-This cat is' used by courtesy of the . Associated' Industries of Oregon Dates of Slogans in! Daily Statesman -ww-- (In Twlceo-Week, Statesman Following Day). c ( With a few possible change) - Loganberries, October 1 ; Prone, October 8 - Dairying, October 13 ' " . . Flax, October 22 .Filberts,. October 29 Walnuts, Novembers Strawberries, November. 12 1 Apple's," November Id Raspberries, November 20-' tnt, HeCember S - Great Cows, 1eZtc December 10 ; Blackberries, December 17 r .Clierrle, .December 24 ' Pears, December 31 'Gooseberries, January 7, 1025 Corn, -January 14 , Celry, January 21 Kplnarh, Etc., January 28 , Onions, Ktc February 4 Potatoes, Ftc, February 11 " Bee,' February 18 , Poultry and Pet Stock, Feb. 25 Cityf Beautiful, Etc.. March 4 rIten, Ktcv, March 11 Paved Highway; March 18 Hen Jtufrj March 2.1 Kilojs Eic4 'April ! legUinn,'' ArH 8 Asrac4, Etc., April 15 Grapes. Etc., April 22 Drug Garden, April 20 OflEMDlII MIST GET ' ; 260 POUNDS Above, That There Is on the Average a Profit: Below That J figure There Is on the Average Dairy Farm a Loss This Was Arrived at After an Investigation Carriec '-.on in Four Counties for a Year Moral: Breed Ur. .Your Cows ! ! ; 'TheHrPOtTuetioii of 210 pounds . of fat ter cow a year Is the point I above -and below -u, which , profits t were made or losses suffered by j the Targe number of Oregon dairy men hose- production costs have been surveyed and reported by Hie . Oregon. Agricultural eollege exten sion, service. . Production ' per cow farthermost Important factor in the! economy of production, other Important factors being feed, le' of herd, management, and labor coFts. - . ,'. Tie surrey was conducted in Multnomah." Clackamas. Colum bia and Washington counties for tUeiyear 120, 1921 and 1922. Classification was made as-to dis position cf the milk as condens ery milk, market milk, and cream. Delivery costs were not included In the report. "..'. In. .'determining cost, all farm raised, eed. was charged at farm prfces-j-the value at the farm. Purchased feed was charged at actual costs. All labor put on the dairy enterprise, .. whether per formed by hired help, the farmer, c.r members jZ of his family, was -.charged at the current wages paid for, geaeral - farm-help. Miscel- - lan.ouiexpenses included taxes ;rnd- Interest on . the dairy Iirvest juent sowa, amr. equipment ) de prertatroBtmTtiirrjpmen such 'general, expense as" veterinary 1 eeSf fSD.sl3I (expense; -ans, etc.' Credits comprising the farm value of manure, increase in value of da4rferd.T-yBng stock, and la ' (he cream sections the valne ' of skim "mirk: fei' to other live stock, were deducted from the '"total cost.'to arrive at the "net , cost." '" 4The requirements ot feeds and labor In producing 100 pounds of milk1 and their "respective costs were figured separately. This jukkes it possible to use the unit requirements and apply existing prices-to determine cost at. any period, a fa V which should; make Ihese data"of"future value, while If 'pre'seMPa'tSh'the cost basis only, the "results would.be of. but tem porary interest- j " . ' , Jt will be noticed that the aver age of 90 herds visited, each year totaled 1256 cows, or an average . of-14 cowjs.-to ,hf herd.. It also shows the .feed, cost to anproxi- ' mate per 'cent, labor" 30 per .cent, and overhead 10 per cent of j the total cost of producing dairy products,-1" '-'-- While the average for all farms ' showed 5 tons of succulents, 2.2 1oLsi of hay,-i ton of grain, and 193 days of labor, there was fome, variation within the di" " enl group. The condenserjr group ppparentli S ed about 50 per cent Xmofe succulents, 20 per cent more )iay, 40 per cent more grain, and Ve.ulredv,lR per cent more labor than the average requirements per cow for the market milk and creamery groups. This was largely due to the. fact that market milk n d butter, at farms had much v more pasture available, as will he .brought out in the next table. The conifensery group had higher .producing' cows. There Is" apparent consistency Jo annual requirements per cow. Sugar Ilee4n, Sorghum, Ecc, -y s Water Powers, May 13 ' Irrigation May20 Mining, May 27 Land, Irrigation, Etc., June 3 Floriculture, June 10 Hops, Cabbage, Etc., June 17 . Wholesaling and jobbing, i June 24 Cucumbers, Etc., July 1 Hogs, July 8 Goats, July 15 Schools, Etc., July 22 Sheep, July 29 .National Advertising, August 5 Seeds, Etc., August 12 Livestock, August 10 Grain and Grain Products, A ng- t ust 26,. Manufacturing, September 2 Automotive Industries 'Septetn- I ber 0 " , i v Woodworking, JJte;, September la . . ' I'upcr Mills, September 2.1 I (Ilaclf cop!8 of the Thurs day edition of The Daily Ore gon Statesman are ju nancfc They are for mie at 10 eents each, mailed, ta any address. J current copies 5 cents). . OF BUTTER FAT A TO! tint For . instance, the condenser (roup shows succulent , require ments per cow to have been 6.4 6.6, and 6.5 tons for the year 1920, 1921. 1922.- respectively The other factors for any part icu Iar"grouplfor the. three vears shov but little variation- 1 This consist ency in quantify of feeds indicate reliability in data submitted. I The reports show the annua: costs of keeping a cow. It applie' values to the amounts as indicat ed In Table II. For instance- afte subtracting credits we find that including all' farms: for the three years it cost tin average of: $16f to keep a cow for one year. Ther was some variation in the aver aze cost for the different groups the cndenserv group showing r eost of $30 higher than the mar ket milk and ? creamer ) proup rThe market milk proup with al most 800 pounds less milk produc tion and the cream group with $43 -worth of credits instead o' $2r. due t the va'ue of skin milk, are undoubtedly the chief reasons for this difference. When compared one year with another, each group shows a variation in netcost per cow; this of course U due 'primarily to the fluctuationf ialthe- market and farm values of feed.jl' ITTTTeveWeT noups for the, three years t-otJ.fWTUiwW'-"6? At,,.. iriA Ujo t.t.-'i. I Inr the-Tjer canita of consumntion succulents ISt nounds, hay mii. .W -Connection progress is bfci pounds, grain S3 pounds, and Ja- bor 3.2 hour?; With this as a'basls" the average farm can at any time determine its production costs. The net cost of jrortucinfrOO pounds of milk for 1920 Vas $3.54. while in -lD21.it was' onlv 12.34. In 1922 there Jivas' slight rUe to I2.K7 The costs of the cream group reduced to a pound butter-fat basis, the 'average requirement be ing: 34 pounds- sncculenee, IS pounds hav. $ pounds grain, and 4 ." minutes of labor t to. produce one pound of bntter-fat. One table shows-the variation in costs per 100 pounds of milk on the farms producing whole milk for each of the three years. The approximate average farm price received by tha dairymen produc tion whole mtllf was $3.D0 per cwt. In 1920 and $2.00 per cwt. In 1921 and 1922. It Is interesting, therefore, to note- that-. approxi mately 28 per cent of the milk was produced at a profit in 1920, 22 per cent in -1 21, and 1 5 per cent in-1922. The reasons for the variation in costs to the individual dairymen, and what made It pos sible to produce a certain portion of the milk at a profit, are - the outstanding practical questions of interest. An attempt to analyze the results is made in the follow ing ables and graphs. V ,-- - v One thing a dairyman thinks about in reducing costs is produc tion per cow. That it ia "neces sary to keep cows of good Hreedf lng - is generally recognized al though not always followed; at the same time, it is important to feed right. Much improvement can be brought about by better feeding- " " , There was a constant Increase "OREGON QUALITY products are establishing themselves in world markets; they make our pay rolls; they build our cities; they! attract new capital and new people; they provide a market for the products of our farms. ! Oregon farms produce a wider variety of profitable crops of "Oregon Quality food than any othr spot on earth. The Fairmount Dairy Had One of the Best Equipped Plants in The Fact Is, This Most Extensive of the Milk Products Supply Depots of Salem, Is One of World, Which Pact Was Attested by the Visit of an International Comi Sanitary Equipment and i To furnish Salem consumers with: the cleanest possible milk supply has been the purpose of the Fairmount Dairy since its es tablishment in its thoroughly modern quarters at 910 South Commercial street in July, 1922. jrhe business has increased con tinuously from that time, and the past year, has seen an even more narked advance than was before Experienced. New facilities for handling milk in the most approv ed' manner have been added. J' liqual to A n Anywhere A!gijup of Norwegian dairy PLANT ! j o n ii fa uvava w fa ! csA the Fair- jitrVuni' plant ibou t- a ' "year ago when on a tour of the United itates and Canada and pronounc jad the Fairmount system at that time equal to any they had in i ;pected" on their tour. .The basis of operation v at the Fairmount Dairy is perfect pas-1 teurization. In fact the trade slo gan of the company is "Perfectly Pasteurized." In the popular mind pasteurization is a complex pro cess. In operation it is extreme .n its simplicity. Reduced to low est terms the process simply con sists of heating milk to 145 de crees, holding tor 30 minutes and then cooling to 40 degrees. This process kills all pathological bac teria, including the dreaded colon bacflli. . ' U. S. Consumption Ixw Consumption of dairy products in the United States is lower on a per capita basis than in many of the leading European countries. One Kit the problems facing the dairy-industrp which Is one of,5lhe enterprises'- ot ing made. Some industrial plants where large forces of men are em- ployed"tmder strenuous conditions especially in extreme heat, as in foundries, the management has adopted the practice of furnishing' wholesome milk In mid-forenoon and mid-afternoon. Schools in various parts of the world have also adopted the practice of furn ishing pasteurized milk for lunch eon. , : Cleanliness Xeedeil ff he basis of the advantages from these practices is absolute cleanliness, and that includes pas teurization: Cleanliness in the milk supply extends back farther than pasteurization, however. While this process will kill di sease carrying organisms it does not elimiuate foreign matter which serves as the carrier. Progressive dairies. carry their campaigns for cleanliness back to the farm, and in this development of the) industry 'the Fairmount from 197 pounds of fat per cow to 320 pounds'. There was a great er amount of feed fed 'per cow in the smaller herds than in the larger ones. . Tne average number of cows per herd was 22 in uroup I, which gradually, diminished to 9 In Group V. This may not al ways be the case, bu,t .was true here because the larger herds were In the districts where pasturing was more prevalent and consider ably less grain was fed. . Increased - feed had a direct bearing on the production. In creased production per cow indi cates quality of business. Volume of business is also of importance. as the size of the herds increased , , - ; f , - I I IT-""-' T,t ' -Z.''' "' ' ' it "I fill ' ' r rmiti nn '"'"! ., I snrTo!l f: ;' ILL -JL v ft? ks v-Z- -4&&v!'-SPi& -T,.,;;-'.-?: - III I lii I . : 1 - 1 r m Management Has Been Neglected. T Dairy has been in the front rank Sediment tests are made weekly and different grades of milk esf tablished on the basis of o reign matter. A bonus is paid thei pror ducer or the cleanest milk, thus making the basis of settlement freedom from foreign matter as well as butterfat content. I This plan has been in operation at the Fairmpunpairy or about a; year and uie,-reu)i. has been a re markable jimpruyement ! In I the quality toC Jie Jttlk received rw 1ll0t: Construction Thejplaiit was' constructed with AND DELIVERY EQUIPMENT OF THE FAIRMOUNT every regard for complete sanita-j tion. Well drained i concrete floors, prevent accumulations of waste matter. Extensive wtnd'ow! space, including skylights, permit the maximum of sunshine. A series of fans was installed two years ago as an additional ! safe-i guard to abate the fly nuisance Bottles received are immediate-! ly placed in a hot alkaline solu tion and then run through into scalding water, and prepared for re-filling by means of automat tic conveyors. A prime objective is elimination of all personal handling and human contact; with either bottles or milk. . - j, j The bottle filler and tapper on? erates In harmony with j this ideaj. Bottles are capped without perj sonal handling. In former j days this operation was conducted by hand and in fully half the in stances the thumb of the opera- Refrigeration equipmcnl at the Fairmount Dairy. A modern ice machine is a requisite for handling quality dairy products. The cooling equipment is the latest devised and was ob tained from the York Ice Machine Company of York, Pa. j from less than 8 to more tljan 22, the labor and 'overhead expenses which constitute 40 per cent of the total cost of producing dairy products, dropped from! $105 per cow to 6S. Cruph 2 brings this out in definite form. i ii, The saving in labor andi over head effected by iu iarger herds was apparently drtset i' by Their lower production per cow. The smallest herds had and average production of 289 pounds of. fat per cow, and this gradually ' de creased to 224 pounds; for the largest herds. A study; of condi tions on the farms showed that this decreased production Was not due primarily to less care and Ja-In Commission Last Year. tor came in contact with the milk. This feature is exclusive to the Fairmount Dairy in the Salem dis trict. Upon receipt of the milk, lids are removed from all cans and a careful inspection made. Im mediate rejection is made of all cans not up to standard. The Bab-ejx-k test is utilized for determi nation of butterfat content. The Pasteurizing, V0Vl5 1, , The milk is then placed in a sterilizer receiving1 vat connected by an enclosed conveyor with two pasteurizers. As soon as the first filled, pasteurization is started and by the time the second pas teurizer is filled the process In 'the first is complete. In the pas- teurizers the heat producing j -medium is enclosed in revolving coils and does not come "in con-1 tact with the milk. Fi'om the pasteurizers the milk is pumped by a steam pump through fully enclosed sterilized pipes through the cooler, which is also complete ly enclosed, to the bottle filler. -; All delivery pipes are taken down and cleaned daily. Brush ing in an alkaline solution is the first step. Following, rinsing with cold water then with scald ing water, and later yet, a steam , treatment, Is the practice. When the pipes are reassembled another cleaning is given by means of compressed steam. This steam bath is then directed towards the bor but to less feed.. With simi lar feeding and similar cows, the larger herds should show a lower net cost per pound of butter-fat as well as a lower labor and over head expense per cow. j The feed cost per pound of fat decreased -from 55 centa In the Iqw producing group to 43 cents ia the . high producing group. With the single exception of Group I, which included ' only small number of cows, we find the amount of labor required to pro duce a ponnd of fat decreased constantly from 54 minntes la the low-producing herds to 40 minutes the high producing herds. . i.-uSiiiWMw .... ic" r- 1' ' f-l ' '" -sir. ' j - r - - This Country the Very Best Found in the No Detail of Modern and entire equipment. Bottled milk is conveyed from the filler to the refrigeration chamber where it is held at its then temperature of 38 degrees until loaded on the delivery trucks. Up to Date This cold room is ne of the most fundamental features of the plant in that it is a phase &f the handling method which makes one of the largest contributions to, retention of high quality. Milk breaks down rapidly abnor mal temperatures, but continued DAIRY cooling of both milk and contain er enhances retention of quality even after delivery. , In addition to handling perfect ly pasteurized milk the plant is equipped to supply all grades of cream, cottage cheese, Bulgarian buttermilk, butter and eggs. A substantial retail business is conducted at the plant.. Employment is furnished a staff of fifteen. Four delivery trucks niet the needs of Salem consum er. Four trucks are required to bring the milk to the plant. Fifty farms furnish the .bulk of the raw- material handled. Milk bottles are purchased in carload lots and western manu facturers are patronized. The not- : ties now u3ed are obtained in San Francisco. Milk bottles are a con siderable item of expense. The ; ayerage number of trips per bot- He is 22. 1 1 .vV Air Mail Will Save Ten Days Between Two Cities LONDON. A weekly mail ser vice between England and India is being undertaken, by the Im perial Airways, Ltd., through a subsidy and a five-year contract given by the air ministry.! Malls will - be delivered . in : Bombay in five days, against the present .15 days, and when the service comes into regular operation next sum mer passengers also will be car ried. - At the outset - passengers will only be carried between Cairo and Basra. I . I M il II ,14 JO -This cut is used by courtesy Of the Associated Industries of Oregon THIS WEEK'S SLOGAN DID YOU KNOW That, in the matter. of dairying, our dairymen are at least 7 cents a pound of butterfat ahead of the dairymen east of the Rocky mountains? That there is a least that much difference in favor of our dairymen, cn account of the fact that they are not obliged to combat the effects of the intense summer heat and the winter cold in the keeping of cows? That in addition they have the same advantages in the raising of their families, and in their own comforts? This one fact, if it could be generally understood, would fill the Willamette valley with a population as dense as that of Belgium. Besides,' our dairymen usually sell in higher markets than are available to the eastern dairymen. And did you know that Salem is making a very satisfac tory and rapid growth as a dairy center? MORE PER COW RAT COWS. SAYS HIE U. S. BUREAU CHIEF Dr. C. W. Larson, Chief of the U. S. Bureau of Dairying, Makes Plea for Further Production Per Caw Net for Milk of $75 Annually Above Feed Cost Possible, In stead of the $26 Average Now In a Chicago address, recently, Dr. C. W. Larson, chief of the United States bureau of dairying, made a plea ;for greater produc tion per cow rather than an In crease in the number of cows. The average cow in the United States yields annually only about 4,000 pounds of milk of which 2.7 per cent is butterfat. Careful breeding and elimination- by test in the milk herd makes an increase to S,000 pounds of milk annually per cow not im possible with the average dairy man. This would net the milk produced $75 above feed cost per cow as compared with the present average of only $26. Membership in a cow-testing as sociation and the maintenance of herd records are extremely desira ble. The system of records should IDE FARMER DOS SUPPORT OF IIS ALL When the Farmer Prospers Conditions' Generally Are Very Good (The- following communication, directed 'to the editor of The Statesman, was printed in the an nual dairy Slogan number, last year. Jt Is worth reproducing, as an echo of the fight that was car ried on and lost. It should not have been lost It should , have been won liand down. And it should be taken up again, and carried, through tr victory: );' The farmer needs the simnnrt f everyone, for when the farmer prospers, conditions generally are favorable. ' " TTf Tb the duty of all of us to protett a 109 per cent home in- duptrjt., The dairymen of Oregon and Washington have, such strong ar guments for curtailing the sale of oleomargarine that the oleomar garine Interests . 'are grasping every opportunity, no matter how weak, to influence the voter. Their foremost argument has been '"protect your pocketbook; butter will be $1 per pound." This is ridiculous, and every broadminded person knows it. Nevertheless It has a strong influence on the consumer to know that he is help ing to raise the price of butter. With oleo entirely ont of existence 'the price of butter will not be affected. Oleo has not been sold in Canada for years, and still they pay the same price for butter that we do here In the United States. If our price raises one or two cents above normal, our' market is flooded with outside, butter un til the price drops to normal; The fact that; Oregon is pro ducing about two and a half mil lion pounds of surplus butter an nually that must be shipped to market outside the state, and generally at a. loss, if the sale of oleo were prohibited in Oregon, we would consume -this two and a half million pounds Tight at home, thereby creating a demand for our own prdduct, keeping our own money at home, and, In this way, creating a more healthy con dition all around. During . 1923 approximately $8,000,000 was paid to Oregon farmers for butter fat. During the same year, Oregon' farmers real ized over $20,000,000' for dairy products. It oleo is allowed to pa i at least include an identification record, on account of production for each cow the amount of feed given and breeding dates. For a grade dairy herd, the record sys tem may be quite simple. Cow-testing associations promote a more faithful folio w-throuKh of the rudiments of dairying. Among them are intelligent, feeding, proper stabling, regular milking, thorough grooming. periodical clipping of the long hair from flanks, udder and underline and other attendant precautions against the presence of bacteria in the milk. In cow-testing associations, rec ords of the m'ilk and butterfat productio of pure bred cows are made under the supervision of the association and are give official recognition. rade under butter colors, to be sold as a butter substitute, thu $20,000,000 industry will fail Dairy dollars stay at home. Ole dollars go out of the state. Prac tically all oleomargarine is made from vegetable oil produced ii tropical countries; therefore, thi large amount of money spent foi oleo does not even stay in the United States, to say nothing of the fact that the Oregon farmer does not benefit one bit but loses from the sale of oleo. You need the dairy industry; the dairy industry needs you. V. D. CHAPPELL. Corvallis, Or., Oct. 15, 1321. OREGON FARMS BY rrr; Country -Gentlerhan' Tells t)f KGW-Mixing-FurVith - Latest on Crops Vera Brady Shipraan, well known radio :swriter, who some months ago Visited in Salem, ha.l an article in a recent number of the Country Gentleman, under the title, "Oregon;, Farms by Radio; KGVV Mixes Fun With the Latest on Crops." The article was ac companied with five half-tone pictures appropriate to the text. The wording of the arctkle was as follows: ) Well, the radio did it," shouted the old-time Kansas newspaper man as he entered the office of the Oregon Statesman, in Salem, the morning after Coolidge's elec tion. "This is the first year we've had a chance out rfiere' in the West to really hear what the candidates had to say. TWe heard radical candidates over KGO, at Oakland, lam&ast the administration, and then we heard Coolidge's speech rebroadcast through KGW. at Portland, the night before election when he ap pealed to all Intelligent listeners, especially to the 'women; to exer cise their franchise and vote- He didn't say for whom to vote, but to be sure to vote, "And the home man and his wife turned to each other and said 'That man is safe to have again for President. We cannot risk these radical promises. sAnd the radio did it. yessir." For the first time political ean didates used the microphone of the leading stations of the coun- (ConUnned oa pig ) RADIO B SR 1