The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Police Are Asked to Arrest
John W.Smith, 53, for "
Murder of 'Editor.
Man With Three Fingers Missing
on-Right Hand Is Said to
J Have Killed Dovery
in Robbery
kELSO, Wash., Oct. 5 (By
The Associated Press) Wohn W.
Smith, age 53, a cook; with three
lingers missing from his right
hand, was named as the 8layer, or
V no of the 'Slayers of Thomas
. Dovery. Kelso editor, who was
Biot down June 19. last, in a war
rant issued late today charging
him'' with first degree murder.
Sm ith has not been ' seen since
June 20 when he abandoned a
rented car In Portland. The war
rant for Smith's arrest was sworn
out by R. O. Sbarpe, special pros
ecutor from the office of Attorney
General John Dunbar.
W. L. Thompson, ex-convict Is
, held in the county jail in connec
tion with the murder.' No
,V charge has yet been placed against
' him. Luke S. May, special inves
tigator who had charge of the
search declared that still a third
; man was being sought in connec
tion with the crime, but refused to
name him- May declared the mo
tive for the crime was robbery and
that the political 7- quarrels l which
were attempted to be injected In
to the mystery had no part in It.
Smith was In Kelso at the time
of the killing, however, according
to May attempting to promote a
prize light. An article opposing
the proposed fight was printed in
Dovery's paper, but despite' this.
t May insists robbery .was the mo
. tlve. - 4
When the slain editor was found
on the street his pockets had been
; rifled and the money was lying on
; the sidewalk beside the dead body,
j.', - Ii?ouiaformatiotthas yeten
filed against any person for the
V trlme, but the warrant has been
- Issued for Smith. He is described
as being five feet seven and three
quarters inches tail, weighing 171
; pounds, gray haired, with light
brown eyed and a medium com
plexion. All authorities have been
asked to look for him.
. Smith is supposed to hare serv-V--d
time in Balk Lake City, and in
the New York state penitentiary.
SEATTLE, Oct. 5 tDy The
Associated i Press Mrs. M; E.
Taylor, wife of a Seattle fireman
reported to the police that two
women and a man broke Into her
home this morning while she was
alone and sleeping, bound and
gagged her and branded the letter
T on her left arm! with a chemi
cal. . -. -
When Taylor; who was working
a night shift returned home, he
Xound a note on jthe front door
formed out of words cut from a
newspaper, Teadini:
"T stands for thief. Tour wife
stole you. I've made up my mind
to punish. I will.?
When he entered he found his
wife bound and gagged on the
bed. V - '
;v Abont 8:30 last night Lester
Rame reported to the local police
station that a motometer had been
stolen from his Star car at Liberty
and Chemeketa. About half au
hour ' later, Officer Warren Ed
wards arrested . Ljie Shephard of
the Capital hotel and Frank Gould
of 494 South Seventeenth on
rharee of the theft of a moto-
meter. The motometer reported
stolen and the one found are al
leged to be the same. ,
WALLACE, Idaho, Oct. 5. By
" V AfcniatAt Presa.. Earnest Aeii-
f . - ... ... .
Jf lo, also Known as joe Aeiuo n
iUlAVi Valla, wuu is wciuj uciu m
Eugone, Or., for anthoritios here
is wanted, by ' Wallace f police for
the slaying of W. H. Mlsner, last
April 28,. near here. Mlsner's body
was found badly battered beside
the Wallace-Missoula road" three
miles east of Mnilan. Mlsner was
a cook at a mine here. Robbery
is believed to "have been the motive
Johnson and Meadows Expected to
! Meet in Pitchers Duel
! ; Wednesday
j PITTSBURGH. Oct. 5. (By As
sociated Press.) Back in the
baseball sun after 16 years, Pitts
burgh's f andom stirred itself today
to a feverish pitch of excitement
as the Pirates, National league
champions, prepared to meet the
invasion - of Washington in the
first world's series game Wednes
day. The threatening confidence of
this irate's den, however, reemed
to hold no terrors for Bucky Har
ris and hto band of Senators. They
arrived shortly after 6 o'clock to
night and went to their quarters
in a secluded apartment to refit in
preparation for a final tuning up
tomorrow on Forbes field, scene
of the first two conflicts of the
Harris announced Waiter John
son would pitch the opening game
and that he would have the team's
full strength' on the field at the
etart. thus belying definitely the
prospect that the Senators might
be handicapped by disabilities
which have hit Harris himself.
Roger pecklnpaugh, veteran short
stop, and Stanley Coveleskie, right
handed pitching veteran who is
counted upon to share the twirl
ing burden with Johnson.
Coveleskie will take the mound
for the second game, Harris Inti
mated, i
While Harris and his men are
confident they! will successfully de
fend their championship crown,
the 2 S year old pilot of the Sen
ators does not underestimate his
rivals. " ! - " ' .
Harris surprised listeners with
the assertion that he banks upon
Dutch Reuther, seasoned south-
paw, to snare; tne.mouna Duraen
with Johnson and Coveleskie in
pite of the general belief that the
Pirates are "sure death" against
portsiders. i
The arrival : of the Senators and
disclosure of their opening plans
of battle followed a brisk workout
for- the Pirates, who in new uni
forms went' through st sparkling
drill under the watchful eye of
Manager Bill 'McKechnie; MeKech-
nie, keen and nervous as he plans
for the fulfillment of ht3 greatest
ambition,- was not as - Outsnoken
as Harris although he indicated
that Dee Meadows, 31 year old be
spectacled righthander, .will ; twirl
the opening game. I
"Meadows Is my logical choice,;
McKechnie admitted. "He is in
good condition and the most ex
perienced of !my best bets, j But
the weather conditions Wednes
day will have something to do with
my final choice."
The Pirate; manager intimated
that Meadows will draw the as
signment if the prediction of clear
and warm weather is fulfilled. If
it is overcast!, however, Vic Aid-
ridge another seasoned right band
er obtained from the Chicago Cubs
this year, may be the opening
selection. - !
McKechnie ; settled definitely.
however, the. only other' mooted
o.icetion about his lineup by as
sarting Eddie Moore would be at
second base and George Grantham
at first, in preference to Stuffy
Mclnnis, veteran who is entering
his sixth series.
LONGVIEW. Wash., Oct. 5.
(By Associated Press.) A. H
Gordon, ex-superintendent of the
Kefiso water system, was sentenced
to serve 2 to 15 years In the pen
itentiary ' following his conviction
of embezzlement of city water
funds. A motion ' for a new trial
and judgment was overruled by
Superior Judge Home Kir bys. Gor
don's attorneys announced inten
tion to appeal.
The cast attracted considerable
attention following the Interven
tion of A. Ruric Todd. ex-Kel30
mayor, who interested himself in
Gordon's defense. 1
SPOKANE. Nov. .' 5 Jamea
Cerenzia. 20,! who drove the auto
mobile which bandits used when
they robbed : the : Medical Lake
bank' lii December, 1923; pleaded
rniitv todav to isrand larceny in
connecUon with, the robbery ai
was sentenced to serve from 2 to
15 years in the, reformatory.
SPOKANE, Oct. 5. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Red Cross offi
cial fnr northern-Idaho and east
ern Washington opened a tw6-day
regional conference hsre this - aft
ernoon; 37" chapters" being-represented
Disaster-relief was. the
main topic of discussion for the
Sanction Withheld by City
Council; Mitchell Damage
Claim Not Allowed
Too Many Noises in Vicinity of
Marion Is Contention j Rou
tine Matters Occupy
Much Time
The outetanding issues to con
front the city council in their reg-
lar meeting last night were the
Allan J. Mitchell claim for $564.90
amages against the city alleged to
have resulted - when a table, ; said
to be defective, caused the upset-1
ting of coffee on him, resulting i
in burns, and the, re-routing of the
street bwases of the Salem Btreet
railway from Seventeenth to
Eighteenth street.
The Mitcneil claim, upon the
recommendation of the park com
mittee, waa refused, upon ground
that the table in question waa In
as good condition as might be ex
pected in a park of the auto camp
sort. I It was held that if the table
had been allowed to remain on the
level, there would have been no
The council moved to sustain
the remonstrance against chang
ing the. routing of the street busses
to Eighteenth street In place of
the present route on Seventeenth.
It was held that sufficient cause
was- not shown, why the routing
hould be cnangea. Tne issue was
at one time considered a lively one
but jat--the last meeting of the
council, when it was expected that
there would be fireworks on both
sides, little was said one way or
.another. At the meeting last
night there were no further re
marks made on the question, and
the j remonstrance went through
without discussion.
Mrs. James Linn, whose hus
band is manager of 4 the Marion
hotel, was allowed the privilege of
the r f loor ,fi.nd , remonslraleu
against what she termed the un
necessary noises in the neighbor
hood of the hotel. She claimed
that repair shops" in the district
operate until early in the morn
ing, and that the use of obsene
anguage in the alleys is audible
in the hotel at times. She also
voiced objection to the use of a
calliope to advertise a local dance
halL.Her remonstrance was refer
red to the committee on public
health and police.
tJpon Alderman - Johnson's in-
sistance that the basement of the
city hall where the city sleepers
are cared for, be heated in some
way during the winter, the matter
of heating the place was referred
to the Committee on public build
Ings. Mr. Steinbock, local junk
dealer, offered to donate as many
ticke as the city could use for beds
(Continued on paya 2)
, f . .I ...., .I -"
A CARPET SKlftoD mL? vLj CS-4I
i '.' u,,..,...,.. - - , x
Total of 830 Points Scored. Out of
- lossible 10O0; School
Given Diploma I
The Clarion Annual, published
by the Associated Student Body of
the Salem high school, was given
a first class rating in the fifth all
American yearbook contest and
critical service by the Central Inter-scholastic
Press! Association
according to a return of the ques
tionnaire filled out by Jonn D.
Minto, manager. : Cecil j Edwards,
present president of the student
body, was editor.! The publication
won first place in the state-wide
contest .conducted by Sigma Delta
Chi fraternity at O. A. C. A score
of 836 of a possible 1000. The
Clarion was printed by The States-;
man Publishing company. i
Salem is limed in the third di
vision in the contest and"competed
with schools haying i between 700
and 1300 students.! A: diploma,
will be issued showing the rating
given the. annuali ! j
Eighteen points are considered
in making the rating. These and
the scores made by the Clarioijl
and contents are;
Cover, 20; end sheets.
lent quality or stock; design ex li-
brls and color i scheme related;
opening pages, 35 out of possible
40, order or pages excellent but
design not unified; scenic section,
35 of possible 50, judicious selec
tion of views; classes and admin
istration, 26 of possible 30, facul
ty section commonplace, senior
section excellent;; athletic section,
25 of possible 30; comprehensive
but pictures lack; action;; organiza
tions, 24 of possible SO, poor Iden
tification; feature section, 65 of
possible 75, snap shota tell inter-
(Continual on page ?)
SEATTLE, Oct. 5. (By Asso
ciated Press.) I-Fo rced down for
the third time a ft61 way-toSt
attle from Sanj Francisco where
engine trouble prevented an at
tempted flight tjo Hawaii, the na
val seaplane PB-1 was obliged to
descend in Wfllapa Harbor this
afternoon with ja faulty gas line.
A new engine iad been installed
in Astoria, Ore.f last week.
ASTORIA. Ore., Oct. 5. The
big naval Beapjane' PB-1, which
has Teen in thk local harbor for
the past week, pending installa
tion of, a new forward engine
took to the air today and after a
successful test flight loft shortly
before noon for Seattle. Com
mander J. H. Strong, jn charge of
the plane stated that i the ship
would go to Boeing, factory in Se
attle for overhauling and repairs.
Commander Strong was' of the
opinion that the navy department
would permit the PB-1 to try a
non-stop flight to the , Hawaiian
Islands next spring.
Julius Meier, Mercantile Mgnate,
Optimistic Over. Future
. "The flax industry means more
to the state of Oregon from a
world standpoint than any other
industry," was the declaration
made by Julius L. Meier, owner of
one ? of the largest mercantile
establishments on the Pacific
coast and a director in the new
Oregon Linen mills, in an address
before the Chamber of Commerce
at their first weekly luncheon of
the present season.
Mr. Meier declared that the
$600,000 represented In the new
mill is "only a marker in the mil
lions of dollars in flax to come."
Indeed, he predicted that "we will
live to see millions in flax." -
There is an opportunity for an
increased payroll in Oregon
through the industry, in the opin
ion of Mr. Meier, . and also an ex
cellent chance to distribute an
Oregon product throughout the
According to a linen expert
from Belfast with whom he was
fpoaking, Mr. Meier said the Wil
lamette valley is on "the right
track'.' in manufacturing lower
ends such as towels and such
poods of a coarser quality.
Mr. Meier assured the Chamber
that Portland would back up the
mill by contributing her quota to
ward the financing of it. He said
he would work personally to per
suade residents of Portland to
contribute their quota, and he
asked the merchants of Salem to
lend their "moral support" to ob
taining the financial support of
Portland. He suggested that mer
chants, when ordering goods,
write Inviting those with whom
they do business to subscribe to
th,P mill.
The flax exhibit at the: fair,
through permission granted by the
ttate fair board with the sanction
cf Governor Pierce,' will be taken
to Portland, where Mr. Meier will
display it in one of his large
Show windows. Mr. ( Meier -declared
that he would do all he
could in furthering the causeof
the mill, and will help the public
ity of the industry by contributing
one of his windows for the pur
pose and by obtaining notice in
'.he Portland papers.
Governor Pierce who was also
at the luncheon, told the Chamber
that 400 tons of flax are . now
ready for scutching, and the work
vlll be started today at the Miles
linen mill. The governor de
clared this to be "the opening of
a tremendous Industry in Oregon"
even asserting that he believes
the flax industry is the biggest In
dustry that has ever been started
in this state. He declared that he
believed that plenty pf flax could
be supplied to-run the new milk
But he also advised that the farm
ers grow the flax in small fields,
as the industry is a special one,
and the farmers must be taught
the business completely.
Great Northern and North
ern Pacific Also Demand
Right to Build
Line Between; Bend and Klamath
Falls, 258 Miles Long Would
Enter Heart of Pine
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 5. (By
Asociated Press.) Two large
northern railway systems the
Northern; Pacific and Great North
ern demanded the right to build
258 miles south from Bend to
Klamath Falls here today in an
extended ; hearing ordered by' the
Interstate commerce commission,
presided over by Charles Mahaffie,
director of the commission's bur
eau of finance.
; The proposed line would link
Oregon's two ,great producing pine
lumber centers, add enormously
to the state's output of lumber
products and help along the per
iod of the state's, greatest devel
opment now at hand, it was de
clared by railroad officials high
in the American transportation
- When director Mahaffie called
the battling railroaders to order,
it was agreed to proceed directly
with the Oregon trunks application
to build i south since that line is
the proponent of a rail invasion
that is being; vigorously opposed
by the Southern Pacific company.
The Oregon trunk will call forty
witnesses. Pour were heard to
day and a fifth gave direct testi
mony and will be cross examined
tomorrow, r
Ralph Budd, president of the
Great Northern, pictured the Ore
gon trunk as a railroad lialf com
pleted that never would have been
built to Bend as an ultimate ter
minus. A relatively small invest
ment In ( further building is waa
eaid Jwonld dd ; greatly-to ' earn
ings, and this without injury to
any other carrier because the new
line would brjng the traffic with
it. , ! . - i -
President Budd and other wit
nesses said the Shevlin-Hixon and
petedly ksked the Northern lines
to locat their line to Klamath
Falls, sol big sawmills to be built
could be placed. v
Traffic experts said these two
industries alone would add enor
mously to the cut of Oreson pine.
They wold, not biuld mills, it was
said, unless .more than existing
line of railroad would serve them.
Comori uro o fthe Eugene-
Klamath! Falls line of the South
ern Pacific it was said, had been
refused the Northern lines from
Paulina i south, although over
tures had been made with that
object, in view.. Balked of the
original plan, the Oregon trunk
backers then went ahead with new
surveys that would, when followed
by a railroad line, open wp ner
haps forty billiqn- f eet of timber,
it was testified.
Walter K. Nolan of San Fran
cisco, was arrested last nignt ny
Traffic Officer Edwards on a
charge of driving a car while un
der the !" influence o intoxicating
liquor, and or the transportation
and possession of liquor, after he.
had driven his car at full speed
along High street, only stopping
when his car, a Buick sedan.
completely overturned in the
creek at : the end of North High.
Although tthe car was badly
smashed, fenders bToken wheels
caved inl and glass shattered, Mr.
Nolan escaped without a scratch,
according , to Officer- Edwards.
Nolan was taken to the city.bas
tile to be kept for the night, and
according to - Officer Edwards,
waa still in a state of deep drunk
enness : when he ' waa put In i the
Jail.' -s J '
A bottle of liquor labeled Bour
bon, and marked" to he 14 yearB
oldj was -found in 'hot possession,
and on the baek was pasted; the
prescription blank of a San Fran
Advices received here today from
Prince Rupert stated that a crew
of three of the fishing vessel TU
Iy S, had been! rescued after the
trio had aurvlvedjon berries an
Hippo island, off the northern
roast of British Columbia 10
days. The men rowed to the isl
and in a small boat when their
ship was "desttoyed "by "an expl'o-
Executive Shakes' Head When
Asked to Make Speech; Bou
' ' . i qet Is Given
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 5. (By Associ
ated Press. ) President Coolidge
enjoyed a day of rest today, trav
eling through the central west en
route to Omaha, where tomorrow
he wil laddress the American Le
gion convention.' r,
During most of the ride
through Southern Ohio, Indiana
and. Illinois, he read, goIng to the
observation platform with MrsV
Coolidge to greet crowds which
appeared at the few stops made
by. the train.
To the many requests- for
speeches the executive shook' his
head and smiled his greeting.
This program was broken at
Flora, III., where he thanked the
citizens in a few wtords for a bou
quet presented to ' himself and
Mrs. Coolidge In remembrance of
their twentieth wedding anniver
sary which they celebrated yes
terday. "We are exceedingly
grateful fo ryour remembrance,"
he said to Mrs. K. S. Pritchard,
who presented the bouquet. "It
will cheer us on our journeyand
its memory will go with us in
years to come." .
The train reached St. Louis
about dusk and tonight was head
ed northwest through Missouri to
ward Omaha, which will be
reached early In ! the morning.
Special arrangements were made
for the showing of moving pic
tures tonight in the dining car for
the presidential party.
Both the president and Mrs.
Coolidge enjoyed their visits with
me crowds at the stations. At
North Ternon, Ind.; Mrs. Coolidge
roticed the large number of chil
dren present and asked one of the
toys if school was out.
"Yes,' the youth replied, "we
are let out to see the president."
guess you wisned he . came
through every day?" Mrs. Cool
idge asked." ' :
"Yon bet, came the chorus
from the crowd of children, i
y Ideal weather , condIUon 1 pre
vailed for the trip and the execu
tive took full " advantage of the
opportunity to rest in preparation
for a busy schedule outlined for
him in Omaha tomorrow.
On arrival after breakfast, he
will go to the home of Waltei
Head and then to the convention
where he will ! speak at 10:30
o'clock. He will be a guest of the
Omaha club at lunch, and in the
afternoon will review the legion
r.rrade, going to the train for dfi
ner. An early departure will be
r-ade and Mr. Coolidge plans to
be at his desk jagain Thursday
rooming: ' '"'
The - army blimp TC-7 from
Scott field. 111., ''picked the train
up" going through Illinois and
escorted it to St. Loais. .
The train remained in the yards
here about an hour while a new
diner and engine were put on for
the' haul over the Wabash rail-
Toad. Only a few newspapermen,
railroad officials, policemen and
r-.arines were allowed to approach
the train. "
President Coolidge appeared on
the. observation platform " and
posed for photographs with his
aides. .
Later Mrs. Coolidge also ap
peared and was photographed w ith
her husband.
As a result of changes at the
annual' Oregon conference of the
Methodist church at Eugene, Rev.
H. F. Pemberton, pastor of the
Leslie Methodist church here for
the past four years will ' have
charge of the pastorate at Ash
land. Rev. J. W. Deyo, of Med
ford, will fill. the vacancy created
by v Rev. Pemberton's transfer.
F. M. Jasper, formerly of Salem,
was appointed pastor of the Wood
stock church in Portland.
The following former students
of Kimball school of theology, lo
cated at Salem, were ordained
ministers: Rev. Leslie B. Bailey,
Rev. Edward. W. Withnell and
Rev. J. S- Moore. Former students
here who , were ordained elders
were:.- Rev. Ira F. Rankin Rev
Erwln G. Rankin, Rev. M. G.
Tennyson and Rev. D, C. Poindex
Coast guard patrol boat CG-1 01
which had been reported slaking
was picked up by -the CQ-16S late
tonight "and is- steaming toward
Atlantic City under her swn
power. The CG-101,. sprung a
leak about 37 miles ea3t by,Tonth
of Absecon. ; The radio operator
fearing that it waa sinking, Inad
vertently gave the wrong position
In the SOS call.
Complete Jury in Murray
I rial txpected to te
Selected, by Night
Parents Sit in Court Room) Wid
ow of Jtfan Whose Life Ho Is
Said to Have Taken Is ,
Spectator .
The trnvl that will determine
Tom Murray's fate 'opened in the
circuit court rooms here yesterday
before Circuit Judge Percy R.' Kel
ly. When court ' adjourned at
2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, 10
prospective' jurors were seated in
the jury. box. Of this number five
were - women and five were men.
It Is expected that a complete jury
vttll be selected late this afternoon,.
although the defense has left 11
reemptory challenges and the
state six..
The trial opened at 10 o'clock ;
Monday morning. Murray, dressy
ed in civilian clothes for the first
time since his return to the prison
on August 22, arrived at 9: 30,. ac
companied by s Deputy Warden
Lillie and a prison guard. He waa -seated
next to his attorney and at
the end of the table, direotly under
the judge's dias. He did not ap
pear nervous but sat looking stol
idly ahead of him. Once or twice
a faint flicker of a smile passed
ovct hie face. His mother and
father occupied seats near the rail
ing during the afternoon session.
Mrs. Murray broke down and cried
several times during the question
ing of jurors. Her son glanced ia
her direction only a few times
quickly turning his head. Murray
appeared unmoved by the 'court
During me morning session i &
tentative jurors were selected." The
list included: Mrs. Pearl Allen;
Silvertoh; Mrs. Emma B. Condit,
Anmsville; Theodore Mlnden, East
Stayton; Mrs. Nellie C. Baldwin
Salem; A7N. Moores, Salem; Hom
er P.' Cleveland, Liberty; Mrs. Em
ily C. Rowe. SHverton; Charles L-:
Parmettex, Salem; L. A. Byrd, Sa
lem; Dan J. Fry. Jr., Salem; Arch
ie Jerman, Salem," and L. P. Jud-
Mr. Fry was excused from eerr
ing, and Parmetter waa barred' on
statutory grounds. In that he had
served on a Jury In a criminal easo
during the last term of court, in
June This left only 10 .1 in. the
box. Mrs. Louise M. Hagen and .
Sirs. Rajuhael Reeder, both of
Salem, were next drawn, and both
passed tentatively.; Following the
drawing, the defense exercised the4
first of its 12 preemptory; chal
lenges when it excused A. -N.
Moores, on the grounds that ho
had already formulated an opinion
of the outcome of the trial. Mrs.'
Rowe was next excused by a stipu
lation of attorneys when she slat- .
ed that being a Seventh Day Ad-
ventist, ehe could not serve on Sat-,:
nr day. - This; again, left only 10
prospective jurors In the box, and
at this place court adjourned until
9 o'clock this morning. 'V
In a criminal case, the defense .
may exercise 12 preemptory. chal
lenges, and the state; six. The
defense has 11 left, while District
Attorney Carson has not used this
means of excusing jurors.
If the case progresses as it did
yeeterday court officials believe
the. panel will be completed by
late this evening. It is believed
that the first ; day of the actual
, (Ca tinned oa par 4)
SPOKANE, Oct. 5- By The
Associated Pess) Charles E.
Moore; 35, and James Wilson, 67,
were sentenced to serve 18 months
to IS years in the state peniten
tiary after entering a plea of guil
ty to a charge of grand larceny In
superior court here this atlernoon. -
The palr w'ere charged wlth swiud- -
llng Charles Horst; Odessa ranch
er of $2,505 in a race track bunco
game during the . Spokane ' inter
state lair here lasmontlu ,
.V. " . ' ..,
J ENGENE, Ore, OcL ",5- V '
Wing. 85, janitor of the sVncol at
Santa Clara, four ralios north of
Eugene, was killed there lo-.lay
when struck by an automobile on
the Pacific hishway.-The- aut'r,'
blle. driven by E. L. Comsf'ck. or '
Monmouth, Ore., was passinj; an
other. car nod Mr. Wins cvidenJiy
did nit see--it, according . to wit
nesses. The district attorney and
Coroner" said -the driver was not
to blame.
fQT the elaying.