378), the tlia hxr the following landa will bo sold November 16, 1923, at 10 . m, t puh lie aurlioa t the IT. (L land office t Portland. Oreroa. t the hlrheat bidder at not lea than the appaised value a show by thia not ir. sale to be aubjeet to th approval of the Secretary -ef the Inter ior. Th purchase price, with aa addi tional turn of oae fifth of aa per cent thereof, being eommisaiona allowed, winat l.e depaaiied at time af aale, - moaay la he returned if sal is not apnrvved. v otherwise patent will lasae for th tiuv iter, whirh must be removed withia tea year. Hide will h received from cltl tn of th United State, aataeiationa of sarh ei'iseat, and corporations ergaals- nader thm law ef th I nited State. . or any State. UiTitory, or dltrict there of only. ,, Upon application t a Quautiea ourcaaaer, ike timber on aay legal aubdi etton wilt he offered aerertely baf.ro ine'uded ia any of lor of a large unit. T. ! X, R. I W, Sec, B, frarttoaal K4 SE4 fir w timber 1600 M4 -edae saw timber 50 Ja, eedar log tuu. NWi NKU fir aaw timber 3300 M- eedar log 150. none of the timber aa thia seetina to ' be old for lea thaa 2.oo ner M, tor th fir ad eedar aaw timber nd 31.00 each for th eeoar Mrs. T. 7 i m t hivii vriz ag fir 2150 Mi dew fir 30 M aoae af -He thaber on this sertioa to be sold tor lea than 2.0U per M.. tor the Maading r and tl.oo per at. for ta aowa nr. r, 4 8 , R. 3 -14., e, SI. KWS r. ir 35 V- T. t T R.-8 W See, lu NWV1 fir 680 M, edar 45 M SW4 SWi fir 640 M. rr 30 M. nona if th timber o the sections to a acta 'or lee tha $2 00 per M. T. $ N . R. 8 W., Sc, 91.. N K4 rir izao wdar 75 M, NWA nw4 fir 107S it. edar 25 M., nose of th Umber aa thia taction to. b bold for ! thaa m.Z9 9tt a. Tnoa. c havell. net fl-nd-lne. - Acting Commlaaiooe. WARTIME WAGE APPROVED CmCAQO. Nov. 4- AP.) r Proposals centering on restoration of wartime wage levels were ap proved late today by the western, joint association of glneral chair men of the brotherhood of railroad; trainmen and the Order ot Rail way Conductors. Notice of Intention to improve Hood Street From Capitol Street to 8. P. Right of Way Notice is "hereby given that the Common Council of the City ot Sa'.em, deems it necessary and ex. pedient and hereby declares Us. purpose and intention to improve Hood Street from the east line of Capitol Street to the west line of the Southern Pacific Company's railroad right of way, in the City ot Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense ot the abutting and adjacent property, excepting tha street and alley intersections, th expense ot which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the. established grade, constructing c ment concrete curbs and . pavin said portion ot said atreet with a. six inch cement concrete pavement , thirty; feet wide ia accordance, wit. : the plans, specifications-and esti' mate therefor, which were adopt-" ed by theiCommon Council Octo ber 1 9 th, 1 925 - now on file in h.- ofrice of the City Recorder and which- said plans, specifications and estimates are. hereby referred to and made a part of thfcs notice. The Common Coupcil hereby de clares its purpose and intentiori to make."' the" above described ' im proremerit bj andi thrrugh th Street " Improvement Department) of the City of Ralem... ' r ; .Written remonstrance may b' filed with the City Recorder . ol said City against the above pro posed improvement within ten days from the date of final pub lication hereof ; By order of the Common Conn-. ;fl this 19th day of. October, 1925.' M. POULSEN, City Recorder. ' ' Tjate ot first publication hereof U'Kevembef.S. 192. 5 K. ' Date of final publication hereof will be November 17, 1925.. - Notice of Intention to" Improve - Cottage, street , . From' Croae -Street to Wilbur Strm -;, ; Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the , city of Salem, Oregon, deems, it necesaarjr ind expedient and hereby declares H$ purpose and intention to Im prove ? Cottage." Street from the jouth line of Cross Street to the north line of Wilbur Street, in the CJity of Salem, : Marlon County. Oregon, at ' th expense of the lbutting and adjacent property jxcepting the street intersections, Je expense of which will be as- r iume.d by the City iof Salem,' by Bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing eement concrete 'curb tnd paving said portkm of said ttreet'with a six inch cement con :rte pavement twenty-foqr feet de in. accordance with . the jlans, specifications and estimates' ' '.herefor,"fwbich were adbpted by .he Common Council October 19th!,'.. 1925. now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, ; - specifications and estf- -mates Rre hereby referred to and . made; a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make i. the - above described Im provement by . and through ' the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. ' ' -Written, remonstrance rflaw be filed with the City - Recorder- 0 f said City against thr a.l)6ve :pro. posed- improvement. -Nrithin; tea " layi from date ot flnarpublicaUon " hereoL; '. , ,.- - - By drder of the "Commtm Coun cil.. October 19thri25. -U. POULSEN. atritecorder Pate of first publicaUon hereor ia November 9; 192$. ' v mar!f v flBI utllcaca terect will be. November 17, 1925,