The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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Ffits gity r:avs of the webc .. ,
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Epwbrth League Cabinet Meete Good Wfll Club. Hon-
ors Mrs. Burbank Girls Give Tea Pastor Given Re
; " ception Commercial Club Has Regular Meetings
Live Itemsof Personal Interest and Mention. .
Kpworth League Cabinet Meets Smith, the president In the chair.
With New Pastor ;V? . I ; i Tie evening ,wu given over to
Tuesday evening the Epwerth i diseouiloB- ot the proposed road
League .cabinet held a meeting
, with their ner pastor, Jtev. H. H.
Milea present- At this time re
ports were made, also; plans for-
mulated ' for. VWln ! My f Chum
Week. For this week the League
plans to hold : meetings . every
night in the week except Saturday.
: and each meeting will be different
In character from any of the
others. The latei Vd programs
for the meetings will be announced
later: V ' " ... - ;
" Good WQ1 Club Honors Sirs. '
" Burbank ; ' '
' lt Thursdays, afternoon the
Good will , club! met, for the first
to .Newport via Valsetz, and-the
members of the elub enjoyed talks
from Mr., Jaa:Derick, county nr
veyor of Lincoln -county, John
Mahoney, of, Silett, who is In busi
ness therer andU W. J. Southwell,
of Nortoas who were present and
who bad just-come from a meet
ingi of the eounty court or Polk
county, -where they had' presented
the .subject from the Lincoln
county viewpoint.
' The Falls City commercial club
went . on record as favoring , a
preliminary survey at this time,
and pledged the club to finance
the -survey jointly with the com'
coin, county, and guaranteeing ' to
secure the money at once, so that
it may be turned over to the
county court lor use.
Paul V. Maris, -director of ex
tension service ot Oregon Agricul
tural college was uresent.- and
made a very, interesting talk upon
the,, work of a county agricultural
agent and boys - and girls club
leader, outlining briefly what may
be accomplished
time this f all, 1 with Mrs. M. W. I odles interested ; in Lin-
Black as hostess. The election of
officers resulted in . the reelection
-of the following; -president, .Mrs.
& :'W Wingo; vie president Mrs:
Wm Mack, secretary and treasurer
; Mrs." Black; ' correspondent-secretary,
Mrs. AX G. Adams: - -:-
'. -The special social feature of tb
. afternoon , was: a..', handkerchief
ehower '. honoring , Mrs. Black's
mother.TJtfs.' Allle A. Burbank
Dainty refreshments were served.
Domestic Science 3irls" Give Tea
"Last Thursday i atternoori the
Voung ladies of Falls City hteft
- school, who are taking the domes
v tic science "and'" art course were
hostesses 'with' their teacher, Mrs.
Fred 'J. Patron at ber home. .ills
pstrander," was among those re-,
celving' ' i
w ,Th4 rooms were beautifully de
corated, marigolds being used in
profusion, iwith ! other autumn
flowers to enhance the beauty of
'the decorations. .
A large number of guests en
joyed their hospitality during the
.afternoon, and enjoyed the oc
casion very much. . :
- Different members of the class
.poured, others- ; assisted - at the
tables; and about the rooms
jus saea. giving inose present ; piace yet they have noticed a dif
very good msignt into work ai- ference in the
with tne re
sources.: available. He also res
ponded very fully to several ques
tions asked, giving thoBe present
ready accomplished in other coun
ties.-. - -.
. ; The Falls City commercial club
passed .resolution favoring a
provision in the Jiext budget for
Polk County for a sum to be used
in employing such an agent, and
will ask the secretary of federal
clubs to count our vote favoring
the county. agricultural agent
The civic pride committee acting
with the like committee from the
Parent-Teachers association pres
ented a report of awards.
, - Side walks were also discussed,
and a committee appointed to ask
the.; city council for some action
the guest of Mrs. John Moyer for
the trip. - '
G.' A. Griswold Iwas up from
Portland for a few &ours on Wed
nesday looking after easiness af
fairs. ' "' ' "
, J,Jobn'Maboney wbb conducts a
general merchandise business in
Silets. was in town last week in
the Interest 6t securing a preli
minary survey for the road
through Falla City to tha, coast,
by way of Valsetz and Toledo.
Mr. Mahoney is very -enthusiastic.
and among other ; things told of
travelling 183 miles to really get
35 miles from, home, just because
there is a ten mile stretch of road
not built to connect their Lincoln
county coast road with the Roose
velt highway, saying that while
road building is expensive it is
one of the things worth all we
pay If in the end we secure good
roads where they are needed.
- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thompson
have had as house gueBts this
week Mrs. Thompson' sister, Mrs.
Jessie Hale, from Wrenn, Oregon;
Mrs. Hale's son and his wife, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Farley, and two
small children, and Mrs. Avery
McBaln, accompanied by her son
and daughter, an from Orlando,
California. . Mrs. McBain is Mrs
Hale's daughter. The Calif ornians
drove through, arriving in Wrenn
last Sunday, night, where they
visited with Mrs. Hale, and all
came on to Falls City" Wednesday,
They will leave on Monday, re
turning to Wrenn, where Mrs.
Hale will stop at home, while the
rest ot the party will go on to
their home , in Orlando. All of
these- visitors are former resi
dents of - this community, living
between Falls City and Monmouth
at one time, and while our town
hasn't grown so much but that
they recognized it as the same old
C Continue frvm JC 1.) . !
on Lee Meadows, veteran, whose
arm, went bad after the first game
and necessitated a slight operation
to straighten out the muscles.' ' -
Meadows has recovered rapidly.
McKechnie said" and may be in
condition to pitch effectively with
another day's rest. Lee has been
warming up regularly the! past
two days.- " " - "i !
If Aldridse is not able to shoul
der the entire final burden. Mead
ows may get back into the fray.;
Harris, Johnson and Clark Grif
fith, Washington president,; map
ped out their strategy at a council
of war in the club : house and it
was a disappointment to them to
have their plans put off j The play
ers as a whole took the! postpone
ment calmly though tnere was
evidence of the strain that is upon
both teams and their I desire to
reach a conclusion as quickly as
possible. ,
North Howell
Th sis the f first social event toward securing better walks
of the : - school year, and other
similar affairs ..will be anticipated
with much pleasure. ... - ;
Informal Reception, for New pastor
' Monday evening, October, 12,
the Ladies aid .of. the Methodist
within the city.
Mrs. Jessie Moyer made a busi
ness trip to Salem Saturday afternoon.
13. JW. Wingo came in Saturday
church were hostesses, tenderingl for a week end visit with nI
an informal reception to Rev. and
iMrs.- H. H.' Miles, when members
of the chnrch and their friends
: met to welcome Rev. and Mrs.
Miles. : iU-S-'.'ij' vv
- Mrs: Philip Gottfried, In a few
fl timent of those present, when she
i said: "Of course we welcome our
pastor and his family among .as:
We iro glad to have them tome
la : this way. r The " prosperity of
the ehurch does -not depend alone
i upon the : pastor, nor upon his
family, but we must all work to
gether, and each one of us make
. and effort to dolour best and stand
: :by-him.!;f-'::. -;,;-; : !
A short program was given, as
follows: ' violin solo. Sol Ediger,
piano accompanist Mrs. Raymond;
reading, dittle Mis Rosie Howe;
piano; solo, Frances Hatch; solo,
Viola Lane, with Mrs. Crlswell at
the fpiano; Tiolln and piano, Sol
Ediger and' Mts. Haymond Crls
well. - -
4 Rev.' -Mr. Miles responded to a
request; s for a talk, - by stating
briefly the pleasure of himself and
Mrs, MUea at the cordial reception
given them by the people ot the
'community, - -and thanking the
members- ;f the church for the
friendly interest jtbown, and say-
"' "tng. 'among-otber things: "we win
S Succeed tntsproportlon to the
i ' amotrnt of interest we have In the
i; rharge;:and'ther amount of energy
tr show. Wa- ave- hired to help
yon. -we-da not'thlnk ot ourselves
or oir family particularly as lead-
' em; but we have had some varied
experience and from that experi
ence we hone-to be able to help
you people here.
. A social hour was-spent. during
-which- members of 'thev Epworth
League Jletl a community sing,
, laterthe ladies served trnlt punch
and cookies. v '
. f , J3eautUul boqueta of choice dab
j I Has added much to the occtsion.
I i Covnraercial Club Meetlnjr '
f -i The rralar meeting tjf' Falls
1 ; City commercial club was beld
last- Wednesday. -witk IT. Mather
airs. w. i. .crown came in irom
McTimmonds valley last Friday
and took her mother. Mrs. J. S.
8 j Powell out for a short visit J
Mrs- Powell has-been quite ill this
summer bat was anxious to go out
aid see the new mill in operation
that Mr. Brown has just now com
pleted nd commenced operations
With. ' .-,.:. -
jiMrs. D. J. Grant and son Jack
were Dallas visitors last Saturday
I Miss Frances Hatch made a trip
to our capital city Saturday..
Mrs. 3f . L. Thompson, son .Hal,
and their guests, Mrs. Jessie Hale,
Robert Farley, Mrs, Farley and
two children, and Mrs. Avery Mc
Bain, were all visitors in Salem
on. Friday.
IrArnoId'A. Muck was up from
New Grande Ronde Thursday eve
ning" for a short visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Muck.
;Roy McDonald made a business
trip to Salem Thursday-
the work o "a county agricultural
are recent arrivals, have rented
the I. V. Lewis house in the south
ern part of town.
'.Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gage will oc-
ctlpe the Ford property in the
south end of town. ;5
f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camfleld
and son have moved to Salem, and
will lease their home west of the
city park. . j-
,Mr. and - Mrs. E. O. Bainter
spent the week end with their
family near Sheridan.
fW: H. Beard ; was a business
visitor from Dallas on Thursday
! Mr." anff "MfsrG.' E." Elle spent
Tuesday evening in the city, re
turning to their home in Dallas'
that evening. ; . ' ,
' Jim Derick, county surveyor of
Lincoln county, was in town Wed
nesday and Thursday, on' business
Connected with the proposed new
road via Falls City and Valsetz jto
the coast, returning to his home
In. Toledo Thursday.
r Miss -Ellen Speerstra was a Sa-
1 lem visitor on Saturday last, being
looks of the town.
and that a decided change for the
i Mr. and Mrs. Gay Diehm had as
dinner guests last Thursday Mr,
and Mrs. M. L. Thompson, son
Hal and daughter "Mildred, Mrs.
Jessie Hale, and Mrs. Robert Far
ley and children, and Mrs. Avery
McfBain, and' son and daughter.
Paul V. Maris, director of ex
tension service, Oregon Agricul
tural college, was a visitor on
Wednesday evening, addressing
the members of the commercial
club upon the work done by
county agricultural agents and
boys and grils club leaders. He
spoke briefly of a recent trip into
the State of , Washington and on
into British Columbia, stressing
the Bplen did roads travelled over,
and the fine 'agricultural districts
visited- - The point Mr. Maris
made was that good roads were
necessary to proper development
of any community, and encouraged
us to work fOr roads Improve
ments in our own community.
A little eon arrived a( the Ruth
erford home on October 7. ;
Those from North Howell who
have been deer-hunting the past
week included W. H. Baughman
and son, Melvin, Raymond JJeffer-;
son, F. G. Dickson, Steve Smith,
Adam and Valentine Reznicsek.
- Loris Steves is attending school
in Astoria. - j i
Mrs. Engebretson, from I Silver
ton, is spending this Week I at the
Woelke farm while Mr and Mrs.
A. Woelke are attending a conven
tion in Seattle. ;
Tom Bump Is installing a Burt
on-Page milking machine. ;
Local radio-baseball fains are
greatly -enjoying the broadcasting
of baseball games between Pitts
burgh and Washington.
Mrs. Warren Gray and 'family,
of Marion, visited at the B. Wies
ner home laet Sunday.! i
, .i v - ' ' ' i j
! ' - - ; ! I
(Continued from pags 4)
of a long series of curtain calls,!
stepped forward, out of character,;
to greet the audience in the mem
ory of his illustrious (father and;
to wish for himself a future com
parable with that of the late and
great "Rip Van Winkle." i
or headache rub the forhead
-Mndt and inhale 'the -vapors
that we yrtre
able to make, a
purchase of
at a sacrifice, direct from the Manufacturer
In this assortment of GENUINE LEATHER HAND BAGS
will-be- found every .conceivable style that present-day
fashions demand. A profusion of attractive designs in
patent leather, calfskin, cowhide', pigskin, embossed,; etched
and tooled. Each bag is fitted with Individual pocket book '
and mirror. These bags were made to retail at' $5.00.
Our price for Saturday Is $1.84. ; -: I I
Come early and get the bag; you want
Pomeroy & Keene
May Save Trouble Later
Staples Optical Comipany:
Masonic Temple Bldg.
Special Value
(iuaranteed AH Vool Yarn
i Splendid Quality Knitting Yarn
- ' ..." " i '..
100 per cent wool,
uniformly Dyed
3A ounce Skeins
It is a yarn that can be used advantageously for every
style of knitted garments for men, women and children.
Special attention has been paid to dyeing. Blacky white, i
cardinal, scarlet, navy, royal, orange, brown, khaki, tan, i
rose and others. i . . I
In Our Downstairs Store i ;
; ... . . ,..,.,.. . ........ .i:, ..... ' . -. .... ... I
403 State Street'
"Can and Don i , I
383 Alder Street 7
State St
357: ,
State St. .
V ;jr .ik ...j - y t i . - --
' 'i THE NEW WAY . '
Fadory Perctose
U Starts Thursday, October 15, and Ends October 31
Through the cooperation of some of oiir factories we were able to buy a large
selection of Men's and Women's Shoes at special low prices that we ourselves
were surprised at, and are now iable to give our customers the benefit of real
In order to make this our Greatest Sale we put out Shoes at prices that are
almost unbelievable. Most of bur Shoes are out of the boxes and put on dis
play and the price and size marked plainly on each shoe.
We want the people of Salem and the surrounding community to come in and get acquainted with our.,
new policy of selling good Shoes at low prices. Come in and look over these wonderful bargains and
be convinced. Make yourself at home here, j We expect this tolei the greatest Sale we have ever put j
on in the way of Bargain offering in ouri six years of shoe business in Salem ?
This is not a sale
of just odds and
ends but of the
entire stock
which consists of
W. L. Douglas,
Dr. Summers,
We sell boys' and
girls shoes with
a written guaran
teed sole.
Make a pair last
all winter.
" I Boy Vjj- rwc Honey JJ Z ohh-pbm r
Z nr smu Htm x stve. by G-ee - fis vveu. u7kw x tm
Jin eetmsa ilTJtfPiNfr net(e. Pittpy AS -H6wn- .SlJftTe-
- r um.fraT .. z ayi ese THe"I rs ahp ftvty-
ASKT&Ft.Ttv li Mm Oil. JX MKt SWHrnrTHi&-
:fSfrr TrTn!? a 0Z?"' :
-J j Tj...l.lTTpi.i(iir' uv
' ----- i - . . ; ,-. - - ;
All Arch Support
Pumps, Oxfords
and full shoes in
cluded in this
All Wizard and
Dr. Sertoli's Arch
Supports half
Hundreds of
pairs of shoes at
less than half
Just a Few Bargains Listed Below
Shinola ....... .....1- 5c
All 10c Laces. 5c
Shinola Home Sets
$2.50 Mens leather
stitchdown black Slippers
Men's 12-in. Boots, sizes
8'2, 8, 9t 10 extra
All W. L. Douglas $7.50
and $8.50 Oxfords, brown
, or, black ,
Closing Out All Loggers'
Shoes, $16.50 tan ox,
Men's S t r a t f ord Arch
Shoes, values to $9.00
One group Men's Shoes
and Oxfords values to
$7.50 .
One group; Children's
Shoes values to $3.50
One group Children's
Shoes with leather of Us
kide soles
Sizes Sy2 to U
j t
$1.00 and $1.25 Women's
Felt Slippers, all colors,
all sizes
- 77c j -
One group Women's
Pumps, values to $7.50.
Fit yourself
200 pairs Women's fine
Pumps, high or low heels,
values to $7.50
Women's, fine welt Ox
fords, $6.00 values
A few sizes in. high-Top
Boots, Extra Special"
$1.00 Men's Finest Fancy,
, Cashmere Sox
Dozens of new styles
Women's Pumps, $7.00 to
- $9.00 values
Women's Arch Support
Oxfords, Cuban or low
heels, values to $9.00
Women's fine Paque
New; Stepin Pumps, vel
vet kid, patent ot satin,
extra good fitting arches
All Women's fine pure
silk -and silk and wool
Hose, values to $2.00
- , i - r ,
Tell the Story LOOK THEM OVER
2 i