The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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t .
J v
s . Unsettled : L
Probably showers ; modern tem
pera tare; light southerly winds.
.Max.-73; Min. 52; River 2.1,
falling; Rainfall none; Atmos
phere cloudy; Wind south." " -
' -
The Theaters Today
!!!, -
Oregon 'DrusHta With A
... Million," by Elizabeth
Cooper With Kenneth
Harlan and Mar Carr.
HcHlg-Pygmalion 01-
V son Players.
Rlhrh Bell's Musical
comedy company, and
Thomas Melgaan in
'-The Alaskan".
Baby Oil i Arrir
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Franseen. of
Monmouth, are the parents of a
Viri hnm TriesHav nvenlnr. 1 ' Mr.
iw. r
I- i- - - ,-. -i - r n i- ' - --.-.-II. . . r I 1 "
,Jb5jf Frahseen is a professor at
sMonmouia normal Bcaouu
'Fools In the Park"
At' ita Heilig tomorrow.
Peonies j
Choice collection of this ! most
beautiful flower. Large plants to
bloom next season. Can supply in
i rose color, white or assorted.
Cheap to clear. Plant now. Robt.
; Lindon, 231 W. Mission St., Sa
lem, Or. . - OlO
- . - . . ' 1
Output 1 Iarg'
According: to- the Chamber of
Commerce bulletin, the Spaulding
Logging company has a daily out
put ."equal to a one by 12-inch
bocrd extending from Salem to Al
bany on. the" Patlfhr highway, 26
miles. '
Furniture Vpholstery . "
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. 1 s20tf
$13 to $28
All wool overcoats and top coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co.,
12 th and Ferry sts. Large assort
ment of patterns and models. o9
AVV ! Closing Out .
i t Our entire line of ready-to-wear.
jt All coats and dresses at wholesale
prle. . Come early while - our
stock is complete. Mrs. H- P.
.Stith, it3 State. - ? o6tt
One License Issued
A -marriage license was issued
by the county cltrk yesterday to
Herbert Ralston Bogan, and Sarah
LaLanne, both of Portend.
Pomeroy &. Kccnc
469 State Street
Possessors Are Fined
" W. L. Murray of Independence
and L. F. Carroll of Buena Vista,
were attested early Tuesday
morning by Officers James and
Smart on charges ot the possesion
of liquor and of being intoxicated.
Each of the men were fined $100
by Judge Poulsen.
Yonr Old Plan
Will be taken as part payment
on a new Victrola. H. I Stiff Fur
niture Co. o7
The Public Is Invited
To attend a free lecture on
Christian Science, by Hon. Wm.
E. Brown. C. S. B. a member of
the Board of Lectureship of the
Mother Church, The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, - in Boston,
Mass., at the Senior High School
Auditorium, Salem, Oregon,
Thursday evening, October 8,
1925 at 8 o'clock. 08
HVCA Conducts Chapel
The student' branch of the
YWCA conducted the chapel ser
vices - at Willamette university
Tuesday. A. due$ was rendered by
Elixabeth Silver and Ruth Hei
nfek. Vn'd' an 'address" as given fy
Ann Silver, president of the or
ganization. -
RrKrved Scat Now
. On sale at box office of Ileilig
theater . for Pygmalion, a clever
comedy otlered by Olsen players,
Wednesday night. . : . - ' o7
For Those Who Work
The night school work
Capital Buci-fcss Collet Js de
signed for those who work during
the day, and wish to increase their
efficiency by adding to their edu
cation. Enroll Thursday, Friday
or Saturday evening fk the open
ing night, next Monday. o7
Leave Fo Butte
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. McTucker of
this city left Tuesday for Butte,
Montana, where they plan to make
their home. For the last ! . five
years they have been residents of
Salem. They are driving, and are
going by way of Seattle.
O. K. Waffle .House
Opposite Penney's. Waffles and
short orders at all hours. New
management. 'Dtf
If You Are Looking
For someone, they'll be at Mel
low Moon Wed. night. j p7
New Members Are Received
The Salem Kiwanis club receiv
ed three new members at' their
weekly luncheoa Tuesday. Rhea
Luper. Walter Nelson and Rev.
N. K. Tully were the ones receiv
ed, and vere welcomed by C B.
McCullough, president of the club.
Tank Changes Plands
The. swimming tank opened by
Otto Klett recently in -the Klett
buTTdtng at Ferry and . Liberty
streets has been taken oyer by M.
G.- Douglas, who will manage it
from now on, according to word
received Tuesday. Tanka in Port
land,'" Baker' and WTalla are also
operated by Mr. Douglas. :
You'll See '"U
Something good at Mellow Moon
Wed-sday night.. o7
$15 to $2 ' .
All wool overcoats 5ndtop coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen Kll'sCo.,
12th and Ferry sts. Large assort
ment of patterns and models. o9
Divorre Is Asketl '
n. Neff has filed suit tor
divorce-from his wife. Mary Neff,
whom he alleges, continually nags
and scolds him, and who is pos
sessed of a quarrelsome and vex-
acious disposition. They were
married in -Salem on July 10,
Auction 8ali Totlay
Qf high ciast.furnrtut$ at 1233
Center at .1:30 p. m. Woodry and
Son; Auctioneer;.,1",-; .'V .oj;
VJr;.'. ."! ;: ' 1 '' -0 'I ' .5. -
Reserved Scats Xow ; H
For Pygmalion, clever comedy
offered bv Olson players. HelHg
& Oo.
Cars Are Returned
The three street cars that were
brought here from Eugene for
use during the state fair have
been returned to that city.
$15 to $28
All wool overcoats and top coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co.
12th and Ferry sts. Large assort
ment of.paiterns and models. o9
Major Is Assigned Hero
Major Duncan Ferguson, Jr.,' of
the 249th coast artillery, has been
assigned for duty in Salem at the
Oregon national guard headquart
ers, according to word received
Tuesday. He lives in Marshfield,
and will stay in Salem on duty for
several weeks.
Ladies' and Men's
Leather purses. Also belts,
coats, handbags and suitcases all
of leather at Shafer's Harness
Supplies. - o7
Onions To Be Shipped
More than 600 cars of Labish
Meadow onions will be shipped
this season, according to the Sa
lem. Chamber of Commerce bulle-
tin, which further, explains that a
Lear-load of onions is worth about
11000. Thus, about $600,000 will
be paid the onion growers in Mar
Ion county this year. The bulle
tin remarks pertinently that "an
onion a day may not keep the doc
tor away, but it surely will a lot
of other folks".
Universal Electric Range
i Demonstration this week
Stiff's Furniture store.
Invest In Salem Now
If the property you Invest a
$1000 in today makes you 5000
in 5, 10, or 15 years and in mean
time pays you a return that's ac
tion. . We have properties for sale
teat will make you 6 to 15 per
cent-and increase in value. We
specialize in estate properties and
properties that must be moved.
Becke & Hendricks, Heilig Bldg.,
189 N. High. , o7tl
Woodry & Son
Buy furniture. " Store,
271 Vi
h Commercial. Phone 75.
: C
Homes For Two Or Three
i We have five new 4-roont homes
vacant and ready for occupancy.
Priced $3000 to "$4500. Most have
fireplaces, furnace and garage.
Reasonable terms on all. Why
rent longer. Becke & Hendricks.
Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High. o7tt
Vinegar Apples Wanted
r Gideon Stolz Co., near corner
Summer and Mill. Sacks furnish
ed. Phone 26. vx ' o6tf
Prises Are Offered
V The students of history In Wil
lamette university have been in
vited to compete for three prizes
of $500, $300 and $200, respec
tively, by the American Irish His
torical Society. . They are asked to
submit essays on the subject, "The
Irish Chapter In American His
tory." The awards are to be de
termined by historical accuracy,
literary excellence and directness
of statement. y
The Thermometer- f
Is registering lower,
leather coat at Shafer's.
supplies. - -
Get : a
Veterans Asked To Be Present
A." Pj Rutherford, departmental
commander ct the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, haa Issued n?
to all the members of the organi
zation asking them to attend a
meeting in Eugene Saturday. ? As
an enticement to the members It
is announced that there, will be a
vtnison roast.
Have U A Cough?
Mountain Balm Cough Remedy
for relief. 1087 S. Com. ,o7
Gifts to Salem Hospital
The Salem hospital received the
following donations - during : the
month of , September: Mrs. Bertie
Dull,, head nurse, 12 drinking
glasses:, Hal D. Patton, office sup-
There never wasa time when
a good used car 'could be
bought for such little money.
They are actually cheaper
than your time and : shoe
leather, "and payment so
easy. Why walk, another
day? See our complete stock.
Mrs. H. W. Meyers, 'tabaret. lellv-
Mrs. A. X. Bush. era. annle and
oganberry jelly and prunes; Paul
B. Wallace, 10 bushels pears; J.
W. Hunt, grapes; Mhi. C. N. Jones
cucumbers, linens! i Miss Nell
Coppock, R. N., one funnel, one
pickle dish. Cut 'flowers from
Mrs- Glenn Niles, Mrs. Kahut.
Mrs. W. Cole, E. N.l Bennett, iMiss
Coppock and W. P. Rogan. '!
Dr. Goffrier, Oresori BuildintE
Drugless methods, consultation
free. 1 i ! o7
Dance Tonight j ;
Bejanson's new 8 piece band of
Tacoma, Crystal Gardens. I o7
Loan Ruling Given
In reply-to an i inquiry ifrom
Maj. W. P. Simpson, of the; state
bonus commission I the atorney
general holds that (conveyance of
title to property to a brother
borrower is not to be treated as a
sale within the meaning of the
bonus law. - j
Shafer ;
Has had 40 years experience in
the leather business. Harness
supplies. ij . o"
Champoeg A'isited
Last Sunday ninety cars carried
360 visitors to Champoeg park.
Salemites driving to this historic
place were Mrs- G. A. Nye, Mr.
and Mrs. Knowles, W. L Van
Loon, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. N. J.
Boyle, Mrs. E. Montgomery, John
Bertelson, Mrs. John Bertelson.
Jay Bertelson. Mr. and Mrs. S.
Dougherty, Geneive Karse, Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Karse, James H.
Ohlinger, George Beaty. Josephine
Beaty, Alice L- Pugh. Howard
PughRichard Pugh, A. M. Clough
and Adella Clough. S
"Fools in the Dark"
At the Heilig tomorrow!
Fire Is Reported--
The fire department was called
upon to put out a chimney fire a
a house at Fourteenth and Hines
Tuesday night. The fire had not
even got to the rOof and was ex
tinguished immediately. i
Auction Sale Todbty
Of high class furniture at 129,1
Center at 1:30 p.jlm. Woodry and
Son, auctioneer, ii o7
lioys Are Transferred
Frank Gould and Lyld Shep
Lard, arrested Monday night on a
charge of the ' theft of a moto
meter, have been turned bver to
the, justice court!
Furniture TJphoiartery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Company. 20tf
Nolan Released i
W. K. Nolan, who was irrested
Monday night on a charge of driv
ii g while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor, was released
Tuesday upon the posting of $500
tail. ' !i !
Anniversary Is Obwrved
The fourth anniversary! of the
local Kiwanis club was observed
by the Salem Kjwanians at their
weekly meeting jj Tuesdayj The
local club whs organized October
7, 1921. Dr. Henry ! E.! Morris
briefly sketched the history of the
Clttb. j "" 'f rj,
Exclusive IHstributioi
For W. W. Kimball pianos. A.
B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy,
Bush & Gerts. i Moore's Musio
House, 409-415 Court.,: s20tf
Theft Is Reported N .
Russell Woodry, of 271 North
Commercial, reported Tuesday the
theft of the reaij cushion from his
car while it was parked on St-.te
Rugs All Sizes
At Stiff's Used Furniture Store.
Charter Arrives--
The local posit of the Veteran's
of Foreign Wars was organized in
Salem five years ago. The char
ter has just arrlyed from the head
quarters at . Kansas ' City, Kans.,
according to A. Ji Rutherford, de-
For the right kind of materials
and the very! beat , workman
ship call ua, j . ;.v f -
: Gabriel
Powder and Supply Co.
175 8. Commercial Phone 72
AaetloBMrt ana rarDltar Dalus,
pay cask for Um4 Inraitar. te
S71 HorU CenmuciaL ; - i ' -
Office Phono 75 or Rcs
fffeiife Phone 1813-Vr
Shimmery Beads
Deck Siren Gown
v- 7 U i
Soft lavender chiffon decked'
with radiating lines of shimmer
ing shaded beads makes a verit
able siren's gown of the one pic
tured. A distinctive eature is
the skirt that droops in front
where the pleated fullness is
pjrtmental commander. It seems
that although the charter was
made out when the local post was
organized, it was misplaced, and
consequently has just been deliv
ered after a five years delay. The
charter will be presented to the
local post at its next meeting.
$15 to $28
All wool overcoats and top coats
at Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co.,
12th and Ferry sts. Large assort
ment of patterns and models. o9
Traffic Officer Weds
G. Max Flannery. a member of
the state traffic police STjuad, and
Miss Carire Boundy, a stenogra
pher in the state department, sur
prised most of their friends Sun
day; by motoring, to Vancouver,
Wash., where they were married
They were accompanied by Miss
Inez Wood of the state depart
ment. Mrc. Flannery's former
home was at Pullman, Wash., and
Mr. Flannery's home is near Am
ity:' They have gone to Vancou
ver, B. C., for a week.
Dance Tonight
Bejanson at Crystal Gardens.
Shaw Is Fined
Glen Shaw was fined $5 by
Judge Poulsen for-cutting a cor
ner, Tuesday ,,when he appeared in
police court. ,
(speeder Arrested
Max Baryta of route 7, Salem,
was arrested-. by Traffic Officer
Edwards on a charge of speeding
Tuesday. He was released on $10
bail and cited to appear today.
Beets Are In" . '
The following farmers have
turned in their susrar beet sam
ples io e expressed by the cham
ber of commerce to Bellingham.
Wash., for the purpose of teii-;:
R..C. Hallberg, Independence; A.
Schermoocher, . route 6, Salem;
G. A-! Ruse, route 1, Gervais; M
F. Bliven, route 8. Salem: CV .T.
Stupfel, route 9, Salem; Harold
Elfstrom, route 8, Salem and
Royce Allen, route 9, Salem.
Klamath Falls 2,000,000,000
feet Long-Bell timber on Calimus
Marsh to be sold to Forrest Lum
ber Co. of. Kansas City.
Becke &
neillg Theatre Bldg.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1888 . ! '
. General Banldng Business
- Offlc Eours from 10 sun. to 8 pjta.
Hundredlffe p'Strict
Declares' - M' H'cks in
porfand Letter
Hundred f families have set
tlor in Salem district during
the past VarN"a result of the
Oregon deioP0111 cnipaign. ac
cording tt letter tfom T. M.
Hicks, Resident of .the Salem
chamber of commerce endorsing
the dere,PmeBt campaign.
are surely interested Jn
Portlad'a effort to ivork for Ihd
general good of the) state.' de
clarej Mr. Hicks. Our records
shdW' that we have gained hun
dred of families in nd near Sa
lem ne Dast year. nd we 8ive Portland abd the other
Oregon development found for our
rapi growth, especially in the
fruK districts surrounding the
cltjr. I .
"More people Are buying farms,
more tourists have stopped in Sa
lem than any year past, our build
ing permits this year will break
all past records, and we feel that
the funds expended by the Oregon
developument fund has done much
towards this very) satisfactory
business condiflons.'f
The Rhodes scholarship has
been increased from! 250 pounds a
year to 400 pounds a year, accord
ing to notification received Tues
dayl -by President (barl G.v Doney
of Willamette university. It-?
estimated that the jnew sum will
provide ample means both for
school sessions and! vacation per
iods. The Rhodes scholarships are Is
sued two out of every three years,
to each state in the junion, and are
for the purpose of i financing the
scholars while attending Oxford
university in England. Each
scholarship is tenable for three
The next
examination for the
On the Pacific! highway, 10
miles south of Salem, October 6,
R. N. Clark. The remains are to
he forwarded to Portland from the
Uigdon mortuary fjr funeral serv
ices and interment
In this city October 6, Mrs. Ma
tilda Epsy, at the age of 83 years.
The remains are being forwarded
fiom the Rigdon mortuary to Tol
edo, Ore., for funeral services and
- Zieglcr
At her late residence 449 south
18th street, Oct. 6j Ida E Ziegler
at the age of 61 years. She is
survived by her husband Charles
and one son in Missouri. Funeral
services will be held from the
Terwilliger home Wednesday at 2
p. m. Concluding
services IOOF
Direct Factory Branch
819 Court Street! Phone 202
Typewriters Rested, Sold,
Special rental rates to students
Salem's Leading
Pays Cash For Furniture
Residence and Store
1610 Nortli Summer .
"Established Since 191 ft,"
4 ftfrfoicmrMMZsr
Hendricks )
180 N. High
Oregon scholarship Is to be' held
December 12, and all applications
for the, examination must be ft
befoiTetober 36. The candidate
who is awarded the scholarship
will go to Oxford In October, 1926.
-SPOKANE Oct. 6 Bv The
i Associated Press)' Abatement
proceedings seeking to padlock 14
places In Cle Elum, Wash., were
filed in federal court here today
by-District Attorney Don F. Kizer.
The petition aver thaCthe prem
ises were used in. violation of the
national prohibition act. The fil
ing of the petitions follows raids
made in Cle Elum last August
when a score of men and.wmen
were arrested on liquor charges
by federal officials.
s. Charges or meriiciency were
brought out today in the county
budget hearing of the health de
partment staff by taxpayers who
charge that minor business took
precedence over vital matters in
the department routine..'
Vernonia New Johnson & Mc
Graw shingle mill to cut 240,000
shingles daily, with 30 men work
ing. : iji.
What Is It?
See md on page three
Geo. C. Wm
Furniture, Ranges, Heaters, TocU; Etc.
THURSDAY. OCT. 8, 1 :30 P Mi
F. N. Woodry's New Store
1610 N. Summer,
Lounge davenport bed. oak and craft leather, like new:
Orbin 6-holo nickel base and white enamel range; 3 good
heaters, boards and pipe; Ivory kitchen cabinet with ton;
2 extension tables, one round and one square; ivory break
fast table and 4 low back chairs; day bed and mattress, like
new; continuous post bed with steel spring; silk floss mat
tress, extra good; 2 common beds; large oak dresser with
long mirror; very large oak wardrobe; 2 squares linoleum; U
fluff rug, extra heavy, 8.3x10.6; ivory hall seat; drop head ,
sewing machine; water power wash machine; hand wash
machine and, many other useful articles. .
Everything in this sale is real good and will be sold
without reserve to the highest bidder for cash. Wednesday
night sales discontinued until further notice.
Hoods at Private Sale Only - -;-
Two good pianos, easy terms; Universal combination wood
and gas range, like new; n Universal wood and coal range,
like new; all grey enamel 6 Jiole range, like new; genuine
alj leather lounge, like new; soiid mahogany sewing table; '
walnut dining table and'6 diners to match, like new; birds
eye maple dresser, vanity and chair, extra good; ivory weod
bed complete; also Ivory chiffonier, like new; Universal
heater, extra good; oak'library table; craft leather, dufold;
fumed oak 3 sectional bookcase and v many other real bar
gains, Store open daily. Terms cash., ;
F. W WOODRY, Auctioneer and Furniture, Dealer '
Phone 511
. '- , Cash raid for Used Furniture? ,
FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1:30 P7 M. -
1 0 miles north s' Salem on the Salem-Wheatland, road t.r '
1 mile south of Wheatland ferry on the T."B. Jones farm,
COWS HEIFERS OGS , . ; ' , . ; ;
Guernsey and Durham cow, 5 years old, milking 4 gallons;,'
fat bteifer rising 2 years old; fat heifer calf '4 months oldt"
.2 Duroc brood sows, weight about 350, to farrqw about '
October 15; Duroc boar hog, weight about 400 lbs.
3 New Radios, High Grade Furniture, 1
Universal Range, Rugs, Etc . ; ;
8-tube Super-Het Padio with large mahogany cabinet com- ''
plete; portable 8-tube 'Super-Het Radlo-cxnplete;- 4-tubo t
Radio complete; mahogany Radio cabinet' with built iu'loud, ;
speaker: Radio table with built ins. ' ' ' ' ''
. All Radios will be sold complete, set up in your homes
and guaranteed at the price you pay. t. ;, ' v
, All grey enamel 6-hole range like new; 64-inch plank top ;
oak extension table: 6 solid oak diners;: oak buffet, all, to ,
. match you'll like this set;' mahogany cabinet phonograph :
and records; overstuffed, tapestry davenport; 2 leather nd
oak rockers; -oak library table; mahogany 'smokers' stand; -
2 white enamel j-in. post '.Simmons bed" complete; Vernia
Martin 2-in. post Simmons' bed complete; large oak dresser; .
oak chiffonier;: large heater board and pipe; 8 day mantle .
clock; oak footatooi; large roll top desk;, drop head sowing
machine; child's bed complete; washing (machine and wring-'
ct; 3 Axminstef rugs 912, like aewt S small raw ; stands:
curtains and rods: 2 odd chairs;, 'child's rocker; white,
enamel fall leaf table; wash tubs; boiler; tools; 2 oil drums; i
8 gal. crock and a lot of other articles. Terms cash, - - '
Take Notice and Take a. Ride
If yon are looking for a Radio. Furniture, Range.' Heater, '
Rugs, or anything that's advertised, don't miss this sale; '
everything is like. new. ."Spend the afternoon with us,".
1 RERT L. JONES, Owner ' F. N. WOODRY j
- : . Salem'a lioadiog Auctioneer
. ""- f - rhone 511 - -
Se P. K. Woodry personally about your Farm and Oty Sales
Res. and Store 1610 N. Summer St., Phono oil
. ;c , ' 13stabUshed Since 1010
v - - v
Write to Oarermor Fl&rcc CoBCraluz
L Ij4W1 la Oresoa and Addxeu .u
I 1 - of . Good AtMiaey
Governor Pierce is in receipt of
a lettsV from C. Collett" Smith, ot
Stanley, Tasmania, asking for in-'" '
formation relative to divorces in
Oregon and how " best to obtain .
one. The letter follows: ;v
"Dear Sir: I have the honor'
to ask If you will mind favoring
n wiin an answer iw lue tuuu
ing questions:
"Are divorces easy to, get. 1$
your state? - w
j "What are they granted torT
j What is the cost? - . ...
I "How long, would one have t$
be domiciled there? . .. ",N ,
"The best lawyer? ;
'The cheapest accomodation?
j "What is the easiest Male in
which to get a divorce? "
j "Any Information you can give
me will be very much appreciated,
and I shall be very gratef ul. '
"Trusting ttat you will be able--to
favor m'with an early reply,
and thanking you in anticipation,
I have the honor to be, sir,
"Yours faithfully. . "-
Medford-r-Puccinelli fruit deliy
drator opens, with, 60 employes.'".
For Sale
For Rent
Phone' 800 '
C. M. Lockwbbd
24 7 Korth Commerrflt 1 "Mi rert
Corner Norway Si.
CLOSING OUT, ' .' vu