The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    ! - i
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is no .
Diversified Products Attrac-
: lively; Displayed Cause
'.I v of Miicn. Comment :
Iflkmatb. county's 'rapid pros
res in agriculture vis rividly
brought out by the couaty exblbit
'. at the state fair. Featuring the
booth waa a potato exhibit. Netted
Gem potatoes of high quality are
one- of the products now vell-es
. tablished on -which Klamath, banks
beavUjr in the future. The fertile
Irrigated soils and cool summer
climate are an Ideal combination
for potatoes and the close Cali-
fornia markets afford an excellent
outlet.. This year-109 carloads
will be shipped.: ,
Tha TMUtalHTltMoa .? Art f ta1mrtnir
were.bronEht tn attPntfnn w .
hlbita of Klamath full cream
- and four brands or butter mann
f atcured by Klamath Tails plants.
High quality, alfalfa hay la, bales
and. other forage crops portrayed
the food resources available. En
, larged photographs pf dairy
scenes, added -la the . ImpreasiTe
ness of the exhibit "; The, number
of dairy cows in the county has
doubled In the , past three years.
, Interest of the farmers In farther
increase of dairying is keen and
recently the famous beef pasture
meadows of Fort Klamath haTe
been Intaded by the milk cow.. .
' Grain' production' has attained
' the--million bushel ; mark. This
"enterprise was .depleted In I a
measure by an extensive arrange.
ment oi wheat, oats and barley In
sheaf and threshed samples. The
leng of straw and weighfof grain
attracted' particular attention.
t Specializing as well as staple
agricultural, products are devel
oping In Klamath. Good displays
of head lettuce, a commercial crop
this year for the first time, root
crops, onions and cauliflower were
displayed. Likewise sugar beets
grown, first this year.:. Klamath
beets carry 19 per cent sugar this
. year. ;r
Klamath's wild" life was , pic-
tared' in addition, to Its agricul
ture. Long a hunter's, paradise
in water fowl season the lakes of
jmoreand' more geese - and ducks
each year. The wide reaching
ttubble fields' of the grain harvest
furnish Ideal . food conditions for
the - birds. ' Mounted geese and
. ducks -suspended on wires were an
Appealing attraction- ;
'- A- ten foot painting of a Klam
ath landscape ' made ' a revealing
background tot-the booth. A full
, red sun setting over the rtm of the
Cascades : colored ' a scene typical
, in scenic beauties of mountain.
'hill and plain. An empire In the
awakeningrwas the legend accom
pAnyinr the inclusive exhibit from
the .Tlch inland county.'
Alt '.visitors ' to the Klamath
booth were courteously received
by WTTr (Bill) Lee.v the wen
known county assessor of Klamath
county. a"bly " assisted by C. A
Henderson county agent.
Salvationists Busy for Past
Weeks Getting in Readi
- ness for Event
: Another "fair" on a smaller
pc-ale. of course,' and not to last as
long as the one of recent dateIs
nrfceduled to take' place today' at
tbes local, hall : of the Salvation
Army.. 341, State street,, from! 10
a. m to 10 p. m.' .
Fornereral weeks the Salvation
ists have been busy with their an
nual harvest' festival effort, which
; ends with' today's . special - event
tailed a "harvest bazaar," the first
of its kind "held in the Salem corps
: for some time. Such ; things as
farm producer fancy work, house
plants, candy, etc., will be sold to
: the general public. - In. fact, there
is a- little, of everything, 1 even to
live rabbits and chickens: ' Light
lunches, will also be served during
the day, consisting of dalaty sand-
II Mil
To the 'World's (liampton Indian Fighter, Bc Herder
. and All .'Round Adtcnturrr
h.i Ik
Cast Include Mrs Frank Bacon. iThos. Jefferson,! Bessie Ea-on
rrlccs One rerfonnaaco ga.OO - JJl'O ft". 75c
'r rius Tax
wlches, pie, coffee and Ice cream,
at reasonable prices. The proceeds
of all go to help the local Work. -
Captain Pitt made the follow
ing statement: "As In other -years,
the- local merchants and the farm-
ers have again generously remem
bered -the Army in, this ; yearly
event, and. their glfts have been
varied and many. Our organiza
tion asks them and others to join
with it In thanking God for a bona.
tiful harvest, and this harvest fes
tival is an expression of that grat-"
itude of which; the "'gift Is the to
ken. We wish, to thank our many
klad f rienda and we-invite them,
with the; general public, to come:
down "and see us today especially."
At 7:30 tonight, there will be
an auction . sale preceded by &
street parade of the Salvationists
in "harvest time" costumes.
Pygmalion .to Be Presented
at Heilig Theatre by
, Famous Players
On Wednesday night of this
week one of. the feature dramatic
offerings f the entire year .
"Pygmalion," played by the fa
mous Moroni Olsen players will
show at the Heilig theater.
America Is justily proud of her
creative pioneers. In the future
magazines will feature the origin
and accomplishment of the Mor
oni -Olsen playeraV pioneers in a
speciat ; kind of ' play production.
The. director Moroni Olsen, a most
unassuming ; person has rather
avoided .. publicity so ' far, on ' ac
count of his aims , and ideals.
What many people do not un
derstand Us ' that he Is .a philos
opher as well as -an actor and
critic. His - fellow workers are
his enthusiastic partisans and
converts. All of them work, as
he plans for the perfect whole--
the production. - '
Ton cannot have a flawless en
semble,' nor ; present a true : pic
ture of ' that shifting opalescent
thing, life, without true subordin
ation of- parts. From the first
play produced ; by. his company,
Mr, Olsen has . preached this doctrine-
and practiced it. "The
scene gains even if Sarah cries!'
But he has done more He has
trained and encouraged every ar
tist with .him to believe in the
immense beauty that will be their
reward for; such ' thought' and
work ... In other words, he Is
making, men . and women with a
strong- understanding' of what Is
best' for living, while directing
them toward what is finest in
acting V -
So that even this is not the end.
All his company, as they achieve
this sense of oneness, this incom
parable vision of -' the harmony
that may exist through ' patient
tnougnt - and unified work, per
ceive their power to change and
modify at least in some slight
measure, the days and alms of
those with whom they come In
contact.- Slowly; .they , perceive
that a. great actor: must be a
great man. Deeply they feel that
the. hour, on Jhe stage is but the
culmination of all their hours of
is the -right,
price v
1 to pay for a
good tooth. .
: paste
Large Tubt i
: 25
One. Night Only, red4 Oct. 14.
Curtain at 8:30 m. (
Not, Moving Picture :
DC iirnr iiirnr,
ul iiliil mui
You'll Laugh!. You'll Cry!
You'll Love Him !
O. A. C; Tackle
i --it
1 !
i j -
I i
fc- ..... " - ' s
' ?
v : 1
; I
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! 4
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This young man is one of the most
aggressive players -in the league.
Coach Schlssler counts upon him
to open up holes for his backs to
get through, and he surely does it.
He can march (Town the field with
the other team draped on him and
is the second fastest man on the
team. -
work, study, sacrifice and love-
The demand for seats at the
presentation -tf Pygmalion" has
been so great that the manage
ment of the Heilig. theater has
opened up two more rows of $1
seats which are now ready for
r DUBLIN Inv October. the Free
State counties of Cavan, Monog
han, Leitrim and Donegal will
be transferred to the Dublin areailocge in tne open Jieid tnere
for passport purposes to the Unit-u ft t face on jschulmerick
ed States.: Formerly persons In,8 heavler than Bross of Gonza-
mose counties were oongea 10 get
their passports through Belfast.
wnen we suaage ma , in
Belfaat office will deal only with
applicants from ' the six Ulster
counties. - The Belfast office -at
present has an average of 70 ap
plications a day.
Every Woman Loves
Arid Here
All wool coatings, 56 and 58 Inches wido. Here's a bargain j
that should not be overlooked if you're In need of a coat for j
yourself or your children. iJO 'OCS
Specially priced, yd y
50-inch navy blue all wool
Specially priced, yd
56-inch all wool worsteds,
Dlaida. excellent Qualities
a surprisingly low price. 7-7Ql
Specially priced,' yd. f V ,
i . ' : ' ".. -.
56-inch all wool Astrachan coating, suitable for children's!
Specially priced; yd. . , . . cm'fwyp mt j
coats, also for trlmralnga and hats. C?-Qii';
Specially priced, yd. . . : . . LVO
" ; ' !,'-!'
56-inch high grade Flamingo coating, novelty strlpeel inj
Green and Tan also; Red and Brown with plaid back. This
is an excellent quality and will make a very stylish (j0 Qf"',
coat. Specially priced, yd.'- jv'"!'
406 State Street
Contest at Corvallis :W
Start at2:30 O'Clock
for Valley Fan? .
The time for starting, the ,Gon-zaga-Oregon
Aggie game has been
changed from 1:30 to 2:30 in ord
er to giro the Willamette Valley
fans a little more timi for travel
to the game. Bell Field, Corvil
11s will be the scene of . much ac
tion when Referee Sam Dolan
blows the whistle at 2; 30 Friday.
The O. A. Q. Student Body will be
out en masse with their rooters,
caps, and the O. A. Cj band lead
"by Captain Beard will furnish
music during . the game and be
tween halves. ..'"). i .. j
Now for the game-itself.: Gon
saga University, although not a
member of the Pacific Coast Con-
f erence has. been meeting teams
f in the Conference for the j past
; three years and , has j more I than
held her own. "Clipper" Smith,
coach at Gonzaga, formerly coach
: of the Columbia University of
Portland Is determined .o put a
X team in ; the field that will con
; tinue the good record of his predi
I cessor. He has Mel Ingram to re
' place the vacancy left by Huston
Stockton who was picked on the
Pacific Coast. All Star team last
: season. Ingram is a flashy half
' back who' can run. kick, or pass,
making him very dangerous at all
times. He has a habit of scoring
touchdowns from long end runs
and should, bring the spectators
to their feet many tiines Friday.j
He is assisted in the backfield by
Bross a 160 pound half who ajso
is a good kicker and passer. Luce
the 185 pound fullback is expect
ed to make . first down lor the
Gonzaga team any time when
there is two or three rardarto go.
Flaherty at quarter is the coolest
head on the team. lie runs the
team in fine shape at all times
and seems able to picVhsi plays
with uncanny descretion. j Coach
Smith is depending upon this
backfield to bring home the ba
i k
Coach Schlssler ofj the Aggie j
will probably start Schulmerick a(
one half and Qulnn at the other."
Quinn is about as fast as Ingram
l aud should these two men get
aQd lg a good pa8ger as wen
a line plunger. Soider at tull
b k ,s the A leg mainstey I f OT
short gatnB through the line. d
wards at quarter is expected j to
show the fans that he can deliver
from that position as well .la at
to Strike a Bargain
Are Some!
For Dree3 and Coats
66-inch all wool checks and plaids,
puitaCj for dresses or skirts, good
a'esvrtment to ' hoojG from it really
- will pay you tt i3o& into t 1 ' 7Q
this. Specially vriced, yd.vllV
54-incd wool "Basket weave in
blact cr navy, suitable for skirts or
:"-x'ially priced
Yr.i line stripes, checks and
will make handsome dresses, at
and Do
S83 Alder Street '
half. Last- season Edwars was
used mostly at half, and only at
the end ot the season . was he
switched to quarter. ;
hese ' two backlields V should
furnish a- tremendous lot . of foot-.
ball during the four fifteen minute
quarters. Sam Dolan as referee.
Eldon and! Jenne as umpire, and
Tde-Faulk , as Headlineman will
have their hands full when hand
ling these collegians with a weeks
energy stored up to let loose, in
one hour.
Final Awards Are IVIade for
Boys' and Girls' Canning
Club Contests
Total receipts from the 64th an
nual, Oregon State AFair -which
closed Saturday night were $109,
699.24 against $102,000 in 1923,
the previous best financial year.
In excess of ,85,000 people paid
admission. to the ground in com
parison withXthe 82J00 who vis
ited the grounds two years ago.
Receipts from the other depart
ments were night horse show,
$5410.75 against $5220.75 last
year; concessions increased from
$8143.50 in 1924 to $9291.40
this year while grandstand re
ceipts showed a slight decrease,
being $7269 incompaiison with
$7353.25 a year ago.
Exhibits in the livestock de
partment included 139 heal ot
beef cattle; 84 head of 'iry
cattle and more than 500 head of
In . the boys and girls canning
club contests Umatilla county fin
ished first, Josephine county sec
ond; Sherman county third;
Clackamas county fourth and
Hood River fifth.
n 9
Every item in
regular prices
have sold for the
at 8c per box. This
No. 2Yz
Fancy Sliced
Sold in 1914 at 25c per can
Our price This Week
2 cans
No. 2Vi cans
Broken Sliced
Sold in 1914 for 22c
Our price this week ;.
2 cans
Our oneratincr
! accounts for
week, sales in 1925 are ten times greaterthah 1914which accounts for re
duced operating expense.. . .
'lightnin''',! Wonder Drama
by Late frank Bacon,
Is Coming Here
."Lightnln' "I the only play that
is loved and j eagerly awaited
wherever the English language is
spoken, will at last e introduced
to the smaller kties on tour. With
Mrs. -Francis Bacon, ; Thomas Jef
ferson, Bessie;. Bacon, and the
most brilliant j cast that has yet
been assembled for presentation ot
the famous coihedy classic, it will
be seen at the Heilig theater on
Wednsday, October ' 1 4 . for one
day only- r
Described as; a play lor all class
es of theatergoers, "JLightnin " Is
the work of Winchell Smith and
the late Frank Bacon, and has
won a deserving and lasting place
upon the American stage. Tender
ly true in its ! pathos, forceful in
its drama and, gentle yet keen in
Its satire It is brimful of de
lightful entertainment, providing
one of those evenings in the thea
ter that are all too rare, '
"Lightnln "1 acquires its title
from its central character, Light
nln Bill Jones. Shiftless, good
natured bragging and somewhat
of a tippler, Lightnln' is yet a
figure to be loved and admired.
Around his vagaries is woven an
appealing love story of a young
law student who. by outwitting a
couple of landgrabbing lawyers,
provides the bisis of the play. The
action of the piece starts in a log
ging camp in the backwoods of
Nevada. The first act is laid in
a little hotel run by Lightnln
Bill and his wife, which .standing
half in California and half in
Nevada attracts would-be divorc
l A
n n
this list priced at the 1914 price. Some of these prices are our
others are for this week only.
16 oz. can
Schillings' Baking
Sold in 1914 at 50c
Our price this week-
last 10 years;
week price-
8 oz: package r
Folger's Shasta
1914 price 25c
Our price this week
25 oz. can
K. C. Baking
Sold in 1914 25c
This Week
v s ; - a
1914 price 10c per lb.
This Week
4 lbs.
exDenses'in 1925 are
our low1 prices:. Our standard merchandise, six? dav: imeverv
ees from all-over the country. -The
place booms when it is discovered
as a resort where one may live on
the Nevada side and acquire the
necessary sIxTmontha1 residence
for a quick divorce, while hiding
from the folks at home their Reno
ambitions. . ;
? While "Lightnin' " is a happy
blend ' of tears and laughter, . its
tremedous ? popularity is really
due to he appealing qualities . ex
hibited by its leading character
Lightnln' BHL He is absolutely
worthless, fond of his glass and
his story, still lovable, sympathet
icand humorous. It is a character
that recalls fond memories of the
elder Jefferson's Rip Van Winkle,
and is destined to live, in the
hearts of theatergoers long years
after most other stage characters
have been forgotten.
Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big
A Story of the Silk Industry from the Raw to the
Finished Product
Will Be Radiocasted
Tuesday . Evening, October 6
Auspices of Kafoury Bros. - .
, Salem and Portland - k
Be sore to listen in it will b an interesting story
.. .
IT w
Same test milk; 1914 price 10c
per can. This week
- 3 cans
10 ner cent' 1esx - tnan 1
. J'-. ; '
TOKYO. The radio erase has
grown to such an extent In Japan?
that; soiiki ' of the middle sciio$n
authorities jn'Tokyo have' issued
orders that students shall - not
"listea in" during certain hodrs
of the evening, but shall,, devote
these hours to their studies. The
school heads found upon Investiga
tion' that the youngsters were
neglecting their school work . In
the evening to listen to the radio.
-ILjd. Clsansa thorcnhly
. Nq, .without robbing, apply
: V vaporud
0mtl7MMicmJmf U4 Ymmri
Buy a Want Ad It Pays Bi,
. ; ;
1914 price 5c
This Week
39 c
price $5.95. Price
this week
Old Dutch
. 1914 price 10c
This .Week-
2 for
Q14 TkU frrf