The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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' J - ' ' - -ri...TVV.,M' J J . .. , . 3
" 1 I.I 1 1
II - 4 . -'.:: : " ,mm -,m mm . . , - - .mm,,,mmmml,,,.m . Jl 1 k
Mm in JR1 at I I :
- . , . - ..- .. , . . r " .'-";- 5 - t..s. Jd'-.
. . . " : T. - - . . ' i j ...- - . - -. ' , " --. 'i -
& W
' Moderate temperature ; light
- S7Klvert-Z.3, Staupnaryi anin
laU.nonAtmdsphere Clear; Wind
northJ"- . ''. "
- At .
Tlie Theaters Today
-. , . !!! .
Oregon Claire Windsor and
Conway Terle in "Just a
Woman," by Eugene
Walters! '
Heilig Buck' Jones
"The Timber Wolf."
Bligh Hippodrome Van-
deville and pictures. '
Jim Reed Back - ;t
Jim: Reed, former. Willamette
university student and reporter
Tor The Statesman, -returned to
the city Wednesday afternoon af
ter several months spent with the
United States geological survey in
the mountains east of Salem and
along the headwaters of the mid
dle fork of - the Santiam river.
Haying lost his razor" more than
a month ago, Ree'd found it dlffi-
jcuit id Dnng recognizea y oia
Heaters at Low Prices
Stirrs ' Used 'Furniture Store.
' " : ' ol5
Births Are Reported
Two births were reported at the
office of the city health officer
Wednesday. To Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Hardt of route 2. a son, Octo
ber 1 1. who has received the
name of William Edwin. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Merrill O. Tennyson of Can
by received a son Oetober 13, and
named Donald Gordon.
The New RC A.
Super-Heterodyne jNo. 25.
Hear It at Moore's Music House at
Hi 00 a. m. today Radio returns
oni the World Series ; ; . ol5
Jnln Kennel-Ellla Staff-
MissrElIeen Prosslt has 1st
been secured for th;taff of the
Kennel-Ellis portrait studio. Miss
Prosser "was formerly with the
Berger studio of Portland. '
J f Mill J UU tyiVtK-ME
G. F.'Mintzer of 1135 North
Seventeenth reported . the theft
J Wendesday night of hia "Ranger
bicjcle,5, stolen from Seventeenth
and Center streets,? - '
Furniture Upholstery
AndTepalrlng. rGlese-Powers
Furniture Company. i i20tf
Drunkenem Charged - '
Jack Woods, Of Salem, was ar
rested ;, Wednesday ' by. Officer
James on a charge bf being Intoxi
cated---- '- '.'t-T'.i
Freshmen Are Ducked ? -
Ivan White anSCharles. Kauff
man. members of the' class of '29
at Willamette universltf,' are re
ported as the first freshmen to re
ceive the traditional "punishment
for violation of certain freshmen
rules Ty being ducked In the .mill
race by members of the sophomore
class! ,,The two boys took the In
voluntary bath at noon yesterday
in a good;natured " manner an :ln
the nature intended. r - i
ty0oimiy:& so?i
AnetiooMn and rmrnltm OMlwa,
pay . for t7t4 tMroltar. Stor
ilt, JlorU Coeuidl.-T Phone 1843-W -
469 State Street
Prayer League Meet!
The Woman's Evangelistic
prayer league will meet at the
home of Mrs. H. P. Shank.' 135
South Cottage, at 9 o'clock this
morning. Mrs. F. C. Hickman
wtl be the leader! ,. - '
, U- : i
All .Meadow brook Hata-v; ;U
, On sale, values $14.50 to $18.7 5
Inof anro- values 110 to"$X-?tPdrtland' but the : town has not
KHi.?jM4sonic Temple.; 61$.;
j, If1 5 . ' .-- V,
Fandb Await' Bond
' Seventeen school district clerki
have failed to file their required
bond with the office of the county
school superintendent, and until
these are in there can be no ap
portionment of school funds,
which generally takes place early
in November. The apportionment
will be made on the basis of the
school censas last year with 15,
673 pupils. Mrs. Mary Fulkerson,
county school superintendent,1 is
urging dlstriets to pet after their
clerks and have the necessary
bonds filed immediately.
Al way the Latest .
In Victor and Brunswick
ol5 ords at Stiff's.
Dancing Eyery Friday Night
Derby JiaU. Court and - High,
Salem. - - eifThe Only
ssuing Tax Receipts i :
Two or three weeks will elapse
before all tax receipts for the last
half ending October 5 are dis
tributed and Sheriff O. D. Bower
requests those not yet receiving
their receipts to have a little more
patience as there is still a huge
stack, of mail to be sorted," ' The
Receipts are being mailed as rapid
ly as possioie. The work is neing
retarded, as Sam Butler, one of
the deputies connected with the
treasurer's office. . wa3 called to
eastern Oregon Wednesday by the
ser'ous illness of his father.
All Coats
In stock on Special Sale this
week. The French Shop. ' M.
Buffe Morrison, Masonic Temple.
f 615
10 Acres on Highway: . " .
For sale, good buildings,-, water
system, - berries and fruit,- near
Wopdburn, $1000 cash, balance
$ 3 Off per; year . at ; t per cent, ; no
commission., . Ralph H. McCurdy,
office oyer Miller's store. i ol5
i r -v - -
Twins JEat .Poison 4 - j. ..
The 18 -months old twin daugh
ters of . Mr. and ,Mrs. Oroville A
Babcock of Scptts MJUs are in the
Oregon City hospital -where their
condition is said to be grave from
eating''- poison ' ointment. ; The
mother had been using the oint
ment on the children and . wnue
she. was out of the room the twins
ate! a considerable amount. They
were rushed to the hospital where
physicians have hopes' of saving!
their lives- " ' '-,r
Vinegar Apples Wanted
Gideon stoli Co.; " near comer
Snmrner'and MflL' 'Sacks furnish
ed. Phone 26: " 'T"'rf6tT
Dr.; Marshall, Osteopathic
PhySlcfan and surgeon f -
Branch Opened He
the Eastman'' Brothers" . Manu
factur.Ing company of ! Silverton
has opened up' a branch office here
at South High street, and wHl
have on djsplay here Jher entire
Ua4 of furnaces and " sheet . steel
products. George Quesseth will
have charge of the Salem station.
The, main office in Silrerton has
aTsj been greatly increased.- -
Hot Water Bottles! . i
'Guaranteed regular. $2.
week 98c ' Schafer'a Drug.
! ol7
That Ifquse ,
r 6 rooms lot.
Oak St. $1200.
" . . oi5
Portlanders Buy Stock r
:.. Ar Lr Mills-and W. -I. Tbomp
aoB.? bankers ?in v. Portland harre
each. purchased -stocki the., new
Oregon Linen .Mills, according to
$ CO.
i.i - - ir .ii r n
T. B. Kay, president of the new
mill. He and R. OrSnelling, sec
retiry of the hew company! motor
ed tor Portland for the purpose of
canvassing for the stock,1 and as
6 result, each of the bankers men
tioned 'took $2400 worth, and an-other-man,
also named Thompson,
took" $1,000 worth! About $40,-
00 q has now been subscribed in
been canvassed, and Mr; Kay be
lieves that there will be little dif
ficulty In the raising of Portland's
quoitarof $135,000.
Every One Welcome;
Rummage 'sale,' Oct. :
467 Ferry street.
16, 17.
Woodry & Son
Buy furniture. Store,
Commercial.' Phone 75.
271 N.
Salaries Low Here
J". A. Churchill,' state superin
tendent of schools, has made an
inspection of normal schools in
the' middle .west and has found,
he says, that the salaries of in
structors . in normal schools in
that region are about 50 per cent
higher than they are in Oregon
For that reason, he declares, it is
difficult to get instructors to come
from other states to Oregon.
Exclusively LEATHER house in
the Willamette .valley. . Coats,
gloves, purees ..Nothing takes the
plaee of LEATHER. F. E. Shafer,
Harness. - ol5
Mulkey to Lecture
B. F- Mulkey of Portland is
scheduled to render "Hamlet" at
the teachers j institute" Saturday
afternoon according to word re
ceived from Mrs. Fulkerson, coun
ty superintendent or schools. The
rendition will "be at the high
School auditorium. Mr. Mulkey
has acquired quite a reputation in
reading plays, which he has fol
lowed as ari avocation.
O. K. Waffle House-
Opposite Penney's.. Waffles
and short orders' at all hours. New
management. -"." ol3tf
Armory Burn
Tne .armory at coryallis was
destroyed by fire Tuesday, accord-
in gi to word received at the head
quarters of the Oregon Kationli
guard : in" Salem Wednesday! ,:Ac
cording tV-the' report: :there was
wan lit r Ann n Am " 7 . ? ."
Bargains i ; ; '
For every ; one. First M.
chufenrRummage sale " now
Sftre 4r.FrTy St.tOct- 15, 16,
Exclusive Distribution
. For W- W KJgm ball pianos. A.
B. Chase, Davenport . & Tracy,
Bush "St ' Gerts.'" Moore's Music
House, 409-415 Court. s20tf
Marine Recruitinir Opens . .
r-Opehing t)f "a" peremanent Ma
rine cdtps recruiting sub-office a
the! post office was announced last
night By Sergeant W, T. Conway.
3 " Salem's Iing;n
Pays Cash For Furniture
. Rfcaldenco aad Store t
f 1810 Worth Summer
"Established Since 190"
it - -
- - -A -fc
" v.; -?- - -General
Bankxns Butineia,,
- Offiee XZoura from. 10 swiia. to S pjav. '
lift bassotne phndi4 cia
yar models In : Oaklanitfc 'jv
hi Omhx) - St udebaker
and you will be ' "surprised
J ....... - ;.f
wul handle these gooa usoa
Recruiting la on a quota basis at
present and .Oregon, isj allotted ,2 6
enlistments for October. Last
month the, quota was but 16 men
Special emphasis Is being placed
upon a veriety of j school 4otfered
enlistment, men through the .-Marine
corps Institute 'at Washing-t
ton; D. C. Men may. select j the
subject in -which they are' interest
ed. Only clean, white and Amer
ican citizens are eligible for en
listment in the corps. '
Permit Us
To assist you to find the model
'.that is suitable for your figure
Jloward Corset Shop. ol5
Furniture tTptiolatery
And repairing. : ' Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. s20tf
Grease Spot Changes Hands
me urease spot, local private
service station on Liberty, between
State and Ferry, -was taken over
Wednesday by Guy" Yoting, who
has been with the Union Oil com.-
pany here, for over two years. He
tookovei the pracer rromC.'dl
All Coats
In 6tock on Special Sale
week. The French Shop. '
Buffe, Morrison, Masonic Temple.
OXG to 3Ieet Tonight
umcers of tne Oregon .National
guard will hold their semi-month-
meeting tonight at the head
quarters in Salem of the National
guard. Military tactics instruc-
struction will be given at! the
Radio and Baseball
At Moore's Mugic House on the
C. A. Super-Heterodyne at. 11
m. today. ! : 015
Organs Given Army
About a dozen organs have been
donated to the Salvation Army by
a local music house, according to
announcement made Wednesday
by Captain Pitt. The organs will
be given gratis to those families
found most worthy of them.!
Wanted Loans'
CfflXTDO and$2000. Gilt edge
first mortgage security. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High. ol6
Students Stay Home
Rather than submit to vaccina
tion. 32 students at the Salem
high school have chosen to stay
home for three weeks, the period
said to be that during which they
might expose others to smallpox.
Best Dance
McElroy ' at
Members Addressed
Rev. Fr.'Keenan of the Salem
Catholic church knd Dr. Stockwell,
new members of the Rotary club.
were taken into membership on
Wednesday at the weekly luncheon
of the Rotary club! Dr. Carl G.
Doney, president of Willimette
university, in addressing the new
Direct ' Factory Branch .
519 Court Street " Phone S62
i TypewrlterstReated, Bold, "
;-jt-:-" ' "Repaired ' !
Special rental 'fates to students
For Sale
For Rent
"Phone 860
G. M. Lockwood
.247 North Commercial Street
For the right kind of materiali
and j the very, best workman
ship call us,
3 - Powdeaini Sufpif,Co.
175 K rjfimmsrtlai ' Phone Til
4 ..i.
PfWhers,, emphasised the pt9
tion that' Rtvfia" r " v thou ia -it, a
way to suceess and hapbinisal?'He
declared, Vyou may ask what the
Rotary is going to do for you, but
fou had better ask whit arevvon
oing to do for fhe Rotary ?" '
Dr, If. A. Gueffroy
Announces- thV opening of an
office for the practice of General
Medicine and Obstetrics in Rooms
204-2O5Tr. S. Bank Bldg. ' Tel:
2329. ' " I? : ol5
Speeders Fined
'Two speeders ' were fined by
Judge Poiilsen Wednesday.5 L. S,"
Gerardin of .'Turner who was ar
rested for speeding by Officer Ed
wards was fined $ 7.5 0. Frank
Snook of route 7, Salem, also ar
rested by Officer Edwards for
speeding, was fined $5.
Saturday Night
McElroy at Crystal Gardens.
JUft Rummage Sale Today
Episcopal "Parish" House, Che-
meketa near Church St. Marvel-1
ous bargains, everything to wear. I
3 days, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. ol5
Duffy FJned
Fred A. Duffy of . Salem, who
was afrested recently on a charge
of driving hiie tinder the Influ
ence of intoxicating liquor, was
fined $25 by Judge Poulsen Wed
nesday for reckless driving; '
Crystal Gardens
McElroy wonderful orchestra.
' " ' - " oil
Teachers Show Resentment
Several teachers in the Salem
schools have expressed d'scijh
tentment with ' ait bf'def frm
County Superintendent Fulkerson
that they must attend (be teach
ers institute to he'faeld In Salem
Friday and ' Saturday." -iThe tehch-
ers do not object to attendance
Friday, but they hold that Satur
day Is assured them by law to be
a holiday, and some of them feel
tney should not be forced to- go
to institute on that day for that
Why Bake?
'When you can buy Bake-Rite
bread. 2 large loaves 25c. Bake
Rite Bakery. ' . ol8
Bail Is Forfeited
Robert's. Christensen of Port
land, arrested recently tor speed
ing, forfeited his bail of $15, ac
cording to Judge Poulsen.
Pierce at Meeting
; Charles Pierce, brother of Gov
ernor Pierce, was a guest of the
. Miles
At, Hobart.. Okla., October 8,
BrB. Ada C. Miles, age 73 years,
mother of Mrs. T. H. Clare lot
West' Salera, Mrs. S. L'. Boyc'e of
Lacomb, Or., Dr.sE. P. Miles of
Hobart, Okla., and Mrs. Elsie M.
Eisaman of Portland! ' She' is also
survived by 18 grandchildren and
three great grandchildren. Funer
al services will be held Thursday
at 1:30 p. m. froin theTirst Bap
tist church.-, interment wilt "be
in- City View! cemetery, under the
direction of the Rigdon mortuary.
Archa J. Elliott died at his home
In South Salem October 14, at the
age of 80. ' He Is survived by his
widow, Rose; two sons, George P.
of Salem and Charles A. of Wyo
ming.: Funeral , services will be
held at the Webb .funeral parlors
today at 10:20 o'clock. Rev. Mr.
Bullocq will have charge of Serv
ices. ' The remains will be sent
to Washington for intefment
Eastman Brothets ,
' rurnaces
Sain Of f ice 169 S. HJg
Office hours t :
10:30 a. m. to 2, p. m.
Foctory, Silverton, Ore.
Oregon Pulp, & Paper
" Manufacturers of
': " t Support Oregon Products I
ilecify rlem Paper "fdr Your
, - 31
1 :' s"i'A
r. t I v n.r"iii
Rotarians attheir freekly lunch
eon Wedoesday.1- He" was called
Upfto t!speakt d.t tew'rords. He
told the members that while he
is 'from Hollywood ..he is not one
of thV'moie?eblbny.' 'He then re
cited 4wo poems for the! Rotarians
in a . very effective manner that
easily matked him as the brother
of the goternor. 5 i ". "'
Hear the Baseball
! Returns at Moore's Music House
11:00 a. m. today on New R. C.'A.
Super-Heterodyne, No. 25. ol5
Oregon Novelist Visits
" Charles Alexander, the famous
Oregon novelist, was in Salem yes
terday visiting Murray Wade and
Albert Richard Wet Jeff. 'Mr. Alex
ander Is the "author of VThe Fang
in the Forest," and has 'another
book being published j by Dodd,
Mead and Co. next! month. He is
the literary editor of the Albany
Democrat-Herald, and is known in
the world of American; letters as
the most promising of all the Ore
gon younger writers.
All Meadowbrook Hate
On sale, values $14.50 to $18.75
now at $10: values $10 to $14.50
now $7.50. The French Shop, 115
N. High. Masonic Temple. o!5
Fined for Parking ' .
C Nadon, Dr. Bates, and A. E.
Morris were fined $1 leach Wed
nesday for parking overtime.
Fire Is Reported
The local fire department was
called to a fire at Bush and Com
mercial Wednesday morning. It
turned out to be a chimney fire,
however, and was checked instant
ly. No loss resulted, f
Fails to Appear j
Leo Killian, arrested in Salem
recently on a charge of being
drunk, failed to appear before
Judge Poulsen and forfeited his
$20 bail. r ' '
-- -- - r
At the Central Congregational
church Tuesday evening the Men's
club of the church met for reor
ganization. There were 40 men
of the church and 1 community
present. The ladies of the church
furnished a sumptuous banquet,
to which all did ample justice.
Included 1n the program were
community singing, led by E. E
Elliott; vocal solo by Alva Mead,
and an address by B. C Miles,
president of the Milesr Linen mill
Mr. Miles in his address outlined
his impressions received on a re
cent trip to Belfast tor the pur
pose of studying the linen Indus
try, including the growing and
manufacture of flax. He gave ob
servations about the city of Lon
don, the flax region of Belgium
and the linen industry in Ireland.
The address "was informational
and very interesting. ' ' v
"Officers elected for the ensuing
year are: E. E. Elliott, president;
William Bone, vice president;
Walter McCune, secretary-treasu
rer. "f
The organization will meet on
the second Tuesday of each' month
at the 'church " All imen" of the
church and community are wel
"The Battery Man '
Radio Batteries that Last
531 Court St. "t Phone 108
best Kind
of -
5 -:.J-f
855 Chemeketa J , Phone 1900
'ft I
1h C HlCcrt WAVllrertRO
'Hi's CZ QtpMot'-r
, .... . '. . '
1 mmm
- h
MS' : Uin
OCTOBER 15,-4025
A B.oneral discussion of the new
deposit system, known as the "con-
pon certificate system" followed
the' banquet Wecnesday night of
the Marion county bankers at the
Gqy Belle.-.- The system -was nei
ther favored nor" disfavored by the
association, - but the discussion
as for the purpose of familiariz
ing the bankers with the system,
which has, met with approval in
the east ' " -
; There were several visitors at
the banquet, among whom were
Mr, Hikock, assistant superintend
ent ot banking in" the state of
Oregon; Mr.- Blanchard and Mr.
1- Skill and experience are
iTi l I i l T
if revision anu jjooui juugment are requireao niane wai
;as they should be made; ' I have my services tci'offef you
wnicn are over one-xmra 01
1 I do not only fit your eyes, but I design glasses that
' are comfortable and good looking arid give yo'u every,
advantage that science and skill can give you. I , shall
pleased to see' you and wait on you. . n-
Poor eye sight is the cause of backwardness in many
'children.' A safe plan is
and I will advise you correctly If glasses, are -not
required, I will positively not try to put glasses On you'
i Ai An vnur "hiMrbn '
- v v. J U . V . . . . .
' If your glasses are not
respect. 1 will change them
Tlipro i nr vnpr5mArtinr art anv nn' vpc in m v
i office, I do all the work myself and guarantee satisfacf
iion in every respect. I do not belong to any" combine;
.inereiore my prices are very reasonaoie. t eiepnone lor
' appointment, Phone 723. " ' - ''" C
Pr. Mendelsohn .
United States Nat'l Bk. Bid., Rooms 210, 2uT2nd Floor
j '. .-!-. . . . . . .. . , v. --'. 4tl(l, v vi J
Around the Corncir, ,
SUCCESS lies just around the cor
ner; so does F'allure."-Whfch willV
be yours? If you practice the ar of
saving" you know the'answer.'' '!
State Savings & Loan
v Association
Cluia. Wipe, tJewerirf Manager
ilcIMlE Theatre Lobby r ip If.- hjh
1 1 1 m
'V!' .. :'J , 1 . .." 1 '" ' W t . .
kf! rl II If Ii-: It! II IKi IP 11 1 I I vl i 1
l fLLI i 11 n v
i I
FpR ; QpICkeiANpt;
; 1 r
it) r
1 GET.
State and
v I
I Si
cj OlflUQL cJ
.------ '- : - -....-...---i -...:c
p.unlap.Portlaadbaakers.i ntL
Mfrvvoaqcorojr vsrratrD
tional bank of Corvalni."
Reynolds of Silverton Ta the presUJ
dent'ot ihassdcIatto'V and ' X
Pierce'ot Turner ami AkmsVille is i
secretary: ...... .,-...,L.,-t,(M1j., .. .
, Newport Wesf Coast Power
Co. rebuilding power and, - light V
here. Newsservice exteudedto Ta- V
quinna. !- - 't
Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big.:
needed to fit glasses right,
a century 01 practical exper
to allow me an examination.
" ' ' " " ! - - - j
entirely satisfactory in every,
free 01 charge lOFone year.
Vi. I Ay. AAkd
! ' ' " , . "'' ;f
3 pn'MPJ':W- a 1
5 r . . PAID, .'.'.'V.,.t:r-'liv
- I fv.T ... . f jrr.
Liberty Streets' J- , ,
i -
. ..
1 -
Twbrd- recelted: -Wednesday :if rc?n