I1 f THE OREGON STATESMAN,' SALEM,'. OREGON, ; . INDUSTRIAL ORlb PR0BUGES;: QUALITY 'ROBUGT "IT rir ' ir t i i I ' 1 ...... , , . . , . . . .. . .. .. , ..;.,.,, . .... .... GON li-MU.i - i t t This cnt is used jy courtesy of the Associated Industries of Oregon . ; Dates of. Slogans in Daily htatesrnan, T . (Iu'Twhe-a-Week Statesman Following Day)' '(With a few pOMfltbta changes)' JLoganberries, October 1 i . Prunes, October 8 u...'' . , Dairying, October 15 JFTaj, October 22 FillieHs October 20 j . Walnuts, November 5 Ktrawbertes November 12 Apples, November 19 -Raspbrrries, November 20 j Mint, December 3 ' -Xlreat.Cows, Ktc, December 10 Blackberrief), December 17 -Cherrien, December 2-1 ' Tears, December 31 Gooseberries, January 7, 1025 Corn, January 14 . i , Celery, January 21 j riiiuiru, iv., inuiirj i-" nlons; Ftc, February 4 i Potatoes. Ftc, February 11 Bees, February 1H 'Poultry and Pet Stock. Feb.. 23 City Beautiful, Etc., March 4 jlJcana, Ktc March 11 .Fared Highways, March IS Head lettuce, March 23 "Sijos. Etc., April 1'V. 'Legumes, April 8 'fAnparagt:; Etr April 15 Grapes, Ktc, April 22 Drug Garden, April 2!) , i'lElinmSMISlEOF! 1STST i l ItJ$ the .Oldest of the Texiile Industries, and the Uses of f the Products of Flax Are and Wilt Always Be Next to x Universal The'1 Predictions of a Year Ago Coming ! . .True - ; ' . Flax Is the olTost known vege fc'taJjl fiber used In'liie makinrjnf - 1 articles Jor war . and household usi.t -It j Vaa'- grow a before the ; I dawn of history. In ancient Egypt, ; ; and. to the Bib'e lands. Fhie lin- eai ere found .in the tombs in the V.' Valley of the Kings," where the ,m ununified - bodies of the great " :hohe (pharaohs) -were put away ; 6,000 years or ko ago and sam ples ot these fabrics, many of tfeem ; preaerved in the British -museum, .'JAow greaves that our mqdern ma ehfncrr and methods cannot dupii- t Ccate. - ' Prelit'tlon( t'ouiing True j , f 'V In the annual flax slogan niim J:. bet df a year ago, the Slogan edi '. '"tor said: j -WITHOUT PAnTICUURIZINO, sIT MAV EE DEFINITELY STAT- V ED THAT SALEM ' H TO HAVE L.IXEX MILLS. AND. THE WRIT . - ER BELIEVES. SbON ,-. , r , AND THIS IS SUFFICIENT f . EXCUSE. IF ANY WERE SEED 1 FOR CALLING ATTENTION C TO SOME OF THE BENEFITS THAT WILT; ACCRUE FROM V THEIR - SUCCESSFUL OPEUA - TI0N HERE. , ...... T- ,'.Tai above predictions have It Is come, or are coming true - s .in porta nt as ever to know that , ; iBe raising or jiai ana me man- tn .r 4fneBn will in a tee a wrma- ,T, ncpt Industry here, and tt it j . Hiilestiaed vtA hOreon',. ereat- :;r lafustrv: thar it will crowi . into a iiuu uuw.ijflu. laausiry an- : naallyy. and then more; that it will support directly jand indl-' j recti, a million peple, when the I flfMOO.000 mark Is reached, faitdi double i that .'many la jdue 7 coatse bf tlme ?; - .-t ' Our - linen " industry will he as nernsanent as our paper Industry. . aseda the fact". that the world will aiways' need paper; that pa ;k per I- made from cellulose, and . that there will be cellulose as long r w asther Is any vegetable growth that iU stand np4that has fber fTirra" the veriest garden weed to Jhe Slant of' the forest. j J' . -j Solpere will be need for the ! " jnsinufacture of , flax as long as ?f. lviUe't man. hall use napkins or ' table-cloths or towels or clothing or tapestry tor laces or handker v cbief or airplanes ; . j ; ' i - And s long as ha paints houses i ar'utf mobiles ar any single thing , i on whkh paint. Is hsed. from a w hairpin' to a floating city called a ) ship; Bd so ongaa be uses patty for- windows "or doors In shacks frpalacea, or skyscrapers: and so ""A :,J?5R as he makes linoleums for '. "k hi floors' " . ' eaanse Unseed oil is flaxseed v oil: lis U the word for flax in the French. and several other lan . i'guegea Linseed oil is pressed or t boiled out ml flaxseed; yielding in i SOV.VQ Jl per cept ot the "j. flaxseed about 35 per cent from k m the -flaxseed grown on the fiber A 1--Crfk la the Salem dlstricLij " Aad' Unseed o?l U the onry oil .' " ' nrdtlced la commercial qnaatiUes that is a -"drying" oil. ; What Is '- this 'drying- procesa? It Is not ; really. dryto at all: not Hie the i evaporation that takes place when j the housewife bangs 4ier washing on the clothes line, .The "drying ; . i is tfue lo the Instability of linseed Sugar Herts,, SirUuin; KtrMy Water Power; May 13 Irrigation, May 20 ' . f Mining, May 27 Land, Irrigation, Etc.,' June 3 Floriculture, June lo Hops, Cabbage, Etc.,VJune 17 . Wholesaling and Jobbing, June 24 Cucumbers, Etc., July 1 Hogs, July 8 Clouts, July 15 f; - . . Schools, Etc., July 23 ' Sheep, July 2 . ' r' National Advertising. August 5 Seeds, Etc., August 12 Livestock, August 10 ' Grain and Grain Products,- Aug ust 23 r ; Manufacturing, ScptcmlMr 2 Automotive Industries, Septem ber 0 Wooilwoi king. Etc., September ' i Paper Mills, Seitember 23 (Back copies of the Thurs day edition of The Daily Oro Roa Statesman arf z'u nand.. They are fr iaie at 10 cent3 eacH. " inailed to" any address. j current copies 5 cents). Uil oil and lis sensitiveness t at mospheric influences-- It change' itself chemically, combining itsel with the oxygen from the air. It a film of linseed oil is exposed tf the air it absorbs oxygen quick'y becoming more end more-stickr and viscous during the absorption unt?l at last It dries to an elastit skin. The amount of oxygen thai absorbed by the ' oil may be af much as 20 per rent of its weight In , making , paints and varni.sher the coloring material, white lead lampblack, ultra-marine or red- lead. U ground, with a small quan tity of Unseed fl and then mixed with more .linaeedoil -and .witH the oil of turpentine; and when a layer of the paint, is spread on a surface of metal or wood it "dries'" quickly,, and a protective akin is left. The glazier, too, de pends on the "drying" "quality of linseed oil when he fixes up a new pane of glass with putty. He uses whiting -'ground 'U wfth the lin seed oil aDd it ia tbe l;nsced oil that makes the mixture hard! when it 1s exposed to the air.' The same thing happens wbenjhe maker of linoleum mixes ground cork and rosin with linseed' oiL The. lin seed oil drinks in oxygen from the air and oxidizes and solidifies the mass.r ' ' ' A Miracle Plant r ' r iN'ow ak Jhe flax plant. Here irrllh&iFalcai. district it may b planted and harvested (pul!ed) in 70 days or less; some irrigated nix h'aabeea planted and pulled. In the Turner section, within 50 daysr It I a miracle plant. .It will grow In thatahort time and it will last throughout thj ases. Its f hers are so fine .that 'they may be divided and , divided to microscopic fineness, afd an Irish airl 13 rears o!d'SDun a thread of it 14 32 miles long from a single pound of fiber! And spun togeth er' and woven Into, cloth it will outlast the life of the spinner and weaver 5.000 years, as witness the fine linens In the' tombs of Egypt; and it will make a clQtb that-will defy the elemenii, as in the sails of ships and the wings' if the air planes aloft In a hurricane. First in . value is the; seed : tor linseed oil and poultices and medi? cine. ." 'r . Next la thfr tiberlor upholster ing or splnplng ,to or for spin Bit OF TIM ill ,i ' , ; W . j i ; . f-:V.r ;:'.;.f. .:; i ;;' l '?- . m . : : LV ,r . s . ... - , . -w -, - "OREGON QUALITY" our pay rolls; they build market for the products crops of "Oregon Quality' food than any other spot on earth. ning "into !yartt for thread or twine, or for weaving into cloth of various kinds. ' Then the "water of . the retting tanks is used for fertilizer. The oil meal after being pressed for the linseed makes dairy feed. So do the bolls with the broken and small seeds. The latter is also good for horse feed. The shives cr woody part of the flax straw the inside part after the fiber, which is on the outside. Is taken offis burned for fuel in making steam heat or other heat So there is no waste in flax absolutely none. The pulled flax does not ex haust the soil as much as grain crops, or cabbago. or' potatoes. A second crop the same year may. fce jzrown in flax land. With proper rotation. f!ax may be grown for 1,000 years on the same land It wilf produce each year what will sell, when manufactured, for I as high as $24,000 an acre, or more. ' It will go on doing this forever. ?o the flax and linen Jndustrie are good for all time. They will ast as long as civilization lasts. They are payers of high wages .hd salaries. They may be devel oped 4iere.in hte Salem district. on lfss,tnan 100.000 acres of land. giving employment to over 1.000,- 000 reople. directly and indirectly. i I or an i:mr. There are only a few districts in the world In which the finest fiber flax can be grown and retted and manufactured with the fields within eyeshot of pie factories. The Salem district is one of these. ft is the only one having a vast acreage available. We have the retting to become the Belfast of the New World. And more than i Belfast, for we have the Ameri can genius for nualitv production. We will see linea. five times af iurable and potentially valuable is cotton goods, eheaner in the markets of the world han. cotton "ood.. , -Perhaps -4efpfe,yery long. And Ralem ought to. and no doubt will, have a master hand in bring- 'ng this about. ;. .' Pulling by Machines The Vessot (Canadian) flax pulling machine has operated ir 'he Sa'r-m dtetrict for three years: 'n 1923. with one machine, which first machine has gone through the three seasons in first class shape; with six machines in 1924. and nine machines the past har vesting season. There are 13 of these machines here now, al owned by growers with the ex ception of four, wh?ch still belong o the state flax industry, but they will all likely be used the coming season., Thse machines reduce very ma terially the price of pulling flax, and they do it better than it can he done by hand.. Some growers say machine pulling can be done for htee than a third of the cost of hand pulling. The price of hand pulling here has been $20 an acre. ' But this does not account for the costs of getting the labor ers and finding praces for their camping or, keeping. ..etc' Some growers have estimated the total cost at $30 an acre, for hand pulling- Machine pulling will make pos sible the growing of flax in large fields, t It will make "possible the rapid growth of the linen Industry here. .. i " .v .The reader will note herewith a cut or the puner that has Deen used here. Its operation is sim ple. to one with a mechanical turn of -mind. The flax .Is caught In three sets of running -.belts, as shown in the illustration carried quickly to the binder at the top of the machine, where It is bound and then dropped to the ground. It works like a, binder . of equal slxe and solves. 'the' -problem of flax pulling, v Oa account of the short "fine root, flax is easily pulled when caught by running belts. . - 1 - mm- , Th3 Ves33t . (Cmdiarj) flax' pulling Machb? products are establishing themselves in world markets; they make our cities; they attract new capital and new people; they provide a of our farms. Oregon farms produce a wider variety of profitable THE MILES UKEK MILL ' FOR OH ITS MHCIR OF IS WEEK; After Many Months of Planning and Building and Installing ery, the miles Linen uompany is in rroauciive uperauon, lurninq uux eme iwme and Shoe and Rarness Thread and Other Grades of Fto Yarn Twiner-Machinery All Imported, Superintendents From the Belfast District ! i The Miles Linen company, man ufacturers of salmon twine, linen shoe and harness thread and flax yarn twine generally, is at last entering into regular manufactur ing, at their new mill at 2100 Fairgrounds Road street. This is On the "Pacific highway, and Sa lem's first linen mill plant attracts the favorable attention of all tiourists and others paSsing rih rough. j The first regular order was de livered on Tuesday -of this week; 6ctoher 20th. It was an an or ier for sufficient salmon twine to niaks up a fishing fnct tor wot k h the Columbia river. The net Will be made up by the buyer of the twine at once, and it win be used in the river all winter giv ing it a severe test. 'J Other inquiries for the manu factured output of the pioneer Salem linen mill are coming. The new factory is on the map now; is a going concern, after many months of planning, of negotiating -if ' 'ft rii. k r , - f y IT A view of the or and buying and shipping ' ma- ;hiery, erecting the 1 necessary jbuildings, getting the machinery I nstalled and worked out, and all ;:he other details incident to the beginning of such an enterprise." The main machinery building is substantial, light, thoroughly ven tilated, and modern and well adapted to the work within its i walls. It is made largely of con crete and glass. Brought Across the Water i The machinery was all made abroad, on special order; mostly in Belfast,- the great world Jinen cen ter. . Bertram Thompson, superin tendent of the mill, is from I set fast, where he bad a , thorough training. J.M Stuart McNeil, ma chinist, is also from Belfast. The man who had oversight in install ing the machinery had Just fin ished the installation of the ma chines in the Henry Ford linen plant near Detroit. Robert H. Dann las general charge of the management of the business of the mill. Process in the Mill "The - Miles. Linen company realizes that the whole community of readers or The Statesman is very much Interested lh'lhe suc cess of the work undertaken at the New Linen mill." said Mr. Dann yesterday, "and some day Boon we are planning to have an open house, when we hope all our friends will come and see the pro- "4 4i,l. DELIVERED ITS FIRST ORDER D PRODUCTS 0 THY ENOUGH SH) TME TO MAKE OP II NET i cess. The machinery is very in teresting to watch, and we want to give you time to watch it." The following is a discription of the process through which the fiber passes. In the first place the fiber is sorted into various grades. Then it is taken to the roughers, men who take the pieces and divide them into smaller bits, Combing out the worst of the tangles. This roughing process is a hand operation that requires considerable skill. The process from here on is to take a pound of fiber .which will be about 24 inches long and re duce this to the required number of yards to make the twine of the size desired. For example, it is necessary to make one pound of fiber 24 Indies . long Apia out to 4800 yards, cr even umany times that number. The first step necessary in this is to take the fiber and comb it so that the fibers will become sep- arated. into what is more nearly 1, . -St t aafiTivr main machinery building of the tlioir real state. ; The combing jkc- chine, or hackle, combs each piece or handful, of fiber over 15 dif ferent combs, or tools. The num ber of teeth on these tools is grad uated,. from one pin to every tour inches to 2Q pins to the Inch. The finer the quality of the work de sired the more pins per invh arc required. The hackling machine do! Ivors the fiber in a continuous strip ? sliver. This is received into a can. Tho full cans are then plaf ed Ik hind . the first of five machines that take the sliver of fiber and draw the fiber out to the recjuired length for spinning the number or yarns needed to produce the fin ished product. This process is called preparing, and consists cf a series of machines thattake the itber passing it through the ma chine. Rollers at the back of the machine retard' the progress of the fiber while rollers at the front turn much faster, with the conse quent result that the fibers are slipped past each other as the front rollers nip the ends of the fibers drawing them' ahead of the fibers following. w The fiber in the sliyer form Is thus reduced in the weight of the yard, or the number of yards pee pound has been in creased: This Is a technical pro cess, that; needs to be seen to be understood. ' ' "Making the Yarn ' The, silver of fiber is now re duced In width and weight to the place where it is ready for the spinning frame. The - type of frames used in our mill are known as Gill spinning frames.: Their particular . difference from the usual wet spinning frame is that the final drawing out process is done in. (he same way as the pre paring ; machinery 1 performs the operation, and that the silver Is only damped and not" thoroughly wet fn hot j water. The spindles on the spinning frame are turning at the rate of 2860 revolutions per minute. The; amount of the twist that can be given is the yarn as it Is formed can be regulated to J uit the needs of the trade. Fol lowing thei spinning, the fiber, which. Is. now called yarn, la run off onto the1 reel, where It Is made Into hanks or skeins. These hanks consist of 12 cuts of yarn; each, cut has 120 threads, and the lerfgth of the circumference of the reel is SO Inches. There It Is pos- ' ' - - ' - - - ..." . . . .. . . , .. a - . . .... . i ; and Trying Out iof Machin- sible to get a measure on the yarn and determine if the; previous pro cesses have produced the required number of yards to the pound of fiber. j The yarn is then i boiled to re move certain gums tlat add to the weight and do nbt have any further value to thej yarn. , After the yarn fcfts been suffi ciently boiled it is then dried. It then becomes necessary to have it back on a bobbin sp that it can be worked on the twisting frame. This is accomplished on the wind ing - frames, where j the yarn is taken from the hapks onto the bobbins. The twisting frame, the next process, takes a given num ber of individual yan lengths and twists themstogether, the amount of the twist being j regulated on the machine. Here again the thread or twine, as it is now called, is dampened a little and so has to be made into the hank to be dried.. After drying it has a hard laundry feel, which has to be Bin.. ttya.a.hlMMi Miles linen mill removed in the softening ma' chine. It is then! wound onto another bobbin arid made into halls. The Raw Materials The raw materials for this, or any linen mill are- the flax fibers. These ''are furnlshejd under con tract by the state jtlax plant for the present, up to the' immediate requirements. j But the Miles" Linen company ) managers are preparing for the futuie. They have already , pur chased the. plant of the Turner Flax Fiber company, at Turner, seven mllea .south of Salem, and they have doubled ts capacity by erecting two additional retting tanks. As the business progresses tbey will further fortify them seives in the matter of raw ma terial. I ,H. V. Miles is thej largest stock holder of this company, and all of the stock is held by Oregon peo-' pie; practically all by Salem peo ple. ... That there will bte expansions In this mill, . there ;is no doubt; though every step will be well con sidered. ; f ' The mill now enrploys about 25 people. - About 30 jwiil be needed when everything Isj in full opera tion. . All Is in readiness now ex cepting ine insiaiiation of some of the electric lights.' In time, of course. larger forces will be needed. THE SECOND LINEN . ';N"-MILLfc'ACTIYE'-SOOHI (Curtailed from pmge 7) for the raw materials that will be needed. : ' : -j- j : i J Vnder Good ! Auspices ; 'iloa. T.;.B. Kay state treasur er, Is the president ot the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., apd T. A. Lives ley is vice president. James Rid dell of MonmouthJ M. O. Gunder son of Silverton, jiulius L. Meier of rortland,. and Cpl. W. B. Bar tram and John II. jMcNary ot Sa lem are directors, besides Mr. Kay and Mr. Llvesley of : Salem, who are also directors, j R. O. Snelling of Salem Is secretary-treasurer. , ? The Canadian group of linen mill people, the most extensive manufacturers of linens In North America, are large stockholders and thereke concerned with the success of this second Salem linen This cut Is used' by courtesy of the Associated Industries of Oregon THIS WEEK'S SLOGAN DID YOU KNOW that ours is the best' country in the world for the production of flax for its fiber for the making of yarns, twines, thread and linens; that our water, being "soft, is just right for the treatment of the flax straw, and taking it through all the processes of manufacture, from the retting to the wearing of the cloth;, that our climate and elevation are just right; that; when these facts become universally known, the flax industry will be fully developefl here, and that it will bring to our valley a hundred million dollars an nually; that we have now in operation our first mill for making flax yarns, twines and threads and are to have soon our first mill making linen cloth and that Salem is already the fiber flax center of the United States? THE WORLD FIBER FLAX SITUATION The United States Department of Agriculture Takes a Sur vey of the Yield in Alt the Principal Fiber Flax Growing Countries Prof. Hyslop Says Oregon Growers Must Giv Attention to Profitable Production General statistics ..on the world flax fiber production were re leased by the- United States de partment cf agriculture, October 5, 1923. They indicate that there has been a steady upward trend in fiber flax production since 1921 and in some' sections the, produc tion has" increased quite material ly. Russia was formerly the great flax producing center insofar as fiber was concerned and was re sponsible for most of the world's fiber crop. Since the war statis tics on; Russian flax have been very limited and in many cases unreliable,' and so there are many instances in which the Russian estimates have been omitted. However, it should be born in mind that Lithuania is a country that was formerly part of Russia and that was the center of the fiber flax industry. This country hadsomething over 30 percent in crease in acreage, in 1925 and a very substantial increase in the number of pounds of fiber. The following figues are quoted from "Foreign Crops and Markets'. a publication of the United States department of agriculture. Continued Increase in World Flax Fiber Production J Although there are. few definite estimates of acreage and produc tion of flax fiber the estimates available together with informa tion concerning the condition of the crop indicate that the upward trend of fiber flax production which has been in evidence since 1921 yill e continued in 1925. Production estimates are avail able for four countries other than Russia, including an estimate for Lithuania which has been ranking third or fourth In importance In late years among the world's flax fiber producers, .. The.: total pro duction for these four "countries for 1925 Is 21i percent" greater than for the same countries in 1924;' Acreage figures are avail able for ten ..countries excluding Russia, which use part of all their crop, for fiber. . Llhuania is the only'country of Importance. The total acreage . for' these countries for l925 is 1 percent greater than the same countries for 1924. For Poland, Belgium, Latvia and Esthonia, all more or less Im portant flax fiber producers, no estlnjates.ot production or acreage are available. Conditions of the growing crop were average or better around the first of August for alL the countries except Bel gium for which no report Is available.. The fact that In the Netherlands the production was J ,ess this year than last, with an increased acreage, does not point to a hopeful outlook in Belgium. A more recent trade report states that In Latvia unfavorable weath er conditions have hot Improved the prospect In 1 August Great Britain and Northern Ireland ex pected an aveVage yield of good quality. . In the Irish Free State Mil THE EAST IS ID MR Edftor Statesman: It has been my good fortune and pleasure, to spend the past week on., a - diversified Oregon ranch,' consisting of some 50 acres on which were 0 acres In-prunes, KVi acres in pears, 1V& acres in strawberries and thee balance In grain land,' together with a small grove of elegant, fir trees." ,Taia ranch is located 2 V4 miles IIKTM MI FTU a good yield of fiber vas antici pated,, and the Cze( Inslovakian crop was average in condition. A report received by me Russian information bureau at Washington states that the flax fibnr produc tion for the Soviet Union for 192.1 is estimated at , o7C.000.000 pounds convparcd with 4 32,000, 000 for the same region in 1924. The flax area of Russia, excluding -Ukraine, W"hite Russia, Trans caucasia and Turkestan es re ported to ths Jntcrnation Insti tute by the Russian agricultural commissariat, is 17 per cent great er than for the same regions lat year. The total area in Russia for 1924 as reported by the lust tute is 2.584.S00 acres. Flax Acreage in European coun. tries producing flax for fibci 1 03 1 and l2.-. Country England - Wales Northenr' Ireland Netherlands 10'JI ACr-s .",70 0 42.SOO 31. "00 4x,r,oo n 1,-t oo r.4.100 32. H00 coo Aries P.. 7 00 r T.Niio c:..oo 4'f.0(0 4!t.4O0 1,000 23,000 700 France " . Italy CzechoMovakfa Yugoslavia Bulgaria Lithuania Finland 152.000 200,200 13.100 P.600 TotaJ 431.S.00 4S3.600 Acreage figures include flax grown for seed in the countries listed. Ilax Production of filcr in Knr. opean countries W1 and 19". Country ID' 1!J" Nrthcrlandi 20. tftti.uon 19.1rt(i,000 Itly 4.54i,'0 5.2!I.0O Blpari 2oo.iiMt io.ooo Liihnauia 7J,tO0,0i.O 92,'J'JO.OOO Total, 4 nation 9",100.ooO HT,31.0o These figures tending to show a steady increase in a number of instances where production' is rather important, ferve to drive home more than ever the very great importance of Oregon farm ers who engage in the fiber flax industry following certain lines that will tend to make more prof itable Production per acre. This will probably involve better class of land. In order to secure soils only suited to the crop. This will In many .cases Involve decreased acreages, and it will further em phasize the Importance of good seed and early farming. Those who f followed good practices throughout the last flax growing season got Into the better grades of flax and la many cases got very nice financial returns per acre, but those' who planted on poor land or planted late gener ally harvested a- short crop, and it is doubtful if they made any money at it. G, R. HYSLOP. Corvallis, Ore., Oct. 16, 1923. (Prof. Hyslop is good authori ty. He Is agromonist (professor of farm crops) at the Oregon Ag- 'ricultural college. Ed.) south 'of the city Hmits of Salem and owned by a former resident of Illinois via Jas. G. H. .-Wolfe, same being' typical of the many ranches in this valley. Being a tourist, from Illinois and an old friend of Mr. Wolfe and family, I was persuaded to spend several days on the ranch and Sam some first hand Information rela tive to Oregon and what the state has t6 offer tourl3t3 and home seekers, particularly in the Wil lamette Talley and in the vicinity of Salem. - ' I was agreeably surprised to find that almost everything. in the nature . of commodities . can ba (Continued a yu 10) 4