The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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By AUDREY BUNCH, Phone 106
Albert-Koff Wedding :
Salem has scarcely Ytfown, a
more beautiful bride than Miss
y Mr. and Mn. Joseph, II. Albert,
whose marriage to Mr. Asel Eoff.
I : son of Mrs. J. T "Whittig, was
solemnized at 8 o'clock Wednes-
aay erenlng, October 21, at the
; home of the ; bride's parents at
. 245 North Winter street.,, Seventy-!
Ire Telatires -and friends -were
In riied to witness the ceremony
. which was read in "an impressive
, manner, by Dr. Norman Kendall
tvTully, Dastor of the First Presby
Viirlaa chnrch.' Last night's bride
j 7s been one of the most qxten
fyjiprtT feted of the. year, and the
rVB Of Ue wedding is of interest
... throughout the state.
. The seTTiee was read in the liv
ing room before the fireplace,
which was , completely embanked
with potted ferns, 'palms and b mi
lax. : ;'v" , ;
Two tiers of exquisitely slen-
der cathedral candles bnrned !tn
glass "bolder at the altar -which
-was iesuve on either side with a
, magnificent floor basket of the
choicest white chrysanthemums.
A nave for the bride was; made
,' by means of satin, streamers
reaching from the pillars of the
stairway to the beautlfnl : altar.
Holding the ribbons were Mary
Klizabeth Benz and Suzanne Sigel
at the altar and, at the stairs,
Miss Irma Reynolds and Miss
Margaret Legge.
Immediately- preceding the cer
emony, Miss Josephine Albert, the
f , cnae-s , only, . sister, sang "God
I JToucbed the Rose." Miss Albert
I made a lovely picture In her frock
i ; tof pink georgette adorned with
1 roses on each side of the flounce
t r.fd at a low waistline. Mrs. Uue-
! T4eil Benz (Mildred Wlzeins).
cousin of the bride, played Men
delssohn's wedding march as the
cridal party assembled.
The bride' was a picture of un
forgettable charm as she descend
ed the stairway on the arm of her
father who gave her in marriage.
Her wedding gown was of lavish
silk marquisette cut with a low
waist line' and elaborated with
four godets, heavily beaded with
pearls and rhinestones, and bor
dered' at the neckline with the
same gems. She wort a train
length veil of net 1 na delicate
flesh tint worn with a coronet of
real orange 'blossoms with a ban
deau of silver lace' embroidered
with pearls. She carried a real
lace handkerchief which belonged
- to her paternal grandmother. Her
pumps were of sUvred;kiL.,She
crried a lovely shower bouquet of
delicate pink rosebuds, bovardia,
orchids, And lines of the valley
with streamers pf pale pink satin.
Miss Rodgers caught the bouquet.
r The bride's "only attendant, Miss
Margaret Rodgers, as maid-of-
ionor, wore a winsome mode of
tale green chiffon and cloth of
JVd, with chic baskets of French
tiowers,in applique. . She carried
a basket of flowers with a showes
of pastel blossoms which exactly
duplicated , tbe miniature baskets
of artificial flowers on her gown!
Mr. Wolcott Bnren attended the
groom as best man.
The bride's mother wore a lovej
It gown of rich blue silk with the
y bodice embroidered in blue and
goia mcianic inreaa.
The living room, dining room;,
library, and even . the veranda
were decorated with the most gor
geous blossoms of the season. In
the library, one entire wall was. a
bank of zinnias, French mari
golds, astors, ' and Gladioli, low
bowls. and pottery urns being ar
ranged , on the ledge to give the
charming effect, , ., , t
In the dining room, the table
was covered with- an . imported
cloth 3 of Battenburg and Cluny
lace, i The gorgeous, ' deep .red
buds of lladley roses filled a sil
ver basket at the center of the
table. French yellow ; tapers burn
ed in silver holders. 4-Mrs. Glenn
J ' Sigel' cut the ices daring the re-
C iJItion which followed the ' cere
tt rnfony and Mrsi Edwin Jorgenson
k v Presided at the urn.1 Mrs. Lewis
y JX. Griffith presided "as hostess In
yA a dining room during- the eve
ning. 4 Assiting her were Miss
Josephine - -Caumgartnerj Miss
Maxlne Buren, Miss Katherine
Hartley, : Miss 4 Genevieve; Junk,
Miss Dorothy Patterson, and Miss
Ruth Griffith.
A beautiful array of gifts re
ceived W this popular y"ong cou
ple were "on display on the second
floor. ... X . ; . .
" Mr.' and "Mrs. Eoli s lert lor a
ten day wedding trip to Califor
nb. The -bride's going away suit
was a smartly, cut ensemble in a
novelty check with a stunning
small hat In scarlet velvet. -
Both Mr. and ; Mrs. Eorf are
prominent in University, of i Ore-con-
circles, i Mrs. Eoff ia a meni-
k - ber of the Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority, while Mr, Eoff is ajKap-
pa Sigma. Miss Albert . is
. ..-lit.- . . 1T.1..M1
-paauate f o nuMuivuiui3r
jrJL where shft was active in rau
S w,w A aiu-lii! rrrtH with thfi
W.r rht fif ?24. . Mr. Eoff is promi
nently engaged ; ln: business here
where the young people will, make
their home. , ; . -. ,
After November 15 Mr; land
Mrt. Eoff wfllbe at home to their
friends in -their attractive new
dwelling at Harvard and Twelfth
Tbe ladies of the Yomarco class
of the First Methodist church will
meef'on Fridayfafternoon at the
home of Mrs. E- B. Millard, 2011
D street. ' .
i -; . - '
Large Tea on Friday
I A large 'tea honoring Mrs.
Brock, a national secretary in the
work of the Methodist Episcopal
clrurcb, wilj be sponsored by the
Leslie, the -Jason Lee, and the
First - Methodist churches on Fri
day, October 23, in the parlors of
the First Methodist f church, be
ginning at. 2:30 o'clock. The mem
bers of the Woman's Home Mis
sionary , Society are In direct
charge. ; Mrs. Brock'is on her way
north alter attending tbe national
convention of th'e V. H. M. S. in
China Pheasant Dinner
i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Kletzlng
were guests on Monday evening
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.Hauser
for a China pheasant dinner. Ad
ditional covers were placed for
Margaret and Paul Hauser, son
and daughter of the hosts.-
Military Wedding Soon
.Crossed swords and full dress
uniforms will make tne wedding
Saturday . afternoon of Miss
Martha Powell and Ensign Ralph
E. Wilson, U. S....N.. a; brilliant
and colorful affair, such as Port
land has not seen in several sea
sons. Fellow officers of the groom
from the U, S. S. California which
came into Puget sound last week,
following the recent navy cruise
through Australian waters, will
come from Seattle this week-end
.to be attendants for the ceremony.
The service will be held in the
J Reed college chapel and will , be
ioilowed by a large reception m
Anna Mann cottage on the college
campus. The ceremony will be
performed by the father of the
bride. Rev. Charles Heath Powell
of Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Evangeline Powell, a sis
ter, will be maid of honor, and
Misses Hilda Marietta Thorne,
Marguerite Drake, Elva Mervy and
Marie Briggis of Salem . will be
Mr. Kenneth Waters of Salem
will be best man and ushers will
be from the TJ. S. S. California
Ensigns Warren W. Harrey, Wil
liam F. Simnmns, Edward H. Ed
mundson an .3ert A. Keyer Jr.
-Many guests from Salem, the
groom's former home, will be in
the city for the occasion. The
bride If- a 'graduate of Refid col
lege and;, the groom'of the United
States" naval academy at Annapo
lis. Portland Journal.
Honored at Luncheon
Mr. and Mrs. John WitSycombe,
accompanied, by Miss Sara Rankin
of Berkeley, California, droye
from Arlington by way of Bend
and McKenzie ;Passf t arriving at
Labis h Meadows Monday. Tues
day Mias Rankin was honored at
a luncheon by Mrs. Karl Steiwer.
Americanization Division
The Americanization depart
ment of the federation of Wom
en's organizations and the divis
ion of Americanization of the
Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs will hold an institute in
room A, Central library in Port
land Friday, October 23, nt 10
Baptist Society -
The women's . society of the
First Baptist church will hold its
trgular business and work meet
ing in the church parlorse on Fri
day morning, October 23, begin
ring at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will
be served at noon and a prayer
meeting will be held at 3 o'clock.
All the ladies of the congregation
are invited to attend.
Carnation Club
The Carnation club will meet
with Mrs. !;. P. Wrisht, 197 South
17th stre t today.
o'clock Mrs. William Horton ' Jr.,"
chairman of the ' Americanization
department, of ' the Portland city
federation," will "preside. - Mrs.
Rhoda :B. Hayes, president of the
Portland f ederation":'bf women's
organizations, will open the meet
ing with an address of -welcome.
All club members," especially pres
idents and delegates, who are in
terested in Americanization prob
lems jare invited - to f attend the
institute. -Attendance will be
credited on the honor score cards
of the state federation.
Dr. f Phillip A. Parsons, presi
dent of the Americanization coun-
cil,will be the first speaker at the
morning session. His subject will
be "The Purpose of the American
ization Council.' Pretessor A. C
Strange, state director of Ameri
canization and executive secretary
of the Portland Americanization
council, -will speak on "The Prob-
The .Preliminaries Are Now
Being Arranged Looking to
Building Operations
lems of Americanization." Judge
William A. Ekwail will speak on
Law, Enforcement In Relation to
the Foreign Bora."
Luncheon will , be i held at th
"Sign of 'the ,'Rose'V tea room at
p. m. Mrs. . Charles VH.
Castner, chairman ot the Ameri
can citizenship .department of the
Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs, will preside, Mrs. Roy W.
Taylor, Garfield 5434. Is the res
ervation chairman. -A
Charles A.. Rice, superintendent
of the Portland public schools,
will speak on "The Public School
and Its Relation to the Foreign
Born," at the afternoon session at
2 o'clock.
Mrs. Benjamin Ostlind, chair
man of the American division of
the Oregon Federation of Wom
en s clubs, wilr speak on "Nat-
- : - ;
Social Calendar
The Oregon Linen Mills, Inc.
with ?640,000 capital, over half
of it subscribed in Salem, i3 go
ing forward making plans for tbe
machinery and the building opera
Some things are to be decided
yet, including the selection of the
site, but this will be clone soon
and then matters will be pushed
clear through to the manufac
turing of fine linens.
The company expects to give
especial attention to the 'furnish
ing of the raw materials; the
fibers. The subscriptions already
made to'tbe stock of the company
are sufficient to build and equip
the mill. v
The additional subscriptions, to
be made , from now,, on,, will be
used entirely, to secure to - con
struction of retting and scutching
plants and otherwise providing
(Continued on page 8.)
Prof. N. B. Zane's U. of O. ex
tension class in art under spon
sorship of Salem Arts league, 7:30
to 9 o'clock.
, East Side Division of the Pres
byterian Ladies" Aid society. Mrs.
J. N. Skaife, 341 North Nineteenth
street, hostess.
Woman's Relief Corps Ladles
Aid society. Pot luck dinner at
noon.! Fairgrounds.
"Unitarian conference in Port
Carnation club. Mrs. D. P
Wright, 297 S. 17th street.
v Oman s Kvangelistic prayer
league. Mrs. 11. v. Shanks, 103
S. Cottage street, 9 o'clock.
Salem Woman's Iub glasses
Clubi house on North Cottage
2:00-2:45 o'clock. Psychology
Profi C. L. Sherman, instructor.
2:45-3:30 o'clock. "Know Your
Town" class. Mrs. E- E. Fisher
in charge.
Miss Cornelia Marvin's class in
modern thought- Salem Art's
League, fublic library. 7:30-9
Old Fashioned Dance. St. Jo
seph's Auditorium.
WHM8 of the First Methodist
church. Missionary tea honoring
the I national secretary Mrs
Woman's Auxilla.. 1 St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Mrs. Joseph
Bauhmgartner 835 D street, host
Yomarco club. Mrs. E. B. Mil
lard, 2011 D street, hostess.
' Presbyterian Ladies Aid soci
ety.! Church parlors. 2: SO o'clock.
Salem Women's club luncheon.
Marion hotel 3 o'clock.
Cjooked food sale. Ladies of
the I Oak Grove grange. S. P.
ticket office. . ...
J , .. Monday
. MacDowell Club concert. Walk
er HalL; : 1 5. .o'clock,.
Mrs. A. Park's Bible class.
Public library. 7:30 o'clock. ,
stiffness. Others say the poor so
nrallzatlon. Miss Helen i)ekum.
Americanization teacher Of i the Y.
W. C, A., will have tor her sub
ject "The Magic Xey." Mr. F. C.
Miller will speak on "Yout Land
and Mine."
Camp Fire Meeting
The Sacajawea Camp Fire Girls
held their regular weekly meet
mg Wednesday afternoon in the
parlor of the First Presbyterian
caurch. The time was sbent in
singing camp fire songs and re-
nearslng their play "ThejCall of
Wohelo," which will be given some
time within the next -few! weeks.
Following are the names! of the
girls in the Sacajawea i camo:
Elizabeth Clement, Edith Clement,
Thelma Davis, Vivian Fleenor,
Wilda Fleenor, Doris Geisey, Fran-
Mulkey and Grace Rhodes. "Mre.1
R. M. T. Hester is the euardian.
Hollywood Club Meets
The Ladies Social club of Holly
wood, met with Mrs. John Gunsley
Wednesday afternoon. . - Tbe af
ternoon was Bpent Jn music- and
conversation The hostess served
a delicious luncheon, the piece 4de
resisunce .? being" venison sand
wiches. "The hostess was assisted
by Mrs.W. V". Cummings, Mrs. J.
C. Ackmah and Mrs: W." F. Starr;
Those present .were Mrau John
Gunsley; Mrs. -W. V. Cummings,
Mrs. T. Olson, Mrs." Aler Rowlands
Mrs. T. M. Gire, Mrs.'W. F. Starr,
Mrs. Jack Earle and. -daughter.
Barbara. Mrs. Victor La Due, Mrs
W. W. Fisher and daughter Mary
Jean, Mrs. Walter-Davis, ' Miss
Amanda Olson, Mrs. AI E. Hedline
ces Laws. Marjorie Lenz, i Mildred and two visitors, Mrs- Lester SfaVr
and Mrs. J. C. Ackman, .both of;
Salem. The next meeting will be
with- Mrs. - W.'F. Starr in two .
weeks,- .. v . :l ;
Guests f op Wedding
': Many, out-of-town guests were
present last ' lr!ght.or the Albert '
Eef f Redding; one the outstahd
ing social events of the mirath. In
the" group wereV' Mrs. Fred Wig
gins and Mrs. " Rueben Benalind
daughter, Mary El&abetliot Top-'
penlsh, Washington; Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Jorgenson and daughters,
Grace and Sally, Mrs.- Sarah, Dal
rjrmpfe, Mrs. .CharleJi vG.- Robert
son, Mr. and Mrs:"Glehn Slgei and,
daughter, Shaann'e, Mr. add Mrs.
0: Ti. Krauze; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lockley, Mrs": J. A. Rockwell and
daughter Mariew all .qf .Portland
and Mr." and'Mrs. Tt.E. "Albert '(St,
Portland.- -1 - 1 J
See the Champions at
An Unparalleled Opportunity .for
Education and Thrilling Enjoyment
$90,000 in Premiiims j
The 1925 Pacific International Livestpck Exposi
tion, Inc. at Portland Oct 31st to Nov. 7th,
will bring together the greatest assemblage of
livestock ever shom under one roof in America.
It will be even larger, more interesting, more educational,
; more thrilling than last year thousands of purebred Dairy
and Beef Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Goats from all over
-America being exhibited in the immense new bxpoettloa
Palace and Amphitheatre covering 10 acres. .
Corabiaad wirk this !aveft cembined livestock show ia
Afscricm. ar th Land mod Indnstriat ProdacM Show,
Nofdnrat Har Gain. Show. Waum Winter Pnmltrr
Showan4 th spcctaculai and world funoui Hone Show.
- ; Thi Horn Show, toel.U worth mdcttota. i
Sevea evening performaac$ and three mitinee arc.
each exowded with a tucceuioo of thrillias evena.
' Judge of Iatemational Reputation i.
. Portland. Oct. 31st-Nov. 7th
4 :
sip .
LirgCwf Uvcstbck' IShmVin Vhs Wbrld'l 6;acrew wdfer:cne roof
o I ' o
V. . h VL- l.'., fc I I WT TUT"' ' ' r""S Toh ",mm
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Direct from Mills
This special "buy ' represents the alertness of our New York buying
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people are looking-; to Millers for real money saving opportunities.
The Sheen is 'equal to pure silk and as an eyiry day 'stocking, we
believe this number will prove its value "many times over. ' :
; The fo6t and top are .triadc. of 4 ply yarn. . The heefs and'toes are double
reinforced for :extraj wear. Sec . them . in .'our corner window or better,
still Vome down and select a ha
. , - X -
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in the Sheen
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f dozen pairs. You'll "not regret the
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Price : Vith i H b
Lowest in "towxir--; -You'll1
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streets. .