i t . 3 i POTEfJTIBLLy DREG GrJ IS THE SRHTEST S it BflNL STATE IS DSHD FKOill But There Is a Long Way to Go, Before Realizing This Most Desirable Distinction Mr. Mickle Believes the Time Will Come Bef ore, Very Long, on Account of the Boys' and Girls' Club Work,Thich Is Turning Out Scientific Successful Breeders and Dairy men, and Impressing the Older Generation, Too BY J. D. MICKLE Dairy and Food Commissioner "Boost, don't knock.; is godtf. wholesome. advice, bnt sometimes a little of what savors of knock ing will have a more boosting ef fect than words of praise that smack of flattery. Self confidence la essential but self complacence is dangerous. - " To use the vernacular of the street, it Is unwise to "kid our selves" into thinking we are what we are not. It is well occasion ally to take stock and see where we are at to 'stand to one side was shipping butter Into the Paci fic territory- a market by location logically, belonging to Oregon, but which she is not supplying on ac count of the lack of both quality and quantity.: Dr. Larson said Wisconsin would continue to in vade: tnis territory with her gilt edged butter, until Oregon cream erymen and dairymen wake up to a realization of the situation and of the possibilities under improved methods. ' The difficulty with the dairy industry that has long existed in Oregon, and still exists, must te too" many small -herds not enough cows in milk to make the business profitable. Western " Oregon is especially wel adapted to intensive cultiva tion You can grow just as much or i just as little : as , you are a mind to grow according to the way you farm. With a good sized herd of cows supplying the ma nure with which lo fertilize the farm and growing such legumi nous crops as clover, vetch, al falfa, peas, etc., the fertility and productive capacity of the soil will constantly increase and it will not cows there are in Oregon it seems unbelievable; that '50 per, cent! of the sires in service in ourj dsury herds are scrub " .:. - j ' j .' Some splendid results have been attained through cow testing as sociations in Oregon as well as elsewhere. 1 About one per cent of the! cows of, the United States) are now in cow testing1 associations, and although these associations have only been in existence a few; years, the average cow in these associations produces about j 60) per cent more than the average jcow hi i the United States. Surveys! made by the bureau of. dairying,; United States department of agriJ culture, show that by increasing the, average production per cow three 'times, the" average Income over cost of feed was increased almost five times. In the tight of such results why would any dairyman refuse to enter a cow- testing association? And, (with registered bulls out of heavyjprof ducing dams plentiful and avail able at moderate prices why are so many of our dairymen Ifstill using scrub bulls? j Too small dairy herds tod few an . : - m .a 1 Tf V V . ! i Iff ' An Oregon Cham pion Jersey Cow and take a look at ourselves and! endeavor " to " see ourselves as others see us. : We hay acquired the habit of boasting of our, great dairy industry and speaking of western Oregon as the greatest dairy country, pn earth. Poten tially, there probably is no better dairy country and place and we do , have a lot of the best town on. earth; no doubt some as good butter and cheese makers as can be found any place and many first class dairies and dairymen. . but so far we have just scratched the surface and are so undeveloped and so far short of accomplishing what is possible to be accomplish ed that it ill-becomes us ' to do much boasting. ' Not nntil quite recently did Oregon's production of butter ex ceed her consumption. Up to that time she was quite self satisfied and it was not nntil she was forced to hunt outside market for her charged about equally to " the creamerymen and to the dairy men. Cooperation is the watch word of the day, but when coop eration is applied in the wrong direction -on a down-hill grade, it-becomes a liability rather than an asset and it is necessary to go in reverse. This has been attempted a num ber ot times, but never with suf ficient persistance and persever ance to accomplish the desired re sults. We refer to the attempts Jnade at different tiniea during the past fifteen years to grade cream and pay for it according to quality. j For the supply of cream avail able, we have too many small creameries and shipping stations tidding for'a sufficient supply of cream to keep their churns going and make a volume - of business sufficient to take care of their proportionately large overhead only be possible, but practical to grow ail the feed for the cows on the farm. At most a small amount of concentrates is all the dairy farmer in western Oregon should ever think of buying. Many of them now raise only forty per cent of their feed. Too many star boarders and low average production is the dairy man's greatest bane. Upon the amount of production more than any other one- thing depends the cost of production.' Oregon's cows average about 168 pounds of but terfat a year. While this is some eighteen pounds above the average for the United States, it is far below the profit line. At the economic conference held at the Oregon Agricultural college last year the dairymen present agreed that a cow must produce 240 pounds of fat to break even if all legitimate items of cost were considered. It is evident, there- whieh .has come to be the most popular and highest priced cheese on the world's market, bringing from 5 to 7 .cents a pound abovte unbranded cheese. s ! Coos county also specializes in cheese and has made great strides in improvement of production. In fact their cheese outscored and won first prize over the Tilla mook product last year both at the state fair and at the Pacific International Livestock exposition it Portland, but they have not Cooperated in marketing their heese and have had to take from two to four cents per pound less than Tillamook cheese has commanded. Yes, potentially, Oregon is the greatest dairy country on earth. The fact that she holds seven of the possible eight Jersey worlds' records on production of butterfat is quite conclusive, substantiate evidence. Were natural conditions not practically perfect such laurels bever could have been won. And When dairymen farm as suggested jabove; when they all use the best sires available, test their cows and weed out the poor nroducer3 cows in muic in me average pera, and take proper care of their pro- not oniy keeps aown pronts;, but. duct, then will the outDut be is a big factor in retarding im provement in the quality; of the output of our creameries. The average herd of Oregon is 4.5 milking cows. This makes the overhead expense too high per bovine population of the herd. An average of 20 to 30 cows tjo the herd is much better. Such a herd is much more economically j man aged than is one consisting of a smaller number. Not only that. r- . li 'A v-V but with! the larger investment and the consequent deeper inte rest in the industry, the dairy man with the larger herd will take better care of the product and will furnish his creamerymjan a better grade'of ' cftam. Most of the bad cream comes fron the small dairy. It is only , side issue with the man milktng a small number of cows, j He fre quently does not deliver his cream but once a week and when not convenient he may not deliver that often. In the meantime he is not giving it the care so delicate a product requires in order tb keep it in, the best possible condition. He is the" fellow who is indepen dent and" cooperates witjh the creameryman on the down-hill grade." Several months ago ten of Ore gon's creameries organized and are successfully cooperating in the;' purchase of cream on the quality basis. This organization employs an expert who puts in his time! instructing the buttermakrs lin: the art of cream grading and the dairymen who supply theiij cream in proper methods of producing and delivering cream, j The Im provement of the grade of the output ot these creameries since they organized is quite marked,! showing plainly that they are get-; ting results. Conclusive evidence; on this point is the fact that the! highest scoring butter, in fact most of the samples of high scor-j ing butter exhibited at the Oregon state fair this year wfer0 fromi members of this cooperative ,or- ganization is going to! persevere and it is to be hoped !thit theirj success will inspire others) to fol low their example until all will eventually fall in line aid Ore4 gon's butter standard be placed where it rightfully belong. I Cooperation in the right way is the salvation of the dairy; in dustry of Oregon cooperation in improvement, in production, j co operation in improvement ! in manufacture and cooperation ! in marketing- i As to what may be accomplished by cooperation along these lines, we have an outstanding illutraj tion in our Tillamook cheese, doubled and the creamery will have to haul cream only half as far to secure its present volume, i;ream win De aenverea more often and the consequent quality will be greatly improved and with the creameryman cooperating in this program as he will naturally be expected to do, the desired goal will be reached. Oregon may then truthfully boast being the best dairy country on earth. Her dairy men and creamerymen will be prosperous, her bank vaults will be bulging with greatly increased deposits and everybody will be happy. But do you say all of this will arrive along with the millennium? Not necessarily so at all. Not one suggestion or prophecy iu this article but what is practical and readily obtainable. ALL SIGNS POINT TO THEIR EARLY REAL IZATION. One solid rock upon which we base our hope is the boys' and girls' livestock clubs. . While it really is "hard to teach an old dog new tricks," the papa dog is always proud of what the pup does and is inclined to imitate him. The boys and girls, members ef the dairy calf clubs, are receiving proper instruction and are laying the foundation if or up-to-date,- scientific, - sacceserul breeders and dairymen, in a few years there will be enoughjof these club members engaged in active dairy work to revolutionize tne industry. In the mean time "dad" will be picking up and Adopting many pointers from his Ison,' all to their mutual benefits and! . to the hastening of that better !day for which we are all ilevoutly hoping. I (The hbove, written sfor this annual dairy Slogan number of The Statesman, and sent yesterday morning, is all so important jthat no sub-headings are give. Every one interested in Oregon ought to read the article clear Hhroligh. -Ed.) j I i-; t- ,.' " . t ,1 - I - fVi;f ; -, ,;. ... . :) -. - .. - " . - ' . t . ' - - , Sir Walker Inka Homestead, Hols tern bull, owned by F. "VY. Durbin and Son, Salem. He was grand champion at the Oregon State Fair. ii m m m a a w si: a uJWMiyMEiKS I.LW if Tillamook Dairy Batter King DeKal. 4 An Oregon bred Holstein cow that, after winning Grand Champion at the 5 western shows, was exhibited on the national show circuit and won Grand Champion at the National Dairy, Show, Syracuse, N.! Y. She was bred by F. It. Beals, Tillamook, Oregon. . 'I surplus that she wag brought into competition with higher grade butter from other states and came to realize the necessity of putting more quality Into her output. It is not that our climatic conditions are not ideal. It is not that our soil will not produce an abundance of the most desirable provender, It, is ' not that we are lacking in any ot the essentials to the mak ing of the very best of butter," but we s?mply have not got' down to business and done it. We i have been too independent and have not practiced cooperation as we will have to do' before" , Oregon ;; will come; into her own in the dairy Industry. These facta were brought forcibly home to Oregon as. never before during the National Cream ery buttermarkers'. convention which; .was, held in Portland ; last znonti. :'r " A In Competition with butter from eastern states, Oregon's ; product suffered ignominouely.- ; In ad drcsf fng the buttermakerg at that convention Dr. C. W. Larson, chief,! bureau of dairying, .United Ftatcs.. department- of, agriculture, Washington, p. c., ?aid Wisconsin and leave some profit on the in vest men L . This condition has led to a sort of cut-throat competition that has in the past blocked every attempt at cream grading. A patron may be bringing in" a very poor grade of cream but the creameryman, feeling that he can not afford to lose a single patron, doesnot dare to demand improve ment in quality for fear the Cus tomer will quit him. He knows his next door neighbor creamery man, is in the - same boat as to supply and is constantly bidding for new customers. The patron also knows this and stands ready to tell Mr. Creameryman that any time he does not like what he is bringing him that he will take It: to : Mr, -, who is anxious to get his cream. Thus we have down-hill cooperation, K v uf Turning our attention to .the dairyman to . see, what Is , wrong with his end of the game, we find too little" good ! farming-dairymen buying a large part of their' feed instead of gfowinjjmost, .if not all of it, on the farm; too' many star boarders among his cows; too mapy scrub jrcs q service; and fore, that; breed improvement Is greatly needed. This can be done in two waysby the use of good registered sires and by herd test ting and weeding out. With all the good herds and high record FASTER DM LI THROATTADLETS oAntiseptic -' Prevent . , Relieve Koarseneu Sore Throat Coush ' 1 Oil C. SMm Um, 0. 8. Kr zA M il c Trmnstm 1,4, VenThinCPat'S) "Won't tit Irt tkt foci.- mnvrmrnt. aAju.trd to ftve po or fuu fold 75 I I How this I new service helps you buy a finer watch 3'r LJ c When vou btrj a watch you buy years of timekeeping service. If you divide the price or a good watch by the num ber of years you wear it, yoU will see that you are getting that service cheaply. The only thing, perhaps, that has kept you from buying the watch you want is the convenience of paying the full price in one lump sum. Now, to overcome; that inconven ience, we offer pur new Divided Charge Account Service on Gruen Watches, ' Now you need pay only part of the purchase rc:upon delivery. The re mainder comes due at the end of each month following. And there is but one price for 'a Orueri Watch, no matter how you buy it. Camudu 3 Salti whu gold cue, tnfmved, inlaid wttix tnameL, 6j : Hartman Bros. j Jjwelcre and Hilvcrsmiths State and1 Liberty, Salem, Oregon 1 v G V peoal .111131 lie 0 ttalty That Were Bought This Week at a Special Price Together with the Choice of Qur Entire Stock of High Quality Coats Another Lot to Sell at A Third troup Wai Sold at All of these Coats are of the finer quality the best in our stock and many of them represent values half again the amount quoted ; - . . : , Furs of Beaver, Squirrel, Fox, Mink; and Baby Fox are used lavishly and linings of crepe are plain and figured. 9 a Where; it always pays to, "ray As You Go