f r THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, .OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER rv 102.1 assified S eeiion ale m s Great Marke t . P laee V Hi 1 it t 1 1 f & ... - ' MOKEX TO JX)H 57 THE OCCIDENTAL- LIFE JXSUBANCE Company will make Immediate loam en farms ia Oregon. Reasonable inlanest. , i rw tieaiii'iniu appraisal iee.- - ii w intereste wrila" immediately to I. C. Cnuaiogliem. 409 N, W. Bask kldg., Portland,' Oregon. .Hon Off iee Ren rnaeBtativo aero nil nest week. 5?s Mix i MOKTAQK LOANS OS -'" RsUlan4e and Business Property' .-Invetrate-our low east eaar pavmeat plan. No e'ommissioo. - PKKRISE MARSTERS ' 1$ Tom-Club Bldg. S7s36tf KUSUf ES3 OrPORTUXITIES $1 FOR SALE FrLLING" STATION CLOSE la, full? equipped.- A dandy lay oat. Only $550. tone terms. Km White. Hon Realty Co.. 169 B. High. l o7 The Best Investment -JF S Corner nnsinosa Hock, tOS feet - A treat, present rental vehie, $20$ par f--TImoat. Soeolof.kv, 31 State St. ' t . Wy v. ...... - WtslZtf . ' RJvAL ESTATE C3 Own Your Home CHERRY ORCHARD TOR SALE. 99P1SL . . TEL. 63 7 FAIRMOrNT HILL BARGAIN FIVE - room modern homo with lot 50x1 50, . basement. - furnace, fireplace, rarao. paved- street. Price for quick- sale M500. See ns for' bargama. W. H. GRABESH0RST CO v ' ' 275 Sttlt St. 6307 SEW HOME FOR SALF 5 ROOM modem home' located at 1194 X. Winter St., corner Market. Price folOO., Im mediate possession. W. H. ORABENBORST CO. 275 State St . 307 STCCCO HOME, VACANT, BRAND new. North, with furnace and fireplace. Price reduced to 45U0. Terms u desir ed. .Ready to occupy. - L BECKE HENDRICKS Ileilic Bid, 189 N. High. 304tf ! AVt T(u.mui Jiminliia nil (In. .k I fOIIDBt - .... r. V v v"mnlaa and modern .. eenren f ieneea, aUo dandy little plastered 2- w rooor nouaorua .ioucv euy.waier son elcctncity: rround 92x144: well 10 ,ated: all for 9320O. Larter rente now or 930 and Smaller for $18.00 Sorea, beds, etc., included. Bayer could oceupy nend rent tke other; Tory practical. C f7V-GAluCK HOUSE AND FINE jWV' easr front lot in Parrish Grove Addition, Salem 'a most central and beautiful residence location; only half f black fiom Pacific HiKhway: corner, newly paved, near-New Parrish aifh achool. Easy terms. Beats rentin( : , Harris ; , ilasonie Temple Phone 795, 1942-J. ; ' ' . C3-o6 WOCLD CONSIDER l5fl WITH $350 down, balance like rent for a 5 room house on a-pared street, or will consid er property in Portland. . . YOU aro the hid re. . Let ns show Ton lO mere farm. Isrce bonse and barn. 7 milrs eat f Kalemr Will trade lor anartmeat hoase or small acreace. LIKE rettina- money from borne, when tou can bur a 6 room modern buni-a law ' in " a r troed location en Marion street, lot 50a275, nxtendin$ to creek. for 425Q.' . : r . - , ! - , TO own a nood 100 acre farm ia to be independent. 'New house, ..food ; barn. wood, serine running- water. 75;aereo in cultiratioa, -east' of 8slem. i Good value at $125 per acre. . Will consider una rilv nranertv in. trade. OWN a I room furnished hotel.F- For ale at a bsrgaiOi $3000, t Or have yon anrnething'tw trade! - - - - - A 6 ROOM boose ota a paved street; -pav-in paid, for niaoOO; $300 down. Bal Mi like tent. I nnvr .a be moli mort if Ton own it. A room bona with bssenvsnt-. Pared .atreet; f rnU. 93700. 77 terms. "JS (amine 63 acre worth t Salem you - ran praSpon A new ; d room house, - rood bara, fine rich toiL Price $10,- IrfMi0.- Will Uke in house in SaJem, SALEM ia on tro Jsap for businesa op- portunues. - - inree ' frrnrrij norr, - cood' locetons. ranKina- from $1400 up - -CLRICH ROBERTS im Commercial. Phone 1354.' jitfv Tdrarx home! Tka instine for borne is as natural in humanity avth instinct to mat. A younc oupli, beginoing family life in' Uer own oome,, aevura as back rronnd.' an aucborare. ' Children brought up, in their own borne bare the supreme advantage. of n dameslie sentinient that ia eae of the moat valuable of spiritual poaaea- Wichout their n boose, there - Is a hMBcaoable seats of beina trana- icBtt 'of bavinr o firm fouidatfon for family life. ' V have aeveral new " bnnaalowa. I mums od braakfast nook, we will saH, ioat Kke-v rent, - RICH L. REIMAKN. Realtor 1 47 Korth Commercial St. 3slJtf 137SO KO0TH. BRAND V NEW " WITH furnace and fireplace, garage. Terms; - RECKE a HENDRICKS "Heili Bldg, 1.S. High. 6304tf $2 DOWN, $ MONTH BUYS BE8T , hes to -in Satona. No gravel and hsalirhtt sewer. Water, -street, near ' ear aad schools., Prico $250 up. Ab- BF.CKE h HENDRICKS i . -r- Hoilig BWg, 199- N. High. 6304tf VOW THAT THE STATE -FAIR IS over nnd they've taken the "old grey mare' borne, let's do a little swapping j or . excitement you know that big fT- wumpkin foot the one the Governor r tried te Hill, wen. we aava o arrea ' that will raise b:g ones like that, J C worth $7500 and the owner has gone , " in for "society and waate a town house: - , i . . . .v v... as ; ed acres worth $4000; or 80 fine im proved bottom acres worth $1 0,000 ; r beW.. would yen like to trade a small house' for a bigger one and 3 slots worth -f WOO i J1 f house worth $4000 or $5000. that you -could take a coaplo of Portland acres worth $1200t as part'pavmeat; or how would you trade that high priced -40 ir a real ranch of 180 acres worth 9123 per acre. McGilehrist Jb Penn tic on, 0 U. 8. Bank Bldg, 1 40. y- ; v- .--' . " - ' Phone 3-oetf - H0ME REALTY 8PECIALS ; for s.de 5 ".I?vn,e;ntaB" orchard, on gravel road black soil. 15 VilT. -V. Ralim. Worth 9240O. tske it tera sufhav near. Salenu. a . n iDinrwved, House, bafn, wA-e-wrehard and bernea, black aoiL i t-a-mlles of Salem, on highway. Beautiful Tiew. Worth $6300: taka it at $750, ,,tt aelL Term. trOtng M vaiirwrnia, "" i -. ' -m. tri a CH acres, 1H miles from Salem.. 5 1. sere fine oss beautiful b-iMing ait. Worth . Tlx,. . at 92650. On paved - ?a!.'V ea.bn4 trIIl. Den t '. "ii-ar,. Stat. tret. ncr. er7d. beautiful place tor a TesfViy on State street, Uorth $330 T.kefltt Some .b, wt Uke Rnao-44 acre. grouM neat bungalow, iTomeToa T p.ved" road- Only $850 J, , j . Rest lika rent. ast . -- .aw bwrslow. full b.se- ,.ot. dandy homo on Pv strwet. Will cceptd enrt for- equity. Price L'.lT aaW 9550: some terms. Your ihsW to keir busy during winter sea HEAL ESTATE 63 r FOR SALE . New $ ran ai Venae on Taved street, with furnace, walk, casement : $300 tah, Prire $aB0O, balance to suit, room bungalow ia North Halem with garage, larce lot. Price t3150. Terms. 5 room hooe with bat a. earner lot. Price $iaoo. , Dandy 5 room fconse ia South Salem witk large' bathroom, clothes closets, linen pre, laaadry tray, fall basement, new farnaca. Price $3fii0; $1000. down. Balance just like rent: 8 KKCEGER, Realtor. ' 14T N. Commercial. . phoaa 217 . - 6SO BAROAIXS IN HOURS , $3000 Good 6 room homo with basement - located jnst north of S.ate St. on K. Slat., law down, balance liko rent. Tkia property U a real bar tain at 'the price asked. 12000 Uaya a - room -homo witk base- meat and furnace, located o r Mc Coy fk, near , Market. $300 ' down, balance like rent. 2650 Vive room modern, home except basement, located at 1885 Sooth Liberty St. Look it over. - Its a bargain. , - -- - - $2004 Pi re room home located at 142? X. 27th BU, 9300 down, balanee $20 per month. . - 37SO New up to date modern 5 room aome with basement, located just . ontside of the city limits.. Terms iiOO down, balance monthly.. Im mediate poasesaion. 5000 Modern up to date home, located on Lincoln St. near Oommetrial fit. Terms. - Immediate possession. 4750 New - Spanish stucco home, 5 rooms with (arsse and extra . Urge lot, located at 1265 K. Sum mer St. fc'asy terms. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE W. II. GRABENUORST CO., Realtors, 273 State St. Phone 515 6307 P P P.P PPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P "2200 ' ' 2200 P P P P EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE P P P P HEADQUARTERS P P P P Offices Salem and Portland P P P P The demand for exchanges P P P P Ira made - necessary our P P P P GREAT MARKET PLACE P P P P where the requirements of all P P P P ean be matched We have P P P P just what -you have in mind; P P P P Just where .you want it: just P P P P the right price. Our list of P P P P exchanges (the largest list- P P P P ing. on tke Pacific Coast) PP P P guarantees your complete sat- P P PeP isf action regardlesa of your P P P P requirements. If you would P P P P like to exchange your pro- P P P P perty TODAY, come in TO- P P P P TODAY, See ' P P P P PARKF.R FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 V. 8. Bank Bldg. P P P P Com'l at State.- Phone 2242 P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P P P,P P P P P P P P-P P - FOR SALE One of our best buys is a 5 room modern bouse on the corner of Lincoln and Saginaw. Haa basement, furnace, well-kept lawn and flowers. Price $3600. $1000 eaxh, balance to suit. Be lore to see this before you boy. KRPEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial, , Pboue 217 63-830 IXSIDE PROPERTY, DANDY BUY, LOT 60x183, $3500. Corner lot, 7 room bonse. basement, ghr.de fruit trees, $3800, $500 down. . Six room bungalow, $350 down, $35 per month. Apartment, houses of all diacriptions. Good farms trade for Salem property. Service etatioa trade for Salem pro nertr. Millinery and Ladies.' Specialty Shop J 6 room bouse in good town, great buy at $5000.- GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE, REALTOR 492 M. ., Cottage. 63-e29tf A. C. Bohrnstedt ; VVictorSihneider Realtors Speelaltxe In OreroO farms. Salem hamns-and -write Insurance.' 147 Kot Commercial Street. Phone 677. 3al3tf SOME COUPLE HERE'S 3 ROOMS and garage;- -Porcher: '.Trim and clean: Sooth. We can sell for $2000 and 9300 balanee. JUST like ' rent takes. Larare lot with fruit and flowers. Va cant today. ' . ; BECKE fti HENDRICKS. Heilig Bld; 189 N. High. 6304ff EXCHANGES . , - : . 3 acres,' well Improved, 'dose to ear line, wiat Salem residence 'not over $eooo.v -v . - ..: .- 4 acres. . complete act- -of ' modeen Improvement including a -6 room bun galow, 1 mile out., want Salem resi dence or residence,- not -over $10;000." 4H acres, moder, improvements, equip ped for' chickens fine view, want .two four or five room new bnngalow, total not over $8000. 4 room modern new bungalow, nook,, basement,: Sooth Sa lem, want right car for part, of, fjrst payment and. .easy , terms on balsnee, 2ti 7 5. 308 acres,' good improvements, 2 silos, f in dairy, went amaller ranch for equity not over $19,000. - SOCOtOFSKY , . 1 ' , - -.341 State - -' 3-o3tf FOR SALE New . 4 room house, well built, breakfast nook, bnilt ins, cement basement, furnace, garage, cement ' driveway and walks, fruit trees. Small down payment. (Would consider light aedan as first payment), balanee like rent. 1330 Madison, near North Cap itL Phone 850R., .- - 6307 APARTMENT HOU8ES FOR SALE Home and investment in either of three $6000, $17,000 and $26,000 to $2000 to $7000 to handle. BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304tf - - SPECIAL ' 100 acre dairy farm, equipped, will trade for or small tract close in. stocked and city property 25 aerea with good buildings to irada for small 'acres re near Salem. - A good modern home in Salem ' to trade for 10 or 20 acrea without build ings. . " : ' : - A nice grocery- store with living rooms close in, a good buy for $160O. A fine dsiry farm close to Salem, 14 fine cows, all machinery and silo full of torn, plenty of hay for winter, -will trade for farm suitable for Stock, most i be near school. - -' THOMASON, 331'J - 8tate Street : 1 63-Ootf MINUTE MOVIES . ' . ' . . 'A- -.- '. '. ". .-. - T&EiTy two ; tv!& ieLK ror ive . "TovaJnJ AM To rat. WARWICK Z ALL BROKEN SHE Wft TEtAO ' AND BEE SOOD& T-MDS HEf irs -' "TfeARS XBHEW 0 csi Tr POr Irfe. NiLLASC 63 READ THIS. ONE SALEM HOME, 1 plastered rooms, fireplace, baaemeat, bath, , good condition, six large lota, all in bearing fruit,' berries and large grape arbor, nice shaded lawn, ever green and walnut trees, poultry bonse, garage, barn,, between Junior bign aad . grammar schools, few blocks to street car. All for $3800. Easy terms, 849 Rural avenue, W. C Conner, 8-ateamaa Office, owner. S3tltf NEAR MeKINLEY SCHOOL - ' On car line, room nearly modern bungalow and two lota $3500; also 4 rooms bath and pantry, splendid lo cation. $2500; $154) dowa payment. HOB IN SOX, Oregon Bldg. 6308 WE HAVE A GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE close in witk basement, furnace, fire place, bath and toilet below, toilet aad lavatory upstairs, large lot, $5250, With $300, balance $50 per month including interest. A 5 room house in fair con dition, 2 lota. $1500, with $100 cash and $20 a month at S per eent. We have a 5 room bungalow and a good lot for lets than the coat of house. We have lots from $200. H. K. Brown or Melvin Johnson; 109 S. Commercial St 63-o ii i 1 1 ' NOW THAT THE FAIR IS OVER COME In and see us about that house ou have been wanting. New 4 room stuc co only $2500; new 4 room sealed bouse with 2 lots only $1400 easy term apartment bouse to trade for farm; 60 acre farm to trade for bouse. 8-e " our larve fichanr lint Ralam Kaaltv Co., 4C2 State St. Phone 1004. 63-o8 TRADE! BRISCK GARAGE BUILDING $6000 for Salem city property. Sale, 300 acre farm, good buildings, spring water. 200 acres under plow, email or chard, well fenced, $50 per "acre, easy terms or will trade. Small house $650, easy terms. Strictly modern new bun gslow, swell location, close in $7100. Trade, 177 acre farm for Minn., Iowa or S. Dak. farm. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. ' 6304tf PP' PPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP P P W ANT ACTIOSJ - P P Do you want to sell yonr P P P P property I Are you going to P P P P buy some other property af- P P P P ter you sell I If you are . P P P P see us NOW. We complete P P P P both .deals . in one transae- P P P P tion. We trade what . you P P P P have for EXACTLY what P P P P you want. Our service is P P P P surprisingly different. 2200 P P P P trades for you to choose ' P T P P from. Ree P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. - P P P P Telephone 2242 P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP CASH TALKS HERE 6 ROOM" FUR nished home for '$3000 rash. On ear line. Lots of fruit. Close to schools North. Immediate possession. BECKE k HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 03O4tf BEST BUYS IN HOUSES VACANT LOTS FARMS and SMALL TRACTS S6000 strictly modern, double construct ed bungalow, G rooms, owner leav ing city. $3500 completely furnished 4 room bun rslow. close in snap. $2300 coxy 4 room bungalow furnished paving paid. S 850 half acre. ideal location, with -garage house.-psved streets. GOOD LOT $300 Located North Church Street $1000 choice lot. Capitol St. S 700 fine lot. Cheineketa St. BEST 50 ACRE FARM - ' On Howell Prairie, practically new bunralow. barn. silo, poultry house, windmill, best of water. Soil. Price for this week $7500, half cash. To Buy or Exchange Properties To Sell Quick List With THII.DS A-.BECHTEL -. i . 540 State Steet 3-o6tt 5-ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN; GOOD buildings, fruit, fine soil, $2800, easy 6 H acres, suburban, paved road. i $2650, easy terms. ' J . . & acres., suburban, close in. bunga low; henhouse, garage. Snap, 84000, 4- nice-euburtan nomea.tor saiem residence jxroperty. .6-room modern bungslow, close in aar-rifiea. 3aOO. easT terms. Before baying or exchanging see our list. . "PERRINE k MARSTERS $12 Com. Club. Bld. -. , 63s23tf FOR 8ALE-r-A wEVEIt ROOM MODERN k-m. xnallaBt laaatian. 1 H blocks -from' State house and H block - from Pacific highway. Lot 5xl5. Ad ' dreis owner. 1051 Cheaekatn street. . ReUm. Orecon. I3al6tl . BEAli ESTATE TRADES 5 FOR EXCHANGE 7 ROOM MODERN home in Salem to exchange for home in Monmooth. 'Price gSioO. lot 65x102 ft W. H. ORABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. 6507 REAii ESTATE Favrmg- 67 8t-ACRE DAIRY ORi GENERAL PUR- nose' farm in Turner-Aumsville Dis- trict,r Ample buildings. 2 slloi, paid water, right en part, right fiber flax Xistnct. uoiy m.wv.vv. . A. .C. BOHRNSTEDT . Realtor, Loans, and Insurance. 147 Sn Cammereiat St. - Salem. Oregon. 67s26tf 5 ACRES NEAR PACIFIC HIGHWAY 2 aerea vounr o runes : all under culti vation; an oouMially 'good by at $1500 and, will exchange on city property. - 178 ACRE -FARM. ABOUT 150 UNDER cultivation, 40 river bottom soil, paved road, good dairy or flax farm. $150 an aero. Owner will take good apart ment house or home in Salem or Port land. -,.. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. 67Q4tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 SNAP-M2000 CASH BUYS A 5 ACRE tract with five room bungalow near the fair-grounds. Th'a property ia of- fered at a real sacrifice. 1: W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 State St. 6907 ACTOMOBILEb WANTED 77- Eiker Auto Co. We pay caab for Forda. , 77ml2tf REAL ESTATE (AU right protected by The Oeorj lljUhew Adams nrffvT JWVS A. BOiy BUT ftS' WS SHARE. OP GEC ,MR& HAVRICK, 1 MEANT KFtP -tue PAPER. TROfA Vt BVTT NOW WAl W KNOW PCKIi:, toriX cry. as a.ec I , fl&riw ''-.. -'. : . I O. Vaf a 1 mi USED CARS FOR SALE 70 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX We barn n YurletyJ of RELIABLE USED CARS; it will pay you to look over our atocg. FRED M. POWELL MOTOR CARS 350 High PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 7917tf CERTIFIED CAR BARGAINS Essex Coach, ten months old, lota of ev- traa $735 Dodge Special Roadster, year old. tots el extras ... . 885 Sport Model two Studebaker Big $ix, years old . X 1 9885 1924 Ford Touring, new cords, will put new paint job on ear or sell for less without paint .1 . $320 1924 Ford, 4 door sedan $400 1924 Star sport touring 8a5 1923 Overland 91! touring $370 1922 Overland 4 touring , 275 1921 Overland touring ...I ..175 1920 Ford roadster $125 I CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET 255 N. Chur h St. Phone 885 79-s29tf Two non-starter touring Forda with license. $45 and $55. too much serv ice in these ears to wreck. Both in gou6 running cbadition, EIKER AUTO CO. Phone 131 79j31tf QUALITY USED CARS PRICED TO SELL 1924 Overland Blue Bird 1924 Overland sedan 1924 Gardner Brougham 1924 Star coupe : , 1924 Chevrolet coupe 1924 Olds, coupe 1925 Olds, sport touring ... 1923 Dodge delivery 1923 Kord touring Earl sport touring . We also have Chevrolrts, $575 575 . 850 575 500 700 800 675 275 550 and Fords Maxwells at $30 and up. Come in and look our cars over we are here to please you. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 I 79-otf Guaranteed Used Fords 192? Coupe I . i $310 1924 Roadster .j $285 1924 Model Coupe . $425 Terms to suit purchaser. VALLEY MOTOR CO, Authorised Ford Dealer Phone 1995. SAO No. High. ! 79sl8tf EIKER'S USED CARS 1924 Touring 4. . ,...$345 1924 Coupe i $435 Our usual guarantee beoind all cars. Ford' Sedan J $230 EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 131. . 79jl8tf GOOD USED PARTS FOB HALF OR leas. why pay morel Money back guarantee. Scbeolar : Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day Shone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 '. Commercial St. "Built to aave monr." i 79-jl8tf QUALIT USED CARS AT BARGAIN ! PRICES DURING FAIR WEEK 192-3 Chevrolet touring, cellent condition.. 1922 Maxwell touring, mechanical j condition 1921 Nash tduring 1984 Ford coupe 1922 Fori coape , 1922 Moon touring in ex- ...k.$330 in fine .1$425 $500 $500 2T5 ... $700 painted 1931 - Franklin, newly and overhauled, in fine con- J $700 d t ion ... lodf-e tourinf . i.8 tso 79s23tf GREAT IB-VROAIN IN ) U. S. TIRES MAC DONALD AUTO CO. . Comer Colts re aad Ferry. Marmon, Locomobile,-Chandler and Cleveland dealer i ' 790ltf Annual Clearance ScAe .1 on psed cars. " j XICK, BROTH KRS . - i ' .Our entire, stock cf sed cars have been slashed regardless of first cost iiiT: order to unload them, at oneej '-.!" Our Loss i Your Gain 1918 Buick .Six touring $225 1920 Overland touring ........ 190 19!2 Chevrolet touring - 180 , 1921 Ford sedan ; 250 1922 Ford eedafl .4 283 1922 Oakland sport touring 490 1922 Overland touring-. 250 '1923 Studebaker coupe, special 4 pans, alt new tires. 940 I9'.'3- Willys-Knight touring, like new : U ,..i......- . 950 1H24 Overland coupe sedan 40 1923 Dodge roadster ..' 550 1920 Ford touring ........... 135 1918 Oakland touring ....... 150 10.23 Maxwell touring ..... .. 350 Ford delivery 50 Overland aeda-- -4- 30 And many other to; choose from. See them ini the basement at Vlck Brothers 280 So.-High .41 Salem 7-S The .senate dltnltr, - but mif stand on its Ue i vice-president I seems to be; walking on It. CLOSE. CAU- UT V0U CtTHRU FLYIAier ,ftV. A FRreE -FlHTER. S5kS 6COW AS ANYDM& AN - BEN ji A! RE GXAI? I HE'S MAD&'APiLfc OF OF HiM -&CU&VE. me . w - . 4. : e-- CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBULANCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 'o and 883-R. Day or night service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODSY Salem' a Leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer and Appraiser. s He. and S:ore, lfilO X. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Dates Established Since 1916 oOtf WOODRY k WOODRY Expert Liveateek, Furniture, Real Es tate, aad Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 yara' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Office 971 N. Com'L Tel. 75. Res. 006 S. Commercial, Tel. 1843 W for aale dates. O. H. BURGK Farm sales and purebred livestock, dialogs compiled and pedigreea ex tended. Corvailis, Oregon. o5 ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 State. Phone 2098 R. al7 '36 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator wwrk; 171 South Commercial Phone 198 , COURT 8T JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMS DEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing, 3S7 Court. BRAKE RELINTNG MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COM MER- cisl St. Phone 102. j8tf CHINESB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M.- HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. a-SOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR..O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 82S-K or 87. H. B. SCO FIELD PALMER CHTROPRAC tor, 928 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14 BY 7" wording, "Dressmaking;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS, C. E., MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil , l-r's Store. Phone 117. DRUG STORES DRUGS. CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTI eles, perfumes, expert preseriptlonlsts. Capital Drug Store, corner State and Liberty. , - "DRAMATIC EXPRESSION" THE , SPEECH CRAFT SHOP A STU do of Dramatic Expression. Perry I'rescott Reigelman, B. Oj, Director. Voice building. Impersonations, Coaching.- Studio 940 Mill St. Phone 487-J. : " t 1 : I ELECTRICIANS SALEM " ELECTRIC CO, , MASONIC building. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND 8UPPLY Co.. Phone 1934. 22a S. Liberty: FLEENEH ELECTRIC CO. HOUS1 wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 940 471 Court St. FABJg PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET, THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three - mouths' trial subscription. . . Mention this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stainpi Air p-;ial three raontht' trial for the beet and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise meats are of special interest -to the " poultry - breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 311 Com mercial street, Salem, . Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort - gagea. Trust Deeds, Contracts oa houses WUI net .OT so auvfc- KKCKE m HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg 189 N High St. J1U FARM LOANS-PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on good farm security. . CITY LOAN 8 Wo are loaning Pru ' deatial Insurance Company money on city residences and businesa property, ' at 6H,-plua a commission. Hawkins 4k Roberta, Inc. 205 Oregon Building. , d I4ti Farm Loans ANDERSON RUPERT 40.6 Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS. Select dahliaa-while in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co, Fairground Road. Tel. 128C. ' - al5, '26 CUT FIX1WERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, faaeral " wreaths, decorations. C. .F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. - ' - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL. DIRXC- . tors. 310 Center. Phono lose. HEMSTITCHING I SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. Float j lag. bnttons. stamping and needle work. 1 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 379. SertlceTnsde Hut, Beflstered U. AIANIE Or " . HAV is om; FIGHT. m MEUJ v ' THESE DAy.? PQeaNUIUiLE: riEM GOB? ' A5AIN To , - CHAMP.1 DOUGH -We office -of the. 6reat . -j, M 'ansi " v I w 1 1 TCrr- a. ANDV'WNe. MIS RECEFtlOA. D.FFEREAiTI BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ZKBTTRAMCB Insure Tour home or ear now rtione 161 BFCKF. BENDKlCKfl enigldgSNih jttf KODAKS EXPERT! AND INDIVIDUAL ATTEN tion given to yonr developing and printing. Capital Droe Store. i LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. High street. -4hae - 25, oldest, larg est and; best Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Pboue 171. 1856 B Street. ;17tf CAPITAL) CITY LAUNDRY Phone 185. oervicei wita a auiie, vuauty worx. 1264 Broadway. jUtf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN ' and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol! City Bedding Co, 1190 North Capitol; Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf VESICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. j WILL PIAN03, PHONO graphs ! sewing machines, het music, and piano studies. Repairi it phono graphs and aewing machines. 432 State atrect, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fur aiture Co.. Music Pont ' NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATE8MAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning, leu ii or and. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. I NUT AND SHADE 237 State. TREES Pearcyi Bros., PACKING AMD SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNRITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff a Furniture Store. 1 Phone 941. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE OLENK ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WE LP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. aacaa ill PRINTING FOR STATIONARY, CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of printing. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial. Tel. 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work, j Graber. Bros, 141 Liberty St. Phone !550.' M9tf RADIO. 8PLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND -1 - 8EKV1CB - ; - - - -No . better radio made t any price 3 eaaa QUALTTl CAR! -High, aad Trade flSif I- RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. TJ..S. BART0Nr Proprietor Masonic Teupe Phone 1200 -. Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Porte All Standard Rises of Radio Tabes HALIK k EOFP ELECTRIC SHOP 8M Conrv St. Phene REAL ESTATE IP TQD: HAVE PB0PERTY TO 8KLT or if you are looking for a home, fart or business property, see ns. .. BECKR HKNDRiCKS ! XT. B Nati'Hial Bans HniMinr jatf j - BBP AIRING f ' iALVIv b STEWART I -847 rne St. CMDUEIlIJlS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Uawniuowers, rasor blades, scissors, fceivea aad tool- shsrreaed SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Garbage and refuse of U kinds removed by the monttu. Rsaednable rates. Cesa pools cleaned' and -.dead animala removed. Phones Offie $5 or-979. Ree. 2058. SECOJT9 HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes.- Best prices paid. . Cap ital Esehenge, 842 North Commereial Phone 1 1368-W. . $T9Y?8 AW STOVE REPAIRIlf Q STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, lite 29 to 5$ In. high; Paints, , oils, and arniahes, etc, lofaoberry and - bop hooka. ' Salem ranee nnd Stove Works, 250 Ceurt street. Phono 124. 8, Patent Office) TTHAT was the. n (SvATCT;1 IS QClCKLy 'CXIME-BACJt irff? SCEAi n " AMD THEN :.: SEES' A TOO 1T UJELU,WELt- SAy i sava) vdu last Here MWT AM' EEllEVE. a i rAE- .MX) PUT UP A MJONDERFUt- SCf?AP TRANSFER AND HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phono 933. Distributing, tor warding aad storage our specialty. Get our rates. WE MOVE. STORK AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the beat coal nnd wood. Call oa na for price. We give good m.ssore, rood quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co.- Phone 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phoaa 19K3. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office. 304 South Commercial St. Tea per rent discount on domestic t fiat rates paid ia advance. ' No deduction for absence or any eauae unless water is shut off your premises. - " PARKER STAGE LINES ! ANXOUXCING IMPORTANT CHAXGES in .the : Salem to McMinnville Time Schedule Effej-tive Sept. 15, 1925. : - AM. PM. PM. Salem, Lr... 8:30 2:10 5:13 McMinnville, Ar... 9:45 3:25 6:35 McMinnville, Lv. 9:45 :4S 7:45 Newberg, Ar .....10:25 4:25 8:25 v t. r AM' PM- PM Xewberg. L 1 :3 5:15 McMinnville, Ar 1:55 5:55 McMinnville, Lv... 7:20 2:40 6-45 Salera. ..... . 8:45 3:55 8:00 CHANGF.8 IN THE SALEM DALLAS SCIlEDt-I.E Leaving Salem fur Dallas: 7, 9, 11:25 a. m., ;.':10, 5:15 p. m. Leaving Dallas for Salem: 8, 9:50 . a. re.. 1, 3:10, 6 : 15 p. in. Call mi for further information. Japanese Royalty Regards Turtles as Lucky Omens TOKYO. -The turtle is an omen or K00G luck io Japan. Recently a giant sea speciinent calmly wad dle out or the -ocean at the Im perial Villa at Hayama. where the prince regent and the crown princess were staying, and brought happiness to the royal household. ine big turtle, said to have weighed several hundred pounds, appeared on the beach in the early hour.s of the morning. The police General Markets PORTLAND, Oct. 5 HaV; Buvin prices: alley timothy, J17W19; do , sstciii Oregon, nominal;: alfalfa $19W is.ou: ciover fi.; oat hay 13f16; oat and vetch $17..-0; itraw 7.50 per ton Selling prices $2 a ton more. Grain futures: Wheat. . RBI) hsTd white, October I1.H0; .November $1 -IO; hard white, BS, llasrt. O.toher $129 November $1.29; soft white, October $1.29; November $1.29; western white, October $1.28 ;. November $ 1 .28 ; hard winter, October $1.25; November $1.25 northern spring, October $1.22; Novem ber $1.22; westtei-n , red October JI.22: November $1.2J. , Oat. No. 2, 30 pound, white feed, Octo ber 2ti; Xovenjber 26; Xo. 3, 38 pound grav October, November $25. Corn, No. 2. E siiiriment. Octnhor 37- Aovemoer f.ib; .No. :r. do October November $U4. $34; Mriirun. ' standard : October $27; No- Portland dsiry exchange: butter, et tra 52r; jitaudard .lOcj prime firsts 4c; E?g.' extras 5tc": firxts 4Cr; pnllnts 12c; current-receipts 39i,2e; puewee 2.1c. NOTICE OF SALE OP GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL . LAND OFFICE Wa.shiEl.on, t. C, 8ptembei 2d, 1925. jNoUee i&. hereby given that su.ex-t to the , conditions and- limitations of the acts of-June 9. 1916 (39 Slat., 218) and June" 4; -1920 f4T Slt 758), and pursuant to departmental reitulatUins of AprU 1 !, 1924, (.50 L. It. 376), the tim ber on the following lands will be sold November 16. at 10 a. ra., at pub lic auction af tlie U. S. laud office at ,'iiriiauii, Oregon, to the higlies; bidder at not less than the appaiied value as shown by thSs notice, gale to be subject to the :i .irovsl of tiia S(vrtary . of llie Inter '.er. The purchase prire; with an addi t.anal sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, ' bring eoini.-isions allowed.- must be deposited at time of sale, mqney to be returned if sale is net approved, .itherwis- patent will issue for tlie tiiu hcr, which moat be removed within tea years. Bids will be received- from citi zens of -Xhe United States, associations of such citizen, and corporations or;auir-t-d under the laws of th,e United States, or any State, territorjr, 'or district there of only: t pon application .of a qualified P'jrchaser. the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger uuit.- T. 2 N R. 2 W 8ee. 3. fractional NE4 NK4 fir -saw timber 1600 M cedar -saw timber 50 M., cedar logs 100, SW!4 NE. fir saw timber 2300 M, cedar logs 150, none of the timber on this sertion to be sold for less tuan $2.00 per Mi, for the fir and cedar saw timber and $I.O0 encli .for the cedar togs. T. 7 S R. -I. K Sec,-27. NW NK4 standing-fir 21-0 1'.., down fir 50- M., none of the timber on this section to be sold for lets than $2.00 per M., for the standing fir and $1.00' per-M for the down fir. t.f 4 S:, R. 3 K:, See. 31, NW SE fir 835 M T. 2 N., R. 3 W, Sec. 1. N W4 NW 4 ' Iir 680 " M cedar 43 M.. S A'U XW'i fir 640 M. cedar 30 M. nont of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than $2 00 per M. T. 3 N., R. 3 W See. 21. NK14 NW14 fir 1250 M.i cedar 75 M. Xtt'U NWVi -fir' 107.V MM cedar 25 M., none of the timber on this section to be sold for less- than $1.50 per"M. W. . -.- - -'- -TIIOS. C. HAVELL. o-t 6-n8-tnc. Acting Commissioner By ED WHEELAN ttV owm Sort 1 c 1 TWANViS.eAJT INI MOT- - Tp talk' Fi0r4Ts, SEE ' VUHAT HAPPEMS EMCWGH 'AID!!. ii-rr. in rir-itv" 1 i W Ui. guards Immediately Informed the Imperial couple of the visitor anil both ttfe Regent, and hU young wife ' lame out to observe ' th stranger! The tnrtle wan then treated to a bowl of Rake.- the " Japanese national dr'nk;. which is always used to1 welcome a finest. After a somewhat hesitant tin nr two, the cumbersome reptile s hur ried s'owly out to sea. and di- appeared. The prince regent ob- ained several nhotoeranhs before his visitor departed- As the crown riWncess Is eynett- ed to become a mother some time ' this Pall, the advent of the tnrtl was viewed as an exceedingly for tunate omen. ' Same Locomotive Now Pulls'! Fast Trains Long Distances ." PITTSRTJROrt Thirty-two fast passenger trains on the Pennayl- , vanla railroad between New York and Pittsburgh are now bein? . operated without a change of. loco motives. The road experimented with this innovation first by try- Ing' the plan on two fast pagfienger trains between the Smoky City and the metropolis. For thirty days the lone locomotives, making the entire "haul, pulled .the flyers in on time. . ; The plan was extended to take ( In twy trains between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, as well as two trains carrying mail and express between this city and Chlcajro. -Again the big locomotives provorl their endurance qualities, and tha Pennsy engineers have decided ti extend the no-change system tf include the 32 fast trains between Pittsburgh, and the esat. - Later, they said, it would take in the lines west of Pittsburgh. ; To insure the non-chamtre plan, the road replaced the lighter tyn? nassenger locomotives with heavier ones, thus increasing the. speed on-the level ground and; making possible the long moun tain hauls. Urges More Cuban Women Enter Nations Business HAVANA. A -greater part the nation's commerce should b given women. Rogerio t Zaya Raran. secretary of interior, in formed the Cuban chamber bf commerce. . "This should be'done." he said, "hot only in obeying Cuban; laws, but also in response to the tmrrent ' progress of civilized nations which have fomented .universal expansion of women's activities H economic mediuma, to maintain tyfe without sinking Into vice or criminality. -It. is nor only, in the North' American democracy that women are ab'e by personal work t re maintain, the dignity and honor oC their ;horaes, but afso in the lff nanic nations this faelHty has been, extended to women, in iiome cob by employment a street car con ductors and motorists. " - , Pharmacists f lerks department store" clerks, -telephone operator.;' and "tenoeranhers are posts the' secretary beljeveamuld be better served by .women.. in trlew of, paft experience jn snchpojiJtJona ja jhi country, than v. men. who wou'1 tben be released to do other wprlq more irprnnitthleVqr their . AIMlXISTB.TOR'S NOTICK' : : : -. ." '-'- i'' :, 'J W THK EST ATR-OP GUST F?4T. late, of the ritT.of St. i lftn In the Stat of Oregon f ' ; arid formerly of near Park.1 'A land, tn the Prerincf of AW. " bfrtft, farmer, lleceasotl. . ' ',- :, .- ; XOTICE Is hereby 'gi-ren thai all persons bavieg lnimft arsaitist the estate of the above nametf GUST ELD who died on thelSthi day of January, AD.' 1925, artf required to file with The Trna-n and Guarantee Company Limits I. ak All 'a , . jzu mb Avenue West. Calgary, Al berta; Administrator of the EV ate if the said deceased, by them's otli iay of November, j l925, full Uatement duly verified their claims and of any seccrities held by them, and that after that date the Administrator will 'distribute the assets of the deceased among; the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claftns of which lotice has been sd fjled or which Vave been brought io their atten tion. .: - . . Dated this StstAlay or Septem ber, A. FX 1925 ; BALLACHEY, t TllJRNETT - SPANKIE. Solicitors for the Administratrr, Address, High Rivet. Albert. Approved : ; . j, ' . (Sgd.l A. Jt. Mcbonald. - J. D. C. 82906 NOTICE! Examination of, the degee of " Certified - Publip' Accountants of tVegon ,will bi held at the Puhlie 3 Library, 'loth and i. , Tamhiir. streets. Portland, - Oregon, on. Thursday: and Friday, November 12th' and 13th, from 9: a. m. to 5:0Q p. m. t Questlona ., will be . asked tn Theory ot,.Accounts, Practical Ac countingAuditing and Commer cial La,r. Candidates are req nested to file application With the Secretary as Boon as possible and not later than October. 14ta accompanied by the atatutoryTee of $25.09. ' OREGON STATE BOARD OP 1 ' ACCOUNT ANCT v ' Dy Seth L. Roberts. Secretarr. son See si uy. i -j. .32 10 vv., Bank. Building. Portland, Oregon. 02-4-6