The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Salem Social News
By AUDREO BUNCH, Phone 106
One of the major attraction of
the week nill b the." large recep
tlon on Wednesday evening at tne
club bouse of the Salem Women's
club when the member of the Sa
lem OAC club will entertain hon
oring Dean Kate Jamlesdn, Dean
U. G. Dubacb, Miss Florence Er
, ran of the phy&teian edncatlon
faculty. Miss Florence Blasyer of
the i home, economic ; department,
Mrs, Gertrtfde McElfreish of the
FniIlflh Aonartwtnatt Mr iinA "Mr
AX Bd" Kearny of the physical ed
'T ucation department. - "
, More than one hundred inrita
liona hate been Issued for' the ere
's nln j to,"aldmnl. former" students,
and parent of those affiliated
I with the college. A special musi-
cal program Is being arranged by
the actlre committee la charge. I
v Miss -Vlrian .Marsters is presi
dent of the OAC club this season.
, Studio Opening Attractive
Attractive In a week brimming
with social affairs was the sea
sonal opening on Saturday of the
Gilbert Studio and Craft Shop
with -a large number calling both
during the afternoon and the eve
ning hour. Pleasing among a
host of beautiful objects on dis
play was a pair of book ends
lifelike seals, molded of plaster
which ' Miss Margaret Rodgers
modeled while studying in . the
eaSin i j . ..'- . ;
A beautiful line r of Imported
. pottery is one of . the features' bt
this favorite shoft and a number,
of the cider and tea sets called
forth more than the usual amount
;.'.; of admiration. Delightful novel
ff 'ties were the flexible lacquer flow-i
$J7, used so extensively for deco
J ratlve purposes. Friends of the
hosts showered them with quanti
i ties of beautiful flowers .which
were Used in the decorating.
Among the assistant hostesses for
the evening were Miss Florence
Cartwright and Edith Carter Ku
ney. : . ;
Lutheran Society on Friday
The . members of the Christ
Evangelical Lutheran Aid society
will meet on Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Albers at 635 N. 20th street.. Mrs.
Cora Bahlburg will assist. ';- i
Club Business on Saturday (.."
The adoption of the , depart
mental plan as a part of the or
ganization of the Salem Woman's
club and the creation of a finance
committee stood paramount on "the j
business program transacted Sat
urday at the club house. The
adoption of the departmental plan.
whereby many of the standing
committees will be considerably
augmented, has been strongly rec
ommended during the past year by
the state president.
i The membership of the newly
appointed finance committee is as
'jfollows: Mrs. O. E. Price (ex-of-
slsted the hostess during the eve
ning. . . r P.T. ..
, In , the group were: Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Adams,' Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Schwartz, Mr. and Airs. J.
P. Smart, Mr. and Mrs. ! Roy Mc
Dowell, Mr. and Mrs! C. H. Fisher,
Dr. aid Mrs. John Lynch; Mr.' and
Mrs. (Fred, Oibson; Mr. and Mds.
Roscoe ' Clark, and the' hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Knower. j
". . i , - ' -- v
Guests From University , I
Mr.and Mrs. J. M.'De vers enter
tained as their house guest over
the past week endLester McDon
ald of Eugene. Mr. McDonald is
a freshman' at the University of
Oregon. ' ' ; . . A-
Yomarco ClcJst Tonight
The Yomarco class of t&e First
Methodist .church Sunday school,
ill meet this evening - at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. White
for & gingham dress and snirt
sleeve partyan .Informal Hal
lowe'en affair. Assisting Mrs.
White, as hostesses will be Mrs. '
Grant Day, Mrs. Eric Butler , and
Mrs. J. D. Foley. f v
Miss Dotson Is Guest
Miss Mabel Dotson, the daugh
ter of Mr. and .Mrs. U.. 8. Dotson,
was a- guest Over the Week end at
the home of her parents. Miss
Dotsoti, a; graduate. of the Oregon
Agricultural, College, ' is teaching
this year at Philomath.-j
Presbyterian Aid Societies
Both the South Division and the
North Division of the' Ladies' Aid
society of the FirstPresbyterian
church will meet on Wednesday
afternoon of this week, with both
meetings scheduled for 2:30
o'clock. "
The North division will meet at
will the home of Mrs.'G. R. Bon
ell at 970 E street- Every mem
ber is especially-urged to be pres
ent. The South division will meet at
the country home of-Mrs. A. F.
Marcus who will be assisted dur
ing the afternoon by Mrs. Charles
Weller, Mrs. h. M. Purvine, Mrs.
Charles Brant and Mrs. John Har
bison. Those who plan to attend
the meeting are asked to meet at
Mrs. Harbison's 'home at 1845 S.
Commercial street. From thence
transportation will be arranged.
Arts League Tonight
A varied program promises to
make the. Salem Arts' League re
ception tonight at the club house
of the SaleftrVFoman'g club one of
the- pleasikft' social events of the
week. A reception, to which the
public Is invited, is held, in this
manner, each year..
On the program tonight W. C.
Dibble will give the chief talg of
the evening. E. Cooke Patton will
give magic and sleight of hand ex
hibitions. Miss Faye Sparks will
sing during the evening and Miss
Irene Smith and Joel Berriman
will give readings. ..
flcio),) Mrs. Charles S. Weller,
chairman. Mrs. Ray Farmer, Miss
Edith Hazard, Mrs. L. H. McMa
hon. and Miss Ethel Fletcher.
Miss Jessie McGregor, the chief
speaker of the afternoon, fulfilled
the office of forerunner for the
Scholarship Loan Tea which will
take place at the dub house on
Friday as one of the week's lead
ings events.
Mrs. J. A. Carson reported on
the special health convention
which took place, Ip Porbandi last
week in tb interest of the Christ-
mas seat wor. irs. ,imo
Whlte."rearalbalrinaii of tte
committee making plans f of tb4
tea spoke of the purposes of the
affair. ! -
Alumnae Entertained
Miss Grace Holt was . hostess
last evening in her home forrthe
members of the Alpha Chi Omega
alumnae association, entertaining
at her home on Oak street. The
group -meets for delightful social
gatherings throughout the year.
fijPolk County Group Meets
' J U. TXMllt. V XTmaw-
r entertained at their country
v3Vmc !,i tne PoUt c0antr nilla on
y- iatnrday evening at four tables
' f five hundred. The guests In
cluded the members of group that
formerly met as a regularly organ
ized club. Mrs.- Fred Gibson as-
Guests at Brooks ' '.:-,.-,
Recent guests .at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E.
Harris were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hawkins of Oakland. While here
they motored to 'Portland to wtt
ness the last bail game of the sea
son, dinner and the theater round
ed out the 'day- c.Mr. ana Mrs;
Social Cjiieaadaxv
' TODAY " " f
Hawkins also visited Salem rel
tives. . Mr. and - Mrs. Frank Matthes
were dinner. guests at the Harris
home on Tuesday, listening In to
the world's series ball game over
the radio. Friday evening Mr.
and Mrs. V. C. Bishop called and
enjoyed a radio program.
Jason Lee Meeting
' The West Side circle of the Ja
son Lee Aid society will bold its
first social meeting of the season
at the home of Mrs. Ruth Denni
son, 1540 N. Liberty street," at
2: SO o'clock.
Young Married Peoples' Club
...The Young Married Peoples'
club of the First Presbyterian
church will bold their monthly
club dinner at 6:30 o'clock Wed
nesday evening at the church. A
good program has been planned,
and election of; officers will take
place at this meeting. The chair
man of the committee in charge is
Mrs. carl B. Webb. Her assist
ants include: Mrs. Walter J.
Kirk, Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mrs.
Walter Kirk. . Mrs. . Merle Rose-
crans, Mrs. George Allen, and Mrs
I, M. Doughton.
Miniers Entertain Guests
Mr. and Mrs-Walter B;lMinier
entertained aa their hftus Quests
over the week end Miss'lMjibel
Harris and Miss Vera Blutph -ot
Monmouth. Additional gueits for
Sunday dinner-were Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Hedge of Portlan. Mr.
Grant Corby et CoqulHe, who has
been a guest of friends since ear
lier in the month', left for his
home on Sunday.
Reception at Church
The parlors of the Jason Lee
Methodist church will be the scene
of a large reception' this evening
when the congregation meets to
honor .Rev. and Mrs. Tliomas A.
Acheson, Gilbert Wren and Leroy
Walker.' Mr. Wren Is the new
junior pastor of the church, suc
ceeding Mr. Walker, who has ac
cepted the pastorate at Dayton.
Will Meet Wednesday
The Story Telling Section
the Salem Arts' League, under the
leadership of Mrs. Lola Bellinger,
will meet at 7:30 o'clock Wednes
day evening at the city library.
Auxiliary to Meet
The Sons of Veterans auxiliary
will hold its regular business meet-.
fng Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
in the Armory; J Final arrange
ments will be made for the bazaar
and cooked food sale to be held in
the near future.
Junior Guild to Meet "
The junior guild of St. Paul's
Episcopal, church will meet Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Frank Durbin,
1417 Court street.
Eastern Star Social Club
The Afternoon Social club of
the Eastern Star -will meet Tues
day afternoon In the Masonic Tem
ple for a bridge and "500" tea.
All Eastern Star members and
their friends are Invited to be
guests. 'A large committee, with
Mrs. Mabel Minto as chairman, is
working enthusiastically for the
success of the affair, which, many
4 are anticipating with pleasure.
Jason Lee Methodist church re-
ception. Honoring pastors. -' -"
Salem 'Arts' League public re
ception. 8 o'clock. Woman's
Club buflding. : ! ! i
Willamette Shrine No. 2,! Order
of the White Shrine of Jerusalem.
Stated Communication,! S o'clock.
Junior Guild St. Paul's Episco
pal church. Mrs. F. W. Durbin,
1417 Court street, hostess, j 2:30
o'clock. . . r! jj .
Eastern Star Social : club.
Bridge and "500" tea. I
Wedding observance at home of
Mrs. I. L. Mc Adams, 245 D street.
GAR and WRC. I
Yomarco class of the First
Methodist church. ! H. R. White
home, 2009 S. Church street.'
Sons of Veterans' auxiliary.
Armory, 8 o'clock. !
O. A. C. club reception for j Dean
Duback. Dean Jamlesdn. Mrs. Mc-
Elfresfa, Miss Blaster and Miss Er
rant. Salem Woman's club house
Salem chapter National League
of Women Voters, 1 o'clock lunch
eon. Gray Belle.
Young Married Peoples' j club.
First Presbyterian church, j 6:30
South division of the Presbyte
rian Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. A.
F, Marcus, hostess.! 2:30 o'clock.
North division of the North di
vision of the Presbyterian Ladles'
Aid society. Mrs.; G: R. Bonell.
970 E street, hostess. ; 2:30
o'clock; -
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Aid society. Mrs. Arbers,' 635 N.
20th street, hostess, 2:30 o'clock.
?"i Story-tellinV section -t the Sa
lem Arts league. 'iSubrte library,
- . ...'......' !!!'
7:30 O'CIOCK.' ; !;
Thursday :
Thursday Af ternoori club; Mrs
H. Ji BeanJ: cs :Alice .H.f- Dodd
and Mrs. F. W. Spencer hostesses
at ,Mrs. Bean's home, 917 Court
Formal tea. Mrs. S. M. Endl
cott and Mrs. Arthur Moorej, host
esses. Mrs. Endicdtt's home, 675
602 N' . winter street, hostess.
2:30 o'eldtlcy-i ? -
Woman's Union. First Cbngre
gational church. All-day meeting.
10 o'clock. ,
Marlon County Federation meet
ing. Hubbard, All-day session.
Community luncheon at noon.
: West Side circle of the Jason
Lee Aid society. Mrs. Ruth Den-
nlson, 1540 N. Liberty street,
American Association of Uni
versity Women. Woman's club
house. 2:30 o'clock. Tea,
tartan church. r Mrs. J R. Pollorckjf places were arranged, "for" the
to , 6
N. Church street. 2
Scholarship Loan tea. Sponsor
ed" by Salem Woman's club. Club
house on N. Cottage street.
Woman's Alliance of the Uni-
Lemons Tighten I
Of. ( ; i
xi j m
Squeeze the juice
of two lemons In
a bottle contain
ing three ounces
pt .Orchard White
- which anyi drug-1
gist j will supply
for a few cents,
shake well'' and
you win. nave tne very mildest
anti-wrinkle lotion to tighten re
laxed skin, erase ! fine lines and
eradicate crows-feet. j
Massage this sweetly ffagrant
lemon lotion into the skin at
night. By morning most ! of the
tell-tale wrinkles, i tired lines and
crows-feet are smoothed out, giv
ing a more youthful contour to
cheeks, chin, throat. It leaves the
skin velvety soft, clear and fresh.
Beauty experts use! this astring
ent lotion for enlarged pores, also
to bleach and whiten sallow, tanned-
Skin. I ;
j Mix this harmless lotion your
self since it acts best immediately
after prepared. Adv. ' j
North Salem WCTU
The North Salem WCTU met at
the home of Mrs. William McCar
roll last week with Mrs. William
McCarroll. The meeting was
called to order by Jennie Presnall.
Mrs. H. Rickard had charge of the
devotional serviee. Interesting
papers were given during the af
ternoon by Mrs. Woolteh, Mrs. C.
M. Oglesby and Miss Alta Hockett.
Delegates were appointed at this
time to attend the conference in
Hood River. Little 4-year-old
Elaine Oglesby sang very sweetly
"Everybody Ought to Love Jesus."
The group voted to make spreads
for the Children's Farm Home at
The next meeting of the organi
zation will be held on November
5 at the home of Mrs. Mary Wool
ten. Date Commemorated
Sixty years ago Saturday
October 10 Mrs. W. C. Kantner
arrived In Salem. Oregon, after a
trip across the plains by ox-team,
leaving Missouri on M$rch 27 and
not reaching her destination until
$ The train, of which Mrs. Kant-
jner's brother was the captain, was
SiouDtiess one oi the. best equipped
that ever came west, as it alone
of many other escaped, if not com
plete wiping out, numerous casual
ties at the hands of Indians. Mrs.
Kantner Anna White, then
Crossed the platt river at the same
Spot as the film. "The Covered
Wagon." depicts. She tells of how
having reached Hood River the
horses found there the first green
pasture since leaving Missouri.
Mrs. Kantner's people first set
tled over on the Island, later tak
ing a claim on the Hill road that
leads to Oak Grove.
Dr. Kantner, who came to Oro
"gon as a circuit rider when scarce
ly more than a boy, came from
Pennsylvania. On Saturday of this
weekOctober 17 Dr. and Mrs.
jECantner will celebrate their 4 8 tli
wedding anniversary.
guests. One table was decorated
vrith French marigolds and core
opsis and the; other with vari-col-ored
snap-dragons: f
A" program followed: during the
afternoon. Mrs . AHce H. Dodd
spoke la charming manner of her
travels abroad, dealing especially
with the home life of; the women
In Turkey, following a pleasing
group of songs by Mrs. John J.
Roberts with Mr. Frank Zinn ac
companying. The members of the
club voted to Invite Mrs. Dodd to
favor them with a second talk at
their next meeting this time on.
her trip to Jerusalem.;
Visitors during the day includ
ed: Mrs. Alice H. ;Dodd, Mrs.
John J. Roberts, Mrs. Frank Zinn,
Mrs. Hamilton, J. F. C. Tecken
burg, John Cornforth John
Plank. T. S. MacKenzie, Will Farr
and Dr. W. C. Kantner.
The members of the club are:
Mrs. John Printz. (Mrs. John
Amort. Mrs. A. C. Bornstedt. Mrs.
John Plank, T. S." Mackenzie, Mrs.
Cannon,' Mrs. John I Tekenberg,
Mrs. J. M. Martin, Mrs. H. O.
Martin, Mfs. Arthur Spellbrink,
Mrs. Will Farr, Mrs. Frank Bath,
Mrs. Dale Hilborn, Mrs. Henry
Bartels. Mrs. G. A. i Spellbrink,
Mrs. George Berg, Mrs. Marvin
Wells. Mrs. Otto ScheUberg, Mrs.
Ed Knikhtbert. Mrs.! John Corn
forth. Chapter G Is Entertained
Members of Chapter G of the
PEO Sisterhood andji their guests
were entertained at la delightful
meeting Thursday at ;ttie home of
Mrs. Frank Churchill. Special
guests of the. day .Included Mrs.
Fred J. Tooze.Mrs. Ha'nnan, Mrs.
W. D. Smith, Mrs. parry Styles
and Dr. Mary C.; Jlpwlajfd. ,Mrs.
E. E. Fisher brought some philan
thropic 8e wing pn whjch the mem
bers spent the 'afternoon. De
licious Hallowe'en refreshments
wer served at the teahour. "The
paper of the :day "The Teaching
Profession," was given by Mrs. W.
M. Smith, -The guests enjoyed
visiting the Churchill garden
which borders Mill creek.
i Members of thes chapter present -.
included Mrs.,Du XL Beechler, Mcit I
E. E. Fisher, Mrs. A. L. Godfrey"? ?
Mrs. Harwood Hall, Mrs. E. Jv '
Huffman, Mrs. W- M. Hughes, MrV.
' (ContiBOd fcMT t) ' '!"
Last Times Today .
- at '
Fbvr-M Club Entertained
- One of the most enjoyable
meetings Which the members of
the Fpur-M club have ever held
ook place on Thursday at the W.
p. Kantner home when Mrs. Kant
ner was hostess. The living room
was decorated with beautiful rose
and gold dahlias and huge African
marigolds. ; In the dining room
two long tables were spread where
In purity first in quality first in
first in sales because it never fails
Now hare stock of Hya
cinths, Tulips, Narcissos,
Crocus. Freesias, Daffodils,
etc. . Now is ithe time to
plant. ;
. Lawn Seeding ;
'ow b god time, to sow
the thin spots tn your lawn and
apply nru) frrtilixeT. We have
all the various . Lawn Graases
and a good stork of Lawn Fcr
UIIcttii Xsn Hheep Gaano and
Bone Meal:
Flower PoU j
Have all sizes of flower
pots and saucers, including
Bulb and Fern pots. t
'none 169
251 State Street" :
Willi "w m,m.m, Ii.kiii ii rjdV Willi' i 1 " """ 1 1 . " . ' ' 1 ' . '. ' V'
. -.1-. y ,-,
((Radib as you want W9
Tone, Volume, SeUctirity, SimpUaty, 'Beauty
CsbfittS EIeoi?nt2 DuayfittS
fTiAKE advantage of out 15-day home trial offer, Test
I Western Air Patrol in your own home under actual
' JL conditions. Compare it with sets selling , at a higher
price for tone, volume, selectivity, simplicity and beauty.
Let the Western Air Patrol prove its superiority I 4'
Consider also the reputation of the concern that sells the set
When you buy a Western Air Patrol, you buy continued,
permanent, radio satisfaction. You buy from a company
which has established for itself an enviable reputation of
fair dealing a company which is today serving countless
- thousands of motorists with standard quality automobile
supplies at lower prices. The Western Auto Supply Com
pany is here to stay. And no matter to what point you
may move in the west, you'll find one of the more than'
125 "Western Auto" stores near enough to serve youju?t
as ready and friendly and willing as the store in which
you bought your set. ; ;j
.- ... - v -
Conveh ten tie rmi
cut UmAu, Pngwmtut
K.H.J-LM AflelM '
K.Q.W Ponfantt .:.
. l Otr
ilcrethn 125 Stcrra in thcVfet-
; Salcia lore Corner Courl and High
v i
'WW mm
! - - - v.
rr m it r it
' '"" '." "" '
It gives the customer the advantage of buying good merchandise for less money
Why? Because the overhead expense of operating such a store is lower. 1 Visit our Base'menO Stores-see the good
quality- merchandise that we are offering for less money. You can easily save, a day's wages by shopping here as you .
can readily see by reading the following Specials for today and Wednesday. Only a few listed here.. . (
Basement Specials
Men's high top all leather
Shoes, regular AC
'$6.00 - $0VD
Mens work Shoes, all leath
er, good lasts, d0 AO
regular $5.00 $LjO
.Boys' high top Shoes
4.50 ....
tMen's large sizes all leather
.Shoes' flt AO
for dress .....vlUO
. Men's; Oxfords, black and
browTvall sizesj frO 4 A Q
Regular ftM.tvO&V
Women's all leather Ox
fords, black or brown, made,
of Vici Kid, ordi- dt ?A
ttarily sells for $5 I AJy
Heavy blue Work Shirts
iifoo?..::.::-. 69c
otton 4 Blankets, single,
fancy V , Qfi
border yOt
Men's ribbed Shirts
Drawers; Regular
Men's Overalls, large QP
jjuzes, Regular $1.50 OC
si 00 white Cotton1 Batts
Crtmfortefs 98c
Ko Second Hand Material Used
BaseniMrt. Special, .
36 in. Dress Goods, plaids ,
stripes land .plain colors.
Values up to j
36 in. Suiting
Assorted' colors
19c value
Pillow Case "Ser
geant" 42x36 .......
Fancy Blouses with Skirts
to match or
each ....J. iOQ
Ladies' Cotton Stockings,
3.!? 49c
Children's Stockings, For
em, Allen, i ; OJ
and others ......... Lrzv,
Ladies Silk and Fiber Hose
plain and.ahcy, assorted
colors; up to ' .ylO-
$1.00 ...
Women's F'elt Slippers, soft
leather, padded
soles i ...L
La d i es' and Children's
Union Suits, values . AO -up
to $1.49 ..:.: VOC
Tea Pots, Fancy
79c 89c 98c
(fancy) .r. ...... .......
10 quart Gal. Buck
ets, heavy
Insertions, values up
to 15c
Ribbons .:.
Canvas Gloves
Garters .
Engineer Fireman '
Caps, all sizes v.....
Best Creamery
Butter per lb.
IPure Lard in bulk
Special .
, Bring container
Pure Cane Sugar H
IjlO lb. bag
a I - - - "
0 :
SI J II 9 a&
4 0 I
; Gorher Court and Commercial Streets
Grocery Specials
Salmon, tall.xans ?' -ii
3 cans . L TTTsC
58 c
Del Monte sliced Pineapple
No..2W cans, ape- QQ
medium, ,
5 cans
Blue Ribbon
Flour; 49 lb. sack
cial, 3 cans .
Royal Club , Peaches, fancy;
pack, No. 2Vi's, spe- AO " ;
cial, 4 cans .......u .JL. UC,
WCampbell's Pork & Beans,
jFresh ranch eggs
i ' .
Crcme Oil Soap
per bottle .1
2 for ' -
Wilso Margarine,:
t not 1V
:z lbs.