- " . r -v Jw, I; Reception on Friday . CtiemelteU " chapter J of - tn ' DaojgMera of the 'American Ravo-j lutlpiridTthe"Salem Roman's . cjub win te hot teases "Jointly on Friday ettla tr.Nbt eliiher ,t fi i reception ta t&e Sklem9 1 citfb building 'on ''North ' ? Cottage street, honoring the Cosmopolitan 1 clnW of lUanietto ualrefaitf. The reception, to which thd husba'nds of the" hoatesaea have been cofrfflal ly 4nlUdwCl fce'tn tpeeiat tele tratlon ol international relatioaa aar.. -, - : - ' ' Mrs. 'Seymour Jones, state rev GREATLY REDUCED - Heary quality Rayon reinferrced "and cut tall. "--remain- TJT-tv Ul;J 51.39 1 etepins . and .' Vesta . quality and materials ,31 jBIonogranimed comblnationa of Ray on in flesh, orchid, each or maize. all ifoij -i: t . it xptt ois mew : FCR ftYXdUUG VAEM DNTO AT .t s- LIKIT0 DOROTHTTJARNIT UOUJ WOULD V0U MA AND KaWNU, By AUDRE"). BUNCH, Phone ,106 ....... - a ,r ?.,-?,. tent of , the, Daughter- of the A merican Revolution, and a past iJreaidhrt of 1 the1- Salem' Woman's cluhr -will; iMft aa i.heral chair man for the event. The committee in charge of the" program and the decoMttioss-fschideit'Miss Frances M.RkhaTdBj-Mr.- Elmo 8.- 'White, Mrsvt 4V ,; CHKordv' lBd VMfav Cecil. Hawley. . The dining: rooto will feature Japanese cherry hios goms ptfrasolv and lanterns,' with many !fbrftne'"' ffleaiwtoidif iapanese' dlaheg tor the occasion. The club andltorhtm will .Ber, dec orated wittrthe fUgs and bunting repreaenlatiTe '"of the nations from A CLOSING OUT OF DISeOMTOlIED NUMBERS Bloomers, VThlle afcy -'''---- of the ume J; bloomers in IS ar ,- HELPt r a I which the honor guests have come. Members "of the COrrailia Cos mopolitan club hare been invited to" be' guests - for the occasion, number ' of ?whom will contribute to the novel program'whica is in store. v:'-;ff;;. :.vJ' '-" ' -The dining room will be in the efficient charge ot the hospitality committee of the Woman's club and the' social committee of the Danghtera of the 'American RevcK lution and include: Mrs.' Elmo S, White, Ttfra. Prank Spears, Mrs. U. a. Shipley",- Mrs. RGy -Mill and MrswXcTrfi DrCrKfilh. a ' Mrs, Wn.' Fordyce Fargo, presl- PRICES Phoenix; knitted .. Silk . Bloomers, Vesa in fleshrmaiJe, orchid or peach 51.48 Phoenix all Bilk track pants in light colors and a few glore silk. black only 52.48 Silk and fibre and all fibre slips with -shadow proof hems and some with fancy flounces 52.95 7fvRrXr4Et -BUA.V VAASTr V WtrRtlGoNNA-1 7 f V'Vo'oiouGHT.TO ' - fTrlEVRE THAT ( TRvtu::oio OftTS . see-some of the U'MQ , rl Ar4 0t,TRAIMS p J j .X RAIL R6A0 TICKETS. V . - . ft ' ' "'"fc' ' M ': ' -:- - r- . jt : --------- -T .- - - -; ; -- - - - . ..j- - - . - - - ..; e---- , !v . -r. . -L-i. v -.4--- . mMr : - ' ' -- - : - . ' -- - - . . ' - - - . - ----- . - - --- - j - :- : ' " ' - ' -i". ' - dent of the Salem "Woman's elub, will preaide at the-reception which will open at 8 o'clock and tontinue till , ten. She will ; Immediately present Mrs. Chester C Clark, re gent of Chemeketa chapter, who will extend greetings to the honor guests the membera of the Cos mopolitan -club. -.Mrs. Seymour Jones, aa general chairman of the affair, will then take charge for the remainder ot the erening. Interesting House Guest ' Mrs." Horace ! Wtlliston has as her'interestlrig hoiise guest lor the week a former school friend.Miss Virginia MacKentie, who is now principal of ' a school "in Osaka, Japan.' Mrs. Willlston and Miss MaCKenzie ''were graduates ' of Reed college ' in- the ame class On Friday of last week Professor and 'Mrs. "Willlston were guests of Miss MacKenzTe in Portland, Miss MacKenrle'entertaining in their honor with a dinner at the Univer sity club followed by' a iine party at' the Heilig theatre. On Sunday evening Miss MacKenzle, who la a member of the' prominent K.' A. J MacKenzle family of Portland,-re- turned home 'with the Wllllstons She was honored earlier In the week when a small group, mostly- Reed College alumnae, like her' self,; was intited to the Willlston home topend the evening. -1 Miss MacKenzle, as an im promptu Japanese model, dis played her costumes for the. pleas ure ot, the guests, including Helen PiPPy,' Louise " Townsend, Inez Goltra, Mary Gilbert, and the hosts, Professor and Mrs. Horace Willlston. ( A week ago Sunday-Professor and Mre. Willlston entertained as their, dinner guests, Dr.t and Mrs. LaTwrenceEU Griff in,; head of the department aoLtiology-vat Reed I SOCIAX. CAIXNDAR y ' ' Todar -i i Concert, Yonnr Married Peo ple'a class of the First Presbyter ian "church, sponsors. tAAUW Literature class. Prof E. C. Richards' home f Leslie Methodist Ladies' Aid: Leslie ball. - First Methodist WHMS. Mrs. W. T.. Rigdon, 299 N. Winter street, hostess. 2: SO o'clock. j Thursday ; Prof. N. B. Zane's U. of O. art extension course. Public library, 7-9 o clock. Brush College Helpers. Mrs Charles McCarter, hostess. The Rathetelerlan club meets at the home of Mrs. Floyd Utter, 446 Oak, Thursday afternoon Friday Reception in honor of Cosmo politan club of Willamette uni versity Salem Woman's club and Chemeketa chapter, of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution Joint hostesses. ; Sal Am Woman's clnh rlassps- 9; 2:45 o'clock. -; Psychology. " 'Prof C L. Sherman. . , . "Know Tour Town." 2:45-3:50" o'clock. Mrs. E. E. Fisher. Annual thank offering meeting of the First Congregational Mis swnary society. Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks home, 495 North Summer street.. Mrs. E. C. Patton, hos tess. 2 : 20 o'clock. Brush College grange. Mrs. W, F. McCali in charge of program ! First Christian church Mission ary society. Church parlors4, 2:50 o'clock.' Saturday t Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, tenth anniversary. Mrs. David Looney, near Jefferson, hostess. j American Association of Uni versity Women. Annual state meeting. Corvallis. f: ' if......- 'Sunday .". I "The Man Without a Country." Film appropriate for Armistice Sunday. First . Congregational church. Evening service. .ytLYS L.VTTU. Bt.CV ASXEP H... HrA TO BE WHEW "rXPLUrAEE O'R. SAvVt "KiEVTHERl 1 XOVi "TOt f r-L-V0r4rVlilE! "-fVMfc TVVEKi W-W Srt rVU.GHT!" I' Union Roster HEAT COTfEB'S - UWIOW FO. 380 UmI Heoad ana lovna wnmnit. oapit iii ttpoqxaphicaL union ko. M. D. PllkntB. . HmU ucwi 8ttv dty, 1:00 p,.bv - '' CARPENTER'S UKTOIC KO. 10S5 Hnu "raws. Tu4fm. uuw jw r, prMidat; Wm. P.Uit, ierMry. PRATKBHAli ORDER OT EAGUH, MM Try WMne4ur.. ; mtmiiy mu,,H. M. Willatt, So'y. Tel. 889R. i college. ? Professor and Mrs. M. E. Peck were invited in to meet them during the afternoon.: 1 ; i Spend Week-EntL vte-n 1 Portland Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sanford were the guests of Mrs. Sanford's sister, Mrs. Helen Lamond of Portland during Hallowe'en' week-end. ' On Saturday night, Mrs.' Lamond gave a Hallowe'en party at her home on Overton street for the' pleasure of her ' house-guests. Mr. Sanford played in the golf match between Salem and the team of the Mult nomah golf club on Sunday on the new course. Missionary Society Friday The woman's Missionary society of the First Christian church will meet on Friday for the regular monthly meeting in the church parlors at 2:30 o'clock. The study topic will be "Slavs in America." The hostesses will be: Mrs. E. C Case, Mrs. George Starr, Mrs. M. N. Ransom, Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs. Muvvy, Mrs. F. A. Philpott, and Mrs. W. A. Osborne. Joint Hallowe'en Party """"" Mrs. H- C. Mcwnorten ana Mrs T. P. Cutler were charming hos tesses at a Hallowe'en party at the home ot the latter on Saturday evening. Contests, dancing and music, were the features of the evening. The rooms was gay with "autumnal color enhanced with typical Halloween costumes decorations and favors. A dainty Hallowe'en lunch was served at midnight around a large table il luminated by orange and black candles. The guests included Mr, and Mrs. Lew Mlshler, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickenson, Mr. and Mrs R. F. Peters, Mr. and Mrs.; F. J Jirak. Mr. and Mrs. -H. J. Mohr My. and Mrs.' George Alderin,' Mr and Mrs. Amos Carper, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McGahn and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McWhorter and Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cutler. Miss Keene Entertains Miss La Velle Keene enter tained with a very enjoyable Hal lowe'en jarty at her home.Satur day evening, the rooms were at tractive in the Hallowe'en colors The evenng was spent in fortune telling and many other games. Refreshments ot ice cream and cake were served. Those invited were, the Misses Janet Rathburn Mable Harrison, Dorothea Stat ford, Phyllis Day, Delpha Savage, Delphene Savage, Dorortha Scobee, Veda Cooper, Marjorie Molr, Kathryn Roe, Claudia Townsend, Ruth Kays and the hostess, La Velle Keene. Jack Spon a Is Host At Hallowe'en Party The members, of the Royal Troubadour group ot the Salem High school were the honor guests at the Hallowe'en affair which will Jdge So .VOUSEt FOLKS. AT RErL-V HXS XJe t) TZfat GxtsvL &tstttasR Pabllshaa twr aermimc (uttDt 11m- Salwa, tk nHal f Orfaa. Local Rates ;"" For. Classified, Advertising: ; DaU er Saaday Oh tfans...., - ....... a eata par word rir. tto.t 5 ml par wr4 Six tlm , a .nta par word, Oa. nontk, daily and . Bandij to eaattpar word la ra t aara tk. mora taaaoa tiaa rata, arwUtamaat aiait raa ia aoaMentiva inuaa. Ad. Ukaa for laaa taaa SS nim. Ada. m Saaday OITLT akartad at aa-tuaa rata. AdTertlaasta (aseapt Paraaaaia aad 81oatioaa Want a) will k Uta ovar taa talaphaaa if taa advartiw la a snbaerHar to pkoaa. . Tk. StataaniM wiU raaaira advar tUw7.nU at any tima c tka day or aifkt. To iasnro prepar alaaattiea tioaa ada. aooU bo ia batort 1 p. m. TaxzHon : m sss Aloney to Loan Oa Beal Eitata .iS.fOS.'). (Over. Lsdd A Jsuih Bamk) BETOB1 TOU LEAVE TOTJB OS OAR HAVE IT H0M1 Insured Properly Phono 161 Becke k nendricka,' Hellir Bide., taa n. mgh st. . .. 4 28-ti AUTOMOBILES' SALEM AUTO WRECKING 00. Whwli. Tire, Rima, Peadara , Half Price - and teaa Parte for all eara, caik far -old eara. 403. 8. Church Pkoaa 1159 . ' laStf ' SCHEELES AUTO WRECKXNO CO, win bay roar old ear. Hlghaat eaah price paid. 1085 N. Commercial St. ljlltf ATJTO REPAIRING GENERAL ' REPAIRXNQ, TIRES AND tnbea, aeceetoriea, raa and oiL MED LER. LEBENGOOD GARAGE. Phono 664. Miller and 8. Cnaunaroial Eta. Wa soecialisa ia reoonditionin motoro, -.aaetf AUTO TOPS SEE US FOH TCP AND PAINT WORK. , C. Hull Anto Top Paint Shop. Rear fire department. 5-altf HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED. REP erenee required.- Director's ' Depart ment Store. 9n4 remain an event memorable as it was enjoyable to the guests par ticipating at the invitation of the host Jack Spong. The site chos en for the festivities was the old steamer landing five miles down Willamette River. The spacious means of cornstalks and sheaves ot autumn foliage into a fitting background for a rustic observance of a superstitious evening. Vari ous games and contests, as well as dancing, gavef diversion to the evening. ' Special musical ' num bers the Royal Troubadour song and the Ukelele Lady with radio accompaniment by Kenneth Allen, Edward Burnside, and Collas Mar sters were heard,- a3 well as se lections from KGW. In the group were: Misses Florence Busch, Fay Wolz, Virginia Donnell, Fredericka Carlson, Evelyn Kartzar, Hazel Hurley, Hazel George, Gladys Mur phy, Margaret Van Fleet, Kath ryn Cook, -Lucille Anderson, Opal Hill, Jennie May Hoppes, Doris Hensley, Velina Slmpkins, Jane Hillpot, Margaret Tucker, Helea Campfield, Florence - Karst and l?attline Marnach, Howp.rd Kurtz, Wm. Verbick, Kenneth Allen, Merrill Ash, Garlen Simpson, Paul Ehmer, John Evans, Paul (Continued on page 8.) fuwsva the TVt AZEST VS OPPOimJNlTf uPTovovn By Charles' McManns V- - - m -en HELP WANTED SALESPEOPLE TOR SUITS. OYER - eomxt, raineoat hirt, hoairr, lia Serie, ahoca direct from fartoriea. Fina propo.ition. P. Q. Box 179. 9nS HELP WANTED Female IS AD0KESSIXU ENVELOPES EXPER ' ienco uhnrccMary. Earn 115 to $45 weekly, daring; (pare time at home. tig aified work for honest, fcineere per sona. : Franklva Product Corp., Dept. 4o5l 11(13, Blue Ilsad Avenue, Chi cago. 13-M SALESMEN 15 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp PPPPPPFPPPPPF PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAR PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Littinrt and bnyera furnished. Ton (how property listed by at . to bnyera. farniahed by ua. Under our ayateaa. jroa pradnaa ateadily from taa atart. Ua uaoal opportunity for adranee ment to : calet-managera poti tion. ' Our own office rn Salem and Portland Sea Mr. Gaikill. AT ONCK. Parker Realty Co. 409 V. S. Xat'l Bank Bldf. Com'l at State. 15o23tf PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 'WANTEL---EmpIoyment 19 FOB GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT aiCKutc.aaa team wore, pcone ihjtb. WANTED CONTRACT HAULING $1.50 per -hour. Phone 2106-W or 1577-R. WOOL GOLF HOSB CHILDREN'S port boaa, knit to order. . Band kait tina. Phone 1778-J. lflaaotf ---7- -FOR RENT-- 1 - SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE OR .rent.' Stiff's Used Furniture Store, p ' posite Court House. - Sln27 PRINTED CARDS,, SIZE 14" BT 7.H wording "For Rent," price 10 . eenta . each. Statesman Business Office, oa around floor. FOR RENT Apartments 23 NICELY-. FURNISHED 690 Union. - - APARTMENT, 23n4 2 ROOMS, KITCHENETTE AND GAR- age, close in, 555 Marion.. 23-nS APARTMENT FOB RENT 5 ROOMS TeL 1825 or call at 181 N. 13th. .. - 28n7 NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT. 865 North High.-;-- 23n4 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. 891 -N. , Commercial. . . - 23o30tf VACANCY IN APARTMENT HOUSE clot in. Phone 1951-W. 22.50. Cor, Hixh and DiTision. 23n5 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, downstair, private entrance. 448 Union street.- - . 23o31tf FOR JIENT -1 NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping', Iose in. no children. 780 MU1. Tel. 1396R. . . . " ... -K. -23a4 DDTVTFn nlTYa OTTF lit W wording, "Roonta to Rant.", price 10 i 1 : i i T fTOoaa door. ; , FOB RENT Rooms 25 ROOM TOR RENT IN MODERN HOME three blocks from state honaa.-t All ooaveateneA, - Gentleman preferred. Please giro reference sad aodresa A. care Statesman, a , r, ;'S5j28tf FOR" RENT ROOM WITH PRIVATE featb, prato ea trance. Close in. Far naee heated. $25 per month. Ger trude J.' M. . Page, 492 K. Cottage atreet. 25o31tf FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOB students, wita aleeplnr poreh priTileraa. Every thing modern. References are ro qaired. Address room, cart Statesman. . - - . 25J281I FOR RENT HEATED SLEEPING rooms, with ceraxa. Near Cvcitel Gatletnen. Phone 445-M. 25-o8tf -FOR RENT -House 27 5 JtOOM HOUSE AT. 563 8. I6th ST. 20. . 27-n6 NEW-FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Inquire 1540 State. . . 27n4 FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1246 Marion. St. Phono 1270. CAIIi 27nS FOR RENT A NEW MODERN Bunealow with garage, two blocks south ot city l ; K h . i; o - ti . ji,i . library. IVica 35. Phone 1422-J. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH QA rage, 1973 Stite. Inquire. 1983 State, .. .', - . 27a FOR RENT BROOM FURNISHED house close .- With garage, 935 -per monta. uoma iteaur to., 188 S. JIicl' TeU 1718.- ' .- 27n4 for: rent j?ew,. modern, .four room- ftuas-alow. f urnc. built-ins: -front and hacks .porches, --3074 McCoy, 'near - Tile -road, phone 930-R. t . - ; ,. 27n6 rOR RENT-r-ROOM HOUSE ON CAPI near Court. Beautiful loestion - Rent only $42.50: a month. Homo Kealty Viov l S. High,, -TeL 1718. T. : - -27a4 FOR RENT 3-ROOM -, UNFURNISHED . apartment.; 3 -room , furnished apart ment. 7 -room bouse close in, basa meat, lurnaee, garage, ' . ". - GERTRUDE i. M. PAGE - -- - 2731tf FOR RENT Farma 20 I HAYS SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARM 8 tor rent. - p. E. Tkoasaaon. rnen Ore., Phone 6 XX. - 29sl SWAPS S3 WANTED FLOUR USERS TO BRING their wheat to Pratam Floor MiU and . ct - m . exebange 40 , lbs. . of the- 1 floor. ' Pared road to Pratum. Mill running all the Una. .Was, B. MeCslW ister . 3-oStf WANTED -MisCTilaneona 35 lift n i hi .M.1T f, WANTED 1 WANT A, FEW, BOXES OF ehece Waxon appleas Phone 737 o WOODRT THH . AUCTIONEER BUT! need furniture for -cash. Phono 61L. ; . " .C .ro-Vii,-" ,.5at FURNITURE PACKING POR SHIP ts. -Gioaa-Powora ZVuraitara Co. .-.K-i-v-v-...- - .;. . 5s20U HIGHEST PRICES PAID . FOR USED atoTea, toola, fornitara. Stiff Used Cede- Dept ppoaito court house. - . . ..-i .---y . t .. . - f.,.. - a5m22tf WANTED AUTO : OR ""VACANT LOT .. for 8650 equity and aew .four-room bun gs to.- Balance like rent. Phone 52J . - ct'- . . . - i..; 85-at CASH PAID FOR iPALSX. TEETH i daal 'goldi platinum and discarded Jnrelry.jr.liok. Smelting aad Refinery . Co., Otsego. Micliifsa-.i . . ; ,a5;28 WASTED-: . PRTVATE MONET . FOB ,fsrm loans. : Wo aeoraI appiiea't -: tioaa hand.- . Hawklna Roberta :'-! 90. Oregon S&z.k ; a14 SOTICK W V. HAVE CASH CUSTOM era 4or a (o St aeres aal'oni Und. Nat ret 3 u 10 miles rooi -Hlu Call - at owe nnd ti'e ti psrlirulnri. Horn' Itraltr- Co,- ie Hijh. Si-aT ronDsoy, x plowr and disk roi Ml. . 8. liialt, Rt. I, 63F1.V - - T t esmaB FOR SALE 87 ONE UJTlVERSAIi HEATER, TRICE .$15.00. Louia Carau, Pratam. 37n FIVE COW 8 WILL FRESHEH. TH1 nontX for ct'io or trad for boef wvoci laqulra at tka Peopla'a ltarkaU Ptioat 4 :-, . , S7-e KEW HOUSE FOR SALE. JUST yiN shed. 4 rooms, rery confeaieat. Nice ly finUhed. Well located. Eaat front in one of th." rapidly growin j districts of Sootk- Salem. The terra are auch tkat u 70a, ha to a uttle mosey and a Job you can eaaily pay for it. Stop paying rent. Phone 1748 R. 87n7 SEIiL US TOUR USED FUBNITURE H. IV Btiff Fornitaro Co. Uaod Oool japt. -Oppoaito eourt honte. 37ai22tt ' ' . - ' ! , i FOR 8 ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEX cent a bundle. Circulation dapartnaont Orogoa SUtaraan. ..- ,i!7a - N RECEIPT BOOKS SIEE I" BT 8i". CO receipt forma ia book, 15 eenta pal book or two for S eenta. 8tateaaia( office, 215 Souta Oommareml St, 8a. Traspaaa Hotieoa. atae 14x9 inches, printed oa good 10-onnee eanrase bean. log the words, "Notieo Ia Hereby Giw -a .That Trespassing la Strictly Forbid -den Oat Thoao Premises Under PenaRt of Prosecution." -Prieo tSo aach or a tor 26c. .. BUteimaa Pub.vOo. Balem, Oregon. . 37atl FOR SALE Live Stork 39 FOR SALE 15 YOUNO GRADE - Lin coln' ewes: H. C. Lewis, Aumsville. Or. 39 ni PIGS FOR BALE 8 weeks old. Whitcheier Breed at $6. Phone 1855 or get them at Route 8, ' Box 100 . 6 miles north on Rirer Road -, , w. 89 n " FRED W. LANGS. VETERINARIAN , OfOeo 4ZQ 8. OomaMreiai. Pkone 1191. Res. Phcae I6 B9m28tf WOOD FOR SALtE 43 WOOD OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE - John H. Sett. Phoae 254 or 622. . . 43n23 FOR WOOD SAWING PHONE 1091. 16-INCH SLABWOOD PER LOAD 2.75. lB-lncb jiai. tix per toaa, fa.75; l Inch old fir per load, 84.50; 16-inei dry, slab wood, $S.5tt per load. Prompt delirery. Tel 2813; ret. 167. 43ol3t( BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4. ft. and 10 tneh. Dry mull wood. Groan mill wood. Dry neeond orowth fir. Dry 4-ft. ash,- aad oak. FRED E. WELLS. Prompt dalrrery and reason able prv-a, S80 South. ChurclwPhona 1542; 4ftm6ti 16-INCH OLD PtR BEOAND GROWTH sk aad ash. Phone 1BF8. M. May fUld. , - - 43U8U GOOD COAL-DRY WOOD . PBOMPT DELIVERIES, r HILLMAN FUEL ,0 0, TELEPHONE 185S. ; 4j2g ' POULTRY AND EGGS -45 CHOICE B. I. R. PULLETS; FEB. naten, 8U w. iotn. roone tof7-v. MISCEIXANEOUS Bl rURNITURE UPHOLSTERING , AND OiaM-Powart ynraltun 61(204 repairing. Store. H. B. SEAGROVE FURNACE AN! sheet metal ahop atOTed to 681MIB St M Sladtf SALEM FUEL AND TRANSFER CO. 752 Trade 6t. Wood, Coal,--Briqueta and Transfer. Prices right, Service -rho best- Da j phones, 18 and 529, Night phono 1606. Call a. - -' - 51s2rl LOST AND FOUND j - 53 L08T PLACED A BRIEF CASE IN the wrong machine, ia front : of Ka foury'a. by mistake. Kindly notify Ha lem Brick & Tile -Co. V Phone 917. . 53-n" PERSON AX. 85 - HIZZ TREATMENT ' FOR APPENDICITIS "It-Is-Wonderful." Free intermatloa Addrsss Hits Co4 Portland, .Oregon. S5a16-i92 3IONEY TO LOAN r 3T MONEY TO LOAN 5i. FIJ WOOD. 341 SUte. 57olltl ClXi AND, FARM. LOANS lions time, low rate' inter t, easy payment. ' Inmtisato oar - loan plan, PERRINE A MARSTEB8 - '212 Commereial Ciab Bldg. - 57o2tf ABUNDANCE OP FUNDS TO LOAN ON improved ..Willamette -vaUey term -el low rata and on long time. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT, Realtor - Loans and Inanrahco -147 y. Com'L St, Balem. Ore. 57o25tl THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE- INSURANCE -; Company -will lasts immediate, loana on farma in Oregon. Reasonable interest, -'no ost except emsll appraisal fee.' If interested, write immediately W I. C. Cunningham, 409 N. W. Bank Bid., Portland Oregon. Heme Office Ren- reaeatativo her? all next week. 57siltf REAL ESTATE LOANS! YES! QUIC8 (Serrioe. Money alwajs. 2C4 Oregnt Bldg.. Phone 141. 57o29ti MONEY TO-. LOAN ON CITS' RE8I denrea, repayable like rent. Faadf ' arailable for mtidenc. building loaaa. A-O. BOHKS STEDT. Realtor Loans and Insursne 147 N. Com'l. St.. Salem. Or. 57o2Mt WANTED Ivoans 59 WANTED?PRIVATE MOSEY TO LOAN n good real estate seearity. , W. H. ORABESHQR8T S CO. J ' 275 State Strrft. - 59o31tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 01 STORE CORNER LOT - 1000, PAMNG paid. - . ' BECKE nENDRICKS 189 North Hih Heilig Bid. 61ltf WHY NOT BUILD I f Get what yon want. Hero ii an : ap , portunHy to step paying rent and own. yew . own home. One acre trees. Just ten minutes dn-e out ei Salom on Highway. For detsi.s see. .. . REAL FbTATE BROKER i . S04 Oregon Building . Phona 141 or 52F11. g3;,(f APARTMENT HOUSE, ALU PCRN1 SHED. Close in, larr osrythmf if H 816.500. Apt. koose, wry ele ; in. M5.000. ! Business lorstion. $10,o. - . . . New store bldg. across from Ugh. achool for lease or ' v-rtf REAL ESTATE BROKER 204 Ore. Bids. "e?I" The Best Investment In Salem Front aireet and M a treat, pwirt ijiU aha, . P moata. Bocoloriky, 4i Stt St. ; 0 Of 5 1 v r ) T J.