The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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' 1mm DUy Xxeapt Hmda y
B Cmrerel!
Llia Smitk -s
,Adred Bunch
.. Tlrrvh Kd.tor
" w.Sr i-. MEMBER Or ,KB ASSOOtATUb ) KAa
i v " Preee U aselaafvely entitled Vo the eee kw iiah imImi . ,
BklMM 0ffieeJ r 6
Beiety Tan--- .
Entered at the Pot Office ia Salem,
1 ' i - ; October 6. 1023
wSS'l 'WORD: OleaTiness In , the heart or man
maaetfr U atoopy. but a good word makgth it f,lal. Proverbs 12.25.
" , , -, ' - ','.. - , -.- . ; . .
At thfl Salem Chamber of Commerce luncheon yesterday,
there was a splendid spirit of cooperation outlined by the
principal speaker, Julius Meier of Portland.
- Mr leier,' head of the greates c mercantile concern in
Oregon, has 'aubscnbed to $10,000 of the 'stock of Salem's
second linen mill and is one of the directors of the:company
to build and operate the. proposed mill- ' ' . e . ;
.And'he'iwiedicted great. developments in the" linen in
dustry here', and in the life time of those now on the field of
action.- : . '
lie pledged the further support of the people of Portland
to this present project, to the extent of their quota, $175,000,
and he Inyjted, the people of Salem, , in any project in which
PortlantlTaiar'help, toTiot be' backward, bit ;to call.upon the
people of the metropolis, "with assurance of a sympathetic
hearing;-- $ -v : i . VL ' '
. The British rParliament decided that the home country
should become self sufficient in sugar, and so a stiff duty
was assessed upon imports of sugar, and besides, a law was
passed giving very handsome bounties upon home, produced
sugar; to commerce at about the-average-wholesale: pnce of
sugar in the United States, and to become lower each year
f or a ten jearperiod- ; '
: And the result lias been the development of a large beet
sugar Industry inlEnglahd, and Scotland
.i-VAnditis growing' fast. : It hasljust been announced that
the Turner family interests, sugar refiners running back to
$55, in, connection with the1 Anglo-Dutch group of sugar
iTLahufacturers, are.totake on beet sugar manufacturing 6h
an extensive scale, at Earlestown, "giving the-farmers -.of
lancashire' and Cheshire a chance to enter upon sugar beet
cultivation." -. " r . ' , .. r - ; v...'.- -,
ix The information regarding this year's beet crops in that
country isextremely satisfactory, particularly as regards .the
tirospecU for the success' of beet culture in north Britain. Not
phly w the crojp thriving throughout the districts in England
'where it' has been introduced,-but even in the far north of
Scotland remarkable results ara reported. As far north as
Cromarty 'and the Hebrides experiments have shown the
Scotch climate to be apparently suited to sugar beets, boih
'4he yield per acre and the sugar content comparing favorably
Fith those obtained in established beet growing areas on the
'continent.;' 1 - , "
J 4The reason advanced in explanation of these results,'
cording to a dispatch to Facts About Sugar, the leading
'magazine of the sugar industry, "is that the secretion of
Vuear in the beet is dependent on light rather than on heat
jfrom the sun. The north of Scotland in midsummer, of
vjcourse, hasveiy iong day;'and a very short night, in conse
quence of iU high latitude. The crofters of the Hebrides and
""the farmers of Ross and Cromarty have not been so dull, as
.not to profit by this discovery and are already looking to the
teet crop to relieve'their depressed agriculture." ; 1 ' :
The development of the industry has been peculiarly
' Ratifying to the men who advocated the measures intended
to bring it about, because they hoped for its very general
distribution, partly for the benefit of the agricultural dis-
Uctsv2.Ki-jw;H vBi
The forward looking statesmen in our country should
take leaf from the book of the, British experience
f.; . ; And we need no subsidy in the United States What we
do need, however, is a slightly higher rate of duty on foreign
sugar, and the doing away with the Cuban preferential which
favors, the Wall street crowd owning the refineries along the
Atlantic coast, and who largely own or control the Cuban
i cane plantations and cane lands j" , "
. -!iAncf a; greater vcertainty that, such protection to our
Jgfowers Will Wnaintained on a permanent basis.
u 4;i Instead, of producing only about 15 per cent of our
"sugar, as they are doing this year, our .home sugar beet
factories would thus soon produce enough to fully supply the
v, American, markets ' ." , . .. 1
, And Salem would have" several sugar beet factories, and
the Willamette valley would
Tni t? Ye nf Portland." known as the builder of the
Columbia highway, the finest road in the world, who was a
-""member of the Oregon state highway , commission when that
fc. piece of road was built, responded to a call for remarks at the
' salem Chamber of Commerce noon meeting yesterday,- and
Sin the course of his remarks, said that new construction of
Oregon highways was being carried on with .100 per; cent
efficiencyand that the maintenance of the state highways
already built was being kept up with the same high mark of
; efficiency.' The men who are behind these great tasks must
appreciate suchTwortk, from such a source -
Notices of the annual-teachers'
l'nstltata to be held here October
JQ. sod- IX, trt beinj, sent to all
1, 8lea, CTefe . ;
W. H. Hd4o ' ClrevlatUa KiUir
JUlpa H. Ktesteg A4vrtiaia( Manager
Prank Jaeka4 JlaaMm Job Dept.
J. A. Bfeata '-- LiTMUek Editot
W. a 0odt - Pvottrr KJitor
Circulation. Of fleeg Kw IK?rtMnf 2-"6
- ; Jon : Ditt ' . . . BM
Ortfoa, .a eeoad-elaa. matt.- .
have a score or more.
the teachers of the cSounty by Mrs.
Mary Fulkerson', ."county' school
superintendent. The complete
Lprosram has not been arranged
One feature will be instructions
in j connection with physical ex
aminations which . are required
under a new , law. , Representa-
tives of the Marioa Coanty Child
Health. Demonstration, -will assist
in siring instructions relatire to
examinations. r: ;. -. ,. ;A.-
: All of the teachers in the coun
tr are required to attend the in
stitute, ,
' OF 4
v Copyright, 1923. by
Awgpair feature Service, Ine.
At first I could .not understand
what Dicky was saying so excited
was be, and so, rapid his speech
over the' telephone.
"What's, the matter I asked
anxiously,' and - the question Si
lenced him abrubtly for an in
atanL . t
" "Matter!" he exploded. "You'll
think something's . the matter
when you get back . here. . My
clothes have been stolen, that's all
that's the matter Somebody's
been here and cleaned out the
"Oh, no they haven't " I be
gan, but Dicky cut me oft short.
? "Oh, no, they haven't!" he
mocked. '1 suppose I forgot where
I put them, or something like that
there's so much surplus space to
store things in this blasted dump,
I tell you they've been stolen, and
.111 bet I know where to lay my
hands on the "
"Stop, Dicky, STOP!" I com
manded, for I knew he meant the
Marks family and I feared that
Mrs. Marks in the next apartment
would hear his excited tirade. "I
know where your clothes are all
of them." ; '
"What!" Dicky fairly bellowed
the word into the telephone. "You
what? Say that again!"
I repeated the words slowly,
adding placatingly:
"And I will bring them inwith
me this afternoon."
"This arternoon? That's alto
gether too late. I've got to wear
those moonlights at a banquet to
night. What the devil Is this,
anyway? A practical joke? If so
your sense of humor is atrophy
ing. -What 4'ye mean, you've got
the clothes?"
f forced myself to meekness,
for I realized that though I was
blameless, Dicky had just cause
for his Irritation.
"The Toor Wttle Sweetheart!'
"T took , all your best things
with me in a suitcase and letf
them at the Durkees when I
.came put.!' I explained. "Mijs.
Durkee insisted upon it. She said
they would be stolen if I didn't."
V "Of all the idiocy." Dicky ex
ploded, inconsistently forgetting
that he had just entertained the
same theory. "But," .worriedly,
"I don't know what to do. I sup
hose I could phone old Alt to
bring them in but I've " '
"Don't do that," I Interrupted.
"He wouldn't want to leave his
mother that , long."
"Why? Is she sick?" he asked,
genuinely concerned, for he is very
tond of our childlike little friend.
rtThe poor little sweetheart!"
Tie exclaimed. "But if Edwin's
going to operate we needn't worry.
But I've got to hare those clothes.
And, what's more, they've got to
get here in time to go to the tail
or's and be pressed before dinner:
time, if you have to taxi in U
the -way:" - f, J
"Wait a second," I said, ani,
looking at my wrist-watch, I made
a mental calculation. v. '
"I can catch that 8:23." I said,
"which will get- me to Marvin at
noon. The next train from there
will enable me to reach home
about 4 o'clock."
A Happy Moment.
That will have to do. I sup
pose," he said reluctantly' , "I'll
stop , at that little tailor's, four
doors from us and : tell him to
save the time to press the clothes
at 4 o'clock,; Don't stop for any
thing 'till you get them to him,
for he's a busy chap and independ
ent 'as they make 'em. .If you're
not there on the minute you, say
he'll take up something else; and
you can go hang. And be sure
not to go out anywhere else, even
on an errand, until I get home.
I'll be late and just have time to
make the .banquet" ; ,
"All right. I'll attend to every
thing," I promised, the while t re
flected that a hectic half-hour was
in store for me, . . When Dicky Is
preparing to go to any function I
feel as if , I were in. the center of
a maelstrom, and w hen he finally
departs I am as limp as if I. in
deed had been drawn through one.
"Good girl!" - Dicky's voice
changed subtly-, frpni, a,v harrying
note to a possessive, caressing one.
"Tell me, do you lore me?"
It was a familiar query, almost
a careless one.i When Dicky is In
good humor he 'often puts It at the
end of his conversation, telephone
or otherwise, as a sort of caress
ing puncthation ; mark. But it
never falls to stir my' pulses, no
matter in what mood I am, and
the present moment was no excep
tion to the rule.; , : . '
: "What do you think?.- I coun
tered demurely, i ...
"I don't think. I know you do.
he said, qaicklyt assertire. "But
say it!", His roice held' an im
perative note, -r :
"Silly maa,'M bantered., hot I
added what he had f asked and
turned from the telephone with
the thrill known only to the "mar
ried and settled" woman who re
ceives some frtsh. proof of her
husband's love for her. i
i (To be continued)
j lil' 19 TO 18 StOItE
The Illahee country club golf
team sprung a surprise on the
strong team representing the Al
derwood club of Portland in their
match over the Illahee course yes
terday, defeating th4 Alderwood
club, by a score of 19 to 18.
Ercel Kay of the locals was the
bright star of the day,! defeating
Frank Dolp, Oregon state cham
pion, Kay's medal score was 70,
the best score ever made over the
Illahee course in match play. John
Farrar and Dr.: A. Cf Bailey also
turned in very good scores, .tf?
The ladies, under thelleadership
of Mrs. H. it. Oilinscr setting a
good standard and there is the
Rreastest interest mahifested. The
Illahee ladies won-by a comfort
able margin of - S points and the
men in the "20 team! contest,1" but
by a smaller margin, j ;
Fred A . Williams, i chairman
of j the tournament j comittee is
planning on qualifying rounds for
thej regular fall tournament for
the' Gray-Belle trophey next Sun
day for both men and ladies. With
such ideal weather and the course
in such splendid shape, very; per
son in Salem in. Salem who can
swing a golf club should take ad
vantage of the opportunity during
these wonderful Indian summer
days; known only to Oregon) and
best enjoyed at Mt. Illahee.
They Are Pleasantly Situat
ed in the Big City of the.
Mountain State I !
Rev. James Elvin and family
are now located at (Helena,! Mon
tana. .Mr. Elvin writes to a Sa
lem friend that they are pleasant
ly; located in that metropolis of
lUe IUUUUW1U SLBIB, : tlv 19 pitS-
tor of a chcrch composed largtlj'
of .New England people Congre.-;
gational chyrch, Lv .1 ! . ,
., Mr- Elvin was pastor of the?
FlTst Congregational church o'f;
Salem, and he was! active ; in ail.
good works here. He went with
the Y. M. C. A. forces to France
and served throuhout the jWorld
war. -
From Salem he went ,to the
Congregational church at Sidney;
Montana. Then to the hcurch of
the same denomination at Dick-j
son. North Dakota.! - ! ,' . , j
The school facilities for the
growing Elvin children -will bei
better at Helena, i
The state board hf control Mon
day elected v Rev. T. V. Keenan,
paptor of the new' St. Vincent de
Paul parish -in North Salem, as
Catholic chaplain it the peniten
tiary and the boys' braining; school,
to succeed Rev. J. R. Bujk,who
has resigned. Fatter Keenan pro
tested the present manner of con
ducting' religious services j at the
boys' school, holding was
impossible -to give the Catholic
boys instruction' in their; faith as
the Protestant nd Catholic chap
lains thad- -been alternating each
Sunday. .Additional time will be
given those of the! Catholic faith
Buy a.WantAd-h-Jt. Pays.Bjg
7- " r?i.I 11 I -
I Jr ""11 I' V " " "' III .ciyr
Bojid Broker Beverly Binks '(T&Slfe-
gives a friendly
"Sure, ni gtveyou a tip", says beam
ing Beverly. Beat it to a good store
and buy Castle had fa man wan
style, a Castle hat is the best invest
ii v.ttk itt, van . iiiaivv. .;;
Fivi tt Ttn DtlUrs v
Atk-Ttut bUlir ;
Quality Declared to Excel
That Raised in Middle -:
; Western States
"The pelts of foxes raised in the
Salem district are better and have
a finer grade of fur than those in
Minnesota and the middle western
states,' according to E. E. Amsden,
manager of the Salem Silver Fox
company. :.
Mr. Amsden has the proof for
the above statement at the com
pany's farm two miles' west of
Salem on the Salem-Dallas road.
He has five pups which are now
five and one half months old and
all have exceptionally fine pelts,
Mr. Amsden has bad considerable
experience with foxes. At' Twin
Falls, Idaho, he assisted J. Fred
Stratton In 1 starting a fox farm
and acted in the capacity of sales
man for some time. He was affili
ated with the Mt. State Fox farm
of Eugene for three years and
through his experiences he has
gained a thorough knowledge of
the fox business.
When asked the question, "Do
you think that the country is be
ing 'overstocked with foxes?" Mr.
Amsden said: rtio, there is great
demand for breeding purposes.
Europe is developing the fox In
dustry and I believe that it will
take 20 years before the demand
for breeding purposes will de
crease materially." .
1 The Salem Silver Fox company
is operating on a plan known as
pooling agreement plan. Any
who desire may buy foxes and
have them kept at the farm. The
puppies from all of the stock on
the farm are divided pro rata. In
other words, each person having
stock on the farm will get an
equal increase from their invest
ment." Twenty-four foxes ' are now at
the farm, and there is room for
many more. Among the stock are
foxes from the famous Rickmore
strain from Judge J. Ford Strat
ton's Michigan farm. Visitors are
Associated with Mr. Amsden in
the Salem Silver Fox farm is Mr.
J. H. Holt, teller at the Ladd &
l ush bank.
(Continued- from pge 1.)
trial will be occupied in taking thj
Jurors over the ground the three
convicts traversed in making thei
.escape froa: the state prison on
;At??ru8t 12,. leaving one of their
.band, Oregon Jones, dead, arter
killing two prison guards and se
riously wounding a third. Murray
is being tried- specifically for the
death of John Sweeney.- The other
guard killed was J. M. Holman,
aad Lute Savage is still in the ljoe-
pilal as a result of being chot by
Jie fleeing convicts, -4
The state is asking the death
penalty for Muiray. vThe defense
has so far gave no intimation of
its nroceedure in the case. Offi
cials declare the trial will last the
entire week, some believing that
it will not be terminated before
the middle of next week. At its
conclusion. James Willos and Ells
worth Ke Hey will be placed on
trial for the murder of Milton Hol
' The courtroom was filled with
spectators, with many others un
able to get in. Sheriff Oscar Bow
er will permit none to enter unless
seats aire . vacant,. No one will be
allowed to stand inside. The two
front rows are held in "reserve for
jurors and witnesses. , ' . .
When court . wag . adjourned at
noon, Murray's mother stepped up
to her son- and kissed him. Prison
officials in charge of the defend
ant were obviously moved.' Mur
ray reddened and hung his head as
he was hustled through the door
and placed in a car and brought
out to the prison for lunch. He
is being kept at the penitentiary
during the trial. In the court room
he is not manacled but armed
guards are liberally sprinkled
about the room. On the trips to
and from the prison, he is hand
cuffed to a gu!ard.jj jiEyery means
known is takeiTto prevent a pos
sible break fo freedom.
Mrs. Sweeney, widowed by the
fatal break, Occupied; an incon
spicuous place in the court room-.
Oregon Said Capitalizing on
Its Investment in .Paved ;
Highway Sly stem
, - J.; B. Yeon, who constructed the
Columbia . River highway, was a
guest of the Salem Chamber of
Commerce at theirv luncheon Mon
day. He accompanied Julius Meier
on his trip trov Portland. Called
upon to address a few remarks to
the meeting, Mr. yeon declared
that Oregon citizens should be
proud of their roads, j
."The roads are maintained in
such " linfe condition," Mr. Yeon
stated, "that it is a pleasure to
drive upon them. He declared it
to be his belief that the state of
Oregon is capitalizing its invest-
ment by adding to theood roada
program. j j
"The main tfunk highway
through Oregon is jthe "show win-f
dow for Oregon," asserted, . Mrj
Yeon. He said tlsat Oregon is
seen by tourists miostly from the
highway, and therefore, it is a
good thing to maintain the roads
diligently. j !
Speaking of the Columbia River
highway, Mr. 'Yeon! said he realiz
ed when It was built that a mere
45 miles of scenic) beauty would
not be sufficient to lure tourists,
but now, with 120. miles of t' ;
best roads, and with roads that
lead from Oregon? ct5r through
to Canada in! one jdirection. and
through to .Mexico , in another di
rection, the L6uri8fs have a real
enticement in comiiig (o the state
of Oregon. . ;j ,
MOSCOW.-i A group of Moscow
actors, including H- Stanislavaky,
W. Danchenko, "Wl Kachalov and
others belonging jfo the, Moscow
Art theatre have formed a special
laages : aed CircMat or
. Just what thg
i J J llji
finest that
Equipped with high closets -Enameled Backs
Triplex and Duplex Grates
duarantetd Fire Back. . Suitable for economical use of either coal
or wood. Coal guarantee for: 5 years," wood for 15 years. Oven
doers have non-breakable spring.:;Sliding draft damper. Perfect .
faking. Large variety of styles and sizes. Semi-Porcelain and
aH Porcelain finishes in gray and blue. j . '
Delivered to you for
only. . .
I Balance Easy Monthly pr Weekly
VThe finest quality Davenport at a price you can afford. Built of
the very best of materials by skilled workmen
sold in Salem only by Giese-Powers .
j "
No Interest
building society for the erection in
Moscow of a. special home for
actors and painters. Besides liv
ing quartern the new house will
contain a theatre and a roof-garden
Local authorities have prom
ised to assist them, in their -venture.
.. ' " :'
r Bits Tor Breakfast
It was a good meeting :
The one of the Salem Chamber
of Commerce yesterday. .
!" V -y-'
! It was the kind of a meeting
that will bring the metropolis to.
cooperate with Salem. There
should be more of this kind of
cooperation throughout all of
i .. , . - v .,; r.
-"Scutching begins today at the
state flax plant at the penitenti
ary. It will go on till it is too dry
to scutch, .next spring, or intit all
the retted, flax is scutched. It is
planned to put in a humidifier in
the scutching plant, in order to
allow scutching during1 the dry
season. Perhaps this will be done
in time for the work next summer.
;vv V
The retting capacity of the state
flax plant is to be increased. mater
ially. The present concrete ret
n .
J im r-' B tt mm, tr.,.
The Testimony of Others
JN my new book which may be
had FREE upon request, on
PILES and other Rectal and Colon dis
orders, I have reproduced nearly 100
letters from among those received from
my thousands of patients. These tell you
frankly of their years of suffering of then
trying home remedies and even opera
tions, and, finally, of their complete cure
bymyNON-SURGICALmethod. These
are from men and women ol
every station, many of whom you
may know. You will leant by
reading tills Book why I can give
cure yourPile or return your fee.
I TIF AM M n ln-
W.. Ill I II I v., I
Dr nn Buiiaitq 808-812 ihfr rkiildma
cwowri cot'OT Mouse go'T. fp;orTW ti Nlo
vets' ma yss
ridgeEeaclhi j .
name implies. Built of superior Cast Iron-t the
X - 1 1 1 A " 1 1 X ' i X 1 t " a" f
can be obtained Quality always
with' Ndchman
furniture - Company
ting tanks are to be duplicated
doubled in capacity. With' the
wooden tanks, constructed this
year,;which worked i very well,
this, it is thought, will give ' ail
the capacity that can be handled
all that there will be room to
dry. i -
""-V:!i--f'-;::.'V: mm:.: l-:-;'J .-
One of the biggest needs in the
flax industry is an artificial dryer.
Experiments have been carried on
for thousands of years, and ho
substitute for : the - sunlight, for
making the best spinning - fiber,
has yet; been found. This ' is not
saying it may not be found any
day, however. The inventive gen-
Iius of the present day is doing the
impossible right along. .. '
s -v "w - ; - ;
Annual prune Slogan number of
The Statesman Thursday. If you
have anything for the good. of the
industry, please wfjyte it out, or
tell the Slogan editor, today or
tomorrow, v This " is important.
Salem must remain the scenter ot .
the. prune industry of Oregon.
r Not any kind
h . ' '. . . :
: '- or
They're All Heat
no Ashes
Telephone 1855
the best
spring units