The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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StMlli fLBlf
Team Will Be iri'Good Shape
for CdritestrTfiree Schools
;:Are j)efeated .
The-iSalera'-fclgV school football
aggregation. 'will journey to Hills-
boro Friday' to meet the team ot
the high school of that city. Coach
Huntington's boys will be in bet
ter shape tor the game than they
were last Friday, ; although B."
Drager will not be able to pilot
the team at quarter as he is still
out with the smallpox. Uanp,
star foil , who has been oat with
an injured finger, is expectel to
be back In the game by that time
and his services will be of great
help to the team-
Ollnger, .who was knocked out
in the Albany game last Friday,
receiving a concussion of fhe brain
is reported all right again and was
back fa school Monday, - He will
probably start at ' Quarter. The
local boys 'have -won-ll of their
three high school contests this
year having defeated West Linn.
Astoria and Albany. ' The annual
clash between Eugene and Salem
will be a feature of the Armistice
day program here.
CHICAGO, Not. 2. (By Associ
ated Press.) Appointment of J.
R. McQuigg, national commander
of the American legion, to the
directorate of the G or gas Memori
al institute, was announced to
day by Franklin Martin of Chi
cago, chairman ot the board.
1.1' ' h" ' '- ," : J" .'' '
,;.v -feni -:-''rA-
- '-T.tF- Ik
When friends
, , visit you -
...frwiM fingers turn tlx dials... every
one's watching. . everyone's quiet . . , every
one's listening... can the station be brought
in clearly. ; . will it he the station you ex-
- pcaed..,will it?
'HERE b no doubt with the fVettern Air Patrcl.
You will take pride in its performance. When
visit you, you will turn to your set with assurance
V that it will bring in a program as you want to hear it. A
dear, true, sweet tone without interference from other sta
tions and with volume that just suits your requirments.
All parts used in the WeStern Air Patrol are of proven
standard quality, assembled by men who know how. Em
bodied in it are many features, found only in sets selling at
higher prices. Our .policy of selling direct to you without
the middleman's profit, makes possible the low price cf...
lllihee Country Club Swamp
ed 42 to7; to Meet Os
wego Next Sunday
' Showing a woeful lack of prac
tice, the lllihee Country club golf
team fell an? easy victim to the
Multnomah chib 18-man team on
Sunday and were defeated 47 to
7.1 Ercel Kay was the only local
player to win three points. Dr.
H.I.H. OUnger and John Farrar,
regulars, were not in the match.
Their places were taken by "Fred
A.iWilHams and Frankie Shafer.
Play-offs in the Gray Pelle
trophy matches will be held Sun
day, according to Graham P.
Sharkey, professional. An invita
tion has been received to play at
Oswego -with the Oswego Country
club team November 8, with a re
turn match In the spring.
The results of the Multnomah
match are as follows:
ErcM Kay
i Multnomah
R. iSmith ..
A. IB. Scott
H.j Lyme
A. Kinely ....
H.j P. KeritUKon...
O. j Urnselman ..
Kdj WMKk .....
Zina AViie
A. IK HoufcWt ...
npitrft Waste
Kay Watkins
4. V. Settle : -
A. !T. Brown
WJ Williamson
A. U. Hate
. Hi. Uon
.HO. Frye .......
3 I.. C. Farmer
8! Tftm Wwd
Si Ki-ed Williams
2eore ilur
1 R. Bonestel ..
Oj Chester Cox
31 Fred Mantis
f.. B. MentRomery 3 K. Webb
Ira Ootid 31 1. Tcung
KJ Sorrig 0T. Khaeer .....
O. B. Wight ..... BjR. McLaugliliu .....
A. C. Bailey . O
R. Sanford 0
S. F. Chambers ..- 0
,.4J Total
i... 1
$110 Complete
Sold exclusively in
-More than 125 Stores in the West-
Salem Store Corner Court
and High j - ' "
.1 r- T
Hih Rates Do Not Make
Fabulous Profits Declares
! Great Northern Men
Although rates are 33 per cent
higtier now than they were before
the war. railroads are not making
fabulous profits, declared Edward
F.i Klynn, director of the bureau
of public relations of the Great
Northern railway and assistant to
the vice president and , general
counsel for the same company. He
said that material has increased
100 per cent since that time, and
wages have been advanced greatly.
but that the ililroads are able to
get' along on only a 35 per cent in
crease because of the wholesale ef
ficiency that has been introduced
into the various systems. He does
not claim that the railroads are
perfect, declaring that "just as
long as the rail roads are run by
human beings, there will be some
mistakes made."' !
It would be a mistake to reduce
wages, he said, as It is through de
cently paid employes that the, rail
roads are able to give the remark
able service they do. Mr. Flynn
cited examples to show that the
employes are responsible for serv
ices rendered.- Speaking of this
branch of the wWk, he asserted.
'Acquaintance islhe basis of serv
ice and service is the basis of business."
Declaring that Salem must:"sell
itself to the country," he said; that
'I never hear of people dying here
because of the rain, but I do hear
of them dying elsewhere from
other causes." The lesson he drew
was that Oregooians should not
apologize for their rain, but take
it for its face value and use it to
advertising advantage.
One good way of advertising Sa
lem, he said, is to give high class
service to visitors, who become
'walking advertizers for your city,,
the best class of advertisement in
the worid." He brought out that
his company has spent close to a
million dollars advertising the
northwest, because if more people
come west, and the towns prosper
the railroads
benefitted."' .
will naturally' be
R. C. Downes of Detroit, Mich.,
performed here last night, in poc
ket billiards at the Terminal Bil
liard Parlors entertaining 100 peo
ple in one, two. .three, and four
cushion carom shots accomplished
with cut and fingers, drawing fre
quent applause with his intricate
shots. Downes is on an interna
tional tour of the United States.
Canada and Mexico of 31,000
mies, finishing an eight-year tour
at Chicago, 111., Jan. 1, 1927.
Cannot Exist in the Human Body
If You Will Use Trunk's
It is preposterous: in fart, it is a shame
to Kuffer with Rheumatism.
This- Prescription doe not ruin the.
Htomafh. it dors not depress the heart.
kat all the treat and pood food you wish
while taking Trunk's Prescription. Con
tains no mercury, salicylate soda, oil win-
tergntn or narcotics, tint positively over
comes any kind of rheumatism or sunt on
earth. What more do you want.' It in
impossible, to pet something better. The
greatest uric arid solvent known and also
a superior liver medicine.
Trunk's Prencription sells for $1.7. or
3 for enly $3.00 at Perry's lrujr Store,
115 So. Commercial St. Adv.
(AP.) One million and a half
cases of salmon from British Col
umbia waters are to be packed this
year Hi was indicated Jn a report
made public i here today. This
would be a little less than last
year's reeord pack of . 1,745,313
Crime, -
wave, j
too, has its permanent
fTpTliiMi Tsiii ifflTi TtiTjl
I a I . - ; j I
tATHEN vou
toe ricinc on a
magnificent Eicpresi
hntr you travel on.
tha largest ships on
the Pacific-holders
of record time to Ja
il. China and the
peine. Cana
dian Pacific manage
ment assures the
finest service, cour
tesy and comfort.
Your heal agnct nQ
gladly give informa
tion and Uteraturt.
Ask about the at
tractive second cab
in rates.
At V dcacm -Qr.Ugoil'lhxTDtf
' ' fllbtfS-Muttxtui kid toff -Jkrild
n : 1 n
, '." ' .. " sssss annasjt ' . . ' . -. - ' --'-a. - f
Change Blow-
Melt in spoon; inhale vapors;
apply freely up nostrils.
Owf IT Millinn Jan UmrH Ywmrlf
i ,
"4 irm
Wednesday and Thursday Only
A Sale of 200 Pieces-Good
TTT Oil r
y3 to wm
to a nonon
- i
72a o
It-s time to change to firee-f lowing Zerolene, if
you do not already use this
bfl thevhole year 'round. When other oils con
geal in cold weather, Zerolene flows j freely. It,
;an aid ta easy starting and a sure protection
Sbith cold-weather frictional dangers,! rapid de-
preciation and xepairs. Don't take a chance
-v. change to Zerolene NOW!
t. - '
f'l J'l.V
To- determine the correct body of
Zerolene tor the winter lubrication
ofyoar car, consult the Zerolene
' Correct Uibricatioa Chart
at Standard Oil Ser
ice Stations and
at dealers.
"Furniture Exchange,, Store
Our lArjre "Exchange Departmsnt" which is maintained for the convenience of our
many patrons, who, in moving or at house-cleaning time, wish to exchange their used fur
niture, rugs or stoves for new. This week finds scores of trade-in pieces crowded into
our Exchange Department. Limited space damands immediate clearance of many of
these pieces to make room for others coming in. The. sweeping reductions in force for
the two days means that the best values will go early Monday. Items are subject; to
' prior sale -as quantities are limited in most cases. Make your selections early.
v aiiiies
Used Dining Tables
in oak, choice....:.. .$4.95
g Used Dressers, good
quality, choice ....$8.75
14 Only Library Tables
Golden and fumed oak finishes, dif- TT -aj-
ferent styles, used prices ?10 to H 1 11 JljTICG '
42.50, now ..;..,......,:. . j
21 Used Living Room Rockers
With oak and Mahogany finished
frames, upholstered and wood seats as
upholstered backs, values $5.50 to
$60.00, now 1-3 to
A Used Kitchen Gab-
incts, choice .
g Used Cook Stoves,
Two .Used Leather Couches
Oak frames, coil spring construction,
well tied, in f ine condition, choice.. ... .
3 Overstuffed Davenports
Spring filled,. Joose. cushion soats
spring backs, hardwood frames, liow
$49.75, $37.50; and.....: .. .
Half Price:
2 Period Davenport Tables
Mahogany arid walnut finishes, pretty TIjllf PllCG
styles, suitable for any living room cxx x. a.
Sectional Bookcase and Desk
Combined, built of quartered oak, fin- .
ished golden, glass fronts, desk is drop :
leaf type, formerly $39.50, now......... ......
3 Only Davenport Beds
Sojid Oak .frames, upholstered in,
leather andimitation leather, open to
full size beds, now
...;'. N
Your Credit is Good-Use It
We Charge
No Interest
furniture ? Company
We Charge
No Interest
ri WViJ