SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1025 Classified Section aleni's Place - THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Great MarKet . 4 V .4 :. 1 ! ar. 'v. M f.' i 1 i 1 H r NkBcsxxEss oppoRTtrxmEa at FOB flALt . , Om of the. loading iwUiruU, good - location and doing good bosiaaaa. "W. H GEABEMHiiRST CO., Realtor -V . 2 State Street The Best Investment : rln Salem V Cwmt tnUuM block. 203 fact an ProM street end 105 en Cueoisketa tract, present reals! valus, $2oO par bmbUl. BdeoMUr, Sal Slate fit. , , 6la22tf FOB SALE . Grocery store with stock, fixtures JiT.04 Dollverjr. rot location. Price $3150. W. II. 0RABKKII0R8T A CO, Realtors 272 State Street - ............ ..., ... i o4 'BUSINESS PROPERTY ? --.- Two story brick building, located on corner and poying good income. Toil property is a oacolWat investment and priced right. - W. H. GBABENHORST CO, Realtors 275 State Street 61-04 REAL ESTATB 83 Own Your Home CHERRY ORCHARD FOB SALE. TEL. - 83-o7 $ AIKafOUNT HILL BAROAIN riVK roan modern Um with ut tn.itn basemani, (arasce. fireplace, garage, $aed atreet. Price lor quick aala 4500; Sea for barrainx. W. H. ORABENHORST CO 2T5 State 8L 6307 DDI7P OP PARRISH GROVE AD- diUoa. Eapeeially deaigned lor ana located on the one ahow lot of tta tract, looklnf diraetly down Shade : street to CapttoL Real Spaaiah itueco ; atrietly modern : rarare attached. Full baaomeBt. aara x oorm. itrepiaee, fnrasce unit rootm, aininr room, aitcben, nMlh harfl vaas toilet lavatArv rinvm ( , tfaira. Bie Sleeping room, dretainr room, pata, touet. utatory vpstaira. Coaatructioa Terr- beat in atery detail. - Price $5500: 92500 down. See plana . aaa apecincatioD at my oitice. t ARI3H SO ACRES IN FA3I0C8 UflUlCll Lake Labian bottom aad 1 aero higher gronnd. well auited for hems bnildings; tk acre e rearm of . Loka Labtah land good adjoiaiag aoil aad aos a timber; new boaao nnfin iahed bst livable, also old bona. Moat . fans oat onion land in the world; aee the wonderful crop now (rowing. Thia property is offered at n very low fig ure for a ahort time. z- - HARRIS masonic Temple Phone 795, 1942 J. 6304 NEW HOME FOB SALE 5 ROOM modern homo located at 1194 H. Yinter Bt eorner Market. Price 96100. Im aaediata poaseatioa. . W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, "275 Stats at. 307 ., . ; - FOB SALE. . . Ktw S room koote on pared street, witb furnace, walks, basement: 9300 . cash. Prieo aaaOO. balance to anit. - 4 room hongalaw in Itorth Salem with garage, large lot. Price 93150. Term a. 5 room bouae with bath, eorner lot. Prieo 9160A. Dendy 5 room honao In South 8akm witb largo - bathroom,' clothes eloaeta, linen presv laundry traya. fall baaemeut. new f i mace. Price 93600; 91000 down, balance joat like rent. - See KRCBOER, Realtor, 147 N. Commercial. Phone 217 ' - . . - , . - 63O0 STTCCO nOME. IVACA5T, BRAND sew. North, with furnace and fireplace, ' Price reduced to $4500. Terms it desir ed. Ready to occupy. . , BECKE HENDRICKS lleilif Bldg, 189 N. High. 304tf WOULD CONSIDER. $1850 WITH 9350 dowa, balance like rent for a 6 room . bOuae on a patea atreet, or wiu couam , mr nHmartv in Portland. 100 are the Judge. Let us sbow you n in aj-ra farm, larre hoae and barn. 7 ... s&lafs. Will trade for A I as anartmant honao or small acreage. LIKE getting money from noma, snen ?ou can buy a o room noooern ouoga w -in s rood location an Marion street, let 50x275, extending to creek, TO own a good 100 acre farm Is to be iadepenaent. ew aouse, gooo sans, .juti anrlse. rnnninr water. 75 acres is, snltivatioa. east of Salem. Good . talue at 9125 per acre. Will consider aitt nrnnertv in trade. ; OWN a 1$ room furniahed hotel. For aale a a bargain. $3000. Or have J.ou y- something to trade! - -as onnu bssaa s nsvsd atreet. oar ing paid, for 9180OO; 9300 down. Bal ance like rent u. , HOME can be enjoyed more if you own . A d room bouae with basement. Pared .trsst frnit. 93700. Easy terms. ' t famine 63 acres north of Salem you 'can prosper. A' new. 6 room boose, - Kood barn, fine rich soil. . Price niO. nnar . Will salts in a house in Salem. SALEM to en the map for bneinete op- peirtnnitea, r . loree gTw-eiT arr . 'good Weatona. ranring from 9100 p w Phono 1354. -U-Vr '-7 .6309 ftwr4 T-om nwx HOME I Tbe" Instinct for home is as natural la humanity aa the instinct to mate, ywang eonpla beginning family life In vaeir own ," -i..a s-Msnd aa anchors rs. Cbiidren brought p it tbelr own borne bare tbe supremo sdtantage of - snsatle sentiment that ia one of the -most valuable of spiritual peeaee- WitAsnt their own bona a. there an ineaeapable aenao of -being trana iewta, of baring no firm foundalion for f e"y Ufa. , tx' . k.,e asseral new nnnralowe. rooms aad breakfast nook, wo wiU sell, last like rent, . RICH L. BE1MANN. BeaHoy 147 Kerth Commercial SV 63al3tf 937W SOUTH. BRAND NEW WITH furnace end fireplace, garage. Terms. BECKE ft HENDRICKS . - Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 304tf $55 DOWN. 95 MONTH "BUYS BEST rbea lota in Salem. No gravel and . haa- lighta, sewer, water, atreet. . near sr and schools. Price 9250 up. Ae- t!tBECKR ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bld, 189 ST. High. 6304U ' HOMtV REALTY SPECIALS ; FOB SALE 5 acres, sraal house, amall re hire, nn rrsvei rosu, dibck aou, "H of Salem, worth 12400. tawo it at "31650. A little cash and terms. Ueat buy near Salevn. s -,s i ..... well imnreved. house, . earn. pr$ wrchard and berries, black toil. . 1-3 mites of Salem, on highway. - i. .Worth $6500: take H at $4750. -Term; Going to California sCre.111 miles "from Salem. 5H . i- euitrvstion. 1 acre Ime oak rrwee, beautiful building ait. Worth $3500 : toka H at $3630. On paved nhritwaV 6$30aeNY - nJ6$ RTOO St'KTrr aSSO cash and terms. Dmrn't - HW-r - roomSM on1 gtata street. gTund; beautiful place for a aest borne, ." . v state street. Worth 92250. v-Vk. i at $2476. Sem oaab, rest liho K.,seal nero ' ground, neat Kungalow; par I150nv JtLke rwt . 5 Sndrhom. on paced itrect. Wiil meni, mmm . sAsltr. Price --r0'FiUinr atatlon, folly ecu ". "J" . . " , -iKKIf awt terms. Isat 1 fs 03 "TWENTY ACRES AND PLENTY" FREE book tell, troth about florid land; monthly payment $1 acre ; Orange Groves planted fared for 10 abate coal; 8. E. WILSON, Dept. F-452, Orlando. Fla. 3o4 BARGAINS IS HOMES t - a 3000 Good 0 room home with basement located Just north of State St. oa N. Hit.. 9300 down, balance like rent. 1'hia property ia a real bar gain at the price asked. 92000 Uuye a 4 room home with bate- meat aad furnace, located on Mc Coy St, a?ar Market. 9300 down, balance like rent. $2650 T fa room modern home except basement, located at 16 S3 South Liberty St. Look. it over. Iia a bargain. 13000 Fit room home located at 1427 N. 2"lh 8L, 300 down, balance $20 per month. 93750 Mew up to date modern 5 ' room home with basement, located just outside of the eity limLs. Term 9500 down, balance monthly. Im mediate ooaaeaaion. $5000 Modern op to -date home, located on Lincoln St. near commercial Ht. Terms. Immediate poaaeaaion. 94750 New Spanish itueco home, 5 rooma with gsrsge and extra larfa lot, located at 1265 If. Sum mer St. Easy terms. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE W. II. ORABENHORST A CO., Kealtora, 27S State St. fnone 515 63U7 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPFPFPPPP P P P P P P 2200 2200 EXCHANGES EXCHANGES GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE HKADQUAKTER8 Offices Salem aad Portland The demand for exchanges haa made neceaaary our P P P P PI P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P GREAT MARKET PLACE P P P P where tbe requirements of all P P P P can bo matched. Wa hate P P P P jnst what yon hate in mind; P P Just where yon want it: joat P P the right price. Our list of P P exebanget (the Urtr-it list- P P ing on tbe Pacific Coast) P P guarantees your complete aat- P P isf action regard lem of your P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P reqairementa. If yon would P P P P like to exehinee your pro P P P P perty TODAY, come in TO- P P TODAY. See P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P 409 U. S. Bank Bldg. P P Com' I at State. Phone 2242 P P P P p P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP FOR SALE One of our best buys it i 1 room modern -bouae oa the corner of Lincoln aad Sarins w. Has basement, furnace. wall-kept - lawn and flowers. Price $3600., 91000 cash, balance to suit. Be sure to see this before 70a . buy. KKUEO&K. KEAL.TU14 . 147 N. Commercial. Phono 217 63-S30 IX SIDE PROPERTY, DAXDY BUY, LOT 60x165, 93500. Corner lot, 7 room nonie. basement, ahede fruit trees. $3800. 1500 down, Six room bungalow, 9350 down, 935 per month. Apartment nonaea oi an macnptiona. Good farms trade for Salem property. Berries station trade for Salem pro perty. Afillinery and Ladies' Specialty Shop room houao in rood town, great buy at 93000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, REALTOR, 4W N. Cottage. 63-s29ti A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors Specialise ia Oregon farma, Salem homes and write Insurance. 147 No. Oommereial Street. Phone 67T. 63al8tf SOME COUPLE HERE'S S ROOMS and garage. Porches. Trim ana clean. South. Wo can sell for $2000 and $30O balance. JUST like rent takes. Large lot with fruit and flowers. Va cant today. BECKE ft HENDRICK8 Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304tf EXCHANGES 3 acres, well improved, close to ear- line, waat Salem residence not over $6000. , 4 acres, complete set of modern improvements including a 6 room bun galow, 1 mile out., want Salem resi dence or residences, not over $10,000. 4V acres, moder improvements, equip ned for chickens, fine view, want two four or five room new bungalow, total not over $8000. . 4 room modern new bnnralow. nook, basement. South Sa lorn, want light car for . part of first payment and easy i terms on balance, 92675. 808 acres, good improvements, 2 silos, fine dairy, want smaller ranch for eruit not over f 80C0LQFSKY 341 State 63-o3tf FOR SALE New - 4 room house, well built, breakfaat nook, built ins, cement basement, furnace, garage, cement drivewav and walks, frnit trees.' Small down payment. (Would consider light Sedan a first payment i, oaiance use rent. 1330 Madison, near North Cap itoL Phone 950R. 6307 BEST BUYS ' Tn Honses: Vacant LoU: Farms: Apart- tnent Houses; Business Chances and Trades. ' $6000 Real close in 10-room house, two lota, 100x160 ft. Suitable - foe apt. or rooming House. 12000 Nifty 5-room bungalow. 91600 House 6 rooms. Snap. -94500 Strictly modern bungalow, 6 rooms. North Camtoi bi. REAL FARM SNAP Beautiful- 50-acre farm, rich, black soil. K hunralow. barn. sik). poultry house. Located on Central Howell prairie, miles from Salem. Price $7500. lor quick deal, this is one of . the- best dairy farms in the state for tbe money. FIXE'ZO-ACKE TKAV. Near Salem eity Umita, 93200, Half acre. , garage house, 9850. -TtOTfT VACAVT LOTS On saved street. Paving paid.) 9450 'and no. fin, location. . If it'a a home ' SEE CHILDS ft BECHTEL . $40 State Street. , . B3o4tI APARTMENT HOUSES FOR 8A1.K Home aii. investment in euner oi lsrej. 860OO,TT7.OOO and 926.000 92000 to 9700O to handle. BECKE ft HENDRICKS . m Heilig Bldgy 189 N. High. 63Q4tf 1V1INUTE MOVIES Vit KKOCKCX)T no Hu FEET' 1 -J E '!, TO CUNCM TORAfCW REAL) ESTATB 83 READ THIS ONE SALEM HOME. 1 . plaatored rooma. fireplace, baaemeot, bath, cood eonditioB, tin large lota, ail la beariar fruit, ben-tea aad large grapo arbor, nira abaiad lawn. atr greea and walnut traei, poultry boaae, faraa'a, barn, betwaea Junior hio and grsmaaar achoola. few bloeka to atroet car. AU for :MOO. Eaay terma. $49 Raral ataane, W. C. Conner. 8-aVewnao Offica. owae. 316tl NEAR MrKINLEY SCHOOL On ear line. 6 room nearly modern bungalow and two lota 93500; also 4 rooms, bath and pantry, splendid lo cution, 92500; $150 down payment. ROBINSON. Oregon Bldg. 6306 I WE HAVE A GOOD BOOM HOUSE Close in with basement, faraace, fire- lace, bath and toilet below, toilet and itatory upstairs, large lot. 95250. with $300, balance $50 per month including interest. A 5 room 'house in fair con dition, 2 lota, 91500, witb 9100 cash and 920 a month at 6 per cent. We hare a 5 room bungalow and a cood tot for leaa than the cost of house. We bate Iota from $200. H. E. Brown or Jaelvla Johnson. 109 8. Commercial St. 63-06 TRADE BRtSCK OARAGE BUILDING $6000 for Salem city property. Sale, 3uu acre (arm, good buildinga, spring water, 20O acres under plow, small e chard, well fenced, 950 per acre, eaay I terms or will trade. Small house 9650, easy terms. Strictly modern new bun galow, awell location, close in $7100. Trade, 177 acre farm for Mian., Iowa or S. Dak. farm. F. L. WOOD. 341 State St. 6304tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P W ANT ACTION I P P P P P P Do you went to sell your P P property! Are you going to P P buy some other property af- P P P P P P ter you sell I If yon are P P aee us NOW. We complete P P I P PI P P both dealt in one trau$ p P I P P twn. We trade what you r r I P P have for tlAtTLl waat you want. Our eervice ia surprisingly different. 2200 tradra for you to choose from. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY , 409 V. S. Bank Bids. P P I P P I P P 1 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P I F F I P P 1 P P I Telephone 2242 F f PPPPPPPPPPPPP P P 1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PI SPECIAL. 5 room bouse, large lot, lota of fruit. Price 91800. Will lake light ear. bal ance 925 per month. 40 acres well im proved near Salem, will trade for larger farm. 0 room plaetered bouse, a snap for 91600. 4 room house close in on I pared atreet. Price 92300, will trade for 20 acres, a handsome ralne. TH0MASON. 331 SUto 8treet 63-o2 CASH TALKS HERE 6 ROOM FUR- ! nished home for $3000 cash. On ear ' line. Lots of fruit. Close to schools. North. Immediate possession. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High. 6304tf 6-ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN; GOOD buildings, fruit, fine soil, $2800, oaay terms. I 6H acres, suburban, pared road, 92650, easy terms. acres, euburbsn. close in. bn ura te w; henhouse, garage. Snap, 94000, take residence. 4 niee : suburban homes for Salem residence 'mrorjertT. 6 -room - modern bungalow, close in. sacrifice. 83SOO. easy terms. Before buying or exchanging see our list. PERRINE aV MARSTERS 212 ComT Club. Bldg. 63s23tf FOR SALE- 25 acre tract with build in rs. located near Talbot Station, . good river bottom soil. Price for quick sale $3000. Own er will take amall homo ia Salem up to 91500. W. IL ORABENHORST ft CO., Realtor . 275 State Street . 63-04 FOB RALE A hEVEN ROOM MODERN hams Excellent location. 1 Blocks from Bute honao and H block from Pacific highway. Lot 65x165. f Ad dress owner. 1051 Cheaneketa street Salom. Oregon. 63a IBM SOW, IF YOU ARE SLEEPING TWO OR three deep in the I'.ttle house, we can trade it for a big one hnd 3 lots worth $2500; or if you have exploded the "big money en the smalt farm bub ble." we have a man with 200 acres. worth 920,000, who ia willing to stsrt in on your pipe dream where you leave off: and if the State Superintendent of Banks will promise to stay in saiem KSAJU ESTATR and quit flirting with Portland 'ooOD USED PARTS FOS HALF OR show him a home for $3500 that ought to keep any man home nights; 7 room bouae, modern, large lot and double a-arar. caved street, price $5000. easy terms; SO well improved areea to trsde for smaller tract or town house; 12 well improved , acres to trade ' for larger , farm; 65 Improved acres worth 940OO - to trade for Salem home; a splendid 5- room bungalow, modern and nice m- cation, worth $5500. to traae tor 87S0O home. MeC.nIIRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 6304t REALi ESTATE TRADES 65 FOR EXCHANGE 7 ROOM MODERN home In Salem to exchange for home in Monmouth. Price $5250. lot 65x162 k. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. 6507 REAL ESTATE Farm. 07 FOR SALE FORD COUPE. CHEAP FOR rash. Call Sunday morning at bow S. 13th St. 7904 61-ACRE DAIRY OR GENERAL PUR- pose farm in Turner-Aomsrille Dis trict. Ample buildings. 2 ailea, paid water right; oa part, right fiber flax District. Only $7,000.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, loana, and Insurance. 147 No. Commercial St. i Sslera. Oregon. C7s26tf 5 ACRES NEAR PACIFIC HIGHWAY; 1 acrea young prunes : all nnder culti vation; an unusually good by at 91500 and will exchange on city property. 176 ACRE FARM. ABOUT 150 UNDER cultivation, 40 river bottom soil, paved road, good dairy or flax farm. 9150 an acre. Owner will take good apart ment bouae 'or home in Salem or Port land. WINNIE PETTYJOHN.. Realtor ,' ' - 216 Oregon Bldg. : 6704tf I BEN'S 5ROSGf i?r C,MD ' IXRAlt ESTATE SulmrLam CO SACRIFICE SALE Mi Five acxea all plow land with rood five room modern hana-a low. located one mile oast of i Fairrrounda. : Price (or quick aala 20U(J caab, Why wait and bo to lata. M. H. GttAhtNHORST A CO., Kealtora S75 Stat Street i -f N1P-$2000 CASli BUYS A 5 ACSF. tract with fite won bungalow near the fair ground. iTaia property i of fcred at a real aaertiice. W. H. GKABF.NHORBT CO. 275 State St. : 6&OT NOTICE THIS Tea acres of excellent fruit and berries, land all in cultivation for 91250. and terms of 910 dowa and $10 per month, interest e per cent, W. H. ORABENHORST At CO.; Realtara 275 Stats Street ! ; ' 69-Q4 AUTOMOlilLEh WANTED 77 Eiker Auto Co. Wo pay caab for Fords. 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR BALK 19 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX Wa hate a variety oi RELIABLE t-SEl CARS; it will psy you so look oter oar stock. FRXD M. POWELL. MOTOR CARS 850 N. High PACKARD HUDSON F.S8EX 7al7tf CERTIFIED CAR BARGAINS Essex Coach, tea months old, lota of trae . $735 Dodge Special Roadster, one year old. lota I eitraa .. ..- 5 Studebaker Big 8ix, Sport Model, two years old . $8o5 1924 Ford Touring, new cords, will pot new paint job on car or bell for less without paint . 320 1924 Ford. 4-door sedan 400 124 Star sport touring 0585 1923 Overland 91 tour in 0370 1922 Overland 4 touring $270 1921 Overland touring ...?1Y0 $125 1920 Ford roadster CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR1 CAR MARKET 255 N. Church 8t.- -Phone 885 7r-s29tf Tp) ,y THE MXRKET F0R A 000D used car, you can't afford to not look these oter. As taey are an extra gooa buys : 1924 Olds, Sport Touring ....$600.00 1924 Bur Coupe ..$375.00 1924 Chevrolet Coupe $500.00 1924 Gardner Brougham 985U.00 1924 Overland Blue Bird -..9575.00 1922 Maxwell Touring 9400.00 Earl Snort Tourinr $500.00 New Easex Coach with Disc Wheels and other extras at ia good discount. If in the market for Essex look this up. 1924 Overland Sedan very fine condi tion, lots of extras, $550.00. "Terms Cash or Trade" F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 9nS K Commercial St. Phone 1260 I 79s26tf 1020 FORD SEDAN WILL, TRADE for good Ford touring. See Walker, 217 State Street, i 79 04 Two non-starter touring Fords with lieenae. $45 snd $55. Too much serv ice in these care to wreck. Both in good running condition. EIKER AUTO CO. Phone 121 79j31tf Guaranteed Used Fords 1924 Ccupe .9310 ..8285 .9425 1924 Boadster ...j 1924 Model Coupe . Terms to auit purchaser. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Authorised Ford Dealer 195. two No. wen. , 79al8tf EIKER' S USED CARS 1924 Touring -.1 1924 Conns i .. .9345 .$435 Our usual guarantee hwnind all Ford Sedan $250 EIKER AUTO CO. Lihertv Street at Ferra. Phone 121. I 79jl8tf leas. Why pay morel Money hack guarantee. Be heeler Ante Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 810. Night phone 303. 1085 K. Commercial St. "Built to save t. . 7P-11BW quality used cars AT BARGAIN PRICES DURINO FAIR WKKK 1923 Chevrolet touring, in ex cellent condition 9330 1922 Maxwell souring, in fine mechenicsl ! condition ....9425 1921 Nash touring . $500 1924 Ford coups $500 1922 Ford coupe $275 1922 Moon touring .... $700 1921 Franklin, newly painted and overhauled, in fine con dition , 8700 . Dodre tourinr . $150 79s23tf GREAT BAROAIN IN U. 8. TIRES MAC DONAIJ) AUTO CO. Corner Cottage and Ferry. Marmon, Locomobile. Chandler and Cleteland dealer J901tf ( AH rlghtj protected by The Qe HaOi AOmam MlKB. A RK3HT Sand Ivj- EIGHT--NINE AM CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business A31BTJLAKGB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 6o9 I sso aas-K. uay or night sorties. f!4tf I AUCTIOKXZRS P. N. WOODBT Expert Livestock, fnrnitaro, real estate AUCTIONEER Rea. 1610 N Bum mar Phona 511 for ssie datea. W00DRT k WOODRY Export Livestock, Furniture, Real la tats, and Merchandiao Auctioneers. IS years experience. Satiafactloa Guar anteed. Office 271 N. Com'l Tel. 75. Rea. 996 S. Commercial. TeL 1848 W for aale datea. O. H. BUROE -k Farm aalea and purebred liteatoek; Calaloga complied and pedigrees ex tended. Cortallia, Oregon. o5 ACCOUNT AJTT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 931 fiuto. Phone 2098-R. al7'26 BATTERY AND ELEOTSICIAVS d r p, ahtov pttiie RATTTRIE9 .R-XUI?..r" H?."4 ,Fi.r.?l starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial CWillMD Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA. Bi cycles and repairing. 337 Court. BRAES RELINISG MIKE P1NCK 275 SOUTH COMJiER- eial St. Phone 1Q2. jetf CHINESE REMEDY L L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-428 State. souii CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L.. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. HigU. Phone 8V8-K or 87. H. B. SCO FIELD PALMER CHIROPRA0- Wg, ..w Vt.vm 4..U.. " t O Q r..eAS UMs UJiam VIOA vwt Kt FOR RHEUMATISM. PARALYSIS, I Neuritis. Indigestion. Constipation. Lumbago. Heart trouble. Obeaity. Kid ney and Liter disorders or SleeplesV I lessness, call at 249-253 S. cottage St. S. H. Logan. Phone 2214. Oct3 BBSSSMAXXVa PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4" wording, "Ureaamaking;" price 10 cents esch. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. 0. E. MILLER, H EM STITCHING, stamping, buttona. Room 10. over aiu- lr's Store. Fbon 117,. LADIES TAILOR WE DRAFT OUR own paterae for dresses, coats or suits. Mrs. S. H. Logsn, 249 253 8. Cottage St.' Phone 2214. Oct-S DRUG STORES DRUGS. CHEMICAI.8. TOILET ARTI- elea. Dorfumoa. expert preaeriptloaiets. Capital Drug Store, eorner State and Liberty. 'DRAMATIC EXPRESSION" THE SPEECH-CRAFT SHOP A STC- d!o of Dramatic Lxpression. Perry Prescott Reigelman. B. O.. Director. Voice building. Impersonations, Co.-.oh-ine. Studio 940 Mill St. Phone 4H7-J. ELECTRICLUIS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phono 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934, 22 N. Liberty. FLEENEH ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 471 Court St. FARM PAPER If YOC WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the Pacific ! Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three ' months trial snbaenpuon. Mansion thia ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps .or spe-il three montns trial for the best and oldest journal in tbe west. The articles and advertise- i merits are of special interest to the poultry breedera of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Cem- mwreial etrees, Salem, treroa. FINANCIAL (OR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Truel Deoda, Coatracta on houses : Will net jo no. BECKE at HENDRICKS Heilic Bide. 189 N High St. il ti FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY TO loan on rood farm tecsnty. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro- . dential Insurance Company uiuney on eity residences and business property, at iVt'fc. plus a coramiasioo. Hawkins At Roberta. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building. d 14tf Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT 406 Oregon Building riVORZSTS. CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS. Select dahlias while in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co, Fairground Road. Tel. 128C. sl5, '26 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral - wreathe, decorations. C. , Breithaapt, florist 123 N, Liberty. Phone 380. BtanleTnAe Mark Reifrtred U. &viT is Ef?0VX3HT lb ws KNEES By a . LEFT W0CX To THE JAW : -TfcN JWCK CARO MAM V'THE. CSAMBLER. REALIZE? OUT WsSLoaT HIS flLt (, BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphatxlica! Order for Quick Reference nrjTERAX DIRECTORS 1 SAfiEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL D1RK0- tors. 210 Center. Phone 163C. HEMSTrrCHUfO SALEM KUTE HEMSTITCHING. PUat- iag, buttons, stamping and needle work. 328 Oregon Bldg. Fhono 379. ZKStTRAHCB Insure Your homo ar car now l Fhene 161 BECKE 8,HKNDRICXP Heilig bldg.. 188 N. High St. Jt-f KODAKS EXPERT AND INDIVIDUAL ATTEN- tion given to your detlopiag and printing. Capital Drng Store LAtTHDRXES SALE si LACNDRY COMPANY 23 6. High street Phone 25. eldest, larg est and best Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B S.reet. jl7tf CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY Plicne 165. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway.: J14tf LADIES TAILORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 uourt si. MATTBESSES MATTKESKES RENOVATED BT THI Capitol City Biaiding Co, 1190 North Cauitol. : Colled for end delivered. All work rnsranteed. Phone 19. f1tf MEDICAL MOCSfAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY- Phone 51 7-W. MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grspha sewing machines, thet music, and piano studies. Repair ig phono graphs and sawing machines. 432 State atreet, Salem. I TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. 11. L. Stiff Fur- nitnre Co.. Moaic lept NEWSPAPERS I ewvTTr, TinDKr IVn TITT VaD A M tJ A T tf sT A IID A VA A U.K A-r aV r.a.UInam BOsSUaw a rri A rTt.1 n IA I OREOON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early , i a, EJO eacn merniug. i w. to or KTJRSSBT STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES farcy ttros., at Btate. PACKTJIO AUD SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNRITURE PACKING and ihippmr. call Stiff $ Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPEKIIANGISQ AND PAIKTINO I pnoNE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Keli.tWle workman. PIAJfO TUKERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave ordera Will' a Music Store. PRINTING FOR STATIONARY, CARDS. PAMPH- lets, programs, books or any kind of printing. Call at the Statesman Print ing Dupartmeat, 215 S. Commercial. Tel. 583. PLUXBING PLUMBINO AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Broa, 141 Liberty St. fhore 550. flStf RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO, SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at aay price QesLm Csaa QUAUTt CARS High and Trade - flil RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 3. BARTON. Proprietor Masonic Teup'a Phone 1200 Radio! as For Every Purpose Every Furss TK, All Standard Bite. . of Radio Tubes HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 37 Conrt St. Phono 4H8 REAL ESTATB IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a home, farm or business property, aee na. BECKE A HENORiCKS TJ. S National Bank Building. )Btf REPAIRING ALVIN B. STEWART 147 Conrt- St. UMBRELLAS. CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lawatnowera, rasor blades, scissors. knives and toolr sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE Garbage and refuse of all kinds removea oy ins month. Reasonable ratea. Cess pools elea aed and dead animals removed. Phones Office 65 or 979. Re 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH -ing and shoes. Bess prices paid. Cap ital Esehaare, $42 North CommorciaL, Phone 1368-W. 8. Fbvtettt Office) WE CROoO, NCAA VAJllH eAJ' EEOAJSECfrlS slHELL v-s a ' I a . 4.4 SEfsSATlOrMAt MU-D M11H MEAlT ' - . j.-r ! ( THE PCSOfJED CAfCER.1 RAPK) AT Te FARM HOUSC Of CV M)ECt mmm STOVES JJTD STOVE REFA1RIBTO STOVES REBUILT 'AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sisa St to 5$ in. high. Paiaia. oils aad varniehea, etc, loganberry aad bop hooks. Salom Fence aad Store Worka. 250 Court atreet. Phone 124. TRARSFEX AND HAULTfla CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 836 Slate St. Phono 93 J. D stributlag, for wardiaf aad storage oar specialty. Get our ratea. WK MOVE, SWttK AND 8HIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty Is plane and furniture moving. Wa also make coun try trips. We handle she beat real ssd wood. Call on us for Dries. Wa rivs good meaaurs, rood quality and good service. Larmer Trauifer Co. Pboae 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL tisus. rtou 19F3. WATER. SALEM WATER; LIGHT ft POWER CO. Uftico oU4 Soutn 'Commercial 8u Tea per cent discount, on domestic flat rates paid in , advene. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. PARKER STAGE LINES ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES in the Salem to McMinnville Time Schedule Effective Sept.. 15, 192,1. AM. Salem, Lv 8:30 MtMlnnville, Ar... 9:45 Mi-Mihntille, Lv... 9:45 Newberg, Ar !lO:25 PM. 2:10 3:25 -:45 4:2J PM. 1:15 1:55 2:40 3:55 PM. 5:15 6:35 7:45 8.-25 . PM. 5:15 5:55 6:45 8 :uO AM. Kewberr, Lr . McMinnville, Ar. . McMinnville. Lv Salem. 7:20 :45 CHANGES IN THE SALEM DALLAS SCFLKDULE Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9, 11:23 a. m . 2:lo, 5:15 p. m. Leaving I'allan for Salem: 8, 9:50 a. m.. 1, 3:10, 6:f 5 p. m. Call 696 for further information. CHURCHES (Continued from $ace 3J folks of all age will find these meet ings interesting. Week-day Kervices: .Mon day 7;30 p. m. official board meeting. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. meeting of board of directors of the financing associa tion. Thursday 7:30 Church School De votional, Bible tudy, stereopticon pic tires of Hoiv Lsnd and VAltinieee mwt. ins. Other events: Rally day will be the i"in. nan ot committee to be- an nounced later. We have a slad hand for all strangers: Students, and friends cordis lly welcome. EVANGELICAL Address: 17th and Cheuirkrta streets. Pastor. F. W. Launer; residence, 268 N. 17th, phone 1008-W. Services 11a. m 8 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Voice of God." a. m. : "The Love' of God in You," p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m., superintendent, O. K. Strausbsurh. Young People's meeting: At " p. m., Mrs. O, R. Stiau'.bttgli, .leader. Week-day services: Prayer' meeting, Thrsday evening. FULL GOSPEL MISSION Address, 237 State Street. Pastor. Ralph D, Bullock, residence, 251 Mission S phone 1 JT9 W' Servires, 2:30 and 7:30 -p. m. Sunday srl.ool 2:30 p. m. rtejk-dsy services: -Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday aird Saturday rigli's at 7:30. ote tlie change of address. We are now in our new ground flour ha't one half block west of Conimrrc'al on State street. We are expecting treat things from the Iord who has promised tn deftrr.y the work of the devil in spirit, soul and IkwIv; and best of all He is doing it. AU are' nrited to come end hear and see he old' iime apoctolic pot-pel ii operation in this twentieth eent'iry. iJetus Christ aid the original gospel was for "every creature," Mark 16:15-20: 1 John 3:8, JASON LEE METHODIST Address: Corner North Winter and .let'fersoh Sts, Pastor. Thomas Acheson, residence 10(10 . Jefferf on, phone 1006-J. assistant pastor, Lerov Walker, residence, n-J0 Oak. phone 17KfW5. Services. 11 s. m.. 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: Kim ball Sc'uool of Theology -will supply the t"ipii morning and evening. The choir srill give-a special .number at both serv .Sunday acliool 9:45 a. m.. guperin tendent. HaiTy Carpenter. Young Peo-ji'i-'s uieet:nff :. Junior church, aces 8-16. meets downstairs at IV" a: m. under the direction of the Junior pastor. Kpwor'b., ani Wesley '.(-agues meet, at 6:30 p. m. .These three leagues accommodate tin young neople of all ages. Week-day services: The n. klaeek sertice for wor ship and st-ady is a: 7:30 on Thursday notice: Examination of the degree of Certified Public Accountants of fVegon will be held at tbe Public Library, lOtb aBd Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon, on Thursday and Friday, November 12th end 13th. from S: a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Questions will be asked in Theory of Accounts, Practical Ac counting, Auditing and Commer cial Law. Candidates are requested to file application with the Secretary as soon as possible and not later than October 14th accompanied by the btatutory fee of $25.00. x OltEGOM STATE BOARD OP ACCOUNTANCY By Seth L. Roberts, Secretary. 1117 N. W. Bank Building, Portland, Oregon. ; o2-4-6 By ED WHEEL AN ( -s I tins I ej BY A II I krvCXKCAlTlfi ) luc 111 , . , .. 'CpvtauCi- evening: - The boys clubs, meet at tbe same time in the Sunday. school annex, The pastor and his wife are at tbe Ore gon Conference this Sunday tn Eugene, " n - - -, i ; H GOOD TIDIKCS BtTSSIOH' HAddrFsa, 143 Coart Si, I'aator, C. K. Jo.'iuson, residence, 193S Matle, phone 1917 W. Serrices a m. 7:30 p. m. r. nia acnooi. z p: m.. sppennteadeat K. tlerxer. loung Peonies meeting. Frt dsjr evening. Week-day aerrxes-. Toes day, Thursday and fvstur.tiy evenings, tllher events i Ordinance sill be keiTd SunUy morniug. Baptixnal serv ices tniiewinjc the afternoon service. - SOUTH SALEM FRTEKDS Address, Commercial and Washington streets. Pastors, Carl F. and Minnie ti. Miller, residence 1655 S. Liberty, phone 133-R. Srrricea 11 a. m.. 7:30 p. n. Hriron tnniea: "The Sis of Omission." a.: "The Bow in tbe Cloud.i o. m. : Sunday school 10 a. m.. eupcriateudent. " Ir. C.nrl .. MUler. Ynonc People's mee!- iig: 6:30-pm. We will stady "George Fore's Let'er to the Governor of the Bsrt.adoes." Week-day services: Prayer nieeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. CHURCH 0F GOD A-U-e.s. 1346 N. Church St; Par.' ' -t- J. Cillenp'e. residence, 1315 A. Church St phone 173-M. Services It a. m., T:.10 p. m. Semion topics: "Good Work ' Essential to a Spiritual Life," 11 a. m.i fEvangeli-tic." 7:30 p. m. 8andar school 10 a. in., superintendent. Mrs. Wai ter Baikus. Young People 'a meet ;n( l : 6:45 p. m.. leader. Mias Sehna Olaen. Subject: "Sowing and Reaping." Week day "service: Regular weekly prater meet ing Wednesday evening, 7:30. Mrs. Nora Van l.ydegraf. leader. - MARKET STREET FREE METHODIST i Address, Corner of N. Winter and Market streets. Pastor, Mortimer Clarke, residence, 1228 N. Winter, phoae t356-W. Service, II a. m, 7:30 p. m. Sermon toniea: "Christian Certaintv.1 a. m.; "Saul's Rejection," p. m. Sw ells! services; An old fashion Methodftt cltss meeting in the ma ia auditorium of -he church at 12:13 led by Mrs. Clara, Cooley. Sundav feheol 9:45, superin tendent. Dr. Frank 8. Schntx.' Yooni leop!ess mee'ing; 6:30, preceded by a b a If an hour of prayer . Luther D. Cq 'k the leader. Week -day service's: Cotti prayer meeting each Wednesday aftec ijtoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Caroline Jack'on, 1-161 N. Winter street ' fhurch prayer meeting each Thursdsy evening at 7:30. Yon will receive a cor--dial weleoos st esch of these services an t you will enjoy tne splendid spiritust at- mospnere ot tms enure ru . , i - ,, 1 i- : -rv CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY r ALLIANCE Addresa: Ferry fit. Pastors.1 H. ' E. Caswell, lesidence: 173 8. Cotta;, phona 1414 J : Pattor Mrs. Catwell., gerriees 9 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Sermon : topics : r'Who Tombed Me!": "The Most ts portsnt Truth in the Bible." Sunday school, 2 ni ro.. superintendent. Mrs. J. Wilson. Young People's meetings: Sat urday eten;n?. 7:45. Week-day aerrices: Tneday evening 7:30, prayer and paiise. Friday evening 7:30. Mrs. Wilson Fvae. relist, will give a respel message. Other, events: Mr. and Mrs. Caswell and sev eral delegates expect to ro to Seattle Monday tn attend the yearly prayer con ference, which convenes from Tuesday t a Friday. CHRIST EV. -LUTHERAN i " i Address. 1750 State St. Pastor. ' O. Knehler, res'dence. 1750 State, phono 5P9-R. Services, i0:30 a. m. The con gregation observes its annual misin festival. Sunday srbnol 0:30 a. m. Week day services: Bibfe school on Raturdsy fnns 9-12 a. m.l Ini-tnirtton. for S cstechumen's st 1; p. m. Other events: Morninr service In German. Rev. P. Hinderer fo Portland will preach the ser mon. Ret. O. Skilhred of Eugene will preach in English ;at 2:15 p. m. SCANDINAVIAN K. E. Address. 15th snd Mill Sts. Paa'or. P.ntiik Dshlin, residence 2095 Trade St, phone 377-J. Services, (8wedUh) 11 a. m.; (English) 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a m.. superintendent. Gust Anderson. Ymint PeopU's meeting. 7il5 p. ra Week-day services: Thursday 7:30. pr.v. meeting. You are all cordially Invited to. our aervices. (CotrUnnadtroai pago 4) i I anl tin faan tn elrtr . . j lit , iij iui u, auu una . s touch with the Pit Indiana who hare done thia work, all repre senting the rt of a tnoe weu- ntvh its ovtlnit r.-in - Mr. Monroe a SOCIAL collection Is a revelation i of In- . dian "masterpieces both In color and design, both details being re markably subtle and imaginative. Such a collection is invaluable in the sense that It could never again be duplicated. The collection, for the most part, includes hags, girdles, and head-dresses. The bead bags are practically all diamond-shape wllh 11t nnnit. a na . 9 tt Ait AVSF tor the flap. Numerous fresh water .shells are used in decking a number of the fringes. One nn liquallv hftmisome hae nf thin var. iety is of a royal blue background with an intensely effective orange ' and white geometric design, inter woven. Another attractive one I bordered with a design ot conven tionalized foliaare: - another ur- gestive of lichens on loan brown moss. Among the belts, lone of iue most, attractive nuowa tnej coloring, of both honey and sap phires, while another, consistent- . ly alternates tbe butterfly and pansy motif, illustrating a favor- tie tujtu luai at pansr-iigwcr, ait a alt a.1 m. v.. ..n. iMK.l oned by the stem on which- it strains, while heTbuterfly . typi fies the pansy soul set free. Doner to Home Visits m.., , . . . Mtwwmm. vi lite, VIC gon, who gave $10.000 : toward the building of the Old People's a. . : . s . . a : . nome, was a visitor mere on Fri day. He was well-pleased v with the home and feels thia is the h(at onntrlhntinn ; hat haei made. , .:. . ... . .. ( l-i'.. , Writers Club to Meet Mrs. J. M. Clifford and ITtow Marie Roberta will te joint hoa te8ses on Tuesday evening for a nweung oi me wntera' cms at the borne of Miss Cornelia Marvin ' , at Eoia. - Those, who have no means of conveyance are asked to call Mrs. J. M. Clifford. An In door picnic sapper will be served with the program, following. 1" , i Visitors' Last Weck' , 1 .'.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becxe afid x ... m :'..v ..... . in a urvsn a rowers oc Aurora -were guests oi Salem friends and relatives the early . part oiU last WnfealV ' "' ': we vvM.wa - ; " ---- -r . - -. - j u.-- ' ' ' ., ' ' Mr. -and Mr. ' J. H. Hoppes of Portland were gaests dnrine state chance to keep 7 "' tun.,- See vis Mannay. - i fair week of Mr. Hoppes' mother. Mrs. Orfa Hoppea." , V J' - " IM-Llligb 304 i g-'-'V'" w,w 4