IFRIDAY: MORNU'NOVEMBER G,. 1925 ft i , t i tiX I. c u K a el : ek fe V I m n : m C.T St 5 rhe Oregon Xaised Daily Except Monday lyo r THE StATESMAS PTTBLMHHIQ COMP13TT 215 South Commercial St., 8alem, Oregon R. Ji Hendricks -- - - Vanarev . Frd J. Tooxa - aCanarinf-Kditor j ... O.K. Logan - - City Editor "Lelia J. 8mlth -.. Telegraph Editor I , ..Andred Bunch Society Editor : ) ' -V. XZMBSX Or,IHB ASSOCIATED PRESS ; ' ij jTbi Associated Jwr i exchrsJTeJy eatitltd to tna for niibllrttio of all - iUpatcnea credited to it or Mt otbenriie credited is this paper and alto tho tocai aewt publuhad herein. .. ... :.- , . BUSINESS OFFICES! - Albert Byer. 335 Worcester Bldj, Portland, Ore. , Thomas F. Clark CoM New York, 128-136 W. Slit St.; Chfcaso, Vsii.-tte' Bid?.: Doty Payne. Sharon Bide, San Francisco, Calif.; Higgins Bldg., Loo Angelea. Calif. Bvainest Off iea.23 or 583 Soetoty Editorw 108 : Entered at tka.Poat Office in Salem. Xorember ' AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY:) If ye in you, ye shall ask what yo will, John 15:7. . . - - v , FIFTEEN YEARS "Fifteen years from today Salem will be a city of 100,000 people without a question" . ; " So spoke Franlt N. Derby to the ; Marion-Polk County - Realtors' association yesterday at theirs noon hjncheon.Mr. Derby has recently returned from an extensive tour thrpugh s Out the United States. He is a conservative Salem property ' owner-and business man. ; . -. 'V v V . That prediction is enough to stir the imaginatio;:lo set one to thinking what Salem Will lookj Pe witiip0,000 people j ; M'Z-SH::r : But why not ?. ' X2 '. ', - ""J!! V. . .; . ' The possible development of the flax and linen industries alone in that time would give Salem' the 100000 -people ; iand then be only fairly started-r- .a . 0y v And sq would the building here of seyera jbeet sugar 'factories with the train of benefitVtnatHeould follow t , But Salem is no pent up Uticav This s the land of diver v sity. Our resources' in special crops Talone' are potentially enormous; enough to stir the enthusiasm of any one who will consider thenu -, It may transpire, at the end of fifteen years, that Mr. ' Derby will be considered a most conservative man; or even a piker in the realm of prophecy. . V ' WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? - United States Senator Wesley L. Jones of Seattle, chair man of the commerce committee of the upper house of Con gress, has for a quarter of a century advocated discriminating diitiesJor the upbuilding and maintenance of our shipping in foreign trade ' ' ' ' , ' JButin a special dispatch' from Seattle to the New York Ierald-Tribune published Oct. 25, Senator Jones is reported -as follows: v v , " 'v: " " " ' -"'.'Personally I have heretofore been opposed toa subsidy system, hut it is the only concrete proposal having substantial support that offers any Hope of success. ? - -'1 want to see shipping transportation in private hands. I believe this to be far more efficient and more economical, than government operation. But I consider the established services so absolutely vital to the development of our. com merce and the. prosperity of our country that if we cannot adopt a policy that will induce private parties to take? over these services and maintain them I am' in favor "of the govern ment doing it. - -' - - r - ' r ' "Our people all declare for,- a merchant marine, but . we are divided as to ways and means of getting it. There should be no partisanship in considering this question. The great trouble has been that we have divided over it politically." - 'Without arguing for or against'a' Ship Subsidy, I want to' present some facts that justify me injsaying that I shall support any reasonable proposal that may be submitted." ,Then Senator Jones presents a great array of -facts regarding our foreign commerce and , the acute need of a great permanent American merchant marine for its transpor- Senator Jones is missing ' in to the group advocatmg ship anywhere. That group has ; illanna and has accomplished nothing And will accomplish nothing permanent. , : - Of course, a government -American fleet at all i . - ' But why in the name of as Senator Jones stand by.their guns, and get discriminating 'duties for goods carried in American bottoms? . XX, . - That was the policy of the held for 61 years, till 1850, ,'chantt marine that carried 80 seas :- ; r.- h And that policy put into does any one hesitate, j ":v"f :: -v J-v;.': ' ; - . Why? Why? Why? WhyTSvi? .TIIE .WORLD COURT, ' t Disputes between nations can and should be settled by peaceful means. War can be made Impossible through crea--tion jbf the right kind of spirit, the right kinds of institutions "and proper procedures. The national right to self defense should of course be i always recognized. The army "at defense strength. Our fortifications should not be neglect x 'cd but the spirit of building J r VCJS of future aggressions Controversies will inevitably arise in regard to rights r and duties of citizens and nations. The interpretations of treaties will also be necessary at times. - Each party to the disputes may believe, itself right. Each one looks at things generally from its own viewpoint. To settle such difficulties wliile . holding these differences .would mean ' to settle them according to divergent .views which is. impossible. And unless there is an outside' agency tofwhom the parties may refer, urged on by Advantages of tenders of the leaders, wars Stateshtdii Vi W. H. Handeraon - Circulation VManaicrr Ralph H. Klettins Aertialn- Iana J'mnk Jaakoaki . Manager Job Oop. E. A. Khotea - - .- " UTratoek Editor W. C. Conner --.;. - - Pottrjr fcdito TELEPIIOXE3: . ; .- " Circulation 0ffiea583 Newa Department 131 08 Job Depurtmcnt ... , ..j83 Oregon, aa second-clan matter." e, 1923 v abide in me, and my words abide and it shall' be done unto , you. - FROM TODAY the cMancS lil3te,Jn giving suJbsidlesP-lTney will, not get worked sihce'thiBJiime of Markl owned fleet is better than no common sense, do not such men founders of our Republic, that and built up an American mer- per cent of our goods on- the - ' law will do it again; Then why and navy should be maintained tremendously with the probabilf should not be emphasized. -. prior action or by hot and hast are usually precipitated without counting the results or attempting . any other ' settlement pi existing difficulties. And then as impossible. .-' .'; . ; x;'- But controversies between nations can be settled And the first steps in settlement is to refer matters under dispute for consideration by unprejudiced parties. i t " r i The World Court is a tribunal to which legal phases of international disputes could be referred and in the consider ation of these phases of the causes of threats and wan clouds the atmosphre of international passions and prejudices could, be clarified. '-v.. ' ' 'The Court is a clear step toward the goal of international peace. Compulsory, jurisdiction ' for the Court is a further step in the program to outlaw. war. " ' ; -f j And it is important that the United States, the greatest of the nations now undergoing economic expansion i should enter the Court and set an example in. spirit and procedure to; the end; that all international disputes shall be settled on the basis of justice, reason and lam. -'X "Cvr BOOK WEEK PLANf . " Special emphasis will be placed during Childrens Book Week, upon those books which tend to develop international sympathy and understanding. The purpose of this emphasis is to eliminate race prejudice so commonly shown toward for eign children and to inculcate inj the rising generatioajthose elements which make for universal peace. It is a commend able. purpose in a splendid plan, j "; MY HUSBAND'S LOVE ADELE GARRISON'S NEW PHASE REVELATIONS OF, A WIFE Jfewapnnwr Faarar AerTo,.I ,f Copyright. 1923. Jy CHAPTER F144 The wastebasket, ot course. That was my first objectiye upon entering the bathroom where I had bandaged Dicky's hurt head. I had seen him glance furtively at it just before I had helped him back. to his bedroom, and I was sure that lie had thrust into the torn- papers which it? contained, the - queer - awkward bandages which had been tied around his head when he came home. I locked the bathroom door, and then, spreading a newspaper upon the floor, tumbled the contents of the wastebasket out upon it. The thing I sought was almost at the bottom of the basket, a newspaper roughly enclosing the blood-stain- ed bandages. That they were not the ordinary surgical bandages, I saw at once, but Just what they were I could not determine. Putting the rest of the papers back in the waste basket,' I pouretT from the basin the solution which I had prepared for the taring . of Dicky's, head, filled it with cold water, and laid the bandages in it. At intervals 1 changed the water, until finally I -was able with the aid of warm water and soap to wash the pieces of cloth thoroughly. It was after their final rinsing that I spread them over the bathtub rim, and Itemized them carefully. Two small, cheap., but dainty feminine handkerchiefs, wun no distinguishing monogram, which had been wadded into balls and applied first to the wound. A large fine linen moucnoir. which r recognized as one 01 Dicky's own which had.Deen ioia- ed into; small compass and laid over-the others. -- t - A long lawn collar, hemstitcnea, such as adorns so many reaay- made : otton - frocks nowaaays. They , are duplicated "by the hun dreds in very large store. ! I had two or three similar ones myself . I had seen one upon the itock 01 the : glrL -Molly Fassett, who had come to see Mrs.. Marks, only that afternoon., and Mrs. Marks, her self, sported one, as doubtless aia scores of other women within a few yards of me.? . The collar had been used to tie down the .other bandages, and tor a long minute, I stood staring at it, trying to visualize the accident in which Dicky so patently had re ceived first aid from some woman. That he had tried so hard to conceal the .bandages, argued one bf two things! Either the accident was one-'of which he had reason, to be' ashamed 6f,Jor else he had found me so intolerant during our life together that, no matter If his escapade . were entirely . innocent, he feared a scene when I should discover" thei feminine handker chiefs and collar. , Woman-like, I -promptly acquit ted myBelf of the second premise. but; ; on the other handball my love of fair play protested against condemning Dickywlthout snow ing, the truth. rMyaltrulstIc sen timents, however, did not prevent me from planning'a Machiavellian little surprise for my husband. resolved to stay awake the rest ot the night, or rather morning, that I '..might send' the 4 wastebaslte, down to, be emptied before picky should awaken. "This would ef fectually prevent his. knowing whether or. not -I hadi found the bandages until I should decide to enlighten him. - ' ' ' Moving noiselessly I tidied up the bathroom, ; puting .everything !rf its place. - Then I went u the kitchen, and switched on my elec tric Iron. ' When . it had heated sufficiently. I Ironed the haccVer- chiefs and the collar untU they were dryV irbldinf them neatly, I wrapped them in.a piece of white paper, switched oft the troo, and usually retraction is .treated - going back to the living-room, hid them securely away in my own traveling bag. Only then did the tension Upon my nerves relax, and I slumped weakly down upon the bed, feel ing unutterably miserable. But I did not forget my determination to stay awake until morning, and Ibng before it wa . time for the janitor to . make ' his . rounds I dressed and carried the waste- basket down to his quarters and emptied it with the- explanation that I needed it for the sorting of some papers. I also sidetracked any possible curiosity he -might have had . by telling him of the apartment I de sired for my sister-in-law's use during her brief sojourn .in the city, and making an engagement with him to view the empty apart ments in the building two in number later in the day. f Dicky was still asleep when I returned to our apartment, and I decided to do my daily marketing before I prepared breakfast that I might not be absent when he should awaken, and perhaps need me. I dressed for the street, and. going out. hurried my errands Returning. I was particularly care ful in. fitting my key that I might make no noise, for I wished to have Dicky sleep as long as pos sible, knowing that it would he his best medicine. I had left the living-room door partly ajar, for it creaked when ever it was opened, or. shut, and, because of my noiseless entrance, Pickyi who, attired la v bathrobe and slippers, was bending over the table, did not see me. And before I could speak to let him know I Was there, I suddenly found my lips closed. -.For in his hands he held the book which I had read with so much uneasiness, and even as I looked, he tore the com promisingly inscribed fly-leaf out, and crammed It in his pocket (To be continued) .. ' Bits Tor Breakfast I A crisp touch of winter. S The sixth strawberry annual Slogan number V V j.. That's what The Statesman of next Thursday will. be. It is an important issue, as this is by far the . greatest strawberry district in- the greatest strawberry state in the Union. Help the Slogan editor if "you can, in "the interest of more and better strawberries ; especially more to the acr. . S Michigan boy who won a plow ing contest was awarded a scholar ship to study Latin. Wasn't it CInclnnatus of old Latin Rome who was called from the plow? V - Salem filling station man says the fellow who "passes everything on the road" is in good training to lead the procession to the ceme tery. ' . .. . ' .-: U The United States leads the world in broadcasting,, with 566 stations, as compared with 3o6 in all the rest of the world. '( ,r ., s -; "Yon 'Tub the sore when yon should bring the plaster." Shake speare. i ' I . v Some'of the classes"In the fea lem public schools are .to compete in composition work""on the most important industries here. WliaJL do you say they are? ; , . I r- "Radio constitutes one of the finest defensive weapons that a besieged unit'ean possess," report ed the commander of the French garrison of , Sueda. Syria, t which for two months was surrounded by the yebeV Druse trihesmen. The garrison was often entertained at nighty by mosic-f broadcast from Pittsburgh" and Ixndon. - ' - - f'Ha'rperMalheur's" great' diato maceous' earth deposits being' de veloped. - . .- : : McMinnville Machinery being added to equipment of glove fac tory ne re. - . i i Albany Many men are worktW on Beven-MUo hiliod Flshl Laka highway. I v." " MV: i ji:-.-:-x?-'T-:-x-:-:-. : . i : i- ' JT' . 'I ' f V v! tit-v. v ' -A: -n.' tp-i .' " . j. . s -v ' -vS ? V-i- " v v . :;?W:- ? -. Wrte - K S " - , , - - Ai A broken rail is blamed for the wreck of ;a St. Louis and San ' Franciscoj Ry. passenger train near Victoria, Miss., in which a score of persons were killed and many inj ured.! Authorities are prob Ingthe crash.l Photo shows scene of disaster and shattered cars,jwhicbwere: tumbled off the trestle when a wheel struck the j broken rail (indicated by arrow). 1 Did You Ever Stop To Think? By E. B. Waito, Secretary gUawnee, Okla, -Board, of Commerco ' C. W. Nash, president of the Nash Motors Co., says: That the motor car has undoubtedly been the most powerful r single new productive force in the economic and social development of this country during the past 25; years. That the automobile has added bilions of dollars of wealth! to the nation's resources. That in the United States today there are 17,500,000 mot'jr cars and trucks an average ot about one to every seven people. That during the last 10 years the average sum spent in the pur chase of motor cars has been close to two billion dollars annu ally and the amount expended for gat'jline, tires, repairs and other garage items averages almost tre ble that amount. That by bringing the town and country into closer touch, motor transportation has revolutionized life on tbe farm. That the farmers with motor equipment have quadrupled the economic range In their choice of markets. ' . That hundreds of thousands of people have obtained lucrative employment in the manufacture and sale ot automobiles, in serv ing them and in the sale of com modities essential to their Upkeep. That the automobile has helped to create a vast suburban devel opment, thus serving to check the growing congestion of population in the older portion of urban cen ters. That touring has become a movement of national propor tions, millions of persons now spending their vacations touring from one point to another. That despite the early appre hension on the part of railways that competition with motor transportation would reduce their traffic and earnings, the loss of certain local traffic ' har. b" more than offset by the new traf fic created through motor lieeuerd reaching Into territory hitherto inaccessible to the railway. The motor car had been a tre mendous force for good in elim inating sectional differences and welding the nation into a homo geneous whole. Marshfield Cedar veneer and battery separatorHfactories run ning, double shifts..- Portland 'YakJma valley wants railroad service direct to Portland and the Pacific. '." it 1) ED SAFE Take without Fear as Told "Bayer" Package Unless you see the! "Bayer Cross'!; on packa.se or on tablets you are not getting thej genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mil lions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-five years for Colds ' . Headache . ' - Neuritis ' ' Lumbago ; - Toothache-., Jlheumatlsm . - Neuralgia Pain,' Pain - age conuins proven, directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost rew eents. DrugicUts also sell bQttlei-cf 24 and lfl04 Adv t:- BAYER ASPIRIN in ffokentRait WfeeZ?raiiiKUled Score "What is this leathery stuff?" the diner asked, when the second course of the dinner was served. "That is A fillet of sole, sir," repliedi the waiter. .., . "Take it away," said the diner, after attacking it Mith his fork, "and see if you can't get me a nice tender piece of the upper, with the buttons removed." The captain of a foreign coast ing steamer was apt to break the monotony of his existence by com menting on his chief engineer's abilities. The latter, in return, made the remark that he under stood the captain's job better than Because you use only half the amount ordinarily required Foods are doubly good because they are wholesome as well as delicious THE. WORLDS GREATEST SALES 2't TIMES I, M. Eppley Co. 1900 State St. Phones 118 or 93 ' Wiggins & Wiggins Salem Heights Phone 75F3 W. H. Clark 2290 State Street Phone 670 . D. L. Shrode 705 S. 12th Sifrcel , Phonel;. ?; , i tlT J. C. DeHfarp t& 605 S. 19ih: Phone I286( A. Daue 1003 S. Ccimescial St. 3 SUGAR Fruit or Berry . Cane Sugar $5.50 per 100 lbs. . THIS IS APPLE WEEK Baldwins, Jonathans, Spys, Delicious, ' Spitzenberg :SL45to2.50 box f 1 --v- 3 j Central Proa Photo j he (the captain) did himself. As a result the captain decided to change places with his chief en gineer, the latter to take charge of the bridge, whilst he would dem onstrate; how the steamer should be properly' driven. or the space of an hour all went well. Then suddenly the ship stopped, and. try. as he might, nc loyiaui couiun t maKe ner go any farther.' After juggling with the machinery for upwards of an hour or two the captain gave up and teJegTaphed to the bridge. "I say, chief,". he cried, "I can't get this hooker to move! You'd better, come and put her right! She won't shift either way!" "Xo "sir," replied the engineer, "I. don't expect she will! We've been aground this last hour!" TBOSS OF ANT OTI5EII BRAND mst x TXIT 1 EveryV Trianele Service Stor. sells all -merchandise "on a mon ey-baek: gu a r a n t e e which means i only , one thing- if goods are not absolutely sat isfactory we want them re turned, to our store. During : 4he stormy ' winter weather 'you will appreciate Triangle Service. You can stay at home and he comfortable while you phone us your or ders and ther will be delivered to your kitchen without any extra delivery charges added. Todayf Saturday and Monday Specials . ; Peets Soap Special 1 Pwli AVashing ": Marlilno Soap JMJ2 Crj stal WhHe Heap . SrSons. IV, vBi,A.i 7c 8 Bars Crystal White , Soap Free New Crop Small White " Beans 10 lbs. 83c Baking Soda Pound Package A new story Is told aborxr Bish op Henry C. Potter. If seems that a lay reader had been complaining to the bishop that he and his fel lows were nowhere recognized 'in the grayer Book. There were references to bishops, priests ant deacons, but never an allusion to lay, readers. "Why. of cours there is," said the bishop. "Don't you remember, that verso in the Benedicite. 'O all ye green things upon the earth, bless ye the Lord." ABAXDOX IMPERIAL, ACRES TOKYO. Three of the largo royal game preserves are beinft abolished because the Imperial Family wishes them to revert to public use. and also to eliminate the rather heavy expense of keep--ing them up. Their abolition is expected to effect a saving of about 200.000 i yen yearly in the Household De partment. Milton Toniiitoes shipped tnrough treewater Growers asso ciation paid J105 per ton. 0 0 V 1 0 e o o o o 0 Dry Wood SASCO Briquettes ALL HEAT NO ASHES Moderate Priccs You'll like to trade with us HILLMAN FUEL CO. Telephone -1S55 0 e o ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 Foster & Baker 339 N. Ccmmercial St. Phone 259 Roth Grocery Co. 134 N. Liberty St. Phones 1883 - 1886 -1887 Lehman Grocery 190 S. Commercial St. Phone 305 River Road Groc. 2395 N. Front St. Phone 494 Pickens & Haynes 436 Court St. Phones 256 or 237 A Square Cake Pan FREE With each 3 lb. 4:n of CRISCO 79c Princess Flour (Idaho Hard Wheat) $2.19 sack Pet Milk, large cans 11c (Can be fed to babies) . c OMTSHTtlia t miLmjm. f t i ? x 4 I t t. r w