The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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' . Wi'3:0 .HSllfi .iA'r:aT T? "fSlIO Xii
-. ., - i. ......... . ...... , . r
trsday-morning; October 8; 1925 L j.lffij l
; ;;;; v; V f
We Have a New Shipment of-
FW Men and Women
All Sizes
G. W; Johnson- & Co.
469 State St.
a '19! 4
He has a 1914 Oakland
.Roadster., with Jgjassenclos-.
ure and many: extras, jj f
A very attractive buy
' at f 750.00 ! .;j '
See it today it's liable not
to he befe tomorrow u
, -" ;- l . : ' - ' i f . : -V v.. . -..- ' - ft
. m
' Fair . . ". '
Warmer east portloa; light north
east winda, yIax, 72; Min. 48;
Hirer 2.1," statlonarj; 'Rainfall
none; Atmosphere partially cloudy,
Wind northwest.
i 0
Tlio Theaters Today
Oregon "Drusilla TVith A" :
' MUUon," W Elizabeth
Cooper With Kenneth .
i Harlan and Mary Carr.
Heillg Pygmalloit
: aoa Players. i
Plight Belles AfnsicaH
, Comedy and- William
Fairbanks in 'The Fear- i
less Lover ' i .
Another Contest Open;
.'' The American Chemical society,
witl an office in New York City,
is" inviting the' students of -chemistry
in '.Willamette university to
an'.issay contest, the subjects of
Vhich are Chemistry in relation to
certafn phases of health and in
dustry. Six prizes of $1,000 each
are offered.'. It is thought that a
number ot our students wilt enter
the contest., i ,: .
VnIferS Electric i Bange
Demonstration this week.
Li, Stiff Furnittfre Co, '
. De . Molay meet
ing "Thursday, Oct.
8. 1925, T:45 at
MasonJe temple. All
Masons are cordial
ly invited. JLeroy E.
Gr6teTM.C; 1 -
B. P. 6. Elks ;
Robin Reed, international cham
pion wrestler ot the world, and 4
fast bouts for all Elkr tonight. 08
$15 to $28 , , .
All wool overcoats and top coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co.,
12th and Ferry stsY Large assorfc
meat of patterns and modela. o9
t ''.'! 1 :' ;
TrtihlLeh'tns CitHltr'!
' :. B;- E.VGttlaairof Salem.wae ar-
TeBted yesterday 6n Vitharge -of
operating a car wnlje under tte
Influence of liqaor. ;f.He -wal arr
; rained" is the jastice court nd
asked time to plead. Bail was
placed at $2;"0 and'was furnished.
The complaint was , sworn ' 1 to by
- Chrii Kowita,. clt3ratorney.
Exclusive IMstribatlon
For'W. W. Kimball pianos; A.
B. Chase, Davenport' & Tracy,
Bush i GertS. Moore's Musio
House,;409-41e;,Court. s20tf
Building Permits Issued--
Three building' permits, all for
repair worlc, were issued Wednes
dayfrom the office of the city; re
corder.. Charles Heath was given
a permit to repair the house-at
1045 Norway at a cost of $600.
A. J. Barham took out a 'permit
to-repair a two -story dwelling at
440 Division to cost $500. A per
mit was issued to R. W. Craig to
repair a; dwelling at 1216 Court
to cost $400. ,
10 Acres in Crop
To trade for car, or what have
you? Address 1896, care States
man. Would rent. oS
Beeta Are Shipped
- The first shipment of -beets to
be tested were' expressed : by the
Chamber of ,. Commerce- Wednes
day; ! The' beets were, grown "bjr
local farmers' from seed furnished
by .the Utah-Idaho Sugar company
of Bellingham, Wash., and are to
be returned there for testing of
the sugar content. A lette ' waB
received Wednesday by the Cham
ber of Commerce from I. W. Tlinp
sen manager of. the company,
asking "that, the beets be expressed
immediately upon receiving them,
so ..that the test might , be made
before they have' a chance to dry
out.' AS" soon as the rest of the
beets out are turned , Into the
Chajoher of Commerce another,
shipment will be made to the com
pany. -
O. K, Waffle House
Opposite Penney's. Waffles and
short orders- at? all hours.- New
management. s30tf
Dr; 5larehall70stpRtIilc
'Physician and surgeon.
jusfc Ont - , . f
Oswald's orchestra latest record
Tiukt6wn." Hear it at Stiff s. 08
... t
B, P. O. Elks
Robin Reed, International cham
pion" wtestler of the wbrld, and; 4
fast bouts for' all Elks' tonight. 08
The Public Is Intitecv-x
J To attend a free lecture on
Christian Science, by Honi "Wm.
E. Brown, C. S. B. a member of 1
the' Board of Lectureship of the
Mother Church, The First Churchl
of Christ, Scientist,' in Boston;
Mass., at the Senior High School
Auditorium, Salem",'; Oregon,
Thursday evening, October 8,
1925 at 8 o'clock. oS
Friday night, Derby hall.
jB,- FT O. Elks r, : ;
Attention, v Special) aitertaln
ment tonight.' f: M ;i" 08
Birth" Reports Filed : . '
.Threa . births were reported at
the offlci of the city health of ficer
Weteday. ' Td .Mr. . and' Mrs.
Frank F. Wedel of l525T6Tthi
Twntyrflrstwas barn, September
29 a. boy, who has been' named
Hatfild Wayne. A girl was. feorn
to Mr. and Mrs." Benjamin C. Hall
.ofMarion. county October 1 and
has been' gif en the name of Mary
Joanne.. Mr." ahl Mrs. Harry; E.
Sines ot Salem' received a' son' on
October 4, and have named him
Melvln Lynn, '
' ' One TJcease Issued- -t ',
.fyt i Only -one marriage license was
Isstied In the county clerk's office
Zt-. yesterday: It was applied for by
Flaadus A. Ruef, farmer, and
Anna RilhornftrAt hnth of Stavton.
. , ,-., . r
. , .
V Vl!DDl?sG; y-:
Dana to Speak .
Matshall Dana, of the Oregon
Journa.1 . of Portland U scheduled
to address the Salem Lions -club
ai their weekly luncheon Friday,
His topic Jias not yet been, an
nounced.. ,
Win Promotion
In your present . position by
learning, more. ,The night school
at ' the Capital Business College
will afford the opportunity. Start
at the beginning. Office 'bpett
nights, the remainder of 'week for
registration. oi
"Pconlesit- -
Choice collection of this tnost
beautiful flower.: Large plants' to
bloom next season.- Can supply Jn
Vosd color,' white or assorted
Cheap to cleai1. Plant nowrKobt,
Lindon. 231 W. Mission - St. Sa
lem.-OrT;- '.- ;ol0
Power Line To Be Finished
According to word received
from the PEP local office,, it will about two weeks now un
til the new electric power line m
the Rickey district will De com
pleted. Half the poles are already;
set. and the cross arms fastened.
to them.
Suit Cases
Belts, Hand Bags, Coats, Men's
and- Ladies' purses- of leather.
Harness Supplies. Shafer's. 08
:.W 01 lis
ket, street, . came : closest, to - the
cOTTcct "cnunt with ax guess of
2829, missing the exact number
by three beans. She will receive
a $50 down . payment on a new
machine. Mrs: . Haf tie Ai- Carson,
tS5 South Foarteenth? street was
second, with a guess of 2828.
missing the correct count
margin of four. ;
by a
Newspaperman Visits . 5f i vt
e J. E. Sheldon, formerly, coypub-
iishet of k the Eugene- Guhrd but
now coune.ctea ,w?ia tne uenirai
Oregon' Press accompafc ted by Mrs.
Sheldon, stopped in1 Salem yester
day on their way home from a trip
as far north as Vancouver, B. C,
B. P. O. Elks
Attention. Special
inent tonight. I :
Attorneys Are HercH-
On legal business before the su
preme court. Attorneye G. E. Ham
aker, C. A. Applegrand, Joseph
Van Hoonissen and J. F. Boothfe,
all of Portland, were in the city
Jtlghtir BTue
A new fox jtrofj ; Hear it today
at Stiff's record department. oS
Have Yon Seen? ,
. Our, fish in the window?
Market. - :
Woodry & S0B7 ;
Buy. furniture". Store,
tkmmerciai.- PhonV 75.
271, N.
Theater-is Renovator s ,
The- Oregon theater is , under
going' a new coat of paint on the
Interior. The ceiling has been
repainted, and: it iahbped that by
the end of the week the entire
interior ot the theater will hare
been 'renovated.
Havet You Seen? .
Our fish in the window?
v y ,, ..i ;: ...
Homes For "o Or TbJpee ,
. We have fTTe new 4 -room homes
vacant' and ready for occupancy.
Priced $ 3 0 0 0 to $4 6 0 0. Most have
fireplaces, , furnace and garage.
Reasonable terms on all. Why
rent longer. Becke Hendricks.
Heilig Bldg., 189, N. High. o7tf
day. morniag.- after more than- 'a
qttafteT' df r ce'rirtffjr la Portland
with the Oregonian. iFuneraV ser
vices will be held Saturday aftef-
. j & . m .
uuuu. v mie ms - - normal .name
was William: J. Cuddy, he was
ktfown as-, 'Bai"- to everyone.
Eight ot his 12 children survive.
Included 'among ; these is Mrs.
Theodore' Madsen, of Salem. :
Senior jpeadcrs Electl
At a meeting" of the senior lead
ers at the YMCA "Wednesday the
following officers." rere elected:
iTancis DeHarpporjt, president;
J oe Schaeffer, vice president ; Cart
Schaef fer : ; secretary treasurer.
Clyde Worden and Homer Smith
were elected to membership: in the
organization. 1. j , '
IfewreMcElrey' oWhestra--.
CrysUl Gardem Saturday night.
Old Faithful Geyser Is -4
Stijl Shooting Regularly
YELLOWSfONlt National Park
i-Otd., Faithful is" still faithful,
despite the report that Che famous
old 'geyser is biowing off steam
and hot water every 67. minutes
instead of every 60.
; Old Faithful has been shooting
punctually every 60 minutes this
season, the same , as In,, previous
years',' The only variation is at
the end of the summer; when, due
to" seasonal water changes, the
geyser . always 'spouts at 'Slightly
fcngeV Intervals The ; sqperln"
tenaent: 'said jo'ld Faithful nevei
pptjpted" BcTThtir6'igu1arly
man taw year. -
For Rent
v Phone 86 t
C. M. Loclcwood '
,a7 'Nhrthr Cbhunerciar Stmt
$15 to $2& ... I j t .
All wool overcoats and top coats
i" Thos: Kay Woolen" Mills "Cow,
12th and Ferry; sis; large assort
ment Of patterns and models. 69
Giesy to Speak 4
The ' Marion-Polk County Real
tors association- is to hear Mayor
Giesy speak; on the sohiiig-system
plan at thetr-weekly luncheon' today;
You'll Like It
"Freshie;" a fox trot
Stiffs Furnittre Store.
InTest Ift Salem Now
If the property : you I Invest a
?100f in today makes you $5000
in 5, 10, or 15 years and lh mean
time pkys'you'a'.Teturn that's ae
tfbn; We have properties for sale
thaf will, make' you 6" tier 15 per
centand increase in value. " We
specialize lnestiie; properties' and
properties that must be uroved.
Becke & Hendricks, Heilig'Bldg..
189 "N. HighL 'i ; b7tf
Uses Own Power
' .The Mountain Slates PojH&jjcom
pany; 1 how usrrag its . ow powen
Its' lines having been, rebuilt Dur
ing the. process' Of the 'rebuilding
the company; driw for : power on
tfie Forflahd" Electric Power com
pany's hew switching station in
West Salem. ...
Furniture tTphoistery
And repairing; , Giess-Powers
Furniture Oompanyv s20t
Closing Out-
; Our entire line; ot reaqy-to-wear.
All coats and dresses at! wholesale
price.' ' Co ihe early while ' our
stock is complete.
Stith, S13 State.!
J?ot.Water BoUlcs
Guaranteed, regular
H. P.
week'SSc Schaefer's'Drug.
. ssVmhly . Is Planned
The students of the Salem high
school are scheduled to hold-, aS
assembly this morning at which a
special ceremony-will be enacted
hen the official .senior garb will
make its apriE
are to wearwhttejniddies, and
the boys -will4osoB-outlln cord
At SUff'sUseiFr'niture Store'
' Matten
GeogfiCornellus Mttten, Jr.,
died Oct. it at the age of three
months.- He is Survived by his fa
ther G. C, mother, Agness Bessie,
(Edge) motherland sister Mary
Elizabeth, all of Salem, Funeral
announcements later. Webb Fun
eral Parlors in-Charge of arrange
ments. i f '-! ,
WSat 46 ; years of experience
means. Shaier has had that In the
leather business. See him for har
...v t Ingram" ;f J : .
In ' ihis: cityj October 7, Mrs.
Arlie Ingram; age- 40 years. The
remains are . in - the" care of 'the
IMgdon & Son mortuary land funer
$13 to $28-, " 1 . -
All wool overcoats nd top coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen hlVJn- Co.,
12th and Ferry sts. Large' assort
ment ot patterns' and models. 9
al announcements
Opening Dance
Schlndler halli Sat. night., olO
Poinsroy. & Keehe
Jewelers '
- Salem Oresrprl -'.
auetiT)rv n4"FBmtt-!t D1r,
41 kens Commercial. .
Offica Phnn?,75-ct Kcs flione-lElS'W
Preacher Retained ;
IlVv. T.E. Aeheson, pastor ol
the Jason' Lee Methdist-chtirch,
fflo- remain with -hls present
charge for the coming conference
year.-i Rev.vAch'eson has become
well known' through hU efforts at
Jason4 Lee, and; wasrgiTeriVth
choice -of -another church at the
conference held -in- Eugene. : ,But
he like? Salem, iaridT declared lis
wish to; remain) ln! the-pulpit at
Jason-Lee. I-;-: . r., -,-.,'
$i5 tO $2,: . '
All wool overcoats and top coats
at ' Thos. . Kay. Woolen . Mills Co.,
12(h and. Ferryjst.s: Large assort
meht of patterns and models. o9
Ycterans Make .Trip, , .
..JA''paHy.' ot 25 members' ot the
local' post of Veteraas of- Foreign
Wars-paid; an: official Tisit to the
Oregon; City post- last night. An
extensive progrant; and entertain
inentTwflS'prbvlded for the visitors.
Several other' Oregon posts were
represented. while i visitors were
present from southern -Washfhgton
posts! Saturday night, October
2rthe Eugene post is sponsoring
a big party-and venison feed; ; :
Anir rcf tiring. Glcss-Powers
j Furniture Company.
Tliat"? Leather Coat . "
r ' Is at Shkf er a; ' Harness Sup
plies. 'v ;' :. -V .-! 08
Opening Dance : . ;
" Schlndlef hli, Sat. nfght.
See TW Certified ,
PubHc Motor Carl Market for
used HubmoWles. Thcse-wlil out
wear cheag new cars, are n!cer,to
handle and cost less money, oil
Bean Guessers Close-
There were 2831' beans in the
quart ' jar at the Maytag washing
machine "booth at the state fair,
it was announced yesterday after
careful check had been made.
Mrs.- W; M.--Fishback:,' ill8T Mar-
Has .Fit
Keith E.' Evans, a transient
was' seised with an epileptic fit
Wednesday, ' and" taken - to the lo
cal police station. Dr. G. E. Prime
was called in and 'worked on the
patient until' he was in- condition
to - be taken to a- local hospital.
Mr.' 'Evans has" papers on him
showing him to be a Veteran'bf the
world war, a member of company
D, 23rd' infantry; Hfs case was
reported to be serious.
Baptists' Convene at Stavton
The Central Baptist association"
of Marion, cpnuty met at Stayton
in their serai-ahnaal rally yester
day A- large crowd attended the
convention, many-of them' motor
ing over. from. Salem .and some
from Albany and!, other points
throughout' th valley; The pro
gram consisted of association bus
iness in general, missionary, study
and reports, a pageant, in the,
eveningahd" a" sermoft" by Revi
E. H. Shanks of Salem. v
Recovers from Skkness
J. I. Giddinga ia back at his
home at the Eldridge; hotel after
being confined at the Willamette
Sanitariam for several days-
Ylaegar Apples Wanted
Gideon Stolz Co., near corner
Summer and Mill. Sacks furnish
ed. Phone 26. o6tt
Dance McElroy's Orchestra
Crystal Gardens Saturday night,
Increase Is Shown
There are now 462S students en
rolled in all the public schools of
Salem, as compared with 3872 at
the -same time last year, according
to a report made Wednesday at the
city superintendent's office. The
Salem 'high ischool has passed over
the 1000 mark, and arrish junior
high school has-the next largest
enrollment; amounting to 863.
Ohio M an Guest-
Wilt Masters of Salem, Ohio,
was a guest of -the Rotarians at
their weekly luncheon Wednesday,
lie' said he thought he would drop
in on Salem to See" what the people
looked' like who bad the audacity
6 ask the city of Salem. Ohio, to
change its name. He asserted that
the city 'has' no Intention of giving
upTthe "name, as it Is one of par
ticular merit.
Newspaper Man.Is Dead
' ' Portland new s p a p e rdom is
mourning the passing of BUI Cud
dy, veteran northwest newspa
perman; who died early Wedns-
be' made
In this'city, 0ct6ber 6, Mrs. Ma
tilda Espy died, at tha' age of 83
years. The remains were forward
ed to Toledh, Or by the Rigddh &
Sontmortnafy for fdneral sfirtices
and infermehtr , f ; -'
. - Mansfield $0y ?.
- At the residence of her-daughter;
Mrs. G. H. Deacon, Mrs. Hanna A.
years;' oh: October-7. ' She- was ;the
motner 01 mts u.-:Hi ueacon; 0
Salem;-Mrs. Charles 'G. Bush-of
Sah: Francisco Clyde L. Mansfield,
ot- Vancdareri Wash. : i Wiirtam" H.
Mansfield of : Seat tle-, Clarence-L.
Mansfield of EveretC- WasV A
sister, Mrs'.C. J." Hudson7 of Gold
Hill, and two brothertl Clifford J.
Rolls, of' Monroe, ind Will Rolls,
of California, are also living: Mrs:
Mansfield is also" survived by 10
grandchildren Announcement of
funeral services will be made later
by the Rigdbn & Son mortuary. t
For the right kind, ot materials
and. tha' rery best workmaji
ship call us, . . '
1 Powder axid Supply Co..
-175 S. Commercial - Phone 728'
, ; Direct Factory Branch
519-Conrt Street- Phone 2C2
r Typenrriterg. Rented, Sold, ,
-.-.-;.. Repaired . '
Special rental rates to students
Flax at Turner . j
. . The scutching and retting plant
at Turner has to ! date prepared
60 ton of flax for use at the
Mills linen mill in Salem. This
plant employs about 10 men, but
duurihg the next season hopes to
use. at least 25 men during the
summer, and winter. The Miles
company .has recently taken over
the plant, including all machinery,
retting tanks and 1 buildings, also
a1, tract; of land consisting of 40
Wrestler Here Tonight .
Robbin Reed, of OAC, Olympic
wrestling champion, will be Been
In an exhibition bout at the Elks"
club tonight. Four, other fast
events are scheduled for the bene
fit of the lodgemen.
Alter f V
discovered what a big difference sf ' OJ:
G a s T t s hat can make 1 n a m an1 fi F t
appearance. If you like that stylish" '
feeling, get a' Castle hat."
Five to Ten Dollars '
Ask Your Dealer
O ' R O U R K E.
L NatUifMttlllt':
. Salem's' Leading
Pays Cash For Furniture
, Reeidenee' and Store
1010 North Summer
"Established Since 196"
If Your Feet
Mlir t
Why Not
, Relief and
. ,- ,- x ,-.:f'-. .
Ki V
In the free,
open spaces!
- Stage travel is joyous experience.
On Hot days a cool' breeze fans you . a$Y !,'..
yoti glide along; . on' cool dap " and .
evenings our stages are comfortably' . ..,.f
heated. You may enjoy to - the uttnoir r,ti1
ever.bit of scenery-you pass througb-e '-jfH
Ask'your ticket office for a list of beauti-' . '
ful trips on, or in connection with, our ' '
lines. - ..
185 NORTH HIGH -J 1 PHOKB 000 ,
: ' Tocvs 1 i- ' ' j.
Funeral services sfor the late
JoUrFjank Toevs who- died in tfik
cUy-rOCtoDer 2 at the aae of ?67
years, will bft held' U. baUas this
alternoQintf : 2. o'clock under ' the
arrectioa ot the ltlgdon L Son-mor
tuary. , 1 "
Oregon Pulp & Paper 0
,' ; " . , fialest, Oregon' 4 1 .
SuiphltejMdVMatiilS Wrawlnsls; also. Biitchcrtl Wrap
pings, Adding Jlachiiie Yapef,; Greaseproof, Glassine,
I lifJZ Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties. ;
: . rJcfTTflLv
; i mi
'. xsecKe
'.. DeUigTheatre Bldg.
, . ,.189-K. High-
iADDC: BuSHi Bankers
. Eetabliahed ltZS 1 . .
: General Binldns Enrht:!
. -. . ,,. .--. V-.. . "' - - " I' ... - .
Of3c0 Bows from 10 ton. to S pja. .
: ...
pyt i-unr trmm ' 4 'is n w
1 '
E"EB1" dollar you twve is . stepping,
stone to- gxeater financial success,
ir is firmly ' imbedded t and ' cannot he '
swept away- by the-winds disaster;
State Savinsrs z Loan
' Acsbcxalion r
.' -v-CJis.5 Wiper; General '5Iatiage j. :
BTcHig .Theatre' Lobby 18 3T. Klgb-'