The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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TOTRgDAY'.MORyiy OCTOBER 22. ,1925-::
! i
1 1
r-'.t'i .l.
nam r .
1 i ' . i ,
. ft.. V
4 J -
temperature; ' light
I Riyer 2.4 atlonary ; l ltainf all
'.none; Atmosphere clear" Wind
northwest.7 ". 11 A
-. At
: Tie Theater Today
, It! ,
Oregon-Uorinne ; Griffith
and JCenneth Harlan ,ln
rThe.MarrJage Whirl.",
Hell!? Ceorge O'Brien In
rn Fighting Heart."
Blighv Hoot Gibson In
'KWin Kid From Powder
Rlrer." : l '
tf a nana a
Bpecla .Oomntunlcatlon :
of .Salem Lodge No.
4 A.F-feAJf. atl
- thetr ' lodge : room
Thursday Oct. 22,
at "l p. to., to con-
, duct the luneral of
our late Drotner,
Paul J, Annis, from the , Bigdon
& Son mortuary. - ; j
J. sJ. BERWICK. ; Secy.
' ' " V- -' f o22
Flaa Display Outlined !
A neat card giving rules for the
proper display of the national flag
has been nrenared by the U. S. Ma
rine corps and are now being dis
tlbuted here by Sgt. W. T. Con-
wa.y, f ecruiting of f icer of the Ma
rines. Anyone "wishing the cards
may obtain them at he recruiting
department in the postofffce build
log. ' ':' i" - ' '
Wallnlah taff Named
Walter Iliff, editor of the 1326
Wallnlah, has 'Announced the
members of the start that will help
im tn;putttng out the Willamette
year- book'. Th"ey""afe: "Associate
editor, Adelia - G ates ; Jinlversity,
Eu geaia , Saya ge; , student. ' .'body,
Cayne , Crow; athletic William
Warren,; college jrear; Mildred . Mc
lCHlican;'actIvUies. MUkent King;
organizations, Letha filler ' and
WUlis .Hathaway; satire, Louise
Garrison and - .Margaret t. Arnold ;
art, .Susie Church, .Evangeline
Helnlcknrd Helen Arpke; offi
cial photographer.. Kennel-Ellis.
Fire Eeporte
.l-Tie "l local jpaper
mul was
threatened" last .night; when old
sulphur, that .had beenthrown out
caught ;aiire"int some way. " The
fire was close to the sulphur bins
and in the -wooden part of the
building, ani if the fire had been
given mucn neaaway, it is very
likely that a serious situation
would have arsen. As lt.'was, the
workmen at the mill Immediately
turned, the miirs hose oh.tha.tire,
and: called the fire department.
The tllremen ; arrived and extln
guiabed'the fire had i
chance. to do any damage, " -
Mis Wj-niAn p II
cali YWCA - was -expected .back An
Salem October 20' from, her trip o
Omaha,- Neb., where she ha been
attending to some business affairs.
She .has, not arrived; yet, and pas
not,, been heard from for same
timer lint IMN.' T Piirrfo finmaA.
M " -'
I i mother-, at the -XWCA, . assorted
thaf she expects Miss Wym an i will
be JiexeJy October ,25.
s v r u,i for t'Hd In rail or, atar J
44 :ivi
n rv na. 1 n fi K'i Brtrv n !
It will soon be time to
change from your summer
underwear to a heavier and
-Warmer garment. !
Now is Ahe June Jo Buy
469 State Street
Odd Fellows Initiate
I Aa Initiation' of "several jiew
members was held hy the Odd Fel:
lews last night Entertainment
is eluded ' a fate ightiof hand per
Jermanleirfl malic tricks by
Jack Spong, -f- Salem. ;
:, "'I'm 1
Trjr, Some Of-rr- J . -.;:.
k'.Tbse: old-time bologna atPeo-
iple's Jlarket. .' ' o22
Hi ,."
Dr. Marshall, .Osteopathic-
Phxsician and surgeon.
Fraternity to Initiate r
' .the Phi Kappa PI fraternity at
Willamette university is planning
to put over several stunts ;iy this
year's pledges on the streets of
Salem 'some time before the end
of the week.
Vood Special "
Fire .loads : 16 .. in ; mill jrood
$170. , Propspt delivery. Spauld-
mg lagging Tel 1830. - p23
BniMing Permits Issued
Two building permits were tak
en out at the office of the ctiy re
corder Wednesday. Dr.; B. L.
Steeves took out a permit to erect
one-story concrete building on
Liberty, adjoining.the Salem J3ank
of Commerce on the south. The
structure is to be erected at a cost
of ,f SjOOO. J. W. Harmer was
gixperniit, to-.-vrect -a. . one
story ,jl welling- at 1815 : Hickory
street at a cost o,$250T).:.';;"'.?'
Dr. JR A.lGneXfroy Announces
The opening of an office for the
practice of general medicine and
obstetrics in rooms 204-205 4U. S.
Bank Bldg. Tel. 2329. o22
O. K. Waffle House-
Opposite Penney'a. : Waffles
and slfort orders at all hours. New
management. , ' ol3tf
Editor to Speak v ' . i .
Wilfred Wellock, Engll s h
preacher and editor, is to address
the Willamette .fitudent hody this
morning during the chapel hour
In the evening he will" speak at
the First Methodist church of Sa
lem. His being' brought ?aere was
largely due to the Influence of Dr.
S. Langhlin, head iff the soci
ology; :a'nd economic departments
at Jthe tnlyerslty.- : . . ' f , ' ' r
torium. Cbem-
id Wlnterr,
- r
r ; 5-rto m hb use. full base-
meht, turnace-andl' fireplace. Phone
ownSf,J2103-Wo 1675-R. ' 018tf
Drunkard Arrepted
CUf ford WIllard .ot Salem ,waa
arrested Wednesday night by Of
ficers Edwards .and - James on
charges of being drunk and of
stealing a bar: cap' oft of an auto.
He was .recently released from the
county ; afer , serving .several
months on a contributing charge.
fLine '.. ,.-
oysmackinaws $6.90 and
:C-J..TBrier. . o27
To PJeorganize Jersey Club
A postal card is being sent to
Jerfcey.-breeders, reading as 4fol-
loy.aj'STSaiiirday. Octoher:24, 11
m., lyon are asked .to meet at
Salens i Chamber : .of Commerce
v. Direct -Factory ' Branch -519
Ocmrt BtreeU "hod. tZ2
-Typewriter( Reated,:soia; -'
' rf.vfci Repaired f-w"
Special rental rates to students
.. .. ; .
Furnaces ,
tSalcra Office 169 S.ali2h
A ..Fine.
Office, hours:
12:M TO' 1 P. M.
& CO.
.. --p. t
rooms to reorganize the Marion
County Jersey club. In the oast
this club has been a great helif to
the breeders. Comet Let's make
it bigger and better. It's our club
Let,j;o! ..Stanley Riches, secre-
tary." ... , .r
The Power of God Heals
' If you hare" faith in His word,
come to me and in the name of
esus . I '.will heal you. AH so
called incurable diseases solicited;
Prof. Hawkins, Hotel Bligb.o25
Furniture Upholstery
I And .repairing.' Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. s20tf
Marslificld 3Ian Speaks
i Charles A. Howard, superin
tendent of schools at .Marshf ield,
spoke, briefly ?bef ore the Salem
Rotarians "at their weekly meetr
Ipg Wednesday! ,U$ is chairman
df the' boys work committee of
the Marshfield Rotarians, and told
of his work in that connection.
Mr. Howard is a. candidate to suc
ceed State .Superintendent of
Schools J. A. Churchill, who is tQ
become president ot th"e formal
school at Ashtahd as soon as It" is
Completed.'' : Mr. Howard- was for
merly principal of the Eugene
high school and was a graduate ot
the University of Oregon. He
wis later ' calied to' Marshfield
where he has been city superin
tendent for" five years. ? 1 ; "
Send a Box of Oregon's Finest
, Stark's Delicious to your east
ern friends. On .sale at Salem
Fruit Union. o24
Vinegar Apples Wanted
Gideon. S toll Co., near corner
Summer and Mill. Sacks .tarnish
ed. .Phone .26. o6tf
"Dry" Meeting Scheduled
. 'A mass meeting will be held in
the raysvlll"" school ISUnday
night, Ocfoher 25, at 7 f30 o'clock,
to" "which every ' law-abiding clti
tea' is' urged to 'attend. r R. E.
Close; assistant superintendent of
the anti-saloon league, will deliver
an address in connection with the
film, ?The Triumph of Justice;
which will be shown. This picture
has been drawing capacity' houses
and has .fetirred the state. It is
stated that children :must be ac
companied by their parents to sei
cure admission. The lecture and
pictured Is - free, but an offering
pill be taken. ..
1A34 Ferd Coupe !
With lots ot extras. -A bargain.
Used Car Corner, 246 State St.
- , ' ' ' o22
For Sale
At YWCA, 12 polished oak top
tables. -3x4 ,f t. Suitable tor use
In restaurant or tea room. Price
Compre Snuggery ,
A snuggery is a place where
people may ': be ahug. .Here's- a
new home f or.two or.three. , .Has
three rooms and .sleeping" jbrch,
full deep cement ,basement where
one can swing an axpr a cat, .and
c Salem's Reading ;
Pays Cash For inTnlture
Residence and Str '
lOlO jorUi Snmmer
"Established Since 1016",
nrT mi-i
ijodMiNiNG ; f
For he right kind of material
and the .very hest workman
ship J call tu, - s: ; '
- Gabriel
T70i itxo2a 0h;
touring Jn the best of co'n;.
dition at only $350.00. i .
r -Also a 1923 Ford toaringr
new paint, in A-l condition,
at $250.00.
. ...TERSis AT -
keep the Ford," furnace, fireplace,
hardwood floors, wired for electric
range. On a large lot south with
large trees and' : vle'w.' ! Is" brand
new. and' can he bought for$2600
with 600 down, balance EXACT
LY like rent. Being finished at
1550 South Winter 'street: ' Becke
& Hendricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 N.
High. ' o2I
Dances Every Friday
Night at Derby Hall.
You Wm Appreciate
' A good pumpkin pie. "Its fla
vor, is Just right. We. make hem
fresh every day. That's why they
have that home-made taste. Bake
Rite Bakery. o23
Brick Buildings Cheap
' j We have four Salem Brick
buildings for sale. $18,000 to $22,
000 Any. one win pay you double
the return bf safe bonds onBOrD
vajue. Investigate now. Becke &
Hendricks, HeUig Bldg., 189 , N.
High. - o24
Exclusive. Distribution .
f For W. W.; Kimball pianos. . A-B.'-Chase,
Davenport ,& Tracy,
Bush fe.Gerts. Moore's Music
House, 409-415 Court. s20tf
Extradition Granted
; Governor Pierce yesterday hon
ored a requisition from the gov
ernor of California asking for the
return of Joseph Agner alias Joe
Levine, now uhder arrest in .Port
land under the name of George
$nyder. The prisoner, Is said to
have escaped .from the custody; of
a Los Angeles of fleer July 4, 1925
He Is now' serving a 30-day Jail
Stark's Delicious Apples-
All .prices, ' grades and si2es,
loose or packed, on sale at Salem
Fruit Union. E. S. Blehn. o24
Dr. Garnjobst Returns
Dr. J. H. Garnjobst has re
turned to Salem after a two weeks
visit to St. Paul, Minn., where, he
wag presentat.the Interstate Post
Graduate Assembly r of T America;
TbAra wont 70ft dnctors t the asilt -
geftihlv from v all narfs' bf the
TTrra cfatbo anA rnnfa.-. Tirri
Dawson, physician to King George
of England, Governor Christian-
son or .Minnesota ana unanes
Mayo of Rochester, in addition to
several others! addressed the as
Farewell Dance . ,
McElroy's orchestra. . Crystal
Garden.' Saturday " night. Ten
men. " ' ' o24
Speaker Announced
O. B. Coldwell,. vice . president
of the' Portland Electric Power
company, is scheduled to address
the local Lions club at their week
ly luncheon Friday. . jHydro-elec
trie development in. Oregon will be
the theme of his address and the
Oak .Grove project,, of the PEP.
1!;:' :$1? '
lrs a real meas
ito trayel Ey jstogei
. Speed .with safety, combined, with scenic
beauty, comfortable stages and frequency
jof service,' stage ; .enjoyable at
any season of the year. j -
..... . ... j :"'T''
We take the work, out pf travel arid put
pleasure in '' Ask' VoutickctQflice fptf a
list'of the beautiful tripsso, or in' coo.
.nccoon wiui our
; ftf rUtm. CTabm Ihwi 1 A' aim. ttt M auauV ' k '
.will be, described J
with : pictures, 'llti'was j
brougfit'eut :VSAhtQir iiu afr.'
I Coidell - was' horn, in Salem on.)
ine, aoerty street site mat nas
been purchased' if tn PEP con-
pany fo'r thet ereetiod of an office
buUdlng. He studied electrical jen
gineering at Stanford ' university
and took advanced work
at Cor-
Woodry A Soi
Buy furniture. Store,
Commercial. Phone 75.
271 N.
Vaccine Ja Issue
About $50 worth of vaccine has
been used thia fall in the Salem
high school, McKinley and Par
rlsh Junior high schools, and. the
Lincoln grade "school.' The ques
tion has arisen as to -who shall "pay
for it. The attorney general ?of
Oregon rendered an opinion .in
1921 that the school board has not
the authority to: pay lor the vac
cine. It is expected that the ques
tion will be brought up for con
sideration of the local school board
at its next meeting, to be held Oc
tober 27.
Philippine Hand Embroidered , .
, Anil lianrl maila InOnfo' itrau.
es arrived today arid go on sale
' Ml. IIII.V U.
tonwrrow at , the special price of
1. These are peautlfully .made
of fine quality ; French nainsook.
also petticoats at tIs special
price. Miller's department store.
Kay Speaks of Mill
At the meeting .of the Mon
mouth Chamber , of Commerce
Tuesday night Tom B. Kay and
Joe Baumgartner, both of Salem,
spoke cofnTcerning the new Oregon
Linen Mitys to be erected' in S lam.
Oibitttary iR
-. Anni4 ) ": !
At the home, fopr miles south
of Salem. Monday. October 19.
Paul J. Annis. age 72 years. . .Hus
band of Mrs. Florence Annis, and
father of Mrs. H. W. FaScblng of'
Salem and Mrs. Ed Harr, Salem
Deceased was a; resident of Oregon
for 45 years and of Salem for nine
years. He was a. member ot the
WOW lodge of Halsey. Funeral
services will take place .Thursday,
October 22, at 1: 30 p. m. from the
Rigdon & Son ..mortuary. later-
ment wilUbe in the City View
cemeterv under the ausDicea of
Salem lodge To. .4, AF&AM.
Edith Hoffman
In thia city, October 20, Edith)
uff o ac nar. Pn,fli
Services will be held at 2 o'clock iePr- wa unucceB8iui, o iu
ty,t .hi, nrrfoT. a Rnnlcrew taken down the river
In charge. Interment will be made
rwiii mpt, Hn.
UtT In PonTcdunty
Annie aeu
I 'rAt! her home. Park street
At her home. Park street and
Garden road, about 2:30 o'clock
last night, Mrs." Annie E. Bell, 51.
She Is survived by her husband,
James T. .Bell, and George W.
Jackson, tfr.,'; Edward Jackson,
both of Mollala; Ben Jackson, of
Idaho and Hiram Jackeon of east
ern Oregon, : brothers,' and ' Mrs.
Ella ' Copeland and Mrs. Sam
uel McDonald, sisters, both of Sa
lem.' Funeral arrangements will
be made later from the Rigdon it
Son mortuary; ' " : '
" ' The Battery Man
Ask "Someone Whom We
' Have Served ' 'k'
S3l Court St. V Mr ;Phone 198
uocs. ty ii , .
Portland, lias jret some, 6Q.gOQ soj
suberihel'thefew lil.fnd
lltt ailehoTtto Vet' ihis iemambe
sum so' that 'the. entire" subscrip-
tlon oLthe mm will be raised all
theTcommunitiesthat ' might w be
benefitted by the hew mill are bf-
lag; canvassed for stock subscrip-
tions. The Jioimauth people" were
enthusiastic concerning ; the mill.
and asked that a
be left there.
(subscription list
Furniture "Cphoistery
And repairing.
Furniture Company.
Alumni Invited
, Uharles &unn, j manager of the
homecoming on the Willamette
university campus this year,-. is
having letters; seat out to all the
Willamette alumni inviting and
urging them to be on the Willam
ette campus. October SO and 21
for the homecoming event. ' The
special enticement' offered is the
game on the afternoon of October
31 between -Willamette and Whit
man, old' time rivals.
.Leather ,. . i.
Gloves, Suitcases, Handbags,
Purses. Nothing takes the place
of LEATHER. F. E. Shafer
I ,
fe88 nPP"es
Guaranteed Thermos Bottle
Schaefen Drug. 135 ,N.
' ' ' o25
' Com'l.
Crarey Speaks
' At an assembly ot boys at the
Salem high school, Mr. Crarey,
; secretary 'jpf thej boys department
at the local Y1ICA, spoke on the
subject of the Hl-Y' in tbe . local
uigu scnooi. i
JosC Received
A few" 1920 to 1922 touring
cars, ranging in price from $115
to $200. UsedT l Car ' Corner, 26
State St. ' . o22
Ladies j
' Call at . the Model Beauty Par
lor for ex pert (service. .Shingles,
marcels and permanent waves our
specialty. Phone 9S6.
Gordon Hosiery
For $1.50 arid $2.00 at How
ard Corset Shop, 153 S. High. o22
New Chevrolet
Small down
Tourings ,
payment, balance
U 8 monthly payments
See New-
t lou-vnevroiei V
Vessel Still Helpless
An effort was made Wednesday
afternoon to bring the Northwest
ern, steamer owned .and operated
by the Salem Navigation company,
I uu iu6 Hiuameue rwer. ine at-
I ii In. mi- a.
today; hnd.the officials of the com-
pahy expect id, brlngfthe boat up
river is at sucb a low" level that
the boat hasj been unable!' for
three weeks 4.i come any farther
: Jhcoc-727 ;
more attractive 1
Than fike pictures-
are OUR-,
3S5 Chemeketa
Plione 1900
"T" " . '" " - a. . "
v Dnif7.owJf TOO
; Hear i;he Machines Play
mke Ypur Own Comparison
Ye maintain an exclusive Victor department and give real Victor service.'
f i) -If yourname is jtiot on our Victor mailing' list let us know. :
j ; ! If It's a Victor JRecord We Have It
rlnterest v
than Keizer.4 The Mathloma, gov
ernment - dredge, -j. however has
been 'Vi work clearing Jhe chanr
net and it is thought the boat will
be abletocompletethe trip .from
Portland todaj'. - , v
Coffee Shop
Gsxd waffles and- hot cakes.
Bearcats Hold Scrimmage
The Willamette foot ball team
underwent a stiff Bcrtmmage
Wednesday in preparation for the
game Saturday with College , of
Puget sound. :- The scrub line was
holding exceptionally well, and the
scrubs ; backs swere hitting hard,
but the varsity members were able
to pierce the line for several long
gains. The team is showing im
provement that is ,yery noticeable.
McXary Goes South
Chariea.', IlIcHary, United
States sehatdrrom Oregon; a,nd a
resident of Salem, left Wednesday
for Los Angeles on government
For Salt;
For Rent
Phone SCO
C M. Lockwood
347 North Commercial Street
ti Shows -U- 2-7-9
pregpn Pulp & Paper Got
Manufacturers of
. ... . ).'.' .-.
Support Oregon Products .. .
Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your
Office Stationery . C-
From Cover, to Coyer
r-rQlE .story .told , jn your rsav-l .
y ings pass book is" one .of 1
Tivvrtrt a rfYtfM ' - -4. TrtMii irw " - '
lisufiUiAaiiNu juiimtwioi, ana
the longer the fitoryihe greater ' -
the interest. ; ' ' " "-'.'J" -
State Sayings .Lio'
qiias. if ipr, 'General 5fanager v ,,
Ilcilig Theatre Lobby s 180.' High
I ' ,
business concerning the Colorado
expect id pend several dafrsn
gation committee, j which isr con
ducting the'hearing'ot the project.
Fom there they will Journey to
to Ilea! Rupture
A Marvelous Self-Home-Treatment
That Anyone Oan 5Vse on Any
" Rupture, Largo or Small , '.
Costs .othingto Try ;. :
Ruptured people all over the
country are amazed at the almost
miraculous results of a simple
Method for rupture that' Is. being
sent tree 'to all who write for it.
This ' remarkable Rupture System
is one" of AheA greatest 'blessings
ever" offered to ruptured 'ien,'
women and children. It is being
pronounced the most successful
M e t no d eVer diicovered, ' and
makes the use of tr usses or "supports-unnecessary.
No matter how bad the rupture,
how. long you have had it, "or how
hard to hold; no matter how many
kinds of trusses you have, worn,
let nothing prevent you from' get
Whether you think you are: past
help or have a rupture as. large as
your fists, this marvelous System
will so control if and keep it up
inside as to surprise. you wlth It"
magic Influence, i ItT wiif so ."help -you
. restore the - .parts where ; the .
rapture comes through that soon '
you -will be as free td work at any ;
occupation Us ' though " you'1'' had
never been ruptured.'
' You can have a" free trial of thia
wonderful strengthening prepara
tion by merely sending your name
and address to W. A. COLIAXG8,
Inc., Colling Building, rVa-
tcrtown. X Y. Send n o, money,
trial is free. Write now rtoday.
It may save the wearing of a truss,
the rest of your life. Adv.
II a
r ' : lw
. - ; . J" , 'v ' y
' . . , .... ! J - - - - - .. '
;t?xjP8icc sAitja. - J
Offic2TJ?iT-T5 fXrRes-
JCMtpry, Sflverton, Ore.
' -
4 "