The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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2000 AGENTS!
- Deciding Match Postooned
J : on Account of Downpour;
K . ' Fans Disappointed
W: , .
- - . - -
Pittsburgh Field May Be Too TTet
: For Today's Game; Both
Teams Are Taking -
, Needed Rest
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 14. (By
'Associated Press). -Rain blocked
the world series program for the
second time today when a heavy
downpour, starting nearly one
hoar before the seventh and de
ciding game , was scheduled at
Forbes field, drenched the i ball
park ' and forced a postponement
The deluge not only disappoint"
cd;lose to 50,000 fans, the larg
est crowd of the series', but con
tinued steadily tonight with pros
Icts that it would even ; be
Impossible ; to - resume play to
:. morrow; - '. - . ,
The weather man's forecast was
Itir rain throoghout the night and
laorning with a chance of clearing
in me alter noon: Even an it
.ould be doubtful 'whether the
diamond would he in playing con
dition, although tarpaulins j were
spread over the' infield to keep as
much of the field as possible 'from
becoming a quagmire,
The delay came unexpectedly in
rpite of the overcast sky and
murky atmosphere of the day but
the accompanying extra day of
rest was hafled as a benefit by
followers of both clubs after the
first feeling of disappointment had
. The benefit rests entirely among
the pitcher aces of the rival staffs,
Walter Johnson and Vic Aldridge,
who tonight were picked definitely
by Managers Bill McKechnle and
Bucky Harris for the final battle
In -which the title now held by
I Washington and the aspirations
entertained by Pittsburgh both
f win be in the balance. . i" :
f These two, each victorious twice
I bo : far, and standing head'' and
i shoulders above all twirling rivals.
-were slated to have had It out in
the final struggle today in spite of
the short rest they have had.
I Johnson, as - a matter of fact
sbo has also been handicapped by
"fa "charley horse" in his right leg,
, ajf was keenly disappointed by the
V postponement, feeling that he was
"right" for the day, but.tomorro"w,
' If the deciding game goes on, the
v Big Train will be able to take .the
hill with the benefit of three foil
- days of rest since his performance
1 last Sunday, when he blanked the
Pirates. ' '
I ' This was as much rest as John
t son had between his first and sec
ond games and should be suffl
4' cient to give him the needed stam-
ina for a crucial tussle. 1 ?
A good deal of mystery shroud-
1 ed Pittsburgh's pitching choice to
' day. with the prevailing opinion
. being that "Jug Handle Johnny"
Morrison was to start, stick , as
': . long as he was effective and then
give way to Aldridge, who pitched
V ' his last victory Monday. , a
tl - Aldridge, however, da the most
rugged member of 5 the Pirates
staff and his mates; are confident
that with twa days' crest he will
be in , top condition to make his
oia ior a taira triauipu iu marrow
McKechnie and Harris J; both
agreed that any advantages "to be
gained by the postponement were
about equally divided' and both
!were equally confident that they
jfjVL pull out In the decisive vic
f tory.
"The Senators are just as much
'W afraid of Aldridge as we are of
Johnsonj; said McKechnie, "and
VH .will be ready 'to go 'out at top
- speed tomorrow. I think he would
f have done it today if we called on
I him. but the additional day of rest
will give him just what he heds."
, "A the same time, McKechnie
intimated that he might be able
to count tomorrow, if necessary
(Continued o pica 6)
A special tra4a carrying about
200 members of tha Albany Elks
Lodge No. 359 will come to Salem
Thursday night and teams from
the visiting lodge will have charge
of I he first initiation in the new
H home of the Salem Elks
JtK Schank. of .Lebanon, exa
exalted rule
r fcn Aihanv Elks will be ures-
- V . -j
est. ; . . ' t
The Salem lodgemen will jnect
the I special train at Tradeand
Commercial and all ; will march in
bddy to the temple. The visit
ore are bringing their band and
orchestra and will provide plenty
of entertainment, A Johnny Jones
.feed, will be served.
Multnomah Count y Senator Prom
ises to Make Bis Public
Statement Soon
State Senator George W. Joseph
of Multnomah county: will very
likely be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for United
State senator, according to in
formation riven by him to a rep
resentatlve of The Statesman
while in this city yesterday in con
nection with business matters.
. "I believe as a result of . my
knowledge of the needs of the dif
ferent sectios of this state that II
could be.of real service to Oregon
in the United States senate," re -
plied Senator Joseph when asked 1
wjiether he would seek the nom-
"Requests have come to me
from friends ifl all parts of the
state urgmg me to become a can-
dldate. ith these assurances of
support I have concluded to seek
the nomination, providing I can
satisfactorily arrange my business
affairs with this end in view,'
were other statements of the sen
ator recorded in the Interview.
IXDIANAPOLJS. Ind., Oct. 14.
(By Associated Press.) ) Sam
uel M. Ralston, United States sen
ator from Indiana, died tonight at
his country home north of this
Senator Ralston's death was
preceded by a long illness caused
by disease of the kidneys. Hee re
turned from Washington last
March in "poor health. On Sep
tember 5 his condition became ag
gravated and he was ordered to
bed by his physicians. His condi
tion became alarming early this
month when uraemic poisoning
developed and recently his life has
hung by a slender thread. He
would have been 68 years old De-
cember 1.
Death came at the place he
loved best, "Hoosier Home," locat
ed just outside the city limits of
Indianapolis., - Immediate mem
bers of the family who had been
ilorewarned of the senator's condi
tio n were present. Senator Rals
ton. , a democrat,-defeated Albert
Beveridge, republican nominee,
at the senatorial election in 1922
He was elected governor of In
diana tor a tour year term in
912. ;;, i ;,
His name was presented to the
last ' democratic national conven
tioii as a candidate for the presi
dential nomination and at one
time it seemed possible that lie
would receive' the honor and break
the lone deadlock between the
Smith and McAdoo forces. His
insistence that his name be with
drawn took him from the contest
' vv.Aft m.n ri.v.UK wounds
JERSEY CITY, N. J.. Oct, 14.
i By -Associated press. ) Crazed 1
he , said, - because bis wif e, Mar- j
garet, ref used 'to' give up gay com-
nion and trips to roadhouses
wth other men, Georpe Winters,
; a New York postofflce clerk.
today hacked het to death with
butcher-knife while police waited!
f r him to "finish-dressing" and
let them in. - i
Winters then stabbed himself
over the heart with the same
knife. He is expected to die;
Lying in a crib a few feet from
Mrs. Winter's body was Conrad
Willisana, her son by a former
ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 14. Citi
zens of Astoria were startled to
night by the appearance of a huge
fiery cross on Coxcomb hill above
the city. The big cross blazed
for almost an hour before its
flames died down. Local Ku Klux
Klan officials Stated that the oc
casion was a meeting - held in a
downtown' hall, and that' the" bi;
30-foot cross was fired as part of
the ritual work at the meeting.
SPOKANE, Oct. 14. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Damages of 13500
were awarded by a superior court
Jury here tonight- to , Ned Bush,
who "brought suit against Robert
Higgenbotham and J. E. Burnett
of tbe Spokane police department,
charging false arrest. Bush
charged they arrested him as in
sane without cause.
WALLAWALL A, Wash.j Oct.
14. Little wheat - .movement or
selling has been' noted here. for,
some time, and' farmers, continue
to hold ' their 'wheal for j a' higher
premium- Local dealers have had
little buying." business, " I " .
Third Annual Event ; to Be
Held at Salem Armory
Nov. 19, 20 and 21-
Exhibits From Eight CommunitiesT
Will Vie for Chamber of
Commerce Awards; Fine
Programs Slated
The Marion and Polk county
Corn show and industrial exhibit
to be held in the Armory Novem-
iter 19, 20 and 21, under the aus
pices of the Salem Chamber of
Commerce promises to be by far
tne greatest corn show and indu-
trjai Clnibit ever held here. Re
port8 from farmers all over both
countics indicate that this year's
exhibits will be the best ever to be
preronted. This is the third an
nual corn show to be held at the
Salem Armory. !
Each of the eight Marion coun-
ttr enmrnnnitv rltiKi tn exhibit at
the annual corn show are planning
to hold a community corn show a
few days' before the big event.
Heretofore the exhibits have Just
been picked up from the farmers,
but this year each community will
send its best exhibits only, as de
termined by the preliminary corn
At the first corn show to be
held in Salem, that or two years
ago, there was an attendance of
5000. Lat year this was doubled
some 10,000 attending. It is ex
pected that this year attendance
will tax the capacity of the Ar
mory, and a distinct breaking of
the attendance record is antici
pated. r
Speakers from the Oregon Ag
ricultural college will talk on sub
jects of interest to corn growers
during the afternoons of the corn
There will be special mu-
( Coo tinned on paga 2)
Presence of mind saved Otto
ZWltker,' Thlrteenth'afid Wilburn,
from serious injury when his auto
mobile collided with one driven
by M. Mack, Route 6, at Church
and" Center about 2:30 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. The Zwick-
er machine' was overturned and
badly damaged.
As the machine overturned Mr.
Swicker kept away from the steer
ing wheel and kept from being
pinned beneath the machine. Mis
understanding of directions is ad
mitted to both parties as the cause
of the accident though they are
not agreed as to who had. the right
of way; There were no witnesses
to the accident.
; fen iSou)ffl MM.M:
-'- ' . :', . . - . ..! r-'.'-i ? .. ' : - - ?r " ' " v - ' - -: i ir : :; - l .
Public Due foi Rude Awaken-
ing" in Regard to Coal
Supply, Is Said i
(By Associated Press. y Sup
port of the American Federation
Of Labor was: accorded the '1 15S,-
000 striking miners in the anthra
cite field today after President
John L. Lewis of the United Mine
Workers had addressed the dele
gates and stirred them to enthusi
asm by his recital of conditions in
the industry.
Mr. Lewis, said miners would
not falter or depart from ; the pol
icy laid down, and he warned the
public it was due for a "rude
awakening" if it believed there
was an ample supply of coal on
hand. j . .
"Hundreds of thousands of
homes will be without fuel and
will be unable to secure fuel," he
said, "until it can be produced
at the mines and distributed "
Mr. Lewis also charged that the
operators were extorting millions
of dollars from the public by sell
ing inferior grades of coal.
Among the outstanding resolu
tions adopted today was one re
stating labor's traditional opposi
tion to "injunction abuses," but
going a step further by advocting
legislative enactment to limit the
power of equity courts.
Vice President Charles G. Dawes
came in for condemnation for
"conducting an agitation for the
purpose of abolishing free speech
in the United States senate, the
only forum where cloture does not
exist and where members can pre
vent the passage of reactionary
legislation." ;
"It is a vicious idea, a vicious
purpose to which the vice presi
dent has loaned himself, and we
recommend that every means be
taken to expose this un-American
Port Angeles celebrated today
when a new 6,000,000 gallon mu
nicipal reservoir on Peabody
Heights was opened and waters of
Morse creek were' turned througn
the he ad gates at the completion of
a $278,000 contract.
st. helexs:.! or., Oct. 14.-
Tom Rowlamb. 35 longshoreman,
was drowned tonight when he was
knocked from the aft deck of the
steamer David C, Meyer, by the
end of a chain j which gave way
under heavy strain. Rowlamb fell
between the vessel and the dock.
YAKIMA. Oct 14. Yakima
voters today balloted 20 to 1 in
favor of issuing $1,500,000 in
bonds for the construction of
municipal water plant. The count
was: 3979 for;; 198 against.
Twenty Years After
Naval Air Program Held Unrea
sonable, Unscientific and
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. (By
Associated Press). -The root of
the present troubles in the Ameri
can navy was ascribed today by
Rear Admiral William Sims, re
tired, its war time commander, to
ers." .
Testifying before the president's
Sir board the admiral declared
that navy air development was re
tarded by a policy "almost unbe
lievably" conservative and that
administration of the whole naval
force was conducted by "unedu
cated men." .
Admiral Sims was the first of
several witnesses, among whom
were Rear Admiral Robert E.
Coontz, for the last two years com
mander of the United States fleet:
Rear Admiral George C. Bloch,
chief of the ordnance bureau;
Rear Admiral David W. Taylor,
retired, and Captain William S.
Pye, assistant director of the naval
war plans division.
f Although opposing Colonel Wll
11am Mitchell's plan for a depart
ment of national defense, as did
all others testifying today. Ad
miral Sims asserted "Mitchell is a
bally good fellow who deserves a
lot of praise" for arousing nation
al interest in the aviation situa
The admiral took frequent oc
casion to express his opinion of
those now running away, particu
larly "the Daniels' cabinet and its
friends," who, he asserted, ,"are
still in the saddle."
He ras asked by Senator Bing
ham of Connecticut, a member of
the board, for his opinion on tes
timony by Secretary Wilbur to the
effect that control of the air was
( Continued on pga 4)
; Looking forward to a more
equitable adjustment of motor
vehicle laws. and. the elimination
o? conflicting statutes, " officials
from Oregon and Washington
spent the day in conference heTe
Wednesday. As a result of the
conference it is understood that
certain recommendations will be
made at the special session of tbe
Washington legislature next
Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
state, presided at the meeting,
with T. A. Raffety, chief state
traffic officer, and Ben J. Forbes,
Jr.. secretary of the public service
commission, and other representa
tives of the motor division In at
tendance. The Washington visit
ers were Charles R. Maybury, di
rector of licenses: J. D. McDougal,
of the license department, and L.
D. Conrad, department of public
Prohibition Enforcement Ma
chinery Is Now Under
Control of Ancjrews
Large Number of Employes Taken
From List of Government
Payrolls; Few o Be
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. (By
Associated Press.) Tbe last pre-
llminary phase of federal prohibi-
tlon enforcement reorganization
ended tonight and Assistant Secre-
tarv Andrews of the ! treasury to-
morrow will be in direct control ot
an enforcement machine of his
own moulding.
Two thousand I prohibition
agents and employee of the pro
hibition service automatically
went off the government payroll
with the effecting of the new order
at midnight, Mr. Andrews having
charted a course which he believes
will permit enforcement with a
considerably smaller number than
Not all of those who have been
ordered dropped tonight will re
main separated irom me pay run,
however, as the administrators
Mr. Andrews has placed in charge
of the 24 new enforcement areas
have sent in recommendations for
the reappointment of many. While
i,., have not
received the formal! approval of
the treasury, Mr. Andrews has ad
vised the administrators that new
employes or those! reappointed
should go to work tomorrow as a
f ho ow nirine of enforce-
. T.
f, irov. baa announced
that the administrators would be
a! t .do,ki for the conduct
. "U'v..u I
of their forces and that they would
be given a free hand in nainng
their subordinates in order that
i nrr, be beld re-
LUC laiici vvuam " -
anonsible to them.
A score or more of appoint
ments of assistant Or deputy ad
ministrators and counsel tor the
administrators remain to be made,
but Mr. Andrevrd has acting offi
cials in all ot those places, so
there appeared tonight to be a few
cogs of the new machine not in
workable shape for the start.
In Washington, the order auto
matically dismissing all non-civil
service employes leaves about 300
clerks without iobs.
newly appointed agents, a policy
of 'rigid secrecy will j prevail, omy
th administrators, who select
. . . ,,aT.
der coter" agents and these men
will be told that their connection
should not be disclosed except
when necessary to prosecntiona.
Mr. Andrews did not know to
night how many ofjtthe old agent
personnel would be; used in mak
ing up the new force. There wil
he no change among the executive
staff, here, since all of those posi
Uons are created by law but as to
Others. Baid Mr. Andrews: "Tht
administrators have the worry 6t
filling those jobs."
1 ? f.
(By Associated Press,) (
Speculators dicL a heavy busi
ness outside of Forbes field aftei
! the game had been declared off,
i bnying rain checks from those
who eould not remain in town to
see tomorrow' contest.
JuBt when everyjone in the un
covered places was soaked to the
skin and the umpires were about
to declare eveery thing off for the
! day, Nick Altrock and Al Schacht
came out in hfgb jrubber boots and
put over a fishing and diving stunt
on the big tarpaulin which was
filled with, pools of water. Mck
fell overboard 1n a; miniature lake
and was rescued iby Al. which
brought the only laugh of a dis
mal and sodden afternoon.-
The four- umpires made two
trips from -their-euaf ten to the
box of "Judge, Xaidis before the
game ras finally; galled off- The
last trip of the arbiters was nearly
a swim.'", -
Bill McKehnie,!f red Clark and
Kick Frazier, ' constituting the
pirates' board of strategy, i have
catalogued all theweaknesscs of
the Washington players but: were
busy guessing; today on pitcher
to follow the catalogue. The1 post-
ponement solved.tbat question add
it-will be Aldridge tomorrow. ;
1 T W . CM.
ford. 73. inmate
at tne county
' JLX ' hfif tte
this afternoon Inithe barn on the
Project Is Declared to Be Largest
Foreign Lease by Any
NEW YORK, Oct. -14. (By As
sociated Press.) Harvey .S. Fire
stone, president of the Firestone
Tire & Rubber company, announc
ed today that he has signed an
agreement with the Republic of
Liberia on the west coast of Af
rica by which he has obtained a
lease on 1,000,000 acres of land
suitable for rubber growing for 99
years and a zooo acre rubber
plantation ruuy matured and bear-
ng. ' J '
He plans to spend $100,000,000
In developing the lease
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.. sailed
may tor LKnaon to estamish an
office of the Firestone plantations
om pany. .
Discussing the project tonight.
Mr. Firestone, Sr., said that the
.concession was the largest ever
'iven to a rubber company for
eign or American. English and
rrJ L """"" " V'
entf ,.tne rubber output of the
world, he said, and he purposes
to make England realise that
America is now in the rubber bus-
ii tes in earnest."
A large share of the $1 00,000,-
000 which will be spent on the new
i-nterprise will be devoted to the
rebuilding of the Port of Monro
via, capital city of Liberia, Mr.
Firestone stated. If necessary the
company later will organize its
own steamship line. ' The contract
for the work in Monrovia already
has been awarded.
Before launching forth into the
enterprise, Mr . Firestone said he
had cent experts of long exper-
1 nce in lne large rubber produc
JnS regions of the world to make
'uu,uua ""WU"UI10
i wo years ago, sam ftjr. nre
stone. "I considered a rubber pro
iifvi a. -s-is
TZu FhP,
p- "-
r, 7T, T.l
they feared it would hinder thei
efforts to gain their independence
Then I sent experts from the Ma
lay peninsula to Liberia, and their
reports immediately converted m
to the plan of development an
production there.
"Conditions in Liberia are th
best for rubber growing; to t
found anywhere on the face of i'i
giobe. Not only is the physici
nature of thecountry entirely coi
ducive to. this enterprise but tit
cost of production will be. at leat
5o per cent less than it is anj
where eiee. The natives work fo
a day ( 2
vvi-en this project is develor
led Araorlca will always be able t
Europe in the rubbe
I trade."
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 14.-
tBy Associated Press )--The rail
x6A battle "for central Oregoi
a me to a temporary close her
oday when testimony was com
ileted before Charles D. Mahaffle
llrector of finance of the inter
tate - commerce commission
3riefs filed by all partle
y December 1 and a .hearim
irobably IwIU be set by the com
nlssion in Washington, D. C, a
vhich.. time arguments may b
nade. Whether Director MahafQ
vill make his report before o
.fter the hearing will depend or
he commission,- he said, i r ,
v Issues Involved in. the case be
lore the commission include th
ipplicatlon-of the Oregon Trunl
or permission to extend Its lint
Vom Bend to Klamath Falls ant
Jie application of the Southerr
Pacific to acquire interests in th.
Jregon-Nevada-Callfornia and th-
Oregon, California and Easteri
railways ' and to -make Improve
ments and extensions of them.
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 14.
Three outstanding mountain peaks
j which cluster around Wallowa
Lake have been given names as
nificant of the early history of
j that district by the United States
geographic board, according to
word receded from the board to-
day by J. Neilson Barry, director
of. the TroJl Seekers.
i The- peak in the past known as
I Signal mountain, lying east ot the
j laae, was renamed oy, me Doara,
Howard." in honor, or uenerai
. I nUvpr ntfe Howard, who cam-
. ; -- :
paigned U-the IndUn wars against
"" -
Complicated and Success
ful Plan of Escape. Proof
Says- Dr. L. R. Griffith
Defense VTHI Sum Up Arguments;
Trial of Ellsworth Kefley
WIU Get Under Way ,
The jury that is to decide the
fate of Tom Murray, convict ac
cused by the state of killing John
Sweeney, a guard, while escaping
from the state prison on August
12, will probably receive the case
from the hands of Circuit Judge'
Percy R. Kelly eome time this af
ternoon. The state completed Its
final summary to the Jury Wed
nesday evening and today the" de
fense will sum up its arguments.
Following this, Judge Kelly will
deliver his instructions - to the
jury. It is thought the case will
be concluded by 2 o'clock.
Wednesday morning the state
opened up its rebuttal by calling .
Dr. Li. r. Griffith, alienist at the
state hospital. Dr. Griffith de
clared that he was of the opinion
that Murrav wa nerfeetlv sane.
and that only a sane man could
plan and execute all the details of
the prison break of August 12.
"To carry such a complicated
and perilous plan out successfully
would Indicate to ray mind that
the convict was perfectly sane. ' I
would say he was in full posses
sion of bis faculties and entirely
capable of distinguishing between
right and wrong," Dr. Griffith
Under cross-examination con
iucted by the defense counsel, -Dr
CJriffith's statements were ievi
lently harmful to Murray's case
Counsel for the defense interro
gated the alienist on the effect of
orison life on one of high Intel
'ectual faculties, evidently refer--Ing
to Murray. He detailed con- m
litions supposed to exist in the
'bull pen," and asked Dr. GHjfftlT
t it were not true that one pos
ecsingTan intellect above the t.
rage would feel restraint and so f
ering more keenly than one q(
lower and less intellectual abll
ty. "I do not helievo that such
vould be the case." Dr. Griffith
tated. "A subject possessing rela
ively higher intellectual faculties
vould be much .more able to ad
ust himself to conditions as they
'dually existed and would be bet-
er in a position to approach act
lal conditions with a philosophic
Tame of mind". . . .
"But suppose shot were, fired
nto the , cell occupied fey the pris
oner, without warning and with
out cause. What effect would
'hat have upon his mind," Mr.
Xing asked. , ,
'I itmnnaa that It would Inrreakfl
lis apprehension,'. Dr. Griffith re-,
riled. "The average person, how
vrer. not handicapped by, inherent
-nental weakness or ill health, can ''
mi dure almost anything and 'not
'ose his reason.". , i, I , X : '
When asked by District ; Attor
ley Carson whether or not.; he' b-l
'ieved the blow Murray is said
fo have received on his head when
. . . . . ( M I
l ooy wouia aneci ms miaa .in
'ater life, Dr. Griffith was skepti
cal. I believe that very few of
is have escaped . knocks on the
head some time during our early
vouth and we have suffered no IU
effects. If the subject was able
to continue his usual activities af
ter the accident, I would shy that
the effect would not be lasting.
VnHBnd ob para fl)
World Series Results
By Radb - .
. If the deciding world crle
bflscball game Is played today,
mid weather reports received at
an early laour this morning in
;dlcated that It would be. The
Statesman will receive tho play
by play reports by radio, and
invites all Salem fans to listen
ffo the results. -';-
: A loud speaker has been set
up in one of the windows on
the second floor and a large
five- tube Splitdorf net, tested
oat yesterday, was found to give
ample power to enable crowd
within , a large radius to hear
the results perfectly- A change
vmade la 'the antenna - system
further Improved the quality of
the signals. ; The net was - In
stalled through tho courtesy of
Tick Brother, local Splitdorf
and Atwatcr-Kent radio deal-
i Besidee the radio reception,
lhe play br play result of the
game will be posted In a doim
fitairs , wlmlowi 4 Three file
phones are also at Salem's ier
vlce. To obtain the latest re
turn, call S3, CS3, or 10X