THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 102 Classified ateffl's Great V' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Section S Market - At I 32; 65 BIZZ TREATMENT . FOR APPENDICITIS "Itle-Weadetl.'- . Free -inforusatloB Address Uiis Co.. Portland. Oregon. ' S6al6 1921 MONET TO LOAN 67 THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE ; Company will make iwHitu Imm Itm is Oregon. KwHullt iutml, ae cent except asaaU appraisal tc. If interested write immediately to I. C. CuBainrhem, 409 N. W. Bank bid.. Portland Orecua. Bom Office Rep- reseutative here ail asx week. 671 lit ? MORTGAG LOANS OS Rasideaco and Business Prenerty laveetifste aur lew coat easi pa meat plan. . o commissions. PKRR1NE MARSTERS 1 Con. Cbik Bldg. 5Ts26tl bCSXNKSS OPlXJRTUNTriES 61 The Best Investment In Salem Corner fcualnese block. 305 fact Went street and 185 Chemeketa treat, present rental vsrne, $200 par Bonti. Secolersky, 941 Stele St. 61s22tf REAL ESTATE 63 Own Your Home $1900 CASH BARGAIN SMALL MOD ern home with pnie aad wood base- ntent. rireyiaeo. BECKK ft HENDRICKS Bailie BMc, 189 N. Hifk, fl3olltf f DON'T FAIL TO LOOK THIS UP 60 acre farm, fiaeat aoil ia Orefon. . Faif Improvements, oa pared hichway. Owner waata city property or elose ia aeraafa. Yon eaa tnra your aonse or amall tract iato a real farm. Call aad V SCO ; SALEM REALTY CO., about tbia at once. 82 SUta St. Pbeae 1004. etlolltf DDI7C OP PARRISH GROVE AD- r V -- dition. EspecUUy deoigVed far aad. located oa the oao show lot of the tract, looking, directly down Shade - atreet to Capitol Real Spanish stucco; . strUtly BMdera: carat attached. Full . basement, hard floors, fireplace, furnace Llviag root, diaiar room, kitchen, nook bad room, toilet, lavatory, down stairs. . BiaT Sleepiar room, dressing room, lata, toilet, Uvstory npstairs. Coostrnctioa Tery best ia every detail. Price $5500: $2500 down. Bee plana ad apwincatieaa at my office. PERSONAL V I ARiqH ACRES IS FAMOUS f UnUIJl 1 Lake Labiih bottom and ' 1 acre ea bigker rroaad well suited for 'tint huiMinrs : IH acres cream of Lake Labiab laad; good adjoining aoil and aome timber: new boaso anfia- ishe4 bat livable, also old houae. Most fsmani onion land ia the world : see the wonderful crop now growing. This property is offered at a very taw fif wr lor a short time. - t "HARRIS--" 1 Vuii TemDle Phones 795. 1943-3. . 63ol5 APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SALE j Home aad investment in either of three 96000. $17,000 and $26,000 to $2000 to $7000 to handle. A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304U nwK TOTR OWH HOME1 The instinct for a home is aa aataral U hnmanit na the instinct to A ytmag couple beginning family life ia their own aome, secure b voce a Children brought up in their own I bom bave the supreme advsntage of a domestic sentiment that is oa or I .w vi - ... I .M. I turn '""' " r l -Witbous their www bouse, there la an taeeeaoable sells of being trans ients, ef having bo firm foundation for family life; , Wo have several new bungalows, 4 rooms and breakfast nook, we will sell. just, like rent. RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor -147 North Commercial St. 313tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPP PPPP p- p 2200 2200 P P P p: EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P PP GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE PP P P HEADQUARTERS P P TK -P Office Sslem aad Portland P P P P The demand for exchanges P P v P ha made accessary our P P p F GREAT MARKET PLACE P P V P , where the requirements of all P P P P eaa be matched. We have P P P P Just wt yaa bate in mind; P P P P Just where yea went it; just P P y P! the rig price. Our liar of P P P P exchanges (the largest list- PP T P Iks- aa the Pacific Coast) P P P P guamatees your complete sat- P P - x n. i. faj-tinn penrdleaa of Toar P P V P requirements. It yea would P P :P P like to eschsnge your pro- P P o t: Mtf Ton AY. come in TO- P P T P TODAY. See P P t p jirki:r FOR PROPERTY. P P v p : . ana u. 8. Bank Bldg. P P p P Com'l at SUte. Phone 2242 P P l.siPPPPPPPPPPP I p P P PPPPPPPPPPP , STUCCO . HOME, VACANT, BRAND new. North, with furnace aad fireplace, - Priee redaroeT t $4500. Terms if desir v ad, dy to weupy. V HFIfP A H EX Ti RICK 8 f t Beitig Bldg. 19 N. High. 6304tf 5 ROOM SEMI-MODERN COTTAGE fine lot. N. Cayital street. $3100; $300 Mh baiaaca easy terma. Large apartaeat house of 5 apartments, (load income. Snap $4000. Easy Good business property North Salem, sse touwi KiiT terms. Ftr Rent Good 40 acre farm, close la; also 10 acre suonrosn noma. Let a watch your eitchange. nrimini' a, VHmTtSS t 212 Com. Cluh, Bldg. ..63ol0tf K' 'ME COUPLE HERE'S ROOMS aad garage. Porches. Trim and clean. South. Wa can sell for $2000 and $300 balance. JUST like rent takes, lrga lot with fruit and flowera. P C" 'bI'kE HENDRICKS n , I ) M HeUig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6aQ4tf Lot 66x82. r. hoesa close In. 26.' bouse, lot 66x165. closa to High S r7 bouse, basement, furnace, large lot doable gnrag. pavement, close to Ligb school, $400. . lAt aa N. Winter close la, 3500 S r. new bungalow, H. W. floors, Mat glss, fireplace, full basement, ramace, N. front, $5500. 5 ! New Engliab houee. close tn, $6600. t r. new baagataw, b. w. floors, gray finiab, firepJsco. bkf. nook, basement. furnace. N. front, $5250. new beautiful - home, corner. i t... tt farnrshed. $5250. 11 r. roOTaughousa. furnished, close Is in mod ro nation, - aT ftwrsAA " ? " bnnistaw. $4500; $300 dowa. $40 per, lachidingjnt. " . t honte i good cttdit no, Bn" r,5f ho"-. bwilt ins. basement, far t..rVf fSplace, garsg P;""" V 7 1 bon, bntet-eiit. P.-'. 32Cl: -$400 down,-$35 per. winding fi Wren. 5 R bene. baemet. Joining Fslcm. traa. tor-,, p...- g . "?7"K rn.rtV. Thi. U Im. trao VasflA. Vjr.v.ti.V la. growing town, 'Tl ,, Tride for Balem. MadrtoWe " g-A.. Mill .i I?BB tl nnd WRd.- '""cKKTrDE 3 PAOSalltf 1 . vi. Cottars 8oll OS WHY REST LONGER WE HAVE names (run 2 te I rooms that eaa he bought bnu like real aad at fair pneee. Many vacant. Back Hendricks, Heiiig Bld(., 189 i. iUfh. a3-e7t LACKEL PARK LOTS TRIM RESI- deace loU aa low as $425. See bud and signs at Pari fie Highway aid fair- greu nrt road juncture.. Also Uighland avenue. ear schools, atoms, ear aad churches. Building res;ritions you rill like. Excellent choice bow. Any ue, etc. HKCKK ft HENDRICKS- Heilir Bide, l N. High. 63elltf BEST BCY8 IN HOMES i' $8000 Home. For $6000. A real home. Owner leaving eitv. SEE THIS MODERN BUNGALOW Ob paved St, near State St. for $3000. Haa 5 rooms, fireplace. Real bargain. 11600 SNAP Good house. 4 rooms, two lota, easy terms. LOTS LOTS IXITS - Oa pared atreet. , Walke. Sewer. Shade trees. $50 down. $10 per month. Priee $675, term. FIXE-DAIRY FA KM One of the beat 70-acro dairy farma 1b the valley. Good building. Price $6300, term. IMPROVED 10-ACRE TRACT la frnitland district. Good buildings. Beat of soil. Priee $4500, terms. TO BUY A HOME SEE CH1LD8 ft BECHTEL 640 State Street 63ol5tf I.ARGE FAMILY IIO ME, 8 ROOMS FOR 4000, oa terms. Two large lota with fruit, ete. Another of 8 rooms, north. for $3000. BtCKK ft HENDRICKS Heilif Blds. 189 X. High.. C3olltf ARE Yom goinf to let u sell your farm. me are aeuing otnera. too acres good rraia farm east of Salem Good buildine. at $125 per acre. Essy terms or will accept tame trade. WE Sold 160 acres yesterday for the Copelaad Investment Co. We have a fully electrically eauiDDed all modern building. 40 acre dairy rarm at lu.uvu. tasv terms. SELLING Aad trading ia our specialty. Just completed a trade of 172 acres owned by A. W. Fleteher of Polk county, to C. E Gibson, for small tract. 16 room bote!, all furnished, at a bargain for, $3,000, or will trade for small acreage. FARMS Can be bought at bargains in our office. 20O acre, the very beat of bottom land, good build ings, nataiag water, every thins; you could ask in a No. 1 farm. Price $100 per acre. Very easy term. CXRICH ft ROBERTS, 122 N. Com'L St. Phone 1354 C3ol5 APARTMENT HOUSE CORKER. WITH larce modern residence, suitable. Eight apartmeats. For sale $"500. The lot is worth it. RECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilir Bldr, 189 N. High. 63olltf SUMMER STREET HOME BEAUTI ful grodnds, corner, $10,500. Real reason to sell now. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 63olltf NEW SMAL LHOMES WE HAVE 5 brand new $2000 to $4500 three to five rooms. Terms. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 63olltf BUY ONE AND SAVE YOUR RENT INSTALLMENT ACREAGE AND LOTS $1250 buys 10 acres of first class berry and orchard land, all in cultiva tion, on terms of $10 down and $10 per month. $706 Large lots consisting of nesrly acre, loeatea norta on tne raeuie highway. Prices $700 and $800. Terms $25 down, balance $10 per month. Interest per cent. $300 We still have five! kits left lath Kay addition. Prices from $200 w mwii, w nmrr month. . : . v-.. ..; i fdUlrIATfV 19V. wxi n,rr witvin wi. locatad on navea roao. arze mi 220 feet. $25 down, balance $10 ner month. $600 One block, consisting of nearly one acre, located south ea Hansen Ave. $25 down, balance $10 per month. $150 Creek Iota located near N. 17th and .Center streets, $43 oown, balance monthly. , WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE W. II. GRABENHORST CO.. 275 State St. Phone 515. 63o9tf $25 DOWN. $5 MONTH BUY8 BEST cheep lota m etaiem. o gravei ana has lights, sewer, wawr. street, near ear aad gcbooU. Price $250 up. Ab stract. BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 '. High. 6304tf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors Specialise la Oregon farma. Batata batman and writs Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 68al$tf ARE THESE TOO HIGH $23 DOWN. $10 mouth, buys two lots S. E. Balem. Near car- and schools. Good grouad. Sewer, lights, water aad good street. Large lots. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilir Bldg, 189 N. High. 63olltf EXCHANGES EVERYWHERE Good bouse, and lot. Seattle, W a, for Sa'em residenee. Five room Portland home for Salem residence. Seven room modern Salem home on paved street for xmaller house or will take 40 er au acres aear. - Restaurant doing good business ia Al bany, Oregon. Will take small acreage for chicken ranch. - : 240 acres nesr Roundup, Montana, for small acreage here and will assume. Beautiful sew home. North Summer street. Wants something not so ex pensive. Huadred ef ethers ia ur lists, What would you like? i MeGIIiCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 63ol3tf nail Tllfg HF.RT ft ROOM FTJR- nished home for $3000 cash, on car line. Lots of fruit Close to schools .North. limned iste poeseesion. nrpv v a. nrvriRtrgs Heilir Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304tt MINUTE MOVIES REAIi ESTATB JUST A FLIVVER BY THE WVEfc i AND YOU ! OS TRADE BRISCK OARAGE BCILDINO $0OO for Salem city property. ov acre larm, good building, spring water, zuu acrea unner plow, small or chard, wall fenced, $50 per aero, easy terms er will trade, timall aoaao $650, aaay tarma. Strictly modern avew bun galow, swell location, close in $7100. Trade, 177 acre farm for Minn., Iowa r 8. Dak. farm. F. L. WOOD. S41 State St. 6304tf 1 BEST HOUSE BUYS 2 room garage boa&e. North Salem, :o; easa. Terms. 4 rooma. modern, garage, $1550; ?40 cash, terms. 1- room, modern, barn, garage. $2500; $500 eavh. Terms. 4 rooma, nook, east Salam, $2900; nauo caaa. Terms. 6 rooms, modern, fireplace, garage. East Salem, $3'.'50: $1000 cash. Terms. t rooms, mooern, basement, garage. Aorta riaiem, 3300, f700 cash; terms. 5 rooms, modern, garage, 8 lets. orth Salem, $4000;- $1000 cash. Terms S0C0L0FSKY. $41 State 63ol4tf SPECIAL 2 H. acres with good 6 room house. Close in, a aargaia for S2000: 6 room plastered house, snap for $1600; 6 lots to trade for house. 25 seres well im proved, near Salem, trade for larger farm. 3 room house, good bay for $1800, Will take car to $600. balance $25 per month. Good car to trade for lot. THOMASON. 331 V, State St. 63ol4tf READ THIS ONE SALEM HOME. 7 plastered rooms, fireplace, basement, bath, good condition, sis large lots, all ia bearing fruit, berries and large grape arbor, nice shaded lawn, ever green and walnut trees, noultrr house. gar re. barn, between junior hign and grammar scnoois, few blocks to street car. All for $3800. Easy terms, 849 Rural avenue, W. C. Conner, Statesmen Office, owner. 63sl6tf 5 ROOM NEW COTTAGE IN RICH- mond addition, very small payment oown ana easy montnty contract. $ rooma, furnace, fireplace, excellent construction. Liarga lot, on xMth St., S630O. 7 room modern bouse to trade for sub urban property with rood house. 4 room stucco house, furnace, fireplace. J7w; can be bought for $530. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 63ol0tf $4299 WHAT FOR! FOR A NEARLY new 5 room modern house, clowe in. haa a nice lot and garage, $1000 will handle it. $2850 a 6 room plastered house, bath and toilet. Nice lot, juat outside the city limits. Ha a garage. $500 cash. See J. A. MILLS. 331 SUte St. 63ol6 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI P P W ANT ACTION I P P P P Do you want to tell your P P P P property? Are yon going to P P P P buy aome other ' property af- P P P P ter yon sell If you are P P P P ce us NOW. We complete P P P P both dealt fa one trausae- P P P P tion. We trade what you P P P P have for EXACTLY what P P P P you want. Our service ia P P P P surprisingly different. 2200 P P P P trades for you. to choose P P P P from. See PP P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 40t V. S. Bsnk Bldg. P P P P Telephone 2242 P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP $3750 SOUTH. BRAND NEW WITH furnace and fireplace, garage. Terms. BECKE ft HENDRICK8 Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304tf FOR HALF A tVEN ROOM MODERN borne. Excellent location, ltt blocks from State house aad H block from Paeiflo highway. Lot 65x165. Ad dress owner. 1051 Cheaaeketa street Salem. Oregon. 63al6tl LAUREL PARK SALE STARTS YOUR choice-f 50 trim lots protected - by building restrictions. Blue print plats at both ends of addition. Iron aad wood pegs ia every lot corner. Some large double lota 50x192 for $550. Any size, any facing, close to car. schools. 1 churches and store renter. Excellent ground. Prices $475 to $1200. Becks ft Hendricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High. REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 8 ACRES WITH 5 ROOM HOUSE ON Pscific highway adjoining noodburn. for small farm, Walter Corbet, Rt. 5. Box 108A. 65ol7 PORTLAND HOME WITH GARAGE and aleeping porch. Price $60O0 to exchange' for Salem home or well lo cated lots. Also modern bungc'ow at $5000 for Salem. Please write to John i M. Payne ft Co.. 311 Mohawk Bldg. 5ol8 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO TRADE FOR EKTY CALIFORNIA PROP- FOR EXCHANGE We have a - client owning , several pieces of high class ranch and income property in beautiful California, who desires to exehsnge asms for property m the locality of Sa lem, Oregon, for personal reasons. In snswering this ad give full information in firat letter as to locality, price, pic tures of piece, description end other data that will enable as to submit your property in sn intelligent msnner to our client. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Inc., Realtors, Suite 1011-15-19-23 Pscific South went Building, Long Beach. Calif. C5-ol7 REAL ESTATE Fsu-mg. 67 A ( SUBSTANTIAL CASH PAYMENT and easy terma on the balance wilt purchase either of these farms; 304.67 acres improved Tnrner-Aumsvitle dis trict. An exceptional buy $16,800.00. CO acres, 2 silos, fully i equipped ia . build incg for small dairy. Irrigation ave liable $6,500.00. AC. BOHRNSTEDT. Realtor, Loan a and Insurance, 147 No. Commercial St, Sslem. Ore. $7-o8tf 45 ACRE FARM 2 MILES TOWN. 5 roea house, barn, silo, real dairy or Soultry ranch, only $3,750. your terms, 5-acre dsiry or poultry rsncb im proved, $2,500, terms or city prop erty. Sslem residence for close in ranch, or anywhere. Clear Washing ton land for eqnity ia valley farm. BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. " 67el5tf REAL ESTATE (AH right protected by The tSemcci Matthewti Adtanm TOR AUTOMOBILES WANTED It Eiker Auto Co. We pay cash fr Fords. 77ml2tf MaDnanaaBsssannsjssara USED CARS FOB BALE 7 PACKARD HUDSON ESKX We have a varkty of RELIABLE USED CARS; it will pay ya to look over aur stock. FRED If. POWELL MOTOR CARS 350 N. Hie-a PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79sl7tf Guaranteed Used Fords 1921 model Fordor Sedan $495.00 1922 Touring, starter $185.00 1922 Coupe , 275.00 Terms to suit pcrebaser VALLEY MOTOR CO. Anthoriied Ford Dealer Phone 1995. 260 No. High 7ol5tf 1924 DODGE SPECIAL TOURING CAR. only driven 6800 miles. Excellent shape. M. st sell. Call 220. 79ol8 CERTIFIED USED CARS ARE ALWAYS BARGAINS Hupmohiles recent models $485 to $650 Fords With Starters $135 to $375 Ford 4 -door sedan $400 1924 Chevrolet touring, 9000 miles, $385 1920 Dodge roadster 1275 192S Star rosdster $300 1920 Overland sedan $275 1920 Ford roadster, atarter $125 See ns for recent models of doled cars CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET One block North of postoffice 79-o8tf FORD COUPE FOR SALfc- -126 SOUTH Commercial. 79ol5 OCR 1924 ESSEX 6 COACH TOR QUICK sale is priced right. Kirkwood Motor Co, 301 N. Commercial. 79ol6 Two non-starter towing Forda with license. $45 aad $55. Too much serv ka in these can to Wreck. Both is good running condition, EIKER ALTO CO. Phone 131 79j81tf Guaranteed Used Fords 1922 Ccopa 5310 1U24 Roadster $285 1924 Modal Coupe - - $425 Term to suit purchaser. VALLRY MOTOR CO. Authorised Ford Dealer Pawnw 1995. t0 No. High. 79al8tf EIKER'S USED CARS 1924 Touring $345 1924 Conna 8485 Our nun si guarantee behind all cars, iord Sedan EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Fern. Phone 121. 79jl8tl GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why pay moret Money back guarantee. Schealar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 N. commercial St. 'Bull to aave ton'." 79-J18tf BIO SALE ON QUALITY USED CARS If you sre in the market for a real bay in a closed car you will find it here. 1923 Lincoln. 5 passenger sedsn, ss good as new. 1921 Cadillac, 7 passenger sedan. 1923 Haynea 5 passenger aedan. Hudson, 7 passenger, with California enclosure. 1925 Flint 5 passenger sedan. 1924 Franklin 4 passenger sedan. 1925 Packard 7 passenger touring Chevrolet touring. 1922 Moon touring. 192'.' Maxwell touring. 1922 Nash touring. 1921 Franklin roadater. Two Ford coupes. Dodge touring. These cars range in price from $75 to $3,0OO. TERMS WILL P.E MADE TO SUIT THE PURCHASER A GUARANTEE GOES EVERY CAR WITH Marmon, Locomobile, Chandler and Cleveland dcie VACDOXAl.D AUTO CO Cottage and Ferry TDolOtf "QUALITY USED CARS" We have the larrest and beat aelee tion of used cars that we have ever had at aay one time, both opt a aad closed ears to choose from. Ford Counea Chevrolet Coupee- - Star Coupes Old Coupes Gsrdner Brougham Overland Sedan Oldsmo- blle Sedan Overland Blue Bird Old mobile Sport Touring Stephens Sport Touring Earl Sport Touring 8tar Touring Chevrolet Tonring Dodge Panel Delivery Overland Touring. The above cars sre all late models and are in very fine condition. And are priced very low. We else have Fords, Cherrolets, Over lands and Msxwells, sold as is at $50 and up. I CADILLAC RICKENB ACKER OLDSMOBILE "AFTER WE REM, Wri SERVE" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 i ; i 79ol4tf Co. buys 350,000,000 feet timber on Smith river, and will! increase i capacity of mills here. , I CVbOeOf J WMfeER THE; BRIGHT LLrEU(a5r4T .irJ VOUR EYE M -VE SrWKLE OF "WE 60LD.DEAR. W YOUR TEETH AS TJ lSrCREtT I TftCUCwT 0 WErE A FfcfcE M4L THE. lrCDlOM TE RNER UAlDtAjEATM itTrOSE CAy AR FOR GOOt ' " LVE X ALU) Ays KJEVi TJHEy ' M) OuLD ; AANVrZ W "CMC AMD VtOU . CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AM3DLAHCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 600 sad 883 R. Day or night service. f!4tf VCTXOsTSXRa F. X. WOODET Salem'a Leading Expert Livestock. Tnr- nkure and Beat Estate Auctioneer and Appraiser. lies, aad Store. 1610 N. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Dates Established Since 1916 o6tf WOODRY ft WOODRY Expert Livestock. Furniture, Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. Satisfaction Gaar aateed. Office 371 N. Coss'l Tel. 75. Rs. 996 8. Canuaarelal, TeL 1848-W for sal dates. ACCOTHTAJTT , ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND And ltor. 831ft SUt. Phone 2098 R. al7-'26 ADDING MACHINES ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE OR rent. See Loekwood, 247 N. Commer cial. Phone 866. n7 BATTERY AND ELECTRIC LAN 8 , D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AMD RXPAIRXNO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing, 387 Court. BRASS BEXXSXNO MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER- eial St. Phone 102. J8tf CHHUESB REMEDY L L. DICK L. U. HUM Chinese Medicine Company- Help any known disease. 420-426 State. ISll'l 9 CHX&OrXACTOS DK. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 8ie tt or 8T. H. B. SC0FIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor, 328 Oregoa Bldg. Phone 3194. m5tf DRXSBlf AKThTO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7Vi" wording. lsreaamakiag; price 10 cents each, Stateamaa Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. 'DRAMATIC EXPRESSION" rHE SPEECH-CRAFT SHOP A 8TU dio of Dramatic Expression, Perry l'rrscott Reigelman, B. O.. Director. Voice building. Impersonations, Coach - ing. Studio 940 Mill St. Phone 487-J. N4 BLBCTRICLUrs SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co Phone 1934. 22b N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE - wiring by hour or contract. Estimates ,r furnished. Phone 980471 Conr St FARM PAPER If YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST - farm paper send 15c to the Paeiflo Homestead, Balem, Oregon, fur s tiiret mouths' trial subscrlniioa. Mention ' this ad. POTJLTBTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps lot special three months trial for the best and oldest journal ia .the west. The srticles and advertise meats are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Balem. wegon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds, Contracts ea houses Will net o" a BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilir Bldg.. le!) N lUgh St. Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO Wan oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dentin! Insurance Company money on eilr residences and buainasa property, at 5Vi,4.. plus a commission. Hawkins ft XoberU, inc, aua uregon xsuuoing. d 14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 40OrjouniIdta FLORIST! CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIONS Reject dahlia while ia bloom. . Ben nett Nursery Co, Fsirgrouni Road. Tel. 128C. slu. '26 CUT FIOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS fuaerai wreaths, decorations. C. F Breitbsnpt, frtrist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. HEMSTITCHING 8ALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. Pleat iag. buttons, stamping aad needle work 33B Oregon Bldg. I'howe 7. ZVSXTRAJrCB Insure Tour home or ear bow rhone 181 BECKR ft HENDRICKS HeiHr Bldg, 189 N. High St. it tf ULTTKDRXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 8. High street. . Phoae 25, eldest, lerg- est and best. Established 1889 Bes ilie Trade Mark ReFJateed TJ. ANI WTI A 1 3- - BUSINESS and Professional Finns Arraiged tn Alphabetical Order f of Quick Reference , '-- ,..... LATJjrDEIES ! TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171, 1356 B Sire.L J17tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Pbea 165. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. 14tf LADIES' TAILOKXJfa D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St, MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THB Cspitol City Bedding C, 1100 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work gosrsnteed. Phone 19- fl 9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM OOUOH RKMEDY- Phone 51 7- W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs sewing macbiaes, ihet music, and piano ttudies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 433 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW victor or Bmnswu-k. 1L L. Stiff For- NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. T-t. P39. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to jour home early each morning, 'tel. a or ana. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Hearcy Bros., 237 State. FACKIHO AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNR1TURK PACKING and shipping, call Stiff a Furniture Store. Pbone 941. PAPEBHANGIN0 AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper aaaging. tinting, etc Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaao tuner. Leave orders Will s Music Store PaUNTTNG FOR STATIONARY.- CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, can at tne statesman rnsv ing Department, 215 B. Commercial, Tel. 5K3. PLTTMBUfO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graher Bros. 141 Liberty Bl Phene 550. fl9tf RADIO BPLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any priee Sihuw eiea QUALITY CARS High and Trade fshtl RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. T. S. BARTON, Proprietor Masonie Tempi phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Pnrse All 'Standard Sixes of Radio Tubes ,IK ft E0FP ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court 8t. Pbone 48 REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a home, farm or buaines property, see oa. BECKE ft HENDRiCKS T7. H. National Bank Buildinr. itf REPAIRING ALVTN B. STEWART 847 Court St. UMBRELLAS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lawnmowers, rasor bladea, scissors, kaives and took sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Ga'bage and refuse of all kinds i removed by the month. Reaaonsble ratee. Ceas aoola cleaned and dead animals removed. Phones Office 95 or 979. Res. 2f58. SECOND BAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH inc snd t.l.oS. Bert prices psid. Cap ital f-etianre. 342 North Cesamereisl. Pbone 1368-W. ' STOVES AJSD 8T0VB EXPAIRIAG STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40. years' experience, i cot National feaee. sise 36 to 58 tn. high. Paints, oils aad varnishes, etc 4 loganberry and bop 'hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 134. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS, FOR SALE OR RENT, student's Mies. Call St Lockwood's. 247 N. Commercial Street. Phone ". n7 TRANSFER AMD HAULIAQ WE MOVE. SVORX AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Oua specialty la piano aad furniture moving. We also make eoua try tripe. We handle the boat coal and wood. Call on is for pricee. We giro good measure, good quality and good service. Larmev Transfer Co. Pbone 990. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. S, Patent Office) Si HA (RJ SOLPiER or- 1W LECjlOM W r,uHC U4 ALDERS' jJVA1LH OT SWEETHtA.-cT DAyS ElLED VP HlS j , EYES WITH TfeAX? ME THOUGHT ABOUT THE LITTLE. (SRL HE'D LEFT SO AWAV AMt HOVJ THEy TOOK 1T4E TFLIWER JT THE'' F?'VET? fcOAO ; ! ' EACH DAy- A VISION Of MtS DARL1K26- ALt KOJJ FLOATS EEfORE MS EVES' SOb TrilS SOLDIER LAD HE? I-' - - t -r- II as. aW DIRECTORY TRAMSFER AMD HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 328 8Ut BL, Phone 833. Distributing, fcr wardiag aad storage oar tpeeiatey. Get our rate. WATRR 8ALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Uftico 904 South Commarcial Bu Tea per cent discount ea demesti flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water ia shut off your premises. PARKER STAGE LINES ANNOUJeClNG. IMPORTANT CHANGES lb the Salem to McMinaville Time Schedule Effective Sept, 13, 1925. . AM. PM. PNf. Salem. Lv... 8:30 2:10 5:15 McMinaviMe, Ar. 9:45 3:25- 6:35 McMinnville. Lv... 9:45 :45 7:45 Newberg, Ar .10:25 4:25 8:25 AM. PM. PM. Newberg, Lv . 1:15 6:15 McMinarille, Ar 1 :a5 5:55 MeMicnville, Lv. 7:20 2:40 6:45 S;m 8;45 3;55 g:oo CHANGES IN THE SALEM-DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9, 11:25 a. m.. z:iu, -:is p. m. Leaving Dallas for Salem: 8, 9:50 a. m l, 3:10, 6:15 p. m. Call fiO foj- further information. Xotio of Aswniont for i'ost ot lmprorinK Court Strwt From North Eighteenth Street to Lill Ktiwt. - Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salern, Oregon, will, at or about 7:U0 p. m. on the 19th day of October; 1925, or at any subse quent meeting of the said couacil thereafter, in the council cham bers of the city hall at Salem, Ore gon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof liaole therefor, its proportionate chare of the cost of improving Court street from the east line of North Eighteenth street to the west bank of North Mill creek, in the city of Salem. Oregon. All persons interested In the. said assessment are hereby notifi ed to appear before the said coun cil at said time and place and pre sent their objections, if any they have, to said assessment, and ap ply to said, council to equalize their proportionate share of same. Ly order of the Common Coun cil, October 5, 1925. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof October 14th, 1925. Date of final publication hereof wiH be October 16th, 1925. ol4-15-16 Notice of . Assessment for Cost of ' Ituprovinp; Marion Street from Twenty-thirti Street to Twenty fourth Street. Notice fs hereby given that the Common Council ot the City of Salem, Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 p. m. on the 15th day of Oc tober, 1925, or at any subsequent meeting of the said council there after, in the council chamber at the city hall at Salem, Oregon, j proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part theieoi, or parcel of land liable therefore, its pro portionate share of the cost of im proving Marion street from the west line of Twenty-third (Wel ler) street to the west line ol Twenty-fourth street, in the City of Salem, Oregon. . All persons interested in the paid assessment are hereby notifi ed to appear before the said coun cil at said tims and place and pre sent their objections, if any they have, to said assessment,, and ap ply to said council to equalize their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Coun cil. October 5, 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof October 14th, 1925, Date of final publication hereof will be October 16th, 1925. 014-15-16 . I General Markets - , PORTLAND, Oct. 14. Portland Dairy exchange: . Bntter, extra 53c; standard 51'iC; prime firsts 51c; firsts 4.7.- Iggs. extras 52c; firsts 4 6c; pullets 45c; current receipts 41c; peewees 30c. PORTLAND, Oct. 14. Hay. Buying prices, valley timothy $1 $7 19; do eastern Oregon nominal; alfalfa $1 19.50; clover $17. oat hay 1516; oat and vetch By ED WHEELAN COUAJ AND SOFUy SI(5H?.j BF' VOU THirvK IT is i HECESSAFiy TO RCpEATfte i ALL WRONG.' iO-O NOTICE OF SALE OP GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAKTJ OPTirt! Wasblagtaa, D. C, September as, 1925. Notice u. hereby titrm that subject -to- ' - the conditions and limitation of the arts of Jnn 9. 1SI0 :iJ n at. Sliti "". aod Juae 4. 1920 (41 Sut 7581. and pursuant te deparuueetal rvuiat.eua at April 14. IS -21, '50 L. I. 37C. the tim ' brr oa the following land will be sold November 16. 1925. at It) a. m, at pub tie auction at the U. S. land uMce at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder et not less than the appaised valce at lioa'' by tins, sale to be subject to th appreval of the Secretary of the Inter ior. - The purchase price, with aa add! ' -t tonal sam ot one-fifth of on per rar.l . . , thereof, being eomuuasion allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved. Otherwise patent will issue for the lini- " ber, which must be removed within tea yean, B d will he received from citi- . sens of the United States, muoerationt of such cilisens, and corporal io a er:anU- ed under the laws ef the taited Ststes. or any State, territory, er district there of only. Upon application of a qualified .... pun baser, the timber oa aay legal ubiiw- viwon wiU be offered separately before -being included in ny offer of a larger itn t. T. 2 N, K.2 W, Sec. 3, fractwnal NEU NEU fir saw timber 1600 M, cedar saw timber 50 M, cedar logs 1 M, J NWU NE4 fir saw timber 23uO M, cedar logs 150, none of the timber on thin section to be sold tor less than $2.00 per M, for the fir and cedar ssw .timber and $1.00 each for the cedar logs.' T. 7 S R. I. E., See. 27. NW NEVs etaad ing fir 2150 M, down fir 50 M, none of the timber on this section to be sold fee leas than $2.00 per M., for the standing . fir and $1.00 per M.. for the down fir. T. 4 S, R. 8 E, Sec. 31. NW"A SE fir 835 M, T. 2 N, R. 3 W, Sec. I. NW4 NW fir 680 M, cedar 4A M.. " -SWVs NWH fir 640 M. cedar 30 M. none of the timber on theee sections to b sold for less than $2.00 per M. T. 8 N, R. 8 W. See. 21, NEj NW4 fir 1250 M..- -ce4ar 75 M, NW4 NW V4 fir 107S M, i-edur 25 M, none of tba timber oa thi 1 section to be sold for less than- $L50 Pr M' Tn08. C. nAVELL. , oct W-wS-lne. Acting Commissioner Notice of AvfseHxment for Cost Improving Alley Block 80 frti..- Union Street to North Mill., t'reek. : ' ' Notice is hereby given thaUthe Common Council of the ; City of Salem, Oregon, win, at or about 7:30 p. m. on the 19th day of Oc tober, 1925, or at any subsequent meeting of the said council there alter, iu the council chamber, at the city hall at Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof, -liable therefore. its pro portionate share of the cost of Im proving the alley running north and south through block 89 of the original plat of the city of Salem, Marion county. Oregon, from the north line of Union street to the south bank of North Mill Creek. . AH persons interested in the said assessment are hereby notifi ed to appear before the said coun cil at said time and place and pre sent their objections, if any they have, to said assessment, and ap ply to said council to equalize their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Coun cil, October 5, 1925. M. POULSEN, City Recorder.' Date of first publication hereof October 14th, 1925. Date of final publication hereof will be October 16th, 1925. o 14-1 5-1 S ADMINISTRATOU'S NOT1CK OA APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that thi County Court ot Marion county, Oregon, did on the 21st day oi -September, 1925, by order duly made and entered of record ap point Edward Harr administrate of the estate of Ralph Harr, de , ceased; that said administratoi has duly qualified therein and. ' hereby notifies all persons havinr "laims against said estate to pre-, sent same to him at the law of fice of C. M. Inman in the Drey man building at Salem, Oregon. ; -. villi In six months, from the date, it first publication of this notice. -to-wit, September 24, 1925. EDWARD HARR, t 24; o 1-R-1S-22 Administrator. , 4 Notice of Intention to ' Irnprove ' Alley In Block 7, City of Salem, - Notice is hereby gitrin that the Common Council of the- CJty of ' Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares -its purpose and intention to fm-5 prove the alley running northerly . and southerly through block 1 of the original plat of the City of : Salem, Marion county, Oregtm from the north l?ne Of . Ferry atreet-. to the south line of State street, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing Mid portion of said alley to. the-, established grade, and paving said portion of said alley wRh a six- ' 'nch cement concrete pavement In tccor dance with the plans, specifi cations and estimates therefor, ' which were adopted' by the Com--non Council October S. 1925.-now tn file in the office of the city re sorder and - which plans, ipeclfK "fttions and estimates are hereby ' referred to and made a .part of this notice. ' , The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make tbe. above described . Im provement by and through the' ttreet improvement department of the City of Salem. - A Written remonstrance nar be filed with the city recorder ot said city against "the above , proposed improvement within ten days from late of final publication hereof. Bv order of the Common Coun cil October. 5, 1S25... '-. ; K M. POULSEN. City Reeordee.. Date of flmt publication hereof is Oct. 15, 1925. . Date of final publication here of Will be Oct. 27. 192S. ,- b 2T 117.30; straw $7.5 per ton. Sell ing prices 2 a ton more, Oats, T No. 3, 36 pound, -white feed. October 27: November 126 No. 2, 31 pound gray, ; October 2; November 25. , . .. ti 1 1 !I .ft . . ; . v. .